THE M0RNJ1VG JlSTOItlAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, DKCEMDKR 8, 1908. 'I liX Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELUNGER CO. By mail, per year SUESCR1PTIOM RATES, $7.00 By carrie-, per month .... . :'" WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance..., ..$1.50 Entered ai second-class matter July 30, 1906, the poctoffica at As joria, Oregon, under ihe act ol Congress of March 3. 1879 Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astoriin to either residence or place of business may be made by postal .card or through telephone. Any Irregularis m delivery hauld be immediately reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIM ML THELWEATHER Oregon, Washington and Idaho- Fair. CHEERFUL FRONT PUT UP. Candidate A. M. Smith is very much excited over the temerity of the Morning Astorian is daring to publish the actual figures which stand for the public obligations of Astoria and her taxpayers, and as a slave for his wounded pride, rehearses the coming commercial and industrial uplift of he city that are to be the crowning glory of her future if we will but keep our mouth shut W dispute Mr. Smith's claim to any better and sounder loyalty to the City of Astona than ours, in this be half, and declare that we deprecate the publication of these figures quite s deeply as he does; bnt we are not forgetting the profound necessity that urged the exposure and the deep Sentiment of gratulation that pos sesses the people of Astoria for out eandor. It was time the people were dealt some facts on this score, Mist thev minht euard against the perpetration of any more of Mr. Smith's pet politics in this commun ity, which have been, primarily, at the bottom of the graceless condition that is to be retrieved tomorrow at the Astoria polls. Apropos of Mr. Smith's perturba tion, we respectfully call his atten tion to the very apt and powerful letter in this Issue, and on the front page, from Hon. Frank J. Taylor, which, while it was written before the appearance of Mr. Smiths hys terical and hypothetical screed in last evening's Budget, is a direct and wholesome answer to his animadver sions. Tt is really better than any effort we might have made in this premise and we gladly leave as a re sponse in full to the grevious inquiry propounded by the disgruntled boss of the local Democracy. By the way, and in passing, we beg to suggest to all good Republicans that the sole source of boosting now being done for the captious writer of the aforesaid screed, are the Demo' erats of Astoria. They are all at work and no Republican appears n the strictly partisan phalanx. This is suggestive. paign is the fact that Mr. Smith ant) his managers and followers arc keen ing the thtohoUls of the saloons hnt in their coming and going to bolster this business element in favor of the j Democratic boss; and here again they are going to meet with disappoint ment, for this is not a saWnmans' j campaign; their interests arc "not in-J vaded, threatened, nor concerned i:i j it. They know more than they did j three years ago, about this leading candidate and his promises and plan; j and they are keeping their hands off. I as behooves sensible men. They will! vote as they see fit tomorrow, despite I all pleadings and pledges, as all w ise j men vote, and leave the choice where it belongs, to the wolc people. The "baby-act" never did win an open pol- J itieal campaign, anywhere in the in the country, and it wont win here! Tomorrow's vote will sh,ov conclu sively what interest the saloonmen have taken, just a it will show the other groupings of the community, and the people will be the judges at last. ! i r JiY.rSirionnn Cleanses tlte System Ef feet; A DAY OF PUNISHMENT. In this land of the free, the people have but one method of punishing the publican that fails, or transcends, his official duty, and that is by refusing him re-election, by withdrawing their confidence, and putting the sea of disapproval on his acts, once for all. Tomorrow is to be a day of account ing in this behalf, and it belongs en tirely to the people to say whether they are satisfied with the way things have been done for the past 12 to 16 years; whether the 'Citiiens admin istration, with its ever increasing load of debt and its bid for still greater debt, is to be put back into place and power, to work the city's complete wreckage and shame. Or whether Samuel Elmore, the ablest business man and manager in all this section, with a group of clean and helpful associates, is to be sent to the head of government, charged with the task of abating the curse of this debt, and putting the city back on normal and progressive bases of thrift and justice and honest economy. STAND ASIDE, PEOPLE ABOVE THE MAN. Another phase of the "baby-act" is underway, in the ceaseless bid that is being made for A. M. Smith, candi date for mayor, for sympathy and tender concern, as against the attacks of the Morning Astorian and the Re publican committee, and it is re-act ing against the genial ex-city-attorney and Democratic boss, as tomor row's vote will demonstrate. The peo ple admire a man who fights, openly, manfully, upon a sheer and level base of courage and repute, just as it con demns, and forsakes, the man who, in the midst of a political fight, resorts to idle threats and complaints, and who gets his friends to echo his whine where it does not reach on his utterance. The people are above the man; their interests are greater than his; they know it, and rebuke his complaining overtures promptly and severely. They will do this to morrow. Another patent phase of this cam- Get off the track, yon politicians, and ringsters and traffickers in pap!. Make way for the people; the consti tuent force of the hour!. Stand aside, all you little buncombe-tossers and tricksters, and give room to the maj esty that you're all afraid of: THE PEOTLEI!!. You've just got time to scurry away and hide out; to keep from under the foot that crushes and brushes aside little things, before tomorrow's pro cession starts for the polls. Once there, your claims will be passed upon with understanding and dignity and the last word. And nothing shall prevail against the verdict. Every man with a plea will be heard; his weight and value will be balanced with the highest demands of the hour, and if he has not made good as a citisen, or an officer, or if he is hemmed and hampered by threaten ing pledges, agreements or unpopular convictions, woe betide him. Back up! Squeeze in! Srhink away! By day-dawn tomorrow you will be on the grid-iron; you and your cheap and tawdry ambitions, your phansai cal mouthings and your trumpery in terests. The question tomorrow will be WHAT YOU ARE, WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU'VE DONE, WHAT YOU INTEND DOING, AND YOUR PRINCIPLE, YOUR CAPACITY, YOUR HONESTY!!!. These are the things that the in telligent voter asks, AND AN SWERS!!!. There are persons who think they could revise the tariff at one sitting. but practical business men know that it is a subiect demanding full know ledge of all the facts, and careful in telligent deliberation. Mr. Harriman, who longs for other territory to conquer, is exploring the terra incognita of Northern Alaska. The prospect of government control of railroads does not hamper a man of Mr. Harrimans scope. t wt AT THE BAKERONIAN Commencing Tuesday Matinee running Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday THE GREAT FEATURE FILM 'THE CALL OF THE WILD" and MISS HOLLAND in Pictorial Song t ADMISSION 10 CENTS SEATS FREE ; t I Astoria Theatre I Biggest Musical Company On Tour SUNDAY DECEMBER : : JOS. M, GAITES Presents - 70 PEOPLE -70- That Phenomenal Musical Hit LITTLE JNDBT JOES The flost Emphatic iluslcal Comedy Success ever Scored in America It's Whistled and Sung In everyTongue Laugh! Why it's a Jolly Old Scream ! Play and All The flusic by GEO. M. COHAN PRICES: 25, 50, 75, 1.00, and 1.50 Box Office Open Saturday Now in its FifthBigYear 34 Weeks in New York 22 Weeks in Chicago And they are Laughing . Yet in Both Places i Mr. Carnegie reminds the country that he is now. as always a protec tionist. A good way to prove it is to refrain from giving aid and comtort to free traders, who are the inveter ate enemies of protection. A movement is on foot in Pennsyl vania to abolish toll gates everywhere in the state. It is generally agreed that the toll system of roads and bridges has no proper place in the business affairs of the present een tury. Mrs. McRaney'g Experience. Mrs. M. McRaney, Prentiss, Miss., writes: "I was confined to my bed for three months- with kidney and bladder trouble, and was treated by two physicians but failed to get re lief. No human tongue can tell how I suffered, and I had given up hope of ever getting well until I began taking Foley's Remedy. After tak ing two bottles I felt like a new per son, and feci it my duty to tell suf fering women what Foley's Kidney Remedy did for me." T. F. Lau rin, Owl Drug Store. HAS BIG SHOW. CHICAGO, Dec. 7 The four days exhibition of harness horses, light and heavy, in connection with the In ternational Livestock Exposition be gins this morning.' The show will open with the exhib ition and judging of French coach horses for the international prizes, and also for the special prizes offered by the French Coach Registry Com pany. In the afternoon the first event wiil be a parade of prize-winning draft horses after which the ring will be given over to the novice class, heavy harness horses. The feature of the evening session if expected to be the show of ladies' torses, the condition calling for ani mals over 14.2 and not exceeding 15.2 to be shown before an appropriate chicle, ladies to drive. uolly; Dispels tljlds ontllteoiV aches duo to Constipation; Acta naturally, acts truly a a Laxative. Dost for AwnAwtnen and I mid ren -young and Old. w $et its ljenit;ialEjfoctjt Alwovs W.tne bemnne wlucH . mo Jul! name or Ittc torn- CALIFORNIA Bo Strut Co. ifwm it is manufactured, printed on the front of rvM-y ruckint""- SOLO BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS, has by W an sit nlyv regular pne 5QywboHl REPUBLICAN TICKET Mayor 12 X SAMUEL ELMORE Auditor and Police Judge 14 X OLOF ANDERSON .. Treasurer 15 X THOMAS DEALY, City Attorney 16 X CHAS. H. ABERCROMBIE Superintendent of Streets 17 X h F. KEARNEY Surveyor 19 X A. S. TEE Police Commissioner 21 X R. CARRUTHERS Water Commissioner at Large 23 X J. E. FERGUSON Councilman at Large 26 X H. F. PRAEL- FIRST WARD. Water Commissioner 1st Ward 30 X ASMUS BRIX 8 Year Term 31 X FRANS KANKKONEN 4 Year lerm Councilman First Ward 27 X CHARLES WILSON 4 Year Term 28 X F. J. CARNEY ' 2 Year Term SECOND WARD, Water Commissioner 2nd Ward 31 X F. A. FISHER 8 Year Term 33 X H. C. VAN DUSEN 4 Year Term Councilman 2nd Ward 28 X CHRIS SCHMIDT 4 Year Term 29 X C. J. CURTIS 2 Year Term THIRD WARD. Water Commissioner 3rd Ward 30 X GUST HOLMES Year Term 32 X JAMES W. WELCH 4 Year Term Councilman 3rd Ward 27 X C. A. LEINENWEBER M Year Term 29 X J. J. ROBINSON '2 Year Term FOURTH WARD. Water Commissioner 4tn Ward 31 X MAXWELL YOUNG ; 8 Year Term Councilman 4th Ward 27 X L. O. BELLAND .4 Year Term 29 X P. L. STANGLUND 2 Year Term BBWB-..-l...J Jl .Mil . ,1 IJ..IIIU. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Scandinavian-American Savings Bank OF ASTORIA. To the State Bank Examiner, a-t the close of business, November 27, 1908: CONDENSED. RESOURCES. Loans and Securities $133,918.19 Furniture and -fixtures 4,446.54 Expenses paid 20S.S0 Available funds: Due from other banks .. $10,376.19 Cash in vault.,.. 9,679.21 20,055.40 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Til 15 AstoriaNational Bank At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close tit business, November 27. 1908: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts..,. ..$10.1,15,7 Overdrafts, secured and tin secured 8,942,78 U. S. Hoiids to secure cir culation 47,500,00 U, S. Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits , 20,000,00 Other HomU to secure U. S. Deposits , 34,000,00 'miliums on U, S. and other bonds 4.575.00 Komi, securities, ete 85,681,15 IttttiMna house, furniture, and tixlures 4,305.00 Other real estate owned... 8,23,1.41 Due from State Banks and flankers 10,306,50 Duo from approved reserve agents ; 77.849.65 Cheeks and other cash Items 43876 Notes of other National Hanks 3,035.00 Fractional naper currency, nickels, and cents 871,06 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, via: . Specie . $71.075 55 Legal-tender notes 1,505.00 72,580.55 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 tier cent cir culation) 2.375.00 Due from U. S- Treasurer, other than 5 per cent re demption fund 600.00 Total ..$784,469.62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,00000 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid..., 21,485,58 National Rank notes out standing 47,50000 Due to State Banks and Bankers 107.58 Individual deposits subject to check $281.224 91 Demand certificates of de posit $30.48640 Time certificates of de posit $258.333 50 Certified checks . 33165 U. S Deposits... 45,00000 615,37646 Total... ,..$784,469.62 State of Oregon, County of Clat son. s: I, J. E, HiRgins, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true -to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. HI COINS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1008. M. C. MAOER. Notary Public. Correct Attest: C.F.O. H GFOROE. GEORGE W. WARREN, A. SCHERNECKAU. Directors. Total .., $158,625.63 ' LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus 3,500.00 Undivided profits 445.58 Deposits , 104,680.05 Total......... '.$158,625.63 Guilty of Counterfeiting, Passing counterfeit money is no worse than substitutng some un known worthless remedy for Foley's Honey and Tar, the great cough and cold remedy that cures the most obstinate coughs and heals the lungs, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank At Astoria, in the State of Oregon at the close of business, November 27th, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $456,888.0) Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1,786.94 U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 40,000.00 Premiums on U, S. Bonds r.1.20000 Bonds, securities, etc 5S.430.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve anents) 63,379.03 Due from State Banks and Bankers 25,022.36 Due from anoroved re serve agents 1.H733.16 Checks and other cash items 776.29 Notes of other National Banks 2,5.10.00 Nickels and cents 361.70 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: Soecie $169,000,00 Legal-tender notes 220.00 169,220.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 Der cent) of circulation) 2,000.00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 oer cent re demption fund 350.00 Total $977,677.48 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus fund 25.OUU.uu Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.. 29,175.94 National Hank notes out standing 40,000.00 Due to State Banks and Bankers 70.87 Individual deposits subject to check .. ..$655,145.75 Demand certificates of de ' deposit $128,284.92 783,430.67 Total $977,677.48 State of Oregon, County of Clat sop, ss: I. S. S, Gordon, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S, S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of December, 1908. E. r. NOONAN, Notary Public. Correct Attest: G. C. F LAV EL, JACOB KAMM,' w. f. McGregor, Directors. FOR SALE MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 volts; one al most new Fairbanks-Morse 6 h. p. slow speed; one T. H. 2 h. p.j one General Electric 1 h. p.; one 30-light A Few Suggestions For Xmas Ladies' and Cents' Watches, Fancy Bniliroom Fixtures, Fancy Lamps, Xmas Candles, Banquet Candles, Thermometers, Revolvers and Air Rifles, Fishing Tackle, Carpet Sweepers, Bread Makers, Meat Choppers, Cake Mixers, Boys' WBgons, 5 o'Clock Tea Kettles, Tea Sets, Alcohol Stoves, " Fancy Baskets, of all kinds Thermo Bottles, Flash Lliihta, - Corn Rssors, , Watch Charmtv Pocket KulvfS, Table Knives, Carving Knives, Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Nut Picks and Cracks, Chafing Dishes, Coffee Percolators, Raxors and Kaxor Sets, Seizors and Shear, Scissors in Casta, Mankurt Sets, Serving Trays, , Crumb SH, k Fancy Table Cutlery, Berry Spoons, Gravy Ladles, , IVket Traveling Flasks, Shaving: Mugs, " Shaving Brushes, Watch Chains, A large assortment of the above will be fcuod tt FOARD $ STOKES HARDWARE CO. II, I Cold Weather Specials ! f Now is the time to lay in your supply of beverages for the winter months Vigoral Beef Tea $2.50 per jug I Fluid teef'in tubes 50c per dozen, high grade Rock and Rye and all other stan dard bottle goods at the most reason able prices. : Phone 1881. 589 Commercial St. Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers HMMMHMMMMMMMMMHiIMHMM1MHMI ii in 1 " . i AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. J pal wa Ihe :s ' m't of hs iiir Special Excursion 1 to the National Apple Show t SPOKANE, WASH. Over the new "North Bank" Road ' Sale dates Dec. 6, 7 and 11th, Return Limit Dec. 15th Reduced rates. For further information call on O. B. JOHNSON, GenM Agent A. & C. R. R. 4 12th 8t, near Commercial It ASTORIA, OREOON. FINANCIAL Re Jlei fct First national Bank of Astoria DIRECTORS c- n Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor C,'C IWeiI L J. W. LADD i. t. UORDON Capital ; $100,000 Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' Liability ' 100,000 I'NTAIII.IKIIKD 1KHU, .' ..f snoa 1 .-. 1 , ij i.. in,,., jin. ... tmuuiium J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President J. W. GARNER, Assistant ashler O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President FRANK PATTON, Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANKT dXPITAL AND SURPLUS $232,000 Transacts s General Banking Business Interest Paid on Tlma Depos Four Per Cent. Per Annum ' . Eleventh and Duana Sit. Astoria,1 Oregon , H V PI The II l! nuet ater SCANDINAVIAN-A M E R I C A N SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTOl Stttty InptrttdM An Other Coni!d.ratlL" : Sherman Transfer CiT HENRY SHERMAN. Manattr. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trarka sad Furaln Wagons ftanoa Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 4J1 Commercial Street . . aa Phon 1" THE TRENTON! I 1 n i first-Class Liquors andLCigars 102 Commercial 8treet , Corner Commercial and 14th. . ASTORIA, OREGON HMtHltmwfWIIIIMUtHmtMI.I' SCO! BAY BRASS IW I AHTOIIIA. OltKflON ' Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineer Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery Prompt attention given to all reps ISthand Franklin Ava. work. Tel. Main 2461 bi el