The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 05, 1909, Image 1

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    OOOT l VMIi.7A
MMiillltl Ifc Wjt&R - wWUr mm
34th YEAR. NO. 32. ' " " ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1909
t i ..rAM.. i mini iTi'inr . ninnrni?.-jLlTri nrnniiomra ZLtttttt?
. I I f 4.A.
rr t
Chinese descent. .When mch epa-
rt school are established, Indian,
Chinese. Japanese or Mongolian chil
dren must not be admitted Into other
schools." ;
' B hi action today the lower home
I of the legislature ha taken the itep
which the board of education of San
FrancUeo intended to make two yeara
ago which wa dropped after the
board and former Mayor Scbnntt
were called to Washington, and had
several long conference with the
I.UnL At that time it wat con-
MeaiUre PaSSed IS Considered tended by the Japanese that they are
not ftiongonani na im u i
Japanese Children Exclud
ed From Public Schools
lean children and that the Japanese
often kept' back the Americans be
cause of their Ignorance of the Eng
lish language compelled .their being
tauaht more slowly. Senator Hint
said he I surprised to learn of the
passage of the ,bill. lie refused to
discuss the possibility of It passage
by the upper house. He said his
view were imllar to those of Per
kins.' ' '.',. . ' ': ' ' ('.',
CARSON CITY. Nev.. Feb! 4 The
anti-Japanese resolution shorn of its
reference to President Roosevelt
came tip In the Senate today and was
committed to ttje judiciary commit
tee. This committee will smother it
In accord with the wishes of United
States Senators Dixon and Newlands.
by President is Most Often-
, , slvo Bill of All .
Wire Are kept Hot Between Waah
ington and Governor OUett When
President Hearts of Action Taken
Toward the Jap, V
SACRAMENTO, Cat., Feb. ,4.
Wltkthe defeat ol two antl-Japanese
bills In the House today, followed by
tt tmexnected oassiae of a third
bill setresating Japanese school chil
dren in separate school along with
the Chinese, Corcam and other Asi
atics, regarded as the most offensive
measure of all. President Roosevelt
bat again taken a band In the antl
Japanese legislation in the date lejri
lature. Hardly had the bill passed
when Governor Gillett received the
followino- message from President
Roosevelt: i
"What is the rumor that the Call
lornia legislature ha passed a bill
excluding: the Japanese children from
public schools? This is most offen
sive bill of all, and in my judgment
is clearly unconstitutional and we
ahould at once have to test It In the
courts. Can it be stopped In thejegls
lature or bv veto?"
The Governor at once sent a reply
ih nature of which he declines at
this time to make public and request
ed of the President an immediate
answer Pending receipt of another
telegram from President Roosevelt,
the Governor declined tonight to dis
cuss the action in the asemb!y to
day. ,-........,,
The bill passed today which was
one of .three measures Introduced hf
Assemblyman Grove t. Johnson and
it amends ' the existing statute by
placing the word, "Japanese'', In the
paragraph providing for separate
schools for Mongolian children so as
to j make; It read: "Trustees shall
have the power to establish separate
i-hnnta far Indian children and for
question whether the statute could be
enforced in absence of specific men
tion of the word "Japanese." The
action of the assembly today wat a
complete surprise. After the defeat
yesterday of the Drew anti-alien Dill,
followed today by the defeat of two
more anti-Japanese bill, a defeat of
th segregation measure teemed a
foregone conclusion and a result of
the vote on the bill wat entirely un
locked for. Upon learning the as
sembly action. Governor Gillett call
ed Into consultation Speaker Stanton
and the Republican leader ol both
Houses. The latter expressed a nope
for being able to defeat the measure
in the assembly upon reconsideration,
and to that end Assemblyman Leeds
after a roll-call changed his vote from
no to ves and eave notice that tomor
row he would move to reconsider the
vote of 48 to 26 by which the measure
was carried. It will require 41 votes
to carry Leed's motion. In the event
it is adopted, it is freely predicted
that one of the fiercest battles ever
,) In California lctrislature will
result from effort to kilt the bill.
Governor Gillett i preparing to
night a message to the legislature
asking that body to reconsider the
vote by hich the segregation bill was
oas. This action is is a result of a
message from President Roosevelt
tnriav lnnealinar to him to devise
some means for blocking the meas
ure in the legislature. , ,
WASHINGTON. Feb. 4. Senator
Fulton of Oregon has presented to
the' Senate a petition of the Legisla
ture of his state, asking for the defeat
of the "Porter bill" which favors a
single standard (or apple boxes on
the ground that there are now in use
"standard" and a "special" box for
the shipment of apples from the
Northwest. The Legislature see in
the situation a possibility of federal
interference which it docs not relish.
WASHINGTON, D. C,. Feb. 4.
Nes of the passage by the California
assembly of the bill segregating the
Japanese school children received in
official quarter her with surprise
and consternation. In the message
to Governor Gillett, President
Rnn.ovrlt clearly Indicated that he
has not changed hi opinion express.
ed two years ago In hi annual met
sase to conaress that to shut tne
Japanese out of the common schools
la a wicked absurdity. , Senator Fer
kins of California asserted hi belief
tonight that the right should be giv
en to the school authorities ot tne
state to provide separate schools for
the Japanese. Perkins said he did
not think, there was any objection
ever made to the Japanese attending
the higher Institutions of learning by
Californians but that in the lower
senoois tor inaian cmiuicu mm ...-. : ---children
.of 'Mongolian, Japanese or' tvhools there are often found Japa-
Senate i by Vote" of 33'to 7 Pass tie. Walker Otis
Anti-Race Track Bill .
principal concessions secured
ones oermittina mauufacture of H
quors in dry districts for sale outside
thereof and an increase in election
petition-feature from 20 to 30 per
cent of qualified voters- When the
House adjourned at, , 10 o'clock to
night it was with the understanding
that the consideration of the measure
be continued tomorrow. ; ;
On Ground That Senate
Rule Had Been Violated
very Move to Delay Anti-Saloon
League measure is
. . Defeated
Appropriation of $25,000 For New
Training School is Recommenaea
by Message From Lieutenant-Gov
ernor Hay. . '
BOISE, Feb. 4 The Japanese res
olution did not materialize in the
leeislature today. It is understood
that Senator Borah has brought evi
dence to bear to prevent introduction
of such resolution and has received
assurances that it will be throttled if
DENVER, Feb 4. The Colorado
Bankers Association yesterday de
termined to have a bank guarantee
bill introduced in the Legislature
that will provide for a guarantee by
each bank separately to its own de
positors. ; . ,
WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 4.-
The omnotonoiis tones of the reading
clerk of the Senate as he loaded
through a bill of over 100 pages mak
ing appropriations for the District of
Columbia, constituted tne cIef fea
ture in the proceeding of that body
today. When the Senate adjourned
reading of only half of the bill had
been completed-
SACRAMENTO, Feb. 4. -Racing,
,n California received a vital blow
vhen the Senate today, by a vote oT
33 to 7, passed the Walker-Otis anti
racetrack bill 'which prohibits pool-.-ii!
t.:i,.vin or (rambling on
cuing, uuvii" -- - ,
Winces. The bill having already
passed the assembly, it will now be
. . um. Governor Gillette hav
i -ui hU Intention of signing
it, but it is believed that he will not
take this action until 3U nays
.1.-.- a. n, bill permits pool
sellers and bookmakers 60 days time
i . 1a.. n their affairs, tne
in wiiitu iu v -r
at racinsf ,at Emery-
ville and Santa Anita courses will not
CHICAGO, Feb. 4.-Mrs. May Van
Dine, mother of the car barn bandit
hanged several years ago, has urged
Tii(tffe Lamlis to be lenient with Dan-
o .
lei E. Kerr, the former rost-umce
clerk, who admitted stealing from the
mails for ten years. Mrs. Van, Dine
she found the defendant's" home
- . . !
in a pitiable stntej that his sister is
dying from consumption and' that
his brother also was dying, judge
tandis sentenced ,Kerr to serv? ,18
months, in, the.. ..Leavenworth, prison,
which is considered to be an excep
tionally light punishment. - '
PORTLAND, Feb. 4.-Tony Moer,
Norwegian logger, was shot and al
most instantly killed tonight by Hans
Goodager, proprietor of a saloon on
North Third street in this city.
Moer and Goodager were both, it
is alleged, under the Influence of li- Goodaaer who was arrested,
eha'rired with murder in the firat de
cree, admit the shooting. According
tn n eve-witness. Moer and com
panion entered Goodager' saloon and
asked to be served with liquor, ine
.aloonman refused, because he states
Moer had the reputation of being a
saloon brawler. Goodager. orderea
Moer to. leave the resort, and at tne
. . .. . l
same time, it is alleged, tnreaieucu
him with a revolver. ' Moer knocked
tiU weanon from Goodager'a hand
and the latter picked up another re-
volver. The aloonman is auegea io
have become infuriated by thia lime,
and coming from behind the bar, it
asserted he shot Moer in the Dae
of the head. ' . v: ;.' t .
CHICAGO, Feb- 4.-Some of the
difficulties encountered by a "Marine"
evangelist as discussed last evening
by the Rev. Wilfred T. Grenfelt who
hni ehased the demon rum all over
the high seas and has it concerned,
just now, on the DieaK coasi oi iiu
r!r. The Enclish evangelist told
how, in his tour of the fishing fields
hi- Wded nil sorts of crafts and
held oravcr meetings and sought to
close up those "Ocean saloons" He
said that as a result many shipowners
have ceased paying off their men m
saloons, as had been the custom.
CHICAGO. Feb. 4-William Dan
es Kennedy, one of the highest offici
al., nf the Kniirhts of Pythias oraer
and the author of Kennedy's Pythian
Historv" is dead here, trom heart
HUease.' He was closely associated
for years with Justus H. Rathbone,
founder of the order.
m.VMPlA. Feb. 4. On the
ground that the Senate rule has been
violated by the transfer of the anti
racetrack bill to the house imme
,iinirlv after the oassage . by the
Senate yesterday, both Houses today
expunged from yesterdays journal
records the proceedings in which the
House refused to concur in the re-
jectment b the" Senate of the emer
oenev committee- Having laid in the
Senate as required, for 24 hours, the
bill will be reported over to the
House tomorrow morning when yes
terday's action wilt likely be repeated.
The Senate today received a new bill
ncreasing the membership of the
state supreme court from seven to
nine members. The measure divioes
th court into two departments with
four members in each, the chief jus
tice at liberty to sit in either depart
ment. Three members of one depart
ment can render an opinion.
The controlling working majority
of the house local Option leader to
day successfully brought the McMas-
ters or anti-saloon league on -4 tne
floor of the lower branch of the legis
lature and defeated, every move at
delay' or amendment. Beginning at
10 o'clock when the bill was reported
by the majority of the judiciary com-
tnitt without recommendation tne
house wrangled over.'.attempts at al
ternation . until late tonight. By. a
vote of 5 to 36 a substitute bill pro
posed by the minority of the commit
tee fixing a double unit composed of
counties outside of the cities as one
and cities as other unti was killed off
An nttemot to delay matters by mak-
inir the bill the special order for next
Tuesday , failed. The House spent
the entire afternoon discussing tne
first section of McMaster's bill with
the county, as the controlling unit.
The amendment to make all cities
and towns voting unities was voted
down as was another amendment
naming the first, second and third
class cities as separate units. Advo
cates of the more liberal law than
nmnnsed amendment making, first-
class cities of which there are three
in the' State, separate units, out
rlehate that ensued indicated
that "the liberal faction was hopelessly
divided and the proposed amendment
was withdrawn. . , . t 1
Tmlav Lieutenant-Governor Hay
ct . tnessaire to the legislature rec
that the reform . school
at rhehalis be removed to the irri
land in Eastern Washington
nA that the buildings at Chthalis be
converted Into an insane asylum. An
appropriation of $25,000 for a new
hool was recommended.. It
was so recommended that old soldiers
NEW CASTLE, Pa., Feb. 4.-The
historic Lincoln coach in " which
President Lincoln rode to Washing
ton for his inaugural ceremony was
destroyed in a fire yesterday at
Sharpsville, Pa. It wa the sole pas
senger equipment of the little Sharps
ville Railway, running between that
town and Washington , Junction. It
was covered with sheet iron put on
before Lincoln made his famous ride
and wa supposed to be buillet proof.
Feb, 4-By thepurchase of 160 acres
immediately east of the Union Print
ers home as a ite of the proposed
National Sanitarium of the National
Letter Carrier Association, the, first
sten toward the actual founding "of
the home has been taken. The land
was secured from, the state, m fee
simple by a committee of Colorado
Spring men. . ,- ,
js just a year ago since I as ac
quitted and at last my appeal against
the faulty commitment that tempor
arily nullified that verdict has reached
the appelate court," says Harry Thaw
in a statement sent out from the Mat
teawan Asylum yesterday. Thaw
maintains that the jury which ac
quitted hira expressed no opinion
except as to his mental condition on
June 25, 1906, when he killed Stanford
White. Thaw expresses confidence
that the appelate division will decide
that section 4S4 of the penal, code
under which he was committed "to
aMttewan is unconstitutional be
cause it despotically imprisons a man
without due Drocess of law. There
was no process at all to find if I was
insane on February 1,1908-
The forestry service got its usual
annual drubbing today, criticisms
against it coming principally from
Smith of California, Cook of Colora
do and Mondell of Wyoming, all of
whom, charged extravagance in the
administrates and extortion of mon
ey tio miners, farmers, and even
owners of the bee hives. Cook attrib
uted to Pinchot and the forest service
ulterior a motive of scheming for
Secretary Wilson's seat in the cabi
net. Both Pinchot and the lorest
service were vigorously defended by
Mann of Illinois and Weeks of, was
sachusettsl All attempts to amend
th. Kill in anv imoortant manner
failed. . ' "" "
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 4 Abe At
tell easily retained the featherweight
championship" in "a contest with Eddie
Kelly of Ne,w York tonight. ' Kelly's
seconds threw up the sponge in the
event. '. .:,..!
Put to
Work Grazing
" Lines.'
Off Fire
at the Orting Home De removed io
nftw Veterans' Home at Port ur
chard, and the Orting institution be
converted' into an .institution for the
rk1i minrled VOUths,
Th mVht ssession was devoted to
alihusterinir but friends of the bill
defeated all but a few amendments.
WASHINGTON," Feb. 4.-Angora
iroats to the number of 3000 uncon
sciously doing yeoman service for
"Uncle Sam" in' constructing' by
off mile after mile of fire
line through the bushy , chaparral
growth of the Lassen National For
est of California, shortly will be tne
',1 icrht witnessed. The contract
for Dressing this little band of white
animals into government service has
heen sinned and the noval experiment
will be undertaken next spring irt the
forest reserve mentioned. The goats
will be civen two years in which to
wnnM nn the lob. and if thty
come up to Uncle Sam's exacting; re
quirements they will be permaaentiy
nlarerl on the srovernment rolls.' The
scheme is to run fire lines parallel
with the contour of the slopes, by
...Uil. trails' about 80 ' rods apart
which areo serve as guides for the
angoras. ' They will graze in each fli-
rprtinn from the trails, killing, it is
estimated, a strip of brush about 30
yards wide." The wide lanes cut out
and grazed by the "goats will serve as
ideal fire lines in protecting the for
ests, and also make a place for repro
duction of' merchantable trees.
NEW YORK, Feb. 4. In an ad
dress before the College of Physi
cians and Surgeons, Dr. George
Adami,' of McGill University, said
that it as the mosquito and not graft
that causfd the French to fail in their
project to build the Panama canaL
This malarial breeding pest, he con
tinued, wes indirectly responsible for
the decay, of Greece and the fall of
Rome. After paying a Jiigh tribute
to America, medical science for, the
work in Cuba and Panama, he con
tinued: ' . ..: ,.
"Half the population of the world
die from malaria in most instances
soread by the mosquito. Out of six
millions who died in India, five mil
lions died from fever. But now path
ological research has led to means- of
nreventinc and the death rate has
greatly diminished." . "
W.S. Dudley Shoots Alex
ander Smith .
-i , f t pl""f-.,,T , .
. .if" ' , '1 i ... .,:, 'I , ,
The Arresting of Brakemen for
' Stealing Freight Causes -
' ".V::r, Row'1 "
Smith Was 50 Yeara Old and Wat ft
Son of General R."' Smith of the
Mexican and Civil War . Fame
Dudley i 45 Yeara Old..
. SEATTLE, Feb. 4--In a desperate
oistol battle between W. S. uuaiey
and Alexander S. Smith, a special
policeman employed as a night watch
man at the' freight sheds of the wor
thren Pacific Railway shortly after 4
o'clock this afternoon Smith wa m-
stantly killed and Dudley shot twice
being badly wounded. Smith waa
armed with a .38 calibre revolver with
which he shot Dudley twice, once be
low the left ear and the other in the
hand. Smith was shot with an auto
matic pistol one bullet striking him
over the heart, another in the right
Iegt and a third in the leg. ' '
Smith was 55 yeara old- He was a
son of General R. Smith ot Mexican
and Civil War fame- Dudley is 45
years old and lives in Tacoma. It is
said jealousy over the arrest of two
brakemen charged with stealing
freight caused the trouble which end
ed in the shooting.
The brakemen were arrested by
Smith and Dudley, who had been on
bad terms, according to the report.
ever since. ,''
..MANILA; Feb:"4.-E. W. Sells, of
New York, an expert accountant en
gaged by the insular audits, has com
pleted his work and departed for
home by way of Europe.' rie pro
nounced the government's system
of accounting better than that of any
state or city he had ever seen, bens
also declared .that the system used by
the insular government is the most
were recommended. ' . ,
BaileyV Resolution for Exclusion Laws to
; Japanese and Hindus is Ridiculed
SALEM. Or.. Feb. 4-Two or three
vetoes of the governor on the salary
increasing bills were sustained by tne
Senate this : afternoon the third Din
being passed over his veto with the
new alignment in the Senate that al
most any veto measure attecting tne
salary bill will be sustained, members
who "supported the bills previously
announcing their determination to as
sist the Governor in his stand. At
the same time two solutions to the
salarv problem have been ) offered;
the Senate and the other in
the House. In the Senate Norton has
offered a resolution that the commit
tee be appointed' to fixe the'scale ,bf
wages for county officials and report
tr. Ka mado at the next session, m
a memorial to congress Senator 6ai
ley urges the present Chinese exclu
sion las be not abrogated in favor ot
the general laws, as it is alleged as
being advocated.- Bailey's resolution
asks that the present exclusion laws
be broadened so as to include the
Japanese and Hindus. : Alter , being
ridiculed as an absurd amenumeni,
the ten-inch hat pin bill which has
passed the' House, was Indefinitely
postponed. -. The House passed a
measure calling tor a constitutional
convention over the protests of mem
bers who suspected 'it was concealing
a plot against the direct primary and
other advanced ideas. During the at
ternoort senatorial courtesy was for
gotten and ings which would have
caused phyeticSl encounter outside
were ung back and forth.
. be disturbed.