The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 09, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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The Store Jh$ T , e
jr. :tsji Ladies x
Women BEJmOutfitters
We are now ready with
Art Needle work, Novelties
and Toys.
J, By tome means the steam schoon
er Olsen-Mahoney was reported in
yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, but
k turned oat to be the steamer Jim
Butler from San Pedro. Mr. Olsen
was on board the Butler and when
asked where "Mahoney" was, pointed
to the green band on the funnel and
replied There's Mr. Mahoney." The
Butler went on to the metropolis at
The steamer Sue H. Elmore, just
in from Tillamook Bay, with plenty
of business went on to the metrop
olis yesterday morning at 10 o'clock,
and is due back tomorrow sometime,
and will leave oat for Tillamook al
most immediately.
The steamer George W. Elder has
gone on the drydock at St Johns for
some minor repairs, and will, prob
ably not be down on her San Fran
cisco run until Saturday morning
next, instead of Friday as usual
It is said that the new 'coasting
steamer. Argo wall leave but from
Portland, for Tillamook Bay and
other lower coast points, ' on the
C morning of the 14th of the present
month. - She left San Francisco on
f Monday night and may be looked
" for, on the inward trip, at almost
any time.
The fine French bark Sally, Cap
tain Bertbo, 1313 days out of Liver
pool, and 67 days from Hobarts
Town, crossed in yesterday after
noon, with all well on board and no
news of a startling nature for the
long voyage. She belongs to the
grain fleet and will' go on to "the
metropolis on the first tow that
" offers. ' '
Ed Donnelly, the long and genial
.dock master - at the. Lurline wharf.
was DU5T all uay jcaieiudy iut,cii-
.ing the office stove at the Karara
office, and last night people entering
the place were at a loss as to
whether they should put on smoked
"classes to reduce the glare, or -walk
off with the blamed thing and pawn
it. AH that Donnelly fears is that
Mr. Kamm will drop in and get
stuck on it and order it up to the
Portland office.
The Luruoc got to her Astoria
berth last evening in prompt shape
and left up at 7 o'clock, with the
following well known people on
board as passengers from this port:
M. Bredemeier, S. Smith, Capt Tom
Crang, Sam Schmidt, C. F. Wagner,
D. B. Whitlock, K. Inman, Mrs.
Branstator, of Seaside, and J. R.
V. H. Little the well knowp ship
ptng agent of Portland is down and
at Knappton, superintending the
loading of the steamer R. D. Inman,
with lumber for the Bay City.
The steamer Homer is due down
from the metropolis this morning on
her way to San Francisco, and will
depart at once from ere.
The Norwegian steamship Admi
ral Borressen, lumber laden for the
Orient arrived down early yesterday
morning and left out on her trans
pacific voyage.
The . oil tank steamer Lansing left
out for Sarr Francisco, after dis
charging her big cargo of oil here
and at Portland.
Notice To Mariners.
Oregon Columbia River Entrance
page 56 South Channel Outer Buoy,
SC, a PS first-class taH type nun,
Washington Gray's Entrance, page
106 Turn Point Buoy, 9, a first
class spar, heretofore reported miss
ing, was found in position November
Muscular. Pains Cured.
"Ehiring the summer of 1903 I. was
trouble 'with muscular pains in the
instep of my foot," says Mr. S.
Pedlar, of Toronto, Ont. "At times
it was so painful I could hardly
walk. Chamberlain's Pain Balm was
recommended to me, so I tried it
and was completely cured by one
small bottle. I have since recom
mended it to several, of my friends,
all of whom speak highly of it" For
sale by Frank Hart and leading
There was considerable confusion
in Astoria's train service yesterday
which as a general thing is so uui
formly regular, that it caused a good
deal of disturbance in business as
wet) as traveling circles hereabout.
It seems that the Portland express
which was due here at 11:40 a. iu,
was held up at the easterly mouth of
tunnel No. 1, this side of Rainier, by
a bad slide. This was of course, ob
viated, by the transfer of passengers
and baggage when the up train, which
left here at 8:20 in the morning ar
rived there, good despatch being used
in the passing of the big groups of
passengers and impedimenta.
The trip to Portland was thus eas
ily continued with a possible loss of
an hour or more of time in reaching
the metropolis. But the train coming
this way did not have such good luck.
After running, or rather backing
down the line for about a mile in
this direction, or properly speaking,
to Pyramid Siding, where the engine
was detached and run into the switch
so as to get it on the hauling end of
the train, which was the proper thing
to do and of course, the safest. As
as the engine entered upon the main
line coming tack to the train, it
jumped the rails and sloughed just
enough to make the mishap a diffi
cult one ot remedy. Thus, it was
that she did not get down to Astoria,
on the engine sent from here to bring
in the train, until 6 o'clock last even
This train turned around at this
point and went back up the line in
place of the train that should have
left op at 6:10 o'clock, if the sched
ule had not been interferred with.
Jnst what hick befel this east-bound
train i problematical, as is the arriv
al of the night down train from the
big city on the Willamette. There
were no losses nor Injuries, save to
the passengers, in the matter of time
and feelings, all of which will cure
tself in due time. 1
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian
60c per manth by mail or carrier.
Good Cough Medicine For Children.
The season for coughs and colds
is now at hand and too much care
cannot be used to protect the chil
dren. A child is much more likely
to contract diphtheria or scarlet
fever when he has a cold. Th:
nicker vou cure bis cold the less
the risk. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy ts the sole reliance of many
mothers, and few of those who have
tried it are willing to use any other.
Mrs. F. F. Starcher, of Ripley, W.
Va., says, "I have never used any
thing ' other than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for my children and
it has always given good satisfac
tion. This remedy contains no
opium or other narcotic and may be
civen as confidently to a child as to
an adult. For sale by Frank Hart
and leading druggists.
Election Returns.
! Full election returns will
l ' ployed in black and white
TTI Ml ri'TTTTTT T w - - ' , , f r Lai.
T I igwam .-anjuii, curncr ui Eigiun
T, . . . t-
rm&n s
and Astor streets, on the evening of
election day, Wednesday next, De
cember 9th, so that all who w ll
may see. ' m
We are enlarging our store
in order to display better our
toys and bargains. The addi
tion will be ready next week
in and pick out you Xmas pres
ents for young and old. Prices
are right. Watch this paper.
Watch Whose Windows for Bargains
Oregon Dressed Spring Chick
ens 18c, 20c
Oregon fowls 16c
Beef to boil 5c to 8c
Prime Rib Roast Beef 10c,12c
Tenderloin flat-bone and sirloin
steaks 10c
Government Inspected Kettle
Rendered Lard, S-lb. pails 70c
Small Pig Hams 17Jc
Best Breakfast Bacon 17Jc
Veal Roast.. ..8c, 10c, 12c and 15c
Fine Shoulder Roast of Pork
Mutton Roast.. 8c, 10c, 12jc and 15c
Beef Pot Roasts ...6c, 7c, 8c
Ranch Eggs 35c
Choice Creamery Butter.. 65c, 70c, 75c
Get your Sausage and Hamburg
ground while you wait.
We make a specialty of delicious
home-made sausage made twice daily
at our plant.
Pay us a visit Satisfaction guaranteed.
In full accord with the "dinky" tac
tics of his campaign and as the last
of a series of "baby-acts' perpetrated
by Candidate A. M. Smith, the fol
lowing letter was sent broadcast
throughout the city yesterday, in the
hope that it might inspire enough
pity for him to achieve his election
today. The Morning Astorian is
weary of doirg all the scrapping and
eliciting only these paltry and puerile
pleadings as counter-plays; but as it
is, so be it; we are going to win
anyway. The letter reads as follows:
My Dear Sir:
"On account of the unprovoked
and unjustifiable assault that has
been made upon me by the Morning
Astorian in the present campaign, I
feel warranted in personally writing
to assure you that its malicious at
tempt to defame my name and char
acter as well as the credit and stand
ing of the city, is as false and un
founded as it is vicious.
"During the 20 years that I have
lived in Astoria, it has been my con
stant endeavor to act honorably and
justly towards all men, and during
the time that I held the official posi
tion of city attorney, I worked faith
fully and honestly to advance the
welfare of the city and to make it
an attractive and desirable place in
which to live. All my interests are
now centered In this city and if I
should be elected, I will devote my
time and energy towards making it a
greater, more prosperous and more
pleasing city and shall do all in my
powerto dispel discord and partisan
ship and uphold morality and de
cency. "I am deeply grateful for the many
acts of kindness heretofore extend
ed to me by the good people of As
toria, and I assure yon that I shall
always appreciate your good will and
.respect far more than any official
position. :
"Trusting that you will not be mis
lead by the slander hurled against
me, I am very sincerely yours,
"A; M. SMITH."
' The Morning Astorian has no bit
ter or vindictive feeling toward Mr.
Smith. On the other band, it has for
him personally only the kindliest feel
ing; but it has a public duty to per
form. The Morning Astorian, as
well as Mr. Smith, has lived for
many years in Astoria. All it has,
and all that it ever expects to have',
are identified with Astoria and its fu
ture. If Astoria prospers, the Astor
ian expects to prosper. If 'Astoria
does not prosper, the Astorian can
not expect to prosper, and it cannot
change its residence. Its destiny is
irrevocably allied with that of As
As a daily paper in the community
the Morning Astorian has a duty to
perform, other than that of simply
giving the monotonous details of lo
cal happens. It has opinions regard
ing the gvernment of the city, and as
to what its future government should
Clean Your Chimneys.
George Ludwig, an expert chim
ney sweep is in the city and wnl
make your chimney clean and safe
from fire for $2 or two chimneys for
$3. Place your order at the Astoria
hotel or telephone Main 3521, or
leave your orders at the Astorian
be. It docs not believe that the gov
ernment of the city for the last few
years has been judicious. Mr. Smith
has been largely identified with that
government, and, in the opinion of
the Morning Astorian,. is more re
sponsible therefor than any .other
person. Such being the case it does
not believe that the future govern
ment should be entrusted to .Mr.
Smith, and believing so, it has not
hesitated to express its belief.
The Morning Astorian believes
that Astoria has a bright future, and
that the chief executive of the city,
as well as the common council, the
water commission and all other de
partments should be composed of the
very best business mm of the city.
and to bring about that result this
paper has expressed its views fairly
and fearlessly and without equivoca
tion. The thousands ot readers ot trie
Morning Astorian who have read it
closely during this campaign are
probably as good judges of this mat
ter as the complaining candidate; and
in closing it may be truthfully said
that the Morning Astorian, with its
pay roll of $20,000 per annum, in
Astoria, is ouite as well qualified 'o
speak to, and for, the people, as the
gentleman in question, and with
quite as much interest at stake in the
city and its future.
Royal Chinook Salmon Bellies
and Tips.
' i . . . i, ,,
Acm b Grocery Co.
The Palace Restaurant.
An phase of hunger can be daintily
gratified at any hour of the day or
night at the Palace Restaurant The
kitchen and dining room service are
of the positive best. Private dining
looms for ladies. One call inspires
regular custom. Try it. Commercr'
street, opposite Page building.
Th Clean Man.
The man who delights in personal
cleanliness, and enjoys his shave
shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As
toria, always goes to the Occident
barber shop for these things and
gets tbem at their best
When A. E. Petersen built and
named the "Modern" barber shop, he
meant that it should stand for what
it was called. No patron has missed
single feature of the modern ton-
serial parlor f t that house; and every
new Hevice in the way of perfect
comrort and service is constantly add
ed as it develops.. The latest is an
expert bootblack, the best in the
business; a qualification that makes
his employment really dern.
CHICAGO. Dec. 7. In a large loft
on the top floor of 330 South Clark
street yesterday the Chicago Broth
erhood of the Unemployed was for
mally organized. The meeting was a
preliminary one. The actual work of
the organization will be laid out in
Hull House Tuesday evening, when
the next meeting will he held.
Robert M. Wilson, called by his
friends, the "Uncrowned king of the
hoboes," presided at the meeting and
assisting him wa"s Jas. Eads Howe,
known as the "Newsboy's Friend"
and a grandson of Capt. J. D. Eads,
builder of the Eads bridge in St. Louis.
A Personal Appeal
If we could talk to you personally
about the great merit of Foley's
Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds
and lung trouble, you never could
be induced to experiment with un
known preparations that may con
tain some harmful drugs. Foley's
Honey and Tar costs you no more
and has a record of 40 years of cures.
Try our own mixture pi coffee the
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mai"
Now Is the Time
Xmas Novelties !
are now all on display and stock
perfectly complete orue before
the rush.
Hooks, Callendars, Toilet Ar
ticles and Sets.Kid Booki.Games
Fountain Pens, Xmas Post Cards
and Xmas Cards, Leather Novel
ties, Hand Painted China, BrassJ
Novelties etc.
Whitmans Bookstore
Write for Our Xmas Catalogue
Old newspapers for sale at this
office, 50 cents per hundred.
run ust ot
! Victor Double Disk 75c Records
now on hand. Full stock of ?
X Victor and Edison Machines and Records I
Finest stock of VIOLINS on the coast.
All at Eastern Prices. j
Mr. Citizen: I
Buy from your local merchant, he sells his
goods as cheap as you can buy them in Portland or 1
elsewhere. The Astoria Merchant buys the Seawall
for Astoria but the Portland Merchant does not.
I A. G. 8PE X A R T H
jfj m ij m i m t i ci a 2 v t, i u . u - 11
Will cure
beyond th
tJ. I, 1 A L.4 ,
any case of Kidney or Wadder - Disease not
- .... I ' Vl,l VW I1IWI
Cores Packaeff
Do not risk having
Bright'a Discan
. or Dinhetcs a
.. . "" '