TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1909. THE MORNING ASTOH1AN, ASTUH1A. OKKGON Shirley V Surprise. Hy Martha Cobb Satyfard. Copyrighted, 1M, bf AasoclsUa Mtorarjr Press. :. , Shirley tu superintending the an nual charity baaaar and putting ber whole incautious, magnanimous soul into tbe Utk, but that was (Shirley every time. And aba bad what alia termed a "I rfeetly, splendidly unique" idea for tbta particular bauar. Aa aoon aa aba tbouglit of It aba called up web of tha other g trla on the committee by telephone to tell thein about it, '; "Perfectly Impossible," int aatd. "Too much work," complained an other, 1 : - . "rina," agreed third, "and )uat Ilka you, Bblrley. But you'll hare to put It through yourself. All tba rout of ua hsve uwre than wa cau do now." And o, a bit chagrined," but Quit undaunted, Blilrley proceeded "to put it tbruuif b.M fthe bad Just eiecuted her Brat vtc torluua stroke when aba tame fact to race wan rump Erans-tlmt la, their machine met before a mart sporting gooda establishment . "Too look aa fresh aa morning glory, Shirley," waa I'hlllp'a greeting aa b sprang from his rar and helped Shirley from bora. "How do you do It-wlth a wboia charity bauar on your bandar "Just coma In br with m ruin- sf ota, Pblllp. and HI abow you," Shirley ' annwrrrd. laughing, . One Inside tba ebon, Shirley aikd fr proprietor. No on else would Ai alio arid, When that pompoua gentleman saw who It waa dmuandlng lit" exclusive personal a (lent Ion bla t-st r-t tm of annoyance underwent to liiKtnnlHiipom metamorphosis. To I'lilllji; Intense amusement b fairly' beauted upon Shirley, Out, than, announced defiantly. "I saved thetti on purpose fur you, Philip, ao you'll linvs to tnlte them. Now, you mustn't dvtnlu me a minute longer. I've got lonrts of other places to go to. Bee you at Ilia biisanr," "But I uu't call Mum"- began Philip, abruptly testing lu two aer- ernl annul piece of bluo cardboard. "No, you can't," Interrupted Shirley, laughing. Tin too busy. If you need any mora tickets, l'Uiilp, lot tna know. Uoodby." , Tba bauar opened with t bins of social glory and continued lunrium pliant wrwr for ona entire wek. Tba center of attraction waa "Shir ley Burnett's llttl portable bouse," aa It cam to b called before tba batnar waa half over. There it atood at ona end of lb long ball, linmaculuta and dainty In Ita coat of white and yel low, defying any one to dud fault with It and lurltlng every on to come ln for the amall price of 5 came. Every one wanted to go In and re- LAME EVERY MORNING. A Bd Back to Alwayi Wore in tha Morning Astoria People Ar Finding Relief, A back that ache all day and causf i discomfort at night i usually worse in the moraine-. Make vou feel ai If you hadn't alcpt at all. Cant cure a bad back until you cure the kidney. Doan's Kidmy cucr aick kidney- make you feel better, work better, rcit better and sleep better. Permanent cure in Astoria prove the merit of Doan'a. Mr. E.Nettlcbtadc, 133 Astor St., Astoria, Ore., ay: "For a long time I felt weak, tired and depretsed, and would arise in the morning o lame and (tiff that I wa hardly able to ring in Your W ant-Ads 'To-Da TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE main to eiclalm over Its cosiness. Not perform my homework. There was L!rir tfj kft bearlng-down aemation through my from the llttl living room with Its artlMtlo wicker furnlablnga to tb dl- hip and loin and at time I would mlnutlv kltcbrn with Ha mlniatnr iutttf Intensely that I would Le cook atore and ahlnlng row of brand ford to lie down. The kidney ecre new pan and kettk ,,,,,,,, , lion were unnatural and gave me And nearly very on llnjfered long much annoyance. I finally learned of enough to bav tea, ' which Shirley Doan' Ki.lnov Pill. .,i' , wrved out ou the porch wltb Juat aa n,.Zl v " P ? gradoua bopita)lty aa if ah weren't 8t Chl, RoCf dru tor charging the exorbitant aum of 15 The of their ue were atisfa; eenta a cup for It. Th little portable tory and I filadly recommend them." houne proved moat paying propoal tion. And when the very luat utgbt of the baxaar It waa put up at auction there were aplrttcd bidding and much ex citement. "Four hundred and ninety dollart foiir hundred and ninety dollara," ralti-d the aitrtloiieeer Impreiwlvely. "for thl iM-autlful little bona with all It furnlnhliig complete. Come, 'gen tlcmen. Koine one make It Ave huu- For tale by all dealer. Price 50 cent, Fostcr-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, lole agent for the United State. Remember the nameDoan' take no other. THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. Th Want Column of THE MORNING ASTORIAN ar con aultad every morning by hundred of persona in search of real estate bargain. Articles of sal, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Ratest Twenty words or less .three times, 25 cents; sis time, 50 cent; one month, 2M. . HELP WANTED. WANTED -A GOOD BOY TO work in printing office. Apply A- torian office. , , WANTED -WAITRESS AT THE Hotel Irving. , SITUATION WANTED. A Horrible Hold-no "About ten year ago my brother wa ncia up in his work, hea lh and happiness by what wa believed to be 1 JtYW area, umng, going-nr hundred, do hopeles ConumDtion.B writi. W I hear? Thank you. air. Con at five Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C. "He uuuurvu iu me jteiHionmn over loere nook all kinds of remedie and treat on my right.1 Will be pleaa aiep for ment from several doctors, but found ward and give bla nnuier. no help till he used Dr. KJng'a New Shirley, who had been watching tb Discovery and was wholly cured bv iroin n winnow or ui living I , ooiucs. e is a well man today. room, auuueniy aiaappeared a the " quiCK to relieve and the surest crowd ported to give th purchaser cure for weak or ore lungs, Hemor- ngniorway. rnages, vougtis and Colds, Bron A fow minutes later rhllln Evans chitis, La Grippe, Asthma and "fTl AUaiADT BOCOBT TBIS OS. very on beamed upon Shirley, for that .matter, and Shirley beamed upon very on In return, or powlbly it was luat tb other way round. . "Ion see, Mr. Brown, we're going to have charity baaaar," she began, smiling so rapUvaUngly aa she did so that her rlctlm quit overlooked th fatality of tu announcement "And you bar auoh perfectly charming tnd unuHual tlilugs her that I knew you would be delighted to give us Juat on or two amall article to help ua out." Mr. Brown mnmtgod to tuck an icqulcscent arall In edgewlae ca Shir ley, seating hcnwlf In reclining bam boo porch chair, announced: "Yes, we'd like this, I'm sure. It's delight fully comfortable. And, oh, that love ly tan Gloucester hammock! W muat hav that. Com over her and try It with me, Philip.", t , Tblllp obeyed without a moment's hesitation, although conscious thatth eye of several spruce young clerks Wert watching himself and Shirley as they sat Ilk two children swinging side bi side.'-'-11-- ';." ' :i; :;f "And that will be all, Mr. Brown," Shirley announced munificently, Jump ing out on the fly, as It were, "Juat that cbalr and this hammock. You ace, pve let you off very eaay. I can't found her sitting on. the kitchen table making pathetic llttl dab at sus plctnuKly red eye. ; "Why. Shirley nurnettr he exclaim ed. "What's th matter? You ought to be th proudeet attrf In the world." "Well. I'm not." Shirley anawered disconsolately. "I'm th most miser able. I ean't bear to think of any one ele having ttila little house. I want It myself. I Juat love It Don't you think the porch la the euteat thing you ever aaw. Philip! Can't you jut Imagine sitting out on It away off somewhere lu the moonlight!" I'hlllp nodded. Somehow he couldn't trust himself to apeak. , , "And the dear little living room isn't It the budKlest little room yon ever ssw, Philip!" Philip wasn't quite sure what "budg lest" meant, but he nodded again. "And aa for tbla little toy kitchen," Shirley ended dramatically, patting nearby saucepan affectionately, "I adore everything in itl Don't you. rniupr "Everything." answered Fhlllp sol emnly, "end yon, sweetheart, most of tu. on. Shirley, can t you say tb same!" For a moment Shirley looked at him as If dosed. Then, her eyes sparkling with happiness and her cheeks crow ing rosier and rosier, the said softly and slowly. "I adore everything In this little kitchen, and yon, sweetheart, moat of oil" "You're qutta auro, dearest." Philip qnestloned a few minutes later aa, at all Bronchial affection. 50c ind il.M Trial bottle free. Guaranteed bv vnanc icogers ana son. Her Lucky Number. The byways ua well as the highways of church life furulnh much In tbe way of wit and humor. What for iu stiiuie, could Ik- wore mirth provoking than tbe nulve couri'HKion of tbe cook or a London vUnr who. being allowed to ctHMiwj iiyimi for the family pray era, was complluicuted on her choice by the vicar's wife? "What n nh-e hymn you chose!" said the bitter to tbe cook. "Yes, mum; It's the number of my policeman." Taking an Advantage. "Your family seem to enjoy going to Europe." "Yes." answered Mr. Cumroi. "Moth er aud the girls have observed that I am weak on settlug the valuo of for elgn money. Things ure ordered and paid for before I have time to make any Intelllcent Inquiries as to the ex- pense."-Wahlngtou Star. Truthful. "I hadn't been talklug with him three minutes before he called me an ass. What sort of a person Is be!" . .. . . . nun, i never auew mm to tell a lie." Simple Remedy For La Grippe Rackinor la irriDDe eoutrhs that mav nuiney a request, he held up the little develop into pneumonia over night i n mu iiurror wuue soo rearrnngea lire quickly curea by Foley's Honey ui-r mum rumpiea oair, inai you lor ana i ar. i ne sore and inflamed me just aa much as you love the little lungs are healed and strengthened, ooueer , lana a dangerous condition is quickly "It's your deadliest rival, Philip,"! averted. Take only Foley's Honey sne answerea playfully, "but just to and Tar in the yellow package. O prove to you that It wont count any lurug atore, i. t. Launn, Prop. more i-ni congratulate whoever jou exactly what wa want them lp," she broke off excitedly, "I havs Th.l'i a Ik -III 4. m .... .. t . ... . . ten for. That's a secret, but it will be a splendid advertUeraent, and if they aren't sold, why, we'll send them back to you." M f i'1 Mr. nrowo, with many smiles and sweeping bow, acknowledged blmself pleaaed and honored to be of service. "And I baveu't asked you to buy a single ticket, Mr. Brown." Shirley re minded him gcneronsly. , Mr. Brown Immediately put his hand Into bis pocket. "No, thank you Just as much,"" de clined Shirley prettily; "But, you see, Mrs. Brown bought half a dosen yes terday." "Shirley,'' PbUlp remonatrated so berly when they were on the side walk, 'haven't you 'any conscience whatever!" But at Shirley's expres sion of absolute Incomprehension Phil ip burst out laughing. "W'hat are you going to do with tho things anyway!" bought It. There, I couldn't say more. Wlwlsber .. . "You don't know!" gasped Philip, unable to boilers bis ears. ; fl don't want to see the monster," explained Shirley. "Just as soon as I heard that fatal word "Gone!" I. ran out here, where you found mo. Phil' the grnndcat Inspiration! Let you and me get another house Just like this and spend our honeymoon In It. 1 think I could get one quite cheap for you." "But you see," , confided Philip meekly, ,"Vvt already bought -this one."- ,. "Why, Philip Evans!" exclaimed Shirley, hugging hlra hard. "I don't bellove It, Aren't you a lover 1 Many little lives have been saved by Foley's Honey and Tar, for couehs, colds, croup and whoonina cough. It is the only safe remedy tor imams and children as it con tains no opiates or other narcotic drugs, and children like Foley's Hon ey and Tar. Careful mothers keep a bottle in the house. Refuse substi tutes. Owl Drug Store, T. F. Laurin, Prop. TRANSFER COMPANY. i Art English Opinion. "London Is full of foreigners," writes a correspondent of tho London Chron icle,, 'and you may detect them In many Infallible , ways. But nothing perhaps displays n man's nationality more surely than tho way he eats, You may tell au Enullihmnn, meet him where j-oif may, by the fact "t lint ho grasps his fork (Irmly In hi It-Jt hand and knoni he asked, helping her Into her auto-. transferring; It to hU il -l:t hand as mobllo., w.. . soon hs his food la fill in Vnn ,'iin "That's my surprloe," Shirley an- tell n Frenehnmu bv his who tJIsre swered. "You'll see whon you come imrd of mm knivm m'.ii ,.iK,m,m a to the bazaar. ; By the way, how many tickets do you wout!" . , Philip opened his billfold nud slow ly drew out six, . ... "Won't these be sufficient to let me In!" he asked tcaslngly. "Where did you get them, Philip!" flashed Shirley. "Oh. from two or three irresistible sourcw," ho answered Indifferently. "Woll, here are six mro," Shirley for Americana-well, It Ih amusing to read of Benjamin Franklin's visit to Tarls In 17TT and of the horror of the ladles of the court when ho fell upon . asparagus witn Hands and tooth and of their corresponding disdain when he failed to treat a melon In the same way, but ate it delicately with a knife and fork. They also professed dis gust at his love for to egg broken into a tumbler." Smith's Special Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Leave Orders at Star Cigar Sore, Phone Black 2383 Res. Phone Red 227& Stanu Corner 11th ani Commercial HOT OR-COLD Golden West lea Just Right ';'!';:; ' j; ' - CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. JANITOR WORK, WANTED BY A cspable and experienced man, with excellent references. Address "H. L" care Astorian office. , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AM WILLING TO SELL MY 1-2 and 1-32 karat diamond for $75 cash, Frank Thorndyke, Budget of fice. ii TWO FINE HOUNDS; MALE and female; six months eld; $50. Address 814 Grsnd avenue. ONE UNDERWOOp TYPEWRIT- er, one Smith Premier; both in first-class condition. . See Lenora Be noit, Fublic Stenographer 477 Com mercial atreet. CITY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms cp staira; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen. 473 Commercial 10-4-tf WANTED TO BUY. WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST cash price for second-hand and new furniture; see us before yoo sell Ziyi Furniture & Hardware Co. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-A MONEY OF KEYS. Finder kindly return to Astorian office and receive reward. LOST ON COMMERCIAL OR Bond street Ladies' small enamel ed watch with fob attached. Finder please return to Mrs. H. Crohn, "The Wonder Store" and receive reward. S. 9 deg. 30 min. E. 2.00 chain on mean hiirh water line. S. 4 deg. E. 14.79 chains on mean hieh water line. S. 7 deg, W. 7.16 chains on mean high water line. S. 18 deg, 30 min. W. S.42 chains on mean high water line. S. 27 deg. 15 min. -W.' 10.46 chains on mean bigb water line. - , S. 13 deg. 15 min. W- 1.65 chains to place of beginning, containing 15.64 acres more or less. Applications and bids should bs addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, . and marked 'Application and bid to pur chase tide lands." G. G. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated Dec, 23. 190a FOR RENT-ROOMS. FOR RENT, FURNISHED HOUSE keeping and single rooms. 677 Ex change street. -u, FOR RENT-TWO NICELY FUR- nished rooms in private family. In quire 621 Exchange street FOR RENT, FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; electric lights and ail modern convenience. 454 Bond corner Tenth. FOR SALE ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street; cozy corner; sa loon . fixtures; 7 furnished rooms price, $8500. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial 10-4-tf FOR SALE ONE HOUSE, TWO atory, $5250; one house, one-story, $2250, or both for $7000; property adjoin SE. cor. 34th and Franklin. Apply to J. F. Nowlen. F. NOWLEN. REAL ESTATE and Employment Office, 473 Com mercial St, Phone .. Have fine list of Astoria and country property. All clasea of labor furnished. ' COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-RANCH AT SVEN sen, 25 acres; 8-room house; good barn and out buildings and orchard; partially improved; $3000. Apply J. F. Nowlen. FOR SALE-1571 ACRES LAND, lection 4, township S, range 6, on Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street 10-4-tf RSSTrftJ RANTS. U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meats, 15 cents. TOKJO RESTAURANT, 351Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgins & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents snd up. MISCELLANEOUS. SJSASMI NOTICE -BIDS WILL BE RE- ceived until Tuesday, January 5, 1909, for burying the county paupers for the year 1909; bids to be filed with the County Clerk; court reserving th' right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Court J. C Clinton, County Clerk. ; , BIDS WANTED. OFFICE OF THE . CONSTRUCT ing Quartermaster, Fort Stevens, Or, Dec. 14, 1908. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p. m, Jan. 13 1909, and then publicly opened, for the construction, plumbing, heating and electric wiring and fixtures of one gymnasium and bowling all;y and four double sets f -V. C. O., quarters, and the construction, plumb ing and electric wiring and fixtures of one double set of firemen's quar ters at Fort Stevens, Or. Plans can be seen, and copies of specifications and instructions to bidders furnished, at tbe office of the Chief Quarter master, Department of the Columbia. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., and Depot Quartermaster, Portland, Or, also at the Quartermaster's Office at Fort Stevens, Or, where full infor mation will be furnished. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. En velops containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Construe tion" and addressed to the Construct ing Quartermaster, Fort Stevens, Or. MEDICAL. A Unprecedented Successes of 1 nimn i J csnrisi DocTsa ; ' v . Who is know throughout t "" V " j United States om S-----iJ,nt of his wct derful cures. No poisons or droga used. He guarantees to cure catarrh, aathma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female complaints. and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL H0JS3 TMATMMfl If you cannot call write for sym- toms blank and circular, Inclosint 4 cents in stamps. TEX C. CIS WO MZCICDTE CO. 1621 First St, Corner Morrisoa PORTLAND, OREGON Please .nention the Astorian. . f .ii x I t r ,.'::; I URI71ARY CISCHARSES BELIEVED 12f Each Cap. "S the mnitSf yy; Ak afcnmStrfnh ; all rRi;ooihT8 : PLUMBERS. NOTICE-BIDS WILL BE RE- ceived until Tuesday, January 1909, for furnishing meals to prisoners in the County Jail for the year 1909; bids to be filed with the County Clerk; court reserving the right to reject any or all bid. By order of the County Court J. C Clinton, County Court NOTICE -BIDS WILL BE RE ceived by the County Court until Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1909, for publishing County Court proceedings and pub- lishng legal notices as authorized by the Court or issued from the ether County officers; bids to be filed with the County Clerk; court reserving the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Court J. C Clinton, County Cleric nn NOTICE -BIDS WILL BE RE- ceived by the County Court until Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1909, for furnishing and delivering oil and supplies for the following County Draw Bridges: Young's Bay, Lewis & Clark Nos. 1 and 2, and Walluski for the year 1909; bids to be filed' with the County Clerk; court reserving the right to reject any or all bids. 'By order of the ftmnty Court J. C Clinton, County Clerk. ' um . NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GUSTAF A. HEMPLE Attorney-afLaw Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Buildina Tenth and Commercial Streets JOHN C McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M. BROWNELL, AT torney at Law, Deputy District Attorney. 420 Commercial Street DENTISTS UK. F. VAUGHAN. DENTIST Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C. LOGAN. DENTIST Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS. OSTEO- path. Office: Mansell Bldg, Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial StreerJ NURSES. PRACTICAL NURSE. EXTEN- sive experience, will take charse of most any kind of nursing; con finement cases preferred; terms rea sonable. Mrs. Chas. Lind, 408 35th street, Astoria. OJ;iI!l PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner ' AND . , - Sheet Iron Worker ILL WORK GUARANTEEr -425 Bond Street DENTISTS. mm, If you need any bridgework to be really well done, come here and he sure about it. The excellence of our dental work in this vicinity has woa us many past friends, because our patrons have discovered we are ex perts and excel in every department of dental practice. We make a prac tice of painless extraction and supply the best of teeth, either on plates or bridgework. TEETH SWEDISH MASSAGING. 1 YKA KOHLANDER. ROYAL graduate in Swedish movements, physical culture and massage; office, 545 Franklin ave, second flat; hours: 9-11 a. m, 2-S p. m, or Central Drug NOTICE OE PITRT.TPATiriMMr. tice is hereby riven that the State swre, leiepnone Main Z181 L,ana uoara ot the State of Oregon, win sen to tne HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make ' a specialty of house movinir, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. BATH HOUSES. BATHS-TURKISH AND RUS- sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success.' 10-25-tf AUCTION AND COMMISSION MARTIN OLSEN, AUCTION AND Commission House. Furniture re pairing, upholstering, carpet laying, etc.; just opened up in Welch Block, Fifteenth - street, between Commercial and Bond. Give me a trial. um office lem, Oregon, on February 23, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, all the state s interest in the tide and over flow lands hereinafter described, sw ing, however, to the owner or owners of any lands abutting or fronting on such tide and overflow lands, the preference right to purchase said tide and overflow lands at . the highest price offered, provided such offer is made in good faith; and also provided that the land will not be sold nor any offer therefore accepted for less than $5.00 per acre, the Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Said lands are situated in Tillamook County, Oregon, and described as follows: ,; Tide lands fronting and abutting on Lots o ana 4, section 8, in T. 2, N. R. 10 W. of W. M. and beginning at a point on the right bank of the Ne halem River at the SE. corner of Lot 4, T. 2 N, R, 10 W. and on the line of mean high water: Thence: East 8.88 chains to mean low water. N. 8 deg. 30 min. E. 14.09 chains on mean low water line. ;,. N. 10 deg, E. 7.28 chains on mean low water line. N. 13 deg. W. 17.10 chains on mean low water line. ; N. 9 deg. 30 min. W. 2.00 chains on mean low water line to South line of Lot 2. West 0:50 chains to mean hieh water line. ft V'tlJP3 DIRECTORY, MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Justin See us Hildebrani & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. TRANSPORTATION. The ' K" Line Steamer - Lurline Night Coat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p.m. , Leavea Portland Dally Except Saathy at 7 a. a. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf . Landing Portland Foot Taylor 8. J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 27th w- W W Painless extraction ........50c Silver fillings 50c to $1.09 Gold fillings .$1.50 up 22-K. gold crown .$5.00 Bridgework . . ............ ..,,.$5.00 Best plate made $19 All nervous people and those that are affected with a ,weak heart caa have their work done -with no-pais and danger. CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS, Over Danziger's , Phone Main 3091 Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m ; Sunday, 10 a. m.-12 m. Lady attend ant. Swedish and Norwegian inter preter. ' LAUNDRIES. NOT THE ONLY ONE We want it well known that we don't compete with our fellow citi zen, the Chinee. Our methods bear comparison with his to his disadvantage. Have your laundry work done bv the light of day. Your clothes will be pure, clean and satisfactory, if done here. TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane : Phone Main 1991 UNDESUXEKS. J. A. GLLBAUGII CO Undertakers aM Embalnierc Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day , or Night. Tatton Bdgr. 12th and Duane SU ' ASTORIA. OKE.GON Phone Main 2111