The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 01, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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...By i Far The Best Yet...
Tim is the verdict pronounced of our
Salt Fish Department
Bloater Mackerel ,
Kastern Tongues and Sounds
Salmon Tips, Etc. Etc.
County Court
'The December term of tli county
court will coneve tomorrow.
Declaration Filed ,
; Declaration of Intention to become
cltien were filed yesterday by
Auguit Llndquist and huh Tuomin
en, both native of Finland,
Pay-Roll in Evldwca .
Uncle Sum! employe at the" cat
torn house and In that ervke were
called upon to sign the pay-roll ye
ttrday, much to the aiWction of
all concerned. Your old uncle" In a
pretty, good paymaster, by the way,
Eye To Bualnett
Seaiide Signal: "It la reported that
wedding belli will loon clang again
for our venerable friend McJntlre,
The Signal prima wedding card in
the highest alyle of the art. Don't
forget ua, Mac,
A Week of Prayer
'A week of prayer which 1ta been
recommended by varioua Brother
hood! and men' aocietjei through
out the world," will be observed at
Grace church thia week by daily
morning and evening prayer at 9.00
and 7:30, with the litany Wednesday
and Friday at 12 m. 1 '".
On Special Duty
Capt. Moore, of the United State
Engineering Corpa, is now at (he
forts at the mouth of the Columbh,
working upon the new system of fire
controf devised for the erfeetion oT
range fireat the great fire Wtterlel.
and ia doing excellent work, with
the assistance of a number of spec
ially trained aitanU. ; , .
New Factory Opens
The box factory of he M idtnnmnh
STrunk & Bag Company of Portland
c .i. .... .,
" ww w opesi hi ooor 10
day, it is said. The factory will
manufacture necessary article used
by the company in' its Portland
tore. " S. E. Wrenn will ' be in
cnarge. , ,
Jj-Charle N. Hudson, f Trinidad,
Colo., arrived in the city yesterday,
laving come here to confer with
Richard Leather and not until his
aetival ilid he learn of Mr. Leather'
death, Mr. Hudson it interested in
the question of boat building and
bad :hccn in communication ith oer-
ohi here. He has a patent which
he wishe to introduce, it k Hinder-
1 stood.
Funeral Well Attended :
The funeral of J, If. Dliiumd, who
died at his temporary home at Tenth
and Franklin, was held on Sunday
aim vr.n wen miciujed, i tie Ma son. i
had chuarge ,ol tl funeral services
tint many of the members of the or
der were present. The Rev. Gilbert
conducted the funeral services. In
teruient was In Greenwood. Dece
dent formerly lived in Michigan and
wa a member of the Masonic lodge
Back To Astorian"
. K, .ticuem. wno has been un
to Portland for several weeks, re
turned on last night's train. Fred
Lenhart," who hat also been there
for about the same length of time,
came back at the lame time. J. II
Seymour was also a returning na
enger, as al.o were Carl B. Fran
seen and Otto G. Morgan, the form
er a Portland visitor over Thank-
giving and the latter since Sunday
morning. -
Paulwn'i Body Found
1 lie oorty of Thomai Paulson, who
wa drowned In the Xecanicum river
about fwo week ago. was fnnm!
yesterday. Paulson was a logger and
ten into the river whi e trvinir
cross on some log. Though every
ciiort had been made to find the
body nothing was ccomili1il ....
tl yesterday. While hi death was
evidently purely accidental, t nrru
tier Gilbaugh is expected to make a
perfunctory investigation
Paulson was a member of a honit-il
asociatmn, and his body will be jak
en to Coble for interment.
Funeral Notice,
The member of Charity Lodge,
No. SX are requested to assetntle t
their lull ,on Wednesday, Dfcember
2nd, at 1:30 p. m., to attend the
funeral of our late Sister Laura l
Johnson. Hannah Porter, C. of H
WV C. A. Poltl, recorder. ,
Regiatration '
The registration book will ctoe
at 0 Clock next Fr dav sftrrnnnn
and All those who have f"ai1l n
register by that time will simply not
or aoie to vote at the mun i-in.i
tion. There are onlv four ,t...
regnter. City Auditor Anderson
yeaterday stated that he will keep
his office open on both Wednesday
and . Thursday night, from 7 to 9
o'clock, for the purpose of receiving
regulation. He doe this to give
tnose chance who are occupied in
the day time.- Unless there is a W,
rush in the next few day the regis
tration is likely to be comparatively
mall-perhap not over 1600 and
thi i not even an average registra
tion tor a city the size of Astoria.
All expired coupons from Carter'
Studio will be honored if nr......
before December 10, 190a
Hot Drinks
Coffee and Chocolate.
Good Things to tat 1
For your Thanksgiving Dinner prepare
1 from our stock. ..Mince Mea, Currents,
, RaisinB, Plumb Pudding Cranberries,"
" Nuts and all kinds"of Fruit's, fresh and
if wholesome.7 - Prompt delivery.' ;.i M l
Scholfield, Mattson & JCo.
; Phone im GOOD GOODS phone 931
120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET ; ' ,;"
Take Charge Today
'.The Athletic club will take charge
tif thi'ir Imudnome new club house
loday, December 1, as their lease of
Ihe place run from this date. That
weans thut the Astoria Amateur
Athletic Association is finally fully
launched, and it i likely that the
activities of the 'club will be in full
swing within a very short time. All
those who have made application for
membership are urged to make pay
ment of their initiatory fee and of
the first month' dues, and those who.
do not make the necessary payments
natuntlly will not ' be considered as
numbers in good standing and en
titled to the privileges of the club,
J. M, S. Hawthorne is the secretary
and all communications and duet
should be made to him. In a man
nVr the opening -of this club should
mean much to the young men of
Astoria, for it will offer many ad
vantages that now ccm to be totally
denied to many of ihcm,
Right of Way
Hen Ward is another of the heavy
owners of property alonir the oro-
poed route of the electric line to
Seaside who states that he is quite
willing to give the necessary right of
way over hi property. Mr. Ward.
however, say that he objects con
clusively to giving a deed for the
strip, with right of reversion after si
term ol five year in case the condi
tion precedent have not been lived
up to. Mr. Ward says he will give a
right of way for 18 months any time
it is aked for, and he deems this
period amply long enough. Hence t
would appear as if at least several of
the big property holder all thoie
who have thus far been heard from
arc willing to give the riithts of wav.
though they apparently are not will
ing to grant for the tive-year term,
and at the same time one or more of
them feel that they have a right to
ask for certain minor changes in the
: You'll Need It Soon. We have them.
;W. C. LAWiS & CO.
Death Follow Devotion
At tbe ' family home, yesterday
morning at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Laur.i
Johnson, wife of Charles A. Johnson,
breathed her last, after an illnes of
12 week from f typhoid-pneumonia,
which it i believed, ihe contracted
from the long and 'devoted nursing
she bestowed upon her eldest son,
wbo returned home from Alaska an J
was stricken with typhoid almost im
mediately he reached here. Every
thing that love and -acalou care
could prompt wa done to save this
excellent wife and faithful mother.
but the dread disease, abetted by the
run-down condition in which it found
her. prevailed against all effort and
she is most grievouslv mourned bv
her husband and children and a wide
circle of friends in Astoria. She was
bnt 37 years of ace and has dwelt in
thi city since he came out from
Stavanger, Norway. 20 vears aim
She was the mother of ix children.
five surviving her, two sons and
three daughters. Adoloh. Oliver.
Ruth, Emily and iVolct. to whom
with their father, the happy convic
tion remains that the mother and
wife knew only the benison of real
friends, no soul who knew her ever
entertaining any other feelino- than
that of love and kindly interest. Mrs.
Johnson" funeral will take place
trora the family home. 326 Grari.1
avemte, at 2 o'clock tomorrow after-
noon, Wednesday, Rev, W. Seymour
Short, rector of Grace Eoisconal
church, ofhciatinir. She ha one sis
ter in this city, Mrs, Nelson, and an
other in Portland, Mrs, Berg, with a
brother, in Stavenge'r, Erick Bekke
Dramatic Entertainment
The Idun Dramatic Club will cive
an entertainment at Idun Hall, Up
penown. tonight, commencing .t
8:15 p. m. The play "Rationclt
Fjosstcll" and "El Httgvending" will
oc produced and no doubt with the
good music that will attend them
they will be highly enjoyable. Ad
mission, adults '35 cents, children, 20
cents. ,
Special Offer.
To the Ladies of Astoria: Mrs.
Hawks, 519 Dunne, proposes to fur
nish materials and make garments
for $25 to $50, all suits from $45 up,
to be. fully equipped with silk linjngs.
For a limited time only. Place your
order odn. ,
All photos taken before December
20 will be finished promntlv. reirard-
less of weather. Carter's Studio, 11th
and Commercial. ,
" We carry ',
Gunthers Dairy Milk Chocolates
Sold in any quantity from
five cents up.
- . 1 -" r -"s ,- , .
483 Commercial St., Astoria, Or.
Martin Foard and Frank Stoke-,
yesterday let a contract to Fred
enckson Bros, to construct a new
foundation for the Foard & Stokes
hall on Exchange street, now used
as the armory by the First Company
ft is probable that the work will
consist largely in strengthening thi
present foundations.
So seriously have the foundations
been affected by the Irving slide, is
explained in the Astorian of Sunday
morning, that Mr. t-oard became ap
prehensive that the structure might
even fall if immediate step were not
Uaken to prevent. The building it
self is strong and well built, of
course, but the movement of- the
ground has caused the supporting
pile to bend until several tier are
standing at an angle of perhaps 80
degree. It also looks as if the
ground "at the rear of the building
has been rising to an extent discern
ible to the naked eye. The theorv
advanced by Mr. Tee and another
civil engineer who examined the
structure is that earth from the top
of the slide has been carried sub
tcrraneously out under the tide lands
and a slight part of the bay, coming
to the surface under the building.
One gentleman who has property
in the locality state that this theorv
is incorrect, in his opinion, but it
appears plausible and is accepted by
the owners of the building.
Frank Stokes came down from
.Portland yesterday for the purpose
of looking the building over, and
later in the day he and Mr. Foard let
the contract -
Out around 35th street there is
also serious trouble with the Irving
improvement. For blocks along that
portion of the city the Irving work
seemed to have started a movement
in the ground in direct proximity to
the avenue. Henry Lumpus, whose
house faces on Irving at 35th street,
will be compelled to more his house.
it is said. It is also stated that an
other property owner in that section
will also have to move his house to
save it. Such is the movement of
the ground in that section that
planks are doubling up. There has
been much trouble with the water
pipes, also. In answer to inquiries,
Superintendent Johnson of the wat
er department stated yesterday that
the water pipes keep "buckling" up
along at 34th and Harrison. While
there had been a slisht movement
there heretofore, Mr. Johnson says it
Is three times as great now. It has
been necessary to shorten the water
pipe on 34th street two feet this
fall. According to all who nave
knowledge of the conditions, all this
trouble has been caused bv the im
provement of Irvinir avenue. For
tunately the trouble is purelv local
and in no case can extend over any
wide area.
Thursday and Friday
DECEMBER 3 and 4
Gilbert & Sullivan's Comic Opera
Martin E. Robinson, Director ' i
The Right Hon. Sir Joseph Porter,
K. C. B., First Lord of Admir
' alty W. F. Gratk
fanf Pnrnrl n Pimminrlinn T 1
M. S. Pinafore V. A. Beharrell ft
- - '', --' -- -. li
Ralph Rackstraw, able seaman, in h
love w.ith Josephine, J. J, Johnson i
Dick Deadeye, able seaman,. ....
C U. Judig
Bill Bobstay, boatswain, J. Eldredg
Bob Beckett, boatswain's mate....
............Dr. I T. BaU
Tom Tucker, midshinmite..
, F. Gregory 1
Sergeant of Marine F. Spittle jg
Josephine, the captain's daughter...
Mrs. Harry Flavel
Hebe, Sir Joseph's first cousin....
Miss Ella Thomson
Little Buttercup, a bumboat woman,
'.'.;... .'...;. .Miss Laurie McCann
First lord's sisters, his cousins, his
aunts, sailors, marines, etc.
Scene-K2uarterdeck. of H. ' M. S.
4 Pinafore, off Portsmouth Harbor.
ACT I.-Noon. ACT II. Might
An Elborate Production of this Popular Opera in Complete '
Prices 25 50 and 75c. - H - - On sale at Box Office.
New Admiral Arrives.
Astoria will be favored for the nevt
few days by the presence of a new
admiral, and that he is a Jolly enter
tainer will be acknowledged by all
who hear W. F. Gratke sinir the role
of Sir Joseph Porter, in the comic
opera "Pinafore" at the Astoria
Theatre, Thursday and Friday even
ings, December 3 and 4.
. To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tablets. Druggists refund monev if
it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature is on each box. 25 cents
Card of Thanks.
I take this method of expressing
my gratitude and ereat aooreciation
to the kind" friends and neitrhbors
and to the members of Temple
Lodge, A. Jfr. 8c A. M.. for the manv
Kindnesses, assistance and svmnathv
which they have so generously ex
tended to me during the illness -of
my deceased husband.
of all kinds
and at
S vensorVs Book Store.
Fourteenth and Commercial Streets.
Dudley Blount, the official poll tax
collector, yesterday ' appealed to
Howard Brownell, the prosecuting
attorney, for warrants for the arrest
'of four men who had both failed and
refused to pay their poll tax. Mr.
Brownell, not 'wanting to rush the
men into trouble, called each of them
up by 'phone and asked if they
were willing to pay up-'-and notified
them that in the event that the mon
ey was not forthcoming instanter it
would be his plain duty to issue the
warrants. Three of the four at once
"got busy" and handed over the casn,
while the fourth seemed to be in
If his $3 is not forthcoming the
warrant will be issued for his arrest.
, While yesterday was the last dav
of the time set for the collection of
the poll taxes it is probable that Mr
Blount will ask the county court to
extend the time for a week or more
to the end that he may (ret in some
more of the money that he has his
eyes on.
It is said that hardly one-third of
the money has been gathered that
should be, though it is also said that
Mr. Blount has made a far better
showing this year than- has been
made for a long time.
Next year it is proposed to 'Vet
after the rlehnquents in even a hard
er manner. Of course if the county
court extends the time for a week or
so there is still time for many of the
delinquents to be seen, and it looks
as if the collector is srettine in a
mood to ask for warrants against all
those who don't pay up promptly.
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 30.-The
identity of the person who recently
disturbed the Navy Department at
Washington by starting a post card
chain of contributors of stamps to be
applied to a fund for building a $16.-
000,000 battleship to be called the
United States, has come to light in
Ithaca. H is Early W. Cooper, a
son of a manufacturer and inventor.
Cooper said that he realized the im
practicability of his plan.
ROME, Nov. 30 -The General As
sembly of the International Institute
of Agriculture closed yesterday with
an address by Signor Titoni, the Ital
ian foreign minister. He said that the
meeting was the first session of the
parliament of the world and that it
affirmed the solidarity of nations,
races, people aud governments and
had as its object the amelioration of
the condition of mankind in its war
upon the parasites of speculation.
Guilty of Counterfeiting. '
Passing counterfeit money is . no
worse than substitutng some un
known worthless remedy for Foley's
Honey and far, the great couch and
cold remedy . that cures the most
obstinate coughs and heals the lungs.
We make a specialty of bridge
work, and, give a ten years' euaran
rtee with all our work. We request
all our former patients to call at this
office and have their teeth looked
over and if any of the work has
proven unsatisfactory we will gladly
repair or make over (if necessary),
free of charge.
Painless extraction by Vegetable
Vapor . .....50c
Extraction by Vitilized Air. first
tooth, 51.50: succeeding teeth. $1.00:
$5.00 for full upper or have same
Slver filing .. . ..50c up
Gold filling . '.11.50 on
Enamel filling .. ..$1.50
Porcelain crown ...$5.00
Gold crown '. I'. .... .$5.00
Bridge work ... . . .... .$5.00
Best plates ..$10.C0
Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 8 o. m.l
Sunday, 10 a. m. to 12 m,' Lady al
ways in attendance. Swedish - or
Finn interpreter.
"Fitting the Eef Tmf'
isth Street Bet. Bond
. ; and Commercial
253 Taylor St. Uniontown
We have no other shon hut tfc-
two mentioned above-
Dressed Turkeys, the choicest Ore
gon birds, 25c and 30c
Fancy dressed Oregon chickens, 15
.' 18c 20c. '.-.'.'
Fat Oregon Geese, 20c and 25c.
Fat dressed Oregon ducks, 20c and
- 25c.
Oregon creamery butter, 65c pet
Fresh ranch eggs, 35c per dozen.
Beef for mince meat, 5c to 8c.
Prime rib roast beef, 10c and lZjc
Tenderloin, sirloin and flat-boM
steak, 10c
Smith's absolutely pure and fresk
kettle-rendered lard, 65c for 5-Ib
Smith's little pig hams. 17 c
Smith's breakfast bacon, 17c
Roasts of Veal, 8c, 10c, 121c and I5c
Choice shoulder roasts of pork, 10c
and 12 c
Mutton roasts, 10c, 12JC and 15c
Excellent pot roasts of beef, 6c, 7;
. and 8c
Boiling and stewing beef, 5c and 6c
ree Homes:!
' 92:000 Acres of timber;
and Agricultural Land
' in the
Umpqua Forest Reserve
to be opened to entry Tan. 20
For lists, blue crint mnTT
withy vacant lands roarkei
thereon and full imfnrmnt
regarding filing, etc.
6 ;; - Send $2.00 to
' .Kosebvr. Abstract Cc.
Koseburg, Oregon.
LOObli LliAF LTjjjGi. k.s a r i
kinds made bv The T. S n,tim,