The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 23, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1900.
Establkhed 187X
Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINGER CO.
By mail, per year $7.00
By carrier, per month .6C
Br mail, per year, in advance....... , $1.50
Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1906, at the postofike M Astoria,
Orefoa, vnder the act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence
r olsce of business may be made by postal card or through telephone.
Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office
f publication.
Oregon, Washington, Idaho Rain.
Multnnmihans. otherwise. the
good people of Portland, along with
the bad, are gagging a bit over the
alleged "joker" found in the general
port bill introduced by Bean, of Lake
county; and are freely charging the
Clatsop delegation with having in
spired the smooth little "knock-out-
drop." In order the emphasize their
own peculiar innocence in the prem
ises and convey, the impression that
they never even suspected sich a
thing in the high and honorable
course of law-making at Salem, they
got Campbell of Clackamas to make
the awful discovery and announce it
This he has done cleverly enough, and
there is uproar galore in the south
wing of the capitol
Portland objects to being done out
of her sheer and unquestioned con
trol of the Columbia river, and of the
Willamette, and will fight the bill
to extinction rather than permit the
shadow of a chance being given to
any other port on the rivers (or the
coast, either, for the matter at that)
It is the same old fight for supremacy
. in a field where a half hundred
towns may one day compete with her
for the direct commerce of the two
gTeat valleys. God only knows what
she will do when the north shore
towns and cities rise up and assert
themselves along the Columbia, for
neither the jurisdictional right, nor
At all events she ia going to hog
everything in Oregon, and the new
port bill is doomed. We are guiltless
of having had a thing to do with the
measure down here; even our com
missioner, Hon. Herman Wise, had
nothing to do with the work of
Messrs. Flanders and Clark and never
attended a meeting of the commis
sion appointed to confer on the gen
eral up-lift of the Oregon ports and
for the preparation of legislative mat
ter in that relation. But he did ap
prove the bill in question which was
sent him by his colleagues.
We have established our own port
by initiative and !t is well founded
and quite invulnerable to any attack
from Portland; and we shall employ
it. not in derogation and denial of
Porltand, but as a shield against her
encroachment; and right here we de
sire to congratulate the voters of
Astoria on the wisdom' they evinced
when they set up the Port of Astoria
at their last election; they have put
the port in invincible shape and are
free from any complications that may
arise in this ugly emergency at Salem;
and this fact exculpates our delega
tion from all suspicion of interest in
the injection of the cruel little "joker.
We hope the bill will pass, joker
and all; it will be a lesson that, in
days to come, will induce Portland
to make friends of her sister-cities
rather than, gradually, to divest her
self of all honest and friendly con
cern throughout the civic realm of
her own influence, can save her then, j
and the day is certain to come when I The Morning Astorian still insists
Washington will assert her dominion j that the closing of the right-of-way
at our front doors and all the odd
turmoil of a mis-directed ' Eastern
winter. The rain we have with us
still, and it is one of the best, health
iest, most practicable exterminators
of all the rest of the climatic imposi
tions that we know of. and never fails
us. Astoria is alright and getting
better fast!
The timely suggestion is made that
the soldiers returning from Cuba af
ter a long stay should not take part
in the exercises of March 4 without
careful attention to their clothing as
related to the weather. This warn
ing should be general. The inaugural
date in the calendar has a range of
over 70 degrees and is a snare for
A London paper declares that
reciprocity treaty between the United
States snd Canada wilt surely bring
about the absorption of the Domin
ion by this country. fl If that should
ever happen what a lot of new stars
would have to be added to the flag.
A Buffalo paper says the second in
augurai ol Governor Hughes is one
of the best speeches he has ever de
livered." What a handsome conioli
Messina sufferers are beginning to
apear among the tramps, but if they
tell a glib story the natural inference
is that they are not genuine.
It is quite evident that Senator Till
man and President Roosevelt would
never be able to work harmoniously
on the same newspaper.
Are the Republicans proud of their
victory?" asks Mr. Bryan's paper.
They are mighty well contented, but
unable to say surprised.
A state legislature that wastes time
at the start is certain to find itself
embarrassed in essential matters as a
session nears the end.
A Boston pnysician nas an exag
gerated idea of prosperity. He rec
ommends that each adult eat a dozen
raw eggs daily.
along these lines as fiercely as Port-4
land is asserting hers now. It is, per
haps, Portlands idea to "ham
string" the spirit of the lower river
on both sides and be in impregnable
dominance when that day comes; but
we are of the opinion that she will
miss her guess.
January 23, 1908
Curtain 9:00 p. m.
Chas. A. Miller, (Inc.)
James A. Heme's
Great American Home Play
Shore Acres
New in It's Fifteenth Year of
With the Eminent Character Actor
And the much talked of
"Shore Acres" children
The Greatest Ladies and
Children's Play Ever
Prices 25c to $1.50
S6g Quelle
Opposite the Bakeronian.
HOME-MADE, and of the choiceat
ingredients; put up under supervis
ion that guarantees their perfect
freedom from all deleterious matter.
for the Oregon Coast Railway is the
commanding element of public con
cern here; that this enterprise, if
judiciously handle4 "will do more to
wake people and things up around
this city an county than anything in
prospect In other words, it is the
biggest and best proposition now
before our people and has more of
definite promise than anything touch
ed by the Chamber of Commerce in
the past two years. We hope the
route will be cleared very shortly and
the last deed in its behalf filed with
out further delay. This will bring the
matter squarely to the financial issue;
and if there is failure there (which we
have not the slightest ground for
believing), we may go boldly into
other moneytary camps with a sound
and practicable proposition and seek
the bolstering rarely denied such it-
pendable overtures. It ts bound to
win out on its own logical merit, and
no man should stand in its way, and
we do not believe any man in Clat
sop will do this.
Astoria is on the westerly marge of
the storm-center set op by the ele
ments in the Northwest this winter.
We are getting our full share of the
ice and snow and wind, and natural
ly, of the rainfall. Luckily, we are at
a point where water congestion is
impossible; we have no fear of de
vastating floods here, because of the
spread of things down this way and
the near resort of the boundless sea
which generously absorbs accesses of
all kinds and leaves us free, safe and
We do not disparage the rain; that
s one of our elemental perquisites
and we have no desire to see it
abridged nor diverted. We need it
all; it goes to make our exquisite
summers and those creations arc
among our proudest boasts and
standard joys; without them we
should be lost, as would tens of thou
sands of tourists and pleasure-seekers
each year. Even Portland has no
recourse but to admit the superlative
beauty and perfect comfort of the
Astoria summer.
Therefore, for the nonce, we are
willing to put up with the rare adver
sities of frozen and busted water
pipes; of slushy streets and slippery
hill sidewalks; of drifted snow banks
There Will be Very Few Dyspeptics
Here After This Remarkable Prep
aration Becomes Better Known
Hndreds of Men and Women
Here Are Now Suffering IJnnces
sarily. Does it ever occur to you how
busy that little stomach of yours is?
It actualy only holds three pints,
though in one year you force it to
take in 2S00 pounds of material, di
gest it and prepare it for assimila
tion to the blood. Do you wonder
at the number of cases of Indigestion
and Stomach trouble. You crowd it
with steaks and pastry, irritate its
juices witn spices ana acias ana ex
pect this little four-ounce will to do
its work.
Is there any wonder that your
food passes undigested, or lays like
a lump of lead in the stomach? That
everything you eat turns to acid,
Stomach gas and Stomach poison,
putrefying the intestines and diges
tive canals, causing Biliousness,
Headaches, Dizziness and Indiges
tion Heartburn, nauseous Breath,
constipation and other more danger
ous symptoms?
Call your disease what you will-
Indigestion, Gastritis, Nervousness,
Dyspepsia, Catarrh of Stomach, etc.
you know the real name, the real
disease is fermentation of the food
you eat a sour Stomach, which
belches gas and erupts undigested
food or causes a feeling of nausea
and miserableness.
All these miseries vanish prompt
ly when you stop this food fermen
tation. Take SO cents to your Phar
macist for a case of Pape's Diapep
siu. Eat a triangule and five min
utes later your Stomach will do what
a healthy Stomach should that is,
turn every bite you eat into bodily
nourishment and without you realiz
ing that you have a Stomach. One
triangule will digest 'all the iooi
you eat without the aid of the
stomach, because it contains just the
elements found in a' good, strong,
healthy stomach. ,
NEW YORK. Jan. 22 -That the
public kissing of popular heroes
and the showering of attention on
freak musicians, of which this coun
try has had numerous recent exam
pies, is a form of hysteria and a re
vival of Tarantism, the strange con
tagious disorder that spread over
southern Europe during the four
tcenth century, is suggested by the
February number of Appletou's
magaaine in an article by Dr Pierce
Bailey, an eminent authority on
nervous diseases. It is pointed out
that Tarantism was characterized
by dancing, jumping and throwing
about of the arms. Today it would
be recognised as hysteria, the dis
order by which the higher part of
consciousness loses control and be
comes more or less subordinate to
action. In the days when the my
tenous disease to which the name
Tarantism was applied spread con
sternation through Europe, the
whole population 06 villages,
schools and convents often was af
fected and the trouble was attribut
ed to all sorts of occult causes, to
wihehcraft, and to the direct influ
ence ol the Devil.
Modern hysteria, however, mani
fests itself even more generally in
mental than in physical actions. It
accounts for innumerable fads and
queer cults and the Appleton article
points out that the sending of flow
ers and letters of sympathy to brut
al murderers by women ordinarily
refined, are manifestations of the
same tendency to hysteria. Occas
ionally, in tha present day, a hyster
ical wave sweeps over a whole com
munity, just as it did in the four
teenth century epidemic of TaranS
ism, as when practically the whole
population of London went wild
over the relief of the small garrison
at Mafeking in South Africa, dur
ing the Boer Mar, and indulged in
riotous demonstrations that des
troyed hundreds of thousands of
dollars worth of property and brou
ght into use a new word "mafe
king," to describe such outbursts.
leads to a hysterical state of mind
is pointed out as explaining many
of the reform fads of the moment
Many of these depend upon an ex
aggeated and misdirected emotional
ism as in the suffragette outbreaks
in London and the agitation in this
country against vivisection of ani
mals. These agitators seek to prevent
the largely imaginary sufferings of
dumb animals used in scientific in
vestigations to determine the cause
and cure of diseases in spite of the
fact that such experiments are di
rected to the relief of more general
and widespread suffering among
human beings. An examination of
the mental attributes displayed by
movement which was made recent
ly by a well-known scientist show
ed that these tallied almost exactly
with the- recognized- symptoms of
Star Course.
Russell II. Council, of Philadelphia,
Monday night at the Presbyterian
church at it o'clock. "No reserved
scats. Those who may have misluid
their tickets may state the facUat the
door and be admitted. General ad
mission, 7$ cents; students of llit;h
Sehool, 25 cents. Tickets for the re
maining three numbers, of the course
may be secured at the door for $1,50.
Conwell, Dunbar Bell Ringers, April
16th; Governor Johnson of Minnesota,
April 26th. The bringing of a Star
Course to' our city is not a money
making enterprise. The whole course
costs us $700. Conwell alone costs
$225. About $60 must yet be secured
from single admissions to pay for the
Course. Don't Miss Conwell Mon
day night. ia.
First Methodist
At 11 a. m, the sermon theme will
be "Prayer." The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper will be administered at
the close of this service. At 7::30 p.
m., District superintendent W. H.
Hollingshead, D. D., will preach. The
subject advertised by the pastor for
this service will be given on next
Sunday evening. A cordial invitation
is extended to the public to attend all
services. C u Karick, pastor.
'Christian Science.
Services in rooms 5 snd 6, I. O. O.
F. building, corner Tenth and Com
mercial streets at 11 o'clock. Sub
ject of the lesson sermon, "Truth.1
All are invited. Sunday school Imme
diately after the close of the service.
The firs Wednesday evening In the
month at 7:30. Reading rooms same
address, hours 2 to 5 daily, except
First Norw. Ev. Lutheran.
Sunday school meets, 9:3Q a. m ;
morning service at ions; bngntn
Bible class every Sunday evening at
6:30; evening service at 7:30. The
choir assists at all evening services.
You are cordialty invited to attend.
Theo. P, Neste, pastor.
'Norwegian-Danish M. E.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday school, 10 a. m. Scandinav
ians cordially invited to worship with
us. O. T. Field, pastor.
A Horrible Hold-uo
"About ten years ago my brother
was 'held up' in his work, health and
happiness by what was believed to be
hopeless Consumption, writes W. R
Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C. "He
took all kinds of remedies and treat
ment from several doctors, but found
no help till he used Dr. King's New
Discovery and was wholly cured bv
six bottles. He is a well man today
It's quick to relieve and the surest
cure for weak or sore lungs, Hemor
rhages, Coughs and Colds, Bron
chitis, La Grippe, Asthma and all
Bronchial affections. 50c and $1.00,
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by
Charles Rogers and Son.
CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Admiral
"Fighting Rob" Evans, retired, will
be in Chicago, February 16 to deliv
er an address on his famous trip
around the Horn with the Atlantic
battleship fleet.
A Religious Author's Statement
For several years I was afflicted
with kidney trouble and last winter
I was suddenly stricken with a severe
pain in my kidneys and waf-fined
to bed eight days, unable'. jet uo
without assistance. My ui con
tained a thick white sedimei. and I
passed same frequently day and
nif?ht. I commenced taking Foley's
Kidney Remedy, and the pain trrad-
ually abated and finally ceased and
my urine became normal. I cheer
fully recommend Foley's Kidnev
Redemy. Owl Drug Store, T. F.
Laurin, Prop.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock, "The
Healing Art" Evening worship, 7:30,
"Malpractice." Miss Reba Hobion,
choir director. Male chorus at night.
All invited. Wm. S. Cilbert, pastor.
Alderbrook Presbyterian.
Sunday school, 10:30 a. m.; preach
ing, 11:30 a. m ; Christian Endeavor,
6:30 p. m.; preaching, 7:30 p. m All
strangers and people who have no
regular place of worship are most cor
dially invited to make this their
church home. Robert J. Diven, minister.
Memorial Lutheran.
Minday school, 10 a. m.; morning
service, 11 o'clock, theme 'The Power
of Healing." Evening service at
7:30, theme "A Peculiar Trait in the
Character of St. Paul." Service, cor
ner of Tenth and Exchange streets.
All are cordially invited. Gustaf E
Rydquist, pastor.
If you will take Foley's Orino Lax
ative until the bowels become regular
you will not have to take purgatives
constantly, as Foley's Orino Laxative
positively cures chronic constipation
and sluggish liver. Pleasant to take.
Owl Drug Store, T. F. Laurin.Prop.
CHICAGO, Jan. 22.- "Formerly
of Kansas" people in Chicaao are
planning to celebrate Kansas Day,
January 29 the anniversary of the
state's admission to the Union
... .. .
wnn a dinner. Among those ex
pected to speak are Eugene Ware,
George R. Peck, B. L, Winchell,
F. J. V. Skiff, and John Sebastian
Piles Cured in 0 to 14 Days
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed
to cure sny case of Itching, Blind.
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to
14 days or money refunded. 50 cents
lillinety Sale
1 am cleaning out my stock
of Hats, Hair Switches,Shirt
Waists, Notions, Etc., "at
greatly reduced prices.
Mrs. R. Ingelton
Commercial Street
Opposite Budget Office
rrrVA n
Food h
more tasteful,
healthful and nutri
tious when raised with
?uw Am
The only baklnjf powder made
from Royal Grape
Cream ol Tartar
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
"My Country Sweetheart'
Illustrated song between Acts
Prices, Evening, 15c, 25c, 35; Matinee, 10c and 25c i
First National Bank of Astoria
Jacob KaiuT W. F. McGregor G. C. Flavbl
J. W. Ladd S. S. Gordon
Capital $100,000
Surplus 25,000
Stockholders1 Liability 100,000
J. O A. BOWLBY, President
0. I. PETERSON, Vice-President
J. W. GARNER. AssImmi Castor
Transacts Osnsral Banking Basinets Intertst Paid M Tims Depos l
Four Per Cent. Per Annum
Eleventh and Daan fits. Astoria, Ortgtt
OUR MOTTO: "Saftty Supercsdes All Other CooaldsraHost"
Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers.
Up-to-Dat Sawmill Machinery Prompt attention given to all repair
tlth and Franklin Ave, work. TL Main 3441
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