The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 19, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Select Your Xmas Presents flow
We have just put on sale many hand- ,
some and useful articles. Something
to interest everyone.
Meantime we continue to furnish the
V best of Groceries and Meats, Etc.
Assembly Bill
The next Assembly ball will bt
held in lh Athletic Club hull cm Fri
day night, January 13.
Declaration Filed
Declaration of intention to become
citizen was filed in the office ol the
county clerk yesterday by Mtl Al
fred Raikula, native o( Finland., (,
Football Gam Today
A game of football will be played
title afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, on the
A. 'V, C. park grounds, between the
teveni of McClure and Taylor
"schools. Each team I composed of
plucky players and It ia likely they
will turn out a very interesting game.
Win Run Through
To accommodate tot of people
who Intend to utillie their coast cot
tages for Christmas-bouse parties,
the night trains on the A. & C. will
be mo through from Portland to Sea
side, on Christmas eve and New
Year's eve,;.
' Divorce Granted
Judge Mc Bride in circuit court yes
terday granted James Y. Lewis a di
vorce from Alice S. Lewis. In the
case of NclUe , E. Parker against
Ebea P, Parker, the defendant was
ordered to pay the plaintiff $33 suit
City Printing Bide ,
Bids for the" city printing will be
opened at 4;30 o'clock this afternoon
, ia the office of the city auditor bv
' the members of the wsys and means
committee of the common council.
: The bids are called for the ensuing
year, but may be extended one or
J two years longer if so agreed upon by
the council. It ia understood that
1 all those interested in the bidding
' may be present at the opening of the
; envelopes. " "
y Attention Foresters!
All members of Court Astoria, No.
8, Foresters of America, will meet et
Odd Fellows' hall, on Sunday (to
morrow) morning, at 10:30 o'clock,
to attend the funeral, of our late
brother, Albert Brundstrom. By or
W cf E. B. Winters, Chief Ranger;
p l.. wyrr, rccunung secretary,
Hot Drinks
Coffee and Chocolate.
Just received a shipment of fancy
.;. .... ,il Baldwin Apples;
; : r Our prices are right
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
phone 1181 GOOD GOODS phonkmi
t, ! 120 TO 124 .TWELFTH STREET ;
You'll Need It Soon
Out On Rose City
The following named persons were
parngcrs out on the steamship Rose
City, hence to San Francisco, thi
morning: Henry Kleiwhner, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. A. M
Knnea, in the cabins, and M.
Kaufman, in the strecrsge.
Sutlng up the Field f : -
Victor DalglcUb, secretary of ihe
Astoria Commission Company,
this city, Is now in . Portland and
Willamette Valley, looking over the
field and sizing up the prospects for
his company's business, which ha
Just started here. He will return in
few days.; - ' .. .
Athletic Club
A general meeting of the members
of the A. A. A. A. for the purpose of
Inspecting and accepting the club
rooms and transacting any business
(hat may be brought before it will b
hehJin the Association dub-rooms on
Monday, December 21, at 8 o'clock
p. m. There will be music. The pub
lie are also invited.
Funeral Tomorrow
The funeral of the late Albert
Brunstroin will be held from the
Memorial Lutheran Church, corner
Tenth of Exchange on Sunday morn
ing at 11 o'clock. The funeral serv
ice taking the place of the regular
morning service and the interment in
Greenwood cemetery.
Clever Fire Work-v
, On Friday afternoon the 300 pupils
and teachers at the Adair school were
startled by an alarm of fire and so
perfectly have they been drilled t
the work1 that the building was
emptied in just 50 seconds. Then
was demonstrated that the most of
them, elders and youngsters, believed
the alarm to have been genuine rath
er than for drill purposes.
Assessment Roll-
The assessment roll for the Jerome
avenue .improvement, Hth to 18th
street, was filed in the office of the
city auditor yesterday, showing that
the total cost of the improvement
would be $5864,75, segregated as fol
Iowa: contract price, $5740; survey.
ing, $75; certificates of ownership,
$13.75; printing, $20; assessors' fees,
Slippery Walks-
Many t pedestrian took a "tumble"
yesterday as a result of the slippery
condition of the sidewalks. Especial
ly In those places where the sun did
not strike the walks were icy and it
behooved everyone to be careful.
There was one especially bad place
on Commercial street where manv
Turkey disposal, day and nieht, at
Grussi's Cigar Store, 11th and Com
mercial street, 5c and 10c. ' ,.
We have tltera.
GO. Mifc :1
School Vacation
' Tin publit:' mIioUs will cor next
Wednesday afternoon for the Christ
mas holidays, und will convene again
on Monday, January 4, making holi
day of a little less than two weeks,
Many of the teachers will leave for
their homes, or for other places to
pass the Christmas week.
Typhoid Fever
Annie Fedcrscn, of Dear Cliff, n
the north' shore, a child of about
eight years, is quite ill with typhoid
fever at St, Mary's hospital, She ,'s
a niece of Phil McDonough. Dr,
Finch, who is the attending physi
cian, said last night the little girl is
gelling along unite well, though now
right in the worst part of the dis
ease. '
' .
Delay In Improvement
One of the propcrtyholders who
lives near the High School complain
ed yesterday that the work of plac
ing down a , sidewalk on Seventh
street, west of the school building,
has not yet been commenced. The
walk is in very bad condition, and
about a month ago the council agreed
to go ahead and make the necessary
Goes North Overland
Deputy United States Marshal Kil
day who spent several days here with
friends, has departed for his home
and district headquarters at Nusha
gak, Alaska, and left Seattle yester
day, overland, with horses and packs
and will "stick to the trail" all the
long and lonesome distance.
' Yesti
terday morning as young Man-
ville Buffum, son of Manager Buffum,
of the Bankers' Saving & Loan Asso
ciation, was coasting down the Sev
enteenth street hill on s brand new
sled presented him the evening be
fore, the swift little vehicle slewed
badly and threw the boy heavily
against the curb, breaking both bones
in his left fore -arm. The limb was
set by Dr. O. B. Estea, and the suf
ferer has lost all interest in that kind
of sport, St least for the present. '
Coasting Accident-
Willie Wooten, t well known youth
of, this city, was injured yesterday
evening about 6 o'clock, while coast
ng down Ninth street. His sled be
came unmanagable and he was
thrown under a moving dirt wagon
which passed over his back. The
wagon belonged to Mr. Butts. The
tad was taken at once to his home at
the corner of Eighth street snd Ken
sington avenue, and his injuries.
which were not very grave, were at
tended to, and at last accounts he
was resting easily.
In Southern California-- fc
The. Morning Astorian is credibly
Informed that Messrs. John Nelson
and- William Anderson, of Deeo
River, both of whom wre deeply in
terested in the late lamented oil ven
ture over there, are now In Casa Ver-
dugo, California, which place is in the
heart of the oil-bearing region of that
country,. They are evidently looking
into the processes and methods in
that industry there, and (may profit
handsomely by their experience when
they return to their own holdings on
the Washington shore of the Colum
bia. ,
Sure Of It!
Customers buying clothes at Wise's
on the "Free Day" get their money
back. But If you don't strike the
Free Day" you're sure of good goods
at reasonable prices. uat
Fresh Meet- ''
Spare ribs, pork tenderloin, and
other meats fresh daily at Braden's
new meat market. See ad, page 4.m
Don't buy your Xmas can
dies until you have
seen our
..Home Made Candies...
! - They are healthier
and better and don't cost
, any more.
483 Commercial St., Astoria, Or.
Will Extend Business
Mcn'ifi, Uirch Sc Jacohson, the werll f
known contractors, have 'concluded
that their business is growing at such
a rate and in such directions, as to
make it essential that they build anl
maintain a fully equipped pilcdriver.
And to this end they are now con
structing a first-class machine, the
barge of which will be 60 feet lon
and 21 feet wide. The work is going
forward at a nite near the Astoria
Box Company's plant.
Best Even In Astoria ,
The "Grand" has three ' of the
finest films ever shefwn in Astoria for
production tonight and tomorrow
chief of which is the "Life and Death
of Mary Stuart, Queen of the Scot's,"
in hand-painted effects, which is i
$3000 film of the Tathe-freres" make
and is shonw only on the day of re
lease in New York, Chicago, here, or
wherever produced, -4t is the most
perfect thing of the kind ever seen
This is amplified by another fine film
the "Cave of the Spooks", also
colors; and a famous bit of humor
called "Old College Chums," th
three making as interesting exhibi
tion as was ever seen here.
Leading Democrat Here
Hon, Alec Sweek, of Portland, was
In the city for a few hours yesterdav,
accompanied by his friend and client,
A. Mays, of San Francisco. Mr.
Swcek passed the woid that he "wa
out of politics" at present, and wa
evidently seeking earnestly for th
tangible, actual reason for the over
whelming defeat of his party in the
late presidential campaign, Tber
were any number of plausible ac
countings offered him by willing and
well-posted people here, but he waiv
ed them all aside is "irrelevant and
immaterial" and is still hunting the
real cause. He has s host of friend
in this city who are always glad to
see him. The gentlemen left un fo-
the metropolis on the evening train.
Ia Probate Court-
In probate court yesterday the final
accounting of Louis A. Myllenback,
executor of the estate of Antone Fur
ladoi, was approved and the executor
discharged from further duty. It was
ordered that the sum of $2332, which
was still in the executor's hands, be
emially distributed among the six
heirs as provided for in the will,
some of them being in .Fayal, Azores
Islands. Their shares were ordered
sent to the American consul at that
place. An order was also made ap
proving the final account of the ad
ministrator in the estate of L K. G
Smith, declaring the estate settled
and discharging the administrator.
In the matter of the guardianship of
the estate and person of Charles
Danford Warren, it was ordered that
the guardian, Cornelia Belknap War
ren, be empowered to sell certain
estate, r . '
The Lesson Lives
The Columbia River Sun, at hand
yesterday contains the following: "AH
that was mortal of Madeline Long
taine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Longtaine, was brought to Cath-
lamet Monday and intered in the
Woodmn cemetery on the hill near
town. The services, conducted by
Rev. Dr. Miller, took place in Red
men hall and the building was filled
to overflowing with friends of the
family and the deceased girl. Rev.
Millers words were of the most con
soling character and the exceptional
ly sad and solemnly sweet songs ren
dered by the choir caused many a
heartache in the, large audience, and
few dry eyes were in evidence. The
songs, 'Beyond the River,' 'Some
Place the Sun is Shining,' and 'Rock
of Ages' were beautifully rendered
by the choir composed of Gertrude
Congd'on, Clarence ' White, Charles
Boylan and Mrs. C M. White. The
pallbearers were Rufus and Ralph
Elliott, Theodore and RichardNassa,
Joe Souvenir, Jr., and Roy White.
Mr. and Mrs. Longtaine and family
have the sympathy of the whole com
munity in their extreme sad loss."
Xmas Suggestion ;
A Pass-book containing a Deposit
of $1.00 or more in our Savings De
partment makes a sensible Christmas
present. Scandinavian-American Sav
ings Bank, u-
Christmas Cards, Book
lets, Callenders.Art Goods,
Novelties, Fountain Pens,
Box Paper and a big line
of Books.
14th and Commercial St.
Dear Kids and Older Folks:
I have a double sized
rig this year and an extra team of Rein
deer, so I can carry any and all size
packages. I would especially recom
mend useful presents such as Herman
Wise offers for men and boys
Fancy Waist Coats
Smoking Jackets
Combination Boxes
Suspenders and Ties
i .
l Mufflers and Handkerchiefs
Underwear $1 to
Dents Gloves
He Won't Look Foolish in a WISE Suit
Little Boy's Suits and Overcoats 1-3 Off
' Yours truly,
. V; . : SANTY
In Care of HERMAN VISEElri,,
Christmas Services
In all of the city churches there
will be special services in commemo
ration of the Christmas time. In the
First Methodist church the Christmas
services will be held tomorrow,' and
the musical part will be of special in
terest. In the morning the choir
will consist of the following: So
pranos, Miss Ella Thomson, Miss
Estelle Thomson; altos: Mrs. Over
mire, Mrs. Lester; tenors: A. R.
Cyrus, A. J. Schroeder, Carl
Badcock; bassos: Donald Snell, J. M.
Anderson; organist: Miss Annie Lar
son.. In the evening the choir will
consist of the following; Sopranos:
Mrs. Abercrombie, Miss Elsie El
more, Miss Clara Barker, Mrs. i-incli;
altos: Miss McCann, Miss Busey, Mrs.
Judd; tenors: S. L. Nanthrup, V, A.
Beharrcl, Nello Johnson; bassos: E.
C. Judd, Samuel Elmore; organist:
Miss Floretta Elmore.
County Court ' t
The three members of the county
court, . Commissioners Frye and
Moore and "Judge Trenchard, held a
session of the court yesterday, after
their week's trip of investigation of
road conditions out in the Nehalem
Valley. The following special levies
were examined and approved: Lewis
and Clerk No. 5, 10 mills; Knapp No.
10, 8 mills; Blind Slough No. 16, 8
mills. Sheriff Pomeroy's report . of
the tax roll for 1907 was read and
pproved, the court remarking that
the reported delinquency "of only
$69.71 speaks well for the taxpayer
and for the work in the sheriff's
office." , The surety bond of the
county assessor for $5000 was ap
proved. Resignation of Wm. Wort
man, supervisor of the New Astoria
road district, was acf epted and C. M.
Mckula appointed in his place. The
court adjourned until December 30,
when it will receive and act upon
special road levies. J
Is Well Cared For
Emma Hearns, the young San
Francisco girl who came here for the
purpose of marrying her lover, Jack
Johnson, one of the soldiers at Fort
Stevens, is being well cared for, Y es
terday she passed in the private office
the sheriff in the county ; court
house, and her father is expected to
arrive to take her back home. She
is 17 years of age, and the Oregon
laws declare that a girl under 18
$5 Knox Hats also
$7 per suit
years may not marry unless with the
parents' consent; though a girl whose
parents or guardian reside out of
this state may apparently marry here
if a resident of the county . for six
months. The young woman has made
a good impression on all those she
has come in contact with, and it is
understood from statements she has
made that her life at borne was not
as happy as it might have been.
Sure Of It!
Customers buying clothes at Wise's
on the "Free Day" get their money
back. But if you don't strike the
"Free Day" you're sure of good goods
at reasonable prices. aat
These pore, fresh Oregon meats
can be found at Smith's and at Smith's
only for these prices:
Small Legs of Lamb.. ......15c
Lamb Loin Chops ..15c
Shoulder Lamb Chop.,.s 12ic
Whole Shoulders to Roast 10c
Frankfurt Sausages 10c
Bologna Sausages ,10c
Blood Sausage 10c
Liver Sausage ,..........10c
Head Cheese 10c
Ham Sausage ,.15c
Smith's Pig Pork Sausage 12 Jc
Shoulder Roa- Pork 10c, 12c
Whole Shoulder Roasts. ....... ..11c
Shoulder Pork Chops 121c
Loin Pork Chops .15c
Loin Rib Roasts of Pork. 15c
Pork- Hocks .......8c
Fresh Pig Feet....... ..5c
Smith's Pure Lard in S-Ib. pails.. 65c
Sirloin Steaks 10c
Tenderloin Steaks ............ ...10c
Best Porterhouse Steaks.... 124c, 15c
T Bone Steaks 12c, 15c
Round Steak ..10c
Best Pot Roasts. ..7c, 8c
Beef for Boiling............... 5c, 6c
Prime Rib Roast Beef... ..10c, 121c
Pickled Pork ............. .....121c
Dry Salt Pork 12c
Smith's Pig Hams .,16c
Breakfast Bacon 16c, 171c
Fresh Eggs ..............35c dozen
Your choice of several different
brands of Creamery Butter.... 70c
Fine fresh," dry-picked Oregon
Chickens, Hens and Springs.... 18c
"Fighting the Beef Trust"
12th St. betw Bond and Commercial
253 Taylor St. (Uniontown)
We have no connection with any
other market in Astoria but these two
;eeei si?
Handle Umbrcl!
Overcoats and Suits you
can't look foolish in
Plain and fancy Golf Sliirn
Guaranteed Hole-proof Sox
in Xmas Boxes
Sweaters and Sweater Coats
Night Shirts Sand Ps jzmzs
Suit Cases
. A grand ball will be givea ta tia
Deep River hall at Deep IUwf,
Wash., Saturday, December 19, 17
the steamer General Washington
leave foot of Twelfth street at 8 p.
m., returning after the ball. Far
round trip, 25 cents; admission t
ball, 75 cents; ladies free. A grand
time is assured to every one that at
tends. ' -
Hoarse cough and stuffy coL'i
that may develop into pneumonia
over over night are, quickly cured by
Foley's Honey and Tar, as it soothes
inflamed membranes, heals the lungs,
and expels the cold from the sys
: Everything here
to make it and the rest
of the day a perfect
success. .
Umbrellas, ;" Handkerchiefs
Shirts, . ' Nobby Sdts
Bath Robes, Raincoats
House Coats, Overcoats
Fancy Vests, Boys' Suits
' Gloves, , "- . Neckwear
and everything at really
low prices. Look
S. Danzigert
Astoria's Greater'?;
Open Evenings 17