The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 05, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1909.
A Wirlwind of GoodrThinprs
are youri if you only ask ua for them. We
take pride in kcepiugthe best of everything
Try Our Martins Cream Cheese
8al of Log
Menra. Fluke Brother, of Brook
field, hivi eloaed deal with the Sor
renaon Logging Company, through
Prealdent W. f. McGregor, of that
concern, for i rift of yellow fir logi
aggregating about 165,000 feet .
LouU Hirtwlg 111
uuit iiertwig recently suffered t
fall ind li i reiult injured himself
lightly. He went to St. Marv'i hoi
pltil ind there mull operation wn
performed ind the old gentleman It
laid to be getting along nicely now.
In Probate Court
In probate court yesterdav an or
der wai made admitting the will of
Jamei & Johnston to probate, and the
widow, Mn. Anna Johnston, wai ap
pointed executrix in accordance with
the termi of the will.
Ooee To Salem
T. S. Cornellui, the county aitei
or, will go to Salem next Tueiday to
appeared before the itate board of
equalization on that day. All of the
county alienor of the Kate will be
there In response to t aum'moni from
the ttate board.
Teata Are Over
The examination! in the public
ehooli came to an end yesterday,
ind today the pupili will attend
chool for the purpose of getting
Ihelr report card, and ill those who
passed will be probably inducted into
their new roomi or new eeat. Pupil.j
will ido be given list of the nr.
booka required, and everything will
be put in shape ao that classea may
atari in Monday in regular manner.
Another Journallatlc Relic
R. M. Gaston, the nearness man ap
peared in this office yesterday, with
another interesting journalistic rec
ord, in the ahape of "The Daily all
ien" of Vickiburg, Mississippi, bear
ing date July 2, 1863, and full enough
of war-time insolence to fire an old
veteran even today in the reading of
it. It gave the (Southern) news of i
number of prominent battlea. and al
together wai an interesting aheet
from it own peculiar atandpoint.
Mr. Heilborn Reiigni
Otto Heilborn, for ome yean past,
the efficient and popular assistant
postmaster at the Astoria office, yei
terday filed his resignation with Post
master John Hahn, to become effec
tive pn the 20th instant, after which
date Mr. Heilborn will go to Port
land, to take one of several lucrative
and pleasant business assignments
that have been offered him. He has
host of good friends here who will
regret-his leaving the city, while they
will be glad enough to know that he
is bettering hinuelf in a business way
If Mr. Carney ha made choice of a
successor to Mr. Heilborn In this im
portant place, he has not yet an
nounced it. and will nrobahlv
in good time. It is presumed that
the latter gentleman will take over
the postoffice on or about the last
named date.
County Court
A communication was read from
Tt. It. Wooden at the ieuinn nf ,.
county court yesterday, calling at
tention to the bad condition of the
bridge In front of the Jamleson place,
in tne jNenajem district. The conn
ordered that the necessary reoaira t
made. The petition for rm,i .m.r.
ed by Andrew P. Liiliness waa read
and considered, and will be taken up
again today. This road is petitioned
for on the north fork of' the
nine and will probably be
tne court this morning.
Not Satisfied Here
There are plenty of evidence! here.
about that the joint legislative agree
ment on the fisheries reached S.
attle lately ia anything but accentahle
with the gill nctters of this city and
section; and ft ia said, that in the
event of the failure of the Messrs.
Lorntsen and Scttem now at Salem
working like beavers for the evM.t.
ion of the article of agrcemnt to
send the "gill-netters" law. at
Ia.Jiine by 26.000 maioritv. a )..
pools for annulment, there will be i
general mass meeting of all r!
in the lowjr Columbia, called at this
eity, to put themselves on record in
impregnable ahape and termi as
against the proposed stultification.
Three Chimney Fixes
Hardly had the gale sprung up
aoout a o'clock last night before an
alarm of fire was turned in from
Uppertown and while the apparatus
was hastening there a second alarm
came in from the same end of the
city. Both were chimney fires ami
caused no damage, thoueh there was
danger because of the strong wind
wmcn scattered sparks everywhere.
At the same time , third alarm came
In from Uuiontown. also a chl mnev
(ire. One of the Uppertown fires
ai tne home of Peter Olson. 1S67
Harrison street, the. other at 29th
and Grand ivenue. Chief Foster laid
last night that tWO of the alarm.
came in simultaneously, the first time
in the history of the department that
uch thing hai occurred. . The
Uniontown fire was in the Hendrick
son home. ,
.HUB .Mill
Postmaster Carney Now-
Frank C. Carney received his offic
ial appointment as postmaster yester
day, and at once forwarded hli bonds
to Washington for approval. It it
probable they will be approved with
out delay there, as soon as they gre
reached in the routine of business,
and then Mr. Carney will take charge
of the office. It may be aeveral week
yti however," before he takes active
charge. Mr. Carney said last evening
that he was sorry to learn that Mr.
Heilborn had deemed it best to re.
sign, ai he thought he and Mr. Heil
born would hive gotten along nicely
.HI... UKhl.U.N
Clung Like i Barnacle
xeaterday forenoon i group of
boy was gathered on She underpin
ning Of the establishment nf the Allen
Wallpaper & Paint Company, on
Eleventh street, sky-larkina with
planks and other debris, and getting
ai soundly soaked as they might
without actually drowning when
young Willie Osmundson who was
careering around the water on an old
sign-board, fell into the river and lost
his connection with the frail craft
that had borne him. There was noth
ing to do but to cling to neighbor
ing pile and yell, In concert with hii
gang, noneof whom could reach him.
F.ugene Bussing, who with the rest
of the boys at Chemical Nr.. J. w
been watching the outfit for just such
a contingency as this, jumped into a
boat and pulled to the little rha
taking him out of danger, at the same
time telling him some things he
seemed to be in need of. The kid
waa warmed and dried and sent hnm. I
There ought to be a miblic ctnanU,.,
for these reckless little chaps and a
quick resort to it in such emergencies
as this,.
Firemen's Bill.
The Warrenton Volun leer Pire
Department will give i firemen'i ball
in Wirren Hall, Warrenton, on Fri
day evening, February 12th. Genu
A at a a -., lames 50c, ipectators 25c.
, A Tasty Spread for Daily Bread
Sanitarium Peanut Putter
1 More nutritious than meat
Makes Delicious Sandwiches
Scholfield, Matteon Co.
phone iui GOOD GOODS
Every Saturday at t! a. m. we will sell to the highest bidder
Make Your Own Prices -
Daring the week furniture of all description will be sold at
auction prices
See MartJnOlsen for up-to-date upholstering work.MattressMak
ing, etc., will repair your bed in one day, calling for it itu.the
mornug and returning it in the afternoon. Will sew and lay
carpets. : . . .
commission and Auction House. - no-isth Street
The Electric Line
From all accounts that tan h. ...
cured there seems not the i;rht...
doubt that the men interested in th.
proposed electric line now feel as
sured that the finances will he f,.,(,
coming the moment the rights of way
rc .., .ecured. This is good news.
The nghta of way are said to be in
excellent shape, and the only thing
to be done now is to olck nn the
and ends. While all of. the necessary
inp, nave not yet been secured it is
understood that SO per cent r,f h,.,
nave, and it was agreed that the fi
nances were to be secured when that
extent of the right of way had been
ootained. Upon the whole it is said
the property owners have hern n..h
lie spirited and generous, though one
or two have held out and refused
give. Virtually all of the
trouble. It is stated that it may be
riy owners gave with but little
necessary to condemn the strip across
tne lands of one man. Perl,. i,
eity has hardly beKun to realise hn
near to an actuality the street car line
is. While the council h.n nm hut...
ed in granting the franchise over the
city streets it is only too willing to
do this, after all the little details are
ixcd up properly.
According to friends or Dr. Pea
cock who have visited him at St.
Mary'i hospital he is eager for i
speedy recovery so that he may re
turn to Cathlamct and take up his
affairs there. His trial, wherein he
is charged with having brought about
the death of the Longtaine girl, is set
for February 24 and it ia understood
he ii anxiously awaiting this to take
place, for he seemi to feel assured
that it will be a very easy matter to
convince everybody that he is entire
ly innocent of the accusation.
Various men of Cathlamet whn
have been in the city during the pasfl
tew days express the opinion that it
will be "impossible" to find a convic
tion in the case: and upon too of thi
they expresi the same belief in re.
gard to Mrs. Longtaine, for inas
much as she is a woman." it seems
to be a pretty general conviction in
the Washington town that no inrv
will ever convict he'r for her deliber
ate attempt to llay Dr. Peacock.
It seems that Mr. Lonetaine h-,.
also made open threats acainst the
physician, and Dr. Peacock's eager
aesire to get back home shows that
ne apparently has not been intimirtat
ed in the least by the bullets that
already have been sent into his body
or oy tne tallc of the husband. At
St. Mary's hospital it is said that n-
Peacock is getting along very well
ana it is presumed he will be ready
to leave for home inside of two
Report were brought down last
evening of another episode at Cath-
lamet yesterday that threatened more
trouble of traeical nature. Un
Thomas Dorris, the unfortunate wom
an who waa adjudged insane the
preceding day, was yesterday taken
to the asylum, and her father, J. P.
Wil?on, was kept under surveillance
by the sheriff because of the alleoa.
, " -o
tion that he was threatening to kill
the husband of the unfortunate worn.
an. He is said to think that the hus
band had something to do with the
mental trouble that came upon his
daughter, but the entire community
agrees in statins- that Mr. Dorris .a.
a model husband. The old man is
said not be very clear in his heart at
times, and his talk of yesterday ia all
iaia to that, according to a Cathlamet
gentleman who talked of the matter
Tine lafemiai
Complete Change of Program" Friday
The DeArmos
The Fool and the Circus Girl. Watch
the girl in the diamond dress.
Less Dunn
A couple of songs; a laugh or two and
some dancing
Motion Pictures
"The Mountain"
Carlton & Mortemer
In a Neat Comedy Sketch entitled
"The Cowboy Girl"
Miss Gladys Van
The same clever little soubrette who
who has won her way into the hearts
of all her audiences will be seen in an
entirely new act.
Illustrated Song
"Mornin Cy" by Miss Harris
Remember we give two shows every night, vvilh a tmy Wed. Saf. ui iuity
Evening Prices 15 and 25c. Matinee PricesAdults 15c,Chi!(fren 1Cc fo ery sett in fcciise
llll HS
Mrs. Charles Humphreys dcoarted
for Portland on the morning express
of yesterday for a few days visit
with relatives there. v
Guy Phillips of Portland, a well
known drummer, is in the citv. a
guest of his cousin, Miss Bertha
Reese, of the Taylor school staff.
C. F. Overbaugh, assistant suoer
intendent of the water lines of the
O. R. & N. Co.. was in the citv ves-
- -
terday on business for his company.
U. U. Kelly of CI fton waa a hni.
ness visitor in this city yesterdav
and was quartered at the Occident.
J. A. Dunbarton of Seattle was do
ing business in Astoria yesterday, and
was domiciled at the Northern Hotel
W. H. Moser of Portland was not-
ed among the hundreds of business
tourists in this city yesterdav.
Mrs. Hattie Gliddeir of Oakland, ia
in the city, a guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Toseoh Phillms nn
West Bond street. Mn. Gliddcn ii
en route to Fairbanks, Alaska, where
she is to become the bride of Harry
i'hillips, the brother of Joe, and well
known of old in this city. '
Herman Bergman of the C. B. & O.
lines, was in this city yesterdav. look-
Ling over the freight field here. As
was Fred Madison of the Empire
lines out of-Chicago ..ew York-ward.
W. E. Schimpf is an interested visi
tor at the cnpitol building in the capi
tal city.
Mrs. D. B. Allen left yesterdav
morning for San Francisco for a visit
with friends there.
Dr. A. A- Finch is home from a
pleasant visit to his landed posses
sions in Southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Barnes went
out on last evening's express, bound
for California, to spend a few weeks'
rest in recreation.
Mr.. Gilord Nash will this evening
present the ensemble pianists, the
Misses Evelyn and Erma Ewart, in
concert at the First Presbyterian
church at 8:15 o'clock. Thes"e young
artists have just given a concert in
Portland, concerning which Mr,
Nash telegraphed: "Concert tremen-
auous success. Miss Evelyn and
Erma Ewart received ovation."
Their program reveals an insieht
rare to students so-young. Miss
Irene Simington will add to the
pleasure of the evening by her charm
ing voice.
The following is the program in
Rondo from Sonata in F
Country Dance ..Nevin
(a) Obstination....H. de Fontinaillcs
(b) Voices of the Woods.. M. Watson
(Melody by Rubenstein)
Miss Irene Simincton
Minuetto from Sonata in E Minor..
. . Grier-Smith
Walt Op. 72 Von Wihn
W berenata ..Tosti
(b) When Love is Kind.Thos. Moore
Miss Irene Simineton
Andante and Variations, Op, 49". . . .
. Intermission.
Suite Op. IS.... .Arensky
(a) Romance .
(b) Walt? ,..
(c) Polonaise
Weber and Chickering Pianos Fur
nished by Eilers Piano House.
In a letter to this paper in resard
to aome of his advertising, Herman
Wise adds a bright account of where
he is and what t good time he is bay
ing back East. The letter was writ
ten from the Palmer House. Chicano.
and Mr. Wise stated that he was then
in the midst of a snowstorm. In an
other letter to i friend Mr. Wise
gives a snappy account of his errand
back there and many here will be
doubtless glad to read what is writ
ten. In part he says:
" . . I determined to personal
ly hasten the shipment of my spring
stock, for I learned by experience
that letter writing does little good;
up-to-date merchants from every
where flock to Chicago and New
York and express the cream of the
new things to their respective locali
ties, as each wishes to be the first to
show the new crup, so here I am in
the midst of a snowstorm." .
Mr. Wise states that the styles for
spring and summer show many radi
cal changes, especially for young men
and adds:
"The time is fast coming when
each up-to-date firm desiring to keep
to the front will be obliged to have a
man here in the center of things,
where the bratnest designers get up
new things continually, and I am eo-
ing to arrange to have such a repre
sentative here to look after my inter
ests, thus getting the new thines as
fast as they come out. After a couple
of days more I shall run over to New
York and gather some more cream
from the style shops there and hurry
home. I enclose a few verses from
the Record-Herald to which I have
added one of my own. ..."
The verse that Mr. Wise added of
his own composition is as follows:
Pays to Advertise
When other clothiers tackle
Old Herman in this town.
They find themselves outwitted,
For Wise is hard to down;
Before they know what's happened,
He hikes toward the East.
And for his many patrons
Selects a clothinir feast:
The choicest of fabrics
Made up to please the eves
Backed up by honest dealing proves
it pays to advertise. - , .
Comiskey'i Athletei and Their Tram
continental Engagement
CHICAGO, Feb. 4.-Details of the
White Sox' traininsr trio, which will
begin three weeks from tomorrow
have preceeded Scout O'Neill from
California and indicated that the
transcontinental journey to be made
oy comiskey'i athletei will be more
of record imasher than at first sun-
Exactly four weeks will he
in California and each section of the
team will play almost 25 games in
the Golden State. The aauad will he
divided soon after reaching San Fran
cisco. The first team will hold that city's
attention for a while and let the sec
ond division entertain the mil... r
Us Angeles and other cities of South
ern California.
On March 16 the first team
to Los Angeles and will stay in that
region until March 29, when it will
be necessary to start toward v,nm.
The first team will come back via
Jfuma, Az., and El Paso, Tex. nlav
ing games on the wav.
Coming up throueh OUa
Kansas, the first team will plav Is-
1. -1li ... J
ueus wicnita team Aori 4 anH
move further east to ?et 9lrnnM
for the opening game at Detroit,
April 14.
The second team will
from California by a more northerly
rouie, stopping at Reno. Nev . rw.
ana salt Lake.
Country Dance.
Don't forget the Country Dance ts
be given at the Athletic Hall Fri
day night .
"Fighting the Beef Tmit"
12th St, bet Bond and CommerctV
253 Taylor Street (Uniontown)
Louvre Fire
At 11:30 last night the fire rfenart.
ment were called to the Louvre t
Seventh and Astor street, where a fire
naa started in the attic on the third
floor. The flames Which started V..
electric wires were soon extinguished
by the chemical apparatus. The A-m.
age is estimated at about $100.
Household Remedies
which have stood the test of time
deserve a place in the medicine chest
of every family. Mothers are todav
administering to their children the
remedies their grandmothers used.
For 30 years Lvdia E. PinWham'c
Vegetable Compound, made from
roots and herbs, has been curine the
women of this country from the
worst form of female ills, and merit
alone could have stood such a test of
time and won such an enviable record.
Subscribe to the Morninar Astorian.
Post Cards
On Display
Wholesale samples'of
Valentines and Easter
Post Cards now on
display. - - -
Delivery Immediate
Beef to Boil...:.., ,...5c 6c 7e
Beef to Stew.... ...5c 6c 7c
Beef to Braise............. .5c 6c 7e
Pigs' Hocks 8c
Pot Roast Beef ........Be
Breasts of Veal 8c. 10c
Veal Stew ......SclOc
Necks of Veal. .............. .8c 10c
Shoulder Roasts Pig Pork, end
cut . 10c
Shoulder Roast Veal............ Nv
Shoulders of Lamb in
Shoulders of Mutton... ...,10c
Hamburger Steak ........... .. I0e
Round Steak . m.
Bologna Sausage ................10c
Liver Sausage id,.
Head Cheese ......10c
Fresh Leaf Lard. ....... ........123c
Dry Salt Pork.........;.. i2$c
That famous Sausage that everybody
talks about Smith's absolutely
pure, clean and fresh Pig Pork
Sausage i2ic
Veal Sausage ..................12Jc
frankfurt Sausage ,...12Jc
Better cuts of Shoulder Roast
Veal . i2Jc
Shoulder Veal Cutlets ...12Jc
Shoulder. Roast Lamb.... 121c
Shoulder Roast Mutton .....12jc
Sirloin Steak 121,.
Tenderloin Steak I2Jc
Pork Chops ;...121clSc
Roast Pork ..10cl2c,15c
Porterhouse Steak ....... ..12ic 15c
Rib Roasts of Pig Pork..........i5c
Loin Roasts of Pig Pork ....I5c
Prime Rib Rolled Roast Beef..... 15c
Rib Chops of Pig Pork........... 15c
Rib Chops of Pig Pork..... ...... 15c
Loin Chops of Pig Pork..... 15c
Loin Veal .'.....15c
Loin Veal Cutlets ...........15c
Rib Veal Cutlets 15c
Legs of Lamb.......... ".7....... 15c
Legs of Mutton ; 15c
Loin Lamb Chops ..15c
Mutton Loin Chops... 15c
Rib Lamb Chops............. 15C
Rib Mutton Chops.. 15c
Smith's Sugar-Cured Hams. ......15c '
Half a Ham, same price... ..15c
Smith's Sugar-Cured Breakfast
Bacon . . ...16c nd 17c
Smith's pure kettle-rendered Land,
5-pound pail . .....tSc
Fresh Eggs, per dozen. ...... ....30c
Smith's Willamette Brand of Cream
ery Butter, per roll ?t
Fresh Dressed Chickens.. ...... ..18c "
Fresh Rogue River Salmon, per
pound . lzjc
Our stock ol candies includ
ing "Lowneys" and
"Gunthers" famous Choco
lates are the best.
...Home liads Candies...
They are healthier
and better and don't cost
any more.
S3 Commercial St., Astoria, Ok.
60 cents per month.