Mil'. .uiiM.Ni. nTI)lM. A. .VUUUIA. OltECiO. NEW YORK LETTER NEW VOKK, Nov. 30H'N ! 'money hiH t'Mlay'beeu put in oircu Mutiny hi she iiptnliiif whirl ol the pu;4 anil i home how in lliit fcity lmn 'Jia Unmifetl tnafny' a kflirnen 'during: iht past year. For t. first , time, since the pinch of the panic last fait. eliukst of ready each wtul for tunc in !drrt and 'entertainment , have 'been'turned, loose here about the sfletety debut of the fcrrme and (he prrma 'dona. 1 With rmarth of Iti nldtlnw -'vrdfllRtey the " ' fatttjlonable -world i today pttronixing die placet "wlirne JilKh , prixed ttSMte iid ring talentjfrt-en and prance Wiora'jhe ibom, rafld In itirwake 15 .'letter ' Apcmtm, have followed through this welcome revival of Broadway; buy , Inn. Iintln; clffm of the Mige man iitrr tif the annual horae tVte t well as (lit Riming rijirt a there 'tire being totim'ditofay heaping evidences of ,Golliani'a renewed ability to pay for :lta pcmular pleasure. Swre tigs of plentiful activity downtowtt the re turna from tltcne two cot,dy pastimes ;tiave been tlwayt held here,; and alnce 'the bountiful iiulgitig of the financial barometer thit. week no ' 'left of returning floods of grouper ity. 45 ' " " i LASTING LESSON. 4, The 1at gap of frcnid finance 'baa to-uV'bccn throttled in tliit town at Morae. the ventiH-ome Hce-man," is battling for his- liber ty in he, (mill chapter of a fierce fight -to a finlah with the federal probers TCo subject to countanlly wait th onmiet of the occupant ,of every levator :hrottliou the Will Street Oitrict a till marked fate of tlbe former king of .capitalisation. Every magnate, officer, , clerk and olKce4ny "id tht downtowa ico'rporaiifwa la (to 3y talking of notliing but the end of he fortunes of little Mr. Moree, ffowevrr bard the imposition of pria- n aentence may prove to thita con pictiwis offender again! fair fi nance, tlx leanon learned , by the ommandcra aa well a (the rank and file of the Wall Street fcrigade thli eek will itot toon be frutten. In Hie march forward to belter but! , wlich Ja already wndoVay, v? fry money rWver la to-day teadinj "Might c1tk a!k. f ? . , POPULAR PARISH. S To Offer ready Christian rv4r to the dead aa well aa the living, an e- tiafe little mortuary diapel it to-day Handing ready for dedication aa an djiinct to fit "Little Church Around the Corner," the fame of which . Ii now apread throughout'" tb'e civilised w orld. For alxty year th good peo ple of thia ppular parish have kept the doora of, theft edifice pen from tix in the morning till six at night to the conatnt call for marriage end burial rltei for the quick and the dead of every locality and nation of the earth. It it to accomodate the dead, awaiting removal to all parti of thii country and. the world, that the new wing of the famoua old pile haa been built in memory" of good old Dr, Houghton its original founder. Mil lion of humbt henrta have been comforted through the miniatrationi of thia unique parish which all Coth am is now delighting to honor. ' v RACING RUINS.; VTo cut tip into cheap building jots the wonderful greenswards where racing hha reigned for year about thia city may be the outcome of plant which are being aeriously considered by the Jockey Club leaders here to day. Apparently the sport of kings cannot thrive unless linked with the sport of the tout, tipster and book maker; for it h now admitted that betless racing will soon prove horse less. Though New Yorkers ore be coming readily reconciled to the ban-' ishmcnt of the sporting crew that took their money, the sight of the straining' thoroughbreds circling about these emerald ovals will be one sadly missed in this metropolis The abandoned stretches of turf wi'l probably sprout with cheap' surbur ban villas next spring, for it seems to' be gcnarlly recognized here that, the rnce horse must go with the race shark. ' ", ' ' ' '' "'' !' ' WOOD'S WELCOME. . That swell 'society is preparing to pet the fortunate Genaral Leonard WB6(T,' who has to-day taken up com mand of Gotham's military : post, stems now assured. Grim old Gov ernor's Island is being furnished up under the eye of the new command ant and many functions for "the '400" are already being planned within ttie gloomy walls, of its' fortresses. The social leaders are-already looking forward to the touch of brilliancy that the gold lace of the miltary men will give to their Fifth Avenue man sions, which are to be thrown open to the staf of the, younger general, Meanwhile the more solid, and staid members of the community will miss the presence, of Grant, the able son of a famous father, whose personal ity has won the hearts of all good 'people here, CHICAGO 8UFFRAGETTS. f Big Mam-Meeting of Leading Wo . men In Intarest of Movement, j CHICAGO, Nov. The first pui lie mass meeting of the inimpnign which is being waged fcf women's clubs of Cook county hT 'the grant ing et municipal suffrage St Chicago women, was held here yesuVdrty, Mm, Charles H. Henrwtin presided and 200 prominent: wenamn were pre- cnt. The sprakcrs dnteriW the Arneri can worium as an VneiiiranchiscJ Among the peiktt were Miss Jane Addams, Mrs. CaOierine Waugh McCuIUkH, Mist HUry Bartclme, I'rof. Wis. D. Mcaionk of tTie Uliiversity of Chicago d Mrs! Flor ence D. SVetV of Crutf al dty, Colo. Miss Grace Reed, ff'tnciinil f one Briiisr in Your Want Ads ToDay TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS ' THE MORNING ASTORIAN , WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Moruipg by 10,000 People. Tb Want Column of THE MORNINO ASTORIAN are con. suited every morning by hundreds of persons in search of real estate "bargains. Article! of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rates; Twenty words or le ,tlire timet, 25 cents; sue timet, 50 centa; one month, 12.00. SITUATION WANTED. die aged man, thoroughly- under stands all farm work; not afraid of hard work. T, Moon, 133 Astor St, A-storia. , -( VOUN'G WAN, - AGED 20,., DE ires employment; any kind of of the largest Chicago public schodls, work; can furnish references if de threw a. , metaphorical konib. vvhy dont womeji Jneve inunici- pal MifTrager ahe"b-gw. "First -of all, the saloon men are scfrail it win be hindrance to trade. Now 1 aLe I my stand besidr the bitseiiet men j Chicago. What Interests them inter cuts me. I brlitve a wilcfnkeeoer 4i aired. a fline. Address .."A.; H." Astorian HHELP " WANTED-MALE. voir ARE AMBITIOUS AND possess at least an average amount of lact and perseverance; therefore, we want you and will pay you $75 a good principal and gool character omh f,Jr vMn , den a "v Jruu cap earn a nig .income; we banker or a baker, nd tm a. Iur" 1", ,r": wr,,e ,xlay able. An nn0riminlrt hUr .r fea.,t. 10 A.AUtK, t'. U..' Box 1151), er can do twice a much harm us York ( ilv' unprincipled Saloonkeeper. One I'e- HELP WANTED FEMALE. tr. . I - -m - , yn ingen am vmcago more WAKTF.D-G1RL FOR MANGLE. lasting injury than do thousaitd tin- Apply Troy Laundry.' priiicipiea saiooiiKceper. NATURE'S WARNINQ Aatorbj People Must Rocognu and tieco il Kidney ills come mtietly myster iuly, j i' But nature always warns yon. Notice the kidney secretion. See If the color it unhealthy , If there ure settlings and tedi meat, ;', '"' ' '' ' , : ' , Passage frequent, scanty, painful. , It' time .then to wt Doan'i Kid ney. 1 'ilia, , . io war on nrignrt disease or diabetes.,' . Fred LanJrock, living on Third S!,-Hillsboro. Ore.rtays: "My wife suffered from kidney and . bladder trouble for t long time and could eaaU-find no relief. She tuffcred from pain in her back and limbs and was lame and tired.She also had trouble, with the kidney secre tions. At last." the heard about Doan's Kidney Tills and procured a box. They helped her from the first and in a short time she was free imm every symptom oi the com plaint. I tlo used Doan't Kidney Pills and the results were highly tatisfaetory." : ;.. ; ;., .. ; Tlcnty more proof like this from Astoria people. Call at Charles Rog ers & Son's drug store and ask what customers report. .'. - . For sale by all dealer. Price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United State. ... ... . , Remember the name Doan's and take no other, r FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. . TWO FINE HOUNDSt MALE and female; tix months old; $50. Address 614 Grand avenue. FOR SALE CHEAP, A LADY'S jacket smt. Call at Mrs. Hawk's. 519 Duane street. . um BE QUICK-SET (20 VOLUMES) International Encyclopedia; good 1st new; cost $85; will take $50., Ad dress "A. A." Astorian. . , . LOST AND FOUND. LOST A PLAIN GOLD WATCH With long chain Friday between 8 and 9 p. m. on Commercial. Owner return to this office and receive re ward. ROOMS' FOR RENT. ; forIient-wonIcely FUR rooms; one on ground and the oth er em second floor; fine view. Apply 607 Irving tve. . , FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing room; electric lights; modern f il r t convenience. , , ot , aona, corner COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE RANCH AT. SVEN- ten, 25 acres; 8-room house; good barn and out buildingt and orchard; partially improved; $3000. Apply J. F. Nowlen, . FOR SALE 4-ROOM COTTAGE wth lot; lot 2, block 21, Warren- ton, at private sale. R. A. Abbott, administrator. electricians wanted. eIjectricaTworkH ed We can fit you for a good, well-paid position as an electrician, or electric railway, lighting, or dy namo station foreman ' or,; superin tendent, or telephone manager. We can teac! you by mail, in your spare time and at small cost. . The only qualification needed is ability to read and write and the determination to succeed. Write today, stating the subject which interests you. , Inter national Correspondent Schools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Wash ington street, Portland, Ore. . m CARD WRITERS WANTED. SHOW-CARD WRITERS AND window trimmers wanted Every retail store in the country uses show card writer and window ' trimmers. The demand for men skilled in these professions is enormous. We teach both show-card writing and window trimming by mail. Write now.'stat ing whether interested in both sub jects, or which one. International Correspondent School, H.' Harris, Representative, 425 Washington St. Portland, Ore. ' ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. , ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW GUSTAF A. HEMPLE Attomey-afLaw , Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth tnd Commercial Streets JOHN C McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M. BROWN ELL, AT "torney" at Law, "Deputy District Attorney. 420 Commercial 'Sir! DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN,- DENTIST, Pythian Puilding, Astoria, Oregon. UK. W. C LOGAN. nKNTKf Commercial Street. Shanaban Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. BOOKKEEPERS WANTED. FOR SALE-lS; ACRES LAND. lection 4, township 5, range 6V on Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet of timber. 35 teres cul tivated; price KSOOd .I. F, Nowlen. t4 Lommercial street. . 10-4-tf SMITH'S POINT J HTELTT- tory; cost $2000 to build: 1 lot. cost $1500; hj-lck foundation; cement walkt til round,' -yard, filled with fruit tnd ornamental 'trees; ''5 good milk cowt, 2 heifeft ' price," $3500; half cub; half time f ' J - J. F. NOWLEN, v v 473 Commercial St ; Astoria, Or. WANTED-TO RENT." BOOKKEEPERS WANTED Thif it an age of business, and there is accordingly a great call for book keepers thoroughly trained in mod ern methods. We teach the most ap proved and up-to-date system at a low cost, by mail Write today for "Commercial- Circular." International Correspondent . Schools, ' H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washington St., Portland, Ore. unn I L L DR, RHODA C. HICKS, OSTEO path. Office: ManselJ Bldg, Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street TRANSFER COMPANY. Smith's Special Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Leave Order at Star Cigar Store. Phono BJack 2383 ! Re. Phoa Red 227H ' Stand Corner lift ani Commercial BUSINESS CHANCES.. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR OF stock for sale in any enterprise where an investment of several thou sand dollars would be safe. L Der byshire, Box 2032,-Rochester, N. Y. STENOGRAPHER. CARL KNUTSEN, STENOGRA pher, typewriter, bookkeeping, col lections, notary public 428 Commer FOR SALE MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 volts; one al most new Fairbanks-Morse 6 h. p. slow speed; one T. H. 2 h. p.; one General Electric 1 h. p.; one 30-Iight PHAOTtrAT. WTTBCIf PYTIJM aive wttt tl. . t,MA of moat tny kind of nursing; con- e- . . sonable. Mrs. Chat, Lihd,408 35th .4 . A siicci, vsiona. un Notice To Votert. Notice is hereby given that the registration books of the city of As toria for the general election to be held on the 9th day of December A. D.1908, will be closed Friday, De cember 4, 1908, at the hour of 4 o'clock p7nC, in accordance with or dinance number 3669. -The books will be kept open between the hours of seven (7) and nine (9) o'clock p. m on Wednesday, and Thursdav. December 2 and 3, 1908, for the registration of elector's. All must register in order to be entitled to vote. . , OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Folice Judge of the city of Astoria, Oregon. un CITY REAL ESTATE. , FOR SALE-BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner tigth and Astor, two lot, 100x110; house 100x110, 40- rooms up stairs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen. 473 Commercial. ' ' 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street; cozy corner; sa loon fixtures; 7 furnished rooms; price, $8500. J. F, Nowlen, 473 Commerrcial. v 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE HOUSE, TWO- story, $5250; one house, one-story, $2250, r both for $7000; property adjoins SE. cor. 34th and Franklin. Apply to J. F. Nowlen. MASSAGING.' WANTED TO RENT S OR furnished rooms: must be central ly located. Address "R," Astorian BATH HOUSES. BATHS TURKISH AND RUS sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Attor St.; rational prices: absolute cleanliness: private rooms: separate service for Iadie; rheuma tisra and skin diseases treated with perfect success ' 10-25-tf NURSES. RESTAURANTS. U.-S. RESTAURANT. 434 BOND ttreet Coffee with pie or cake. 10 centt; first-class meals, 15 cent. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgint & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class tncalt; regular meals 15 cents and itpC - ,. Oytten, ; Bay Center Oyster House, 420 Bond ttreet. Oysters wholesale tnd retail. George Saunders. Proo. 9-27-tf HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS. We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all order. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPE- writers wanted There is a steady demand everywhere for stenogra pher and. typewriter. Stenography is many time a short cut to high confidential positions. We teach stenography and typewriting thQr ougniy ana practically by mail in your spare time and at low co3t. Write today for "Commercial Circu lar." International ' Correspondent Schools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washington St, Portland, Ore.' AD WRITERS WANTED. AD WRITERS WANTED - There are many positions open for ad writera and advertising managers. Salaries run as 1 high as $16,000 a year. We can teach you advertising in your spare time and at a low cost Ability to read and write and ambi tion to succeed are all - you need Write today for "Two Hundred Mil lion Dollar Advertising Booklet," which gives full particulars. Inter national Correspondent Schools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washing ton street, Portland, Ore.' - nmt CIVIL SERVICE MEN WANTED CIVIL SERVICE-We want young men who wish to enter the U. S. Civil Service. If you are over 18. an American, and can read and write, we can qualify you to pass ex aminations. Write at once for "Civil Service Booklet," stating age. Inter national . Correspondent ScKools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washing ton St., Portland, Ore. , ua DRAFTSMEN WANTED. MME. AND PROFESSOR HAR RIS, colored face and scalp massaging; cures dandruff; stops hair falling n three treatments. Hoarse cough and stuffy Colds that may develop into pneumonia over over night arc quickly cured by rrnm l-olcy s Honey and Tar, as it soothes prot Harris, the Chirooodist. Give inflamed membranes, heals the lungs; u. . 4S8 Commercial atreet. no- u expeis me com irom me sys- 8tair. r00ms 0.3. tern. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MARTIN OLSEN, AUCTION AND Commission House. Furniture re- ! pairing, upholstering, carpet laying, etc.; just opened up in Welch Block, Fifteenth street, between Commercial and Bond. Give me a trial. -! WANTED-TO BUY. Political Announcements WAflTE?-w? !.A,LH,IGIIEST furniture; see us before you sell. Zapf Furniture & Hardware Co. Ghas; W Barr FOR- FOLICE COMMISSIONER WE BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE anything in the house furnishing line; let us call and give you a figure on your second-hand furniture. M. Nelson Furniture Co., 504 Bond nexf to N. P. Express office. WANTED TO BUY LEASE ON business location on ' Commercial between 10th and 13th. ' Address "A" Astorian. u an s MECHANICAL DRAFTSMEN wanted The demand is always in excess of the supply. We qualify young men, at small expenses, to take well-paid positions as mechani cal draftsmen and mechanical engi neers. . All that is needed is ability to read and write and willingness to study. Write today for "Mechanical Drawing Circular. International Correspondent Schools, H. Harris, Representative, 425 Washington St., .Portland, Ore. , tan NOTICE OF PROPOSALS. ' 11 1 1 1 i .. ii 11 mrij 1 - i..iijiri - 1 n 1 iniri ir .ii 1' . SEALED BIDS WILL BE RE- received until noon December 21, 1908, at the office of the Water Commission in Astoria, Oregon, for furnishing - the material, and con structing about 12,000 ft of 24-inch concrete water pipe, and about 1300 ft. of steel water pipe and furnish ings, according to specifications on file in the Water Commission office in Astoria, all bids to be accom panied by certified checks for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, the right being reserved , by the Water Commission to reject any and all bids. City Water Commission, C S. Wright, Chairman. ' , , ENGINEERS WANTED. TOulJGENWATJHiTra desire to earn better salaries and do more congenial work. If able to write, and ambitious to succeed, we can qualify you for' a' position as mechanical, electrical, steam, civil or mining engineer, architect, etc., etc. Write at once, stating position wanted.' International Correspond ence Schools, 425 Washington St., Portland, Ore., H. Harris, Represen tative, uum J. F. NOWLEN. REAL ESTATE ; and Employment Office, 473 Com mercial St., Tlione -. Have fine list of Astoria and country property. All claset of labor furnished. . VETERINARY COLLEGES. BULLETIN SAN . FRANCISCO ; Veterinary College "now ready; mailed free. Dr. C. Keane, 1818 Mar ket street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. LAUNDRIES. NOT THE ONLY ONE We want it well knows that we don't compete with oar fellow cid- sen, the "Chinee." Oar methods bear comparison with hia to his disadvantage. nave yonr laundry work done by the light of day. ,,, t,; . : Your clothe will be sore, dean ana satisfactory, a done here. TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 W Oil 3 "i r Ly La t, I carry the best Locim Shoes in town at the low est prices. My stock of men's andboy'a shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable xne to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GlfilOE , ,. '..' - 543 Bond Stree - TRANSPORTATION. The ft" Line PASSENGERS FREIGHT MISCELLANEOUS. HOT OR' COLD Golden West lea: Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. - Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, music i.acKS vjiock: sneives Just in-r-See us Hildebraiid & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. .... . Steamer - Lurlin: Night Boat far Portland ec Way LsndicgLlLHI: . Leave Aatoria daily except Smdaf Leaves Portland Da3y Except Sasl y '' : at 7 a. a. Qttfck Senrke f ;-; Excellent lleab Good Berth : Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor , r J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 278 , . " ' . Chinook and Hwaco. The lannch Hulda L will teaveoa the tide every morning, Fridays, tww round trips, for Chinook. Landing at Lurline dock for freight and passen gers every day with freight and pat-sengers. CAPT. JOHN. HAAGBLOM. , Ml 1 II JAPANESE GOODS ancy Tea" Sets and Fine China Wate of all kinds. Bamboo Furniture made right here and warranted. WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle , Concert Hall (320 Attor Street) - I'M AN OLD COOK AND JUST aa good aa a new one; I've got some fine Turkeys , that are guar anteed to keep until , used. To be given away Christmas at the Cozy Corner, P. A. Peterson, Prop., 375 Astor street. mrcssTAKzza. J. A. GILBAUGII & CO., Undertakers apl Kiuhalmers. Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. ; Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton Bd. 12th and Duane Sts ASTORIA, ORE.GON Subscribe to The Morning Main Sill MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successet of . ti C- eh n TSS GSXA1 DOCTC3 Who it knows oughont the United States ea account of hit won derful cure. No poisons or dree used. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble. rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, iemale complaints. and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOMI TRXATXXR. If you cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. THE C GEE WO MEDICIOTt CO. 1621 First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. PLUMBERS. ij.iittffl' PLUMBER Beating Contractor, Tinser ' ' AND - Sheet Iron Worker LL WORK GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street Youncc & Baker PLUMBERS Steam and Gas Fittbi All Work Guaranteed. Street, opp. Post Office. 4061.,' 126 Eighth Phone Mali Old newspapers for tale at Use office, 50 centt per hundred.