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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1909)
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. THE MORNING ASTOlilAN, ASTOMA, OREGON. 0 The BIfthpfaco i Lincoln No Other American ram fcvt Mount Vtrnon Hu Produced tuch a Wonder ful Crop of Patriotism . .t 0 By HORATIO HLI5S CoarrlfM. ISO, by Xmiil trA AotlWn WU wile from ltudguuvilltt.K la a mm hundred and . ten .acre fuiio Hint rniM ill (la extent pa triotism. The rrope on U ar for tit ui ot part stunted and bnv a discour aged apiwirunce. 'crimps I lilt de jection co mat from dodging about to mlaa the rocks w from trying to t find fertility In the aoll, a hopolHM taak, Whatever Ui eauaa, tbe tact retimlna that MRcourni IS02... tba laut tnant was nimble to make enough from tlio place to iiiwt Ilia taxes, Jut aa tba earllcet one of record, a certain former cerj'enlr of tba uaiua of Thomas Liu- coin, failed to gut auouglt out of tba barrwu acres to pay for them. Tet tlil stony, unproductive spot of tarih la iww ou of the world'i abrtiies. On Fb. 12 preahltnils, gov. mora, JuiIkcs, cardinal and cabinet milliner foregather there to orate and dHlkui tlu rork and alorllo aoll piUhes to dm H-..pli r nil tba daya to mini', (in on ot tba bltla a white iiiftiiorliil bull Mittvni4 after a Grwk ii'iHil,' will iikewtae ba couaerrated ond li'.'t n a Jhvi-a for future gotier. tloim. The ipinpia lurlowMi an old one tmm loj cnMu, with a stick cbumiev, ouo door, one window aud no floor at all. , In thlM cabin waa born a nan child whom Hie world bna tnken to It hearv-Abrnlmm Lincoln, war iwldiit and liberator, nina of uiwkntm and niercr, strange compound of aorrow l H t.A 7 P'ffwiitMiiiiiui mi jimnw i ,,-. e- S 1 i - ; una. LiNooi. n ltwi. , and of laughter. lie, the babe thai came bare ot pnrenta poor and almoat ,, lUlterata, la the reaaon for tbe tiupl for tba crowd and for tbe oratory, lie la llkewlae the reaaou for the na tion etlatluc at all in Ita proaent form. Bo tbeae bumble acrea are not all un productlTe, aveo though they cannot grow cropa, for they brouyht forth a great eoul to lead a peoplq from bond age aud to place betore nito'a ayea a type of charity, and forbearance that wUI inake ua all tenderer and bolter for having aeeu. 'The Lincoln, farm, after paaalug out Of the owuorehlp of Tbotnaa Uucolu, belougod for niany year to a family of tba name ef Croal, after which It waa bought by a New York cnpltalUt, ' a Mr. Dennett, who made aome lu provemeula ou It with tbe Idea of changing It iuto Mtloual park. Thla waa abandoned, however, because ul bualnea revcraea. Tbe farm bocame tied up In the litigation of tho Den nett eatate and for years wua neglect ed. At Inat It waa aold at public auo i tton by ti autborltlea of Larue coun ty, Ky when It wna purchased by Klchard Lloyd Jouca aa a repreaeuta tlve of, Kobert J, polller. ,A .Lincoln fnrui aaawlutlon waa formed, with : Governor Folk of Mlaaoarl at lta bead and yarlou dtsUngulahed men on lta directorate". To thU body Mr. Collier turned over, tbe farm, popular eub acrtptlona were raised, a memorial building waa erected, and other ltn provementa were made. Aa a reault tbe Lincoln birthplace farm on l'eb. 13 will be opened to the public aa a national park. From a acenlc aspect it la a beautiful epot Near to the plana fronting tbe memorial building la tbe famoua rock aprlng, and not far dlatant la a pictureique creek, on tbe banks of which the boy Lincoln play- ': ' V:- 1 In addition to the dedication ot the (arm, a atatue of Lincoln will be on , veiled In Hodgenvllle. More Important stlU, it la. now practically certain that ' some form of memorial will be erected at Waahlngton, n step that ahonld bave been taken long ago. 4" Everything connected with Abra ham Lincoln la held procloue by the American people His birthplace and bis tomb, bis acta' and hie words, the people with' -whom ho associated, all , are objocta of a popular Interest auch t aa hue been-aroused by few men In the history of nations. Compared with Lincoln's simple greatness most , of the characters grouped around him suffer by contraat. . This Is true even 'a4f his unilly- For one I feel that jus- tic Us never been done Mrs. Lincoln. Bt was not without a prophetic qual Ity in dlvliiliig her btulMtud'a future emlinince, she Imd spiritual limlght, she autTcrcd nmny aorrow. and de spite her dlnVritut from Mr. Lincoln In titiiipM-aiiinui and t.'.lieriled nmnuirr and iMillefs she waa joys! to bliu throughout. One oilier character int been mini niliiod much In the same wsyrWIIllnin U. Uewsrd, Lincoln's chief competitor n the proRlquntlnl nomination and afterward liU aw-retnry of slate. One thing tbat can wild for Bvwnrd Is that be was man enough to acknowl edge Lincoln's greatnews when he saw It. lie rofuevd to plot ngnliut his clilt-f, aa did some of bl fellow mem' Imts of tw cnbliiot. lie was a wine couneelor aud umwlflsb aiatiwnian. lie bad enough foresight to buy Ahwka when the public scoffed nt blm for the act. The truth about (Seward is that be waa of a Very high type, but not- wunaianaing oia Height waa over- abadowod. air. Lincoln's life falls Into two great dlvlslotis-that preceding the re. peal of the MUnourl rooinminlae and tue rortnatiou of the Republican tar ty and (hat following thoie twbi eventa. Ills one term In eongrcas ws tlie laet ImiMirtant public aen'tce In the flint jierlod, Following this were Ave or al yenra of law with little or no politic... In eongreeo Lincoln had gained a reputation aa a story teller ana wit, bad made oua or two cam paign speeches, bad Introduced a mcaiura to abollah slavery In the Dis trict of Columbia and bad refused to say that the Mexican war was right eon. Following his term he had ap plied for the office of laud commission er, to which be bad not been appoint ed, and bad been offured the governor- nip or Oregon, which be declined. In MO be refused another notnliinilon to congress and tit 1832 delivered a eulogy on Henry Clay. It was in 1851 that be really re-entered politic, be ing stirred thereto by the ropes! of the Mliutourl coinproinUc. That year lie wa elected to tbe legislature, but refused to serve. He was aluo a can didate for I'olted mate senator, com ing within a few votes of winning. With rare uuwlfliihucws he threw all hta afr.ngtb to Lymnn Trumbull and elected him. For Lincoln to go to Trumbull, who bnd but a haudnd of euppvriont, wn llko Ilia tail wagging the flog, but It (irevetited the election Of a pralnvery man. In ISM Mr. Lincoln participated hi the formation of the Itepabltcau party, umklnK ti Ik KruAt "loet ieich" nt Dloomtngton. He also received 110 votes for vice prenldent In the Repub lican national convention and ran for lector on the Fremont ticket Two years Inter en me his great debate with Douglas, which were held at Ot tawa, Froeiiort, Joneaboro, Charleston. Uatiwluirg. quiitcy and Alton. As a reault he bad a (Kpular majority, but waa beaten by holdover aenatora aud a gerrymander. Following the struggle with Doug laa Mr. Lincoln made apeecbes In Ohio, Kansas, New Kugiand and tbe famous addrves In Cooer Union, New fork. Early In 1800 the Illinois etnts conven tion Instructed for him for president, and In the national convention that Diet at Chicago, May 10-10, bo was nominated ou the third ballot. In tbe following campaign Mr. I.lncolu re mained at borne and declined to make speeches. The Democratic party spilt on, ela very, which made his election possible. Following tbe aunounceineut of the result many of tba southern States seceded, bat tbe president elect refused to be drawn Into any pnbllc utterance aa to hla policy. On Feb, 11, 18(11, ho atarted to Waahlngton. mak ing a few abort addresses on the way and aecretly passing through Balti more becauxe ot minora of poasthlo t' ' '' ' J s , wnuAtt n. SKWARD, 1 sssnsalnntloQ. After his Inauguration Ms hlMtory becnoic that of tho couutry In her nioMt gigantic strugitlo. The su premo events of hla administration us tliey affect his fnmo wore the lssuauce of tho emancipation proclamation on Sept. 22. 18U2, and. Its oillolal promul gation on the 1st of January following; VlcKMburg and .-' Gettysburg "on July 1-4, 180,1; tho' Guttysbnrg address on Nov., ID, 1803; the second election to tho presidency and second lnsugural, jind tho asBasslnatlon on April 14 1H0B, five days after Appomattox. WHAT FASHION DECREES. A Forecast of Boring Fsthion What "Buibl.i" Art. A llltle bird who nick op crumbs of knowledge In the most secret recessee of the dretoiiimklrig establishment nys that nest spring fashion will usher In again low necks and abort sleeves. Ear reaching collar and tlabt leeves to tbe finger tip will be anions ttinrrr bcijool dkss-77. the Jokes of tbe "past before straw bata have lost their first freshness. "Busbies" are tbe amart turbaua of black or white fur which tower above tho facea of smart women who follow closely what la worn in Tarts. A stiff aud full cockade act a bit to ou side near the front Is the correct trimming, but many wine milliners add taste to hat la amart and replace the stiff cockade by an algret of white on a black bat, aud vice versa, that apringi np etrnight and yet Is aoft Ilka the apray ot a fountain. Ottoman effects In silk, wool and cotton are at tho height of popularity Juat now. A dainty school frock Is seen Ita tbe cot that depends for lta attractiveness upon the Irregular shaped panel aeen on tho front of tbe walat which broadens out over tbe sbonldcrs to the waist Una In the back. Ji'DIC CHOLLET. FRIBBLES OF FASHION. Maris Leuii Styl of HalrdrtMlng. Gold a Dittmetlvs Color. Tbe Msrle Louies style of hair dress ing Is the latest approved fashion. The hnlr la parted on tbe aide, and a great mauy little puffs and curls are used on either side of the face. Though certainly chic, It Is only becoming to a few tyres. 1 By this time It Is plain to every wo man who takea tbe trouble to lock AM XHPIRB XIMCuSO im. ' about her that gold Is one of the most distinctive eolor notes ot, the season She will also note tbe value of fur as a dress trimming, tittle Danus or fur trim collar and cuffs on handsome gowns. When choosing negllgeea the thing aought after is comfort, but every one Insists that they must, be dainty as well. Tbey do not change so noticea bly In style as do other garments, yet a pronounced fashion feature finds expression even In the negligee. The model Illustrated would be pretty car ried out In light blue flannel with trimming bands of white wash silk. . JUPIC CHOLLET. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50 cents. Wm 0, fir ' I r vim 111 ) Brinf in our Want Ads TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WCEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE THE MORNING A$TORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. Ths Want Columns of THS MORNING ASTOR1AN art con. suited svery morning by hundreds of persons is search of real estate bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rates? Twenty words or lost ,thxee times, 25 cents; six time, 50 cents; ons month, $2.00. HELP WANTED. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 520 Irving ave. WANTED A GOOD BOY TO work in printing office. Apply A- torian office. . TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. Notice. If you want an exceptionally good brand of carbon and ribbons for your typewriter, aee Lenora Benoit Pub lic Stenographer, 477 Commercial street. CARPENTERS. G. O. AND G. N. STADIN BROS-, carpenters, builders and contrac tors, Ninth and Duane street will give prompt attention to all orders terms reasonable; satisfaction guar anteed.' " ' FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT furnished housckecp ing and single rooms. Apply 677 Exchange street. . , . , . ... , CITY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK tbe Waldorf, . Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two, lots, 100x110; bouse 100x110, 40 rooms cp stairs; I ball 40x100. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial . 10-4-tf FOR SALE ONE LOT. SALOON on Astor street; coxy corner; a won natures; J turnished rooms price, $8500. J. F. Nowlen, 47J Commercial. 10-4-tf FOR SALE ONE HOUSE, TWO r story, $5250; one house, one-story, $2250, or both for $7000; property adjoins SE. cor. 34th and Franklin Apply to J. F. Nowlen. u BATH HOUSES. BATHS TURKISH AND RUS- sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Aator St; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate aervice for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success. v. 10-25-tf COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-RANCH AT SVEN- sen, 25 seres; 8-room house; good barn and out buildings and orchard; partially improved; $3000. Apply J. F. Nowlen. . , FOR SALE-157! ACRES LAND, section 4, township 5, range 6, on Nehalcra River, two and, one-half million feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street ...... 10-4-tf J. F. NOWLEN, REAL ESTATE and Employment Office, 473 Com mercial St., Phone -. Have fine list of Astoria and country property. AU ciasea of labor furnished. VETERINARY COLLEGES. BULLETIN SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College now , ready; mailed free. Dr. C Keane, 1818 Market street . , DRESSMAKING, , CHILDREN'S SCHOOL DRESSES, aprons, ladies' waists, etc.. done in the neatest and latest design; will go out in the country if desired; very reasonable rates. Address 461 Duane RESTKJRANTS. U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BOND , street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cent; first-class meals, 13 cents. . ' TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgins $ Co.; coffee with pie, or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals; ..regular meals 15 cents and up. HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS. We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders! Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEY S-AT-LAW GUSTAF A. HEMPLE ' :.. ' Attomey-at-Law ; . Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets JOHN C McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M. BROWNELL, AT tornejr at Law, Deputy Diatrict Attorney. 420 Commercial Street DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C LOGAN. DENTIST. Commercial Street, Shanahaa Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS. OSTEO- path. Office: Manscll Bldg, Phone Black 2061 : 573 Commercial Street. SWEDISH MASSAGING, TYRA KOHLANDER. ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements, physical culture and massage; office, 545 Franklin ave, second flat; hours: 9-U a. m, 3-5 p. ra, or Central JDrng Store, Telephone Main 2181. Notice, Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Clatsop County will hold the regular exami nation of applicants for state and county papers at her office in court house aa follows: : For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, Feb ruary 10th at 9 o clock a. m. and continuing until Saturday, February 13th at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Spelling, Physical Geography, Read ing, Psychology. Thursday Written " Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Bookkeeping, Physics, Civil Gov ernment Friday Physiology, Geography, Composition, Algebra, EngUsh Lit erature, School Law. Saturday Botany, Plain Geome try, General History. , For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, February 10th at 9 o'clock a. m. and continu ing until Friday, February 12th at 4 m. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Orthography, Reading, Physical eography. Thursday Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Physiology. , ,. Friday Geography, School Law, Civil Government, English Litera ture. EMMA C. WARREN, County Supt of Schools. NOTICE. Resolution to Improve Street Notice is hereby eiven that the Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared its determina- t,!tion"and intention to improve Hume avenue trom a point ut teet soutn of the north, line of Duane street (west) to a point 10 feet south of the center line of Commercial street (west), by grading to a width of 25 feet through the center thereof, and to the established grade, and plank ing the same with 3-inch by 12-inch planking and 3-inch by 6-inch string ers to a width of 16 feet That ' the costs and expenses of constructing said improvement shall be defrayed by special assessment upon the lots, lands and premises so benefitted "by the same, which said lots, lands and premises are included in the special assessment district in cluding all lots, lands and premises so benefitted, to-wit: , Lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5 in the Town of Union. The whole of block 2 in Trullinger's Addition to the City of Astoria. .That portion of Tract "B" in Trul linger's Addition to the City of As toria lying in front of and adjacent to Lots I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the Town of Union. . - . By order of the Common Council. ..... , OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Ore. Dated, February 3, 1909. '"" N0TI(X ' Resolution to Improve Street Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared its determina tion and intention to improve 18th street from the south line of Ex change street to tbe north line of Crand avenue to the full width there of and to the established grade, by removing 11 the old material throughout the entire improvement and by the construction to the full width thereof of a trestle street with pile bents of 7 piles to the bent, to gether with the necessary 12-inch by 12-inch caps, stringers and decking of 4-inch by 12-inch lumber and side walk of 10 feet in width on either side of the street from the said south line of Exchange street to a point 50 feet south of the south line of Frank lin avenue: from the said noint 50 feet soath of the South line of Frank lin avenue to the north line of Grand avenue, the improvement shall consist of the removal of all the old material and the renewing of the same with new stringers, street deck ing of 3-inch by 12-inch lumber and new sidewalks, gutters and handrail, etc., complete. That the costs and expenses of constructing said improvement shall be defrayed by special assessment upon the lots, lands and premises so benefitted by the same, which said lots, lands and premises are included in the special assessment district in cluding all lots, lands and premises so benefitted, to-wit: Lots I, 2, 3, 10. 11 and 12 in blocks 1 12 and 14. Lots.4, 5, 6. 7. 8 and 9 in blocks 111 and 13, all in that part of the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv J. M. iiMvely. By order of the Common Council. OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the wiry oi Astoria, ure. Dated, February 3, 1909. , NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given that the as sessment made for the construction of a sewer on Irving avenue from manhole at the crossing of Irving avenue and 11th street to a point 150 feet east of the east line of 11th street, as per assessment roll number 187, was made by an order of the com mon council of the city of Astoria. due and payable on the 15th day of February, A -D. 1909, by ordinance number 3730, confirming said assess ment roll. That the following are the names of the persons against whom, the assessment is made, and the amount owing by each to-wit: Basel, Rudolph $ 58 90 Douglas Land & Trust Co.... 5a89 Fulton,, G. C. ; . .V. ...... - 58.89 Hamilton, John F.J 117.79 Montgomery, Emma T........ 58.89 Short, Emily C. 58.89 By order of the common council. OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated February 7, 1909. , HOT OR COLD iolden I7est Tea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. ' TJXDESTAEISS. J. A. GILBAUOH & CO Undertakers ar'l Emltalmen Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. , Calls Promptly Attended Day ... , :l r .Night.', .;..; Tatton Bdg. 12th and Duane Sta ASTORIA. ORE.GON. Phone Main 2111 ThB Cornelius "The HoosefWelcom'eN Corner Park and Alder, PORTLAND, OREGON A' hotel where the North west people will find a hearty welcome and receive ; fl. Courteous Treatment at moderate prices. ' Our free Omnibus mee all trains. , , , Under management of N. K. Clarke C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. To Dav MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes of V A THS CSXA1 - f caaxsi DocTca V1' ' Who u kn0,r V, i throaghoot O jUnited, States , OS -wconnt his wotM L derful cures. No poisons or drags used. He gnaranteea to cure catarrh, aathma, lung and throat troub!. rheumatism, nervousness, , stomach, liver and kidney, female complaints, and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME MlATMISx'. If you cannot call write for svma- toms blank and circular, inclosing 4J cents in stamps. , , , TBS C GEE WO MED1CTW CO. 1621 First St, Corner Mom'sost , ,, PORTLAND, OREGON Please -nention the Astorian. MISCELLANEOUS. Hate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Just in See us Hildebrand & Gor Old BeeHiveBldg. . LAUNDRIES. NOT THE ONLY ONE We want It well knows that wa don't compete with our fellow ciii- aen, the "Chinee." Oar methods bear connwriaoR with hia to his disadvantage, Have your laundry work done by the light of day. - Your clothes win be rare, clean and satisfactory, if done here. TROY LAUNDRY - Tenth and Duane . Phone Main 1991 DENTISTS. r- f i." -v-" Gold Crowns, 22-k.... .......... $5450 Bridgework 22-k.. $00 .........$L50 np .. .......... ..$L50 50c, $i-oa $19 .......50c Office hours 8:30 Gold Filling Enamel Filling Silver Filling ...... Best Plates ., Painless Extraction Lady attendance. a. m- to 6 p. m., Sunday 10 a. m. to 12 m. Evening work bv annointmnt Chicago Painless Dentists OVER DANZIGER'S PLUMBERS. 1J.III11 PLUMBER Beating Contractor, Tinner '' V-'m- ... AND ;' Sheet Iron Worker ILL WORK GUARANTEEr . 425 Bond Street TRANSPORTATION. The "K" Line Steamer - Lurlins Night Boat for Portland ani . Way Landings. .V : ... :i.-,:r i Leave Astoria daily except Sunday . at 7 p. in. . , Leaves Portland Dally Except Saradxy at 7 a, a. . ' - . t ' , " .. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor It, J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 27ok " ) r-. r-