TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1?08. THE MOltNING ASTOR1AN, AhTOltlA. .mm 4SZ Select Your Xmas Presents Mow We have just put oo sale many band some and useful articles. Something to interest everyone. Meantime we continue to furnish the ' best of Groceries and Meats, Etc. ROSS, H1GGINS & CO. ? THE MODEL POOD 8TORE Leaves Hospital Mi Sophie Kali lu, of Portland, wlio lu bceu seriously 111 at St Mary's hopitttl, has fully recovered ami will leave (he hospital today for hrr home. :". Mr Fo Homt-7 Mrs. M. J. Vox, who was called U the death bed of her lister at Lew liton, Idaho, over a month ago, ha returned to Astoria. She apparently tood the trip quite well. Secura Certlfkstet Certificate of election were secur- ed yesterday by the following named gentlemen who were electd to office at the recent elctioti; Peter Gitnre, 11 T. Prsel, Cunt Holmes, C. J. Curtis, J. W. Wekh, W. C. Logan. L 0 Bellsnd. Mlaa Warren Leaves Miss Emma C. Warren, county superintendent of schools, will leave this morning for a six week' vaca tion in California. Sh will ipend 1 hort time in the northern portion of the atate and then will go to the aouthern part. Mr. Lowe will take charge of Mi Warren's office dur ing her absence. No Serioua Effects " S. E Parks, the man who was beat en and robbed by highway robbers while 00 the road between Fort Co lumbia and Chinook, has suffered no serious effects from the heavy blow he received on the head. He was treated by Dr. Henderson and is al ready out and ardimd. May Enter Business Her There was an unconfirmed rumor on th street yesterday afternoon, that Victor Dalglsh, the well known night clerk of the steamer Lurlinc, now In the city on a month's leave of alrncc, may settle here in the com mission business with Ed. Donnelly as a partner, if they do not decide that ft is loo litle this season to open upj in which cae the matter will be deferred until Spring. Park Commission In Session Dies At Deep River in? 1111111 meeting or uie Aiiona miss Kama Kuitmiaki, 1 young Pork Commission, for the year 1909, j Finnish woman who has been in this took place last evening at the city country only about a year and a hall, Hon. Herman Wine, mayo', half, died at Deep River yesterday, presiding, and Commissioner Iltlde-1 She was taken sick only the day be- brand, Oratke, hoard and Tee, being fore, and the cause of her sudden present. There was lothitig muci) death is not clearly known, done, and apparently nothing much -to be done as the park keeper's new Taxpayer Tonight quarters are practically finished up, I A meeting of taxpayers of the As- and some few account to audit. These things having been properly cared for, the meeting adjourned. Arrived Yesterday, To Settle ' ' " Yesterday's noon expressed brought to this city, a young attorney of E canoba, Michigan, by the name of A. W, Xorblad,' who conic to make his home in Astoria, and comes with the personal friendship of Rev. C. A. Ryduist.' pastor of the Memorial Lutheran church; Editor Fred Kari nen, and Attorney G. A. Hempcl, with the latter of whom Mr. Norblad is likely to form a co-partnership In the law at an early day. He is a very toria school district is called for to night in the Chamber of Commerce, to act upon the question of the an nual levy for the district, ft had been announced that the meeting would be asked to pas upon the recommen dation of seven mills, as made by the board of education, but it is said to be likely that the taxpayer will be asked to act only on five mills. While the board figures that seven mills will be required, nevertheless two mills of this will be needed to apply on bond interest, and it seems that the board is authorized to levy these, two mills without further ac tion. The board will hold 1 meet ing this morning to prepare for the session tonight. A Letter From Santa Clans ! Wedding On Next Sunday The pleasant announcement is made of the wedding-to-be, on Sunday ev ening next, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Storm, in Aldcrbrook, of Miss Kalstrom, of Portland, and Mr. ttjorn, both well known Portland people. Th event is scheduled for I o'clock in the afternoon, and the new ly married people will settle down 'n Astoria at once and make their fu ture home here. Rev, G. A, Ryd quist will officiate. Rumored 8tabblng Up River cheerful and bright young gentleman, A rumor reached thi city last and comes to Astoria thoroughly pre- 1 1. - ff .. - 1 I tint. ,.! in l.- "'. me i miner i.urunc, 01 .. , Mnrm' RMinnl , "'"" - , The time for opening the school urday night late. The vKtim was said H Found The "Ten"- for nurses at St. Mary's hospital has to be a young girl who has been em- Contractor Peter P. Lettich. in K , fr .h.n ..I I .. .L. II... I ..... . . ' ' v,y i 1.1c wxman; pui an ctiarae of the tank-work for the thin wilt h. in rndi....- fo. .h. detail are lacking, ther being hard- Union Oil Company, in this city, had elas.es. Quit, . number of th m,m. ly e.ioj.gh to confirm the new itself, the misfortune to lose one of the ber of the faculty have already been unique gold ten of this country's appointed and the full list will be coinage, yesterday; tlic kind that has announced at or before the time for not the "In God We Trust" upon it openinu the school. Sister Andrew. ana Which made them SO unuooular Siini-rinr at the hnmital ait vxtrr, . r 1 ' -- J with many people, lie lost it on the day that while quite a number of ap street somewhere, and when he plkatts have appeared, yet most of sought to retrace his steps, and as he them were too young. The age limit nearej the original point of depart- is from about 20 years to about 35. ure, he Saw a boy pick It HO. He Snmr nf ll.no w-hn oili,l In l-.L t). the property, intends to enlarge the immediately gave the lad a dollar for course were mere girls of 16 or 17. irom cnpacny 01 isu, as at uniting it, and went away reioicin. I. i. ilr.ir that ih .h .;.h present, to iim people. 1 he floor will They are very rare now and he is take up the work 00 raiscq ana me nouse put on a par treasuring his specimen devoutlv. I.. .. . 1 whr tne mst convenient and contest of its kind on the coast. Messrs. t was said that Sheriff Flanders was making a thorough search for the young man who committed the o(Tene. To Enlarg Th Grand- Manager Shortly, of the "Grand' motion picture house, on Commercial street, having secured a time lease on Sure Of It I CiiKtomers buying clothes at Wise's on the "Free Day" get their money back. Ilut if you don't strike the "Free Day" you're sure of good goods at reasonable prices. aHt mmi ..',. . 'i. ....L.i- .1 1 Hi jl 1 Hot Drinks Coffee and Chocolate. Frederickton Brothers have the con tract and will prosecute it to imme diate conclusion. Had Fin Time- General Agent Giles It. Johnson, of the A. & C, of this city, has just re turned from Spokane, whither he went with the National Apple Show party out of Portland, He wa in full charge of the Astoria party on the excursion he constituting it all and he saw to it that "all hands" had fine time. The North Hank and Another Good On Coming Astorians lately have been very for tunate in the quality of plays and next Sunday night will be no excep tion to the rule when "In Wyoming-' will be produced by the well known theatrical firm of H. E. Pierce & Co. The piece is said to be on the order of 'The Virginian". "In Arizona," etc and is in no respect a melo drama, but a comedy drama simple and clean Mr., John Con. the Northwestern theatrical booking manager who has control of all the theatres in the west, A. St C. companies intend to run these we' of Uenver- "ly endorses "In excursions to Sookan cuite freonent. vym'nfc a the best dollar attrac ly; and when the line is open from tion h has 00 his circuit ,his Mson Astoria to that city over the "S. P. & S. there will be a big crowd go up from here. Corrupt Practice The Cortcct Practice act applies all the year around, as well as at election time. In most of the county and city offices a card has been re ceived from a Portland house con talning one section of the act, and in big letters these cards also read: "The corrupt practice act prohibits the solicitation by any person from public officials or their deputies, of subscriptions for any religious, cnantaoie or political organization; and prohibits officials and their depu ties from subscribing to the same, or purchasing tickets for raffles, enter tainments or balls, under a penalty of one year s Imprisonment or of pay. tng a fine not exceeding $5(X)0." As pointed out before, however, one may still drop a dime or a quarter in the contribution box at church. Little Johnny Jones" There was something doing every moment of the evening last night at the performance of "Little "Johnny Jones" at the Astoria theatre. The play was a typical "Cohan" produc tion in every respect and was teem ing with genuine comedy and tuneful " .1 1 . tri muMt mrougnoui. ine company was perhaps the largest one in numbers seen here this season and a splendid production was given. Among the features of the evening were the ever popular songs made famous by this company mch as "The Yankee Doodle Boy", "Give My Regards To Broad way," "Good By Flo," and many oth ers which were all rendered in splendid manner. Mr. Smith took the part of Little Johnny Jones and his work was most pleasing. A large and pretty chorus with good voices and well trained dancers is carried which do much to win, success for the principal members of the company. .... APPLE Just received a shipment of fancy Northern Spy and Bald win Apples Our prices are right Scholfield, Mattson & Co. phone 1181 : GOOD GOODS phone' 931 120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET Sure Of It I Customers buying clothes at Wiscs on the "Free Day" get their money back. Hut if you don't strike the "Free Day" you're sure of good goods at reasonable prices, nt DON'T FORGET HEATING STOVE You'll Need It Soon. We have them. We carry Gunthers Dairy Milk Chocolates 50c PER POUND Sold in any quantity from five cents up. ALEX TAGG 483 Commercial St., Astoria, Or. to up tue work make application soon, and if possible, should make 'personal application. It is assured that the course and training will be excellent and the opportunity seems to be a most excellent one for the young women of this locality who de sire to take up the occupation of trained, nurse. Died All Alone 1 Judson A. Meek, for many years resident of the Lewis and Clark dis trict, was found dead in hi little house Sunday morning. He had been in ill health. When found he lay on the floor with his feet under the stove, as if he had strenched him self out for warmth. Coroner Gil baugh was called and made an inves tigation of the matter, but everything tended to show that the rancher had died from natural causes. .. Further examination showed cause of death to have been heart trouble. In his pockets was found the sum of $15.75. Meek had evidently been dead for number of days. He was 51 years of age, unmarried, and while of a ing and unusual disposition, was well thought of by hia neighbors. His sister, Mrs. Nettie Love of Portland, came down yesterday and has taken charge of her dead brother's effects, His ranch comprised about 28 or 30 acres and had some good stock on it There will be no inquest. The funeral will be held from the Gilbaugh chapel this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, the services being conducted by the Rev. Conrad Owens, pastor of the First Baptist church, with interment in Greenwood. Meek had lived on his present ranch for about 20 years. Handsome Christmas Presents The new Keiser's neckwear for. men which we have just received, is the nest ever shown in the city. Ties from SO cents to $2.50; Rufers and mufflers from $1.50 to. $7.50. Call at JUDD BROS, and inspect them. At Paso Robles Hot Springs. Among the many charming stop ping places in California is Paso Robles Hot Springs. Here are conditions ideal for rest ful recreation; quiet, congenial sur roundings and modern, almost lux urious accommodations. Paso Robles Hot Springs is 1 winter resort hotel with the 'hospi tality of a home; a healing spring without the atmosphere of a sana torium; an enchanting country place with the conveniences of a oreat resort. Ask any 0. R. & N. agent for illustrated booklet, "Paso Robles Hot Springs." i is,., t ; ivn " j.' t'i ::::Ti W. C. LAWiS a GO. leu ov-"" r Christmas Cards, Book lets, Callenders, Art Goods, Novelties, Fountain Pens, Box Paper and a big line of Books. Svensons Book Store 14th and Commercial St. Dear Kids and Older Folks: I have a double sized rig this year and an extra team of Rein deer, so I can carry any and all size packages. I would especially recom mend useful presents such as Herman Wise offers for men and boys . Fancy Waist Coats Smoking Jackets Combination Boxes Suspenders and Ties to match Mufflers and Handkerchiefs Underwear $1 to $7 per suit Dents Gloves Seperate Handle Umbrellas $5 Knox Hats also $3 Hats Overcoats and Suits you can't look foolish in Plain and fancy Golf Shirts Guaranteed Hole-proof Sox in Xmas Boxes Trousers Sweaters and Sweater Coats Night Shirts and Pajamas Suit Cases He Won't Look Foolish in a WISE Suit Little Boy's Suits and Overcoats 1-3 Off Yours truly, ' . SANTY- - InCareof H P. S. DANCE AND PIANO CONTEST, DEC. 30, LOGAN'S HALL. . ... J Judge Expected Today- Judge McBride, though expected down to open a term of the circuit court yesterday, did not arrive and no word was heard directly from him by any of the court officials. He is expected down today on the noon train, however. S.everal civil matters are on the docket, and it is said to be possible that one or more of the liquor cases will be called, though not for trial If the defendants in these cases wish to plead guilty they will be given an opportunity to do so. The Children's Interest J. G. Kilpack, traveling agent for the Boys' & Girls' Aid Society, who has been in this section for several days in the interest of his charge, spent the day here yesterday, confer ring with the friends and agencies of the youngsters in Astoria, the teach ers, and the commissioners of his own institution. Mr. .Kilpack has suc ceeded Mr. Teuscher, well and fa vorably known in this behalf, who has gone to the service of the Junior Court, of Multnomah under Judge Gantenbien. Mr. Kilpack reports that the Society is moving along suc cessfully, as usual, with about 70 chil dren at the home, and with over 500 charges still under its friendly care and dominion. city yesterday. Assistant Cashier J. W. Garner, of the Astoria Savings Bank has return ed from his month's outing in South ern California and reports having en joyed it thoroughly. C J. Moffatt, of Centralia, was do ing business here yesterday. J. T. Severance, of Houston, Texas, was a business tourist in Astoria yes terday, leaving up for the metropolis last evening at 6:10 o'clock. H. R. Burkhart, of Pendleton, spent the day in this city yesterday on a business quest Fresh Meat ipare ribs, pork tenderloin, and other meats fresh daily at Braden's new meat market. See ad, page 4.m -'"Mr McRaneyV Experience;--' Mrs.' M. McRaney, Prentiss, Miss., writes:; "I was confined to -mf Jkl for three months with kidney and bladder trouble, and was treated by two physicians but failed to get r lieL.-No human tongue can tell how I suffered, and I had given up hoot of .ever getting well until I began taking Foley's Remedy. After tak ing two bottles I felt like a new per son,, and feel it my duty to tell sap fering women what Foley's Kidner Remedy did or me" T. F. Lau- rtn, Uwl Dru,T Store. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian. 60 cents per month by carrier. Special Notice to the Ladies We have just received the most up-to-date line of Keiser's neckwear for men ever shown in the city. A cravat bearing the Keiser label is al ways right and makes one of the! nicest presents you can give a gentle man, friend or relative. JUDD BROS. re sole agents for this famous line of neckwear in this city, SS7 Commercial street. BEING DRES5ED FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER Everything here to make it and the rest of the day a peifect success. PERSONAL MENTION Umbrellas, Shirts, Bath Robes, Handkerchiefs Nobby Suits Raincoats House Coats, Overcoats Fancy Vests, Boys' Suits Gloves, Neckwear Will Bcnoit was a homing passen ger from Southern California, on the steamship Rose City, yesterday, he having made the round voyage on that vessel., . J. W. Estes, the brother, and Mrs. E. E. Estes, tne mother" of Dr. 0. B. st'es. arid his guests latterly, have returned to their Seattle homes, af ter an enjoyable sojourn in Astoria.! Acrm-ia's arztc nt1,i. W. J. White, the well known paper " " . " r r ' Ikon Knoni i m. TT t.t V man, was a business visitor in this '-'i"-" uuui Auias and everything at really low prices. Look 'em over. ' S. Danziger&Co. These pure, fresh Oregon meats can be found at Smith's and at Smith's only for these prices: Small Legs of Lamb.............t5C Lamb Loin Chops $c Shoulder Lamb Chop...s .12Jc Whole Shoulders to Roast ..10c Frankfurt Sausages ... , ioc Bologna Sausages .. .....10c Blood Sausage iq Liver Sausage . lOe Head Cheese ,...I0c- Ham Sausage iSc Smith's Pig Pork Sausage ..12Jc Shoulder Roast Pork ..10c, 12c Whole Shoulder Roasts He Shoulder Pork Chops. ...... .,..12Jc Loin Pork Chops...'. Loin Rib Roasts of Pork.........i5c Pork Hocks Fresh Pig Feet............'.;;5c Smith's Pure Lard in S-lb. pails. 65c Sirloin Steaks ... ..10c Tenderloin Steaks ............. ..lOc Best Porterhouse Steaks. . .12c I5c T Bone Steaks.... .mc. 1Sc Round Steak ...iOe Best Pot Roasts.... 7 a. , ... . Beef for Boiling Prime Rib Roast Beef. Pickled Pork . . . Dry Salt Pork. Smith's Pig Hams..... Breakfast Bacon ...... Fresh Eggs Your choice of several . ..5c, fc . ..10c, 12c ........12c ........I2ic .........16c ....16c, 171c ..35c dorms different i . . - oranas ot creamery Butter. !. ..70c Fine fresh," dry-picked Oregon" Chickens, Hens and Sprmtri I8e FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO, ' "Fighting the Becf Triis 12th St. betw Bond and Commerce 253 Taylor St. (Uniontown) We have no connection with any other market in Astoria but these tw 1 3P