SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29, IMA RKMEMBKR: ruadefrom our: . ;;t'.;; v,. New Buckwheat or Pancake Flour and served with ' Choice Maple Syrup or u i ; A New White Comb Honey arc sui to be wonderfally appetising ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. LI V ' THE MODEL SOOD STORE i in iiits Of i M: Child Diet-"- -: " - Tho infant on of Mr. d Mm. William Barnes ol Aldcrbrook, died yeslerduy wowing after a ahort 111 n, and was buried lat evening, the Interment being In Greenwood. Off For California Owing to the uniatlntaetory condi tion of Mr. Stafford' health this winter, Mr. and Mr. D. . Stafford, o Seattle, will leave tomorrow even ing for a winter' visit with kinnien and Irinidi in Alameda, opposite San Franclnco. HI many friend trust the change will he beneficial to Mr. Stafford. Ylaftlng Friends J, R, Median, of Portland, the well known seiner, ind owner of the Meertan Sands in the Columbia which are usually leeed to the Tallanl Crant Company, wa in the city yes terday on a vit to trend, and e pecally to hi son-in-law, William Dugan, the well known newspaper man, Mr. Mechan wll return to the metropoli thl morning. Thanksgiving Party Mr. and Mr. Eugene Willi. nd Mr A. J. Monroe, of Portland, and Salem, repcclivcly. have been Thanksgiving guests of Captain and Mr. Prrcy Willi, at Fort Columbia, and after an outing mot thoroughly enjoyed, went homeward last even ing on the Portland expresa. Funeral Today The funeral of J. II. Diamond, who died Friday at hi temporary home at Tenth and Franklin, will be held today, the services being at 1 o'clock at the home. Mr, Diamond came originally from Michigan, sand had come to Atoria to work at hi trade. He leave a wife and two children. Decedent was a member of the Ma ionic lodge and the 'funeral today will be under the auspice of that order. Utiria! will be In Greenwood. Insurance Lower : Insurance rates on dwelling houe are materially lower, according to Hrenhant Van Dtien, and there tl much activity among the owner of h me now In ccuring Insurance. Since October 1 there baa been a re duction Vn rate In various respect, dwelling bouse reaping tbe advant age a much or more than any other item. The basic fate for detached .dwellings before October 1 was 60 cents, and now is 40 cent. A Poetic Troth The name of tbe man who wrote flic following lines is unknown, but ne should have a place in the Hall of Fame: "You'd scarcely expect erne of my age In merchandising to engage and hope to get a paying trade without the local paper' aid. And yt I did that very thin. 1 open ed up my store Inst spring this month the hcrlff took my stock and told It at the auction block. Don't view me with a scornful eye. but simply say as I pass by: There goes a tool who seemed to think he had no ttse for printer' Ink. Talpa Re porter, t, Good Things For your Thanksgiving Dinner prepare from our stock. ' Mince Meat,' Currents, Raisins, Plumb Puddingl Cranberries, Nuts and til kinds of Fruits, fresh and wholesome. Prompt delivery. Scholfleid, 4 Mattsori & Co. PHONE 1181 GOOD GOODS V PHONE 931 1 120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET DON'T FORGET THAT HEATING STOVE You'll Need It Soon. We Have them; w. c. law' &; co; Good Pancakes Filling Lota f , , ', Considerable progre . toeing1 made on the improvement of Jerome avenue, between loth and ltb street, The contractor, R. A. Gerd I UK, hit sublet some of the work of excavating a part of the ttreet to sev eral laborer and they have laid nar-' row gauge track and art trundling away the earth rapidly. It come in handy in filling ome of the Dearly lot, and at present the earth is be ing placed in Whcrity'i lot, and lat er the men will fill up Gratke's and Dunbar lot), also, it is sard. Registration Slow Tbe rcgUtratlon it coming in o slowly that there seem something peculiar ahotit it, and unless there is an untircty unexpected rush during the next few day tbe registration will probably fall off at least several hundred. Tt is estimated (hat there h uld be a registration of 1800 while at tbe close of the day yesterday itrre ere only 1310 names on the book. When tbe registration book closed Jut before the primary elec tion there were 1169 name, and since then only 141 men have taken the trouble, to get (heir names down In the book. The time to do so is short, a the bootc will close for good on the afternoon of December 4, which 1 only a few days off. With an expected registration of upwards of lftxt the list 1s now about 500 short. Pay Up, Please1 While about 100 ladies have made application to Join the Athletic Club the formal organization among the ladies ha not yet been completed. but It i expected (hi soon will be done. At a meeting last night of several of tbe ladies who have been authorized to act In the matter it was decided to again make request for all the applicants to pay in their initiation fee of fl, and the first month's dues of 75 cents. Those whp avail themservesof the. advantages of the athletic organiza tion will bare to make the small payments, and payment will natural ly be take as an evidence of good faith and interest in the matter. Of course the project of the athletic club is a .pretty Dig matter, and sit wilt inevitably have to be jun on' a strictly business oasiato Insure its uceess. Payment should be made to Mr. Prael at the office df the As toria Box Company. Next Tveaday. The Idun Dramatic Club will pro duce at the Uppertowfi "hall Tuesday, December 1, the wen known Finnish play, "Rationclt Fjoastcll;" MEi Hug vending." The club i a strong one and ha a reputation for effective work and an excellent performance is promised. Prices of admission will be 35 cents for adults and 20 cents for children. Hot Drinks Coffee and Chocolate. to Eat llaifflalk lie RAINS IRVING AVENUE VERY BAD CONDITIONS ARE COMING TO LIGHT IN THE EASTERN PORTION. .1. According to various report that are bring made in relation to the im provement oMrviiig avenue, espec ially along from 29th to 38ili street, the conditions there are also very bad and are steadily growing worse in tome place tmrc teems to be a movement of the ground a slide, like that between 18th and lVtb streets. In other place the north side of the Improvement, according to com plaints that are being made, i stumb ling away, falling down the more or less steep slope. 1 n one or more place the north half of the street has al ready gone or threaten to go. "ilefore spring," said a gentleman last evening, who had been over tbe improvement a few days ago, "there will probably be very little left of it It' in bad shape, especially in two or three place." While it may be eay to exagger ate the importance of such matter, especially if the reports of property owner wlioe interests are threaten ed are listened to, nevertheless it would appear as if the facts in rela tion to Irving avenue tat have not been magnified. Perhaps .by the lime the winter rains are over much of this improvement will have been swept away. The condition are de plorable, patentially at least. With the tmnrovemrnt will no thousands of dollars that bave bf'cn sunk in the matter by property owners. It seems inevitable that thvrc will be a heavy loss somewhere, and inasmuch as many of the individual property own ers had already elected to let their property go rather than, pay the assessments, it would appear as if there wilt be trouble in the future to secure more fund for repairs or new assessments, while much of the prop erty is apparently bound to go to the city. i A enrkms thing has heen discov ered In relation to the Irving slide at 18th street., Tully IVO feet away, under one of the corners of the Foard & Stokes hall, now used as the armory, the ground is rising and is seemingly lifting one corner of the structure with" it. Those who are Ir pretend to be skilled in such matters assert that tbis bit of -rising ground away out in the bay U caused by dirt that subterraneously has been car ried from the top of the Slide; that, for example, the hundreds of cubic yards of earth placed in the sink hole last faTl oy the contractor sim ply sank into a subterranean covity and has gradttaTly -worked its way out under the waters of the bay, com ing to the ground surface under the Foard & Stokes Building. PERSONAL IlipTfOf, . Thad Young is down from the me tropolis and is quartered ,8t the Hotel Occident. G. B. Andrews, of Moscow, is in the city on business and is domiciled at the Merwyn." i Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Cummins are now in Montreal., in attendance -upon the bedside of Mr. Cummins moth er, who is alarmingly ill, , Thomas Tones, of Corvalli. has arrived in the city and has accepted a position in the well known drug house of Frank Hart. Mr. Jones is a son-in-law of-Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bohannon. First Lieutenant J. Prentic, of Fort Stevens, was in the city yes terday for an afternoon's outing. Messrs. M. E. and M. K. L,oiia, rfpnnrted for Duluth vesterday morn ing on a business trip of several 'eeks.- 't T. P. Lanin. of Sail Francisco, is in the city on matters of business. C. W. T. Koch, of Chicago, was a business visitor in Astoria yesterday. C. W. B. London, representing ine great firm of Balfour, Guthrie & at Portland, was in the city yesterday in the interest of his principals. R. G. Muse, of Portland, spent the day hera yesterday on a business quest. ' Special Communication. There will be a special communi cation of Temple Lodge No. 7, A. F. A. M. at the lodge room, at 12:30 o'clock p. m. today", for the purpose of attending the funeral of the late brother, J. H. Diamond. By order of W. M. We carry Gunthers Dairy Milk Chocolates v 50c PER POUND Sold in any quantity from J H fivfc cents up. ALEX TAGG 483 Commercial St., .V Astoria. Or. THK MORNING ASTOR1AN, ASTOHIA, OUEUON, ATLANTIC MARINER ASTORIA'S MIDST CAPT. J, H. PRUETT, OF AMER ICAN ASSOCIATION OF MAS TERS, MATES & PILOTS HERE The register of the Hotel Occident yesterday revealed the presence in this city of Captain J. If. Pructt, of Brooklyn, New York, with hi wife and child, and this might have pass ed with the current courtesy of the hour at a mere mention, had it not developed that Captain I'ruett i the national president of, the American Asociation of Masters, Mates ', and Pilots, with headquarters in New York City, which, in a sea-port like this, is a significant and interesting fact and entitled to much farther in quiry and elucidation. And to this end a reporter for the Astorian sought the gentleman out at the of fice of the Columbia River Bar Pi lots' Association, and enjoyed a pleasant, chat with the chief repre sentative 'of the country's mariners. Captain Pruett is a comparatively young man with a capable, resolute, convincing manner and evidently a thorough master of the intricate and responsible interests he stands for, as well as a master, par excellance, of his great trade. He is out on the coast for the pur pose of revivifying the interest of the associations membership out here and bringing the neglectful and in different back to a realizing concern as to their share in the great work the main body is doing for the guid ance and protection of its people. There are a large number of masters mates and pilots on the Pacific who have belonged to the Association, but who have allowed their interest and their dues to flag to a point where it has behooved the main group to send the president out tiere to inquire into it. He is visiting all the coast ports from Puget Sound to San Diego, and bis visits have met with much encouragement every where. He was in touch with the leading mariners of Astoria yester day and seemed to enjoy the day as much as they did who met bim. The main association endeavors to keep in sharp touch with its member ship and to olfcr them us service when occasion reauires, or when any of them get into trouble ashore or afloat, with owners consignees, gov eminent inspectors, etc., etc It also stands fpf Jthe bettering of the laws of the country , as applied to the safe, convenient and expedit ious handling of vessels under all circumstances,' and frequently sco mits amendments that qualify and simplify the codes and duties of all engaged ;and in this behalf, it has already 25 specific amendments to offer for the consideration of Con gress tbis winter, in abatement, -Clearing-op,- and unifying 1 some of the graver errors conceded to exist in this great and busy field. One of these is to relieve the federal in spectors of the necessity of person ally .conducting the trial courts in cases involving the credit and the license of ships' officers, and turning this function over to a board of prac tical men iri the same business and of eqnal rank with the alleged delin quent, while the inspectors ffo on with the numerous and exacting du tie of their office, leaving the hand ling of tbe complained-of masters, mates or pilots to the board chosen and endorsed "by the inspectors them selves. There are many other pro visions the master mariners would like to see adopted in their interests, but none of them are in the light of new laws, but rather as amendments to laws already in force and respect ed, out which might be made simpler and more effective, if pruned of some of their dubious and confusing inter pretations. Captain Pruett will leave this morning for Portland where be will attend a large rnecting of. his fellow craftsmen and discuss the interests of the hour as be understands them and seek for active and open expres sion in this valuable premise. Rights Of Way Judge Bowlby stated yesterday that while he has not signed deeds for a right of way across his lands for the proposed electric line, that he has not refused to do so. He said that he has delayed doing so for the reason that he wished to look into the matter, and because he believed that the line was ht routed across his lands in a proper manner. As routed it crosses the property from one corner to the other; Judge Bowl by also thinks it will seriously in terfere with his dykes, and for these and other reasons that appear forci ble to him has delated in granting the required right of way. Accord ing to this presentation of the mat ter, it would appear as if his intcri ests and rights were not considered in the least by the surveyors. Other property owners have objections somewhat of a similar nature. It is understood that Mr. Christensen, for example, would like the line to run in front of his place and has offered $500 in cash in addition to the right of way if it be routed in a man ner suitable to him. But as far as can be learned none of the prop- ItffffTTVVfffffTfTl I Piano Contest and Dane to Wise Customers WEDNESDAY, EVENING, DEC. 30th I , ' .ft- I i I V; v, -vvn J , ... ' - :: . ' . l - . ' ..:" i! ""; Uc'fcLTT I3C3 -SCmOSSBEGS&CO FINE CLOWES WJESS' aaasaHMaaaaasaaMaaaiaaaaiaawwaaMaMWMbsi erty owner wish to refuse their rights of way, but it would appear from their attitude that perhaps some changes may bave to be made to meet their wishes, or else, pre sumably, they will not be so willing to give them free of charge.' The Leading Lady. As she supposed, Josephine, the captain's daughter, had fallen in love ed in the basement and swept quick with a common sailor on board her ly up the elevator shafts. t -' father's ship, but by the lucky turn 1 ' of fortune he proved to be the cap- NEW YORK STOCKS, tain. Mrs. Harry Flavel, a lyric so- 5 ' prano, is a comparative new singer! NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Last in the city and will be heard at her ' week's reaction in stocks was ex best in the difficult role of "Jose-1 tended under the influence of early phine," and is sure to please all who , apprehensioo regarding the effect of hear her in the comic opera Tina-! Andrew Carnegie's advocacy of an fore" at the Astoria I'heatre, Thurs- abolition of duties on steel on the day and Friday evenings, December j revision of the tariff. A violent re 3rd and 4th. , bound was caused bv the listinar of , j Southern Pacific stock for provision All photos taken before December,40 eet he "change privilege of the will be finished promptly, regard- less of weather. Carter's Studio, 11th: and Commercial. I .. - ! " i irregular. The Erie bond issue arid Special Offer. New York City and Denver and To the Ladies of Astoria: Mrs.Rio Grande bond sales served notice Hawks. 519 Duane, proposes to fur-l tlle caPital requirements to be nish materials and make garments met- Continuous sales of American for $25 to $50. all suits from $45 uo. ! securities from foreign sources kept to be fullv eouioocd with silk linines. For a limited time only. Place your order soon. ui Overfatness Condemned. Fat, or even fattish, women readers who want to be in the mode this year must understand that the de mand is for lines, not curves, and govern themselves accordingly. That means OFF with the fat It has become a duty. Many are trying ":l:rr ;; IIX'-. Cr r. Z "V. " they will find thes methods too slow and , unreliable. The cheapest and safest way to get in form for the Directoire mode is by means of Mar rfiola Prescription Tablets. Any drug gist (or the Marmolai Company, De troit, Mich.) will give you a large sized case of these elegant little fat reducers, containing a good, gener ous supply, for 75 cents, and even this quantity should be enough to make a decided impression on your excess fat. Many have lost as much as a pound a day. These Marmola Prescription Tab lets may be used with impunity and likewise perfect confidence, for, be ing made strictly in accordance with the famous Marmola Prescription, they are, of course, quite harmless. They are rather beneficial than oth erwise, in fact, never disturbing the stomach or causing a wrinkling of the flesh. w.w.'w.www,. aawiy 4i.,f$20 to f I' M Astoria's ReliableCIothier and Hatter , LEAPED WITH BABY. NEW YORK, Nov. 2a-Mrs. Re becca Levy, 35 years old, leaped from the third floor of a burning tenement houhe in the Bronx early today with her two-year-old daughter in her arms. Both were seriously injured. Nearly a score of tenemtns were oy- ercome by smoke but were rescued ; by. police and firemen. The fire start- ,K 7. , . c t tn ,,. After ihf .Kn,,nM ti, marW was nnll anrt : P the rate of exchange to near the gold export point. All expired coupons from Carter's Studio will be honored if presented before December 10, 1908. ui ' Cheap Coat Kelley the Coal and Wood Dealer will deliver and place in your cellar a ton of the best coal for $7.00 same coal for $6.00 at the yard. Phone Main 2191. Barn I5th and Duane. All kinds of cordwood and hardwood inside fir and boxwood for sale. Tbe very best board to be obtained in the city is at The Occident Hotel." T.ate vry reasonable. POST CARD ALBUMS of all kinds and at lowest -prices. Svcnson's Book Store. Fourteenth and Commercial Streets. mi f Made in New York and Bal- ' timore and worn Everywhere It is not onlv a brieht sav-; ing, it is the absolute truth that You can't Look Foolish in a WISE Suit Wise Suits costing from are the best to be had for the money anywhere Hand tailored, proper- ly Shrunk and backed by "FiglitiBg the Beef Trtsf 12th Street Bet. Bond ' ' ' and Commerckl , ' ' 253 Taylor St, Uniontown We hare no other shops but f&c two mentioned above, e Dressed Turkeys, the choicest Ore - gon birds, 25c and 30c. Fancy dressed Oregon chickens, lie, 18c, 20c. Fat Oregon Geese, 20c and 25c . Fat dressed Oregon ducks, 20c and 25c Oregon creamery butter, 65c per ' square. Fresh ranch eggs, 35c per dozen. Beef for mince meat, 5c to 8c Prime rib roast beef, 10c and 12J-C Tenderloin, sirloin and flat-bone steak, 10c Smith's absolutely pure and fresh kettle-rendered lard, 65c for S-fk pail. ' Smith's little pig hams, 17 c Smith's breakfast bacon, 17Jc Roasts of Veal, 8c, 10c, 12c and 15c Choice shoulder roast of .pork, lie and 12 c Mutton roasts, 10c, 12Jc and ISc Excellent pot roasts of beef, 6c, f 3 and 8c Boiling and stewing beef, 5c and fc. Free Homes I 92.000 Acres of timber and Agricultural Land in tbe Umpqua Forest Reserve OREGON to be opened to entry Jan. 23 1909. For lists, blue print 'maps with vacant lands marked thereon and full imformatiaa. regarding filing, etc. Send $2.00 to Roseburg Abstract -Co, . Roseburg, Oregon. The Morning Astorian contains fed Associated Tresa reports, nil tie latest local happening. Deliverel 1 carrier, 60 cents per month. p u j Wfi S E