THE MOItNWG ASTOKLAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. SUNDAY, DKCUMBUR 6, 1908. rr Cljt Sailer : Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. S. DELLINGER CO. By mall, per year .... By carrie-, per month .$7.00 .60 .$150 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail," per year, in advance....... Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1906, a th postoffice at At tona, Oregon, under the act of Congress ol March 3, 1879. r Ordert (or the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence or place i business may be made bypostal .card or through telephone. Any irregularis in delivery should be immediately reported to the office of publication. . TELEPHONE MAIN MI. THELWEATHER Oregon, . Washington and Idaho Fair. THAT'S THE STUFFI In its frantic effort to boost Horn A. U. Smith for the mayoralty, the Evening Budget, of yesterday, pays him a very cross-eyed compliment, by saying: "At this particular time it is essen tial that the city have as its chief executive not only a careful and conscientious business man but also a man perfectly familiar with the le gal rights and obligations of the city and a just appreciation of the im portance of each department This it made imperative on account of the dangers that threaten the city and property owners through casualties that ordinary prudence and fore sight could not have well guarded csinst under the circumstance, but which have nevertheless placed the city in that position where the serv ices of an able and honest and legal ly skilled mayor is very desirable." The whole city is frank to admit the need of a lawyer to unravel the snarl in which it is wrapped, but, good a lawyer as Mr. Smith is known to be, he is not the par ticular lawyer for this particular case. He has had far too much to do with it already! It it necessary remove him as quickly and as re motely as possible, from all official touch with the municipal establish ment. He is far too good a lawyer to be mayor, and besides it were un just to expect him to act in both capacities without a salary in either behalf; even his enemies would pro nounce that unfair, and if he were acting at Astoria's unpaid mayor he could not, under the law of the land act as her paid attorney; and again, besides, he is already charged with a heavy suit against the city for dam ages alleged to have been received by a lady client of his, and he could not be expected to prosecute the city and defend the city at one and the same time, in that relation. Not on your life! Yes, there is going to be enough . need for an attorney, but we are not going to repeat the insolence of the Budget in ignoring City Attorney C. H. Abercrombie, who is well qualified enough to guard her inter ests, and when that gentleman re quires assistance he will make it known and receive it from hands that are freer to serve in this direc tion that a mayor's would be. Sure, the city is going to need a lawyer,' several of them, perhaps, but the City Attorney's office will in all likelihood suggest the time, man and cause, when it becomes necessary to put the courts to the trouble of cur ine the blunders that have been wrought. THE PUDDING IS PROVED. Let every man with a dollar of in , terest in this city read the account of the steam-street-rolier purchase in this issue of the Astorian. It will serve the last inquirer by way of "oroof of the puddine" from a SCHOOL PRINCIPAL IS A E MONEY, OR DEATH. SAYS PROHIBITIONISTS ARE IN MANY INSTANCES HYPOCRITES Chicago Professor Defends Hit Teacher Who Wat Attached by the W. C. T. U, and Points to Ger many and Japan For Hit Argument sact business in the fashion it did in this incident, it has readier a stage where men must think out the right and cure the wrong and do the deed at the polls where all such crises are turned. The Citizens have had a "pudding." alright! And they have made a "pudding of the city's finan ces, and have proved it by such transactions as Chairman Jens Han- sen was responsible for, as the head of the Street Department j The "pudding" is still unpaid for, and the pan it was cooked and served in needs a thorough cleansing, which will probably be done with a major mass of little white rags, yclept Re publican ballots, on next Wednesday. CHEAP MUCKING. There is a rumor going about the city, in an irresponsible vehicle, evi dently set in motion by Candidate A. M. Smith, to the effect that Mr. El more, while mayor of Astoria, engi neered a contract for the city print ing into the office of the Morning Astorian at an exorbitant rate, etc., and to show the peurile fallacy of the canard, it is but necessary to say that Samuel Elmore was only Mayor of the city for a few weeks; that be did not have the letting of any contracts whatever; that the council attended to that sort of busi nest; that he did not own the As torian at that time, and would not have done the thing even if he want ed to, which is the more obvious be cause of the fact that the contracts for public printing have ever been let to the lowest bidder. And it may be said, in passing, that Mr. Elmore would have been the first man in the council chamber to turn down and out a vicious and robbing contract of any kind, if it had been passed up to him, especially if it was going to any of his private enterprises, on the simple ground of avoiding just such fool charges as this one. And, again, in pasing, he is not drawing down 20 per cent of the printing-contract money now put out by the city, as Mr. Smith is, to recoup himself on a news-paper deal that left him no other alternative. Mr. Smith is not to be blamed for thus securing him self in a business way, but tt comes with poor grace for him to talk "public-printing contracts," under the cir cumstances; and more especially as the Morning Astorian had to take over and carry the contract his own paper fell down on, at a ruinous rate, in order to save Mr. Smith and his friends from getting "stuck." SOME MORE FIGURES. We are publishing some more figures this morning. They are just as true as all we have presented, and that is as true as the pablic records can make them. They show, as do all the others, that never, since the 'Citizens' party went into power, has it lower ed the taxes, nor the millage of the city of Astoria, but has steadily "ad vanced both, and provided the fun dament for the advances. It has been their policy, always, to ignore the debt of the city, except in the matter of increasing it; and they have been wildly and widely successful. Of course, some genial trafficker in buncombe municipal assets, will orobablv come to the front with a CHICAGO, Dec. S.-Over the head of Miss Grace Reed, the Drake School principal who has been at tacked by the W. C. T. U. for her defense of the liquor traffic. Presi dent Schneider of the board of ed ucation dealt out a caustic series of remarks yesterday concerning the prohibition movement in America. "In my estimation." said the school official, "Miss Reed towers mountain high above her critics. The W. C. T. U., and its sympathizers appear to think that the world's salvation de pends on the extermination of the saloon. The prohibitionists in many instances are hypocrites. They seek to abolish the saloon and at the same time take their daily beverage from bottles labeled 'patent medicine.' "Just consider the way things real ly go in the world Drinking Germany leads the civilized world in commerce and science. Progressive Japan throws off the fetters of prohibition when it becomes civilized. "I do not want to be understood as saying that the saloon is a nec essary factor of civilization. It is not. But the liquor traffic in no way retards civilization. "These people are bigots. They go through life with only one idea. They are not open to conviction and there is no use arguing with them. The W. C. T. U. asked me to prefer charges against Miss Reed. I shall do no such thing. Chicago Rector Is Threatened Un lest He Gives $5,000. CHICAGO, Dec. 5.-Fearing death at the hand of an unknown writer of threatening Utters, he has been receiving, the Rev. William C. Waters, rector of Grace Episcopal Church, has appealed to the feder al authorities for protection. He has been ordered in several letters to leave $5000 near the high bridge in Lcxngton Park. Failure to comply means death, say the letters. The missives are signed, "The White Death," the organization is thought to be a new society on the plan of the black hand. Dr. Waters, before taking the pastorate of Grace Church was rector of a leading Episcopal church in Detroit, Mich. Grace church is one of the wealthiest Epis copal congregations in the United States and one of the oldest church es in. Chicago. , Muscular Pains'Cured. "During the summer of 1903 I was trouble with muscular pains in the instep of my foot," says Mr. S. Pedlar, of Toronto, Ont. "At times it was so painful I could hardly walk. Chamberlain's Pain Batm was recommended to me, so I tried it and wat completely cured by one small bottle. I have since recom mended it to several of my friends, all of whom speak highly of it." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. hard and fast figures; but the figures remain, all the same, and tell their story today, just as they will tell it in the chill precincts of a bankrupt cy court some of these days, when the aforesaid trafficker has had his way. We commend these tables to the earnest consideration of every man with a home, a business and an in terest in this city. They are part of his civic education, and will stand him in hand when he comes to weigh the relative claims of the men who are responsible for them as against the men who are pledged to amend them. THINGS THAT EXIST. The past is useful only as it of fers lessons for the building of the future. Astoria owes just such an immense sum of money and is rela tively responsible for an immense lot more. The past, and the Citizens party have made these facts exist- ant. Denial will not change them nor they are to be qualified by any lust of office. They are bold, cold facts to be weighed in the balance of public safety and progress, and they will weigh down even the pride that might have borne up against them, if the people who wrought them were not seeking re-election, along with another huge burden of the same sort. If ever we were up against a biting lesson in public thrift, we are there now. Every soul of us wants im provements, but we do not want them to the extent of sacrificing the whole future of Astoria and placing her in the lists of beggared munici palities of the country. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TIIK AstoriaNational Bank At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, November 27, 1008: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, ,,, ,,$403,175.76 Overdrafts, secured and nn" secured . 8.94278 U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 47.500.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. ' Deposits 2lJ.tX10.00 Other Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits 34.000.00 Premiums on U. S. and other bonds 4.57S.OO Bonds, securities, etc 83,fj8t,15 llankiiiir house, furniture. and fixtures , 4,305.00 Other real estate owned,.. 8,23341 Due from State Banks and Bankers 10,306.50 Due from approved reserve agents 77.849.6S Checks and other cash items i 43876 Notes of other National Banks 3,035.00 Fractional paper currency. nickels, and cents 871.06 Lawful Money Reserve in Hank, via: Specie $71.075 55 Legal tender notes 1,505 00 72.5S0.55 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent cir culation) 2,375.00 Due from U, S- Treasurer, other than 5 per cent re demption fund . ........ 600.00 A Few Suggestions For Xmas REPUBLICAN TICKET Citizens' When an administration can tran- statement alleging the falsity of these ATTHE iiBAKERONIAN ii Coming Sunday Matinee Petie I Something funny Come and laugh with us Oneofthe Comedy Acts of the Season. Miss -Francis Gray in Pictorial Songs i Admission 1 0c. - - Seats Free The newspaper pictures of Rocka feller and Archbold show them to be bald-headed and narrow chested. That is the penalty that a million aire usually has to pay for his riches. Mr. Carnegie is in a position to be capricious in his tariff views, but it is different with those in active busi ness who are compelled, often anx iously, to study their balance sheets. The Republican party of Missouri has never tampered with election re turns, but it has suffered a great deal of injustice from the operation dur ing the long Bourbon period. The Brazilians must be the con centrated Yankees of South Ameri ca. Last year our purchases in Bra-3 zil amounted to $85,000,000 and sales there to only $21,000,000. Mayor 12 X SAMUEL ELMORE Auditor and Police Judge 14 X OLOF ANDERSON .. .. Treasurer- lS X THOMAS DEALY City Attorney 16 X CHAS. H. ABERCROMBIE Superintendent of Streets 17 X J. F. KEARNEY Surveyor 19 X A. S. TEE Police Commissioner 21 X R. CARRUTHERS Water Commissioner at Large 23 X J. E. FERGUSON Councilman at Large 26 X H. F. PRAEL FIRST WARD. Water Commissions 1st Ward 30 X ASMUS BRIX 8 Year Term 31 X FRANS KANKKONEN 4 Year 1 erm Councilman Firat Ward 27 X CHARLES WILSON 4 Year Term 28 X F. J. CARNEY 2 Year Term SECOND WARD. Water Commissioner 2nd Ward 31 X F. A. FISHER 8 Year Term 33 X H. G. VAN DUSEN 4 Year Term Councilman 2nd Ward 28 X CHRIS SCHMIDT 4 Year, Term 29 X C. J. CURTIS 2 Year Term THIRD WARD. Water Commissioner 3rd Ward 30 X GUST HOLMES 8 Year Term 32 X JAMES W. WELCH 4 Year Term Councilman 3rd Ward 27 X C. A. LEINENWEBER 4 Year Term 29 X J. J. ROBINSON 2 Year Term FOURTH WARD. . Water Commissioner 4th Ward 31 X MAXWELL YOUNG 8 Year Term Councilman 4th Ward 27 X L, O. BELLAND 4 Year Term 29 X P. L. STANGLUND 2 Year Term Total $784,469 62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50.00000 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.... Zl ,495.58 National Bank notes out standing 47.50000 Due to State Bankt and Bankers . 107.58 Individual deposits subject to check $J81Z:491 Demand certificates of de posit $30.486 40 Time certificates of de- ' posit $258.333 50 Certified checks . 331. to U. S Deposits... 45.O0OOO 615.37646 Total $784,469.62 State of Oregon, County of Out son. ss: I. I. E. HiRitms. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, J. fc. tUUtilNM. Cashier, Subscribed snd sworn to before me this 3rd day of December. 1908 M. C. MAGEE. Notary Public. Correct Attest: GEO. H. GEORGE. GEORGE W WARREN, A. SCHERNECKAU. Directors. Ladles' and Gents' Watches, Fancy Bathroom Fixtures, Fancy Lamps, Xmas Candles, Banquet Candles, Thermometers, Revolvers and Air Rifles, Fishing Tackle, Carpet Sweepers, Bread Makers, Meat Choppers, Cake Klixers, ' Boys' Wagons, 5 o'Clock Tea Kettles, Tea Sets, Alcohol Stoves, Fancy Baskets, of all kinds Thermo Bottles, Flash Lights, Corn Rsrors, Watch Charms, Pocket Knives, Table Knives, Carving Knives, Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, , Nut Picks and Cracks, Chafing Dishes, Coffee Percolators, Rttnrs snd Raior Seta, Seizors and Shears,' Scissors In Cases, Manicure Sett, Serving Trayl, ' ' Crumb Sets, Fancy Table Cutlery, Berry Spoons, ' Gravy Ladles, Pocket Traveling Flasks, Shaving Mugs, , Shaving Brushes, Watch Chains, A large assortment of the above will be ftund at FOARD STOKES HARDWARE CO. MHtiMUHMMMmmMMMtlMMHHtM Cold Weather Specials ! Now is the time to lay in your supply of beverages for the winter months i Vigoral Beef Tea $2.50 per jug Fluid beef in tubes 50c per dozen, high grade Rock and Rye and all other stan dard bottle goods at the most reason able prices. AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. Phone 1881. 589 Commercial St. Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers : hmkiiiii IMMU REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, November 27th, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . . . $456,888.0) Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1,786.94 U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 40,000.(10 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 1,200.00 Bonds, securities, etc 55,430.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve anents) 63,379.03 Due from State Banks and Bankers . 25,022.36 Due from approved re serve agents !.-',733.16 Checks and other cash items 1 7629 Notes of other National Banks .. Z.5-WO Special Excursion 1 to the National Apple Show SPOKANE, WASH. Over the new "North Bank" Road Sale dates Dec. 6, 7 and lltb, Return Limit Dec. 15th Reduced rates. For further information call on (J. B. JOHNSON, den! Agent A. & C. R. R. 12th St, near Commercial St ASTORIA, OREGON. FINANCIAL Mr. Rockafeller began by borrow ing $2000 without giving security. The difficulty in getting past this pre- Jiliminary must be what keeps down the multimillionaires. "And there are the cartoons, says Mr. Croker in mentioning his objec tions to pilitics. In this particular some folks are more troubled than others. South Carolina's total vote is about half that of St. Louis. A tired feel ing pervades the states that have tried to eliminate all but one party. : The best place to inquire about the value of protection is among active manufacturers and wage-earners, not among the trusts. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Scandinavian-American Savings Bank OF ASTORIA. To the State Bank Examiner, at the close of business, November 27, 1908: CONDENSED. RESOURCES. Loans and Securities $133,918.19 Furniture and fixtures 4,446.54 Expenses paid ............ 20S.S0 Available funds: Due from other banks.... .. $10,376.19 Cash in vault.,.. 9,679,21 20,055.40 Total ...... , $158,625.63 LIABILITIES. Capital stock .,...$ 50,000.00 Surplus .: 3,500.00 Undivided orohts 445.58 Deposits 104,680.05 Total.,. ..;..$! 58,625.63 Nickels and cents Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie ...$169,000.00 Legal-tender notes 220.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cenij of circulation) Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent re demption fund 361.70 169,l 0.00 2,000.00 350.00 Total ..$977,677.48 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex- - ' penscs and taxes paid., National Bank notes out standing 40,000.00 Due to State Banks and Bankers 70.87 Individual deposits subject to check .. ..$655,145.75 Demand certificates of de- deposit . . ... .$128,284.92 783,430.67 Total '..$977,677.48 State of Oregon, County of Clat sop, ss: I, S. S. Gordon, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. CORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of December, 191)8. E. P. NOONAN, Notary 'Public. Correct Attest: 0. C. FLAVEL, JACOB KAMM, w. f. McGregor, . .. Directors. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50 cents First national Bank of Astoria DIRECTORS C.; Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G4;C. Fcavei, T. W. Ladd S. S. Gordon Capital , ..$100,000 Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' Liability 100,000 KNTAIIMMIIKP IMHrt. , jw"wwf..jmiuiu at- J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier FRANK rATTON, Cashier . Q. A. BOWLBY, President O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $232,009 Transacts General Banking Business Intcrtst Paid on Tim Depo ' Four Per Cent. Per Annum Eleventh and Duans Sit. - Astoria, Ortgoa SCANDINAVIAN-A AER I CAN SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercedes All Other Consldsratioau' Sherman Transter Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manaccr. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks sad Furaiian - ' Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Streat Main Pton I" '', - - - AAlMMAUMMU4JiUUUMAJ H?f If I TTIfllFI?! - - TttT tt T TttttTt V V 1 1 THE TRENTO First-Class Liquors and: Cigars vi.i K2 Commercial Street. Corner Commercial and 14th. . ASTORIA, OREGON , ; 1 M H I I ; 4)1 SCO! BAT. BRASS IflllP AHTOItIA, OKKUON Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineen, Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery , Prompt attention given to all repair 18th and Franklin Ave. work. Tel. Main 2461