HIE MORNING AST01U AN. ASTORIA.. OllKGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1908 Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. f -: 'i '.- I DELUNGEX CO. By mail, per year .... By carrie-, per month SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ' t , t i ... .60 By mail, per year, . ... WEEKLY - ASTORIAN. in advance... '. $1.50 ""Entered as'second-clasi matter )uly 30, 1906,, a,, the potjtoffice ! As tori Oregon, under the act ol Congress 61 March 3. 1879. , .' Orders for the delivering of.The Morning Astonan to .either residence or place of business may be made by postal .card or through telephone. Any irregulari'y in deliveryfould immediately reported to the office '. ' : TF.ttPHOKH MATM fcsr 'J Of publication' V THE.WEATHER" Oregon, Washington and Idaho Ram? THIS PAPER'S ATTITUDE. The Morning Astorian desires .that there be no ambiguity, no misunder standing, of its attitude in the cur rent' campaign. ' it is out lot a sen sible, business administration of the city's affairs; a cartful, considerate, accurate, and constant gauging of the dry's powers, purposes, and plans, against and whida -wiil fructify : with in the next two years if the reckless ness, of existing administrative poli cies are-endorsed and perpetuated at the polls on the 9th of next month. We warn the people, now, in all honesty, and with the sincerity that finds its guaranty in the sheer pub licity of it, that Astoria must be held back from further non-essential in debtedness; that she must be brought back within the range of pure-business government and her - develop ment wrought with some regard for her public honor and her civic capa for, and toward, all citizens, without city to bear and pay her debts; else. reference to political persuasion; for the exposure and prompt correction of the last, and worst, thing that has been done !n the council chamber, and ont of it, in a civic way, for the past six years, no matter where the responsibility shall fall nor whose shoulder shall bear the weight of fault, folly or stupidity; and to this end it is going to fight, and fight for the people, against ring, gang and boss. . , . It has no personal enmities to urge hi the matter; "it is out for a radical change and a radical betterment . of conditions and policies, because the3e must be had if there is to be safety and sanity and business security, along with rational relief from a dan gerous extravagance that is threaten ing the city and its properties. It is for steady and healthful improve ment along all lines, btrt it is diamet rically opposed to the system of im provement now in vogue, and that pledged by the opposition, and would see the city once more run on the principle of simple business, as the best of its private concerns and in terests are managed and maintained. ELASTIC DEBT-LIMITS. she must go up against the critical and dangerous alternatives of a dis counted budget and cold bankruptcy. It is time the people were opening their eyes to (the actual conditions that ire piling up against them and realizing that the people they have trusted, with their government have never paid, nor1 reduced, the munici pal obligations by so much as a dol lar, but have piled them up incon tinently, seeking added authority, time after time, to do it; and are now clamoring for new license to increase the record ' of ' exploitation by the election of men and measures that will ensure the disaster, that can be averted only by the naming of men whoj will conserve the J remnant of the city's credit and build upon it, for her release and up-lift. THOUSAND-FOLD PROOF. In the course of a short time, but probably not before the city elec tion, there will be, approximately, 1000 deeds filed for record at the court-house, with an expense bill at tached, aggregating $1200, for the perpetuation of the proof that hun dreds of citizens have been "squeez ed" to the point of doing the un-citizen-like thing of foregoing a pay ment they simply could not make in behalf of street assessments on lo;s and property that had to be sacri ficed. This is one of the evidences of progress the majority of the present No city may make a graver blund er than to permit the growth of the conviction that its property is good for any kind, and limit, of civic debt. Under perfectly normal conditions a municipal debt is likely to be close to legitimate limits, as to property values behind it and the causes that' administration delight to hjpast of; it warrant it; there is but little danger, js the chiefest thing in their calen of a' city, modern, progressive and Mar 0f pride; the best they have to prideful, being without a regulation offer in the way of manifest proof of debt of greater or lesser dimension; , tj,eir ability to run the city; the high but it is not needful, nor rational ist expression of their business capa that, having achieved an obligation ! city and the limit of their skill in di commensurate with her ability t'rectjon and government. For the pay, a city must go on, and on,Jpast fjve years, the civic records of and on, stretching the lasuc sources j Astoria have consisted, almost exclu of authority, and civic credit, until sively of orders, resolutions, reports, she is so hypothecated to the future j ordinances, and other consecutive that her creditors command and j chronicles, appertaining to street gauge that future. j improvements; little or nothing else Astoria has twice or thrice ex-: has been done outside this deluee panded her debt-limit through legis-0f prescriptive work, and the vast, lative action during the past few -endless,, unchanging volumne has be years, and she has not hesitated ta'gun to pall upon the citizen who hover a little over the edge of that realizes that he has something else limit ever' since it was reached. This to live for, and to do, and pay for, must be . stopped, or it will be im- beside this. ' possible to live and do business here. J ' Admitting; for the sake of the hon Demogogic blaster, nor the lust of est. pride that will actuate many .'a contracts, will account for the mad- struggling a citizen to redeem hi? ness of subraittipg ttf financial de-roperTyi at'sonW later aruf more spoilment, such as- this city- is ur'prtipitifws -dav, -that 500 of thesecon tiseated lots and parcels of land, shall be brought back, with all the accrued interest and charges inci dent to the -;ecord, there will still be left a miserable margin of sheer for feiture and. dispossession, that wilt remain, forever, a monument to the stupidity, and worse, of an incompe tent government, to whom this phase of administration appealed, as the only attribute of duty and respon sibility. Think this over, poor man! . ; Memorial Lutheran. Sunday school ut 10 o'clock a. m morning service at II a. m. theme for' sermon, "The Imago ; of CitcsuV or Cod."" The girl choir will syt at the service.' Evening service t 7 o'clock, theme', "Women as Colalior m in the Gospel" The regular .churb choir assists at the evening1 service. All service held at the Congregation church, corner Tenth and JJxcbange, You are cordially Invited to attend The rich man has never had a chance our services. t forget it; between ytm an tmt will be put to the outrage, nxt 'month! CHURCHES SUNDAY First Lutheran (Uppertown) Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., servh-e in Swedish at 3 p. m. Ltither Leaguf Circle meets at 6.30 p, mr Holy Innocents Chapel Services at Uppertown at 3:45 p. m.; Sunday school, ll:l5 a. m. First Methodist Sermon themes for Sunday: Morn- ing, "the Fullness ot Uou. liven ing, "The Beauty of Jesus." Special music at both services. A cordial in vitation is extended to the public t) attend. C. C. Rarick, pastor. Norwegian-Danish M. E. Services at U a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mr. Al bert Carlsen, superintendent. The choir will sing at the evening service. Scandinavians cordially invited. O. T. Field, pastor. Presbyterian. , Morning worship. 11 o'clock. "A Young Man's Mistake"; Sunday school, 12:15; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30; evening ' worship, "The Thankful Man." Miss Reba Hobson, choir di rector. Male chorus at night. All are invited. Wm. S. Gilbert, pastor. Grace. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m ; Sunday school at 12:30 M. At the evening service Mr. R. F. Mitchell, Cornell College graduate, and a St. Andrews' Brotherhood man, who is just on his way home from Honolulu will deliver an address in the inter ests of the Brotherhood. All men will be cordially welcome. Christian Science, Services in 'rooms 5 and 6, I. O. O. F. buildinu, comer Tenth and Commercial streets at 11 o'clock. Subject of the lesson sermon, "Soul and Body." All are invited. Sunday school, 12 o'clock. The first Wednes day evenina. in. the month, 7 JO, Reading room same address, hoars from 2 to 5 daily, except Sunday. -'AMUSEMENTS GREAT COMEDY; PRODUCTION Elmer 1 Walter's litest sensation, Miltioiraira Trump," contain" sev en of the stroii;t$t comedy charac ters that Va-ve ever been co!lected in one play." Each 'one 'differs vtMly from the other, and lends opportun ity for variety and action. The ghost scene in the first and the darky por ter's scene in the third act are, (w of the funniest imaginable. The dra matic. scenes are fully abreast of the comedy', and 'the scenic' - mounting superb. The Church of the Holy Cross in the second act is one of the handsomest settings of this kind that has ever, been' attempted The. Opera, house in the third is a decided nov elty, something entirely new and out of the ordinary; wm,e ,ne hotel in the last act is the very em bodiment tof quaintness and origin ality. .The play comes to the Astoria theatre next Thursday. ' .! !l i B0CT ur.i in CWpdltovVstemEffect-uallv:JUisncUllu4ondIitw nches ilao to ixuasmut txmsiipa 10 LH Am naturally, acw Truly os a Laxative. ... I3wt fiirflUnAwmpn nnd Iml Always buv t te acnume w hid has uto pany name o CALIFORNIA to wm ffeSTOUP.Cp. m it u manufactured , printed en the fl-il ( evWry nnckng"- SOLD BY ALL LEADING 0RUGGIST& i one onl regular pry 50 bull le. AMUSEMENTS. f(4 rft, Astoria Theatre One Night Only Thursday, Nov. 26 Elmer Walter's Ever Popular Comedy Drama A MILLIONAIRE TRAMP The greatest tramp play ever written. Once seen never forgotten Fnnny Comedians, Sweet Singers, and very clever Specialties. Prices; 25, 50,75,$1 Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AQENTS t i J Msrboiir and Flntayaon Salmon Twines and Netting , McCormlck Harvesting Machlnti Oliver Chilled I'loughs Sharpies Cream Separator Riecolith Flooring Storrett's Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery - - n; . Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch". Coal, . Tar, f Asn uar, i.unict, t ipi nu huhki, vn,i uwvi, 4 , Taints, Oil and Glaei ';;' U ? f'1 Fishermen's Tore Manilla Rope, Cott&n Twine and Seln Web WojWaiitl VourlTradp fl lie FISHER 'BROS. BOND STREET You want the best money can bay In food, clothing, home comforts, pleasures, etc., why not la education? . - Portland's Leading Business College offer such to you and at no greater cost thaa Inferior tfKnool Owners practical teacher Mor CU then w ca 611 Teachers actual business men In session the entire fmt ' ' Positions guaranteed graduate Ctlog "A" ff It W"I M. WALKER, Pre. O. K BOSSFRW, Ucf. FINANCIAL, - 1 i Morning worship, lk a. m., theme, "The Love of Music and the Music of Love." Evening worship, 7:30 p m., subject, "The White Stone W'th a Hidden Name." Sunday school, 10 a. m.; B. Y. P. U, 6:30 p. m.; Chris tian Stewardship 7 p. m. Everybody cordially invited Conrad L. Owen, pastor. Gideon's Band Baptist Mission In McGregor's meu house on Commercial street by the car line, has been opened a mission in which services will be conducted each even ing at 7:30 o'clock by Pastor CL. Owen of the Baptist church and Rev. S. C. Sherill, evangelist and singer. Pvervhodv is invited to attend this mission. Winter blasts, causing pneumonia, olenrUv and eonsumotion will, soon be here. . Cure your cough now, and streflethen your lungs with Foley's Unnev and Tar. ' Do not risk start inir the winter with weak lungs, when Foley's Honey and Tar will cure the most obstinate cougns ana coins, anu prevent serious results. T. F. Lau fin, Owl Drug Store. A Animated Pictures; 11 illustrated Songs. An entertainment for the people First Class, Amusing, Entertaining arid Educating. h : i special Feattire Film Starting Friday Night j Arrival of- American Fleet in Australia Entire change of Prbg , ' Hear Miss Francis Gray Song Illustrator and, ourSflendid Bakeronian Orchestra . J i : i " ,' if Pit w often croBs, irritalilo, hysteric, end declare they are driven to distrao tion at tlie slightest provocntioa Wen earuiot untlerxtand why this should be so. To them it is a my, tery becau.se In nine tiroes out of ten this condition is caused by a serious feminine derangement A remedy is necessary which acta directly upon the organs afliieted, re storing a heal thy normal condition to the feminine system, which will quickly dihil all bvaterical, nervous and irritable conditions. Such L LYDIA tLPINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND The following letter serves tc prove tbix fact Mrs. Jlattio Copenhaver, 815 So. 21st St, TttrHons, Ivans, writes: " For two years I suffered from the worst forms of feminine ilia, until was almost driven frantic Nothing nut morphine would relieve me. Lydis E. I'inkbam'i Vegetable Compound brought me health and happioeaa and made me a well woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Fink ham's Vegetable Compound, maiU from roots and herbs, nas been the standard remedy for female ill and has posit i vely cured thousands o women who have teen troubled witl displacenifr.ts,inf!ammation,uIcera tion. fibroid tumors, irrecrularitkrr periodic pains, backache, that be:ir ing-uown teeiirig, nanueney.inuip tion,diz7ines.s,ornervousprostratioi. Why don't ynutryit? Mrs. Pinkliam Invites all sic1, women to write her for advtcc She lias guided thousands tr health. Address, Lynn, Mass. TEN GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD STOP AT "The Cornelius' THE BEST IN PORTLAND Situated in the center of the chop ping district. Ona block from the clanging itreet cars, . - , ; -. '! ' - Not so expensive at aome other hotels. 1 ' ' ' Sixty room with private bath. Long distance and local telephones in every room. ' 4 Writing desk in every roosn. Carpeted throughout with the best velvet carpets. The rooms are furnished in solid mahogany. Every room contains a heavy solid Simmons brass bed on which is 40 or 50-pound hair mattress. The furnishings and general appear ance of the public rooms must be seen to be appreciated. ; ? : f , "The Cornelius" PARK AND ALDER STREETS Portland's newest'and most modern equipped hotel, solicits your patron age and assures you good service and courteous treatment. An exceptional hotel for families who come to Port land shopping and sightseeing. When next in Portland give us a chance to make you look pleased. THE COR NELIUS Free Bus meets all trains. European plan. C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor, N. K. CLARKE, Manager. THE MAN SAID IT'S A GOOD THING TO REFER to the reputation of a store before making any important purchases therein. Before you buy is the time to look tip the matter. Ask questions. Find out if the store you intend pa tronizing keeps its pledges. Be sure that you learn if it sells the qualities it claims;, if It treats ts customers honestly and (airly, then, if satisfied, buy there. Do all the asking you wish about us among your friends, and that you will result in your com fng here regularly. , Come in and see our $125 Kitchen Range. . , . . "Two years ago' you papered my house and it looks just as good as it did when you finished the work." That sounds good to us. Perhaps we will not be able to get another job from him for some time but when he needs work we know just about where !he will spend' his money., 'Workmanship ts Remember ed long after price is forgotten: i ;.;! ft ''" ; r ft( i.'i ,;i Allen Wall Paper ;;' and Paint Co. Cor. 11TK AND BOND "1 i;;n t,v First national Bank of Astoria DIRECTORS' ' Jacob KawVi W. F. McGregor G. C. Iavri J. W. Ladd S.S. Gordon Capital ........ ...i...... $10QKX) Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' Liability ....,..V .v; 100,000 KNTAIILIHIIKIi IHHiV ssssieanOT ji... j l ji J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier FRANK FATTON, CasWer 1 ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ' $232,003 Transacts a Oeneral Banking Butlrueu Interest Paid os Tlrat Depoi t Four Per Cent. Per Annum ;', ;' ; Eleventh tad Duane St. ... Aatori. Oregtm SCANDINAVIAN-A M E RlCiA N SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTOi "Safety Snptrcedet All Other CooaUtrttk" ' ....FOR A.... VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH -)QO TO(- JohnsonPhonograpli Go, Parlors Second Floor Over Scholfield k Mattaon Co, Sherman Trdnster Col ; KNRY 8HERUAN. Mna,. - f Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks and Faraltu Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 4M Commercial Street Ifeln Psmhm vn THE fTRENTON I . . First-Uass Liquors andLCigars 102 Commercial Street 1 ' Corner Commercial and 14th. . ASTORIA, OREGON STEEL & EWART (Electrical Contractors I.', (' Phone Main 3881 V; .' 426 'Bond; Street "THE BIG STORE."