SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, IW- , j THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA', OREGON. i The Store Jf phefe -m for . oo Women BSE(;)HIVE0utfitters HEW EMBROIDERY I This season's embroideries on display at lowest prices THE BEE HIVE OCEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER The steamship Roanoke docked at the Callender pier yesterday after noon at 3:30 o'clock, and left out (or California two hours later. She took from this port the following passen gers: Commissioner Fred Moore and family, and G. B. Weiss for Eureka. Mr. Moore and familly go on to the other end of the Golden State. The steamer St. Helen's, lumber laden for the Bay City, arrived down yesterday afternoon, and went to the lower harbor; but it is not known whether she went over the bar or not but the presumption is that she did not, as that barrier was on its ugliest behavior all of yesterday. The Callender Navigation Com pany's flagship has been turned over to her owners with her new boiler and other repairs and is now in com mission again, making fairly satis factory trial run yesterday afternoon after almost eight months of idleness. The French bark Eugene Schnei der has arrived down the river and will load out square timbers from the Hammond Lumber Company's docks, for European delivery. The German ship Oregon was hauled to the lower harbor yesterday to be in readiness for quick dispatch as soon as the bar subsides. She goes to the United Kingdom with wheat, for orders. The British steamship Tymeric en tered this port yesterday morning from Union Bay, B. C, and went on to the metropolis, where she will load lumber, and finish at this port, for Australian delivery. Bill II Just received a carload of choice steers from Portland costing $1435. Have arranged to do our killing at T. S. Cornelius', and we are now in a position to supply Astoria with the choicest of home-killed beef at the following: Beef from 5c to 15c Pork at from 8c to 15c Mutton at from 8c to 15c Sausages at from 10c to I2Jc Hams at 15c Bacon at from 16 to 17 Jc Picnic Hams at 10c Lard, S-lb. pails 65c Lard, 10-lb. pails $1.30 Butter at 70c-75c Fresh Eggs 40c Fresh smelt arriving twice daily from Clifton. Plenty of chickens al ways on hand, dressed to order. The Elmore motor schooner Ger ald C, did not leave port yesterday for the Sileti, as was expected, and will probably get away today if the bar is passable. The steamer Sue H. Elmore, for Tillamook, is in the same fix, and has a full passenger list of 26 awaiting her departure for that coun try. The Hammond liner Geo. W. Fen wick, with an immense load of lum ber for Southern California, went below yesterday morning, but was deterred from going to sea on ac count of the turbulent bar. She came back. The handsome lighthouse tender jlommDine is coaung snip prepara tory to her departure for the Coos waters to deliver supplies and stores. She will probably get away on Sun day, as will most of the other bar bounds. The French bark Rochambean ar rived down yesterday on the hawsers of the steamer Ocklabama, and will depart for Europe with her big cargo of wheat at the first practicable mo ment The steamer Stanley Dollar should arrive down today or tomorrow from Stella, deeply laden with railroad ties for delivery in Southern Cali fornia. There are but 13 foreign bottoms listedj for the) Columbia river Jujt now, but several new charters are yet to be heard from in behalf of the winter grain fleet The steamer Lurline was down in good season yesterday and went away at 7 o'clock with plenty of business on both decks. The regular Coos ' liner Alliance will be down from Portland tomor row morning on her way to Marsh field, as usual. She will leave the Callender dock at an early hour. The steamer Argo is being fitted up for the accommodation of 30 pas sengers and will soon be ready to en ter that field on the Tillamook run. The steamer Homer is due down the river today, bound for the Bay City. The Norwegian steamship Selja will load lumber out of Portland for Oriental delivery. 684 Commercial St' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ?.3 M Yea Ha?a Always Bought Beam the Signature of j Special For Today Only ! II Regular 75c Wash Boilers will be sold TODAY ONLY AT 50 CENTS This is one of the best bargains ever offered in As toria. Only one boiler will be sold to a family. Come early as our supply is limited. Just received a new shipment oi Havlin's Hand Painted China. See display in our 9th St. window Watch Whose Windows for Bargains? WATER MA 1IHER0FCIII1IET GIRL SHOOTS DOCTOR (Continued from page 1) man whom she evidently believes ronued her datiRhter and later play ed some part in the tragic death of the young girl, but yet she played her nart as if it had been often calm' ly rehearsed in her thoughts and that she missed civins him death can probably only be ascribed to the fact that, woman-like, she was not fa miliar with the handting of weapons. Four times she fired point blank, and yet struck him only twice. The shooting yesterday adds an other tranic chapter to a case that already was full to overflowing with sin and tragedy, and with the misery of a mother who had seen her belov ed dauithted die in shame, betrayed by some one. The memory of the death of the young girl is still vivid in the minds of nearly every one in this city. Dr. Peacock was arrested at the time on a charge of having performed a criminal operation that brought on her death, and while he and his friends strenuously denied that he had any part in bringing about the death of the young girl, nevertheless it is perhaps apparent that the mother believed the physic ian to have been the man who wrong ed her daughter. When Dr. Teacock was brought to this city last evening, on the launch Adelaine, he was conscious. A mes sage had been sent into the city from Clifton at the instance of the wounded physician, asking that Dr. Henderson secure a lannch and come up the river to meet him, and anoth er message asking that Dr. Reames be ready at the hospital. Dr. Hack ling of Cathlamet accompanied him all the way, and also lent his services at the hospital. Dr. Henderson found that one ball had struck in the back at the lower point of the shoulder bone, and apparently had gone straight in. It was discovered just beneath the skin on the left side of the chest and removed without dif- fiulty, the wounded man not taking any anesthetic during the operation. Dr. Peacock had thought he was struck once, but at the hospital the ssurgeons found taht another bullet had struck his left elbow. This bul let had evidently struck the elbow at the Instant Dr. Peacock was falling, and had thrown op his left arm to steady himself, for as the ball enter ed the elbow it ranged downward along the upraised arm and passed over the shoulder, coming near the srface between the neck and top of the shoulder. It also was cut out with- Filma and Kodak, Supplies of all kinds just received at Hart's Drug Store. NEW TO-DAY Try our own mixture of coffee the J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mai" ya4iaasaa'SftSSa'asaaft4'4'ftSftsa'ai4,ftsa,S'S'Saoa4'$4ia4' J. H. Duncan has secured the agency for the famous Mt Hood Bottled Beer and asks you to try same when you order again; we fur nish a neat tray with the first order which is ornamental as well as useful. Your trade solicited. Phone 1271 Main. Take Advantage. We are offering a fine line of ladies', men's and children's shoes this week. Odds and nds but all first-class values at cost and in many instances greatly below cost. Come in today. CJias. V. Brown, the family shoe man. The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Rates very reasonable. Wood and Coal. -If vou want dry fir cordwood, in side fir, bark slab, or boxwood, ring up Kelly, the Wood and Coal Dealer, the man who keeps the prices down. Coal at $7.00 per ton in your base ment or $6.00 at yard. Main 2191. Barn, corner 12th and Duane. The Modern. The best and most up-to-date ton sorial parlor in the city is The Modern. Perfect comfort and service guaranteed to all. Excellent baths. The Proper Place. Go to the Occident Barber Shop if you are particular and desire first class service. Satisfaction guaranteed. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure anv case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. SO cents out difficulty. Last night the three physicians, Dr. Henderson, Dr. Reames and Dr. Uacklimr. aisrecd in pronouncing Dr. Peacock to be In a dangerous condi tion, though with a chance of pulling through. " According to Dr. Hackling and George Jackson, and a Mr, Martin, all of whom came down on the launch last night, the story of the shooting was a simple one. Dr. Peacock had gone to the post- office just after the departure of the mail boat and received his mail and a moment later he stepped into Cap tain Ingram's store. He stood near the doorwav of the store rending a letter, when suddenly Mrs. Longtaine stepped up behind the unsuspecting man. Without a word she pulled forth a revolver, with double action trigger, and fired four times with irreat raoidity. So close was she to her victim that his hair was slightly sinned with the powder, and one oi his cheeks was touched with powder marks.. The wounded man staggered and began to slowly fall to the floor, but he was caught tn the arms of one oi the bystanders. Mrs. Longtaine made no commotion or outcry, and neither did she make jmy effort to escape. Knowing that she could be found when wanted in the little community, no effort was made to apprehend her at first, and as the sheriff was out of the city a deputy was sent for. When the launch with the wounded man left for Astoria she was still at liberty but presumably was arrested soon after. At once the tragedy caused great excitement in the little citv. It has come as a great surprise, though that there had been threats of some such shooting Was known to Dr. Peacock, and one complaint had been made that the husband of Mrs. Longtaine had threatened the physi cian with deatn. mat was sumo weeks ago, and recently nothing had been heard of the matter. Dr. Pea cock was to have been tried at the February term of the Cathlamet court While at the hospital last niirht the wounded man showed great fortitude during the operation of re moving the bullets and said no word of reproach against the woman who had sought to kill him. His wife re mained at the hospital with him during the night, refusing to leave for an instant. Few cases have attracted more at tention in this section in recent years than the Madelatne Longtaine epi sode. The girl was young, of comely aDnearance. and it was her fate to die at the age of 17 years with her name enshrouded in what the world sometimes call shame. She may have been an innocent girl who had been basely betrayed. That was what her friends and relatives very evidently believed. But on the other hand while it was presumably evidently that her death had resulted from a criminal operation it should not be forcrottcn that many of those who were most familiar with the whole matter, vet were firm in their ex pressed belief that Dr. Peacock was not the aruilty man: perhaps there are very few if any who know the whole truth of the sad matter, and though the girl lies dead in her grave with many to mourn her untimely passing atoay, perhaps it should not be for gotten that the wounded, and perhaps dying man now at St. Mary's hospi tal, has denied his guilt with dignity and, in the minds of some, with great force. Mrs. Longtaine is a small woman, worn by toil, and apparently a wom an who has suffered and worried much. She is verging on old age. She was born in France, while her husband was born in Canada. Wheth er her mind has been affected by brooding over the lamentable death of her daughter is not known. Some conjectured last night that she had feared her husband would attempt to take the law in his own hands; or that she feared from rumors that a conviction of the physician on the charge brought against him seemed unlikely, and therefore acted on her own initiative. Wherever lies the real guilt of the terrible fate of the young girl, there is no question of the wide an3 deep sympathy that has been felt for the mother and her dead daughter. Films and Kodak Supplies of all kinds just received at Hart's Drug Store. . 1-0 rVi Nature intended man to be happy and to be able to give Smile All the While r rtrtL- ka1tiiV AiMren look at the healthy - ,m,ninJ win erf the nlcasurcs that come r iiiiiii ui wunwu ; w. .... r from perfect health the protection that wards. oii the excesses or me io-aay Jiirardelli's Cocoa the perfect food drink braces up the system strengthens .the Doay ana enmu the brain into perfect activity ( besides it pleases the palate, too. 30 cups of a delicious drink 25c it RIFLES TO FIRE BOMBS. Pekin was fortified; the Boxers held thebaic. Outside the walls of the city the allied legions clamored for admission, knowing that, within, the members of the foreign legation, for tified, in their turn, against the Chin ese, were waiting with breathless anx iety the arrival of the friendly armies. But the gates could not be rushed. Suddenly, three or four soldiers, in the Japanese uniform, dashed forward up to the gates. A shower of bullets greeted them. The hand grenades which they had hurled against the gates had exploded, battering them down. Pekin had fallen. Very recently at Faversham. Eng land, the representatives ! of eleven governments watched the testing of a new grenade invented by an F.nglinh man, Mr. Marten Hale. With this weapon, as demonstra tions satisfactorily proved, the sacri fice of the lives of those heroic Japs before Pekin would have been wholly unnecessary. Mr. Hale's grenade may be fired from a rifle. These advantages are therefore secured:, power, distance and range, and safety for the uer. It is adaptable to the service rifle of the various nations, and is propelled with ordinary cartridges. It may be fired from the shoulder or with the butt end of the rifle rest inc on the eround. The fire of the grenade does not in any way injure nor does it interfere with firing ball cartridges, nor in the use of the bayo net. It is capable of scattering twenty-four rectangular pieces with steel with jagged edges in all directions with great velocity. The concussion of the explosion would kill or stun any life within a wide radius. The grenades themselves weigh one pound six ounces, and six or eight may be carried on a waist belt without any inconvenience. The Japanese' made good use of the hand grenades before Port Arthur. Technical World. Guild Tea. Ladies of Grace Church Guild will hold one of 4he series of their after noon teas at the home of Mrs. C. S. Brown this afternoon. Friends are cordially invited. There is no case on record of a cough, cold or la grippe developing into pneumonia after Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken, as it cures the ' most obstinate deep seated coughs and colds. Why take any thing else. Owl Drug Store, T, F. Laurin, Prop., Folgers Golden Gate - Baking Powder. A Strictly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder Special the pound AcmeGrocery Go HIOK GRADE GROCERIES ,t $21 COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE U, ill m SCOW BAY BRASS & ANTOKIA. OKKUON ' Iron and Bras Founders, Land and Marine Enpinis. , Up-to-Dat Sawmill Mschlneiy Prompt attention given to all rtptJr . 11th and Franklin Ave. work. TL Main 24M I L.JJSL. .JJ-U. . ' U-U...J '-I1. JJU. JlOUUg-SiU fir, i Many little lives have been saved by Foley's floney and Tar, for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. It is the only safe remedy for infants and children as it con tains -no opiates or other narcotic drugs, and children like Foley's Hon ey and Tar. Careful mothers keep,a bottle in the house. Refuse substi tutes. Owl Drug Store, T. F, Laurin, Prop. Films and Kodak Supplies of all kinds just received at Hart's Drug Store. mi n v t n a m a w - saw Vi a . - w 'a it . i.-. m - a i Tlio Kind You ILave Always Bought, and viixUih im bwn in uso for over 80 yearn, has borao tlio signature of and Bum boon innde under id nr TrVV-: , Bono! BupcrvlHlou ninco ita infancy. f-cCCn Allnwnnfiiin rnlci.lvA v,n I., i,i " ...... .Ml, All Counterfeits, Imitations and" JiiNt-ns-guod" are but V Experiments that trifle with ftnd endanger tno heullh of 1 Infants and Children Experience agauut Experiment Notice to Telephone Subscribers. In order that none of the subscrib ers' names be omitted in the new telephone directory which is neces sary to be published previous to changing to the new system, there are several who have not placed their or der for the class of telephone de sired. Kindly call at our office and arrange for same as soon as possible as the new directory will be sent to press the latter part of this week. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. A. BRUNOLD, Manager. What Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It Is rieawtnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotfa substance Its age Is Its guarantee It (Ich troys "Worms and allays FevcrlHhnegs, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It afwlmilates the Food, regulates the Stomach und JBowcIm, giving healthy and natural bleep, The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend, .0? ( :,$ i'i fiB t ai mi .j. -m ur 'A The M You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. THI eiNTAU, MMMNV, t MUMMV STMCTt NIK VOIM I