4 . . THE MORN IN Is ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OUKDON FRIDAY, DUCBMBKR 4, JWH 1 1 e Store vnc T j- romcn BEE :mve Outfitters Have you seen our window? DUR CHOICE OF COATS j $5.O0 J2t do so this week. The last of the Sale. CEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER reported that Captain Bob f the motor sloop Condor, on val at Tillamook lately, turned ssel over to Captain Dodge to n to the end of her cruise, and ,ed overland to the Southern lines, and went on to San ' co, to take charge of the new ' g steamer Argo which he s . imand for the Dunhams and when that enterprise shall p about the first of the year. ' steamship Rose City will be ' about midnight tonight, an J ve out for San Francisco early ow morning. Among her pas . a out from here will be Mrs. stansbury, of. Hammond, in the and Geo. Hummel, in the steamer Carmel from San isco, entered port yesterday on itial Toyage - to Astoria and ed 50 tons of local freight a! allender dock, and it is said, . inish her cargo for the return m Grays Harbor somewhere. Lurline was; busy last evening . she arrived down, and went with excellent business. Among assengers were A. Johnson, Sam :ed.W. E. Clark, William Rob , August Hildebrand, E. A. (ins, Roy Morton, and C. G. aster. e steamship Roanoke will sail he California coast at 5:30 this ing, from the Callender pier, lalar is registered out on her for ower coast , e steamer Bowdoin arrived down yesterday morning from Stella, ,er laden for the Bay City, and id out to sea without delay here. le French square-riggers Gael St Anne went ot over the bar erday on their . long voyages to 5pe with wheat je towing steamer Hercules ar i down yesterday with several of rock barges, which is not usually duty on this end of line. he steamship Rose City will be ly be here today. The French bark Ville du Havre, heat laden for Europe, is the next grain carrier due down from Port land, and will likely be here today. The steamer Johan Foulsen is due to arrive here from San Francisco, co day or tomorrow. CURE IT IN ONE DAY. Coughs and Colds Disappear Like Magic When Hyomei is Used. If the thousands of people who suffer from hacking coughs and agonizing colds would arouse them selves sufficiently to follow this ad vice, they would cease to complain within 24 boors. :--.- Here is the advice, if you take it and yon are afterwards sorry that you did, it won't cost you a penny. Go to T. F. Laurin, the druggist and purchase from him a. Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me) outfit , It will only cost you . $140. .. Take it home; use it according to directions, and if it does not cure your cough or cold, take it back jnd T, F. Laurin will refuod the purchase price ... , When you use Hyomei you don't swallow nauseating dregs. Yon sim ply breathe in the soothing, pleasant and antiseptic Hyomei air, through the little pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit As this medicated air passes over the inflamed parts, relief comes almost at once, and cure follows. "'- Mary E. Bennett, Peru, Ind., writes: "I cannot speak too much in praise of your Hyomei treatment for catarrh. I have been using your remedy for about two weeks, and I have Joond more relief in that than anything that I have ever tried. I have spent dollar after dollar getting medicine of the doctor for a trouble some cough which I had, and have tried all kinds of cough syrups and cough tablets, and Hyomei is the only remedy that reached the spot. I had given up in despair, but I feel so much better now that I feel as though I have a new lease on my life." Hyomei is also guaranteed by T. F. Laurin to cure catarrh, croup, grip and asthma and all diseases of the nose and throat. WHAT A STRANGER HAS TO SAY OF US OFFERED AS A REWARD OF "TRUTH TO SHAME THE DEVIL." The following letter was received at this office yesterday and is pub lished for the warning it carries to the Asiorian who has property here and who is able to do a bit of think ing as to his duty next Wednesday when he goes to the municipal polls: "Astoria, Or, Dec. 3, 1903. "Editor Morning Astorian: "I have been here for sometime looking for an nvestment for myself and several others. Lookng over the financial condtions here I find your taxes are too high and with pros pects of going still higher, as your indebtedness including county, city school, and water, amount to about $800,000. Your interest is about $40,, 000 a year. Now they want to pass three amendment bills at your next city election: "Your seawall bill wants to issue bonds for $300,000, interest at 5 per cent would amount to $15,000 per year; the Chamber of Commerce bill at two mills on $3,470,478, the city assessment, amounts to $6900 and the Port of Astoria bill of five mills amounts to $17,350 per year. "It is absolutely impossible to ex pect outside capital to come here to invest under the conditions. I would suggest to reduce your taxes, and to vote down all these amendments, and have an economical government be fore you can expect capital to come here to invest Your truly, "C M FOLEY" ....PORTLAND.... Evening Journal Commencing December 1st will be distributed by us. ubscriptions for November payable to us. Price 65c per month delivered. If you are not getting your. p& per right kick to us. TOAfl'S BOOK STORE PINAFORE PASSED OFF VERY WELL! BIG CROWD HEARS TUNEFUL DITTIES AND CATCHY MUSIC. The comic opera Pinafore in the Astoria theatre last night was given to an audience that filled the house, and the occasion passed off smoothly and very pleasantly for an amateur performance. Pinafore is as delightful as it is old, and its tuneful ditties and catchy music never fail to please. Under the capable direction of Mr. Robinson the choruses and other details went off well. The scenes were really very good, and some of the costuming was ex cellent and at times the stage effects were quite affective. Later the As torian hopes to give a detailed ac count of the performance, and mean time it is faint praise to say that the rendition was very acceptable and pleasing to the big crowd. The opera will be given again tonight, and an other crowd is expected. If you have never heard Pinafore you should go to hear this old favorite, and for those that have heard it this is a time when it should be heard again. Two or three of the participants last night were especially good, though several seemed to be not at their best be cause of timidity. MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office Full List of Victor Double Disk 75c Records 1 iiow on hand. Full stock of Victor and Edison Machines and Records Finest stock of VIOLINS on the coast. All at Eastern Prices. Mr. Citizen: Buy from your local merchant, he sells his goods as cheap as you can buy them in Portland or elsewhere. The Astoria Merchant buys the Seawall for Astoria but the Portland Merchant does not. A. G; H P EX A RTH PROPER PLACE TO TRADE Oregon Dressed Spring Chick ens 18c, 20c Oregon fowls 16c Beef to boil 5c to 8c Prime Rib Roast Beef 10c, 12ic Tenderloin flat-bone and sirloin steaks 10c Government Inspected Kettle Rendered Lard, S-lb. pails 70c Small Pig Hams Vic Best Breakfast Bacon 17Jc Veal Roast.. ..8c, 10c, 12Jc and 15c Fine Shoulder Roast of Pork ...10c,12c Mutton Roast.. 8c, 10c, 12ic and 15c Beef Pot Roasts 6c, 7c, 8c Ranch Eggs 35c Choice Creamery Butter.., 70c We make a specialty of delicious home-made sausage made twice daily, at our plant. Pay us a visit. Satisfaction guar anteed. ' BRADEN-ADAM MEAT CO i,inwi'iim : 1 1 1f ' ', 1 i. -j! Copyright ijol r lfr , 3.n Ht scEufow Mus yjj Styles in Christmas trees will be the same this year as lastjsamc general color scheme; same trim mings. Styles in our good cloth es vary a great deal; they're Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. You'll find our store headquarters for men's Christmas things; an overcoat or suit; a full dress or Tuxedo; or the smaller j things he wants: Fine shirts hand some neckwear; handkerchiefs, hose, gloves,umbrellas and walk ing sticks; fancy waistcoats; you'll be able to get "him" something good here from 25 cents up to $30; things he wants. The "Stokes Guarantee" with every article sold SWEATER COATS CHRISTMAS GOODS The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes HIGH SCHOOL TUITION IS SET AT $70 ARRANGEMENT MADE AT CON FERENCE BETWEEN SCHOOL BOARD AND COUNTY COURT At a conference yesterday after noon between the mernbess of the county court and the Astoria school board the question of the amount of tuition to be charged against county pupils who attend the High School was considered and an arrangement made. It was agreed that the county court shall pay the sum of $70 for each pupil from the county who at tends the High School. There are at present 20 boys and girls in attend ance from various places throughout Clatsop county, out of a total of 145 in the school. A recent law provides that the coun ty court may make arrangements to pay for the tuition of county pupils who attend a High School which is within some particular district in the county. Inasmuch as the taxpay crs of the district the city of As toria, for instance support the school out of their own pockets it is mam festly only fair that they should im pose a charge upon pupils who enter from without the district. On the other hand it is also manifestly fair that the county should pay for the education of its children, and in this particular can do so by paying the tuition into a high school that is al ready established. It was not an easy matter to set the rate of tuition. Superintendent Clark of the Astoria schools had figured that the actual cost annually for each pupil in the High School was in the neighborhood of $53. But it would not do to charge the county that sum for each outside pupil, for the reason that upwards of half of the county taxes are paid by the resi dents of the city who already prry for the support of the school. Bat It U estimated that by placing the tuition at $70, as 'was done, the county out side of the city will then pay ap proximately a fair share. There is a sort of double taxation involved and it required a little figuring to bring it out in a manner that would be fair to the taxpayers of the city and to those of the county outside of the city. The action of the county court yes terday means that Id the future, and including this school year, all stu dents from Clatsop county who at tend the Astoria High School will not have to pay the tuition out of their own pockets, as formerly, but it will be paid by the county court by means of general taxation. Especial ly for parents who are not well-to-dj ad have children to send to the High School the arrangements will doubtless proving a blessing. NEW TO-DAY Cheap Coal Kclley the Coal and Wood Dealer will deliver and place in your cellar a ton of the best coal for $7.00 same coal for $6.00 at the yard. Phone Main 2191. Barn 15th and Duane. 11 kinds of cordwood and hardwood inside fir and boxwood for sale. ' The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Fate vry reasonable. Guilty of Counterfeiting. Passing counterfeit money is no worse than substitutng some un known worthless remedy for Foley's Honey and Tar, the great cough and cold remedy that cures the most obstinate coughs and heals the lungs. The Palace Restaurant. An phase of hunger can be daintil) gratified at any hour of the day ot night at the Palace Restaurant. Th kitchen and dining room service ar of the positive best. Private dinin 100ms for ladies. One call inspire regular custom. Try it. ComiiK-rci" street, opposite Page building Try our own mixture of coffee th J. P. B. Fresh fruit and venctahle Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mai The Clean Man. The man who delights in persona cleanliness, and enjoys his shave shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As toria, always goes to the.'Occiden barber shop for these things an gets them at their best. NEW TODAY ! FINNAN HADDIES Royal Chinook Salmon Bellies and Tips. AcmeGrocery Co. HIGH GRADE GROCERIES 521 COMMERCIAL STREET ?HCNE 681 A GREAT GIFT for Xmas for yourself or your family is a permanent home, and it is our pleasure to place you In the way of obtaining one, Our real estate business is so extensive that we can furnish all conditions of peo ple with just the kind they desire. We have city and country property in most advantageous situations. Also pianos, organs and graphophonet. 424 Commeicial street. A. R, CYRUS. ....FOR A.... VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH -)G0 TO(- 1 Johnson Phono graph Co., Parlors Second Floor Over Srho'held A M.ttnon Co. Subscribe to The Morning. Astan mm llii R P I ' Will rnre anv case of Kidnev or Bladder Disease not BrigM's Discus ii beyond the rr.ach of medicine. No medicine can do' more. 1 or Diabetes T.F.LAUREN OWL DR UG STORE. is i ri c I ha Curea Backachj Corrects Irregularities , Do not risk hsvlai V