THE MUlLNWi ASTUULN. ASTOHIA. OKKliUN arise demanding our attention and in terest and there must be some organic body ready to meet and dispose of them with certitude and authority, I This does not mean that the lew ! and collection of taxes in this behalf are needed or necessary at this time, . nor that any money is to be raised or spent That will come when t is un ,.$7.00 avoidable and for the proper and time ... .60 ly enforcement of the provisions of the act at the right time. . . There is no earthly use in our sleep ..$1.50 ing upon our rights in this important nraffliu Th thin II In llrt !t tO tCr . . r. ........... " ., Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1906, at the at Astoria, ect the creation of the port, put it Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3. 18,9. . in the hands of its commission, or- ;. , ganhte that, and wait for such devel- . Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence cements as are sure to come, in the or place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone. courJe o jts fuu nj finaj establish- j,,t!lrjw in delivery should be immediately reported to the office tn, or in ,t,e course of any dispute . . - ' . ' ! ..... f .I. m.H kft of publication. - or nv5jn vr (viiiumn j ( Injected from any source. Established 1S73, - Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINGER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year ..................... By carrier, per mouth ,.......,.,...?.,........... :.Ji';;':.,".;: .. WEEKLY ASTORIAN. V J".:'.: ..,.,,,. By mall, per year, in advance TYPICAL WESTERN- PLAY FOR TO-NIGHT TELEPHONE MAIN Ml. 'In Wyoming" a Well Known Drama of life In the j West At Astoria Theatre. THEIWEATHER i FACTS WANTED. soon tive us a name worth infinitely ' more to us man ine regulation nowi, . . . nL Washington and Idaho -'of invitation to come here and share, The Morning., Aston. has been Oregon, Washington ew ' gratuitously Knsurei, (or the lengths JfJf t. wttiV) i wnfr tttirint? the recent ; CIVIC SELF-HELP. j We had far better go after one ' municipal campaign dealing with CmC RWJFB !8mdl,d rational enterprise, with the financial facts as they exist here. Self help is one of the cirdinal ,nip an4 certainty of getting it and vic obligations, etc., etc.. the ob thases of human uplift la every field ng it a feature of our future, than Jtor alleging that we were destroy of endeavor, and it applies aa directly t0 fritter .way our time and money ing the credit, of the city abroad and .nd potently to the communal .a to gnd spirit on claim, we cannot make 'hampering her fiduciary plans and fee Individual achievement Astoria EOOd. We have just so much in the engagements, etc. etc.; to at of which i, unqualifiedly in want of a bit of this way of resource, attraction, tnd com- we 5in make ""variable answer, powerful agency; self-help and aelf- pending investment to offer. And' Facts .re facts, and the people want centering wiU do her a huge lot of we wffl do well to work to that and Pta!ly at a crisis; a crisis IO04 just now. And the fact that thetry to rtalue on it; but first we must listed; we gave the facts (much is off .t a tangent, by herself, makes to4rge .entlment .nd ense .nd i-t ouf own desire); the cmis the principle the more valuable .nd taow h,t we want .nd that .11 .re was averted; and the city was spared effectrve. ; wanting it and working for it Busi- worse cnsis; her condj- etiectr. . . w" " 8 . ... .t . . , t0n now is admittedly better than tt It has been proven beyond the Cess is business and hot ir is hot " ' doubt Of any man famflier with her ,ir. The latter is exhaustless at have been had we not gone to S thTshe need never look for per; the former, plentiful the lengths of candor we, did; and h Slit indirect .id or countenance enough, simply requires employment, h tbt las word we have to offer v -iv?. tiifflihor: and on nAliVtion. nd the assurance of unit- 1this DCna- VI VI aiV WW w 1 - , mmmmmammmmmm the contrary may make up her mind ed action to win out on any given line ' . . hit Ook of them in . position to de- we My be justified in following. Adehna PatU has been singmg a J deny her, wiU not loso the; U? together .nd go .t it on gb Pans and toa M ' . ... . .j-:jv . ..... audience. Patu is Qualified to ex- OPpOriUUJlJ. ' - " "J'""" . 0 - With the evident intent of fixing on the tng for all time that fast dis-ai-pearing, if not extinct and wholly V letnresque type of being, the Ameri jin cowpuncher, Mr. Willard Mack, the author "of "In Wyoming," which wilt appear this evening at the Astoria t theatre, has given in "Bob Riakards" . character study that seems to have mtisfied all demands of facny regard ing our western range rider. The hero, although born in Pennsylvania, has lived years in Wyoming and Is in perfect sympathy with ? the peculiar manifestations of civilisation that ob tained in that region during the "7V$" and "SW, when cattle raising was the only business, cattle stealing the only crime and lynching the only evi dence of order. "Everything that could tend to lend atmosphere to the play has been care fully attended to. The scenery is faithful reproduction of the Dalby Ranch, with the Big Horn range of mountain, in the distance and cactus drown plain in the foreground and the ranch house situated in the midst of this desert. The newspaper world .nd the pub lic who have witnessed "In Wyo Piing" claim that it is the truest and best exposition of western life yet civen to the stage and predict that It will live .long with "The 014 Home stead." wWy Down East" "In Old Kentucky," and other play, of this character, whose sort, though prob ably not dramatic teems to hold the ultention of the public year after year by their reality and simplicity. TITLED THIEF. Sad Story of a Danish Girl in the New - World. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19.-"I am the wife of Count Brockenheinus Von Lowenhielm, . Dane, not . Russian, although we were intimate with . number of Russian nobility. My hus band dabbled in Russian politics and to the world itself .nd that ha done ; bat mighty little good if any one , wants to know it The mere fact of j M-ictince will not yield her a DONT FAIL TO ORGANIZE! plain why Ponce de Leon failed to find the fountain of youth. - The Lincoln centennial anniversary comes February 12 Many prepara- There should be no sort of delay faitnr In the ArtTaniZAtiOTa Of CDC ma iir nnr sn ciimuiiwi - : - these she must go after and bring in Fort of Astona. u is one oi me mu uons are going on wrougnvui We must get together on a common essential things we have to do, if only J country, but it is necessary now to h9; (not too tar jwith a uniftea to pu oik" " luv - f Wea of working together for the city legal and actual footing to meet any along some particular fine, however exigency that may arise at between itoall it may be at first, and au pun our own juiwmtuuu heartily until it is ours. The acenmu- Port of Portland. No man knows at . . .... . j . ,n wlinf moment crave auestions Will ti rnp if.fT anvdiiiaKV. w... " - b Oklahoma seems to b having as much trouble as Cuba in getting her government started. A Boston paper refers to Mis- sourians aa "Southerns." Where does it think the Central West is located? ' Judge Taft will inherit the tariff question, from his predecessor, the same as all the other presidents have done in turn. ? , had some narrow escapes.1 This was the statement in police corut here yesterday by Mrt, A. L. Rogers, an American, convicted of stealing silverware in thu city, ana sentenced to 90 days In jail. She appealed to the Danish minis if r. who. she said, knew her. Mrs. Rogers testified that her father was i successful business man in Dallas, Texas, where she was married in 1897, and that ahe separated from her hus band 'It was another one of those inter national marriages," she said. "My husband kissed me one morning, walked out of the door and I have never seen him since. Of course we had tome exciting timet in Russia, but please don't refer to my life Jn Europe. It's all past now." bootha and patmirUtttlnn crusade, is urging the passage by the neat Legis lature of more Mriiiuciit kuixfation In this state prohibiting the importation of cattle affected with tuberculosis. Also he hope to prevent the use of the word ,'iitteurilinu unless It speaks for the scientific and not com mercial method. "Commercial paiteurUatkm," ayi Mr. Straus, "Is a humbug and fraud. The germa are not killed, but the milk has been treated by a procena which merelv preserves it, and prevents U irom touring. It actually doea more harm than good, for it enables dis honest dealer to keep milk and mar ket it when it it old and stale. It deceive mother who know that pat- teriaed milk is good for their babies, and do not understand that commer cially pasteurlied milk It only pr served milk. 'Unfortunately most of the to-called pasteurized milk totd in the city hat been only commercially treated and the use of the terra 'pasteuriaation In connection with it should be forbid den by law." her of all thee torture. She feel U her duty to tend it to all sufferer FREE. You cure yourself tt home a thou sand will testify no change of cli mate being nrmsary. This simple discovery banithe uric acid from the blood, Moiten the ttiffened joints, pur ifies the blond, and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity tnd tone to the whole ivstcm. If the above Interest you. for proof address Mrt. M. Summers, Hex R. Notre Dame, Ind. NEW CONCRETE BUILDINO. CENTRALIA. Wash.. Dec, 19.- Carstent Packing Company of Seattle it contemplating contraction of concrete building on Main ttrtet. Their repretentative hat placed a rec ommendation with the directors of the company to that effect. The building will be a two-story one. SO by 100 feet, adjoining the new Odd (cltowt Hall. AMUSEMENTS.' A Notre Dam Lady't Appeal To all knowing sufferers of rheuma tism, whether muscular or of the joints, sciatic, lumbago, backache, pains in the kidneys of neuralgia pains, to write to her for a borne treatment which hat repeatedly cured AstoriaTheatre Dec. 20 H. E. PIERCE & CO. Present the Stirring Ameri can Play - Ill WYOMING A Cast of Brilliant Ex. ;.. ccllence : ' "Seldom hat tuch t typically west- ern comedy been created" Milwau kee Sentinel "In Wyoming' It a genuine west ern comedy without the usual gun play." Minneapolit Journal Another "Arizona" Absolutely Void of Gun riay Intensely Excitbgl Prices 25, 50, 75, $1 HMitMtMHMMHMMMWIMUMMilftim PURSUES HIS HOBBY. Nathan Straus Going After the Coun try's Infected Cattle, - - a To be given away at the .... B ARERONI AN .... CHRISTMAS MATINEE Every lady and child attending the matinee from now to Christma will be given a coupon which will entitle them to a drawing on a free present. The presents will be displayed In the thow windo of the Bee Hive Store on Commercial treet. Special matinee prixet for children from now till Christmas, 5c. Who are the lucky ones? .n.iMmi in MTMTC ... . . . SEATS FREE T AUMUdWil v wumtf - HMIMimttMIIHIItHHtMHMMMmHMMtt 5 T i- - XI Xmas tve i a Beau ! tiful ft Ai a t II $14- UOII will be given away Free t The Shrewd Holiday Shopper Will Trade at Waterman's i "i Mr Carnegie says the improvement Some of the campaign stories, T of waterways should be national, not which bothered nobody during the NEW YORK, Dec 19.-Natban local. The lakes-to-gu!f proposition campaign, are now returning toptraus, me wew iorn pnu.nuiruy.... US not only national, but continental, f piague wiew mvcnwr. .m w r...-r. m ,,ln.mmniu.(n.nMg wwwwwtt .p.,,,,..,,....-.--. CROWD WHO KNOW AND GET REAL BARGAINS AT WATERMANS tree i 5; v w jm msmmm 111 HRtj HNyv uwru ys-i : MBWr "A ITO M That : Toys For Girls The favorite toy for the little girl always harand always will be, DOLLS. We have a grand assortment: rubber dolls, rag dolls, ABC dons, and Sne China dolls. We 'can suit both taste and pocketbook. Our dolls nge in price from 15c to $5.00. Besides dolls, for the little misses, we have doll folding brass cradles, doll dishes, kitchen ranges, small flat irons, wash boards and a hundred and one other gifts to please the Uttle girl We have a splendid assortment of games of every description ranging in price from 5c to 25c. Story books, nursery rhymes, A B O and hoHday books of aU kinds Toys For Girls 1 For the small boy we have probably the largest stock of toys in town. Repeating air-riflea $1.50, pop-guns 15c, swords 15c, Christmas horns 5c to 25c, sand palls and spades 10c and 20c, pocket knives 5c to 30c, mail box banks, combination banks 15c, mechanical automobiles 30c, woolen dogs, horses, mules, etc., on wheels 15c; Happy Hooligan iron wagons and truck of every description at all prices. All kinds of iron'toys at from 5c to 50c; mouth organs 10c to 15c, carpenters outfits $2.25, soldering sets 15c, and tools, the boy kind, are to be had here galore at low prices. You must visit our boy department to fully appreciate the large assortment Gifts For "Grown Ups" After looking around th many other stores In the city trying to decide whit to buy your mother, wife, titter, or sweetheart for Christmas, if you will pay us a visit we will no doubt be able to supply you with "Just the thing." For Instance, you can get her fancy imported hand-painted China at almost any price, toilet articles, a Merry Widow hat pin and many othetf styles of fancy hat pins, shirt-waist sets, and links necklaces, handkerchiefs, v bracelets, neck pins, jewelry boxes, writing stationery, and other articles too numerous to mention. " , it CAN YOU GUESS If you think you are a good guesser, we chattenge you to teU us the amount of shot in the small tumbler in our Commercial street window. It does't cost anything to guess and you may IsiWalerman's store has been established in this city. Astoria nas ai jsst. ducq a ,i mi v. u. .wc where real values are to be obtained at right prices. Waterman's is last Decerning me lavorne anoppmg u ir women,and is steadily gaining the reputation of being Astoria's leading store-and again we say " ; ' Watch Whose Windows For Bargains? - ' (gmuwl iJi ' J i , .. y s a . mm w: -m Oj Ii THE DOLL 13 FREE Just drop into our store and submit your guesses of the number of shot in the small glass tumbler; your guess may be the lucky one and win the $14 doll to be given away Christmas eve. You don't have to buy to guess. win the pretty doU for your trouble. I wul luB uv" " 7"" J : W ' ' Tmw itm -bp- - " - - mmmmmmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tt .. ....... ..t.lXX.l.IJ