The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 27, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Established 187.
Publuhed Daily Except Monday by THE J. 8. DELUNCER CO.
Xr muL ner r rv
By carrier, per month ,, , ;t
lynS, pet year, in advance........ ....,$1.50
Entered at aecond-clas matter July 30 1906, at the pottofRce at Aitoria,
iregon, tmaer tne act ot congreit ot March 3, 1S7V.
Order (or the delivering of The Morning Astoriin to either residence
w piact oi ckjidcs may oe inaae ny poniai cara or inrocgn leiepnone.
Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office
made in Oregon, under the sanction
of its statutes, we shall confess our-
Oregon Increasing in cloudiness selves at the limit of calculation of
followed by rain in west portion; tne absurdities possible here,
warmer except near the coast. j Thm bu one WJy fof ,he m1.
TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM. n in 0rn t0 tscaPe ,he PrM
sure of the prohibition wave and that
The Oregon legislature is in ses- ls to uk th bns,nes 001 of P0l,,lcs:
aion, and the physicians of the state Noth5n short of iH SMe !t
are very much interested in estab-,The " Oregonian is not array
lishing a sanitarium for the exclus- ed linst th si,OOB 08 0,h"
Ive care of patients suffering from 6rcmnd- Mv ,hat trhsP. of com
ther.losii. So manv gcheme. . "on dy, and it can never be de-
more important to their promoters wnt nd remlin in PH,ic- The
than the health of the community will c,e,n ,nd 1uiet sa!oon JmitaMe
take time and available public funds, 'mrbere nearly; but the people
and unless the matter of a state sani- ,re tmn of the mf and in-
tarium is pushed with vigor and so!ent PoUneal dicta
tion, and the sooner the business di
ed to fall by the wayside. !w!s ,,seIf of ,his lh the l0on-
, er its troubles will be over, and not
until then.
a much vaster constituency than is
at present served, and for the grander
development of two splendid terri
tories long denied the essentials of
swifter despatch and valuable econ
omies in transiri.
hastening, and fastening the inevit 1 ru- a TnTI
t auc id li d 1 1 1 UC I 01 -UlII-
able in the way of liqnor prohibition, ; merce ha, $oundfd the k ,. o
m uu oic, . Dy me imrocuction fneAom ;n iu determination to in-
5ocQ measures as mat jusi tuea tftt , conference httwtta
in the Oregon House to divorce beer coast interts and those of th
1 I a
rvm ,n we pupi.c ana legal Infend Empirt in the mattfr of ,he
consideration and treatment of the handling and shipment of the pro-
""u""uun "aBC- 'ducts of the Columbia River basin,
Such procedure is calculated to set ia the mouth of the Columbia itself.
up Mrp wcuonai acimues in tne j the commoa interests of despatch
wo Krci ueparcmenis eoniriDuting an( economy.
to tne liquor side of the contest; of j Portland stands at its great gate-
OTng lne jeaiouss ana ammos- : way at the junction of tJje ,w0 grand
itiet of the two distinct trades and alleys and their rivers, not as the
s...uB lut PUu.uiuuun m nunareo champion of all concerned, but as the
advantageous handles where they'seifish arbiter of W W f th.
had but one; weakening the solid
front of the liquor forces and permit
ting the prohibitionists to win a fight
in easy detail, that might have been
hard to win against the allied agen
cies of the liquor craft
It would seem that the "interests"
are pretty badly "balled-up" when
they resort to such expedients as this
When they put the "hop industry" of
Oregon up against the moral and
social welfare of the whole State and
make a campaign cry of it There
has been many a stupid thing done of
growing commerce that must enter,
or pass, that gate; the whole country
up here is now convinced of this and
the movement to stamp out this im
pediment and loosen up the whole
range of possible activity and profit
to the tens of thousands who have
heretofore taken what share Portland
has permitted them, is one that will
commend itself to both sections and
bring new thought and energies to
break the monopoly that is holding
back a tremendous develoomenf.
Portland will fight every foot of
When a man becomes, bv election.
or by appointment, an officer of the
law, he becomes not only an agent of
the law but its chamuion. Its verv
letter, and last demand, falls upon
him as a garment, no fold of which
he may displace nor discard without
danger to his official record and to
the constituency, or power, which k
alted him. With him rests the ful
filment of the law: its exceotion
its specific departures, its abatements
and other overtures of excuse, or pal
liation, rest with the courts of the
land, and not in the whim or Judg
ment of the departmental officer.
Any assumption, or transgression of
these accepted theories of govern
ment, must work to the flat discredit
and disadvantage of the officer tak
ing it on himself to indulge them.
The law wont stand for it; the peo
ple wont stand for it; and the officer
who persists in it will come to his
reckoning sooner or later. The tra
ditions of the law are adamantine and
may not be assailed without reaction
upon the assailant. That is what is
meant by the term and text of "the
Thousands of Yards of beautiful Embroidery and Under muslins to go on sale
This we promise to be the best value giving sale offered the people of Astoria
in this season's creations of beautiful white and colored embroideries
Now on display in our windows
Edgings, Beedings, Insertions, Flowencings, Frontings, Skirtings
In all the new and delicate tints will be found in this sale
take advantage.
The tragedies of the sra are num
erous and heavy this winter on all
coasts; but fortunately their srriefs
are soon blended in the happier rec
ord of successes, and winnings and
discoveries of sure progress, ashore,
and afloat.
1 S" "V n -r-wk. y -- - -w
While we would not deprive the
youngsters of a single phase of their
winter sports in Astoria, the con
slant complaint filed at this office on
the score of sidewalks made perilous.
on the hill-sides, by glassy surfaces
due to constant sledding, has reach
ed a pass where some protest is in
order. The elders have some nirht
that even the healthy boy or girl are
bound to respect, and which even the
law itself may take cognizance of,
Make up your minds. Gentlemen.
that when it comes to facts in rela
tion to the jetty and the bar at the
mouth of the Columbia river. Uncle
Sam is going to listen to his engin
eers and agents first; after which you
may undertake to convert him, if you
wish to.
. ' ft " . -VJ 1WI 11
late by the whiskey and beer forces, water on the Columbia bar in excess
in the way of attempting to placate
and hedge against, the "wave" that is
known to be gathering for final sub
mergence of their cause, or at least,
for its sharp regulation. But this
new bill to make "fish of one, and
flesh of another" is the silliest ele
ment of their program we have yet
noted. It is in order for some bright
"statesman" .to follow it up with a
bill exempting wine from the range
of prohibition, and leave the distill-j
ers of the potent intoxicants, whiskey
and brandy to bar the weight of the j
battle that must come.
It looks to most men like a "run
for cover" on the part of the beermen
and does not comfiiend them as very
reliable champions of their cult. If
such a discrimination as this can be
of the river depths hence to her docks.
Take this for the basic proposition
and one has no difficulty in under
standing why the jetties have been a
score of years in building, and why
she has expended her few millions to
keep the river at bar depths all that
The scheme is a deliberate outrage
upon the inland farmer and wheat
grower as well as upon the ports of I
the lower Columbia; and the effort
to adjust it, late as it is. is as rational
What do we care where the shins
go to after they get inside the mouth
of the river? The supreme thing is to
get them to the Columbia river, over
a bar that will admit any tonnage
that floats. After that the most com
manding market in the basin may
have them. In fact, we might create
a market for them right here at deep
NORTH SIDE NEW Fisher Brothers Company
Uiml U. Williuawa. el Unco, to th accradlttd rtpmnutiTc l The Attortoa kid will
tokt cr of tit Ucais of orwt, order far mbwrlpUou and llklnd of prtatinf .
Iets, suns, moons, and asiroidi.
Judging by the success the young
Mrs. Charles Kerlee and son ief, tcin,i" h bad. the simplicity of i
.L - f ... , . . . I the Drincinal nl hla inifMntis,. '
me ursi oj me ween lor ininooie. I " - ..........v..,
Wash., to visit with Mrs. Kerlee's "1 "mPratively small cost of mod
sisier, Mrs. J. Jones.
mg by the Ilwaco Mill & Lumber mon ol wr-
Company after a shut-down of , aorainary
Miss Hannah Hughes returned cope' in iht 'nth century, it hat
and expedient now, as ever. We
hope to see the proposition go for
ward in a business-like manner to
the last extremity of recourse and re
lief; not to the deprivation of Port
land particularly, but for the wider
and commoner good inherent in it for
f W.RJ hi (toAn fii
w m v ! t w a a s 3 k - x m m i
mm m jomu. r m .mm
II vr
The Pirn ftnA T
- WW MHi
Secretary WiWnn v "n -f
"-7 - WV Ul lilV
objects of the law U in infer. h.
consumer of the prescence of certain
narmtui arugs in medicines." The
law reauires that thi ammmt n ,v,t
V. VII, V-
roform, opium, morphine, and other
naon iorm,.ig arugs be stated on the
label of each hortl Th m,r.
hirers of Chamberlains cough remedy
uavc aiwavs claimed fhn
" .viiir.
ay did not contain any of these drugs,
and the truth of this claim is now
fully proven, as no mention of them
is made on the label. Thi'c rm
not only one of the 'safest, but one of
the best in use for coughs and colds.
Its value has been nrnvrn hvnH
question during !ie many years it has
been in general use. For sale by
Frank Hart and leading druggists.
Absolutely Ture
lhe Only Baking Powder
made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Made from Grape i
A Guarantee of Pure,
Healthful, Delicious Food
Ex-Governor and Mrs. T. T. Geer
arrived in this city on Monday for a
weeks sojourn; and Mr. Conwell's
lecture at the Presbterian church on
Monday evening is reputed the best
thing of its kind delivered here in
years: We failed to meet Governor
nd Mrs. Geer, and we failed to hear
the lecture: Thus it will be seen that
even the ubiquitous reporter is up
against defeat, denial and depriva
tion, as well as the rest of humanity.
.mm nullum nugucs returned l -
Monday after a brief absence spent ben th drMm of ren Prt ot ,he
in Stevens, Wash. I scientific world to actually get a
Mr. Lee returned recently to his "mpse 01 ,ne th possibly ex-
home in Seaview after a several days' J,st on Mr and other planets; to
ccure tome ungible proof oi in.
telligent existence on the worlds
around ut.
But in Prof. Wood's telescope
there is no glassl Its reflecting sur
face its lens is mercur. revolving
' - - - n
mercury, that magnifies and magni
fies as the speed increases until it
brings the heavens down startlingly
close. While Pro(, Wood, like most
scientists, is somewhat reticent about
his invention, it is not hard to con
clude from his remarks that he has
great hope of its accomplishing as
tronomical wonders. Technical.
World Magazine.
visit in Portland.
John Adamson of Long Beach, was
a visitor to Ilwaco Monday.
J. H. McAfee returned the latter
part of last week to the Wireless Sta
tion at North Head from Portland,
where he spent a few days -on busi
ness. He was accompanied home h
Mr. Thomas who will fill the place
soon to be vacated by Mr. Haan, who
expects to be transferred to some oth
er station.
Miss Edith Smith of the Sand
Ridge spent Saturday in Ilwaco with
Marbour and FinlayiOo Salmon Twines and Netting
McCormicIt Harvesting Machines
Oliver Chilled Plougha .
Sharpies Cream Separator .
Raeeolith Flooring Starrttt'a Toola
Hardware, Groceries,; Ship
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid. Welck Coal, Tar
Aah Oara, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Braaa Goods.
Paints, Oils and Glass
Fiabennen'i Pur Manilla Rope, Cotton Twtoe and Seta W.k
Wo Wont Your Trade
ia the first law of nature," and the
first law of self-preservation is
health. Protect your health against
the common ilU, and keep well
by using
SCflff III BflASS I in rap
Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers
Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery Prompt attention given to all repair
HUh and Franklin Ave. work. TeL Main 261
Fever rores and nU
-v. VMIVIHV, out v a
snouicl not be healed entirely, but
snouiU be kent in hootth ,au:
is can be done by aDolvinir Cham
berlain's salve. This salve has no
superior for this purpose. It is also
most excellent for chaooed hami.
sore nipples, burns and diseases of
me skin. I-or sale by Frank Hart
and leading druggists.
Wood and CoaL
If you want dry fir cordwood, in
side fir, bark slab, or boxwood, ring
up Kelly, the Wood and Coal Dealer,
the man who keeps the prices down.
Coal at $7.00 per ton in your base
ment or $6.00 at vard. Main ?tot
Barn, corner 12th and Duane.
A very enjoyable time was reported
vj in., luigi. iiuillUi l Ul ucuijic Wnd I
attended the social dance given Sat-1 SbIi PrGSerVatlOTI
i.rnnv .u.ninn In . I. T t - I
" 1 "7 fc..iiiiR ,1, iitu upcra
house. Quite a crowd of young folks
from Long Beach were in attend
Festees Plumb of Chinook was in
the city for a short time Monday. He
drove home in the evening.
Miss Jennie Cox of Ilwaco spent
Sunday in McGowan, Wash., with re
latives and friends.
Leo Wise, Clark Hedrick and Rov
Herrold were among the pleasure-
seekers to visit the wrecked shin
"Alice" Sunday at Ocean Part
Dr. Barbour and wife passed
through this city the first of the week
from Nahcotta where they bad been
located for the past week.
I Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hawkins ex-
r " ru' oiut nine 11115 WC.CK I
for an extended trip to Portland and America's Greatest Military
me v.i4j ii i j 3 .Tjirings, (jr.
J. J. Brumback of Ilwaco and Capt.
Charles Stuart of tape Disappoint
ment, were among the Ilwaco visi
tors ot Astoria, the last part of the
Miss Edith Frerlcr.bere was in the
city Monday from Stringtown.
L. A. LoomU and son. F.ueene.
passed through Ilwaco Tuesday on
their way home from Corvallis, Or.
Mrs. Donaldson of Chinook was a
visitor to the city Tuesday.
C. L. Beaver, a former resident r,f
Seaview and proprietor of the
bourn Hotel returned recently from
Portland for a short business visit.
irst National Bank of Astoria
fold Er trrwbr. la boH 10c 4od 25c
... SUNDAY, JAN. 31....
acob Kamm""' W. F. McGregor G. a Flavkl
J. w. ladd S. S. Gordon-, t
2 $100,000
ourpius 25000
Stockholders' Liability ' ' ' ' ' " " , loo'oOO
J. 0. A. BOWLBY. President
0. I. PETERSON, Vice-President
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier
A Jm m " " ww, waiuicr
Tntuac,, , G.n Banking B.rinea. InUre.t Paid . Tu DU t
Four Per Cent. Per Annum
Eltventh and Duant 8ia n
And the
Ooo. R. Hatlson
Hiss Lorraine Keene
and an
Excellent supporting company
The Same Supberb Company and
Grand Scenic Investment
- - - w V AX
l wo years in New York
Three months in Boston
Two months in Philadelphia
Ten weeks in Chicago
PRICHt tl nn 7c- en.
verse for new plan- ' w,'vv' "" yuc C
I Seats on sale Saturday at BoxOflice
OCT MOTTO: All OUw, Cmllni,.
t.k- V B .
SFtChKat4eNs? WIS"""8
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Prof. Robert W. Wood, r.f .). IJUST
John Hopkins University, ha per
fected an invcnti(,n-Hased on a ,!!,.
covcry that may revolutionize the
present costly aml cumbersome
methods of MUflyinif the Mar an,l
exploring the uni
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
CQ2 CamniMrt.l St. .
Corner CommercUl and 14th. . aitopta nvr?mi