t f FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1909. Busy Ai Bees d I. Iv i. S i s. -1 A WINNING SUIT is our good Teas and Coffees. The kind that suits the best trade, that makes a man thankful he's alive and trades with us- . . . ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. TMB MODEL FOOD STORE ifK mis or iee in I Nam Misquoted J lie Signature aDIIChded to (lie lei. Iter of commriiflutinii II At Biiem IMuuen Erma mid EvrWn i.i bull 11 VVrlrh la mt CbUm tii.r..t I llii. . ... - --. ...-.- c"u.; illuming mould lug hmuclf in ome of (he legislative bave read VV. Gilford Nash, and not matter proposed there. Marsh a It appear in type, Here From Raymond Ularle Wirkala. now of U but formerly of thi, city, 1 iprntlinu a day or two on husitie;; but we notice he ban to come over liut ahum o often anyhow; he ha i warm pot for old Atoria, and many, friendi nere to greet him. Brought 'cm Alon Tom Bradcn returned from ih ..... tropoliit yttcrd.iv with a carl,.id - - iih iimiit pick iroin a nig ioi mere, and it is probable they win an appear at an early date, drc- io oc.nn, on nn popular meat tail here, To Reside In Portland John Hrycc, tmokkerner for t-i... i ; . . ' rmvei, anil one ol t he hen Viw.un .i mostly highly repected citizen of Astoria, ha accented a nnsliion ' the new office to be established at Portland by E. Z. Ferguson (who i very unortiy to move there with hi. fnmily), and will go there with Xfr. Ferguson, much to the recrrf nt hi. many ineml in thin city. Final Paoei Final nanerl were erranted venter. day to Johan Hansen Vribcrg, native ot uermany. Mr. Laws Improve V Several of Mr. Laws' friend visited mm at M. Mary' hospital yciterday, and they found him in what appeared to be very good thape. He hope to ne udic io leave tne nominal by Mon- (lay. School Exams Kxaimnation In the public school will lie commenced in ome of the grade today, and will continue throughout neat week, They are for the end of the firm term, which end fcbrusry 3. Ordered To California It i laid that Maine Thnmm n Lamcresux, now in command at Fort Steven, in tin county, hat been or dered to Fort Rarrv. f'al . hut il ii nnl known Jul when he' will depart for nt new command. The boat building plant of Wilson nrothcr In very Active t)itp tinvn They are aettincr the eiiuine In the new 53-foot itcam launch for (he A.. toria Lumber Company, and will oon nave ner on the way; and in addi tion to till, are building quite a fleet of imiill craft for the comintr aea.on. ooin tun and pieanure boat. Outrage On Humanity Jimmy Strykcr, the genial Reward oi the ivamm liner Lurlinc, came within an ace of. freezing to death on Wednesday night going up the river trom tni port. Me ha, since the cold weatlier et in. been the nroud no eor of a pair of fine. fleecy ttiiti cy white blankets, wherewith he na wrapped hi gigantic form and mm nun down nmht v to hi ,.ti earned ret on board Him nr, Wednesday ninht thev were mi,. and a detailed earch of the steamer tailed to diicover them. The none oilier to draw on. a each offi cer i upnocd to have hi nrn,..r i. lotment, o Jimmy went to hi forth grieved, and given over to fierce rage iiint the thief who robhcl I.; ni hi treasure. In the morning, a he paed the tate room of Harry Blan chard, a glance throuoh the t.i door revealed that buxom individual, eomiortahly a!cep within, the prec ioul blanket unread flrrn.a hi. Ii (or o much of them a they might cover) and now there ii mi. coolne between the freiKJit and pa. ciiRcr department, and the commi nry of that ship. j PERSONAL MENTION fi ll id vur ROADS ARE IN URGENT NEED VV THOROUGH REPAIR NEW HOMES, , Basketball Aaain The telenhone bov. who were He feated by a team of the Athletic Club iue(iy evening, want their revenge and arrangement are under way for a return game, to be played in all probability next Tuesday night it the 'THntctlc.Uuh To Increaw Salary Kcpreieutative McCue hai intro duced a bill in the Home to inrrrane the salary of' the treai(rer of Clatop county to itw per annum. The bill ha patted the house and will now go to tne senate. Ladle' Nisht ' Last night wai ladies' night at the Athletic Club and there were a good' Iv number uretent for the clas exer. eise. The ladie have great tport in the wimming tank judging by the terrain and merriment (hat come from there they cem to have more tun out ot it than do the boyi. Odd Fellow Toniirht Member of the Odd Fellow and vlsltimi member are invited to at tend a social to be given tonight by the Gateway Social Club at Odd Fel lows' nan. For Deer. Channel The Senate at Waihimrton ve.iter. day adopted similar resolution offer ed by Senator Bourne and Fulton, directing me Secretary of War to maKC a survey and estimate for a 30 foot channel from Portland to the mouth of the Columbia. Plumbers. Plumbing tervice, 80 cent per hour, for all work in our line! See u; our price are reasonable and we guaran tee our work firat dais; a telephone call will bring our man to your home or builnesa. Phone Main 4061, 126 Eighth street. . Plenty of smelts every day at Braden-Adam Meat Market. See ad on page 4. A Bouncing Rutabaea John Larson, of the Lewi ft Clark country. ent in a tuperb JS-oound ruiaoaga turnio. of the Seurvi,, im proved variety, raised on hi li.i land farm out there, and bestowed it upon Sheriff Pomerov. It w.n . luicmu looking vegetable and they sy ii give a cieiicmu flavor to oea soup Want New Surety , In the matter of the estate ,.( Xhr. Cusworth, an insane woman, the nm. bate court yesterday ordered that her guaruian, a. u, Ualgctty, render an .. L ' iilflltlllllir 01 HIS trust at mire nn.l Uo Mcore a new bondsman. Since last January no acrountinu ho ke.n made and hi former bondsman, C. H. Cooper, is dead. It was therefore also rendered that he tecure honda in the sum of fKK). Attachment Filed Suit in attachment was tiled in the circuit court yestcrdav auain-it A Jaloff, the proceeding being brought oy tne Associated Cred tore rm. pany of Portland, who were the ai signee of two claim acainst the Jaloff store. The total amount Va.,1 for is $J()2.8S. Recently Mr. raloff gave a nut of tale to I. Berum.nn inr nit stock. Many Bills Presented Senator Scholfield has sent a num ber of bill to the Chamber of Tom. merce that have been introduced in ine fenate. guite a number were in irouucea by Senator . SchnlfieM A . usual there is simply deluge of bills uncreu, ami manv Of them eem tn be v.-orthlc or even harmful, and it i staid that in some instance those who introduce them hardlv I care wnai tney are about. W. H, Whitefield. n ..-a ..... . . ' . luiiwmi, was a DUSiness v tlnr n tin city yesterday. Manager Unttner of the W, Brewery interests, wat in the eii ... terday, on business for his principals. y mgiiiinigcr ol i-ort Stevens, a young soldier, in ill health, left nere yesterday evening, on leave, for not springs via the nisht omresn to rortiand. Kobert Finck of Fit n,.i. Urookhcld, was in the citv fnr , iiuur yestcruay afternoon. Fred Daley. siioerinten.l..nt i.. Portland-Alaska (Warren.' I'arlc i it u Company, spent the dav in thia eitv yesterday. William Larson wa in i,;. Lewi & Clark farm VCi.tei-.la., .... iuiiics irip. J. v., Demenwav of Portland c here ye.Merday on business and was oomicuea at the Occident. -' r.uinunus 01 I n in Astoria yesterday on a business "iirI. Harry Rotter, of Ti .1.- I. i ' . I Vl"K uic uay nere yesterday. .. A. Rarrett of Portland .ijr 111 11115 city yesterday. f . Uiiinson of the metronnli. . among the business visitor in this city yesterday. I. T Ti - K aown on the noon train yesterday ut.-ii: ..... . . . J tvuiiam .veikei of Yoncon, Y. T., one of the Alaska bonanzaires, a-' rivcq in tint city yesterday 1. quartered at the Occident. Me Meikcl has a number of friends in thi. city who will be clad tO oreet film again. Huge McGuire. of the Pneifie t. Company, of Portland, vat in city yesterday on business for his nouse. R. A. Abbott, road simervinnr nf road district No. 18, informed a re porter for the Atonan vetterdnv that from the Lewi and Clark draw bridge No. 2, to the cut-off road to wie sKipanon, is in bad eond it on n. ing to the recent high tides. He lays it Will be UII to the HnnnraM- County Court to put the road in snape a tne district has no funds witn which to operate in thin helialf Thi i the road that cut four mile irom the round-trio distance to the jeoast; and the roadway itself ha been movea irom a lew mche to everal feet out of line and requires nromnt attention on the part of the authori ties. A grand dance is to be eiven in the uwn nan ai SKinanon on net Satur day niulit. and the vonntr nennle o, all agog with the expectancy and I. cruu'H lur it. Miss Myrtle Thomas, teacher of district school No. 2 (and late of forest Grove), ha iust rioted eighth grade examination of her pupus, and reports hut one si,erei.fi young person out of the 38 pupils now 111 aiicnoance mere, a Miss Fay Nor man. S. T. Smith i just finishing up a icven-room cottaoe on his home nlae at Skipanon. And P. C. Warren, of xtr . . ..... ' vvarrenion,. is building a five-room nouse for rent at that place. VAUDEVILLE Friday Night a Comolcte Chano-P ThelProgram will be entirely different from the first part ui me weeK, MISS MAY .m.bgaj AmMa,, MuEvor M acoon... r j . ...v vi mc idicsi uug successes irom Comic Opera. M&-BEARD 'The Contortionist" will present something entirely different in the twisting and bending line. .. MR. HENDRICKS "The Popular Talkologist" will give you something to langh at as a "Knight of the Road" PROFESSOR FATT7APn will interest you with'something new in his Spirit Cabinet and several other tricks ituavu wiu pay you 10 SCC The Moving Pictures will be the best that can be secured and Miss Holland wilt render a new song Remember we give two shows every night, with a Matinee every Wed. Sat. and Sunday EYen'"g PrlCCS 5 a"d 25C' ' Matinee Pride8 Adults l5cChilgf" lOcfo any seat in house BJKii CHIGES ACTS TONIGHT REALTY TRANSFERS Kruse Caterinir Co. to Alice C An drew, lot 17. block 3. First Arlrlitinn io ucarnart i-arjc; S300. Kruse aterinit Co. to Effie An. drews,. lot 24, block 3, first addition to Cearhart Park: 300. Ed Hansen et al, heir; at law of Lorents C. Hansen Almli. alia Ijh. rence C, Hansen, to Ludwig Larsen, wesi leet ot lot 5 and lot 6, block 2. town of Long Banch, $50; also un divided half of lots 6. 7, 8 and 9, block w, .ew Astoria; $50.. Kruse Catering Co. to Edward M, Saunders and wife, lo't 4. Kruse's third addition to r.earhart rant; .'30. SAME POPULAR PERFORMERS WILL BE SEEN IN NEW ' STUNTS A WAR MEASURE. Chicago Professor Poses As A Knock er ot ranama CanaL WANDERINGS OF THE DALAI LAMA. AHUSEHENTS MILITARY DRAMA. Hot Drinks 1 . . ,.",.. ;. , , r Coffee and Chocplate. Sent Them Off Hsddv uiies K. Johnson, general agent for the .A & C. in this citv. h.n ret..r.,.j from his visit to Portland whither he went to witness the werl.ti'.. f .:. friends, H. R, Jenkins, the assistant general treight and passenger agent of that Hue and the "North rtnt, ami reports that he despatched Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins on their honemnn trip to California and the Grand canyon 01 tne Colorado. , Big Shoe Sale. We have a large assortment of odd and end in men, women' and chil dren's shoes which we sre clearing out at greatly reduced or ces. If vnn need shoe thi is the time to buy and save money. Chas. V. Brown, the family shoe man. ' A Tasty Spread for Daily Bread Sanitarium Peanut Butter More nutritious than meat Makes Delicious Sandwiches Scholfield, Mattson Co. phone 1181 GOOD GOODS . 120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET The Lieutenant and the Cowboy" at ftsiona ineatre Sunday Night The Lieutenant and the Cnwhnv" the new western military drama, which comes to the Astoria Th,. next Sunday night, should not be conotunucd with the ordinary clap trap mclo-dramn, for this is a play of Mcrnng wortn and is presented by an extremely canable better play can possibly be offered 10 Astoria theatre-goers this season, for the simple reason that nothing superior has been written. "The Lieutenant ami the rA..,i,..., :. . tense, heart-thrilling drama-; but so sanely blended tht the complete story clings in one's mind lon oftr .1.. , O ....v. UK performers are forgotten. It is by no means a "eun" nlav. hut t ti.t. , being fired during the four acts, and neither of them in view of the au dience. It IS, on the contrarv strictly high-tirade orodnction .it wortn the attention of our most eriti cal theatre-goers. The end of a wanderino nilurimaa. , o r'-o e.v com laramc to the Avion.m i.m.;,vi Papal history, the hegira in Moslem nisiory alio tlie lortv vears in h. derncss of Jewish ..history is worth he. corning, it happened Monday, when the Dalai Lama of Thibet, with 9 eara. van composed of 414 persons, 290 norscs, osu camels and eighty tents moved out of Pekinsr on his way Wi, to Lhasa. He left it four years ago, wnen tne Kritish co umn under ri. onel Younghusband penetrated and proiancu the capital of Buddhism. Since then, with a laree and lorwMv governed retinue, he has been wan dering from monastery to monastery ana trom City to city, across the Mon golian wastes and the interior pro vinces of China a costlv nuisance, a white elephant to officialdom, which has had to treat him with exaeeerat ed respect, the commander of a sort of combined Coxey's army and Douk hobor horde. Rollins stones gather no mose. on.1 the Dalai Lama goes back to Lhasa reduced to a status purely ecclesiasti cal, pledged to communicate with Peking only through the Chinese Resident, but invested with a new title, which has also a hint, that of bmcere and Loyal Sorcadcr of Ci vilization." He is exnected to snreari civilization rather than himself. Thus ends the most picturesque episode of the centurya combined exile, innket and sulk. . An entire chance of nrocram will be given tonight at the Bakeronian. Angela May, the contralto prima donne, of the Imperial Opera Com pany, who sang; herself into the hearts of her hearers the onenimr night; will give an operatic, comedy act, with the assistance of J. Louis MacEvoy: the lyric comedian also recenly, of the Imperial Opera Co. Miss May will be heard also in a new song of Anna Held's and she will wear some new eowns. that are esne- cially interesting to the female por tion of the audience. Mere man can admire and say they are "Stunning," but he can't tell what they are, or how they are. Mr. Simonton must have smiled to himself, when he secured Angela May for the ooenimr bill. a his head-liner, and he did not let the public into his confidence until the very day of her appearance: Both Miss May and Mr. MacE vov are wen Known comic opera singers; as well as "head-liners" in vaudeville on the big circuits. Elmer Beard the contononist will add to his reputa tion by way of new and difficult work. "Bob" Hendricks, who is the laugh provoker on the bill, will do a- weary w my" stunt that is full of ins u,uai good, clean, wholesome fun Trot. J-auzard will also make a hid for further appreciation in new addi tions of mystery to those already seen. Miss Holland will smc a new song and new striking life pictures will be seen. The Bakeronian orches tra will give popular new selections an with such an excellent, attractive bill, crowded houses should be the re sult. Don't miss this bill, "it's corker." CHICAGO. Jan. 28 "If the United States wants to build the Panama ca nal it should present to the neonl the only legitimate reason for the work and that reason is that 'It is undertak en simply as a war measure " So said Professor Frederick Stair in an address last nieht. attacking the government's method of carrying out us ranama canal policy. , He declar ed tnat the canal wonld alwav he a burden. 'The canal will not be ahle t com. pete with the Tehauntepec Railroad," ne said, l his railroad is in the center of Mexico and connects the Atlantic with the Pacific. It can transfer mer chandise cheaper than the canal will" Professor Starr called the proposed Pan-American railroad an "L'tonian dream1" which can never be realized. He asserted that a railroad frnm Alaska to Cape Horn was simnly an tair castle. ' I FOR BEST CANDIES Our stock of candies includ ing "Lowneys",. and "Gunthers" famous Choco lates are the best. ...Home Oade Candies... They are healthier ; and better and don'tcost anymore, ALEX "TAGG 483 Commercial St, Astoria. Or A. $ SEEKING HIS NERVE Chicago Motorman After Killing Sev eral people Ketires. KANSAS DAY. Film and Kodak SuDDlies of all kinds just received at Hart's Dnm Store. The Man Who Eat. The man who eat doe an with . expectation of being satisfied. To this end he seeks the best possible place to e ratify hi normal annetit the most rational expense. These ac counts for the steady stream of peo ple to and from the portals of the raiace Restaurant in this city. The reputation "of the Palace' i 'found.,! immoveably upon the certainty and amplitude of the service it renders every purse, and appetite, big and little. Open day and night. Com mercial streets, oooosite the Pacre' building. Wanted to Buy. , Wanted: Will buy a first-class fish boat with 10 or 12 horse power gaso line engine. Apply at once, George Caldwell, Tenth and Exchange. Attention, Odd Fellows! All members of Beaver I.onV Vn 35 and visiting Odd Fellows, are cor. dially invited to attend a social given by Gateway Social Club this evening at 8 p, m. By order of Committee. Chance to Save Monev. The shrewd buyer will visit the bio- - - -0 odd and end sale now srnntr m C. V. Brown's shoe store and lay in a supply of srood shoes for the chil. dren while the sale is on and save money. We also have some excellent bargains for the grown uos. Prices have been cut 'to cost and below. Subscribe to the Morninsr Astorian. Jayhawkers In Windy City Celebrate witn Banquet CHICAGO, Jan. 28,-Tomorrow is Kansas day in Chicaero and tomor row night the first annual dinner of the Kansas Society will be held. Among the speakers will be George R. Peck, Colonel H. King of St. Lou is, Charles S. Glecd of Kansas, presi dent Winchell of the Rock Island, President Harris of the Burlington, W, B. Biddle of the Rock Island sys tem, Frederick J. V. Skiff. Henrv Schott of the Kansas Citv Star and John Whitman. Miss Esther Clark ill recite her poem, "The call of Kansas." CHICAGO. Jan. 28. Four nerr.n. having been killed beneath the wheels of electric cars of which he was mo torman and two women having been maimea tor lite, L, A. Brodway is now taking a voluntary rest ."To re cover his nerve." Within another week he exneets to be at work again and says he trusts his car never will kill another nerson Me is not particularly sure of such luck as he says people seem to be tak ing greater chances with electric cars every day. In none of the accidents in which his car has figured has Brodwav been censured by the coroner. People generally take all kind of chances with electric cars. They completely disregard the fact that the electrics often are running faster than stetm ars. They jump in front of electric cars where thev would m've a steam train a wide berth." FII1E STATIiOMY AT Unheard of Prices "Astoria, Oregon," heavily embossed in gold on fine Persian linen; SO?, Special 34c Gold Seal cream finish, ruled, good value at Z5c Special, 12c. No. 772 Fine linen, 50c regular. Spec ial, 32C bOX. - "Comet," white ruled, 15c here, 20c at ome dealers, fecial 8c Famous Parisian Papier, linen finisk .aest style, 35c to 40c Special, 2c DOX. Princess Louise linen (the latest nov elty in paper regular 60c. Spec ial 27c Fever Sores. Fever Sore and old rhrnnie should no be healed should be kent in hpnlthv This can be done by applying Cham berlain's salve. Thi ol j,, superior for this purpose. It is also must excellent tor cnapped hancif, SOre niDoleS. hums and Hiceaeea tst the skin. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Marlborough Pound Paper, regular 15c for 24 sheets; special 102 sheet and 25 envelopes, 39c One-third to one-Kalf off on all other box paper. See prices in window. WHITMAN'S BOOK STORE Just What You Have Been Looking For Films and Kodak SuoDlies of. all kinds just received at Hart's Drug Store. . Boy Wanted. A good boy to work in orintinir office. Apply Astorian office. . Notice to Telephone Subscribers. In order that none of the subscrib ess' names be omitted in ' the new telephone directory which is neces sary to ' be published previous to chancing to the new system, there are several who have not placed their or der for the class of telenhone de sired. Kindly call at our office and arrange for same as soon as nossihle as the new directory will be sent to press the latter part of this week. racihe- telephone & Telegraph Co. A. BRUNOLP, Manager. , , Have you been having trouble to get a butter that vou could Henend upon always being good? "FERNDALE" is ,a brand that you can rely upon at all seasons of the year and every day in the year. Ihe reasons for this are: in the first place we use nothing but the very best quality of cream, no two or three weeks old cream in our goods, then it is made up in a scientific manner by one of the best butter-makers in the world, a man who is not only a graduate of 'he best dairy school in the United States but one who has had over 20 years of experience in butter making.. Then, too, our butter is clean, from the time the cows are milked until it is made into butter and packed in our dirt proof cases, we watch every stage of the handling and making in the most careful manner. Now which kind of butter had you rather use, the kind that is ma.ie of any kind of cream that can be bought, in rathe? an indifferent way hy . - butter-maker that does not understand the hygienic principals of butter making? Or would you rather have a butter that vou kn ;. ,,!,. t start to finish? Remember "FERNDALE" costs no' more than the other kind. : Talk it over with your Grocer and-see what he says about it. . , . : ' ' CARPENTER & CHANDLER, - ' Grays K, rr, Wash. 60 cents per month.