The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 22, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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J The Store pfo&i V Ul
F you'd like to have us
make you a Christmas
FOR tii-iJ1 t'y
Women BEEl, HIVE0utfittcrs
is M is If 11 ii ill B
We can not urge to strongly the comfort of shop- j I
ping in the morning. ''.
Onr list of Christmas presents are full of interest j
Qnr?al snle in all lines of readv.tVwwejir Piirmtits
wr .- .
rnr line nftovs still comrjlete. and nrices bevond 4
v, ... - - t - - - f f
, . 1 -----
Captain Thomas Willikson, former
ly of this city and happily remember
ed here in social and professional
ways, is in the city on a business trip
from Aberdeen, where he headquar
ters, as master of the rug lola. The
captain hat a very warm spot in his
heart for the City-by-the-Sea and
frankly expresses it He declares that
if Astoria would but loosen op as the
Gray's Harbor towns have done, noth
ing on earth would be denied her in
a commercial way. He will be here
niiil tomorrow evening, when he re
turns to his Washington home. ,
The steamer R. D. lnman entered
port yesterday morning, from San
Francisco, ai d went On to Portland,
where she will load lumber for the
return voyage.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore arriv
ed down from the metropolis yester
day shortly afternoon and after a
brife stay here, went on to sea and
Tillamook Bay with heavy load of
The Elmore motor schooner Gerald
C came in yesterday from Tillamook
waters with a good load of salmon,
and is now loading at the 0. R. & N.
pier for the outward trip.
The four-masted schooner Endeav
or arrived in yesterday morning from
San Francisco, and will go op the
river today on the hawsers of the
Harvest Queen.
The steamships Breakwater and Al
liance met in this harbor on Sunday
morning, to, -and from, Coos Eay, re
spectively, as usual.
The steamer Lurline was ahead cf
her schedule last evening, and when
she left up for Portland, she had on
board the following named people
from this city: Russell Gwinn, K.
Hannigan, Miss B. Anderson, A.
Meserve and F. Brance. Edward Har
rison was in the purser's office for the
trip, relieving Harry Blanchard.
The S. F. & P. steamship Senator
came in from San Francisco yesterday
morning and after discharging a lot
of local freight, went on to Portland.
The steamer South Bay was among
the get-aways from this port on Sun
day morning last, bound for San
Francisco. :
The steamer Eureka was one of
the vessels to depart from this port
on Sunday morning last, bound for
the port she is named after.
Star Cigar Store
Eleventh and Commercial Sts.
Cigars, 50c Per Box and Up
Best Line in the City
The French ship Crillon will go up
the river today on the lines of the
Harvest Queen, and will take on
cargo ot wheat tor fcuropean deliv
ery. ' '
The British bark Lydgate, Captain
Law, is due down today on the haw
ser of the Harvest Queen, bound for
the United Kingdom, with wheat, for
A ship, was reported outside yester
day afternoon. It is thought to be
the French ship Laennec, from Ho'
bartown, via Honolulu.
The steamer Northland is due to
arrive today from San Francisco, on
her way to Portland, for another load
of lumber.
The boiler that has recently been
built for the Callender steamer Met
ville, is finished, at the Astoria Iron
Works, and Captain Jordan is busy
getting the vessel in shape to receive
the long needed acquisition. She has
been missed from the waterfront ac
tivities here for about vfour months,
Land it will be nearly another month
before she is ready for sen-ice as the
flagship of the Callender fleet.
Mrs. M. McRaney, Prentiss, Miss
writes: "I was confined to my bed
for three months with' kidney and
bladder trouble, and was treated by
two physicians but failed to get re
lief. No human tongue can tell how
I suffered, and I had given up hope
of ever getting well until I began
taking Foley's Remedy. After tak
ing two bottles I felt like a new per
son, and feel it my duty to tell suf
fering women what Foley's Kidney
Remedy did for me." T. F. Lau-
rin. Owl Drug: Store.
I iC:
For a Warm
Bath Room
A bath in a cold room is a
shivcry"operation and is extremely
liable to cause colds. The bathroom
above all should be kept warm.
This is easy and the bath is a"
comfort if you have a
01! 'Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
It may be carried from any outer room lo the bath room, which
il wjjl heal while you are preparing for the bath. Impossible
to turn it too high or too low. The most economical heater
t . . t I r l ..I
you can buy intense heat lor hours with
one tiling. " "
hold purposes. Civea a clear,
sVaJy liglit Made o( brass throughout and nickel
plaid Equipped with the latest improved central
draft burner. Handsome simple satislactory. Every
lamp guaranteed. . ' -
11 you cannot jet heater or lamp at your dealer's,
write our nearest agency (or descriptive circular.
Fully .C'.s) ladies and gentlemen
made pleasant use of the friendly in
vitation of the officers and directors
of the Astoria Amateur Athletic Asso
ciation to attend the "house-warming
at their beautiful home at Exchange
and Eleventh strvets, last night, and
anyone of the visiting throng will bear
the Astorian out in the declaration
that it was an event long and happily
to be remembered.
Every member who could possibly
he there was out, and his hand and
spirit did the rest in the way of wel
come, and everywhere throughout the
establishment, trom the swimming
tank in the basement to the ballroom
on the upper floor, the comforts and
conveniences ad luxuries of the house
-were at everybodys' command; and
nothing was left undone, in any direc
tion, to confirm the mind of the last
guest that the "A. A. A. A." was i
rixed and famous entity in the his
tory of Astoria.
The officers and directors were all
in evidence and were as ubiquitous as
they were clever in extending the hos
pitality of the hour; no one got by
them; no one was overlooked; no one
was disappointed; it was a thoroughly
enjoyable affair and the credit and
pleasure of the occasion may well be
distributed among the following gen-j
tlemen: President, G. C. Fulton
vice-president, H. F. Prael; secretary,
J. M. S. Hawthorne; treasurer, H. R
Hocfler and Directors: W. A. Eigner,
At y o clock yesterday morning
Operator Ferland, at the United
Wireless station on Smith's Point,
picked up the steamer Buckman,
bound to Seattle from San Francisco,
of the mouth of the Columbia river.
She reported all well with her.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore return
ed to port yesterday evening, the
bar not being quite to the fancy of
Catapin Schoeedrr .. ....
Captain Schroeder, and will try
again this morning.
The Columbia bar schooner Pulitz
er is in port on her monthly mission
for supplies of all kinds and will leave
out as soon as she is duly equipped
with all she needs.
ine steamsnip ueo. w. luder is
due in port this morning, from the
California coast, on her- unfailine
Hoafse cough and stuffy colds
that may develop into pneumonia
over over night are quickly cured by
Foley s Honey and Tar, as it soothes
inflamed membranes, heals the lungs,
and expels the cold from the sys
If you are particular and
want nothing but pure and
wholesome meats, the kind
that is guaranteed bv"Uncle
Sam" you will trade with us.
All our meats are Govern
ment Inspected and our
prices are low as the lowest
for first-class goods.
Hams 1 6c per lb.
Bacon 7c per lb.
Lard 5 lb. pails 6gc
Choice Butter 05, 70, 75c
.:: . per roll
Ranch Eggs... 3c per doz.
684 Commercial St.
I Mi 1 ; il
copyii 1901 kf j ).
' . .1. 1 7. 9
present, come in here any day;
we wont promise to give you one
of our fine
suits or overcoats; butwe'll sell it to
you in such a way that! you'll make
a good big clothes-profit.
If you want to give a present that
is sure to please a man, this is the
store for your money. We've.' got
lots of the small things men need;
neckwear, gloves, fancy hose sus
penders, canes and umbrellas, muf
flers,fine shirts and underwcar,fancy
waistcoats. Useful gifts are always
most acceptable.
You'll find them here from 25
cents up to $40.00.
F. J. Johnson and A. V. Allen, Jr.
The Columbia Orchestra, of five
pieces, occupied the grouna tioor ana
disepnsed charming music all the
evening, while the Pacific Orchestra
was in the hanging balcony of the
hallorom and kept the feet of the
dancing hundreds on the move from
early evening until midnight
Every department was open to the
public and every convenience was
made use of, for rest, indulgence, or
test, the gymnasium, the swimming
tank, the offices, the reception rooms,
the ballrooms; the billiard-room, al
were tried out and fully appreciated
by the people who came to see them
and it is a safe venture that the Ath
letic Association win ne tne cniet i
topic of interest in Astoria today,
The whole establishment is in prime
condition, and perfectly kept, the rule
of comfort apparently being the chief
matter of observance on the part of
everyone who has to do with the club,
and when the last fixtures arc annex
ed and the finishing touches put on
there will be no establishment of its
scope in the Northwest that will, sur
pass it in appointment and service.
An interesting case was heard in
'circuit court yesterday before Judge
;Mc Bride, wherein the Frank L. Smiu
Meat Company brought suit to en
join Esa Pouttu, of Uniontown, from
further continuing in the meat market
business for a period of five years.
Decision was given for the plaintiff
According to the testimony ad-
jduccd the Smith Company recently
bought out Pouttu's market in Union
jtown, the transfer having been made
iby means of a written contract, and
'in accordance with a custom not un
; usual in such matters, the contract
contained a clause that Pouttu should
iiui oian 111 uic meat uu.iui.99 111
toria again for five years.
Pouttu did start up, however, and
then the action was brought to re
strain him. '
While upon its face the contract
One of the features of the evening
was the impromptu address delivered
by Hon. J. , C. McCue, "between
the hundreds of guests in happy touch
with the club and its purposes and
commending it to the popular good
will of Astoria and the friendly inter-! plainly read that Pouttu should not
est of kindred concerns in the North- j start up again he endeavored to show
west. that he had signed the instrument
I under a mistake; and that he did not
miviiu avil ilia t;uuwill lur mis i
Iprm fit fiv vpari AffrtrA'intr in
Astoria's crack swimmers in evidence, 1 , '.. ,
j vuim, nuu van utiuii;i I vdu liur
i write the English language, the coil-
tract was read over to him by Mr.
When the
thrown open
there were
tank was 1
several of
Just Arrived
a shipment of
They're Fine
Leave your order with us for
Acme Grocery Co.
I'lill List of
Victor Double Disk 75c Records t
uow on hand. Full stock of
Victor and Edison Machines and Records I
finest stock of VIOLINS oq the coast.
AH at Eastern Prices.
Mr. Citizen:
Buy from your local merchant, lie sells his
Roods as cheap as you can buy them in Portland or "
elsewhere. The Astoria Merchant buys the Seawall
for Astoria but the Portland Merchant does not.
Peter Johnson, Clyde Trullingcr, Fred
Cordincr, AJervyn Troycr, Arthur
Danielson and Ivor Ross, whose clev
er speicaltics held the crowd for a
long while, or until the dance music
from the upper floor became too allur
ing to be further denied.
Not until 12 o'clock did the interest
of the occasion cease; people : were
coming and going all the time, and
none forgot to say the friendly and
pleasant word that was indispensable
in the light of the entertainment that
was afforded by .the club and its offi
cers. There is no lack "of kindly as
surance in Astoria today as to the
success of her new club, and none
will be more glad to record that suc
cess than the Morning Astorian.
Smith in person, and that when the
clause was read dealing with his re
tirement from the meat business here
fry five years Pouttu said, "Strike th it
out," and that Mr. Smith had agreed
to strike it out.
For the defense this was denied and
the instrument as it stood was up
held. Mr. Smith, head of the meat
company, testified on the stand yes
terday, having come down from Port
land for that purpose.
"FEKNDALE" Butter represents
the culmination-of perfection in the
Butter-making art. Try it. i
are Increased by beautiful surround-
ings. New and artistically designed
will make your rooms look bright
and attractive. If you are going to
do any re-papering you should have
it done immediately and thus put
your house in real holiday trim.
Allea Wall Paper
and Faint- Co. -
The Cornelius
"The House of Welcome"
Corner Park and Alder,
A hotel where the North
west people will find a hearty
welcome and receive
Courteous Treatment
at moderate prices.
Our free Omnibus meets
all trains.
Under management of N, K. Clarke
C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor.
Old newspapers for sale at this
office, SO cents per hundred.