"i:ns THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 19(19. lies I The Store phe T A I .LiAy, x Lad Women BEEi:iJliIVE0utfitters Great Reductions inDressGoods You will find these specials on first coun ter the Dress Goods Counter Reduction of 10 percent on Outing Ginghams and Domesties lO per-ccnt Off on Notions, Corsets, Hosiery and Underwear OCEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER The velocity of the kind which has characterized the aor'east gale for the past four days abated yesterday in pronounced fashion, evidently to give the snow a chance to fall more ia one place and with solider effect It was rough enough along the wtterfront of Astoria, though the wish of the bay was much milder than at any time since last Tuesday. Almost all the craft that had been taken around to Young's Bay for easier berths have been brought back to the front and are lying comfort able at their usual moorings. No ice has arrived down stream as yet, but it may reach here today since it is reported as far don the river as Eureka. Captain Bailey, of the Co lumbia River pilots, who brought the Steamer Mayfair down, said yesterday that the tee, m a torraative snape, was as far down the big stream as Goble vith plenty of drift-ice this side of there, but not enough to hamper an iron or steel hull in any way, but plenty to make things uncomfortable for a wooden vessel. Just leaked out: "Time, 4:30 a. m. Dramatis Personnae, a well known mnd happy-natured young man of this dty who had extended the holiday hilarity over into the New Year. Place, one of the waterfront ware houses; young man is shy a drink; his friend owns and operates the warehouse and maintains an office therein; office locked up, of course; but has an accessible window; pro prietor is known to have a reserve decanter snugly stowed under his desk; saloons all closed, and this bottle a dernier resort for the thirsty young man; secures a ladder; makes careful ascent to window, which he finds unlocked; enters boldly, turns on the lights, discovers the precious decanter and stays with it to point of exhaustion of both self and de canter; then leaves premises by way he got there; replaces the ladder; and fades into the snowy gloom of the early dawn. Proprietor arrives in due and regular season; discovers surreptitious entrance and suspects burglary until he sees the empty cut glass decanter and an empty glass or two; looks into situation more doselv and realizes he has been in the hands of a friend, who has left a glove behind; glove is recognized at once, and oartv ascertained: apol ogy and accounting now in order, or police to be put in possession of facts, and matter ' allowed to take due course. What? ' The steamer Argo. arrived in from Tillamook Bay points ; yesterday at noon and Captain Jones at once ne gotiated' a berth alongside the Cal lender coal bunkers, and worked his vessel into it, to await an abstinent of the storm which was at its height when he arrived off the city. While laying up her here it is the intention of her owners to install a set of bulk heads and rig her for the accommoda tion of passengers. Captain Jones reports that when he left Tillamook there was seven inches of snow over everything and conditions practically the same there as here, so far as weather was concerned. ; He left out from there late op Friday afternoon. In the blinging swirl of snow that fell over this city and bay yesterday forenoon, the steamer Yosemite had the bad luck to foul the steamer Ma jestic lying at anchor in the city channel off the Callender dock, scar ring her stem pretty badly but doing no grave damage either to the Majes tic nor herself. The casualty' was duly reported to the proper authority be fore she departed for the high seas and San Francisco. The Lurline, Hassalo and Potter, and the Ocklahama .and Harvest Queen, are all on the thither side of the present storm, np Portland-way, and likely to stay there until there is a markd subsidence- in the gale-Trad in the ice in the river. . There is a fleet of four steamers due in this port from the Bay City sometime today, towit, the steamships Roanoke and Rose City and the steam schooners ' Northland and Tallac. The steamer Yellowstone crossed out for an Francisco yesterday. It is expected that the steamship Breakwater will bring up the new hull of the Callender steamer Myrtle, from Coos Bay on her' trip from there this morning. , The steamer Yosemite cleared from this port yesterday with 850,000 feet of lumber from St Helen's, for San Francisco, and is supposed to have left out yesterday afternoon. The steamer Mayfair came down the river yesterday morning, bound for San Francisco, and left out at r w www w w w w w w w w w w w w w r w w w w v V v - W " .......... . r Gold Weather Specials ! j Working Gloves, cloth fleeced lined, and leather, the kind that keep your hands warm. From 10 to 40 Cents I Work shirts 35c to 5oc work pants 50c to $1.00. Heavy cold weather Hose for the working man 10c up. Keep Your Feet Warm The finest foot comfort on earth, our wool insole 10c and 30c a pair Watch Whose Windows for Bargains? Waterman if"X I mmm mmm m m , jnn, II ? -1, ; Special For the Following Week of Our $2.60 300 Pairs Of Men's Pants, blacks, blues and fancy mixtures, reg $3.50, $4.00 $4.50 and $5 values the fol- i lowing week 200 mens $12.50 to $20 Suits, Short Coats $6.35 300 mens $15 to $30 Suits, Newest Cuts One-Third Off 100 mens Heavy Overcoats One-Third Off what they really sold for. -w. Good $10.00 Coats for 6.75 125 Boys Knee Pants One-Half Price 100 Youths Long Pants Suits One-Half Price 10 Dozen Mens Work Gloves regulak 75c and $1 values 25c 10 Dozen Mens Shirts, regular $1 arid $1.2&l Sellers now ; 50c 1 5 Dozen mens 25c Wool Sox IC 15c Remember this Is our Annual Clearance Sole and every dlsconnt we advertise Is bonalflde and figured from the regular selling price of our goods The Home of Hart, Schaffner : : : & Marx Clothes : : : The Home of Hart, Schaffner : : : & Marx Clothes : : : REMEMBER ! "THE STOKES GUARANTEE" WITH EVERY SUIT WE SELL 1 The steamship Senator was among the get-aways for the Bay City yes terday morning. The steamer South Bay went to sea yesterday, lumber laden for San Francisco.' The Hammond steamer Geo. W. Fenwick, left out from the Hammond Lumber Company's dock at Tongue Point yesterday morning, with an immense lumber cargo, for San Francisco. liilill fighting the beef trust and sup plying the choicest of meats are two different things. Our meats are ap proved by Uncle Sam and can be shipped from State to State. Cash Prices Soup Meat 3c to 5c lb. Pot Roasts , 7c, 8c, 10c Round Steak 10c, 12Js Sirloin. . 12 Jc to 15o Rib Roast Beef 10c, 12c, 15c Shoulder Roast Pork 10c, 12Jc Loin Roast Pork... 15c Pickled Pork 12c Salt Pork 12Jc Pigs' Feet , 5c Bologna Sausage 10c Liver Sausage 10c Blood Sausage 10c Head Cheese 10c, 3 lbs. for 25: Spare Ribs 12jc Eggs 35c Butter , 65c, 70c, 75c Bacon 16c to 171c Hams .'. 12jc to 16c We sell oysters by the gallon and pint, Eastern oysters by the tin. Live Chickens always on hand, dress ed to order. CITY ITER SHUT OFF HIT BUT "DEAD WATER" IS LIKELY TO FREEZE MANY SUR FACE PIPES. ill Mi I" 685 Commercial St. Announcement was made last even ing by Albert Johnson, superintend ent of the water service, that the water would be turned off at 8 o'clock and would be turned on at 6 o'clock this morning again. It was deemed necessary to do this to prevent the reservoir being drain ed, and in the event the reservor was drained the city would be practically at the mercy of any conflagration that might break out. While there is still quite a head of water in the res ervoir it was estimated that by to night or tomorrow it would be vir tually emptied if the water were not shut off. But it is probable there will be a wail of wrathful ire go up all over town this morning, for the turning eff of the water is likely to freeze many pipes, for the reason that much "dead water" is almost certain to remain in many of them. Of course those who are fortunate enough to have their pipes in such position that the drain age is complete will be all right, but it is probable that . many will be frozen. Two years ago the water was also shut off at night for several nights during a bad cold spell. So general has the practice been all over town the past few days of permitting the water to run that it became necessary to do something if water for fire protection purposes was to be conserved. It was simply fig ured that the safety of the town as against a possible bad fire was more to be considered than the individual loss and inconvenience that would re sult to individuals by the possible freezing of the pipes, "The Great Divide" ...... .i" " vow. liv, llllfpi IMItl Vil the boards of the Astoria Theatre this winter than "The fireat DiM" I which was presented there on Friday night last. Its story is rich with the strongest lessons that come from the realm and imperious demand of love unsuspected, and realized only when nothing is left but sacrifice in its at tainment. It was thoroughly appre ciated and the fine acting that charac terized the work of the troupe waj not confined to any individual, but was so conspicuous in every assign ment as to be remarked on all sides. It is such presentations as this that lend culture to the taste of a com munity in its seeking for the finest in a histronic way. Bond Street Injunction It is expected that Judge McBride will make known his final decision at the February term of the circuit court in the matter of the injunction temporarily issued against the city restraining it from paying Contractor L. Lcbeck for the Bond street im provement. Considerable interest ia being aroused by the near approach of the expected decision, and it is un derstood that steos are bcimr taken to conserve Mr. Lcbeck's interests as much as nossiblc. He is waiting for the $7000 contract nrire. and mean time the street is being daily used, It will be recalled that the iniunc Something New, Something Good "Meads FlaRed Rye" The breakfast food you never tire of Large Pkg. 2d cents ' HtHI t MM MMM Acme Grocery Co. HIGH GRADE GROCERIES 521 COMMERCIAL STREET ?H0N2 681 (tion was issued, based on the allega tion that the contractor was a mem bcr of the 'council when he took over jthe contract. Mr. Lcbeck is said to ne connuent mat ne will secure the money. NEW TO-DAY The Man Who Eats. I The man who eats does so with the1 expectation of being satisfied, To this end he seeks the best possible place to gratify his normal appetite at the most rational expense. These ac counts for the steady stream of peo ple to and from the portals of the Palace Restaurant In this city. The reputation of the Palace is founded immoveably upon the certainty and amplitude of the service it renders to every purse; and appetite, big and little, upen day and night. Com mercial stretsfc opposite the Page building, ' --. r j . House Slippers, Etc J " In the great odd and end sale now on at the Brown Shoe Store you can get house and bedroom slippers, dress shoes, work shoes, dancing pumps, and in fact a little of everything in broken sizes can be obtained at a great saving by purchasing today. We Wsnt Your Feet Now is the time to purchase your shoes . Charles V, Brown is having an odd and end tale and prices are be ing cut below cost Call at the store today and fit yourself out. Brave Fire Laddies often receive severe hum, nuttinir out fires, then use Bucklcn's Arnica Salve and forget them. It soon drives out nain. For Burns. Scalds. Wounds. Cuts and Bruises its earth's greatest healer. Quickly cures Skin Erup tions, Old Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Fel ons; best Pile cure made. Relief is instant, 25c at Charles Rogers & Son, druggists." Giving Profits Away. The Brown Shoe Store has a big oaa ana ena sale on, the entire stock of broken lines and sizes are being ; cleaned out regardless of cost. If you want a pair of fine shoes for any purpose, house or bedroom slippers this Is the time to make your pur chases and save money. Fresh Meat Spare ribs, pork tenderloin, and other meats fresh daily at Braden's new meat market See. ad, page 4., Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching RiinH Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to i oays or money refunded. 50 cents. The Clean Man. The man who tieitohtm i - M pVIPUIIBI cleanliness, and enjoys hit shave. unampoo, naircut, and bath, in As toria, always toes tn th. DM... barber shop for these things and gen mem at tneir best. The Morning Astorian contain, alt the local and Associated Press re- r