THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, '08. Tllfi MORNING ASTOttlAN, ASTORIA, OEEGON. ' - UtiMKMHKR: Good Pancakes " made from our New Buckwheat or Pancake Flour and served with Choice Maple Syrup or '.' New White Comb .Honey ; re ure to be wonderfully appetizing ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. THE MODEL FOOD STOKE 1J !lIIl5CF.ira. Declaration Filol " .Albert Severin I,sren, native of Norway, filed hi Intention to be come a citinen yeterday. Littl Boy Found" ' ' I ' .A little boy of two or three yean of not. w.n found at the head of llond itreet yesterday morning. The little chap had evidently wanoereu away from hU mother and got lot. A' neighboring woman took him In and cared for him. until hia mother found him ,yeterdny afternoon. j( Off For The Bay City Chester Jordan will depart on the Steamship Ceo. W. Elder, tomorrow morning early, for a eruiie to San Fraraleo, to look around for about three week, returning home to As toria In time for the - coming holl- m found AatorUna - w fc.odore H. Rohdc, of this city, left taut evening for a business trip to his old home in'Remsen, loia. and on hia return', In about ten daya, will he accompanied , by hia aged mother who come out to Astoria to dwell. L. M. Johnnon, went out on on the me train, for a busine journey to New York City and will be gone for teveral weeki. To Attend Convention Dr. B. Owena-Adalr, of Warren ton, left hurt evening "on the 6:10 express for Portland, to visit with friend over Thanksgiving, and Inci dental, to attend the State . Con vention of Woman Suffragist; and: irl both relation it It aafe to lay the doctor will have lot of fun or Ttriow the reason why. Fuel Oil Contract.. ; . . The repreMitatlves'of the Atori it Columbia River Railroad Com pany were In thia clly yesterday to meet the agent of the Union.' Oil Cnmninv foe the mirooae of closing "'contrct foe the fuel oil aupply for the A, ft C. and Hie meeting cut-, ruinated In the closing of a five-year contract 1n thta behalf, upon " termi mutually satisfactory , to both big concern!. , , ,., u-,,r-j Steamer Will B There Capt. Jamea Keating and the fine launch Wot, will te at Hammond in due aeasnn thia evening to convey all who desire to attend the perform ance of "The Millionaire Tramp," at the Astoria. Opfcra.Uoiia, and -to take tli em back viie it Is over. .-'The good people 'of Knappton wtll'be aerved in 'the'aame way" a 'Munch leaving !there awl rtnruing, th this, behalf. 1 High School Boy And Girl n , The young people of the Aatoria High School have a chance to cap ture, one or more of acven prizes of from, $3 to $20,. by writing essays tipon one or , more of n'x subjects dealing with the earlier phases of the nation's history, full information upon which matter may be obtained by addressing William Bittle- Well, chairman of the committee of the Oregon Society Sons of American Revolution, Portland, Oregon. 1 wj x x-t ,;B'i!.:g!iuiu-uu u Good filings to Eat ' For your Thanksgiving Dinner prepare from our slock; ; Mince Meat, Currents, Raisins, Plumb Puddingj Cranberries, Nurs and all kinda of Fruits, fresh and wholesome. ; Prompt delivery, , , , - Scholfield, Mattson & Co. phone nu i GOOD GOODS phonb mi i -t ( 120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET DONT FORGE! THAT HEATING iYou'll Heed It Soon. We have them. wrLAWiS ' 'a.veb. For Improvement A ftii lion wae filed with the city ,nu!ilof yesterday asking lr the 1m jirivcm':iit of Grand avenue, 37ih to iStlt street, it is asked that the street be graded to lis full width and x 16 foot planking be laid in the cen ter of the highway. The petitioners state the improvement of the street ,it this point would prove a .' great convenience to many and would -pen an outlet to other connecting t reel. 'It is signed by tl. E.'Stef- fensenv P, M, Hansen and Ben Shold New From Afar Yesterday mnrninw we had the pknturc of looking over (but pot reading) a copy of the "Stavanger Avi (N'ews)' a paper published In the hometown of L 0. lUlland, of this city, This particular number cotalnrd a three-column account of the golden wedding celebration of the pii rents of the well' known coun cilman, together with picture of the venerable couple, and it may be said in pausing that afr Belland's father doc not look a day older than hi son. Mr.' and Mr. Bclland, pere, .ire dwellinir on the home-farm that hs that family for the past .100 year. " Warrant Called '. V While there have been many war-, Dints recently called by the city treasurer, Mr, Dealey, people have been slow in coming in to get their money. The moment that warrant are called the interest on them stops, and naturally it behooves the owners to secure their money and place it in bank or In some Investment. There is now perhaps fmtr or five thouaand dollars with the. city treasurer! be loniting to individuals that Is not drawing t penny of interest for them, Resides, naturally the treas urer wlshe to pay them off as soon as the funds come In to the end that he may Iterp lhinps "cleaned up Funeral of R. M. Leather The funeral of the late,, lamented U, 'Mi ' .Leather.', of this city, , has been re-arranged by those in imme diate interest, to take this place tins morning at 8;3fl o'clock from St. Mary's Catholic; church, .Rev Juhn Water, Vector officiating, interment to follow In the B. P. O. E. plat, at. Greenwood cemetery. .The mem bers of Astoria Ldg: No!'380B. P. 0, E., wiTI attend in a body, the fol lowing "well Tcnowrt Elks having beeh appointed to serve i a pall-bearers, to-witt . H. f, Prael, Harry Van Tuyl. John Vox, C, T. Crosby, U. D. Johnscm and F. J. Carney, Despite the early hour set for the Tart sad honors, there la a certainty that many friends of the late honored Astorian -wilt attend the service. Have, your Thanksgiving dinner today nt the Occident. Hotel.. Hot Drinks i; Coffee and Chocolate. STOVE -Meimi- i 0. A, It Meeting The annual trwtlng of the local hj! of the Grand Army of the Kc publii" will be held on the second VVvilneMUy of December. Officers for the ensuing year will then be elected. Thanksgiving Service Tlie Unptiiit, Metlinrliht and Prc ryytrriari churches will unite in a Thanksgiving service at the I'resby-t'-rian chrtrch this morning at 10:30 o'clock,. ,Tlie niu-iic will be furnish ed by the choir of the Presbyterian church. Rev, C. L, Owen, pastor of the ItaptUt church will preach the sermon. Thanksgiving Treat Mr. Jack Anderson, proprietor of the Occident bar, has in his posses sion a fine 60-pound pig (never mind how or where he got il), but if we arc not mis-informed, it will he placed on the lunch counter dclic inusly prepared tday as a- Thanks giving treat to hi many patrons, who, -no doubt, will all pay hi place a visit today. Married Yesterday Orno L. Willcrt and Blanche C. Clark, both of this city, were mar ried on- Wednesday, .November 25th.J at! 578 Commercial street, , the Rev. Wm. S. Gilbert, officiating. Mr. Wil lcrt i the son of the syndoical mis sionary of the Prc.byterian church of the State of Washington, and the bride is recently here from South Dakota. The young couple will re side in Astoria. Stained Their Gloves The ladies at the Athletic Club ball last night had their evening glove stained by the blue ink of the programs, and there wa many a frnwn at the havoc wrought by the ink on th white kids. Apparently the ink bad hardly dried sufficiently on ' the programs. Probably today there will be more than one pair of white glove iiven a lath n gasoline or some other cleanser, though printers ink makes a pretty bad mess and one hard to clean off. On Vagrancy Charges Harry Kettering, a young man, was fined $25 with the alternative of 12 day in Jail by Judge Anderson yesterday on a charge of vagrancy. Kettering is one of three young men who are the proprietors of a res taurant in the rear of the "Big Swede's" saloon, though the police aver that it is not really restaur aaVbut A -only, a ""blind" to osten sibly give the ' three " proprietors some lawful occupation. Kettering on the witness standi denied that he is of the The "Big Swede" testified that $15 a month rent is paid for the room where the restaurant : i run. " Police - Officer Litiville testified that in the long time that he ha been on that beat be has eenonty two customer eat in the restaurant How three young men can inake an honest living out of a restaurant whose business is as lim ited as the police o nicer testified was not explained. Vet the business must pay, for Kettering paid the fine of $23. . . ;. , Mr. Hcgardt Gone G. B. Hegardt, the Portland civil engineer whose services were secur ed in an advisory capacity for the Irving slide, las returned to Port land. Mr. "Hegardt recommended very strongly to the council that the work of sluicing at the bottom, or "toe," of the slide should be stopped and not commenced again, as the removal of dirt at the bottom natur ally had a tendency to permit the hillside to move farther down. ' Yet this recommendation is not being carried out, and perhaps the city cannot control the situation ' even if it wished to; Those who are trying to save their modest homes at the bottom of the hill are sluicing away the toe" of the slide in an effort to save their homes from being crush ed. Thus the interests of the people at the top and at the bottom of the slide seem to be at variance on this point, Another family was compelled to seek other quarters yesterday as the house had moved quite consider able in the last three days, and was considered unsafe. Have your Thanksgiving dinner today at the Occident Hotel, We carry Gunthers Dairy Milk Chocolates . " 50c PER POUND Sold in any quantity from five cents up. ALEX TAGG 483 Commercial St., , Astoria. Or. POST CARD ALBUMS of all kinds 1 and at V !, lowest , prices. .i hi ii,i1 VJfi SyzhZoti's Book Store. Fourteenth' and Commercial Street. From now until the end of this month you can lay seasonable Clothes at reduced prices Suits Overcoats ;,i ? Ui 'i. lt vWi'i i " ' educed (fOI. I ',1 ''i !(,( I 1 p n -CB- SJSjcMSHIMMIup '! 1 f ,!- ' A HTn It I A ' ft Wth Geodetic f Survey V. t- Malar, who hal been with the coast nd geodetic, survey at Tillamook states1 that the work is now done on the Pacific coast, and the party will soon Wave for Texas. Mr. Marlar was initiated into the Astoria Elks' Lodge Tuesday night, and he ha many friends here." The chief of tlje party, was f.,S.,Will,Jii4 the Tillamook .ncher , seemed to. think that he was "Jim" Hill in per son who was down there looking for a 'railway right of way. Turkey Back East ! It may be a slight consolation to the housewives of Astoria to know that turkeys are high back east too, at least in one place, t. Thirty cents is the price here, and the Arkansaw Traveler" laments the fact that in that locality the prices dressed will go up to la or i) cents, inc arutic states: "According to U.. reports Thanksgiving turkeys will, again this season be' very high priced and not within the reach of the pocketbook of ordinary people. Dealers sty they will have to pay from 12 to 14 cents for live turkeys, wniie aresseo ones will retail at 18 to 20 cents as Thanksgiving approaches." This clipping was Taken from the "Arkan saw Traveler" by the Rev. C. C. Rarick, who learned the printing business on that paper. .. PERSONAL MENTION Captain Charles Richardson of, the Columbine, with his wife and chil dren, departed for Portland on last evening's train, to spend- Thanksgiv- uig with friends and kin at the me tropolis and take partem a happy family re-union with several; relatives just out from the remote Hast. Manager McLeod, of the Ham mond Lumber Company, at Tongue Point, will go to San. Francisco to morrow evening, on business for his concern.' ' . . C. F. Green, of Portland, was tn the city yesterday on matters of business, and was quartered at the Occident. :-.r.f . R. Penny, of San Francisco,, spent the day in Astoria yesterday, , on business affairs. ' Miss Anna Belland, of Portland, accompanied by Miss Thora Larson, arrived down on the late express last night and will spend the Thanksgiv ing holiday with Mr. and Mrs. L O. Relland. As' will Mr. and Mrs. Augtisf Larson, of Altoona. Have your Thanksgiving today at the Occident Hotel. dinner 'jj'" ' ' " u fj" 'iv (j filing T li e 2nd y.i. i. 'I ' 'C' During the remainder of this Bale, another FREE day is offered. I1'!l f'J A number of people got their money back last week. ' You'd better get in this week,you might strike, the right day. V ; But, no matter what day you buy clothes in - the WISE store you buy cheaper than elsewhere; llrt;. , ') to t mts f,nPT!Anf.P aww mrw PIPE ORGAFI RECITAL IlitiUiPI'f THE PROGRAM PROMISES TO l- BE VERY FINE AND IN TERESTING . The program, o the pipe organ recital to be given at Grace Episcopal-church on Friday, night indicates that the event will be very fine and interesting. Miss , Carrie.! E. Short will act as the organist, while Mrs. A. -A Finch and William Gratke will sing. The program will be as follows: ' Processional.,, Hymn ' Choir. (a) Larghetto Brosig (b) Cavatina . . Raff Miss Carrie E. Short (a) I Will Arise. Corbett (b) Allah , . Chadwick i i Mrs. A. A. Finch (a) Chorus and Andante, Sth So nata... . . ....Mendelssohn (b) Berceuse . . ........Dinnee Miss Short (a) Rest . . Sullivan (b) The Endless Day....... Johnson Mr. William Gratke' Processional -March ....... Guilmant Miss Carrie E. Short The Choir Celestial Trevelyan y .: Mr. William Gratke The , Pilgrims ,.... .Watson Mrs. A. A. Finch Intermezzo . . ..Dunham Miss Short Jerusalem t '..'i. .Parker .' k Mr.. William Gratke . Noctourne, E flat. Chopin Miss Short :. ; ,J Offeratory . . V t. ................ Processional ." . ...Hymn , Choir. REALTY TRANSFERS ' Astoria "Abstract & Title Company to E, ,B. ;Stoner,; lots 1 to 4, in sec tion 3, and lot 2 and portion of lot 3 of S. 10, T. 6N., R. 10; $10. P C. N. McReynolds et al to George E. Shaver, S, 1-2 of, SW.. J-4.and NE. 1-4 of SW, 1-4 of S. 14; also portion of S. 23, all" in T. 8 N., R. 8 ,.W.; $2500. , - ' Try Your Luck Turkey disposal .night. and. day at Grussi's cigar store, Eleventh and commercial streets. a ana wc. Day iI!'m' if , ,vj, id i; if 1 I! j " ')"' f - J -j L1VJ 'A .v .; 'Jl tl iXi.i J -,T t, t.T rTf TIFTl A FJT TT AXTPTTTz Trmmr m m, mm .. mm m Elks Notice. . rThe members of Astoria LSlge No.' 180,. Bn PUpAElltSf.a -well; as visiting brothers, are 'i requested; to meet their kdge-room at S:1S this morning to attend theafuneral of our late brother, R. M. Leathers. The services will be held from St. Mary's church at 8:30 with the in terment, in Greenwood . cemetery. J N. JK. JOHNSON, s " Exalted Ruler. , ;. C. CLINTON, ecretary-l; I ' ." v.l.fe.V.t. " If you don't want to go to the trouble of preparing a Thanksgiving dinner, go to the Occident Hotel where a home-like Thanksgiving dinner-will be served from 5 to 7:30 p. m.,s '.'- 4 f - , .v Splendid Concert Excursion On Thursday morning at 10 o'clock there will leave this city for Skamokawa and Cathlamet, one of the most interesting . excursions of the year, under the auspices of the Norwegian Singing Society. That fine body of singers accompanied and assisted by Miss Esther Sund quist, as violin soloist, will charter a steamer (probably one of the Bab bldge fleet) and will give the first of two splendid concerts, at Skamo kawa, at 2:30 o'clock in the after noon, going thence to Cathlamet in time to repeat the concert there in the evening and return home within reasonable hours, i. And the "beauty of the program lies in- the modest charge of SO cents, which covers the round-trip and both concerts; sure ly the most reasonable charge ever made for such a- generous1 deal. ' It cannot possibly,, fail of .patronage under the" circumstances, of the ex ceptional talent indicated, the prime outing the trip affords, and the re markable and modest price quoted, and the manifold pleasures it prom ises. I! I ' V To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. .Druggists refund money if itffails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is en ' each! box. 25 cents. i . - F . ''"RawLungs'-' When the lungs are sore and in flamed, the germs, of pneumonia and consumption finds lodgment and mul tiply. Foley Honey and lar kills the cough germs, cures the most ob stinate racking, .tough", ; heals the lungs,, and prevents serious - results.; The genuine is in the yellow pack- age. I. V. Xaunn, Uwl Drug btore. of Hats ! and I .. . . Furnisiiiii! Oeduced !1I Vt I I) ', t n.1 mt f.i ,i m. m mem-m I I Hllll lat VUlil ' IIIWUA W "Fighting lit Beef Trc:f ' 1 2th Street Bet. BoncJ and ComtDeitdifl ' a5i Taylor St. UniorAown We have no other shops but the two mentioned above. Dressed Turkeys,' the choicest Ore gon birds, 25c and 30c Fancy dressed Oregon chickens, Uc. 18c, 20c Fat Oregon Geese, 20c and 25c Fat dressed Oregon ducks, 20c and 25c; - Oregon creamery butter 65c pf square. ' . Fresh ranch eggs, 35c per dozen. Beef for mince meat, 5c to 8c Prime rib roast beef, 10c and 12jc Tenderloin, sirloin and flat-bon steak, 10c " . Smith's absolutely pure and' fresfc kettle-rendered lard, 6Sc for .5 Ik paiL ; Smith's little pig hams, 17 c Smith's breakfast bacon, 17c Roasts of Veal, 8c, 10c, 12ic and 15c. Choice shoulder roasts of pork, 12e and 12 c ' Mutton roasts, 10c, 12c and lie Excellent pot roasts of beef, 6c, "Is and 8c 1 Boiling and stewing beef, 5c and c CHRISTMAS KU?.I0ER Read REX. BEACH'S bear hunt. There's art and fun and wet feet all mixed inp to gether. ; 1 One of our best doctors says that good reading keeps more young folks out of ' mischief than any other one thing.' ' ' ' Try Everybody's. Get one now. It's big and bright and powerful. It's too good to go without. - 15 cents a copy, $1.50 copy, a -year. FOB; SAXS BY ,0, V. Vhitman in a supply '. - ..1 .