THE MOUSING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1901 OCEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER Capt Charles Richardson brought ' tk dandy Columbine into port yes terday t noon, from a 10-day cruise ; fai Poget Sound and coast waters. She curried all manner of supplies and materials to the lightships and sta tions north of her and south of the stratis," including Destruction Isl tnd. Cape Flattery, Edit Hook, New Dimgenncss, Point Wilson, Patos Island, Turnagain Point, and Light ship No. 67; and has been busy ship H the rime she was gone. She pick ed last Tuesday's gale in the upper Sound and reports its effect severe and far-reaching. The steamer Lurline was held at Portland yesterday to have her boil ers blown down, and the Kamm steamer Undine came down last night in her stead. She went back at 7 o'clock, with plenty of freight, and the following named passengers from this city: Mrs. J. E. Fremiant, C F. Houston, P. S. Stamp, M. E'ia and Robert Ames. The steamer Sue H. Elmore arriv- td in from Tillamook Bay yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, with big load, consisting, of 2500 cases of sal mon and 750 cases of cheese. She will leave np for Portland at an early lour this morning. The steamship Breakwater arrived down yesterday morning and after brief berthing at the O. R. & X. piers, went on her way to- Coos Bay, at 9 oclock. She had her whistle with her). The French bark David DAngers got to sea yesterday morning on the steel hawser of the tug Wallula, en route to London, direct, with her big cargo- of grain. The motor schooner CiTaud C. went to sea and Tillamook Buy yes terday at 1 o'clock with a full cargo f general merchandise. The steamship Rose City is expect d down early tomorrow morning from Portland and will depart from the O. R. & N. pier at 8:00 o'clock sharp. '"' ' The steamship Roanoke is due to leave out for the coast of California at 6 o'clock this morning from the Callender dock. " The oil tank steamer Atlas came down from Portland yesterday and went to sea at once, bound for the lower California coast. The steamer Eureka arrived in from her name-sake port yesterday and after a short stay at the Callen der, went on to Portland. The French bark Rochambeau wilt go up stream today on the hawsers of the Harvest Queen. Good Cough Medicint For Children. The season for coughs and colds is now at hand and too much care cannot be used to protect the chil dren. A child is much more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. Th; quicker you cure his cold the less the risk.. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is the sole reliance of many mothers, and few of those who have tried it are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. Starcher, of Ripley, W. Va,, says, T have never used any thing other than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for my children and it has always given good satisfac tion." ..This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. ;.. . . rKatea At Paso Robles Hot Springs. Among the many charming stop ping places in California is Paso Robles Hot Springs. Here are conditions ideal for rest ful recreation;, quiet, congenial sur roundings and modern, almost lux uk accommodations. Paso Robles Hot Springs is a winter resort hotel with the hospi tality of a home; a healing spring without the atmosphere of a sana torium; an enchanting country place with the conveniences of a great resort ' ; Ask any O. R. & N. agent for illustrated booklet, "Paso Robles Hot Springs." The Store ?5he JU T - x-zv yJk. t Ladies FOR I f - i i Women BEfVi HIVEutttcrs ' iisiiiii isto ciiii Biis We can not inge to strongly , the comfort of shop ping in the morning. Our l:st of Christmas presents are full of interest j Special sal; ia all lines of ready-to-wear garments X Out Jim-f toys still complete, and prices beyond competition. fi AW P"-!- I'""- , V''v 1 ''III ' li it Copyright 1 9t by """""" y THE HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES A Merry Christmas for the Folks If , you buy your Gifts Of P. A. Stokes We have a very extensive line of Christmas Gifts,suit able for men, young men and boys. You can't think of anything desirable that we have not got. We have a swell line of Carter & Holmes celebrated Ties 50c and up. A bright and snappy line of Monarch and Cluett Shirts $1 to $1.50. In Sox, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Gloves, Underwear, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Etc, we can show you anything your taste desires and at prices that will suit all. We are exceptionally strong in those lines and in vite your inspection. ' A nice silk Umbrella is always acceptable and a very useful gift, or supposing you go a little higher &nd get a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit or Overcoat. You can get no more beautiful or sub stantial present nor can you get one that will cause the recipient to remember you longer, 18.00 to 30.00. HATS, HATS, Hunters Qreent the smartest color you have ever laid eyes on, the cleverest shapes you ever laid hands on, good style. In black and brown too. 93. OO - - - - - - . ... SMOKING JACKETS BATH ROBES RIGHTS OF 1Y GEII GRAFiTEO FAST PROSPECTS FOR THE ELEC TRIC LINE TO SEASIDE NOW VERY BRIGHT. It is stated on good authority that the announcement may now be safe ly made that the rights of way be tween Astoria and Seaside for the proposed electric line are nearly all obtained, or are in such shaoe that lhcir securcment wi , u. matter of a comarativcly short time. Many of the heavy property hold- ers have given , the rights of way across their properties. The various ; small objections that at first arose jiiave b en smoothed out or surmount ltd in one way or another, and in 9112 I j lace a very slight change was made l in the routing to avoid difficulties. It ....WlilTHAN'S.;.. Now is the Time Xmas Novelties ! are now all on display and stock perfectly complete come before the rush'. - Books, Callendars, Toilet Ar ticles and Sets, Kid Pooks,Gan)es Fountain Pens, Xmas Post Cards and Xmas Cards, Leather Novel ties, Hand Painted China, Brass Novelties etc. Vhitmans Bookstore Write for Our Xmas Catalogue 111 11 CO ....FOR A VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH -)GO TO(- i Johnson Phonograph ! Parlor Serond Floor Over Scho'held A MattVn Co mmmatumssuBi i 0 0 1 ' 1 Hams J gc per lb. Bacon 7c per lb. Lard 5 lb. pails 65c Choice Butter 65. 70. 75c per roll Ranch Eggs . . 35c per doz. All kinds of meat at the lowest market price. 684 Commercial St will be good news to all the resi dents of this city and of the territory intervening between here and Seaside" that the delay in getting the righn of way has been overcome. It is now promised that the work of actuat construction of the line, should be commenced by April 1, and this is credited by the men back of the en terprise. . Among those who have already given the rights of way are the fol lowing: J. T. Ross, Lester McLeod, John II. Jeffers, Irving M. Jeffers, Astoria Abstract & Title Company, J. Q. A. Bowlby, F. G. Taylor, V. Boelling. To secure the others is be lieved to be only a matter of effort during the next week or two. H. O. Van Duscn, who is doing the principal rk in securing the rights of way, said yesterday the work U progressing very satisfactorily now. "We have obtained many of the larg er ones," he said, "and we anticipate no serious troubles with the others. We are given to understand that the finances are in readiness and will be forthcoming the moment we are ready with th rights of way, and na turally we are very anxious to get everything straightened out as soon as possible. The construction means so much to Astoria and Clatsop coun ty that all good citizen should lend their aid in promoting the enterprise, and I am glad to say that nearly all we are dealing with seem very will ing to do just the right thing. It was only natural that there should have been a few ' little things to straighten out, and now everything promises well." It is stated that F. L. Evans, pro-! HEROIC MEASURE TO BE PRESENTED SOON ! TEXT OF DR. OWENS-ADAIR'S BILL FOR THE STERILIZA ' TION OF HUMANITY. The Morning Astorian has had a good deal to say, at one time ni another, in regard to the proposed legislation about to be introduced at Salem at the instance of Dr. B. Owens-Adair of this county, and which is causing wide and interested comment here and all over the States of Oregon and Washington; and in behalf of the growing entiment in favor of this heroic, yet sound, plea for the up-lift of physical, mental and moral humanity, this paper now haj pleasure in presenting the text of the proposed bill; in order give the read ing public a fundamental idea of the proposition and to show how great a matter may be compassed in a meagre space. It reads as follows: Our Apple Show! We are showing a fine assortment of the famous HOOD RIVER APPLE of the following varieties Winter Banana, King, Wagoner, Spitzenberg and Hyde Kings. Our price places them within your reach. Come and see them. Acme Grocery Co. HIGH GRADE GROCERIES 521 COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 681 sent $500 east as a deposit for thj printing of the bonds. Mr. Evans as sures the directors of the company that be is confident the actual work of construction can commence by April 1, and that all he is waiting for is the securement of the rights of way. This part of the work the di rectors of the : company had agreed to do for him. . AMONG THE ISLANDS. MANILA, Dec. 17. -The ' Asiatic fleet, commanded by Rear-Admiral Giles B. Harbcr, sailed today on it cruise among the southern islands of the Philippine group. The fleet will rturri to this port on January 9. "An act providing for the Bteri- lizatlon of criminals, epileptics, ins , and all feeble-minded persons, "Be it enacted by the Legisla- ture of the State of Oregon: 4 "Section I. That criminals, epileptics, insane, and all feeble- minded persons committed to any Stale institution of the State of Oregon, shall be sterilized, except such as in the judgment of a legally appointed board of examiners, whose duty it shall be to riaFs upon each and every case, are exempted. "Section 2. It shall then be- come the duty of the physicians in charge of the various State ( institutions to execute the pro- i visions of this act" Full List of Victor Double Disk 75c Records i now on hand. Full stock of Victor and Edison Machines and Records i I' west stock of VIOLINS on the coast. All at Eastern Prices. Mr. Citizen: Buy from your local merchant, he sells his goods as cheap as you can buy them in Portland, or elsewhere. The Astoria Merchant buys the Seawall for Astoria but the Portland Merchant does not, i A. G. SPEXARTH I Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money -efunded. 50 cents. j Cold Weather Specials ! Now is the time to lay in your supply of beverages for the winter months I Vigoral Beef Tea $2.50 per jug f Fluid beef in tubes 50c per dozen, high grade Rock and Rye and all other stan- , dard bottle goods at the most reason- able prices. . ; , ,., ' T A nn ... . I, i AflLluLAN IMPORTING CO. ( ! Phone, 1881. 589 Commercial St. Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers