The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 30, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    : wednksdaV, dkckmher 30
...If You Want the Best...
V;, Ask for Chase & Sanborn's
Famous Teas and Coffees
They taste better, go further and cost no
more than inferior brands.
t- v.
Count Court Today
V J Vt " ,p
Tl, o.tiuili rnnrl ' will nirct - thi
morning to pais upon the road levirit
reported by th virioui ichool and
krud district..
! Marriiaa IJcanM"'
1, Lkeni. to mrry wti, lsud ye -
! tcrdsy in the Wice " of the 'county
clerk to, frank Wlllltmi and Mri(
' Dora Sturm. - i r
f v i v 1 '
' In Special 8iton ; ; : ;. ' s-.
! Aitor Lodge No. 6, Knlghti of
ruhUa iifrUI teiaion at ill
J .. - '
ball lntt evening, at wiica mere wai
a ecneroni niemblage of thU popu-
1 to fraternity.
" " I Miller Sandt Seining Company with
? Puntral of Sailor , f J ,t , : f Drltcoll k Company, of thii city, for
I The funeral of Juliui Feterton, the he jmmiate conduction of a new
i tailor who died on board the ateamer lHnd power(ui hunch. She la to be 40
Eureka, will be held from the Gil- (ecl ln jent,h( 10 (cet beam, of 20
baugh chapel thit afternoon at l;30 horiepower, and equipped with Troy
' o'clock. Burial will be In Greenwood. j.pox engine; and It it needlcn to
I i -;'r - ,"' r.f' - ii Miay the will be a dandy coming from
jftmral Today- . h dl, tr.i
C Matt Raekala, who died tit hits ' .
C home In the eaitern part of the city I
J Monday, will be buried thlt morning iUP From Th . tU PL
from Jh. Cbaugh chapel t 10 . o'
vviwa r i
top cemetery.
t I
Dlatrkt wvlet- , ,;ed t leate for the entire property,
The ichool district at EUle hai
mads a levy of 1 mill, and the ichool,
diitrkt at Fern Hill alio 1 mill. Road .
dlitrlct No. 8, at Olney, made a levy
of 10 mill.
New Year Services
At Crace Church the New Year,
will be welcomed as usual with a ier-
J vice at 11:30 Thursday enduing .jTh
: holy communion will be celebrated
Fridav mornina.- January 1, at 10
"o'clock.""" """"" "'-"'-''""
. . , . , ..... . , i .
ChrUtmai Oueiti- , . , , )
the arrival! of Christmai
vmnori were nirs. v. u. inrtucn mu
family from Juneau, Alaska, who are
visiting with Mr, and Mn. E. Z. Fer
tjuion. Reduced Rates Via O. R. ft N. Por
,Tbe Holidays. .....
The O. R. & N. Co. will tell round
trip tickets at reduced rates between
local points on account of Christmas
holidays. For further Information,
apply to G. W. Rogertt, agent O. R.
& N. dock,
Hot Drinks
Coffee and Chocolate.
Just received a shipment of tancy
; Northern Spy and :
Baldwin Apples
Our prices
I . ! , ill
Scholfield, Mattson & Co,
' . phone im GOOD GOODS ,, ,' phone mi
;' ..... ...! -
i ii i
.(..a .1
You'll Need It Soon
W..C."LAWiS a CO.
Hli New Poiltlon-
Fronk Cmnu will rt'ign hi peti
tion ai itwector in this waler depart
ment on )umury I and will become
IIIV'IIV ' " " ' -
l....l nnniorr rif ttl Union Oil
'pany'i builneit.", Mr. Crang'i nutty
(rhtth will conKraiulnte him on hi.
i new and excellent petition.
Swimming Tnk
i The iwUnmlng Unk In the Athletic
'Club ii proving great attraction to
'tnany, nd every day and night there
lr mny t0 h found In the building!
Next month It U planned to have the
clt tei j organised for the gymnattic
work and everything going in full
.-.i,,,. ; -,. , -, ,,t ;
. ( ;
New umncn uraerea
An order hat been placed by the
McNeill, of Portland, on the first of
i January, that gentleman having clot-
with Hon. H. B. Parker, Mr. ucncih
wai In the city yesterday closing the
deal and went to Portland lat night
to make final arrangement! for bring-
ling hit family down.
Athletic Director- ,
The board ol direrUrl of the As
toria,,, Amateur V'Uhletic Anociation
hat audited all outstanding claims and
the last one of them hai been paid
leaving the tatnblulunent well to the
cood at far at funds go, and with &
.'very cheerful outlook on iti future.
(There thould never be any report lest
. .......
pasturing man xnis one oi iins iiiMiiu
tion and the Astorian cheriihes the
hope iti chronicles in this behalf may
always be sanguine and as certain.
A Daughter Arrive,, '
A little daughter wai born yester
day morning at 6:30 o'clock to Mr.
and Mrt. F. H. Haradon, at the home
of Mrs. Haradon'i parents, Mr. and
Mn. Samuel Elmore, 38S Fourteenth
ttreet, and at latest account, mother
and babe were flourishing finely. The
happiness of the household it intense,
and it were hard to tell who it the
proudest and most pleased, the par
ents or the grand parents, and con
gratulations have poured In upon the
the happy families ever since, the
earliest announcement wai made.
At The Jewel. '
' If you have any troubles and you
wish to forget them, see Mr. Jones at
the Bull" in a pair of tight trousers at
the Jewel Theatre.
are right.
We have tlicm.
Off To Oregon City ,
Dr. D, 0 wen-Adair departed lat
evening for Portland, . from- whence
he will go thit morning to, Oregon
City with her colleagues of the Ore
gon Woman' Pre Club. The club
i to be the guctt of Mrs, Eva Emery
Dye, the noted historical novelist of
this State and one of the most accom
plished women in it. The doctor will
devote tome of her time to negotiat
ing a proper interest in her .famous
bill for the sterilization of human de
linquents which will be Introduced in
the legislature of Oregon and Wai
lngton thit) winter.
Home From Norway
Chrwt Christiansen arrived home in
Aitorla on the noon train yesterday
afler a trip of three months back to
his old home in Norway. . Bodo was
his native town. There he taw hit
old mother and many others whom he
used to know very well. Mr, Chrii
ti;mn told tome of his friends ye-
tcrday afternoon that he found things
if pretty good shape in Norway, but
upon the whole It wai colj and dark
nd dreary, and while he was very
glad to have teen hit mother and his
friends, nevertheless he was well
pleased to get back to Astoria. '
Right of Way ' . .'. ,
Mrs. Sarah Byrd, whose home is
this side of Seaside, it another one f
the heavy property owjiera who have
given pgm 9i ; way ;Tsr iiicir pruj).
erty for the electric line. There are
only a few of the comparatively large
places over which the rights have not
yet been secured , and it it presumed.
that they will be obtained in a short
tide. All of the smaller property
owners are expected to be as gen
erous as the others in giving the
requisite strip. All in all the pros
pects for the speedy construction -A
the line were never more promising
than now. It is possible actual work
ip construction will be commenced in
spring. '
Horn. For Good ...
Charlet W. Halderman, private sec
retary to United States Senator C W.
Fulton, of this State and city, has
returned to his home, frorrr Washing,
ton, and in response to in inquiry
made by a reporter lor the Morning
Astorian yesterday, Mr. Halderman
said that in all probability he would
not return to the national capital this
winter, unless the. senatorial toga fell
again to the shoulders of Mr. Fulton,
in which case he would at once as
sume his old position and go at once.
In the meantime he will remain here
and negotiate his private affairs with
view to their future permanency,
and be glad of the chance to be more
ith his family.
After Dr. Peacock-
Experts who have been going over
the books of the county officials of
Wahkiakum county are laid to have
prepared a report to the effect that
Dr. Fred Peacock, the county coro
ner, wai not a citizens when he took
the office, and that he held it for ona
or two yeart before he became a
cithen of the United States. It is
alleged that Dr. Peacock became a
citizen only last March. He had twice
taken the oath of office. . This same
report is said to read that he also
voted in aCthlamet illegally, claiming
to be a citizen while not actually one.
This new matter adds to the troubles
in which the Cathlamet physician
finds himself and gives a new hold
for his enemies. If the report of the
experts can be verified and substan
tiated In court it is possible the ques
tion of perjury may arise, it is said. ;
Bath Robes
Fancy Vests
Silk Reefers
Suspender Sets
Night Robes
..... ,. . . I
S. Danziger&Co.
Astoria's Greatest Clothiers
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Atwater, of
Portladn with their two children were
Christmai guests at the home of
Captain and Mrs. Charles Richardson,
on the Lewis & Clark river farm, the
ladies named being sisters, The visi
tors returned to the metropolis on
last evening's express.
Mist Pauline Kirchoff went to Sea
tide' yesterday, to join a party, of
friends gathered there, including Miss
Joliansen, of San Francisco.
Mrs. Joseph Benoit, who has been
seriously indisposed for several weeks
Is itill confined to her home, and her
family it extremely solicitious" over
the outcome of her affliction, but. the
hone is entertained that she will
speedily recover her normal good
health. '
John S. Girdner, of the Elmore ser
vice, is back at his desk after a pleas
ant three-day sojourn with . friends
and relatives at Portland. :
Louis Bobert has returned from a
Christmas trip to Eugene and report
plenty of rain and a splendid time.
G. W. Roberts, the well known
agent for the O. R. & K. Co., was a
business visitor in Portland yester
day.' . ,
A. A. Marks, erstwhile - stenogra
pher for the O. R. & N. office here,
has gone to Seattle to accept a posi
tion in court service there, and "has
been succeeded here by H. C. Ed
wards, of Portland. V,
R. L.' Herren, of San Francisco, is
in the city, a guest at the Parker
House, i (
W. Church, of Ilwaeo, was a busi
ness visitor in Astoria yesterday. -
U. S. Bryant, of Portland, spent the
day here yesterday.
M. Johnson, of San Francisco, was
among the hundreds of tourists in
Astoria yesterday. ' 1
B. F. Toone, traveling passenger
agent for the New York Central linei
was a business visitor in ' this city
yesterday, from Portland., ;
Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, of San Fran
cisco, is a guest at the Occident.
Fred Herman, of Portland, was do
ing business in this city yesterday.
B.iR. Barclay, of Seattle, was noted
among'v the) 'big crowd of ykitors
reaching thia ity at noon yesterday.
Captain Oscar Wicklund, of, the
Point Adams life-saving station, was
in this city yesterday.. t
Miss Amy,, Rannells has returned
from Portland for a holiday visit at
hef Alderbrook home. ( : ; f H'f
1 Mrs. Minnie Washburn, of Eugene,
is a guest at the home of Mrs. W.'T.
Eaken. Mrs. Washburn is a sister of
Mrs. Eaken. , , . ;
Mis Estelle Thomson has departed
for Winnepeg,' Manitoba, on a visit
to friends, and with the ultimate pur
pose of entering the schools of that
city as a teacher. i
Fred Newman, of Portland, is in
the city, a gnest at the Occident. '
H. M. Rounds, 1 of . Warren, Pa.,
spent the day in this city yesterday, i
W. W. Parker, of Portland, was a
business visitor in Astoria yesterday.
Mary R. Moore, of Portland, was in
the city yesterday and registered at
Ithe Occident ; " ' 1
W. H. Arbuckle, formerly with
Charles Heilborn & Co., of this city,
spent the day here yesterday. He is
now traveling on the road for M. Sel
lers, of Portland.
Building Accepted ' j
The little building that has been in
course of construction at the city
park is finally completed, and yester
day was accepted by the park com
missioners. , The commissioners made
quite an event of the acceptance. All
of them rode in Mr. Fulton's car out
to the park, about 10 o'clock yester
day morning, and there Mr. Fulton
made an oratorical and happy little
address in relation to the occasion,
and also thanked Mayor Wise, as ex-
officio chairman of the commission'
ers, for his energy and courtesies
during his term of office. ; Mr. Wise
replied briefly. ' In addition to this
Mayor , Wise was presented with ia
handsomely embossed set of resolu
tions from the commissioners, which
in this written form expressed the
good will and appreciation of ' the
commissioners. The ( set of resolu
tions are really fine and artistic in
appearance. They were prepared by
Mr. Tee, the city surveyor, who is
also a member of the commission
The lettering is beautifully done, and
on one side of the paper is a finely
painted scene, a glimpse of an Ore
gon forest. The set of resolutions is
something that Mayor Wise can long
retain with much pleasure, both from
the sentiments engraved thereon, -and
because of the beauty of the work
done by Mr. Tee. '
Stolen Watch Returned
About a year ago ; Albert , Beyer,
agent of the Weinhard brewery,
had his watch stolen from him in
rather a mysterious manner, and yes
terday he got it back in a very pecul
iar way, The previous, day an adver
tisement was inserted in the papers
by an Astoria man stating that he
had found a watch and that its owner
could have it back by proving owner
ship. This advertisement happened
to strike Mr. Beyer's attention, and
he went to the newspaper office to
look into the matter. The timepiecs
had been left there and he at once
recognized it as his own. There Was
no difficulty in proving it to be his
long-lost watch and it -was turned
over to him, and yesterday he had the
pleasure of again wearing the watch
that he had long ago given tip for
good. The funny part of the whole
matter is the question as to where,
and in whose hands, the timepiece has
been all these months. It was stolen
from Mr. Beyer'i vest in Sam Harris'
place jtist about a year ago. He had
laid the vest, with the watch in one of
its pockets, aside for a moment and
when he returned a moment later the
vest wai there but the watch was
gone.'. ., , ,. ;
Mr. Dunbar Haa Good News ,
A long-distance message reached
the office of Fulton Brothers, from
Salem, yesterday morning, announc
ing the pleasant fact that the case
aizainst ex-Secretary of State F. I.
Dunbar, of this city, had been decid the supreme court, exculpating
that gentleman from all possible
charges of mal-administration in, th
matter of the $103,000 of fees sought
to be recovered on the ground that
the, Secretary, was not entitled -to
them during the eight years of bis
incumbency. Mr. Dunbar was the re
cipient of hearty congratulation on all
sides yesterday, and while sincerely
pleased with the turn given to the at
fairs, maintains his old and steadfast
belief in his perfect right to such por
tion of that sum as he did receive in
fees, and that the mistake made by his
opponents lay in not enforcing their
doctrine while he was in office and m
constant receipt of the statutory com
pensation. This case settles this long
mooted issue in Oregon for many
year to come. Telegraphic reports
last night sta'ed that the . supreme
court had not passed on the merits of
the case, but had chiefly held that the
state was not the proper party to sue.
Miss Florence Roberts, still under
the advantageous management - f
John Cort, comes to " the " Astoria
Theatre next Wednesday in her new
play "The House of Bondage." The
appearance of Miss Roberts, always
an event, is made, more conspicuous
on this occasion, owing to the keen
interest attached to her latest pro
duction, and the environment offered
by an unusually excellent and well
balanced supporting company. Ar
thur Forrest, Thurlow Bergen, Kent
Bosworth, Harry Gibbs, Ann War
rington and Mary Bertrand, - ail
sterling players, is each entrusted
with a conspicuously important role.
The great popularity of Florence
Roberts has been won by a series of
impersonations that have won her
conceded peerage among American
actresses. From light comedy to
tragedy she has attempted, and al
ways with success, a range of parts
that would appal a player of less ver-
sability which means any other con
temporary artist that can readily be
brought to mind. Miss Roberts un
doubtedly excels, however, in emo
tional roles, and in "The House of
Bondage" she has a part in which she
runs the gamut of emotions. .. la fact,
her admirers who have seen her in
this play declare that her impersona
tion is the triumph of her career.
Don't buy your Xmas can-
- dies until you have . '
seen our V-'- i
...Home Made Candies..!
They are , healthier
and better and don't cost j
any more.
483 Commercial St., Astoria. Or.
is printed for folks who want to
keep tip to date, on big things,
and who don't want to be bored
to death while they're at it. , ,
So its chinks are filled with
good stories, good sentiment,
and good humor, (
lt Read the publishers talk this
month, and you'll, see., just
s where we stand,; Vv;.,u ..t !
For sale by
Q Ii
, -"..
Logan's Hall
Have you an Invitation?
, . , . ............ i
...... .... m
If you hold Piano Numbers you
are entitled to one. f
Astoria's Reliable
: " - i . Full List ofj Tff , ,
Victor Double Disk 75c Records
I, I now on hand. Full stock of ; 1 '
Victor and Edison Machines and Records
- Finest stock of VIOLINS on the coast.
V All at Eastern Prices.
Mr. Citizen:
jBuy from your local merchant, he sells his "
goods as cheap as you can buy thera in Portland or
elsewhere. The Astoria Merchant buys the Seawall
- for Astoria hut the Portland Merchant does not.
I A. 1 G. : SP
Go to
We carry the largest line of Books
I and Stationery in townT All the latest -.;
music on hand at all times. Our line
of Post Cards and novelties cannot be
excelled in Astoria.
I Great Pre - Inventory Sale Of
Next Week Only
20 Per-Cent OFF
On Heating - Stoves
Foard & Stokes
Cold Weather Specials !
Now is the time" to lay in your supply i
of beverages for the winter months t
I Vigoral Beef Tea $2.50 pgr j t
Fluid beef in tubes 50c per dozen, high t
v grade Rock and Rye and all other stan- t
., , r dard bottle goods at the most reason-
able prices., ,' : " . i
Phone 1881. 589 Commercial St.
Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealer;
Clothier and Matter
man s
Hardware Co
Dance I
Book Store