TIllv MORNING ASTOHIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVKMBKR 19, WW TRAFFIC REVISION STILL BEFORE Di: ft. J. WALTON REPRESENTING CORN PRODUCTS REFIN INQ CO. QUESTIONED. STARCH TRUST UNDER FIRE . ' StU Starch in England at Price That it Can be Reim ported and Sold a Good Deal Cheaper Than Prices in This Country. WASHINGTON. Nov. lS.-The -called "Starch Trust" was under fire at the hearing on the tariff re iiioa today before the house com mittee on ways and means. The cross-examination of B. J. Walton representing the Corn Products Re fining Company which it is claimed nottopolizes its starch business, formed the most interesting of the lay' hearing, which covered the acatdat on agricultural products, provision, etc The incident center en ia the admission of Walton that its company is selling starch in Eng land at such a price that it can be re-imported and sold for 30 cents a anedred pounds less than the price asked by the company in this coon try. When asked why this was, Walton seemed at a loss for an an swer. Chairman Payne of the com atuttee and a "stand-patter" supplied a answer. "Sales of your product save been falling off in this country for some time past, and you are selling at a loss abroad in order to get rid of your product" Tapica floor and citrus fruit also teemed attention at the hands of tfte committee. Hexametbylenetetramta The above is the name of a Ger ana chemical, which is one of the astny valuable ingredients of Foley's tMotj Remedy. Hexamethylenete traaaine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric da solvent and antiseptic for the mine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as yon notice any irregularis ties, and avoid a serious malady. T. I. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. There la Only One That .a..', , '.' Laxative Bromo Quinine VSOi TNE WORLD OVER TO CUKE A COLO IH OMC DAY. jDwajs remember the full name. Look for this signature on every box. 25c. NOW IS THE TIME ! to make your Mince Meat and Plum Pudding. We have received our season's supply of Fresh Nuts, Raisins, Ciders, Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel. k A 7 AT T TTW t V ALLLrll Phones 711, 3871. )a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Big Sale on I. .BRACELETS.. ! This Week Only Best assortments town of Gold Filled Bracelets Prices Reduced 1-3 OFF J. ALANKO lsSf.MMMMMMHMtMMMttMMMMtHMIMM I An Errer In Geography, Ou one ovcut,Sou (Uo British lost point i i their war with Russia by tea- sou it an error In the Ir geography, j This was v.'lien Cuauuodor Elliot hud Uuiweded ia blockading the Russian j fleet In Uk gnlf of SaghaUu, on the j oast const of Siberia. The KitwUus j wcro In a cnl-de-sac, and the British ships waited contentedly for suCh time a the enemy should venture to put to ', But they waited In vain, and at last an Investigation was made. It wa found that the Kuswlau fleet had vanished. While tha British coounc dor irnitotl at the south end of the gulf, the Kusslau ships Ilppod away through the shallow at tha north eud Into tha tea of Okhotsk. I'utll this discovery was made tha British gov- jtnunent bad. belled Saghallu to bt peninsula.' Now, too late, they j WafU)Hj tbat WM fta wlQ , j very narrow channel at the north end of the gulf running Into tha sea of Okhotsk. New York Tribune. Hay an Church Floor. A curious custom la auuually observ ed at Old Neston church on St Swlth In'a day. The church la dedicated to St Swlthln, and on festival day tha church Is strewn with hay. Many year ago soma donor left a field to provide money for bread which la dis tributed four times a year. Th tenant of tha field has to aupply tha hay to straw th church. Tha custom I np powd to have orgtnated from th fact that on festival Sunday th parishion ers wear new boots, and tha Idea of tha donor waa to have tha hay laid down to atop tha squeaking Incidental to new footwear. Loudon Standard. Ancient "Ton never give credit for tha Joke yon print." "Well." responded tha editor of the Punkvllle Palladium, "I dont know whom to give credit to. Noah failed to carry those records Into the ark." Louisville Courier-Journal. Ha Apologized. -Henry, aged three, waa left alone with his three-inoutbs-old brother. His mother, hearing the baby cry, return ad to find out what had happened. "Oh," said Henry, "I choked him a lit tle, but 1 asked him to sense me." Delineator. . Wholesale Waalth. "Ha Is not rk-h as wealth la meas ured today." - "Measured, eh!" murmured an elder ly philosopher. "1 guess tbafa a mod ern term. They nsed to count tha money In tha old daya." PMTsifrrtphl Bulletin. Th Eche!or' Butts. What Is a -Wheloi-s bittonf "On that ain't there." C3vli Leader. The Morning Astorian contains all the local and Associated Press re port. ... Sole Agent for . . . h. C. FRY CUT GLASS Branch U. T. 71 355 Commercial is jjl POLICE OFFICER SHOOTS DESPERATE II . ACCUSED OF HAVING STOLEN GOODS DREW GUN, BUT OFFICIAL SHOOTS FIRST WAS NOT .QUICK ENOUGH Captain of Police in El Paso Fatally Wounds Man be Attempt to Ar rest "Iv Got You Covered," Said Criminal EL PASO, Texas, Nav. 18, For j "Ob, yasslr, yasslr," came tha until some time past many burglaries have J turbed reply. "I thought she waa goln occurred here wh ch have baffled the police authorities. The captain of ,. iii police soon secured a clue and as a result tonigni a eiimax came. Captain of Police Ten Eyck shot and fataly wounded Arnold Ferry. 24 years old today after Ferry had covered Ten Eyck with a six-shoot er. "I've got you covered," said Perry when Ten Eyck walked into the room where he suspected Ferry and bis associates had cached stolen , goods. Perry was lying on the bed with a revolver pointed at Eyck drew and sent a bullet ren into Perry's body the heart. a few inches below BALLOONING. It I. a Saf. and SImpl. Sport, but Nat a Chsap One. Tha only peril In a balloon ascension In auch good weather as cartful aero nants choose for a voyage la In alight ing, and In a well ordered expedition, where all tha passengers keep cool and cling to tha car, there la no danger at alL Even If the wlud I blowing bard tha strong, elastic, woven willow bas ket take np tba danger part ot th hock. On of these basket oogbt to yield up It passenger unhurt from a landing la a wind biowtng fifty mOa aa hour '' Ballooning under moderately favar- abl circumstance Is a safe and alaa pie sport . It Is Dot, comparatively speaking, a cheap amusement Am aa eent including tba coat of gaa, ex pan of a pilot and transportation of pasaia- gara and balloon home, coats la tala country from 135 to S73 a passenger. It la lea In Franca. From Pari yon can make an ascension for about a hundred franca. Tba fare home la a vary variable ex-1 pans. Nothing la mora uncertain taaa tha spot where you will land. Of course It Is easy to descend whenever you like. You may limit your flight to a couple of hours. Albert Whit Vorse In Success Magazine. A $es 8tery. "Of all my aea experience," said tha captain, "this was tba strangest" The ladles at the handsome captain' table ald "Hush!" to tine another and turned to the ruddy mariner with lis tening smiles. "We were ca rrylug," be said, "a lot of troop horses. A dreadful storm overtook us, and for two days we wal lowed in the trough of a heavy aea. Finally It was decided that to lighten the ship, the horses must go overboard. "They went overboard In the morn ing. As soon a they eaw that tbey were abandoned tbey turned and be gan to swim bravely after us. Brave ly, desperately, they swam. Tbey fol lowed us for miles and miles. I can still see them, a long line, their neck arched, pushing heroically through tb heavy sea. "They sank, poor brutes, one by one." The captain smiled sadly. "And I still seem to have," ba aald, "all those denths on my conscience." Neyv Orleans Times-Democrat The Allegheny Mountains. Not more thai five of our presidents down to Lincoln's time ever cniKsed the Allegheny mountains, nml four of these were western men who hnil to rross the mountains to reach Wnsliins- ton Presidents Jiiekson, folk, (Ton era! XV. II. Iliirrlwin and Taylor. Pres l:l'.'iit Monroe crossed the mountains on his' return trip from west to enut In 1817. Van Huron esiuie west In 1SIZ two years after tbo expiration of hi presidential tcnif, and Raw the moun tains then for (lie first time. It wiir. on this trip Hint he got up.set mid dumped in the mud near I'lalnficld, Hendricks county. Exchange. Notice. Captain of the ship Bossuct hereby serves notice that he will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted bv any member of his crew. a,i To Cur a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25 cents. KNEW HIS BUSINESS. Why tha Colorsd Cook Rtmalntd tt low During tha Clow, A story ls told of h well known ma tour yachixmnu who wit one night anchored near a rocky uud dangerous shore. Suddenly, Just before dinner, a Btltt lnxlinr wind started tip. Tha uu cbor began Jo drag. Anotlier wit rap idly thmwu overboil id, but In the In creasing 9iiinll that, teHK fulled to hold. Tha schooner seemed In luinilueut dntt ger of drifting on the rocks, but at last auother anchor grlpiKHl, and tha dan' ger was past Tha yachtsman, nearly ex haunted from his efforts, dropped on the deck to recover hi breath, nud rest In th quiet that followed there came to hi ear tha cllok-ellek-elnok-clUk-claek ot a busily manipulated poon against, bowk He listened for a moment and then went below. Tha cook was preparing salad dressing, "Why, Sam," ba exclaimed In aston bhtuent, "didn't yon know that wa I nearly west ashore' "u "Well, In a case Ilka that don't you ! v fo P n deekt Wa had a mighty 1 cJow fa ,, , ,ou ,lk, tlto! Voa can't leave mayonnaise a minute, 'Ause It'll turn right back."-Youth' Companion. COMPOUND EYES. Insects That Can 8 Thousands a Waye at One. VCa hh baa , Vi .In nl. a .Am. M w(hunt , to h x , i0 viewing (), house fly wa need, a lens. The bit:, visible, bulcln ave w see are composed of thousands of unit ! con shaiwd eyca bound Into ona com- pound eye, eaeh of more or lee spher- Wal shape. Under a lens tbey look Ilka I glass eyed pavement bent to convexi ty. Their faceted corneas are various' ty set In square, hexagonal or prlsuiat ,c fram Etlc, g,WMlnf fi,t th corueite lorn of a dlxllm-t aelf working eye. Their anmu her In each compound eye Is enormous. There are fifty such eyelet In the ant, 1.400 are allowed tha drona bee and 3.5U0 the "workers." Our pet kitch en fly has 8,WH.) chituce of seeing food crumbs, the beetle over 6,000, whllo mora thau W.iw uUHhe dragon fly in bis elceuuw.vnnry pursuit of tba mos quito, offset somewhat by several thou sand awarded the latter for a "sport ing chance." Tba hawk moth gets pic ture compounded by 20,000 contribu tors. Over 2.,ouO window th brain of th mordella (beetle), and 00.000-so It Is clalmed-contiibut to tha happy Uvea of some butterflies. Dr. Edward A, Ay res In Harper Msgs sin. Rsady Course. ' Tb Ducbetwe de Berry, wbos bus band was the son of Charles X. of France, Is described in tba "Memoir of th Comtesse da Bolgue" on of th most courageous characters th writer ever knew. One day, wheu she wa driving with her husband, the Due de Berry, tba horse took fright and ran away. Tb duchesse bud continued th conversa tion without changing tb ton of her voire, and at Inst her husband ex claimed: 1 "Why, Caroline, do you not sea what has happened?' , "Yes, I see; but as I cannot stop tha . horse It is useless to trouble about ' tbem." The Mrvlnso was opset but no ona was hurt. ' Shop. I "Well, noli, well! is this Bill Snoo per?" "Yes, utnl this Is let me sea can this be my uld friend Tom Grlgsonr "That's who it Is. 1 haven't seen you for-for"- "Twenty-seven year." 1 That' rl(tht Twenty-seven years! ! Well, well! What are you doing now, ; Bmr ; "I'm a traveling evangelist. Are you ! a member of any church, Tom?' I "Not yet I'm a life Insurance sollc- Itor. I represent the best company In j the world. Carrying nil the Inaurnnce , you want, Bllir'-Chlcago Tribune. Th Cheip.it 8port. I Falconry Is about the cbea.test sport j lu existence, so there la no reason why the worklngman should not enjoy It that Is, when there 1 common land. It Is also the most humane blood sport The pursued has always the advan- tage, I how Then, when the end doe come, often death I Instantaneous. There Is, too, no escaping with an ugly wound. If escape at all Is ef fected the quarry get away unharm ed. Fry'a Magazine. Racoanizing His Limitations. Cholly-Lot me aea what' that quo tation about a nod being as good 11s a wink and so forth? Freddy Why-er -I can't think- ( holly Oh. I know that. I'm nsKInc yon to try to remem ber. Chicago Tribune Too Inquisitive. Magistrate Why did yon f.lrl' e '.'. telegraph' operator? Prisoner-It like tills, yer honor. 1 (rive lilr.i iive ; snge to send (0 me pi I, nn' I he fili" started to rend It. Then I wiped I1I111 London Telegraph. ' . Th Honest Man. Nearly every man In the crowd loolis a If be were trying not to blush will) modesty when some ona observes that an honest man 1 tba noblest work of God.-Ohlo State Journal. POSITIVE RELIEF IN FIVE MINUTES THERE WILL BE NO STOMACH MISERY OF DYSPEPSIA. END ALL STOMACH TROUBLES Says an Absolute Cur For All Stom ach Trouble ia at the Drug Store Hera Waiting For Sufferer Start Now and Rid Yourself of This Misery Forever. When yoV stomach h weak or lacking in Gastric juice, anything that you eat, no difference what it i-. will soar on your stomach, raise the bile and acids to cover your food like oil and water, canting indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Stomach nervous ness and Belching of tour poison, Inch produce foul odors, nasty taste, bilious headache. Heartburn. Intestinal griping and nuke you an object of misery. This is stomach trouble which can not be overcome with ordinary digestive medicines. It a caused by fermentation of your food, which will be remedied at once by Pape's Diapepstn, a preparation , pleasant to take and as harmle as candy, though it will digest and pre pare for assimilation into the blood II the food you eat. Indigestion is a remit, not a cause of your trouble. If the Stonuich is sour and unhealthy, your food be comes tainted, and that's what is causing the Indigestion and ga on stomach and other miseries, Tape's Diapepsin is an Antiacid, most pow erful digestive and thorough regula tor for weak stomachs These Trl- angules will digest any kind -of food you eat and will cleanse the stomach and intestines in a natural 1 way. which makes you feel fine five min utes afterwards Any good Pharmacy here will supply you with a case of Pape'i Diapepsin for SO cents. Just reading about this remarkable stomach prep aration will not help. You should go now and get a case. Put your Stomach in full health and by to morrow you will torget the misery of Stomach trouble. Your case is no different from many others. It isn't Stmach Nerves or Catarrh of the Stomach, or Gastritis, or Dys pepsia. It is Food rotting Food Fermentation that's all and taki about five minutes to overcome. AN INCOME FOR LIFE Mr. M. Mattson, of Portland, 1 in the city, a representative of the Fidelity Copper Co. mines located the Seven Devils mining district, Idaho. The mines consist of 26 cla ims 9000 feet of the main lode, ith surface showing of 220 feet cross 100 feet of which assays from $27 to $102 a ton. Any one interest ed can find Mr. Mattson at the Merwyn Hotel where he has a good display of specimen of this ore. AH officers of this company are rep resentative business men of Port land. VISITORS ARE DINED. MANILA, Nov. 18. - Governor General Smith was host at dinner this evening to ten members of the Pacific Coast delegation of business men who- will leave tomorrow by steamer for Hong Kong. Seven Year of Proof. "I have had seven year of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every diseased con dition of throat, chest or lungs," says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. The world has had 38 year of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and colds, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemorrhage of the lungs, and the early stages of consumption. Its timely use always prevents the development of pneumonia. Sold under guarantee at Charles Rogers & Son, druggists. SALOON WRECKED. ' BUTTE, Nov. 18,-The Jewel sa loon, in the tenderloin was dynamit ed by unknown persons last night night and badly wrecked. Several of the inmates had narrow escapes. Watched Fifteen Yeara. "For fifteen years I have watched tfi wnrlfinir nC BnrWlcn's Arnica Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it was applied. Ij: has saved us many a doctor bill," says A. F. Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine. 25c at Charles Rogers & Son's drug store. ALCOHOL a tun iitw r "J AM'tfclalilr Prrrars1imlV.li slmllailirtttrFofirf.uHn? rromolcsDittoflrttfuJ rtrss and IHronuinsnctor Ojiiimt-Mdrphlnr rwrMacfiLj 5 . .0 :s n a ADfrfect rVmrdv forfysnftes Hon. Sour Slou3ch.l)Urrtut Worms jCotevulsioiuJTWUt MSSttwlLOSSOrSLEEP. rkSuuar Sifnamrt af NEW TJUK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. , .msaussmasussssBtm Bl !J II f ? t.v.'.i.:-. -r ..... ' 11 t;' J5aSE!5f.v.. -t. . Only Alt Rail Route to Portland and all Eastern Puintt. Two daily trains. Steamship tickets via all Ocesn Line at Lowed Rate For rates, steamship and sleeping-car reservstions, call on or address G. B. JOHNSON, Qen'I Agent 12th St, nar Commercial St ASTORIA, OREOON, LET US TELL YOU ABOUT Tungsten Electric Lamp Greatest advance In lighting method inc th invention of Incandescent lamp. EXAMPLE 32 C. P. Ordinary electric lamp consume 1 10 watt par hour 32 C. P. "Tungsten" electric lamp consume 40 watt par hour Saving . . ., 70 watt par hoar By using "Tungsten" lamp you can gat 27S par cant Increase In light for tha ama cost or In other word can have tha same quantity of illumination for 33 par cent of tha cost of lighting with ordinary electric lamp. The Astoria Electric Co John Fox, Pres. F. L. Bishop, Sec. Astoria Saving Paa; Traaa. Melaon Troyer, Viee-Pres. and Sopt. ASTORIA IROH WORKS DESIGNERS AND OF THE LATEST Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and , Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY Corrponder.ce Solicited. SCOW JAY BRASS 1 1ll I ASTOHIA, UltEOON Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineer. Up-to-Data Sawmill Machinery Prompt attention given to all repair tith and Franklin Av. .work. TL Mala 4M 9 Fof Infants nd Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Uso For Over Thirty Years WHEN TURKEY IS KINO on Thanksgiving day that is th time that the pleasures of home' and the enjoyment of tha family circle will be missed if you an without a home of your own. ' "Homeless" it a lad word during the holiday season to those who are in that plight You can buy I nice home or building lot on easy terms by consulting A. R. Cyrus, and you will have something to giva thanks for. 424 Commercial itre Aston. MANUFACTUXEIS IMPROVED ... OUTFITS PURNISIIta Foot of .Foarth S treat A.tJ- AW 1 0 fTitfJi. .18 1 11 !? H S-! US i 1 4 VUUy U VXUaiaial U vms Hunwe Maw, new m n