The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 24, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 1909.
t 7P
lite 6Wch in
In spite of the inclement weather
(her have been numerous social af
fairs and tliingi have been just as
busy at always In society's realm.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Enberg of East
Astoria celebrated their 25th anniver
sary of their wedding on last Satur
day evening in the roomy quarters o(
tli McGregor's mcis home which
was kindly turned over to them by
Mr. McGregor. There were A great
many of their friends present and tv
eryone who enjoyed Mr. and Mrs.
Eoberg's hospitality expressed them
selves as having spent a most delight
ful evening, I;"" T r
Mit Ines Deane of Warrenton,
Of., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C 11.
Deans was married on Saturday af
ternoon in Montesano, Wash!, to
Cspt John Wiley of the steamer Har
bor Queen. Mr. Deane, father of the
bride, (gave . hq tway. Her many
friends wish her I J tig and ' happy
married life.
Mrs, Jennie Reamea of Klamath
Falls, worthy grand matron of the
order of the Eastern Star of the State
of Oregon," arrived in Astoria on
Wednesday tor the purpos of visit
ing lbs local lodge at its meeting o
that evening. Her visit to Fern Chap
ter waa an official ona and there was
an exemplification of the work fol
lowed by a banquet
The West Astoria basketball boys
gavs a dance last evening in Logan's
hall It was something oew is the
form of a "Skldoo" dsnee. There wss
good crowd and the music which
consisted of a six-pjeee orchestra waa
very good.
The Redmen of Hammond gave a
dance last evening In their ball at that
city. Thera- wss good j music; and
everyone bad a good time.
the Dorcas Society of the First
Lutheran Church held its regular
monthly meeting on' Friday at the
home of Mra, Herman Petersen, at
SSO Duane atreet. Many members and
friends were present.
On Monday evening .Mrs. Netion
Troyer entertained in honor of Miis
Msrie Uttinger who left on Tuesday
for Seattle to visit with ber brother
who la at work in that city. - Cards
were played during the evening and
the gift price was won by Miss Nellie
Utrlnger, she holding , the highest
hands in cards." There were quite a
number present Including the D, M.
C D. and few others and everyone
had an excellent time.
On Wednesday last Miss "Nellie
Lsrsen celebrated the twelfth anni
versary of her birth by playing hos
tess to many of her young friends.
There waa a pleasant time provided
Added to the Long List due
to This Famous Remedy.
Camden. N.J". "It ia'with rileasnre
that I add my testimonial to your
already long UhI honing that it may
Induce others to avail themselves of
I tills valuable modi
nam's vegetable
Compound, j gtlf.
fored from terrilile
headaches, ruin in
my back and right
side, was tired and
nervous, and so
weaklcotild hardlv
stand, Lydio ti.
Piukham'sVeim ta
ble Compound re
stored me to health
and made me foul like a new person,
and it sliall always have my praise.''
Mra. W. P. Valkntink, 002 Lincoln
Avenue, Camden, N. J." , ,
Gardiner. Me. ''I was a trroat suf
ferer from a female disease. The doc
tor said I would have to go to the
hoHiiltal for an operation, but Lydia E.
l'ltikham'a Vegetable Compound com
pletely cured me In three mouths."
Mum. H.'A. WttUAMs, It. F. D. No. 14,
ljox 30, Gardiner Mo. .
JjccnuRti your wise is a difficult one,
doctors having done you no pood,
do not continue to sulVer wiihoul
giving Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable
Compound a trial. It surely has cured
many cases of female ills, such as in.
tlammation, ulceration, displacements,
fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic
pains, backache, that bearing-down
reeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner
vous prostration, ; It costs but a trille
to try it, and the result is worth mil
lions t many suffering womon. ......
VHf.: .
for guests by playing games, followed
by dainty refreshments. The little
folks present were Mities Alice
Hoover,'! Louis Abercrpmbie, ' Mil
dred Copeland, Nora Willct, Alice
Rarick, Elizabeth Stral, Annie Stral,
rauline Harris, Pesrl Gimre, Ruth
Clmre Henrietta Paulson, Virginia
raulsun, Gertrude Pederson, Lillian
Haukins, Doris Diamond, Doris Hoe
Her, Edith Davis, Bertha Coe and
Edith Spandcr, and all wished the
little liosteas many happy returns of
the day. ' 1 -a.
num iieien layior entertained a
f t . ' V4 a
few friends la it evening at her home
in honor of Miss Florence and Ada
Kendall, two charming young girls,
formerly of this city but late of Port
land, tf,.
Dr. Emit Enna will give his recital
under the auspicea of the Memorial
Lutheran church and judging from
Dr.' Euna's popularity in this, city it
is expected thst there will be "Stand
ing room only." The recital will be
given in the Congregational church
on Exchange street on Wednesday,
February 3rd. . ' j;
The members of the Wik Wik club
were nicely- entertained Thursday
evening by Miss Pauline Kopp and
Mrs. Chas. V. Brown at the home of
the latter on Harrison avenue. Than
first on the program waa the election
of Miss Winifred Van Duicn as
president to fill the vacancy caused by
the designation of Misa Ellen Nowlen
who will leave next week for Port
land to enter the training school for
nurses at the Good Samaritan hospi
tal. The colors, shell pink and leaf
green were chosen as the emblem of
the club. A game of five hundred
was then played and the first prize
wss captured by Miss Drain, while
Miss Louise Psrker was the; happy
inner of the connotation prise.
Miaa Jessie Jcwett left here Thurs
day evening for rortland,wher$ she
will visit friends for few daya and
on Tuesday leave for New York to
begin rehearsal work in a new opera
of John Phillip Sousa which the com'
pany wilt produce in the principal
European cities this season.. Miss
Jewett has been here for a month,
visiting her mother and other rela
tlves and during that time has given
her voice a complete rest, much to
the displeasure ' of her numerous
friends, who would have liked once
more to have heard her sing.
On Friday evening, February 5th,
at the First Presbyterian church,
musical program will be given under
the auspicea of the young women of
the Westminster Guild. The Instru
mental numbers will be a novelty, in
that they will , consist entirely
music written for two pianos. The
ensemble artists. Evelyn and Erma
Ewart, of Portland, have been study
ing with Mr.' Gilford Nash; for five
seasons and he speaks in the highest
possible terms of their great musical
talent and ability. - These two young
artists hsve already a host of admlr-
era in Portland where their musical
careers are being watched with in
tense interest. Astoria Is to be con
gratulated upon the opportunity of
bearing them. Miss Irene Simingtqn
whose delightful voice has so often
been heard with pleasure, will contrib
ute two groups of songs.
; Lame Shoulder Cured. "
Lame shoulder is usually caused be
rheumatism of the muscles and quick
ly yields ' a few ' applications of
Chamberlain a pain balm. Mrs. r.
W. McElwee, , of Boistown, New
Brunswick, writes: "Having been
troubled for some time with a p m
my shoulder, I decided to give I
berlain's pain balm a trial, with
result that I got prompt relief."
sale by Frank Hart and leading dta
gists. ' ' " " : ".-
MANILA, Jan. 23 The launch-men
nd lighter men of Manila harbor
have struck for higher wages and
shorter hours. They also demand
various other concessions from ship
owners. Shipping has been partially
crippled by the strike. There is
possibility of. the trouble extending
to the coast where a strike was recent
ly averted. Extra police precautions
have been taken.
Mt Hood Beer Try it
You would not delay taking Foley's
Kidney Remedy at the first sign of
kidney or bladder trouble if you real
ized that neglect might result in
Bright's disease or diabetes. Foley's
Kidney Remedy corrects irremilan,
ties and cures all kidney atid bladder
disorders. Owl Drug Store, T. F.
I. utrin, Prop.
NEW YORK, Jan23.-Mill!onaires,
of which this city has more than
fifty per cent of all now known to be
in existence in tbis country, may soon
be clawed with deer, ducks and other
legal game in an effort looking to
ward their preservation. The propos
al is niiAle by Appleton's magazine to
establish a closed season, similar to
that which preserves other game, to
protect during a certain number of
months each year the unfortunate pos
sessor of a fortune which runs into
seven figures or more. Unless this
is done it is asserted the millionaire
will follow the buffalo and the fast
disappearing water fowl into extinc
tion as a result of the persistent man
ner in which he is now hunted by the
indefatigable muck-raker. The sug
gestion, however, is made, not in be
half of the millionaire, but instead for
the benefit of the novelists, magazine
and newspaper writers of the coun
try. As a source of magazine litera
ture the man of money and his com
mercial enterprises have, been such
that the market is in a fair way to be
overstocked with literature dealing
with this subject. As a result it is
now proposed to establish a closed
season of six months each year for at
least three years, during which the
millionaire may not be muckraked
nor, to make matters even, indulge, in
memoirs, reminiscences and the like.
Under such a procedure it is believed
that the quotations on "millionaire''
articles will rise materially, as a re
sult of which writers throughout the
country will not be deprived of their
best scource of revenue. . Unless
something of this sort is done, it is
asserted in all seriousness, the multi
millionaire so far as magazines go will
soon become an extinct issue as a re
sult of the present unregulated meth
od of exposure.
One person out of every twenty
was arrested during the past year in
New York, a figure which establishes
a new record foe police activity in this
city.. During the twelve months just
ended no less than 244,822 persons
were "pinched" by the blue-coated
guardians of the law, as compared to
20O772 arrests in 1907 snd 186,671 in
1906. In other words the proportion
of the total population which falls in
to the hands of the police is increas
ing much more rapidly than the total
population. The increase of 44,150
arrests last year over 1907, on a basi
of one arrest for each twenty of popu'
latlon would represent a total increase
of nearly 1,000,000 in the latter respect
a figure which is of course many times
too large. While the criticism has
been made that many arrests have
been made uselessly, the figures cov
enng' convictions in this connection
hardly bear this out. In 1906 the to
tal number of convictions waa 95,114,
in 1907 it had increassed to 111,002,
while in 1908 it was 140,904, a larger
proportion of arrested persons being
convicted than ever before. While
the expense of, securing these convic
tions is large that of maintaining the
various branches of the police service,
is enormous. The figure set" for the
present year is $3,267,500 among the
items which it covers being twenty ad
ditional automobile patrol wagons, i
clubhouse for policemen covering i
block, and a riding hall for the use of
the mounted service. Altogether the
New York cop, would seem to be
justified In his local appelation as one
of "the finest." :
War has broken out in the ranks of
the woman suffragists who have been
unusually active here lately, and curi
ously enough, the cause of the troubles
which now threatens to disrupt the
ranks of the advocates of ballots for
women comes from the accession of
recruits from ranks of the wealthy
and fashionable which was expect
ed to add greatly to the strength of
the movement in favor of votes for
women. Among the most active of
the organizations supporting this
cause has been a league made up nom
inally at least of women wage-earners
and led by Mrs. Harriet Stanton
Blatch, who is well-known as a stiff-
age advocate. ' When some of the
women of the Four Hundred in search
of new fads announced their support
of the plan to invest women with ballot-box
privileges, Mrs, Blatch organ
ized a separate and exclusive associa
tion for their benefit with Mrs. Clar
ence Mackay as President. Thereup-
Ion the wage-earning women denoun.
ivu mji9, vitiii, uksc, uiijf iiicui
ill favor of her new-found fashionable
friends whom they insisted were not
1,1. ....(. .i
really in sympathy with their efforts,
while the wealthy members of the
new sssociation began to whisper tliat
Mr Blatch and her trade unionist
were reaiiy socialists. Now the con-
trovmy is becoming open and bitter
with the prospect that the question of
the. ballot-box will be" lost ' sight of
altogether in the shower of personal
recrimination that has broken forth.
All of which goes to show what a mer-
ry thing politics will be if women
ever uu garni wic rigm w vuic.
Provided one has the price-and this
applies to about everything in New
York-the out-of-town visitor can now
come to this city with only the clothes
he stands and if he puts up at one of
the big Broadway hotels' finds cloth-
ing and everything else he needs for
any. occassion without going outside
the building. This is all a result of a
new practice adopted by the great
caravansaries on Longacre Square,
the centre of the white light district,
and in striking contrast to the condi -
tions pf even a decade ago when the
he needed or else go out and hunt for
it. In this day of grace things are
changed, however, and the man who
comes to town on short notice with
out baggage can have his wants at
tended to without stirring outside his
room. Several of the leading hotels 1
now carry always on hand for use of
... ... . i
their out-of-town guests a large sup -
ply of evening suits, either with tail
coats or dinner jackets. The subur
ban visi'cr P'.nv sIo obtain such
ihingi a' a "rvnk i which in whic. o
ship home his purchases; chaperons
for solitary women; interpreters for
foreign guests; ministers, doctors,
trained nurses and operating rooms;
bath robes, slippers, tooth brushes
and the like. Last but not least in
the list is the department especially
maintained for animals where pets
are checked with the assurances of
perfect and expert care. Nothing but
lions, tigers and elephants are refused
according to one manager, the two
former because they are too danger
ous and the latter because he is too
big. The Hotel Astor has even insti
tuted a register for dolls of its juve
nile guests.
It has remained for a New Yorker
to confer upon an expectant and long-
An Attractive Modern Cottage.
A Good Home at Moderate Cost Can Be Built For
$2,200 to $2,500.
Copyright, 1904. by Georf
L Ji r- -41... ' iJ1b 1 -1 ' ,
; t P""" . 1 j
MtJ ' "" ; (' IIHrpr' '" TTST
Hllp - - 1
The residence shown in the cut Is at
out, yet can be constructed for the moderate sum of $2,500 or even for less.
Dimension of the structure, 28 by 35V4 feet The nrolectlon of the front norch
adds six to eight feet to the length. , Height of eelHmj In Hrst floor nhia foot?
aecond story, eight and a half feet, and depth of cellar, which extends under
the whole house, seven feet With a foundation of stone and the rest of the
building frame, this bouse can be built for $2,200 to $2,500. The first story is
covered by siding; second story, gables and roof shingled. The estimated cost
Includes three coats of paint outside, three coats of blaster over th hni
Interior, oak floor and staircase In the hall and the rest of the trim pine, fin
ished natural. Furnace beat : GEORfiK v PAtxrm . anw
J suffering humanity one of the great
j cm iiivcimuiis wnicn inc worm nas
ever known- nothing less indeed than
an iinti-iioring device. When the
great dtcds of the year 1908 are tabu
lated it is probable that this patented
machine which will make snoring im-
possible will lead all the rest. Up to
the present invention has not been
placed on the market. The man who
evolved it, while he has demonstrated
J its efficacy to his own satisfaction,
has not yet been able to find anyone
capable of manufacturing it so deli
cate is its mechanism. Until auch
a date as he shall be able to produce
in commercially ine invenior reiuses
to' disclose any details
( his machine In the meantime like
( other men of genius his path is a
.thorny one. lie has been arrested
and baled to court by a creditor who
accused him of trying to escape to
Brooklyn. The inventor protested
'however that be was merely going to
look over the most promising field in
the world, next" to Philadelphia, for
his invention, and was accordingly
released. The field for his invention
is practically unlimited, he claims,
j since his first move, once the appari
I tus js on the market, will be to secure
its installation in every berth of every
sleeping car in the country. He is
said to have the backing of various
persons of means in this city who
have been convinced of the value of
his invention and if this is true the
year 1909 is likely to mark the final
elimination of snoring. The inventor
i has offered a reward to any snorer
; whom his machine cannot suppress.
Too Many Banks, And .Far .Too
Many Criminal Indictments.
mer 'G. Taber, formerly
of the United States Bank of Los
Angeles, former president of the
International Bank at Searchlight,
Nev., and now president of the San
Deigo Bank & Trust Company,
was taken into custody in San Die
go this evening, according to word
received by the sheriff and will be
brought here and then taken , to
Lincoln County, Nevada, to answer
19 Indictments found by the grand
jury, and said to involve approxi
mately $750,000.
It is said only those indictments
saved Taber from having to ans
wer to a serious . charge in this
W. Payne t Son, CarthnS. 111.
- -
once attractive and modem tnslfl ana
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
"My Country Sweetheart"
Illustrated song between Acts
J Prices, Evening, 15c, 25c,
- . ,-.;? ' ' T -....
..SUNDT, JAM. 31....
America's Greatest Military
,.s.., Drama - - -
I "The
f Lieutenant
Geo. R. flatlson
niss Lorraine Keene
. and an ,- .
Excellent supporting company
The Same SuDberb Company and
Grand Scenic Investment .
Two years in New York " . . :!
Three months in. Boston
Two months in Philadelphia
i Ten weeks. in Chicago
PRICES, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c
Seats on sale Saturday at BoxOffice
county of embezzlement of $40,000
worth of telephone bonds from U.
S. Grant, Jr, of San Diego.- This
transaction was completed when he
was president of the West Side
Bank in this city, according to the
was ready to issue a warrant oa an
the arrest of Taber when the requisi
tion from the Governor of Nevada
At the same time that Taber was
taken into custody, Sv K. William
son,' fonnerely cashier of the West
Side Bank and Cashier of the Lin
coln National Bank of Searchlight,
was arrested in Pasadena and
brought to , this city and locked in
the county jail.
Dont Take the Risk
When you have a bad cough or cold
do not let it drag along until it be
comes chronic bronchitis Of develops
into an attack of ptteumoriw, bst
it the attention it deserves and get
rid of it Take Chamberlain's cough
remedy and you are sure of prompt
relief. From a small beginning the
sale and use of it has extended to ail
parts of the United States and to
many foreign countries. Its many
remarkable cures of coughs and colds
have won for it this wide reputation
and extensive use. Sold by Frank
Hart and leading druggists.
Mt Hood Beer Try it
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian,
60 cents per month.
Plate Racks, Wall Pockets,
Music Racks Clock Shelves
Just In See us
Hildebrand & Gor
Old Bee Hive Bldg. i
Color blending of Furniture,
Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork,
Walls, make home life happier.
Our expert decorative specialist will
visit your city soon. Without obli
gating you he will discuss the fur
nishings for your new home..
Write for pmiculiri .
J. G. Mack & Co.
Furniture and Carpets
Singh Room Turnishtd fattejull) ..
m i-rT "T
35: Matinee, 10c and 25c
may always be expected from a square
dealer. We deal in Squares and every
other essential for Carpenter, Stone
Mason, Plumber or other handicrafts
man.. And the . Tools' we sell are all
on. the square, accurate, strongly
made and ohe very best and most
reliable materials. All trades sup
plied with all necessary Tools. Also,
we Carry general Hardware lines of
the best qualities at the most satis-,
factory prices. -
Uiltinery Sale
1 am cleaning out my stock
of Hats, Hair Switches,Sliirt
Waists, Notions, Etc., at
greatly reduced prices.
Mrs. R. Jngelton
Commercial Street f
Opposite Budget Office
U6e Quelle
Opposite the Bakeronian
HOME-MADE, and of tht choicest
ingredients; put np under supervis
ion that guarantees their perfect
freedom from all deleterious matter.
Golden West
1 'Just Right
The Cornelius
"The Koase fit Wtlcome"
Corner Park and Alder,
A hotel where the North
west people will find a hearty
welcome and receive
Courteous Treatment
at moderate prices. ,
Our free Omnibus mee
all trains.
-ft, f
Under management of N. K. Clarke
C W. CORNELIUS. Proprietor.