i d WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY i taa... .'.... ..... 1 ,nr' VTHWIAIN STOK, OKKUON ..-. I I ' - I . in.... iiipwi iiium n.Mnawi I A Wirlwind of Good Things arc youn if you only ask ua for thtm, Wt , ' take pride'jn keeping the best of every thing Try Our Martins Cream Cheese ROSS, HIGGINS & CO.. THE MODEL POOD STORE V. ' J Snow in Country ( It l reported that there It five or six inches of mow out in the interior of the comity. Moved to Portland Thomaa Nelson and family have moved to Portland to live. Mr. Net ton ha been employed in the can nery business here for many years. Water Rate- Th it the 1b at day to pay the water rates at the rrgular charge. After today the extra 25 cents will be Imposed. , Has Secured Contracts E. Gustafson, the well known build er and contractor received the cheer ful news yesterday, from, Washington, that he has been awarded the con tracts for the building of four double sets of non-commissioned officers' . quarters; one double set of firemen's quarter; the gymnasium and bowling alley, at Fort Stevens, at the eon tract figure, inclusive, of $46,000 He expects to have the work underway In about 15 days. Anti-Saloon League- Superintendent Knodell of the Ore gon Anti-Saloon League will be in Astoria next Sunday for the purpose of making several addresses. He will be at the Presbyterian church at II o'clock in the morning; at the Luther an Free Church in Uppertown at ! o'clock in the afternoon, and will ad dreis union mass meeting at 7:30 o clock in the evening at the Metho- dist church. Another Llttlt Citiaen At the stroke of 6 o'clock last evening, at the home of Mrs. Nellie E. Psrker. 34 Seventh street, there was ushered into the world another little citizen of Astoria, the son of Mr. and Thomas Slanfield, Dr. J. A. Fulton attending. Both mother and babe are reported a doing finely. Mr. Stanfield is the well known keeper of the light house at the mouth of the Willamette river and its junction with the Columbia, and he and Mrs. Stan field are both well and happily known in this city. Watching Fish Legislation- It it evident that Representative Leiiienwcbcr is watching fish legisla tion very closely, and he has stated that he does not intend to come home until the whole matter is settled. It ia understood that he is devotimr practically most of his time to a study of the fishing legislation, and to watching what the "other fellows" are doing, and if Mr. Lcinweber can see that the fish legislation is finally passed in manner favorable or fair to Clatsop county he will earn the thank of thousands down this way, As chairman of the house fish com mittee the whole matter is before him all the time. Early Morning Fight- Two loggers who give their names as I-rank Phillips and Peat Huttala got into a fight in a saloon at ociock yesterday morning, and the row ended when Jluttala was thrown out through the . window, As he went through the glass he cut his head quite sevcfclv. I'olic f)ffi.r Wilson took the men to the station, and he had his hands full in caring for them, for Phillips still wanted to keen on fighting and the blood kept spurt ing out of Huttala's head in tiny but steady streams. One or more of the small arteries had been severed. The city physician was hastily called, but by the time Dr. Reames arrived Hut tala was in pretty weak condition. He became unconscious, but was soon fixed up and later became as spry as ever. Both Huttala and Phillips had been arrested a week ago for drink ing and then were fined, but were giv en suspended sentences. These form er sentences of five days each were invoked and both men will upend the rent of the week in the city jail. AN ASTORIA APEX TO THEl. Y. EXPOSITION EX-MAYOR WISE OFFERS FEW SUGGESTIONS AS TO LOCAL EXPANSION. Octette of Attraction! Manager Frank Hanlin of the As toria opera house, has some pleasant attractions to announce, and the As torian takes pleasure .in heralding the list, knowing that the people of this city will relih the prospect as well as the pleasing actualities, when they hall arrive in the early future. The immediate roster of genuine attrac tions for that house are; Wednesday. Hanfotd, presents Ye editor," on returning to hi office yesterday afternoon, found card on hit desk indicating that he had been called upon by "Herman Wise, of Chicago, Illinois and of New Yrk City, but , principally of As tona, and he straightway returned the call, thiking to get an item from so prolific a source; nor was he mis . . , ........ iancn. ne lounci ine ex-mavor in excellent health, a bit weary from his long journey, but still in the ring, out of politics and again engaged in merchandizing In the course of an interesting talk of bis trips across the continent, the Alaska-Yukon Exoosi lion was broached, and Mr. Wise had the following to say anent the oppor (unity it offered to Astoria to lure i fair per centage of the half-million Easterners, who were due to come out to sec the great Seattle show down to the mouth of the Columbia river. Said he: I-.vcry city m the Northwest will want to have all of these people it is possible to attract, to visit them, County Court At the meeting of the county court yetrrday bids were received for lum ber to be used in planking the thor oughfare from the county road at , . . . .. . i urariwri io ijccan ncacn, a distance February 17th. Churl.. D u anoui Haw jeet. ln total cost of in a superb Shakespearian tne Jot) may approximate $.W0. The latum: Sunday. Fehmarv 2t. .,!,, Aurno th nmr,. f .i,- v..i, r;. ... n.e wesrport Mtmiier. loin- Cunningham in "Kerry Cow1; Feb- and it is safe to admit that all are pany was accepted as being the low- ruary 24th, "A Stubborn Cinderella;! studying right now how best to draw est. It made bid of $12 per thou- Monday, March 1st, 'Uncle Tom's! their interest and how to entertain sand at Westport, and as the freight Cabin"; Friday, March Sth. ."The! them. We should be thinking the from there to Gearhart Is seven cents Burgomaster": Sunday. MarMi 7,h matter nt , A.tnri:. . i. ... ....... .. ' ... , .... ,-rr n.,rcu u ,s esnmatea mat nt Paul Cilmore in ".JWs of Company! we realize a potent idea, out it UD to B"; Thiirsday.Marth 11th. Harry j the Chamber of Commerce, make it Ueresford in "Who's You're Friend?": public and bestir ourselves to win hunday, March Hth, Daniel Sully, in! our share of the intercourse and the the Icacemakcr." And after then', patronage incident to the cominir of in April, come Xorman Hackett, Lil-;uch a huge throng- These people nan Kusscll, and John Drew. Per- i will have traveled a long way to get haps that will keep you interested lor! to this coast, and will not want to a month or so! leave it without hiving n,irti.,n. - a i.v.....t exhausted its places and matters of j interest. We must have something the circuit I rMt,y to advertise and exhibit to them court will convene next Monday, jw"en they come, when there are a number of hnth total cost per thousand will be $12.80. This planking is to be dnc in lieu of the bridge which had been contem plated across the mouth of the N'e- canicum. Another Cry of "Woir- YeMcrday morning at 4 o'clock the Astoria fire department was routed out on an alarm turned in from box Circuit Court- n. ,i, lucmeu ii uie Astoria Box Th r.k . . v......!.,., ,i, i.ani niwni, ii n (i wnen the long run was made, it was ascec taincd that the box had been delib erately tampered with, with vicious intent, and the apparatus was sent back to quarters. This .is the second time within a very short period that this thing has happened, and Fire Chief Foster ia determined to ferret out the ignorant idiot that is indulg ing his folly or spite or assinfnty, whichever it may chance to be, and bring him to the punishment he criminal and civil cases set for trial On Tuesday a grand jury will be drawn, and it is understood that it will be asked to investigate v.iri.nii matters in the city, probably includ ing the alleged gambling and Sun- ay closing violations. The last grand jury did very little along these incs. though the mnltrtt wtm ..... sented in a perfunctory way. With ! ,n ,he department, un my way home I had a good deal of time to indulge in consecutive thinking and I devoted a bit of it to this subject, it bemg the part of a good citizen an UrTex-mSyOr no! to Freight Agents In Session : Ihe regular monthly meeting of the transportation men r', this city too place yesterday at the office of Ceneral Agent Giles R, Johnson, of the A. & S. Company, at which h and Mr. Sbeedy, of that line, George W, Kohcrt of the O. R. & N. Co.. an j- -" inervamm Line, were present. There seemed to be a fair amount of business transacted during tne session, but just what its nature was, deponent saith not. Anywav there was no "fiot-caU" sent into th basement of the city hall, and the presumption is the conference was entirely peaceful and tucccssful. W H. Ormsby, the well known traveling freight ageijt of the N. P. acted as outside guardian" for the meeting and a he is making his first appear ancc here since he became the father of "his first" he entertained all vist tors on the side with an elaborate de tail of the endless fine' points of little "Miss Ormsby." REALTY TRANSFERS E. Z. Ferguson and wife and D. M. Stuart and wife to Abstract Title & Trust Co., lots 5 and 6, section 26. nd lots 7 and 8, in section 27, all in T. 8N, R, 10 W.; $100. D. M. Stuart and wife to Abstract Title & Trust Co.. lot 1. blok in. town of Warrenton; $10. L. H. Yodcr and .wife to Isaac S Labowitch, parcel of land in T. 4 N R. 10 W.; $10. Otto J. Kraemer to Mary E. Gloss, west 30 feet of lot 5, and east 15 feet of lot 6, block S, Railroad addition to Ocean Grove; $250. W. T. Schoificld and wife !o Lv- dia A. Carlyle. lot 4. block 2. Oean rove Annex; $1. PERSONAL MENTION torget ins home city in such premise and I conceived the idea of establishing a .mimic hatchery here, w''h the assistance of the State Fish ! Warden. Mr. McAllister, nnd nthr illustrating the SO OC ni.rflm.i.li1 I ...i whole lrhi.m. n( i'icK H,.,lu .1........ Tl. - .."." .n.,tf,j11,ra,y;j; v.v..r7 .C1S ,, we., ,aloons in the city, it is said to be ,ro,n beginning ,0 end, ,"i,m,iu minimum nil 10 WHO It caugnt, ne wilt nave a hard row to hoe between the "boys" and the law. More School Room-r At a meeting of the school board yesterday afternoon it was decided that it would be necessary to secure another room for the High School pupils, and while no definite place was agreed upon, it Is said to be like ly that a part of the playroom will be utilised, In this way one of the grades could be put in the play room and the grade room used for the High School pupils. It was also de cided to employ another teacher In the McClure school, probably for the High School department. development shna'!nr 1. . . ' " " ,v "v " ' nrnhnhl th,. tx... ..ieverv &! nlirciio.l K,. ,1,. r- - .... . ..... ',v"u'fc ...... juhiv CAWlllllMMln IB 19 - --r "-.".v.. VJUVCril nnur. In th il.nnrlm.n, ..I If 1. 1.1. vt " : :' . "'" " " be made at the instance of the prose-i1""" " " propagation of the cuting attorneys office as to ,the i Pawn, egg, fry and fingerling, in character of the other places. Thc',scI a matter of profound interest to odd part of the matter is thai the any intelligent man. This minht also saloonkeepers who pav their $4(i0tDe backed by a fine exhibit of our annually don't seem to care a haneiwoo,s' worked i"d unworked, our about the illegitimate places which !box ul-Pt, our shingle out-put, and pay nothing. The case of Anton Kul- !:'n ,hc specialties in wood-millina. jis of Clifton, charged with selling iflankfd y a specimen of a Ben liquors in a dry precinct, will be I son sea-raft anchored in the channels heard, as will a similar case against:0"" ,,,e city to 'William N'yberu of this citv. i wa which Reward For Murderer At the session of the county court yesterday a reward of $25 was offered How Long, O Lord, How Long? It is with no desire to profane that the above caption is used in this par ticular relation, but yesterday was the 60th. day of turbulent and , disagree able weather to afflict this section, and ai all the local weather prophets are at their wits end for a tolution of the protracted, problem and can give no reliable hint of cessation, the re porter naturally turns to the refuge of the "sweet singer of Israel" in tbe hope of an abatement. The tones of business, society, commerce, labor, are all dulling and flattening under the gray spirit of the storm and the wish for sunshine is simply universal down this way; therefore, the inquiry! Tillamook Taxea Great dissatisfaction exista in Til lamook county over the excessive tax levy this year. The assessor increas ed the valuations over three millions, and the county court increased the levy from 13 to 15 mills, increasing the taxe t 40 per cent. Although practically 85 per cent of these taxes are paid by the timber owners of Til lamook county, still all classes are dissatisfied; the timbcrmen because the tax is excessive, and the county cruise made in 1908 at a cost of $47,- f(r the arrest of the murderer of the 000, of which the timbcrmen have to Greek at Clifton. So cold-blooded pay 85 per cent; the farmers and oth- was he crime that it has attracted ers object to the levy of eight mills much attention in many quarters. A for road taxes as excessive. This rumor became cyrrejit in this city levy will produce $00,000, which is yesterday that a posse had been $30,000 more than last year, $120,000 formed at Clifton for the purpose of has been spent on the roads during hunting for the murderer in the for the past two years.'aftd yet, Tillamook cs,s back of Clifton, but investigation County has not a stage road leading 'hows that this rumorwas not cor to a, railway that can be traveled by rect. At Clifton it is presumed the team during the winter, passengers n,an has escaped and probably gone having to ride horseback part of the 111,0 Portland. Moucous, the suppos distance. ed murderer, was believed to have been seen Saturday night at Clats- tfnni f mm V .... (.... n ... . . . ".. . ' iimjr iiuc easily We have just secured the services renrhe,! th Tt.. t...-. of Mr. Julius Lindhardt from the that he was seen t' . ...w. ,.,,.,nv u wt Brc now we siihstnnti.ifefl nmt f it a position to give our Datrons the t .... L .. - ---- w n iiivj.i it-iwtiiiiv mar ne is rn show the masterful e handle that corn Then we might face 12th in most prompt and satisfactory sew ice in town. Bradcn-Adams Meat Company, 684 Commercial St. ' .,. A Tasty Spread for Daily Bread Sanitarium Peanut Butter More nutritious than meat Makes Delicious Sandwiches Scholfield, Mattson Co. phone list GOOD (U)ODS . 120 fo 124 TWELFTH STREET man wanted. Were Moucous to have also disappeared, without the slight est trace of him, there then might have been left the suspicion that both men had beenmurdered for their money, and that, one body, had been sunk in. the river, or otherwise dis posed of. But the facts seem to be in accordance with the findings of the coroner's jury; that Moucous killed his traveling companion arid then fled. His whole crime seems to have been a bungling one, for ft hue and cry was inevitable a few hours after daylight. Yet despite the fact that the crime was committed in that sparsely settled country, where every outsider is usually observed by every one, the man has apparently made pood his escape in the four days that have elapsrd. It is said Mottcous was seen on the way to Tortland with'a companion, known. whose identity " is tin- off the way in motlity in bulk, an artistic display of the Columbia river salmon industry, with a detach ed canning plant in full operation on a' small scale, with the packing at tractive array at hand. "Wc might add a room in which the farm and dairy products and pro cesses could be shown at a glance, the whole section, including the coun try from the Nehalem to Gray's River, to be incorporated in the dis play. I cannot recall all I thought out, in this relation, but this is enough to give an inkling of what might be done; and in case such steps shall be taken, they must be duly advertised at the proper times and places, of course. And, by the way, while I am out of the Regatta field this year, save as a private citi zen and always concerned for this annual feast of ours, it may be in order to suggest that the water sports this year might be enhanced and made as strong as posible. to ancr- ment this very proposition to bring these people over tins way at that particular season. We will need all the people we can get at that time, and the Astoria annex to the Alaska- Yukon Fair would not be conmlete without a magnificent Retratta. Ye. I know there are still other things of importance and interest that may be added to this list, and for oup T shall be glad to see something done in this behalf, and will do my part, as a priv ate citizen to further the plan, if any shall be adopted." Mr. Wise spoke earnestly in this matter and his ideas are well worth following t,p to a climax of practical demonstration, for the sake, of liven ing up the trade and extending the name and fame of the city this year. H. P. Rothermel of San Francisco was in the yesterday, a guest at the Occident. Hon. R. D. Inman, state pilot com missioner, was in tbe city yesterday on official business. Dr. Fred Peacock has left the pleasant precincts of St. llary't hos pital, and will probably return to his Cathlamet home today. He is still weak, but ambitiou to resume his practice arid attend to things general- j commissioner mmm a TAKES HIS PLIGE FEBRUARY SESSION OP ORE. CON BOARD OF PILOTS HELD YESTERDAY. ly up at his home town. Airs. Horace B. Thing of Mc- Gowan's came over to the city yester day, on a visitor to friends. 1 retiy Benoit, who has been the Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Oregon Board of Pilot Commis sioners assembled , at ; the office of Commissioner Frank J. Taylor in the I. O. O. F. building, for the regular February session, with President A. v. f endieton of Portland, in the chair; Secretary Ross in charge of the records and Commisioners F. J laylor and R. D. Inman, attending. Mr. Inman is the newly appointed commissioner, named by Governor Chamberlain, in succession of the Hon. Sylvester Farrell, and is a prom inent business man of Portland, being one of the famous milling firm of Poulsen-Inman Company of that city. Mr. Inman is admirably fitted for the post having fairly wide knowl edge of marine matters on the river and bax, and being a steamship own er himself, the steamers Johan Poul sen and R. D. Inman belonging to his company, beside several smaller craft used in connection with the lumbering end of his affairs. He was duly sworn to serve and took his seat yesterday with the board, giving in terested attention to the .detail of business as it passed. The board renewed the branchesof the following bar captains, to-wit: Archie Cann, Rennett Swensen, Mi chael Nolan and M. D- Staples; and this, with the auditing of the current accounts of the board, concluded the busines of the day. V At its close a reporter for the Morning Astorian had the pleasure of nterviewing Commissioner Inman, and found that he has a very definite and intelligent concern in the com mercial affairs of the Columbia, from the head of navigation to its mouth and bar, and is possessed of a desire to see its commerce enhanced and se cured in all practical ways; and he gave the cheerful- assurance that he intended to employ his good will and influence, as merchant, citizen and to that end without AT THE GRAN D Program For Tuesday and Vednesj A war drama of Historical Interest STIRRING DAYS IN VIRGINIA THE VILLAGE QUARREL i The late French comic subjects A SURE ENOUGH TUMBLER Illustrated Songs "When the Flowers Bloom in the Springtime" "When Yon Wore a Pinafore" Admission 10c, Children 5c Doors Open at 7 P. M. Marine Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 Schoo ooks prejudice in any direction, and he looks to be just that sort of man. He T?.,...t.: is pleasant, affable, thoroughly in- ? formed and competent, anr! hi ntar. pupil in on this board is a matter of trratula Tablets Pencils Pens Composition Books Erasers Note Books Book Straps and Bags kuc!.i oi ms oromer, Joseph Benoit, tion her? and over the State He re of this city, for several weeks, de- turned to the metropolis on the ev- parts on the evening train today, for ening tram. his home in Lakewood, New Jersey. complete for any grade Buy where you can get the assortment at the lowest price. Mr. Benoit is favorably impressed with Astoria and has made friends enough here to warrant him in set tling here some day, which those friends will be glad to hear of at any time. Messrs. A. L. Lovelace, manager of agents, and Fred M. Rowley, travel ing auditor of the Equitable Savings Loan Association of Portland, were in the city yesterday in the interest of that admirable -institution. AH1MUSEENTS CHARLES HANFORD COMPANY AFTER THE HAZERS. WASHINGTON, Feb. 9-The Sec retary of War is directed to furnish the House with all reports and rec ommendations relative to the sub ject of hazing at the West Point Mili tary Academy since January 1, 1908, by a resolution which has been, intro duced by Representative Hay of Vir ginia. The Secretary also is required to submit the reports and correspond ence relating to the cadets who were reported as deficient in studies or to conduct as a result of the late general examination. WHITMAN'S BOOK STORE Ue Quelle ELEVENTH STREET Opposite the Bakeroniaj HOT Mr. Charles B. Hanford's present tour has been made the occasion of the most brilliant series of produc tions with which he has ever been as sociated. This is saying much, for Mr. Hanford is recognized today as a I CHICKEN TJMES EVERY EVENING Clover-Nook Cream. A. J. Gragg, the well known dairy-. man, has started what is to be knovn to fame and trade as the "Clover- ivuoKya.ry, jrom wfnch he proposes ttUMJS-MADE, and of tm choice leader in his orofession.nnewhnn .; I". V ",c :-" ! P" P under superr serves its most worthv tradition. .n JI?"?.St f "eam and n their perfect , iiiiiK. Huaranteeinor ntc rrom in i rrrrinm ii . or amenable to return. The head quarters of the concern will be at the conic- of Tenth and Duane streets in th's city and Mr. Gragg promises the best and promptest service in all lines and the purest and richest goods yet who believes in providing every accessory that modern stage craft can devise. Only the best plays that have graced the English language engage Mr. Hanford s interest. This season he will present a series of respendent productions of "the Merchant of MRS. F. WOOLLEY .PROPRIETRESS Home-Made Goodies. .TM . ... ..mere is to be home-made cake, pie, doughnuts and bread for sale at tbe residence of G. Zeigler on Wed nesday afternoon and evening; every one will be made welcome by the Ladies of the W. R. C Venice." "Othello." "Th. Tmin " cu"5e 10 "ver orders shall .i, cu ,.w...L . . . .. ? .. be left there. "ivjuitw, mucn tao ADOUt Nota. ing," and "The Winter's Tale." Not only does this tour present in Mr. Hantord a star whose popularity might unaided be relied upon to win public approbation, but the support ing company presents a most distin ..:..t i i- . . .... (juiMiea ust oi piayers, including that now celebrated portrayer of classic feminine roles, Miss Marie Drofnah. The stage settings and costumes have' been designed and are executed on a scale commensurate with the deter. mination to make this season a pre eminent one in Mr. Hanford's career. Neither scholarship, artistry nor ex- i-viiac u.13 uccn spared m securing ms-ronc accuracy, .beauty and rich nPGG. Tko It nr.. r . .. ...v mic ui. mi-, riamorcl s engagement at the Astoria Theatre is Wednesday, February 17, on which occasion he will present "The Tam ing of the Shrew" FOR BEST CANDIES Sllh,-rihp tn Iha M,.'.. A.....? ... w luunuuir Asronan. K er run. . t....i... . , Plenty of smelt, spare ribs and ten- I carry the best LorrfftiV Shoes in town at the low est prices. My stock of men's and boy's uur stocx of candies mclud- shoes is unsurpassed for nr.. wg. "Lowneys" and .. . . n "Gtmthers" famous Chocn- "v Uose bnylnR and Iqv lates are the best. expenses enable me to sell the ...Home Ulade Candies... b?st iuaIitiesit lo'Wst price They are healthier ' " and better and don't cost any more. ' '" ' ALEX TAGG S. A. GlIRE ffll ,. ,. ,,.!. ' u"' "l oraucn-Aaams ten-. v' Meat M.ii-1-f.f Seead, page 4. , commercial M., Astoria. Or 543 Bond Street.