WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1909. THE MORNING ASTOUIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. The Daily Market Report PORTLAND, Jan. 26.-I'lsh deal en report Improvement In the market generally,- Tor the past three weeks the market hat been practically bare of fresh lalmon, smelt, crabi, raxor clama and many varieties of iniull full, the unusual weather and the bad condition of the Columbia and other itreama making it all but impossible for fishermen to operate at all. . Salmon fuhermcn on the Columbia are now tending in limited, offerings i of eteelheeds, which tell at 9 cents a pound, wholesale, and occasionally small consignments of Chinooks, which are quoted at 20 cents, but the supply In both lines is yet far from adequate and the trade Is still largely depending on froien salmon. Oranges Advanced 25 Cents. ' Orange prices were raised 25 cents box in the local market today, on the ttrength of reports from the South Indicating firm markets and an upward trend there and moderate sup plies now available here. Butter and Cheese Trade, f Reports were current on the street today that some of the city cream tries were shading prices to tome ex tent, but the leading makers showed no disposition to lower quotations and held that the market on the whole was in good shape. The cheese market continues very Arm, and while conditions now are apparently such as to warrant an ad vance, dealers say that a lift in prices now might have the effect of cutting down consumption. Drewed Meats and Poultry, In country dressed meats the sup ply was sufficient for the day'a de mand, but there was not excess, and everything worked off at yesterday's range of prices. Poultry was fairly active, receipts moderate and the former quotations were maintained without difficulty Egg Quotations Are Raised. The egg supply Is still short of the demand, and as a result Oregon ranch Lock sold freely at 42 to 45 cents today, even SO cents being quoted in some quarters. Receipts of locals t mounted to little, but there were matl offerings of Easterns and Cell- lornlas that relieved the shortage to some extent. California Truck U Scare. Supplies of such vegetables a come rom California at this time of the tear are now so low that the market light almost be considered bare. On lie street today there were moderate Iferings of local truck, and it will, be day or two yet before there will be Jnythlng like adequate supplies from he South. It is said that there arc few between 15 and 20 cars of South- o vegetables and fruits held back by ash-outs on the Southern Pacific in blifornia. WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain, Flour, Hay, Etc. Wheat Track pricea: Club, 92c; ue atem, $1.05; turkey red, 95c j red issian, 90c; Valley, 95c. Flour Patents, $5.25; atraighta, 20; exports, $3.90; Valley, $5.00; -4 sack graham, $4.40; whole wheat, 65; rye, $5.50. Barley-Feed, $26.50; rolled, $28.50 29,50; brewing, $27.50. Oats-No. 1 white, $33; gray, $32. Hay-Track prices: Tlmothy-Wil-jnette Valley, fancy, $16; do, ordi jry, $13; Eastern Oregon mixed B; do, fancy, $20; alfalfa, $1516i iverfc$14. MillstufTs Bran, $26.50; middlings, J; shorts, country, $31; shorts, city, ); chop, $22. ! Meats and Provisions, Hams-1012 lbs,, Mlc; 14-16 lbs., ; 18-20 lbs., 13lc. Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy 881e, Jinary 7c71c large 6c; veal, extra jg)10c, ordinary 78c, heavy, 6c; ttton, fancy 67. ; ; v Bacon Breakfast 17121c, picnics i; cottage roll, He; regular abort ars, smoked 13c, do unsmoked 12c; ar backa unsmoked 12c, do smoked ; shoulders, lie Urd-Kettle leaf, 10s, 141c; do, 5s, !; do 50-Ib. tins, 14c; steam ren- ed, 10s, 131c; do 5s, 14c; com- bnd, 10s, 9 l-4c. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Sutter Extras, 37c; fancy 3537c; re, 1820c. Cheese Full cream twins, 151 full cream triplets, 15J16c; sing America, 17c; cream brick, 18 be; Swisa block, 18Q20c; Llm- ger, 1820c. Eggs Select Oregon, 42S45c; Mem, 3035c, ' oultry Mixed chickens, 121l3c; Icy hens, 13131c; roosters, old ; broilers, fryers, 1617c; dressed Itry 1 cent per pound hlger; ducks , 1820c; geese, live, 10c; turkeys, , 1718c; dressed 2023c. Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh Fruits Oranges, $2.25(3.25; tangerines $175 box; lemons, $2,50 4,00; grspet, Spsnish Mslsgas, $6 7,00 per crate; pears, $1.251.50 per box, cranberries, $15.00 per barrel; bananas, $($SU per pound. Apples licit Oregons, $2.00(22,50; common, $lI.S0 per box. vegetables turnips, per tack; beets, $1.50; parsnips, $1,50; cabbage, $2.252.50; head lettuce, 90c $1 per doaen; cucumbers, $175(3 $2,25 per dosen; celery, 9Oc$l,0Q per dozen; artichokes, $1.40 per dozen; beans, 20c per pound; peas, 16c per pound; tomatoes, $1,50(22.25 per crate; squash, 2c per pound; peppers,' $1.75 per box; cauliflower, $1(21.25 per dozen. Potatoes Buying prices, $!(&!. 25, per hundred, sweets, $2.50 per hun dred. Onions Buying prices: $1.25(31.50 per hundred. ; CATARRH MUST CO And Hawking, Spitting, Snuffles Must Co Too Ilyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-mei) win give tne suiterer irom catarrh Joyful relief in five mintites. It is such a remarkable cure, and so positive in its action, that T. F. Lau- rin goes so far ss to guarantee It to cure catarrh or money back. A complete outfit, which consists of a hard rubber pocket inhaler, i bottle of Hyomel, and a unique drop per for filling the inhaler, only costs one dollar, and if an extra bottle afterwards needed, the price is only 50 cents. Hyomel is a healing, antiseptic bal sam, taken from the mighty eucalyp tus trees in the health-giving forests of Australia, where diseases of the respiratory tract are unknown. All the sufferer haa to do is to in hale the antiseptic air of Hyomel over the inflamed parts, where the germs are entrenched three or four times day. It cures coughs, colds, asthma, hay fever and croup without atomach dosing. T. F, Laurin, Owl Drug Store. WHATS IN A NAME? NEW YORK, Jan. 2S-A woman's call for "Meyer, Meyer, Meyer," to a boy whose attention she wished to attract, sounded like "Fire, fire, fire," to scores of people jn the Star Theatre in Lexington Avenue yes terday and soon nearly all the 2500 persons who were witnessing a mov ing picture show took up the cry and rushed for the exints. The police quieted the trowd and no one was Injured. Dont Take the Risk. When you have a bad couch or cold do not let it drag along until it be comes chronic bronchitis or develops into sn attack of pneumoms, but sue it the sttention it deserves and get rid of it, Take Chamberlain's coujh remedy and you are sure of prompt relief. From a small beginning the sale and use of it has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. Its many remarkable cures of coughs and colds have won for it this wide reputation and extensive use, Sold by Frank Hart and leading druggists. OF COURSE! OF COURSE! WASHINGTON", Jan. 26. -The senate committee on the judiciary yesterday voted to report adversely a bill requiring corporations engaged in interstate commerce to file with the commission of corporations state ments setting forth their financial condition, contracts and information concerning their organization and corporate progress, Stomach Trouble Cured. If you have any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamber lain'a atomach and liver tablets. Mr. J. P. Klote of Edina, Mo., aays: "I Lave used a great many different med icines for atomach trouble, but find Chamberlain's stomach and liver tab lets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Boy Wanted. A good boy to work In printing office. Apply Astorian office. Lame Shoulder Cured. Lame shoulder is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and quick ly yields a few applications of Chamberlain's pain balm. Mrs? F. W. McElwee, of Boistown, New Brunswick, writes: "Having been troubled for some time with a p in my shoulder, I decided to give I 'i berlaln's pain balm a trial, with result that I got prompt relief." sale by Frank Hart and leading dta gists. Bring in Your Want Ads ToDay TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE THE MORNING ASTORUN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Columns of THE MORNING ASTORIAN are con sulted every morning by hundreds of persons In search of real estate bargains. Articles of sals, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rates: Twenty words or leu ,tkree times, 25 cents; six times, 50 cents; one rrnoth, $2.00. HELP WANTED. WANTED A GOOD BOY TO work In printing office. Apply As torian office. WANTED-A GIRL TO DO GEN eral housework in smalt family. A(fply 127 Fifth street. i WANTED A GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; good position in family of three adults. Enquire at his office. i GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL houie work in private lamiiy; must be able to do plain cooking. Apply 749 Grand avenue, corner 17th St. i SITUATION WANTED. A YOUNG MAN WHO NOW HAS charge of one of the best known offices on the Coast wants to locate in Astoria; thoroughly experienced in installment or mercantile bookkeep ing; bank references or bond If re quired. Address Box No. 42, Port land, Ore. TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. Notice. If you want an exceptionally good brand of carbons and ribbons for your typewriter, see Lenora Benoit, Pub lie Stenographer, 477 Commercial street. ROOMS FOR RENT. 1 LARGE FURNISHED FRONT room to gentleman in good stand ing, bnquire ..'OJ commercial at, ii FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE, $10; 5 rooms, 2nd floor, $8; 4 rooms and bath, lit floor, $10; A-l location, Enquire vv. m. wnimey, iy yin. im a a ihi t A... FOR RENT-ROOMS. WANTED TO RENT A 5-ROOM house, modern, by man and wife; no children. Address O. M., Astorian office. tai LOST. LOST-A LONG KEY SUNDAY night; finder return to this office and receive reward. CITY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms up stsirs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial. 10-4-tf FOR SALE ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street; cosy corner; sa loon fixtures; 7 furnished rooms; price, $8500. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial. 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE HOUSE, TWO- story, $5250; one house, one-story, 2250( or both for $7000; property adjoins SE. cor. 34th and Franklin. Apply to J. F. Nowlen. WILL TRADE CITY LOTS FOR timber lands in Oregon or Wash ington. Mill Land Company, 713 Corbett Building, Portland, Or. iu FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT; A splendid bargain. For particulars apply to W. Knapp, 1873 Grand ave nue. I M VETERINARY COLLEGES. BULLETIN SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College now rrndy; mailed free. Dr. C. Keane, 1818 Market street. - it COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-RANCH AT SVEN sen, 25 acres; 8-room house; good barn and out buildings snd orchard; partially improved; $3000. Apply J. F, Nowlen. FOR SALE-1571 ACRES LAND, section 4, township 5, range 6, on Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street 10-4-tf SEVERAL FINE FARMS UNDER cultivation in the great Twin Falls irrigated tract; will trade for timber lands . in Oregon or Washington. Falls Farm Company, 713 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore, u, u RESTAURANTS. U. S, RESTAURANT, 434 BOND atreet. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond atreet, opposite Ross, Higgins & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents snd up. BATH HOUSES, BATHS-TURKISH AND RUS sian, at the natatoHura of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for lsdies; rheuma tism snd skin disesses treated with perfect success. 10-25-tf J- F. NOWLEN, REAL ESTATE snd Employment Office, 473 Com mercial St, Phone -. Hsve fine list of Astoria and country property, All clases of labor furnished. HOUSE MOVERS. FREDRICKSON BROS. W make specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. PROFESSIONAL CARDy ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GUSTAF A. HEMPLE Attorney-st-Law Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets JOHN C McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M. BROWNELL. At torney at Law, Deputy District Attorney- 420 Commercial Street. DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN. DENTIST. Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C LOGAN. DENTIST. Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg, OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS, OSTEO- path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street SWEDISH MASSAGING. TYRA KOHLANDER. ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements, physical culture and massage; office, 545 Franklin ave., second flat; hours: -11 a. m., 2-5 p. m., or Central Drug Store, Telephone Main 2181. NOTICE. Board of Equalization To Meet Notice is hereby kiven that special assessment roll number 184, made for the purpose of constructing a sewer on 17th street, from the North line of Irving avenue to the south line of erome avenue, has been filed with the Auditor and Police Judge, and numbered special assessment roll number 184 and that the Committee 6tt streets and Public Ways has been appointed a committee of the Council to sit with the Board of Assessors as a Board of Eaualization to examine, correct and equalize the same, and ; that Saturday the 30th day of January A. D. 1909, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. in the Council Chambers of the City hall has been fixed as the time and place of said meeting of said ! Board of Equalization. All objections to said assessment must De presented in writing. OLAF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Ore. Dated January 20. 1909. lOt NOTICE. ' Board of Equalization To Meet. Notice is hereby given that special assessment roll number 185 made for the purpose of improving Jerome Av enue, from the East line of 14th street, to the East line of 17th street, has been filed witlnthe Auditor and Police Judge, and numbered special assess ment roll number 185, and that the committee on streets and public ways has been appointed a committee of theCouncil to sit with the Board of Assessors to examine, correct and equalize the same, and that Saturday the 30th day of January A. D. 1909, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall has been fixed as the time and place of said meeting of said Board of Equali zation. All objections to said assess ment must be presented In writing. OLAF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Ore. Dated January 20, 1909. lOt NOTICE. Board of Equalization' To Meet Notice is hereby given that special assessment roll number 186 made for the purpose of constructing a Sewei on 51st street, from the South line o Cedar street, to the beach on the North side of Birch street, has been filed with the Auditor and Police Judge, and numbered special assess ment roll number 186, snd that the committee on streets and public ways has been appointed a committee of the Council to sit with the Board of Assessors to examine, correct and equalize the same, snd that Saturda day 909, the 30th day of Janusry A. D, l! at the hour of 2 o clock, p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City hall has been fixed as the time and place of said meeting of said Board of Equalization. All objections to said assessment must be presented in writing. OLAF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Ore. Dated January 20, 1909. lOt NOTICE. Board of Equalization To Meet Notice ia hereby given that special assessment roll number 187 made for the purpose of constructing a Sewer on Irving Avenue, from the man-hole at the crossing of Irving avenge and 11th street to a point 150 feet east of the east line of 11th street, has been filed with the Auditor and Police Judge, and numbered special assess ment roll number 187, snd that the committee on streets and public ways has been appointed a committee of the Council to sit with the Board of Assessors to examine, correct and equalize the same, and that Saturday, the 30th day of January A. D. 1909, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall has been fixed as the time and place of said meeting of said Board of Equalization. All objections to said assessment must be presented in writ ing. OLAF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge ot the City of Astoria, Ore. Dated January 20, 1909. lOt NOTICE. Board of Equalization To Meet Notice is hereby given that special assessment roll number 188 made for the purpose of improving Irving Ave nue from the East line of Snivela Astoria, to the West line of 40thstreet, has been filed with the Auditor and Police Judge, and numbered special assessment roll number 188. and that the committee on streets and public ways has been appointed a committee of the Council to sit with the Board of Assessors to examine, correct and equalize the same, and that Saturday the 30th day of January A. D. iyw, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall has been fixed aa the time and place of said meeting of said Board of Equalization. All objections to said assessment must be presented in writing. OLAF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge cf the City of Astoria, Ore. Dated January 20, 1909. lOt Notice. There is money in the Irving-avenue from 11th to 15th street fund to pay warrants Noa. 25417 to 25421 inclu sive. Interest will cease after this date. Astoria, Or., Jan. 18, 1909. THOMAS DEALEY, City Treasurer. S6e Quelle ELEVENTH STREET -Opposite the Bakeroniatx HOT CHICKEN TAMALES EVERY EVENING ) HOME-MADE, and of the choicest ingredients; put up under supervis ion that guarantees their perfect freedom from all deleterious matter. MRS. F. WOOLLEY PROPRIETRESS MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Justin See us Hildebrand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. SEE Younce & Baker FOR Plumbing-, Tinning;, Steam and Gas Fitting Prices reasonable and all Work guaranteed to be first class. Estf mates furnished. 126 Eighth Street, Opp. Post Office. - Phone Main 4061. Hit L3 .jm I carry the best Lowers' Shoes in town at the low est prices. My stock of men's and boy's hoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GlfflRE 43 Pod Sat HOT OR' COUD Golden I7esl Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORB. J. A. GILBAUGH & CO Undertakers ap Emhalniert Experienced Lady Assistant "When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton Bd. 12thand;Duane8U ASTORIA, OBE.GON Phone Slain 2111 Nature provides bat one CALIFORNIA It ia the natural winter home of many thou sands of the world's best people. Under the gentle influence of its snfld winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds, bathing, boating, fish ing, driving; such pic nics, parties and "jolli fications. :G0 T0 . Los Angeles, Paso Robles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, San ta Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica, Venice, Long Beach, Santa Cruz, or a score of similar resorts and you will find health, con ge ni at surroundings, hospitable associates, faultless accommoda tions and numberless attractions and con veniences. ' TheOeR.(aN.Co. CONNECTIKg'WITH The Southern Pacilic Co. Makes inexpensive round trip excursion rates to Cal ifornia. A six months stopover ticket Portland to Los Angeles and return ' is $55.00 Corresponding rates are in effect to other points. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cali fornia's winter resorts, and will take pleasure in giving you all of the information and assistance at our com mand. For tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on, tele graph, or write WM. McMURRAY, Gin. pss Agt Portland, Oregon. SHI Tea DENTISTS. Ell If you need any bridgework to be really well done, come here and be sure about it. The excellence of our dental work in this vicinity has woa us many past friends, because our patrons have discovered we are ex perts and excel in every department. of dental practice. We make a prac tice of painless extraction and supply the best of teeth, either on plates or bridgework. TEETH '" - Painless extraction 50c Silver fillings ...50c to fLC Gold fillings $1J0 op 22-K. gold crown ,...tiC9 Bridgework . , .............,..;;.$SXi Best plate made ...tie All nervous people and those that are affected with a weak heart can have their work done with no pais and danger. CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS, Over Daniiger's, Phone Mais 3231 Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m ; Sunday, 10 a. ta-12 m. Lady attend ant Swedish and Norwegian inter preter.' - MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes of HffiD TRXGSSAI CKmsX DOCTd Who is known out the Z?s United Sti States em .rill-" account of his won derful cures. No poisons or drags used. He guarantees to cure catarrh. ' asthma, lung and throat trouble rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female complain ta. and all chronic diseases. srjccxssm eomx nxATmx. If yon cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. tes c ea wo mzdicot co. 162 First St.. Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. PLUMBERS. 1.1 !Hi PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinier -AND Sheet Iron Worker KU. WORK GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street LAUNDRIES. NOT THE ONLY ONE We want it well known that ws don't compete with our fellow ciii sen, the "Chinee." Our methods bear comparison with his to his disadvantage. Have your laundry work done by the light of day. ' Your clothes will be pure, clean and satisfactory, if done here. TROY LAUNDRY s Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 TRANSPORTATION. The,,K" Line Steamer - Lurlins Might Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. ra. Leaves Portland Dally Except Surfer at 7 a, a. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor ft J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 278k 1 . J r ' 1