THE MOUN."G A5T0KLAN. ASTORIA. OUKGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, W. Established 16D. Published Daily Except Monday by SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail per year , . . . By carrie-, per month WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance , $1.50 Entered as second-class matter July 50, 1906, a the postoffice at Aa joria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Order for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to cither residence or place of business may be made byposul .card . or through telephone. Any irregularity in delivery khould be immediately reported to the office of publication. ' ' . - . ' - . r ' . ' k TELEPHONE MAIN 651. THE. WEATHER' Oregon, Washington and Idaho- Rain. OVER A MILLION NOW! We do not believe there are ten men in the hundred in this city who are aware of the stupendous fact that the property wealth of this mu nicipality is already chargable with, practically, $8Q0,Q00 of public in debtedness; and interest charges at 5 and 6 pefv cent; that there is im perative necessity for increasing this fearful load by over $325,000 during the coming year to perfect and main tain the publiv agencies already es tablished here; and that Astoria stands irrevocably, the sponsor for it alL j . ... No city in all this land, of her siae and population, is burdened to any such extent as this; and this . fact alone is enough to refute the insult offered this public in the open letter of A. M. Smith in Tuesday's Budget, that the "tnossbacks of Astoria are responsible for her lack of develop ment. Such a bill of costs as this tells of no "mossbackism" in As toria; bat rather proclaims her a city willing to spend its money like water for improvement, even to the very" Yrf?e of shattering her public credit . v. I These figures are but approximate, for the time being, and they will be given with exactitude In the course of a few days and in tabulated form,; so there will be no chance for mis understanding the gravest problem that ever confronted this people. We are not eager to publish these things to the outside world, but the imme diate safety of the city forces our hand, and we do not usually hold back when there is need for candor and honest expression. , ,". . The trouble has been that there was not enough of popular interest to inquire into this growing evil in time to check the outrageous accu mulaion. but, thank Heaven, there is time . enough and votes enough, to put the iron pressure of business re trenchment at work, and it going to be done. ESTABLISH YOUR PORT! The decision of the Supreme Court J of Oregon confirming the validity of : the Port of Portland bonds is the ' signal for Astoria to put herself in ' organic and positive shape as a port under the law, as embodied in the i terms of the Port of Astoria bill. now before the people here. j It must be done to fix her legal ; status and give her a standing in court for the civic prosecution of any right that may be invaded here tn the course of the operation of the Portland bill. There can -be no atronger demand made upon As toria in this behalf than is presented All this week beginning this afternoon THE GREAT TRAVIQLAS EXPERT HOOPROLLERS AND NOVELTY JUGGLERS ' ; Also "MISS FRANCIS ;GRAY Singing ; "Roses Bring Sweet Dreams of You': and a feature film ADMISSION 10c. iorinn. THE J. S. BELLINGER CO. ....$7.00 ... . in the decision jut h.mded down and her people must see to it that no affirmative vote is lost on the 9th of December. Every man in this city knows the expediency of such an establishment here; the necessity for a port com mission, a harbor master, for port boundaries, and a legal supervision of the marine, interests belonging here; no man may argue successful ly against the taking over of thi indisputable right and there should be a unanimous vote for the measure when the time comes. i It is merely a matter of setting up the condition; there need be no funds appropriated nor spent until the exigencies shall demand it. It is not a question of expending a dol lar; it is simply assuming an advant ageous position and hedging against a dangerous invasion from outside agencies that must be inimical to any marine prestige claimed for this port ;, . ' ' 'i' i i i i We should be in a position to re ceive, handle, dispose of, and aid, our own commerce, and build a name abroad for the safe, convenient and logical control of one of the natural departments of Astoria's i" commer cial class and status. And we will be, if the people shall unite for it next month. ' COURTS NOT OPEN. Let every man in this city remem ber, when the honr comes for casting his vote against the million-dollar seawall bill, foisted on this com munity by A. M. Smith and the coun cil charter commission, that his negative vote is justified on the simple, and dangerous hypothesis that the courts of the land are closed to the people who pay for this wall, but are wide open to the commission that might be appointed to carry it through. Every clause and provis ion of the measure now under con sideration, sets this fact up in un equivocal terms, and the scheme is to prevent interference by the peo ple after the work shall have Started. It is on a par with every other line of action the present administration has pursued in the arbitrary course of piling up the public debt of this city and the sooner it is understood the better. When the day comes for the building of a seawall along the waterfront of Astoria (as come it will), it will be done upon an ascer tained and understandable basis, as to route, quality, cost, grades, dis tricts, and all the facts precedent to its construction, before the people are committed to hundreds of thou sands of dollars of bonds and assess ments. Remember, you Astorians who will have to pay for this thing, that once you commit yourself to the huge proposition, you have no re course in law against the operations of the men in charge of the work, AT Balieiroiniisuni "fieart of O'yama and that all promises made now as to hat they will do -to conserve your risht the njily prcmi-e, are as pic-miM, to be broken, ah libitum, when the time comes. It probably will not snow until the 9th of December. The political forecast 'indicates a slide of unusual proportions about that time. A million-dollar blanket debt is about all this lively little city can contemplate with 'equanimity; the second million may wait on the ad iustmont of the Arst. It is amusing to watch the calm de liberation with which the man who has disposed of all his realty in As toria views the abnormal increase of her public obligations, and devises means for still further expanding the encumbrance! It would be an admirable and highly approved system if we could hut pay our debts, public and priv ate, with other peoples money! There needs to be a Port of As toria to meet th Port of Portland when the latter comes down the riv er on its errand of absorption. Don't ishes, that is, is Astoria! We believe there will be a more genuine Thanksgiving day on the 10th of December than today furn ishes, that is, is Astorianl The Astoria seawall has lost tone. and Tone will lose the seawall! Can anyone give us the current quotations on steam-street-rollers this fall We know what they were sometime ago! N isni it a Dir cany in me year the fire department appropriation to If you suffer from constipation and liver trouble Foley's Orino Lax ative will cure you permanently by stimulating the digestive organs so they will act naturally. Foley's Orino Laxative does not gripe, is pleasant to take and you do not have to take laxatives continually after taking Orino. Why continue to be the slave of pills and tablets. T. F. Lau rin, Owl Drug Store. ATHLETE ARRESTED. SYRACUSE, Nov. 25.James A. Ten Eyck, stroke of the Syracuse University eight-oared crew, was ar rested here today for the Chicago police. He is charged with being a party to pool game in Chicago in which Chris Hansen was fleeced out of $1350. Hnlutual ConstmatioTi flay ht permanently overcome ty proper personal ctjons wnnme ".""r1 of the on? truly j?nc)icio.l xafic remedy, Syrup oj tigs ana Li'uir ctim, wKicK enables pntoorm reulor Kbtf& doily so tW assistance w na ture ov be gradually dispensed wih wtan holonr needed a the best of remedies, when Ytquired, areto assist nature and not to implant the W. Reactions, vH'tcn tnu6t depend uUi fttatejy upon proper- nourishment, proper effor&W r'M living generally. Toget ws beneficial ejecis, always bay the genuine .California Fig Syrup Co. only SOLD Br AU. LEADING DRUOqSTS one size I only, rgur price out f D 9 SEA TS FREE. CRUELTY IF JINKS UNSPEAKABLE SO ASSERTS A RETURNED TRAVELER FROM HERMIT KINGDOM. I,OS ANGELES. Cal., Nov. 25. V, S. Ualloway of London, who for live year m charge of Die Hriti-h concessions in Korea, and is return ins af'rr a short alwence is now in (his. city. ... " Mr, Hollow-ay staid that if privileg ed t talk he could tell a talc of crurky of the Koreans which would make every .member of the white race get up (11 arm against the mi kado's people, "t n returning to Korea and not leaving." said Mr. Hollow-ay, "or I would talk. "It would be one of the most startling stories ever published if a conuvctent newspaper man w;i sent to Korea and the real condition of Japanese oppression told to the world. It would make' every white man revolt and turn against the Japanese. I wish I could talk, but I cannot. "I could tell of how the Japanese surrounded the Korean emperor's palace with maxim guns after they had secured what they wanted In the way of abdication, and no life was sate. Neither the government of the United States nor England know of the dihonety and lick of principle of the Japanese. After a few days in this city Mr. Holloway will leave for San Fran cisco and then sail for Korea. AMUSEMENTS NOTHING BUT MONEY. This fftlrase has grown quite com mon in this vicinity recently,, attract live posters with the above catch line being lavishly displayed on fen ces,, ash-boxes,- bill boards and win dows. The line is used by that very progressive young manager, Elmer Walters, in gaining publicity and in ciedentatly dollars, for his newest at traction, "A Millionaire Tramp." In this production Mr. Walters has made a long stride to the front, for in this play .he succeeded In retaining all ;the lements of quick action and .,ir it ,'' . V ' 'CERTRUDE; STEELE With a "Millionaire Tramp" broad comedy so dear to the hearts of the masses, and eliminated the impossible bombastic dramatic sit uations that havt so "far character ized this class of an attraction. The finale of " A Millionaire Tramp" is without doubt one of the most beau tiful dramatic endings ever given to any play, not a word being- spoken for at least five minutes before the last (uitain. HIP! HIPI HOORAY! A distinguished cast supports Rice and Cady, the two comedy atira in "Hip Hip Hooray" which comes direct to the Astoria Theatre for one night on Sunday Nov. 29., after a year's run at Weber! Broadway Mu sic Hall. Belle Dale last season play ed a leading role in Geo. M. Cohan's "Talk of New York;" May Phelps, the Prima Donna, starred in "Bob White," and was featured in "The I Gingerbread Man;" Josephine Magee I is pronounced by Anna Held to be Uhc prettiest show' girl in the world; !Mazie Trumball has danced all over 'America; Harry Shunk has a negro role and has been for years the lead ing comedian with Al. G. Fields' Minstrels; Edward Lynch, the bari tone, is from Fritzi Schcff's com pany; Wellington Ross, juvenile, was featured in the "Top o' thevWorld" and several of Geo. M. Cohan's pro ductions. The company of 40 people includes one of the prettiest choru ses ever sent on the road and a .pow erful cast in general. In staging "Hip Hip Hooray" no expense was spared. All the gowns were made in Paris. The production comes here just as it was seen at Weber's Music Hall. The scenes are laid at a famous Uni versity and are crowded with color; numerous song hits are ; scattered through the place, and the show goes with a dash that makes it irresistible. The Morning Astorian contains all the local and Associated Press re ports. ,' . 7 Tills woumn aayt thewtu WTtd front an optrntlon by Lydl 13. rinVham's Vegetable Compound. I aa V. 1 fi'tirv.of Norrlntown, Chk, Mitos to Mrs. iluMi&tu: "I suffered untold misery from fe male troubles. My doctor mid so opsrs u ttt nnlv ehitnoa I had. tnd I dreaded It ftlmost ss much as death. "One dav I rent how oiner women had been cured by Lydi B. IMnkhsm's VmtjLl runinnuRd. tnd I decided to try it ltefor I had Uken th first bottt I was bettor, snd now I m sn- tire 1 V cured. "Erery woman suffering with My femttle trouble should Uk Lydls K, Piukham's Vegetable Compound." - FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Vnv tliirtv v.Mitn I.vdln K. Pink. ham's Yegv.tnbto Compound, made rrom room ana aen, una own wrnodv for ftnaJfi lluL tnd has posit ivoly cured thousand of women w ho nave ien ircuuwu wim tiling.) himnrs. lrrtjrularltit!&. periodic pains, backache, that bear- tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. WhydontyoutryU? Mrs. rinkbnm IrtvliM nil stek women to write) ltr for ndvleo. She hu kiiIiM, tliOHiiids to boaltb. Aridren. Lyun, 5Iuoi. AMUSEMENTS. Astoria Theatre One Night Only Thursday, Nov, 26 Elmer Walter's Ever Popular Comedy Drama A MILLIONAIRE TRAMP The greatest tramp play ever written. Once seen never forgotten Fnnny Comedians, Sweet Singers, and very clever Specialties. Prices; 25, 50, 75, $1 AstoriaTheatre F. M. Hanlin, Lessee nd Mananer Sunday, Nov. 29 Joe Weber's Big Musical Girl Play p. f m With the Germans of quality Rice and Cody Merriest of all musical plays, direct from New York A host of College boys and Prices $1.50, 1.00,75c.50c,25c ..Astoria Theatre.. Thurs. and Friday Evenings Dec. 3 and 4 The Comic Opera . ' H.M.S. PINAFORE Martin E. Robinson,Director Benefit of Astoria High School 'X. : Sung and Acted IN COSTUME by. -!: " 50 Leading Singers of As- toria 50 Prices, 25c, 50c and 75c Seats at box office Subscriptions at Cut Rales , Our li00 Catalogue of "Cut Rates on: Magazines" is now ready and being mailed at the rate of 500 a dayGet your name in for one FREE Mailed on requestWill save from 1-3 to 12 on magazines Let tn figure your list. (fflirojurc book store SEE THE SHOW WINDOW ;:: f ; ;f ' SCOf'fiif'BIllSBlIliOEP . , A0TOUIA, OlteOON, , s , Iron and Jirant Fdunkrs, (lAtnd 'md Manm Efgmeen. Up-to-nit. Sawmill Mtcbasr ; Prompt .twotlon glwn U rtpr IMb and FiwUta' A 5 Wfc TA' Mate IMI FINANCIAL First national DIRECTORS T- Jacob Kaxsu W. F.1 McGregor G.j.C. Fjuavbl T. W. Ladd iS-S. Gordon capiw vj.o!:v;v.;:.$ioacK)o"i - Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' Liability 100,000 v , KHTAIIMMIIEI) Wmi V nun i i - ' 1 ' "' f J. O. A. BOWLBY. Priidnt J. W. GARNER. Auittaal Cibfcr O. I. PETERSON, Vkt-rWdent ' FRANK PATTON, Cadiief 1 ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CApMil AND SURPLUS S232.CS9 U Traitaacta a General Bnkin( BainM laterttt Paid W Four Per Cent. Per Annum " Elavmtb and Puana Btfc - ? AatoHC Ortjo SCANDINAVIAN ; ' savings bank ASTORIA, ORBOON ' OUR MOTTO: "Sftty 8uptrcdii All Other ConiidtrttieW Sheman Transter Co. ; ; . . HSMST f HERMAN, Matawv- ' " Hacks, Carrif-BcgK Checked and Tranderred Trvcki aid Faratan Wifooe-Wmoa Moved, Baed and Shipped- ... . 4M CommartW 8tntt - - n , . Mto UmM t . IIIM I I ... ' ' ' ma' Fwst-uass Liquors ;and tigars : ;: 03 CommtfcUl Brreet ' -M I,;V'V' V : ! Corner Comrot rcial and 14th. '."C n 7 ASTORIA, ORKOON J ; .1 ... STEEL Electrical Phone Main 3881 THE MAN SA ) "Tiyo, ycaro ago you papered my housct and U looki just at good at it did whea you' finished i; the ;work." That loimds gbod to oi. f - Perhaps we will not be able to get another job from hint for soiric lime but when he need work. we know jurt.-about, where, he, will spend,, his money. ! Workmanship is remember ed long after price is forgotten, AlleA Wall Paper and Paint, Co. Cor. 11TH AND BOND Watched Fifteen Veara.' "l?nr Mteen- wan I tin mati-UA the worklnc of BurWlin'a Arnirn Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it wai applied. It has saved us many a doctor bill," says A. F. Hardy, of East Wilton. Maine. . 2Sc at Pwu. Rogers &. Son's drug store. , Dank of Astoria - A M ER I III .i ' I al . J i . -. hi & EWART Contractors .... 426 Bond Street TEN GOOD REASONS WHY YOU , I SHOULD STOP AT "The, Cornelius" J THE BEST IN PORTLAND ' SUualed in the center of the 'shop- ' j ping district. "' "'' '-: t I One block from the clanging street ! . cars. I Not so expensive as soma other l hotels. ' Sixty rooms with private bath. Long distance and local telephones in every room. Writing desk in every room. Carpeted throughout with the best velvet carpets. The rooms are furnished In solid mahogany, Every room contains a heavy solid Simmons brass bed on which la a 40 or. 50-pound hair maVresj. , .. The furnishings and general appear- i ance of the public rooms must be ' seen to be appreciated. "The "Cornelius' PARK AND ALDER STREETS Portland's newest and most modern equipped hotel, solicits your patron age and assure! you good servlca and courteous treatment. An exceptional hotel for familiei who come to Port land shopping and sightseeing. When 1 next in Portland give us a chance to ' make you look pleased.' THE COR , NELIUS Free Bus meets all trains." European plan. . '. C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. ,,' N. K. CLARKE, Manager., " . ' w 'i!'f t.i :l t -: .