FZ3 ie gut wumm ARE DOGS DAILY LIVELY LETTER FROM NA TION'S METROPOLIS OTH ER ITEMS OF INTEREST A',EW YORK, Jan.20. That death ?r. danger lurk at every turn of t street traffic on this congested island is beine impressed on all New York ers to-day in the form of official ac cident reports for the old yearwhich nave just been made public. With some five hundred victims killed outright among the fifty-five thous and casualties set down to street and railroad cars alone in Greater New York for this one year, the careless erowd of Gotham is being confronted in a practical way with its most press ing problem of the new year. When each day brings more than one death and broken limb, each two days a fractured skull and each week a leg r arm amputated in the whirl about the tracks of this town, the added hazards of breakneck driving, rush lour riots and theatre jams are mak ing the general list of the city's slain and maimed . up into the hundreds each day. One man in twenty is due to fall before the highway juggernaut in the new year, the figures show, nnlcss speedy steps are taken to suc cor the helpless wayfarers at the crossings. 1 TAX TRICKS. Though hundreds of the wealthiest men of the town have just been shown to be conspicuous through V Specials For January j 30 per-cent Off on Cut' Glass and Hand Painted China 20 per-cent Off on Decorated Harviland China lO per-cent Off on all other goods in the Crockery Department a V. ALLEN aft J 9 ww - COFFEE i R7i. Ail I 1 I ! I Jf wpo) JOJ Uooen nn: their absence on the published tax rolls, crowds of beleaguered million aires are to-day thronging the city offices in their annual attempt to be little the value of the trifling tracts of real estate which they have been discovered to own. Last year over a billion dollars in personal tax as sessments were vigorously sworn off in one month by these thrifty citi zens and this year their anffliety for tax immunity on tangible holdings is even greater. As a moral measure of the citizenship of Xew York this annual tax list shrinkage is of much more value than as any real index to property possession. Though the in dications to-day point to a dwarfed increase over last year in taxable property, observers are counting the process more of a moral than a physi cal valuation. The pitch to which a lean year may work up the wealthy to swear off taxes is well known in this town where the spectacle is one of the most shameful of the year. LOBBY LOUNGERS. In the height of the cold wave from the west a pitiless crusade against "chair warmers" has been undertaken to-day by the management of one of the older hotels here. By placard, suggestion and even by force whole detachments of the professional lob by loungers are being sent into the cold outer world for no other reason than that they cumber the places in tended for the paying guests of the establichment. While this movement is being viewed with f alarm by the army of genteel indigents, whose ( principal daily function is to protect lobby settees from the cold, the gen eral traveling and paying public is hailing it with joy. BULL'S BRAVERY, That a wrangle of doctors should have obscured the splendid spectacle jjai i llx& 40c CAN , Branca union wyu a m Store. of Dr. Bull's fight for life even for a day is being sadly regretted among the family and friends of the heroic surgeon to-day. Now that the red tape of professional etiquette has been adjusted, however, the public continues to watch with unflagging interest this most remarkable exhibi tion of personal and professional pluck. Months ago the newspaper! set a "death watch" over the distin guished patient whom the very sci ence he excelled in had given up. Each night reporters have waited hour after hour for the lest news from the sick room and the Bull "obit," ready set, has stood at hand to be slid into the presses at a sec ond's notice. Each day New York ers have scanned their papers for the unwelcome news and each day a few lines of type have recorded only a daily bulletin of unchanged condi tion. After such a brave struggle the final news will strike the public all the harder, if it comes at all. TAXICAB TRICKS. With two ordinances introduced before the aldermen to-day calling for a square deal from the treacher ous taxicab, the people of Gotham have at last tackled one of the worst pests that has descended upon Man hattan Island in years. To risk life and limb in these noisy, malodorous conveyances New Yorkers have long objected to paying the face value of their erratic clock dials. Slippery asphalt utilized by equally slippery chauffeurs has been found to accom plish marvels in miles of recorded but untraveled distance. Other tricks of the taxi trade are to be searched out for the victims of their remark able revolutions, if nine-tenths of the population can have their will upon this unpopular system of rapid tran sit. A Religious Author's; Statement For several years I was afflicted !with kidney trouble and last winter I was suddenly stricken with a severe pain in my kidneys and was confined to bed eight days, unable to get up without assistance. My urine con tained a thick white sediment and passed same frequently day and night. I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Remedy, and the pain grad ually abated and finally ceased and my urine became normal. I cheer fully recommend Foley's Kidney Redemy. Owl Drug Store, T, F. Laurin, Prop. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month. NORTH SIDE NEWb Mitt I. M. Wltllamaoa. ol Ilwaco, to lta KcrolitcO rcprMnUUn at Thi ArtorUa al will lakt care of all Itcau of acwa, ordcra for aubacrlpliona and all kinds ol prlollof . ILWACO i Mrs. W. N. Simmons, and her son, Nelson Simmons, who have been 'spending the past few months in Davenport Wn., with relatives re turned home the latter part of last week. Geo. L. Mosher, of the Nasel, was a visitor to Ilwaco, the first of the week. Mrs. C. E. Kerlee, returned home Monday from a sereval days visit to Olympia, Wn. and to Portland, Ore. Mrs. Wilson Graham, left the first of the week, for Treadwell, Al aska, to visit with her sister, Mrs.J. F. Tompkins, of this place. James Vaughn, returned to his work, on the Nasel, Monday morn ing, after spending several days with his wife. Miss Buelah Slingerland, returning to her home in Oysterville, Saturday, after spending a few days with Isac Wheeldow, and family. Geo. L. Col well, of Astoria, was in the city the first of the week on business. Mrs. Ed. Hawkins, and Mrs. Ross Williamson, accompanied Mrs. W. Graham, to Nahcotta, Monday, re turning the same day. J. A. Howerton, and J. A. Hybar ger were visitors to Fort Columbia Monday, where Mr. Homerton made some repairs on his telephone line. Marion Smart returned to his work in South Bend, the latter part of last week. His father and family are con templating moving soon to South Bend where there is more work to be had. Vm, Samnlcs. Fred limes, and Joe Markham, who were forced to come home, during the recent cold W. returned the first of tnis week to the Nasel.where they are en gaged in logging. Mrs. J. L. Vaughn and her daugh ter, Miss Mabel Hughes, are mak ing preparations, to leave next week for Portland, to visit for a few weeks with relatives. Joseph Smith, of Fairbanks, Alaska arrived the first of the week, for a visit with his aged father, at Long Beach. coat so So) Ka) (r (3 05 Mr. and Mrs. A. A Scaborg, enter mined, at whist, - Monday - evening, the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hawkins, Misses, Edith Whit comb, Mabel Hughes, Cora Hawkins, Myrtle Williamson "and Edith Vaughan; Messrs. E. Porter, Ar thur Hawkins, and D. Markham. The prizes for the best players, lady and gentleman, were awarded to Mr. Ar thur Hawkins, a box of cigars, and to Miss Cora Hawkins, a pair of em broidery scissors. The booby prize which was a lemon was awarded to Mr. Markham. Mr. Case was a visitor to Ocean Park Monday to view the wrecked ship, "Alice" He returned the same day. Owing to a wash out on the Ilwaco Railroad, Tuesday morning, the stea mer Nahcotta, landed 'at the I. R.&' Co's dock in Ilwaco with her pass is due to the recent large tides. L. E. Loomis, was a business visit or to Ilwaco, Tuesday. , Vnn would not defav takimr Foley's KlAnev Remeriv at the first sien of kidney or bladder trouble if you real ized that negiect might result in Bright's disease or diabetes. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects Irregulari ties and cures all kidney and bladder disorders. Owl Drug Store, T. F. L lunn, Prop. DIED AT 106 YEARS. YUMA, Az., Jan. 20.-Mrs. Rose Silas, the oldest inhabitant of Yuma died yesterday at the age of 106 years. she waj the first T.oman to settle in Yoma nut the first house in the his tory rf the city was built by her upon permission of the military authorities. ft still stands on a hill near Territori al Prison, its walls intact. Manv little lives have been saved by Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. It is the only safe remedy tor infants ana ennaren as 11 con tains no opiates or other narcotic drugs, and children like Foley's Hon ey and Tar. Careful mothers keep a bottle in the house. Refuse substi tutes. Owl Drug Store, T. F. Laurin, Prop, Commercial Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Marbour and Finlsyson Salmon Twiuea and Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Plough Sharpies Cream Separator Raccolitb Flooring Starrett't Tool Hardware, Groceries,;, Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pip and Fitting, Bras Good, ' Paints, Oils and Glas Fishermen's Pur Manilla Rope, Cotton Twin and Seta- Wb We Want Your Trade FISHER BROS. BOND STREET MtWHtHMMMUHMMttmtMMMHMIiM THE TRENTON j PitCT.riac f mini find ffirfnrt t 102 Cora I Corner Commercial and 14th. Fast Freight .Service Daily Service Via THE A. a;c. R. R. CO. Through merchandise Cars from Portland to Astoria leave Portland at 6 p. in. Every Day exceptSun day. All less than carload shipments delivered at Freight House before 4 p. m. will arrive in Astoria at 9:5o p. m. For further information call on 0. B.;J0HN50N, Oen'I Agent A. & C. R. R. 12th St, near Commercial St ASTORIA, OREGON. If You Are a Trifle Sensltiv About the size of your shoes, it' some satisfaction to known that many people can wear shoes a size smaller by sprinkling Allen's Foot-E into them. Just the thing for Dancing Parties, Patent Leather Shoes, and for Ml 00 is mr dil Stmt . , ASTORIA, OREGON ; breaking In New Shoes. When rub bers or overshoe become necessary and your shoe pinch, Allen' Foot Ease give instant relief. Sold Every where, 25c. Sample FREE. Address. Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N, Y, Don't accept any lubstitute.