SATURDAY, DECEMBER S, 1908. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. EAT FATTY QHR A The DaUy Market Report The Malleable Man Has i. in as an :st e ! he Tali ow e sG ie St.: erd bpe ie j d roc dut I I he 1j iy b.' Cow n V i 4 IT Our stock rep resents the high est quality in all lines. 4. V. Atlenp tiew York Letter (Continued from page 3) nainirjg exclusive residence district thtr morc tn4n gjjty yMrS tnd sev a the territory which was once far , ea jof more tnin j,atf , century, as ryor.d the city's northern boundary (the Jmsm or lhi$ njstc,rjc district A is now a part of its downtown wefe orjgsnaijy ,rawn to run twen Tiver front. It is a sort of residential tyK)ne ycar, wjtD the privilege of .i assis in a crowded business section four rtnewli, for tqUi periods. On ood surrounded by stores of every ; (his secount tne commercial spirit ' kind with great trans-Atlantic docks 'wnjcj, j, tempting to obliterate this '.'nty two blocks away. In spite of ,ast bit c 0id N'ew York aihis, however, it has retained through ;$ l;ke,y t0 meet res;oos opposition, litwo centuries its identity as a dis- ' vrrict of old-fashioned homes. The , imwftit' leases are more than fifty Two pockets in an . overcoat are :ytars old, ante-dating almost any : nothing rare, but two. overcoats in a others in the city, and the occupants ; pocket, or rather two pockets, is the 1 rf the Terrace are prepared to fight ' unusual achievement of the largest '' s titterly the plan to convert the dis- pair of trousers on record which has ! trkt into a purely commercial center ! just been invented by a New York 5 I by the erection of stores where an-1 er. Their largeness consists not in teleat houses now stand. The proper-1 their size but in the capacity of their r is of more than ordinary interest, : mot only because of its age and char- d scter but also on account of the fa-! ? snots persons who have lived there. j " It is now the only downtown residen- j Ci, rill district where thirty-fot lawns ; ray DC louna m irom ui iut ; 4 at which not one is less than sixty ; I mt T !1' I . KJ N" years old. i wo iamiucs wre "wrntni was noi acsigusicu, uownn, . i Harked For Death Three years ago I was marked e for destn. A grave-yara cougn w h tesrinir mr lunas to Dieces. Doctors , y Jifltd to help me, and hope had fled, ! I when my husbani got Dr. King's Kew DiKovery," says Mrs. A. C. -t Williams, of Bac, Ky. "The first ' t dose helped me and improvement ( searching him that his pockets con kept on until I had gained 58 pounds i tained two overcoats, three skirts and in weisht and my health was fully! d restored." This medicine holds the j ' world's healing record for coughs' h and colds and lung and throat dis- j eases, it prevents pneumonia, soia the near tuiure, Docn oecause ine po Boder guarantee at -Charles Rogers lice are watching for it and because & Son's drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Look at from perfect Ghirardelli's h cm PORTLAND, Dec 4 -Milling in-U-iests today announced an advance of 20 cms a barrel on patent flour and 10 cents on straights, to take ! effect tomorrow. Esport prices will not be changed. Recent advances !n wheat prices and the strong condi tion of the market are the factor that have necessitated the lift in flour values. The new prices will i pat the local market practically on parity with the Tuget Sound mar kets, where quotations were raised several days ago. WHOLESALE PRICKS. s Grain, Flour, Hay, Etc Wheat Track prices: Club, 89c; blue-stem, 95c; turkey red, 92c; red 87c; Valley, 91c. Flour Patents, $4.80; straights, $3.9S4JK; exports, $3.70; Valley, $4 45; U-sack graham, $4.40; whole ! wheat, $4.; ry. S-5a j Barley-Feed. $26.50; rolled, $28 ' $25.50; brewing, $27. pockets, and had their inventor con fined his efforts to the legitimate field he might have made a fortune among boys in all parts of the country. The remarkable feature of these trousers lies in the fact that they contain lx pociccis cki 01 wuiui i vuit vi holding a winter overcoat. Tne gar- . J J L. ..... a IU9SQIBIC lor a irun ui tuu a un case. Its purpose, as admitted by its inventor in the police court, is pure- j- nefarious, tne remarKaoie garment beinv desiened as an aid to shoplift- inf. When the inventor, owner and $ole operator of those remarkable trousers was arrested because of his peculiar actions, it was found on t I one nair of shoes, all unpaid for. While the invention is undoubtedly new and of immense possibilities, in its field, it is likely to be little nsed in its inventor will wear stripes some time to come. ' - for Nature intended man to be happy and to be able to give Smile All the While healthy children look at i .1 i man or woman ana you see tne pleasures inai conic health the protection that excesses of life to-day the perfect food drink braces up J. . . . a m strengthens the body and the brain into perfect activity besides it pleases the palate, too- 30 cups of a delicious drink 25c Oats No. 1 white, $31; gray, $33. Hay Track prices: Timothy Willamette Valley, fancy, $15; da ordinary, $12; Eastern Oregon, mix ed, $16.50; do, fancy, $17.50; alfalf. $ll.5012; clover. $12. . Millstuffs Bran. $26.50; middlings, $33; shorts, country, $31; Shorts city, $30;chop, $21 Meats and Provisions. Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy 7 71c, ordinary 6s?61c, large 5c; veal, extra 8li$9c, ordinary 6g7c, heavy 5c; mutton, fancy 6&7c. Bacon Breakfast, 15(21 ie, pic nics IOC, cottage roil use; regular short clears, smoked 13c, do nn- smoked 12c; clear bellies, nnsmoked 14c, do smoked 15c; shoulders, 11c Hams-10-12 lbs., 15c; 14-16 lbs, 15c; 18-20 lbs 15c Lard Kettle leaf, 10s, 14c; do 5s, 14k; do SO-lb. tins, 131c; steam ren dered, 10s, 13c; do 5s, 131c; com pound, 81c Batter, Eggs and Poultry. Cheese Full cream twin, 15c; full cream triplets, 15c; Young America, 16c; cream brick, 18-SZOc; Swiss block. 18dS20c; Limburger, 18 20c. Poultry Mixed chickens 1I1U:: fancy hens, 12c; roosters, old 8c, broilers and fryers, 12121c; dressed poultry, lc lb, higher; ducks, 14SJlSc; geese, 910c; turkeys, live, 1718c; dressed. 20(?T22c Butter Extras, 36337c; fancy. 33 34c; choice, 30c; store, 1820c, Eggs Extra Oregons, 40 cents; Eastern, 2&3 32c Fruits and Vegetables. Potatoes Buying prices, 8085c; per hundred; sweets, $2 per hundred. Fresh Fruits Oranges, $2.503; lemons, $45: grapes. $17S1.6S per crate; pears, 75c(S$15 per box; quinces, $125 per box; cranberries, $12(3:1250 per barrel; bananas, 55lc per pound. Onions Buying prices, 9095c, per hundred. Apples Best Oregon, $1.25(31.50: common, 75c(s$l box. Vegetables Tnrnirsj $15 per sack; beets, $2Sr parsnips, $155; cabbabe, $1.50; bead lettuce, 50$1 dozen; cucumbers, hothouse, $125 1.40 erate; celery, 7585c dozen; artichokes, 75c dozen; beans, 121c pound; eggplant, $1.50 crate; toma toes, $11.50 crate; squash, 1 cent per pound; peppers, $175 per box; cauliflower, 7Sc$l per dozen. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc Hops New Oregon, 781c lb.; 1907. 214c; 1906, HUc Wool Valley, medium, 14lSlc; lb.; coarse, 1213c; Eastern Oregon, 816c, as to bhrinkage. Hides-Dry hides, No. 1. 14c lb.; dry kip, No. 1, 131c lb.; dry salted, one-third less; dry calf, 151c lb.; salted steers, 718c lb.; salted cows, 61c lb.; stags and bulls, 4c lb.; kip, 61c lb.; calf, 11c lb.; green stock, lc rsraMSB-K Wuv. "'m fnHL the healthy . . wards of! the Cocoa the system 4 enthuses 5 4 T f v OR ANY OTHER SO CALLED IN- DIGESTABLK FOODS. CURE THE STOMACH TROUBLE Thert Will b no Indigestion or Mis erable Stomach Disorders if You Will Take a Little Diapepsln Hun dreds of Men and Women Art Suf fering Unnecessarily. Nothing will remain undigested or sour on your stomach if you will take Diapepsin after your meal. This pow erful digestive and anti-acid, though ss harmless and pleasant as candy, will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all the food you can eat Eat what your stomach craves, with out the slightest fear of Indigestion or that you will be bothered with sour risings, Belching, Gas on Stom ach, Heartburn, Headaches from stomach, Naustau, Bad Breath, Water Brash or a feeling like you had swal lowed a lump of lead, or other disa greeable miseries. If you will get from your pharma cist a 50-cent case of Pape's Diapep sin you could always go to the table with a hearty appetite, and your meals woutd taste good, because yon would know there would be no Indi gestion or Sleepless nights or Head ache or Stomach misery all the next day; and, besides, you would not need laxatives or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels clean and freh. Pape's Diapepsin can be obtained from your druggist, and contains more than enough triangules to thor oughly cure the worst dyspeptic. There is nothing better for Gas on the Stomach or sour odors from the stomach or to cure a Stomach Head ache. Yon couldn't keep s handier or more nseful article In the house. less; sheepskins, shearlings, 1025c; short wool, 3040c; medium and long wool, sccording to quality, 50(3 90c; dry horses, 50c(g$li0; dry colt, 25c; angora, 80c$l; goat, common, I020c Mohair Choice, IS 10c lb, '. Oregon Graperoot Per 100 lbs., $3(35. Cascara Sagrada (chittim bark) 56c per lb. OAs, Lead, Etc Linseed Oil Rsw, 5-barrel lots, 54c; 1 -barrel lots, 55c; in case, 61c; boiled, 5-barrel lots, 56c; 1 barrel lots, 57c; in cases, 63c Gasoline Union and Red Crown, bbls., 151c; cases, 221c Motor, bbls., 161c; cases, 231c 86 degrees, bbls., 30c; cases, 37ic Engine Distillate, bbls, 9c; eisrs, 16s. MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office. mSpecial Exploitation Sale Blankets and Comforts December brings cold weather, but you can enjoy the cold nights without dread if you take advan tage of our special sale of warm' bedding. The assortment and values we have arranged will bear the investigation of bargains we are offering in this sale. , SUPERIOR QUALITY GREY BLANKETS -Full 11-4, nicely finished, made with fancy border, silk bound, $5.00 values; the pair for $3.15 LIGHT GREY BLANKETS In very pretty shades with fancy pink and blue borders, full 11-4 wide, a remarkable good value $3.75 11-4 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS In beautiful soft white, pure wool, fancy pink and blue borders; a beautiful blanket 11-4 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS Fancy pink and lemon colored bord ers, silk binding $7.50 11-4 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS der .'. 11-4 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS A specially fine quality of pure wool with white ground and light blue I air line check, beautiful border. .$10.00 PLAID BLANKETS Full 11-4 fancy plaid blankets, in red and blue, Rob Roy checks, Shepherd checks, and suitable for bedding or blanket robes .. . ' $6.50 BABY BLANKETS Very cunning little baby blankets in bow knot de signs, all wool, colors are pink or blue and white $1.25 SOH6T0H DRY GOODS CO. 1 you do not expect to subject that this test demonstrates conditions. There are MADE IN SOUTH BhND Any one of which Is sufficient of Itself why its the peer of all ranges DROP IN THE STORE OF Foard & Stokes Hardware Co. ANY TIME FROM DEC. 7 to DEC. 12 THE MALLEABLE GIRL WILL IOUS HOT COFFEE AND T III'lL C L D purcnasca uurillg ill eaninii, you n t Illtn B-2.Cn nEilQG 0ict. et 0f Wglrgrade cooking ware; a .rtmlu Arn,z .fiiii-norcelain d GOOD CONDUCT WINS. Governor Mead Refuses Requisition To Take Man Bick East SEATTLE. Dec. 4. Governor Mead last night refused to honor the requisition of Governor Fort of New Jersey, for the return to New Jer sey of Elliot A. Archer, alias Archie Carter, who is wanted in that state for trial on seventeen indictments charging forgeries amounting to $70, 000. Sregeant of Detectives Walter Godfrey and Detective Frank Tulte of Newark, N. J., where the indict ments ewre found, arrived in rhe city last night with papers from the gov ernor of New Jersey for'Archer's re turn East. They had with them the indictmerrs. which, with the papers from the governor, were examined by Prosecuting Attorney Mackintosh and Attorney General Atkinson and pronounced regular. Counsel for Archer went before the 'governor in the Arlington Hotel snd the Governor, after hearing both sides, told the New Jersey authori ties that they would have to produce more evidence to offset the upright conduct of Archer since he had been a resident of this state for more than seren years. Archer will probably be released today. Full size, nicely finished, fancy bor- $8.50 If this blow bad been delivered to an ordinary range, it would have smashed the top into a score of pieces. It has no effect on ray range, because it is made of Malleable the unbreakable iron.. You may say . your range to such treatment, dui you must the strength of my range under the most trying many other distinctive Features of II in H SERVE YOU WITH THREE-MINUTE BISCUITS AND DELIC PRESENT YOU WITH A BEAUTIFUL COOK BOOK AND A USEFUL SOUVENIR. " . t i 1.:. 1 nner set or several other valuable ami I - ;; Em Tb& Elnd Yoa Hare Always in use for over 80 years, and (QWHi ... All Conntorfeltii, Imitations taxi. J ust-sut-gooU r but ExpesrlmcnU Uiat trifle with aad endanger the health of Intent and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA CastorU Is a harmlesa snbstitnte for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and BooUilngr Syrups. It U I'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Substance. Its age 1 Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevertsliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collo. It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the etomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, CEflUINC CASTORIA ALVAY8 S7 Bears the tuy. -cue Tlie Kind You HaYe Always Bought In 'Use For Over 30 Years. M tmut Miinuif , n luRuf rrmrr, m vw en Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Marbour and Finlayson Salmon Twines snd Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs Sharpies Cresm Separators ' Raecolith Flooring Starrett's Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Cost, Tar, Ash Oars, Osk Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine snd Seln Web We Wattt Your Trade FISHER BROS. BOND STREET John Fos, Pres. P. L. Bishop, Sec ' Astoria Savings B'a, Trsss. Nelson Trover, Vice-Pres. and Supt ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED ... Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. : Correspondence Solicited. . Foot of Poena gtrcst Word 1 ......4 . ,1.U irv numt ui vvm- fifty - nine piece hand- f... - .L:U.. ..I . $7.60 attractive premiums wen worm.. t..... . .... Jl,....-. .UjJUMI .l.lUmMUJJUUSi Booglit, and which has been has borne tlie lgnatnr of Has been made) nnaer nis per. T?..m. tonal opervulon alnct) Its Inronry, &cA4 Allow no ona todccclveioula this. Signature of "art-