i :: The fF Ladies :: for fi' iT i! Women BEELHIVE0utfitttrs Sale I Winter and This Week Only Every hat reduced in price. Slaughtering all pattern hats. 1111111 1 III limi'MM" OCEAN, BAR, BAY, The French brk Bossuet, now in port, nd just from Newcastle, with a cargo of coal for Hind, Rolfe & Company, of Portland, will be dock ed t the Elmre bunker today, weather permitting, to discharge 1000 tons of anthracite for G. W. Sanborn. She will be the first ship to engage the new hoists and appa ratus there, and there is much inter est afoot to see how it will all work. The Brown McCabe Company, Cap tain Ritchie, will attend to the un loading. The fine San Francisco tug Her cules arrived down the river yester day with oil barge No. 91 on her hawsers and will depart for the Bay City when the present gale subsides. Captain Dan Thompson of the Her cules, and one of the oldest and abl est tag masters on the Pacific Coast, was in the city all day yesterday, meeting and greeting a host of old time mariner friends, and others who have known and appreciated him for long years. The steamer Lurline was down on schedule time last evening, despite the gale that prevailed in her very teeth for the last 30 miles of her voyage from Portland, and went back at 7 o'clock, with plenty of business. She took with her, as pas sengers, "Jim" Wallace, A. G. Starr, Miss H. E. Detz, Senator and Mrs. J. G. Megler and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McFarland Day Clerk Harold ljayne's mother is dying at Portland and he has been relieved for a trip or two. ' The steamer Homer is due in from San Francisco at any old hoar now. r Q ft 0 WW .111 II of all Fall Millinery f " tttiHtuu DOCK AND RIVER The steamer Nome City, from Portland to San Francisco, with lumber and passengers, was due down from the metropolis last night, on her way out She will probably be bound-in, instead of being bound out, for a few hours, at least Interesting Pisrore. "The Call of the Wild", a moving picture which undoubtedly originat ed from Robert Edson's succesful "Strongheart," is being shown at the Grand theatre the first part of this week. The picture tells a story of a young Indian who gained fame as a hero in a college football game. He comes in contact with a dis tinguished army officer who intro duces the young back to his daugh ter. The Indian falls in love with the young lady and asks her to be come his wife; she refuses, he then becomes desperate and responds to the "call of the wild" where he re joins his own kind, and seeks to for get his sorrow with over-indulgance in firewater. In this he is not suc cessful and while in a fit of passion he induces his followers nnder his command to kidnap the girL ' His plan carries out but just as he se cures his prize, the girl recalls his college life where he had made such an excellent record and good" name for himself. She pleads with him and finally induces him to allow ber to return to her father's home. The picture is intensely interest ing and exciting throughout and is probably one of the best seen In this city for some time. Tonight will be the last opportunity to wit ness "The Call of the Wild" and it is, well worth the time of anyone to pay the Grand a visit. The balance of the program is also above the ordinary. tM K--k Ljl tA &mjl JbgMJL Lugn itatt mjar BUttMiHHilM ttatf'KltfV BMuvhtfiy ttMttfcaak httaMBaaA saMaflMaSUajfajif to 40.00 BIMMGTOH THE MOltNING ASTOHIAN. ASTORIA, A FEW CITY EMPLOYES BE0ME BRASH THOUGH PUBLIC SERVANTS, THEY SIMPLY CANT KEEP OUT OF POLITICS. The pernicious activity of a few of the men employed by the city in one department or another in the local campaign has been the cause of remark for the past several weeks. Just why certain men in the fire and police departments, for direct example, should put themselves to the front in fighting Mr. Elmore and the other Republican candidates will of course, not be plain except to those who are familiar with certain political and other conditions. The good men of these depart ments seem to know enough to act as such public servants ought, but others seem to think that their chances for continuation in office depend upon the election of the Democrat or Citixens' ticket. Of course it is known that they have evidently thought they were going all this so autetly that it would never reach , the ears of the Republicans. Yet it has been the talk of the town One prominent officials has whis pered the "sympathy" racket where ever he could. Probably if some of these men would only take a casual glance at the Huntley corrupt practice act they might have a fit instanter. Besides even good, substantial business men when elected to office But if these few men remain rea sonably and decently inconspicuous in their political leanings they cer tainlv will have no reason to fear Mr. Elmore or others of his admin istratlon, in case of their etection. ACCEPTS CAPTAINCY OF SECOND CiPiY GUSTAF A. HEMPLE, CHOICE OF ORGANIZERS TO TAKE OVER LEAD LATER. The pleasant intelligence reached this office yesterday that Gustaf A Hemple, the well known young at torney, of this city, has accepted the captaincy of the Second Company, Coast Artillery, about to be organiz ed in Astoria. This gives sharp en couragement to the work of organ y Suits Coats isation and will be the means of ex pediting the work by those to whom it Is a matter of serious Interest. There is as yet no organisation, but he is the choice of those making the ftort to perfect it. Mr. Hemple is an excellent lender in such a premise and will make an admirable. officer for the new mili tary establishment He has seen service in Cuba and Torto Rico dur inar the reconstruction period follow ing the Cuban troubles, and has also had considerable experience In mili tary work at Chicago; his term of service in this behalf aggregating four and one-half Years. He will give earnest and intelligent atten tion to the trust when it shall reach him and will do his utmost to make the company a credit to the State and the corps to which it belongs. Mr. Hample desires it to be un derstood that he is in possession of the necessary blank applications for membership, which any young man may have by calling at this office in the Odd Fellows' block. CITY PRINTING 11 BE LET AGAIN ORDINANCE TO BE INTRO. DUCED AT NEXT MEETINO CALLING FOR BIDS. At the next meeting of the com mon council an ordinance will be introduced calling for bids for the city printing for a term of two or three years. The present city printing contract was originally granted to C. J. Cur tis, who in turn assigned it. The terms are 40-20 that is," 40 cents for the first insertion of an inch of non pareil type, or its equivalent, and 20 cents for every subsequent insertion. The other general printing required by the city is done at certain stipu lated rates, and like the present 40 20 rate may be deemed a fairly low rate for such public printing. Usual ly a 30-15 rate for city printing Is deemed a low rate. Some cities on the Pacific Coast are now paying as much as 80-40, while, 60-30 Is not uncommon. If you suffer from constipation and liver trouble Foley's Orino Lax ative will cure you permanently by stimulating the digestive organs so they will act naturally. Foley's Orino Laxative does not gripe, is pleasant to take and you do not have to take laxatives continually after taking Orino. Why continue to be the slave of pills and tablets. T. F. Lau rin. Owl Drug Store. The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Tate vry reasonable. OREGON. SECOND PERILOUS FALL 11 24 HOUHS MR. McFARLANE STEPS FROM A. & C. TRESTLE IN DARK NESS LAST EVENING. The Lurline dock and it neigh boring slips and trestles are becom- Inn unpleasantly famous lor ttie ac cidents there of late, the second ease of narrow escape from drowning hailing from there in the past i hours. Last evening, just dark nest closed down, a man by the name of W. H. MeFarlane, who had lust come across from the' north shore accompanied by His wiie, ami i. . prepared for a journey to Portland. via the steamer iiunme, ing the A. & C. trestle directly to the eastward of the Lurline ware house gangway, when the Portland bound express came up from Sea side, and In the dim light surround ing him, MeFarlane. to escape the train, stepped off on one side of the treitllng, thinking to find footing on the dock alongside, and plunged down into the river along with a heavy suitcase he was carrying. He gave a sharp cry as he went down, and instantly there were scores of men on the spot to aid him back to safety. He was hauled up alright, but the suitcase was total loss, or it to this hour, at any rate, though it may be found later. Mr. MeFarlane was taken to the Lurline office and made as comfort able as possible until the steamer ar rived when he went on board and retired in warm garments and a warm berth. The incident accen tuates the necessity for the erection of railings about the open spaces thereabout by the A. & C. Company, for the sake of avoiding disaster and cost In the future. NEW TO-DAY NAME MEANS SOMETHING. When A. E. Petersen built and named th "Modern" barber shop, he meant that It should stand for what it was called. No patron has missed a single feature of the modem ton sorial parlor at that house; and every ncif-devta la the way of perfect comfy and service is constantly add ed as It develops. The latest is an expert bootblack, the best In the business; a qualification that makes hit employment really odera Try our own mixture of coffee the J. p. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mai New Location, Steele & Ewart wish to announce that they have moved their electrical fixtures and wiring business from 426 Bond street to 441 Commercial (nex' to Astorian office), where all busi ness will be transacted in the future. Their new fixture show room will be of the latest design in every respect See opening announcement later. The Palace Restaurant. An phase of hunger can be daintily gratified at any hour of the day or night at the Palace Restaurant. , The kitchen and dining room service are of the positive best. Private dining looms for ladies. One call inspires regular custom. Try It. Commcrci street, opposite Page building Cheap Coal Kclley the Coal and Wood Dealer will deliver and place in your cellar a ton of the best coal for $7,00 same coal for $6.00 at the yard. Phone Main 2191. Barn 15th and Duane, All kinds of cordwood and ifardwood inside fir and boxwood for sale. Raw Lungs When the lungs are sore and in flamed, the germs of pneumonia and consumption finds lodgment and mill tiply. Foley's Honey and Tar kill the couch germs, cures the most ob stinate racking cough, heals the lungs, and prevents serious results. The genuine is in the yellow- pack age. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store, The Gean Man. The man who delights in personal cleanliness, and enjoys his shave, shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As toria, always goes to the Occident barber shop for these things and gets them at their best. Watched Fifteen Years. "For fifteen years I have watched the working of Bucklen's Arnica Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it was applied. It has saved us many a doctor bill, says A. F. Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine. 25c at Charles Rogers & Son's drug store. v. The only baking rAimi rmn rwnm ni Tartar i tt tiMlthfutnitaa nd Jr f- afn!fiMa wkw Dhouhate tcidt i , .. .mi i ii i Big Sale on ..BRACELETS.. This Week Only Best assortment In town of Gold Filled Bracelets Prices Reduced 1-3 OFF J. ALANKO 355 Commercial NEW ARRIVALS Imported Malaga Grapes Northern Spy. Jonathan and King Apples. Acme Grocery Co. HIGH GRADE GROCERIES 521 COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE Ml ! JXJST A.TIR1VE-D Shipment of Norwegian BoclC Beer $2.00 the Dozen. AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. Phone 1881. 589 Commercial St. Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers WrmwHvWTtttWTvtTmtTWM November Bargains. 12 Bore, Double Barrel, Hammerless Shotgun $17.50. As good a shot gun as any $50 gun. A Lady's Solid Gold Watch, 17 Jewel J Case Diamond Set $32. The DIAMOND WORTH the MONEY All other goods at eastern catalogue prices. A. G. SPEXA R.TH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 i tit, powder made from MADS FROM CRATES JfL No avium or .Absolutely 1 1lKir!K frt ill a X (Mnln A J-. 60c per manth by mail or carrier.