SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1909. TIM, uOKNING ASTOlllAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. latest mm i;i " KEW YORK CITY MILLIONS OF MONEY SPENT IN MARKING ADVENT OF NEW YEAR. NEW YORK, Jnn.9. One Influ ence that will do much to start 191)9 on prOepcrou utter i the disburse ment of enormous luim In payment of Interest on bank deposits, itock and other securities which will take place during the tint half of January. Over $20,000,000 la being paid Out In Interest to Ihe laving banks deposi tor in this city alone, far greater sum than ever before has been dis tributed la this way. The interest payment on the eeurltie of stocks nd bonds of railroads and other big corporations held in New York will amount to $60,000,000 or more and the dUburscmenis of smaller' concerns In profits and interest payments are es timated at $25,000,000. The payment of this grand total of over $ 100,000,000 It expected to give a decided Impetus to investment to appear. The same Influences are operative of course throughout the country although in no one locality do the amounts paid out In thia way equal thoe distributed in New York Added to this the profits made by merchant from the excep tionally good holiday trade which was experienced throughout the coun try according to reports received here and it would seem that the tide of prosperity Is likely to rise very rapid ly during the coming twelve months. An evidence that the last signs of the panic disappeared with 198 and that New York is once more fairly on Ihe highroad to proiperity was affor ded by the sire and lavinhnei of the New Year crowds which broke all previous records for sUe and fairly iwamped the fashionable hotels and restaurants with the golden flood of coin poured out in the eoure of their rejoicing over the advent of 1909. Al though the capacity of "public dining rooms In this city is doubled every three yars, it never is tufficient for the enormous thfngs that are an, lous to spend money dining and win ing on such occasions as this. The New Year carnival has become such tn established feature of New York life that it attracts thousands of per sons from other places and of course no New Yorker worthy of the name thinks of staying at home on such an occasion, But next year another large addition to the hotet dining fac ilities of the Great White Way and one designed especially for such gath erings as this, and for banquet at which thousand or more guesta as lemble, will be opened In the new ad dition to the Hotel Astor which this year served more than six thousand persona during the last twenty-fmir hours of the old year. The new hall is to be larger than most of the city theatre and will accomodate three thousand diners at one time. It Js to be the largest f6om in any hotel in the world and wltt present remark able features of decoration and il lumination. There may be a limit to the multiplication of public dining facilities required by New York, but there is no indication that it Is likely to be reached for years to come. The question of air franchises, a term now unknown, is likely In the near future to become one of serious Importance not onty to this city but the whole United States, and one which will eventually have to be set tled by the Supreme Court of the Uni ted States. The matter ha nothing NORTH SIDE NEW i Mist it. U. Williamson, ot tlwsco, It the accredited rcprtKnUltvt o! The Attoriso and wltt take cart of alt Items of newt, orders for subscriptions and all hind of printing. ILWACO Mia Muriel Alexander of Chinook was a guest of Mrs. W. D, Hawkins, of this city, for a few days this week. Among the visitors to Astoria the first of the week were: Mrs. James Gold, Bert Graham and W. P. Rowe. The weather, this week, has been very favorable for coasting and sleigh riding, and many young folk, and older one also, are taking advantage of this opportunity and are having great fun, , " " Geo. L. Colwell, of Astoria, wa a business visitor to Ilwaco, Tuesday, returning home the latter part of the weekt Mrs. W. A.' Winship and daughter, were among the passengers, on the "Hulda I" going to Astoria Tuesday morning. . Miss Edith Roe, accompanied by her friend Mis Huff, left Monday for Portland, where she goes to accept a position of book-keeping. Mr. Meyer left recently for Seat tle to-visit her son, Frank Eckert and wife of that city. . . ' Miss Mildred Morden was among to do with skyscrapers as might be expected, but with the fast approach ing realization of the practical air ship. Neither lias it to do with the "rule of the road" for such craft, but with the much more serious funda mental problem, of their right to fly over the land of any objecting person, Indeed the old expression "free a the air" would seem to need remodeling; for Investigation show that the air is not free at all at least not for air shins .Under both the old Roman and the English common law, upon which our code i lounueu, an owners title to hit orooertv is conceded to extend from the center of the earth to the infinite heavens. Such being the case a man has no more right to fly over the land owned by another person than he has to dig a tunnel un der U. The riahl to travel over a city In an aeroplane would apparently seem to be taxable as the right to run an automobile on it streets. Simil arly the operation of a line of airships would seem to be subject to an air franchise or charter as is that of a street car line. The coming of the alrshlii will ' brine no other equally complicated problems -most of them involving the need oi air ponce, with out such an aucnev tmuRKlina would become simple, while immigration laws would be only a dead letter. Al together the development of air craft promises to bring up some very deli cate problems, and also to establish the commercial value of atr. The actual denotation of alien irirl victims of the international traffic iri "white slavei," recently exposed by United Stales District Attorney Ed win W. Sims in Chicago, has given immigration authorise of New York an insight into the condition which Mr. Sims found so annaUing that he began a campaiijn against them in the Chicago maganine Woman's world. Younor Immigrant women, if unac companied, are constantly made the prey of procurers who, it teems, are constantly hunting for girl victims, hunting them at docks, railway sta tion and trains, , Search is being made for five Frenchmen who are ai! to hive acted as agents of others its France who carry on the villainous traffic in girls, selling their victims into slavery worse than death. As a 'result the stir created by the Women's World articles by Mr. ?imt! followed bv the references to the traffic made by Secretary Straus of the Department of Commerce re doubled. The case of Alphonse and Eva Defour, who escaped to France from here, show the profits which have been made by the procurers, for they forfeited a $.'5,000 bond tn Chi cago. The Dtifour. the Duvals, the Michels and the Lairs have been working 'together, "according to the tapments of the United States Dis trict Attorney Sims, in a systematized traffic of international scope, as a of the startling revela tions made by him, letters are receiv ed almost daily by authorities in quiring about girl who have come to New York to seek positions, otten for the unnort of a home. Many of these letter contain the most har rowing appeal and the number re M.ivt trive a startling Indication of the wide ramification of this organ ized traffic in vice. Dont Take tho Risk. Wk,n vr.ii hive a bad COUffh or Cold do not let it drag along until it be come chronic bronchitis or oeveiops into an attack of pneumonia, but gwe it the attention it deserves and gat rid of it. Take Chamberlain cou,ih remedy and you are .sure of prompt relief. From a small beginning the sale and use of it has extended to aJl parts of the United States and to many foreign fountries. It many remarkable cures of cough and colds have won for it this wide reputation and extensive use. Sold by , Frank Hart, and leading druggist. the Ilwaco visitor to Astoria Tues day, returning Wednesday morning. Miss Alice Yeaton, who accompan ied her sister, Erma, to Cathlamet, re turned Tuesday, and ha decided not to return to school in Vancouver Wn. as was expected. W. A. Fowler, returned Tuesday font Rainier, Ore, where himself and family spent the holidays with rela tives.,, Bert LaBcll arrived in the city, the first of the week, from Astoria. R. A. Hawkins returned Tuesday from a hort business trip to Astoria. C E, Kerlee, wife and son, left Thursday for a several days visit to 'Tacoma and Seattle. Fred Bullock and Thomas Massney returned Thursday from an extended trip through Idaho. " W. P. Rowe, mayor elect, of this city returned the latter part of the week, from a business trip to Astoria. Isaac Belknapp, of Chinook, was a business visitor to Ilwaco the latter part of the week. . Mr, and Mrs. Bert Spfague of Chi nook have moved to Ilwaco and will make this their home for some time. LEFT FAT; BACK SLENDER. By "Footlights." Clau and his overweight chorus from the "Aeroplane" company have returned to New York in what may he described a greatly reduced cir cumstances, Not as to finances, let It be said, nor yet in numbers, glory be, but in avoirdupois that is to say, grots flesh. The entire galaxy has lost out in this respect, much to its advantage. ' It seems the people out west will support slim ballerinas, and no other, and our famous "balloon chorus car ried, so to speak, no weight with them. They treated that prize collec tion of fat New York beauties with an unprecedented coldnest. Consequent ly, Glau faced the problem of reduc ing the'entire front and rear row at once, or shipping them back "ex cess" baggage, It wa a terrific job, as all who saw the "Aeroplane" be fore it left this tolerant town will admitrbut our ingenious townsman tackled it arid succeeded broke all records, in fact. And thereby hangs a tale worthy of any fat lady' atten tion.. , : Clau didn't rehearse his flock into shape, nor starve them into line, nor yet worry them, verbally, into shad ows, lie paid salaries regularly and let them eat and drink as they listed', lit simply hung up a new rule in the dressing-room to the effect 1 that every lady leg than five foot aeven who weighed in excess of ISO pound must take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime (or about wher her bedtime ought to be), of the fol lowing: One half ounce Marmola, 1-2 ounce Fluid Extract Cascara Aroma tic, and 31 ounces Peppermint Water. They did it and in a month averag ed a loss of a pound a day apiece. "That' a dandy receipt," ay Glau. "Simple, pleasant, harmless and a worker from the word 'go.' Wish I could get a railroad rate reducer half at good." BLACK HAND THREATS... CHICACO, Jan. 9,-Two detect ive now accompany Guesippe Nam' ino when he goes to and returns from hi work a foreman of a but Urine factory. Namino had asked the po lice for protection because he bad re ceived two letters demanding $1000. "The writer threaten to get me when I went home," Namino said, "and I am afraid he will ahoot me in the back. I have no enemies I know of and know' of no cause for the threat. NAME MEANS SOMETHING. When A. E. Petersen built and named the "Modern" barber shop, he meant that it should itand for what it wa called. No patron baa missed a finglt feature of the modern ten torial parlor 1 1 that house; and every new device in the way of perfect comfort and service i constantly add ed as it develop. The latest ia an expert bootblack, , the best ia the busines; s qualification that make hi employment really modern. The Pure Food Law. Secretary Wilson aay. "One of the obiect of the law is to inform the consumer of the prescence of certain harmful drugs tn medicines. The law requires that the amount of chlo roform, opium, morphine, and other habit iornujg drugs be stated on the label of each bottle. The manufac turers of Chamberlains couch remedy have alway claimed that their reme dy did not contain any of these drugs. and the truth of thi clatm is now fullv proven, as no mention of them is made on the label. This remedy is not only one of the safest, but one of the best in use for coughs and colds. Its value ha been proven beyond question during !te many years it has been in general use. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. WOMAN ACQUITTED. NEWARK, N. J., Jan. 9.--Mrs. Josephine Amere, who has been on trial liere for several days on a charge of having murdered Michael Marlcttanen on August 5, last, was acquitted last night. The woman' defense was that she shot the man in defense of her honor. Stomach Trouble Cured. 1 If you have any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamber lain's stomach and liver tablets. Mr. I. P. Klote of Edina, Mo., says: "I Lave used a great many different med icine for stomach trouble, but find Chamberlain's stomach and liver tab lets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. ..w, SEE Younce & Baker ' . FOR Plumbing, Tinning;, Steam and Qas Fitting- Prices reasonable and all Work guaranteed to be first class. Esti mates furnished. 126 Eighth Street, Opp. Post Office. - Phone Maim 406. Bring in Your Want Ads ToDay TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Columns of THE MORNING ASTORIAN axe con suited every morning by hundred of persons in search of real estate bargain. Article of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Ratea: Twenty words or toss .three times, 25 cents; six timet, 50 cent; one month, $Z00. HELP WANTED. WANTED -A GOOD BOY TO work in printing office. Apply As torian office. WANTED -WAITRESS AT THE Hotel Irving. SITUATION WANTED. JANITOR WORK WANTED BY A capable and experienced man, with excellent reference. Addres "H. L." care As torian office. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AM WILUNg'tO SELL MY 14 and 1-32 karat diamond for $75 cash. Frank Thorndyke, Budget of fice. TWO FINE HOUNDS; MALE and female; tlx month eld; $50. Addre 814 Grand avenue. FOR SALE OR RENT, ONE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRIT er, one Smith Premier; both in first-class condition. See Lenora Be noit, Public Stenographer, 477 Com mercial itreet WANTED TO BUY. WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST cash price for tecond-hand and new furniture: see a before you aelL Ztpf Furniture & Hardware Co. CITY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Ator, two lota, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 room ip ttairs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial. 10-4-tf FOR SALE ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street; cozy comer; sa loon fixture; 7 furnished rooms; price, $85001 J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE HOUSE. TWO tory, $5250; one house, one-story, $2250, or both for $7000; property adjoin SE. cor. 34th and. Franklin. Apply to J. F. Nowlen. J. F. NOWLEN, REAL ESTATE and Employment Office, 473 Com mercial St, Phone . Have fine list of Astoria and country property. All clases of labor furnished. "VETERINARY COLLEGES. BULLETIN SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College now ready; mailed free. Dr. C. Keane, 1818 Market street. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-RANCH AT SVEN 8en, 25 acres; 8-roora house; good barn and out buildinga and orchard; partially improved; $3000. Apply J. F. Nowlen. FOR SALE-1571 ACRES LAND, aection 4, township S, range 6, on Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet of timber, 35 acre cul tivated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, 73 Commercial , street. 10-4-tf RESTAURANTS. U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgins & Co.: coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meal; regular meal 15 cent and up. HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We maki .a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prpmpt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane street. BATH HOUSES. BATHS-TURKISH AND RUS- sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism .and skin diseases treated with perfect success 10-25-tf FOR RENT-ROOMS. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FUR nisbed rooms in private family. In quire 621 Exchange street mm FOR RENT, FURNISHED HOUSE keeping room; electric lights and all modern convenience. 454 Bond corner Tenth. PRIVATE LESSONS. CAN TAKE A FEW .MORE PU pil in ihortband and typewriting; rate reasonable. See Lenora Benoit, Public Stenographer, 477 Commer cial street. , . , TRANSPORTATION. The ft". Line Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leave Astoria daily except Sunday st 1 p m. Leaves Portland Bally Except Sottssy st 7 a, Landing Astoria Flare! Wherf Lending Portland Foot Taylor ' J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 279 HOTELS. - The Cornelius "The House cf Welcome' ' - Corner Park and Alder, PORTLAND, OREGON A hotel where the North west people will find a hearty welcome and receive Courteous Treatment at moderate prices. Our free Omnibus meet all trains. Under management of N. K. Clarke C W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Just in See us Hildebrand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. .Jill 11 Japanese Goods We extend a cordial in vitation to you to call and examine our line of Japanese Goods. Suitable for Xmas gifts at cheap prices. HOT OR COLD Golden West lea J r :: t f 1: CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. PLUMBERS. 1.11111 FLUHBES C Ilt&tlng Ccatracfsr, Tiaaer AND . Shtet Iroa Worker VLL WORK GUARANTEES 425 Bond Street PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW , GUSTAF A. HEMPLE Attorney-afLsw Suite 9-10 Odd Fellow' Building Tenth and Commercial Street JOHN C McCUE, ATI ORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M, BROWNELL, AT- tbrney at Law, Deputy Dittrict Attorney. 420 Commercial Street. DENTISTS DR. P. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C LOGAN, DENTIST, Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C. HICKS, OSTEO 1 path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street NURSES. PRACTICAL NURSE, EXTEN- sive experience, will take charge of most any kind of nursing; con finement case preferred: term rea sonable. Mr. Chat. Lind, 408 35th street, Astoria. . SWEDISH MASSAGING. TYRA KOHLANDER, ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements, phytical culture and massage; office, 545 Franklin ave., second flat; hoar: 9-11 s. to, 2-5 p. nw, or Central Drag Store, Telephone Main 2181. BUSIKSSS DIRECT02Y. n nn n 13 I carry the best Loggers' Shoe in town at the low est prices. . , My stock of men's and boy's shoes Is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. 3 S. A. GIMRE 543 Bond Stree MEDICAL. Unprecedented Succestea of EH ill r?M TTTT CHH ) csnrxsa doctci Who is known v- -'s throughout tn "V, " United State on JL n'"'-'-"1 ccount of hi won- derful cures. No poisons or drug used. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female complaint, and all chronic diseases. ' " ' ; succrssna Holm tszatxeot. If yon cannot call write for symp- jtoms blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. " ', . I TEX & GXX WO MEDICIXX CO. v 1621 First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please .mention the Astorian. LAUNDRIES. t- NOT. THE ONLY ONE We want it well known that we don't compete with our fellow citi zen, the "Chinee." Our methods bear comparison with his to his disadvantage. Have your laundry work done by the light of day. Your clothes will be pure, clean and satisfactory, if done here. TROY LAUNDRY : Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 ' ; TOTDSEXTAXEKa. J. A. GILBAUGII & CO. Undertakers apt Eiubalmer . Experienced Lady Assistant , When Desired Calls Promptly Attended Day . . or Night. , ' Tatton iBdg. 12th and Duane Sts ASTORIA. OKE.OON Phone Main 2111 i?C V ft DENTISTS. j - x 1 If you need any bridgework to be really well done, come here and he sure about it. The excellence of our dental work in thi vicinity ha won us many past friends, because our patrons " have discovered we are ex perts and excel in every department of dental practice. We make a prac tice of painless extraction and supply the best of teeth, either on plates or bridgework. TEETS Painless extraction 50c Silver fillings ...... ......50c to $1.09 Gold fillings un 22-K. gold crown ............ , . . $5X9 Bridgework . . $S.M Best plate made ..$19 All nervous people and thoie that are affected with a weak heart can have their work done with no pais and danger. ' ""' -CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS, Over Damiger , " Phone Main 3091 Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m ; Sunday, 10 a. m.-12 m. Lady attend ant Swedish and Norwegian inter preter. . :.. 'J" , Nature provides : bat one , CALIFORNIA It is the natural winter home of many thou- . aands of the world's best people. Under the gentle influence of it mild winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds. . bathing, boating, fish ing, driving; such pic nics, parties and "jolli fications." :G0 TO: Los Angeles, Paao Robles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, San ta Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica, Venice, Long Beach, Santa Cms, or a icore of similar resorts and yon will find health, con genial surroundings, hospitable associates, faultless accommoda tions and numberless attractions and con veniences. TheO.R.,N.Coe :, CONNECTING WITH The Southern Pacific Co. Makes - inexpensive . round trip excursion rates to Cal ifornia. A six months stopover ticket Portland to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Corresponding rates are in effect to other points. We have some very distinc tive literature covering Cali fornia's winter resorts, and will take pleasure in giving you all of the information and assistance at our com 'mand. ' ' For tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on, tele- graph, or write , WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pas , Agt Portland, Oregon. Subscribe to the Morning Astorka, the local news; full Associated Pre report. Delivered by carrier, 65 cent per month. Covers the entire lower