The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 04, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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! The Store Late'
Women BEEL ...HIVE
INew Gitig
New Patterns 10, 12 1-2 and 15c
light and dark, 10 and 12 l-2c
Mlw I. M. WUILukm, ol llmco, l tht crwMl rprctttUr ol Th Attoritu Hud wilt
hkt tn at alt Item of arva, ontra fur tubacriplliMi and all khl of prlnti'if. .
The handsome 58-foot launch, the
"Nora," of Stella, just about finished
at the boat yards "of J. Driscoll, will
tx launched next week. She has been
fitted with a splendid 77 h. p. Troyer
Fox engine, and should make a no
table time record with it. The com
pany has just laid the keel for a 40-
foot launch for the Miller s bands
Seining Company, which is to have
20 h p. engines of the same make.
The Ltirline was doing business at
the old stand last evening, and when
(be went up stream she carried out,
as passengers: E. A. Reed, A. L. Cile,
Capt. John Simon and wife, H. F.
Tucker, H. Nelson, J. W. Jones and
G. Tyson.
The steamer Argo, Captain Jones,
arrived down from Portland yester
day evening and docked at the Cal
lender, leaving out for Tillamook
Bay at 9 o'clock, 'with a heavy line
of freights.
The steamer Alliance was due to
arrive in from Coos Bay last night
but will probably not get here before
this morning. She was delayed in
entering the Coos waters by a frac
tious bar.
The steamer Eureka was due down
last night from the metropolis and
will go to sea and the California
coast at once.
The tender Columbine made a get
away last evening on her ran to the
lower coast after waiting several
days for a passable bar.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore after a
full week's delay in this port for a
passable bar at the Tillamook port,
went to sea yesterday evening with
all the freiKht and passengers she
could handle.
,The British ship Torrisdale has ar
rived down and is ready for sea at
the first practicable moment, which
ill offer today probably.'
The oil tank steamer Atlas came
down the river last evening and an
chored in the stream, and will leave
oat this morning, for California.
The bar pilot schooner Joseph
Pulitzer came into port yesterday af
ternoon, and docked at the foot of
Fourteenth street, for her customary
run of supplies and water, etc
The steamer R. Miler is on the
beach at the Astoria Iron Works,
having a new shaft shipped and other
essential repairs made.
The steamship Elder should enter
port from the California coast some
time tomorrow.
L. D. Williams returned Monday
morning from a .short business trip
home accompanied by his daughter,
Eleanor, who has been visiting with
friends in Portland for two or three
weeks. , .
James Vaujin, Joe Markham, Er
nest Samples and Fred llincs, arrived
Saturday from the Nasel to spend a
few days in Hwaco. They returned
to work Tuesday moruing.
Mrs. H. Hoagli and son of Seaside
Oregon, arrived Tuesday for a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Syl
vester Simmons. .
H. H. Uruh, who has been quite ill
for the past few days, is now able to
be up and around.
A series of pictures, were illustrat
ed Sunday evening at the Presbyter
ian Church, illustrating lite among
the people of India; their habit of liv
ing, idols, temples, etc, also showing
the great good that is being accom
plished yearly by the missionaries.
The pictures, besides, being inter
esting, were, also, very beneficial.
Henry Kaylor, of Long Beach, who
has been very ill for some time, is
rapidly recovering, and was a visitor
to Hwaco the latter part of last week.
Ralph Grablc, who has been engag
ed in fishing on the Nasel for the
Quite a crowd of Hwaco people
went to Astoria Sunday, afternoon
on the launch ' tlulda I to see the
Lieutenant and the Cowboy" Sun
day evening at the Astoria theatre
Among those who went, are
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Staborg. Miss
Edith Whitcomb, Messrs. Emanuel
Fortcr, Markham, Hcdriek, Wise,
O'Brien Arthur Hawkins, Grable,
Gold and Eli Nort.
L. E. Loomi was a business visitor
to the city, the first of the week.
Mr. McCIelan, traveling for a San
Francisco dry goods company was
in .Hwaco over Sunday. . ,-. ,
Mrs. Frye and children, of south
em Oregon, arrived Saturday and
are visiting with Mrs. Frye'j sister,
Mrs, W. B. Hawkins and family.
Mr. llaan, and Mr. Pellcnda, of
North Head, attended the dance giv
en Saturday evening in the Assembly
Hall, at Long Beach, and they report
a very pleasant time.
William Shultz, who has been visit
ing relatives in Rainier Ore., returned
to Ilwaco, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanscomb, Mr. Loe-
fcr and Mr. McDcvit, left Monday,
after a few weeks spent at North
Head, Wn., installing new instru
menta at the U. S Wireless Station
at that place.
Arthur Strand and John William
son . departed luesuay morning lor
past two months, returning to this Btar River for , 8hort hunting trip.
Ciiy ine laucr part ui
Mil 11 Cfl
Fine Fresh Co
lumbia river
Smelt 5c
All other Meats
and Provisions at
lowest market
prices, a?
684 Commercial St-
XEW YORK, Fcb.3. With scores
of nerve-racked actors in the sea
traeedv off Nantucket Island still
housed everywhere about town all
New York is today buzzing with the
aftermath of its greatest sensation in
years. In the retirement of every
hotel on this island the still bewilder
ed passengers of the Republic and the
Florida are surrounded by friends
and family half crazed with anxiety
and joy. The heart of the metropolis
which hung in sickly suspense over
the sea wall for a day and a night, is
now beating hard with the reflex joy
of taking to itself these scores of
human beings whom only the tele
graphy of the sky sparks drew back
from the brink of eternity. In the
new man-harbor of the American Sea
men.s Friend Society a hundred rug
ged tars are today assembled from
the crews of both colliding liners,
while the kits and clothes which
they sadly lack are being furnished
them by friends of the Society. To
most of these seafarers there is noth-
We have recently received a large
shipment of "Havlin" Hand Painted
China, - - -
At Lowest Prices
Our reputation as the , most reasonable
store in the city is further demonstrat
ed by our low prices on these fine '
goods. Call and convince yourself,
reg. 40c baskets will sell while they last ,
See our Commercial Street Window
P Watch Whose Windows for Bargain's
ing new in the latest buffeting by the
ocean fate they have learned to fear.
It will be many a year, however, be
fore Gotham forgets this sudden
shock to its attendant army of ocean
While only a few hours remain
before the quaint old chapel of St
Johns's is to be forever sealed to its
worshippers by the trustees of Trini
ty and its sacred site devoted to more
lucrative commercial uses, public in
dignation against this act is to-day
running high. Straight as the spire
of the little house of worship, this in
cident has pointed out the business
dealing of this group of churchmen
for all New York to see. Though a
few thousands may be saved and
made by this shrewd step in finance
it is prophesied that it will take many
years and much expenditure of money
on its tensment holdings to again
restore the Trinity corporation to its
former standing with the whole peo
ple. Meanwhile the first of February
will mark the loss of many old and
dear associations for hundreds of
parishioners who suffer because to
certain minds skyscraper tenements
pay better.
Never in his career has Oscar
Hammcrstein offered a better comic
opera attraction than the spectacular
street brawl in which he has seen fit
to engage with a belligerent crowd
of newspaper men here. To-day the
final act in court has yet to be pro
duced, though an amused audience is
eagerly waiting for the next outbreak
of fuss and fisticuffs. Though the
impresario's insult to some working
members of the paper.s staff is really
resented by every right minded man
in town, the public has taken the en
suing engagements with little serious
ness or sympathy. Park Row was
never wont to notice or seek to meet
such slurs with rough house tactics
and newspaper men in general regret
this squabble in which some of their
number have seen fit to engage. An
army of clean, decent workers upon
the papers here to-day are disapprov
ing Hammerstein's mud slinging by
their daily actions without the use of
fists or epithets.
Every man in town who swings a
brassie is today hailing the announce
ment that President-elect Taft has
accepted honorable membership in
in one of the golf clubs down on Stat
en Island. While the golfers of the
Fox Hills have stolen a march on
thousands of their brethern through
out the metropolis in this coralling
Big Bill as a clubmate, it is not be
lieved that they will long retain ex
clusively this honor. On every links
about Manhattan. Island, to-day the
speedy acquisition of the distinguish
ed exponent of the game is being
meditated and ways and means dis
cussed. Taft may tread scores of mi
les of golf greens and scale thous
ands of hazards hereabouts as a pre
mier member if he will but say the
word. The, rotund President-elect
bids fair tq popularize the game of
Scots in the city in spite of the. fact
of John. D. Rockefeller's devotion to
it. J
The following chcenul letter has
just been received from Dr. B. Owen
Adair, of this county, with regard to
her bill, now one of the famous pro
vision before the Oregon Legists
It is a substitute for her original
measure, and to the casual reader
seems to have been shorn
of all its essential strength; but if
the good doctor is satisfied with this,
as an "opening wedge" as she calls it,
then no one else may justly complain
of it. It is Senate substitute bill No.
68, and is now before the House of
Reoresentatives. Her letter is as
follows: '
"Salem, Or- Feb. 1, 1909.
"Editor Astorian:
"With great pleasure I now send
you s copy of my bill which, has just
passed the Senate by two-thirds ma
jority. I cannot express my 'great
satisfaction for this victory, and I
have fine hope of success in the
House. One of the members of the
House said: 'I hope we may pass it
with at least 48 votes.'
"This is a substitute for my first
bill, at my own request, for I found
that it would be impossible to pass
the first bill. .The Oregonian says
the committee spoiled the bill by
amending it. Hut there I a great deal
(n this bill, and it will be nit opening
wedge for many improvements, if it
becomes a law. I shall stay here till
I know the fale of the bill; then off
to Olympia.
"I visited the O. A. College last
Saturday with the member! of the
Legislature. winch commits me
opinion which I have had for many
years that is, that an agriculture col
lege is of far more worth to any State,
than a university.
Following is the amended text of
the measure as it passed the Senate!
"A Bill
"For an act entitled an act to pre
vent procreation of confirmed crim
inals, insane persons, idiots, imbeciles,
and rapists; providing that superin
undents and board of managers of
institutions where such persons are
confined shall have the authority and
are empowered to appoint a commit
tee of experts, consisting of two (2)
physicians, to examine into the men
4al condition of such Inmates, and to
define who shall be deemed confirmed
criminals wilhin the provisions of
this act.
Re it enacted by the people of
the State of Oregon: " "' "
Be it enacted by the Legislative
Assembly of the State of Oregon:
"Section 1. From and after the
passage of this act it shall be com
pulsory for each and every institution
in the State entrusted with the care
of confirmed criminals, Insane per
sons, idiots, rapists and imbeciles, to
appoint upon its staff, In addition to
the regular Institutional physicians,
two (2) skilled surgeons of recogniied
ability, whose duty It shall be, in con
junction with the chief physieian of
the institution, to examine the mental
and nhvsical condition of such i
males as are recommended by the in
stitutional physician and board
managers. If, in the judgment of this
committee of experts and the board
of managers, procreation is Inadvis
able and there is no probability of Im
provement of the menial condition of
the inmate, it shall be lawful for the
surgeons to perform such operation
for the prevention of procreation as
shall be decided safest and most ef
fective; but this operation shall not
be performed except in cases that
have been pronounced unimprovable
, "The term "confirmed criminals,"
as contained, in this act. shall be
deemed to apply to and Include all
persons serving a third lerm in any
penitentiary or penal institution upon
conviction of a felony."
We Can Show Y6u
"f .'
A I.
Table Peaches, Pears and ."Apricots
s The
521 COMMERCIAL STREET ' ' 1 " ?MONt 'tit
We have s large supply
of the fatuous
Golden State Cherries I
In Marwculno ' . j s ;
the most dclldotw preserved fruit
on the market -
, 50( Cents the, fluart bpttle;: !t r , ,
Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers
No budding millionaire has stepped
forward to accept Judge Finn's offer
of appointment as his unsalaried pro
bation officer since young Jay Gould
was squelched by a stern parent in
volunteering , his, services. Though
this ambitious stripling of the House
of Gould had been quoted as enthusi
astically offering to take the dis
agreeable duties of this police court
post for shrewd old "Battery Dan"
Finn, his father has managed to keep
him out of reach of reporters ever
since and it is, believed to-day that
the judge will have to look elsewhere
for a volunteer. The Vandcrbilt boys
have been suggested; but their previ
ous engagements in the horse show
ring render assistance from this quar
ter hopeless. After all, the . public
here would really relish the sight of a
young heir doing something worth
while. , . ...
Plenty of smelt every day at
Braden-Adams Meat Market, See ad
on page 4. ' ! '
Foley's Honey, and, Tar clears the
air passages, stops; tne, irritation m
the throat, soothes the inflamed mem
branes, and the most obstinate cough
disappears, Sore and inflamed lungs
are healed and 8trengthened,.-and the
cold is expelled from the system.
Refuse, any but the genuine in the
yellow package. T. F. Laurin, Owl
Drug Store.
NEW YORK- Feb. 3.-Passengers
in the Pennsylvania Railroad station
at Jersey City were horrified last
night to see the head of a man lodged
on the cowcatcher of a locomotive
as it drew into the depot. Employes of
the railroad, seeing that there had
been a tragedy, had the head, togeth
er with few scraps of clothing remov
ed to the morgue and an investiga
tion was begun. It develped that the
victim was W. Weber, general fore
man of a grain company, who had
been struck at Railway, N. J-, early in
the evening. His mangled body was
picked up near the scene of the ac
cident, but the head, it was noticed
had been carried into the station at
Jersey City.
Fast Freight Service
ball j Service Via
- . St-'i i ;U , '' i i 'f .,,tf
Through merchandise Cars from Portland to. Astoria
leave Portland at 0 p. m. Every , Day except, Sun
day. All less than carload shipments delivered at
Freight House before 4 p. m. will arrive in Astoria at
0:5op. m. ' For further imfonnation call on "'' ;
0. B. JOHNSON, Ocn'l Agent A. & C. R. R.
12th St, near Cotnmtrctal St, . ASTORIA, ORE0OH,
I f !
Tungsten Electric Lamp
Greatest advance In lighting methods since the Invention el teeamlstcwM j
- .. " lamps, .
S3 C P. Ordinary alec trie lama eonaumai i 10 mHs ear ham
32 CP. "Tungsten" electric lamp coniumas . ...... 40 watts par heerff
.70 watts ptrhosr
Plumbing service, 80 cents per hour,
for all work in our line. See us; our
prices are reasonable and we guaran
tee our work first class; a telephone
call will bring our man to your home
or business. Phone Main 4061, 126
Eighth street. i
; Try our own mixture of coffee the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Main
The very best board to be obtained
in the city is at "The, Occident
Hotel," Ratee very reasonable.
Wood and Coal, . .
If you want dry fir cordwood, In
side fir, bark slab, or boxwood, ring
up Kelly, the Wood and Coal Dealer,
the man who keeps the prices down,
Coal at $7.00 per ton in your base
ment or $6.00 at yard. Main 2191.
Barn, corner 12th and Duane.
The Modern. ' .
The best and most up-to-date ton-
sorial , parlor in the , city is The
Modern. Perfect cbmfort and service
guaranteed to all.' Excellent baths.
The Proper Place. . '
Go to the Occident Barber Shop If
you are particular and desire first-
class service. Satisfaction guaranteed.
By using "Tungsten lamps yon an get 27S per cent Incrute in light fa
the same cost or in other words can have the same quantity ol Dlumlnadoa
(or 35 per cent of the cost ol lighting with ordinary electric lamps, - -
The . Astoria Biectric Co
crrr'::r: - , : rrZ3
w. v.. P.
ft. ... . ""i I
Ql'Iio Kind You nave Always Bought and iiLl iVlytf Jboci).
In use for over 30 year, boa borne Vm signaturo of
(Uid bat been mndo nnder bis per
aortal supervision since Its infancy
., Allow no one to docolve yoa In till.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-nc:ood"ar6 but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and CnMren-Exporierico against Experiment
Castorlft is a harmless substitute for Castor OH. Tare
gorle Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It Is Pleasant; Is
contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotle
substance. . Its agre la Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Ferertohness. It euros Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles cares Constipation 1
and Flatulency.' It assimilates the Food, regulates the
JBtomaeh and Dowels, giving healthy and natural Sleep '
Thif Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend.
SW?niw wv SiHMi(sif Wf
In Use For Over 30 Years.
VMS etMtrnu aoMMwr, ft nunntv rcrr. Mm Y. irk '
i -i- e
, 1
it., i i m
Simmm Transfer Cn.
. !- K2NRY gHERMAN, Matisr. Jvl,-V'-r
"U .l" i-U-;h I '.( , 'i,-,'Ml'.V.!- .'.f-,' ;v' .;
Hscka, Carriages-Baggage Chected and Transferred-Trucks s4 FeraltSM
Wajont 1'ianos Moved, Boxed and bttipma.
4SJ Commercial Street - kfa VI