" HIJC iUlHVlVJ JAUSHam, awa.VaAi, m'AiH. '" " Gome and See the Latest It is a privilege to show our beautiful holiday goods and you will oblidgtt us by considering this a personal invitation to call and inspect our ex tensive and up-to-date line of Christmas Novelties. I A. V. ALLEN Phones 7 it, 3871. NEW YORK LETTER NEW YORK, Dec. 9-By far the ftrcest attempt at political resurree tjea that Tammany Hall has ever es s perieneed has to-day been begun in this city by the local democratic lead ers, who are already facing with (ear the city election eleven long months ahead. Entering aboot the wily Cro fcer nd the resourceful Mnrphy. cores of prominent politicians of ev ery degree of democracy are frantical ly scheming for the rehabilitation of , the local party forces that are still scattered and paralyaed from the Hatching of their stronghold by Taft The dragging of Jerome out into the Emeltght as a receptive Moses at the recent Crolter banquet is privately ac knowledged today by these men to be the first frtiits of their desperate stmg , gle to right and re-enforce their bat tered machine in this city. By hook or by crook they are determined to rally to one standard every shred of demo cratic strength in Greater New York against the coming campaign. Unless a fresh touch of enthusiasm and in . terest can be supplied within the next six months, the Tammany leaders at present believe that the city may eas - By slip from out their grasp. Gotham wBl see more mighty political pulling this winter than she has in many s year. TREASURE TROVE, for the first time since this city fjas been threatened with the loss of the art treasures of the late Charles 11 1 ' Prepare PERFECTION Gil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) and you'll have genial glowing heat instantly wherever yoa went it without smoke or smell smoKeiess ae vic prevents turn the wick aa high or as low as you like. Easily carried about Bras Ion! holds 4 quarts 0! oil bums 9 hours. Handsomely fin kked in japan and nickel. Every heater warranted. 1 VPnii p imi. Kdt 4 hnm. mtkd pbld ni epuptxd -iih the Ulol kmpnrti caani hik Vana. Evtrr Untp wimntej. U oor iuia dooa't atrj tKc ?aiuSx Oil Heatw uj Rr Lwr. write tor aortal tgeWT lor jaaipthre drcnlar. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) WHO .... FOR A.... VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH -)GO TO(- Johnson Phonograph 1 Parlor. Second Floor Over iMMMMM1lllinitl1H1ttft" . . . Sole Agent for . . . H..C FRY CUT GLASS ' Branch U. T. 71 T. Yerkes by foreclosure of the mys terious mortgage upon hs famous gal lery, some slight stir has today been made by the authorities here toward putting in the public's claim, That the dead magnate had intended his price less collection to enrich posterity as part of the public museums of this city seems evident to those who are looking into the matter. Tardy action by the controller, or corporation coun sel may yet avail to secure these art gems to the city from which they are apparently slipping for a comparative ly insignificant interest payment, As love of art has never yet proved much of an incentive to the office hold res o this town, however, it seems much more probable to-day that private purchasers will eventually gobble up the masterpieces of Yerkes and hear thera away forever from all chance of becoming a public enjoyment. PUBLIC PERIL That life and limb are now held n constant jeopardy by the press of traf fic in every thoroughfare on this is land is to-day being called to the at- tention of the public by a score of jran - away and run-over accidents that ! have occurred within the last few i day. Most conspicuous of these is the serious mishap which the celebrated surgeon McCosh met in broad day light on one of the quieter op-town streets. For a dozen years or more the sight of this famous operator driving his pair of horses steadily and slcill- "a When the Furnace Fails On many a cold winter morning you 1 will wake to find the lires "out" What are you going to do about it shiver? now lor the emergency with 1 uIm 4trv Ions evening briHimt. 4niy liaht iar mint or tnt- A GREAT GIFT for Xmas for yourself or your family is a permanent home, and it is our pleasure to place yon in the way of obtaining one. Our real estate business is so extensive that we can furnish all conditions of peo ple with just the kind they desire. We have city and country propery in most advantageous situations. Also pianos, organs and graphophoncs. 424 Commercial street. A. R. CYRUS. Scho'fieM Mattnon Co. Co. fully about the streets has become a familiar one to New Yorkers. With all his experiences and caution as a reinsman. McCosh fell foul of the highway impediments at last and was picked wp barely breathing. Hundreds of other veteran horsemen are to-day proclaiming the streets of town un safe as a driveway and many a motor ist refuses to take his car into the jam of "downtown traffic. On the poor ped estrian the brunt of the danger falls harder each day of the season. CARING FOR CHILDREN. While greater gatherings may have been held here this week in the inter ests of grown-ups, the friends of child welfare the country over have watch ed with supreme interest the annual i conference of the adult workrs for the little citizens of the George Junior Republics, who have mapped out an other vear s broad work from tnu eity to-day. The continuance of the self-cure of hundreds of youngsters, gone wrong at the start of life, de pends on the annual efforts of the many friends of this movement in the Empire State, from which tiny repub lics have been spread to California. Maryland and Connecticut. Though the impress of the times that are past has today left the pinch of poverty at Freville and elsewhere, it is believed Aat good times for these boys and girls, who are being given their only chance to right themselves, may be brought back within the smaller re publics as well as outside. New York has a warm spot in its heart for her original George Junior Republic, and to-day it seems assured that the youngsters need not look here for support in vain. COSTLY CARPETING. That J. P. Morgan has just covered twenty-five square feet of the floor of his Murray Hill mansion with some ten thousand dollars worth of Chi nese carpeting ha not unduly startled the metropolis to-day. This railroad magnate has a way of diverting his divided receipts into rich and rare house trappery that has for years set Elophnnt strode l-i and out with luiu . .- u:- ,:t berlnc steiw and awaylug trunk. At everv an coucviur nut vn ia ,iu,i: The brownstone palace to which this rare rug has gone is the apple of the stout old financier's eye and no one doubts that he would pave its hails with gold if it were shown him that this were the proper artistic caper. One princely rag of carpet more or less is a matter of little moment to Morgan, though its price would seem a fortune to most of the men on Man hattan Island. , This is Worth Reading. Leo F. Zelinski, of 68 Gibson St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cured the met annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklens Arnica Salve. I ap plied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee at Charles Rogers & Son's drug store. 25c. Chance To Buy Presents. Sale of fancy work, dolls, doll clothes, cushions, home-made candv, etc., commencing at 4 p. m. today and continuing this evening at El more chapel, West Bond street, for the benefit of the West Astoria Sunday school. CHICKEN TAMALES EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING HOME-MADE, and of the choicest ingredients; put up under supervis ion that guarantees their perfect freedom from all deleterious matter. MRS. F. WOOLLEY 284 Tenth Street Between Exchange and Franklin. J ic . ' ' ' ; CHAMBERLAIN TAKES ACTIVE PART (Continued from page I) basis of competitive Instead of non Detitive examinations. The Houe adjourned about five o'clock. The session of the Senate today was devoted chiefly to thepresenta tion of departmental reports and introduction of hills. Reports have been made public from time to time and bills numbering 352 were chiefly for the granting of pensions. After a brief executive session the Senate shortly after noon adjourned. Speaker Cannon declared today that not since 10 has there been lime when under the rules 01 me house, either under Republican or Democratic control, the majority of members had not been able to regis ter their will in legislation. He made this assertion in sneaking to the delegation of the Ohio Valley Asso ciation which through its chan-mta presented him with a memorial urg ing the improvement of the Ohio river at the come of $63,000,000 to be in bonds. A MENTAL FRENZY. terns sf the Thine a Man Saw In Da- lirium Trtmtri. Charles rK. a iave : a rwtd of lib own experience as a vUrttni of delir ium tremens. It Is a remarkable p"f etiological document, comparing favor ably iu interest ami as a piece of writ ing wUh De Qulm-ey's 'i oufKui of an Onlum Eater." Following l a brief extract which gives some sujrieiltknw of the thin;- the pittletit saw: Tp to this point tln ths:h-al ! Itatlous hid been Intermittent. iHir Injf the next few day, however, I saw all that I eould stand. I u h pre historic crest urea a exist uowhere ex cept tu museums. I saw nu tlwr man-bed inst my dm.r or ftVw through ar window r float ! In my tu!. berlnc steps and swaying times Kiev seated themselves mid taunted me with their thumlermis bel I'.ivva or ttuir ear splitting miwliw They flaunted their suouta high Iti the air and ctrfawrd. Ms!e.. Jumped fmsi limb to Itah In the tree outslJv iuv rwnik ftnakes of all colors., of all dewcrfotloii. reptiles with , fnujastle Just Girls in Little Johnny Jones agnre u;.:i . ;wr uicus ana who e;.e jf sapphire or iu!;y or of uilik white mnrWe, wrlugh-d upon the floor or rrpt lii or out of hwtofore unwcii crevice In the rail:) ami dropped Into the water In my tub. Tli'-y kw:ii!I around a:id around f ,i: iriutiiif u:i dir me, vli!i their toiiim-a diirlitg In and out with fer'x-!o nctivity. ill riiffei raned t:iUr m-.-!; c round liif d';i .i-.vaj or :iroi;-li the- v, l!;il .s. chh-;:w:s t.-:: '.' 1 vt iiiy hi: ui t'.r.i! eacUltd, di :;::d v.olvi i r isi nV .f.i'i the r..o..; ;..::its su.t; jl::;.. ! i-i-e.-.na !!'. i '. i "u- cnicr to r.ii tiii-r and Kjcd. I.I .uh 1 ho.rd roarh:,:, iti;j Ukw 1 :mv v.'hlle they cjiciiod t'lcir motitlH. H':e li t; c t ' In i liciit. rnr.; dlsiipi.ioral, Ili-kltiB their R-hUii'W and wfttlu.: (heir laws sofily anil daliully- t:i.;i ;.iid far um.v: "I saw ro" dllcrf In ilroves. I'at, R-nly, a'l t; : ' ' tiM they were, with frothy, uiiisjuwa. long, kwccii Ing tali. cr.UIili! Kn.ii "r creeping aloiiK t'.io foot of my L-athtub or my bed tu:d gih.dlt.g their yellow tectli 1 1 gluttonous i:;r,'cr ny they eoateiiijili.k'.l uie. tlicir prey. I saw V.ij ivekl:i;;, slippery l.i i.oy i.i ii tii).(iile fllil" Into the water J r.i.v tub. Then ii.h I shrank la hrcathlcKs horror tu ewupe I saw his reeily, filmy eye urine to the surface, with his cold, foul iila Bush wliJi nil.-e. Ills ley beak touch- ed my cheek. The hot vaiior from his lungH Beared my flesh. 1 turned as cold a lie n::d trciahled like a leaf In a storm." American Magazine. GENESIS OF FEAR. Gray Cells of Our Brains Stamped With Ancient Terror. The average man would sooner face a 200 pound human antagonist than a fifty pound dog which be could choke to death In three minutes. I have seen a Charging ram scatter half a dozen Hww- - ill Is so scientifically built that it will last a life-time, and it is so easy to keep clean that it always looks as good as new. The nickle parts can be quickly cleaned because they are perfectly smooth with round corners. There are no places for dust to accumulate. -4 Drop in and see the Malleable Man and the Malleable Girl at the store of Foard & Stokes Hardware Co, ANY TIMB FROM DEC. 7 to DEC. 12 THE MALLEABLE CIRL WILL IOUS HOT COFFEE AND i IVItK Farh Rinno P"w during ma eah.Wt. you have a tlin Zdin nangtJ pine .et of high grade cooking ware; t somety decorated semi orcelin CASTOR I A Por Infants ud Childrta. 11j Kh d Yes B2Tt Ahf 3p E: mill Btawi the CBAtursof UIO'i, ; y .... U:.i.., rc.i IIj.' not , v. !. tei.1 :i toi.un!, IV 111 v ! . ' h::m!-: h.ive I i I. .lul.l CUIIIU DUVU . i . ,' 1:1 ! i-.iomoiit, aud ;.i v a.) I.i ordinary mat 'i bore are luntauces on , '.. Im with their bnrc iu .:! bullied all ugly bull, tut li vfij ttily the pressure of grim n."'X-l;.v t ;; r taught them their d)vvt. I ut a !.::;u ugalust nn aulmul' ami the niim l ks nroui.d for wesi ot:u ur sui'ipiirt, v. aether he needs them or Lot. Tue;e :.. a Umo when he did. For man, loJ.iy t'ae niost lordly of aulinai.i, win once well nigh the most humble of thc:a all. tie has come up out of a state in which fear was the normal condlilou of existence fear of violence, of the dark that gave oppor tunity for vl ,leiie, fear of falling, of attlmls, cf lelug tiloue. And into the pluHtlc i,ray ccid of our bruins sre stauiped UiuM) aucieut terrors, a liv ing record of the upward climb of 1UUU. The buhy shons this record room clearly. In him the prints of heredity arc not yet overlaid by the tracks of ue and cu.stoiu, and therefore In blui we may most raully read our past his tory, lie Lj cur auceittor ss truly as he Is our reincarnation, and his every shrlnklug gturo und frightened cry are chronli ic.i of tbo younger world, tales of the tgc of fear. They (ell of the days when man was nut the mauler of the earth nor even a highly comildcred citizen of the same, tut a runaway subject of the meat caiing monarch;, whose scepter was tooth and claw, a bumble plebeian I In tho presence of the horned and hoofed aristocrats of woods aud fields. They speak of the nights when our hairy sires crouched in the forks of trees aud whimpered softly at the dark whimpered because the dark held so many enemies, whimpered softly lest those enemies should hear. LlnnJncott's. S9 M A Ihree-iiil3iuteJb It takes the Malleable to clean her range, after the kitchen work is done. She uses a greasy rag, that's all. Quicker than it takes to tell, it looks as good as new, ...I MADK SERVE YOU WITH THREE-MINUTE BISCUITS AND DEUC PRESENT YOU WITH A BEAUTIFUL COOK BOOK AND A USEFUL SOUVENIR. dinner set or several other valuable and LET US TELL YOU ABOUT Tungsten Electric Lamp Gruteat advance la lighting methods tince the invention of lncaodtcat lamp. EXAMPLE S3 C P. Ordinary electric lamp conauma 110 want per how J2 C P. "Tungeten electric lamp conaumee 40 warts per bow 8ain . . TOwattspar how By nalng "Twnten" lamps you can at i7J per cant increaaa ia Ught for ths tarn, coat or ia other words can hav. the sams quantity of ffiambutfos) for SS per cant of ths coat of lighting with ordinary electric limps. THo Astoria Electric Co, Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS , Marbonr and Finlayson Salmon Twines and Nettin McCormick Harvesting Machine Oliver Chilled Ploughs Sharpies Cream Separators Rsecolith Flooring Starred' Toot Hardware, Groceries,; Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid. Welch Coal, Tsr, 1 Ah Oar, Oak Umber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods. . Paints, Oil and Class ; Fishermen Pure Manilla Rope, Cottoo Twine aad Sein Web Wo;Watir Your Trodo FISHER BROS. BOND STREET .' John Foa, Pre. P. L- Bishop, " iw7, ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS - OP THE LATEST IMPROVED . . - - . Canning Machinery, Marinc imjincs and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITI FURNISHED. , Correapondence Solicited. , ; Foot of Fosrth Street. TIDE TABLE FOR ( DECEMBER DECEMBER, 1903. High Whter. A. M. P. M. JPt. h.m.JL hjn.ft' tueaday ... lljj 7.1 II 1. 1 Wednesday t :ia 7.9 1:46 1.7 Thumday I .a 1:65 7. FHJay 4 t:lt g. 7 10:68 7.1 Saturday 6 10:48 . 0 11:63 7.1 SUNDAY 611:10 I.I Monday 7 0:44 7.1 11:10 1.6 Tueaday I 1:M 7.1 16:47 4.1 Wednenday I 1:12 7.1 1:25 1.1 Thureday ,, 10 1:61 7.0 1:01 I.I Friday 11 :J3 (.1 1:18 . Haturday 12 4:18 1.8 1:18 7.7 SUNDAY 13 4:47 6.8 4:00 7.1 afonJay 14 1:18 I.I 4:62 C.I Tueaday ........16 1:12 7.1 6:62 1.1 Wedneeday 16 6:69 7.4 7:07 6.1 Thureday .......17 7:4 7.6 1:11 6.8 Friday 18 1:18 7.9 1:12 1.0 Saturday .......19 9:28 1.8 10:12 1.1 SUNDAY 20 10:18 1.7 11:28 I.I Monday 21 10:67 9.1 Tueeday ...... ...12 0:18 6.9 Tuesday 22 11:40 9.4 WeJneeday 23 1:05 7.1 11:23 1.6 Thureday ....... 14 1:62 7.1 1:08 I.I Friday ,.,25 1:39 7.4 1:66 1.1 Saturday ...... .28 1:26 7.1 1:4 1.9 SUNDAY 17 4:09 7.7 1:17 1.1 Monday 28 4:66 7.1 4:17 7.7 Tuanday li 6:48 1.0 1:47 7.6 Wednesday 10 1:41 1.1 7:07 I.I Thureday II 7:18 1.2 1:29 1.4 girl just three minutes 11... IN: SOUTH- BKND I free choice of com- a7 Pn fifty nine piece hand- Sf .UU attractive premiums well worth.. Sec Astoria tarings B. Trsaa vicv - rrei. ana aupt DECEMBER, 10t, Low Water. J- M. P. M. h.nvrfjfJBjaft" :17 I.I 1:411 i.i JI8 I ? Ml U 1:63 1.0 4:16 1.1 4:48 I.I ;44 -1.1 6:17 1.1 1:;-9.1 1:13 1.7 7:11-1.1 7:06 1.0 7:13 -1.1 7:46 l.l 1:11.1.1 1:17 1.6 l:0-0.1 1:09 1.7 1:40 -1.1 1:61 1.110:11 1.4 10:41 1.110:41 I.I 11:11 1.111:14 1.4 11:11 1.1 0:07 1.1 l:2i 1.1 1:06 1.1 1:13 1.1 1:02 I.I 1:13 1.1 1:02 1.9 4:13 l. 1:69 1.1 6:13 1.1 4:61 1.2 6:66-0.1 6:4 1.1 1:311-1.1 1:16 1.1 7:13-1.1 7:16 1.1 1:03-1.1 1:16 l.l C: 60 -1.4 1:07 l.l 1:13-1.1 10:04 1.0 10:13 -1.4 11:07 1.111:13 1.4 13:0s l.l 0:0 1.1 1:1? l.l 1:10 l.l 1:11 l.l Date. TueaOay" Wedneadav Thursday ....... 1 Friday .... Saturday , SUNDAY Monday ... Tuesday ., Wednesday Thureday , Friday .... Saturday . SUNDAY Monday ., , Tueaday .. .... 41 .... 6 .... 1 .... 7 .... 1 .... 9 ....10 ....11 ....11 ....II ....14 .15 Wednesday ,,,,.!! rnuriay .......17 Friday .....11 Saturday .19 SUNDAY ......10 Monday 11 Tueeday 22 Wednesday 13 Thursday 24 Friday 15 Bftiurday t BUiMDAI .,,...17 Monday ..,,28 Tueaday 29 Wednesday 20 Thursday .......111