SUNDAY, NOVEMDRR IS,' 1901 THE MORNING A3TOIUAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. '6 The Daily Market Report PORTLAND, Nov. 14.-As usul Monday there was little or nothing doing in the poultry market, nd it It impossible at thia time to forecast the condition of the trade later in the week. In eggs there was no im provement, the market being weaker if anything than at the close of the week. WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain, Floor, Hay, Etc Wheat Track prices: Club, 88c; bluestem, 95c; turkey red, 90c; Red Russian, 86c: Valley, 91c . , Flour Patents, $4.80; straights, $3.954.20; exports, $170; .Valley, $4.4$; U-sack graham, $40; wo,e wheat, $4 65; rye, $S.50. Barley Feed, $26.50; rolled, $27.50 28.50; brewing, $27. Millstuffs Bran, $26.50; middlings, $33.00; shorts, country, $31; short. city, $30; chop, $22, Oats No. 1 white, $31; gray, $30, Hay Track prices: Timothy Willamette Valley, fancy, $15; do, ordinary. $12; Eastern Oregon, mix ed, $16; do fancy $17.50; alfalfa, $12; clover, $12. Meats and Provisions. Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy 71c, ordinary 67c large 5c; veal, extra 8ic ordinary 67c heavy 5c; mut ton, fancy 67c. Bacon Breakfast I722c, picnics 10c, cottage roll 111c; regular short clears, smoked 12c, do nnsmoked 11c; dear bellies, nnsmoked 12c, do nnsmoked 11c; dear bellies, nn smoked 14c, do smoked 15c; shoul ders, Hit Hams 10-12 lbs, 16c; 14-16 lbs , 15ic; 18-20 lbs, 15c Lard Kettle leaf, 10s, 14c; do 5s. 141c; do 50-lb. tins, 13rc; steam ren dered, 10i, 13c; do Sv 13tc; com . pound, 10s, Elc Fruits and Vegetables. Potatoes Buying prices, 8595c per hundred; sweets, $1752-00 per hundred. . " Onions Buying prices, 90c$l per hundred. Apples Best Oregon, $U5175; common, 75c$l box. rresn fruits granges, oj jis $4.50; lemons, $3.5O5.O0; 'peaches, , 4075c per box; plums, 2540c per : crate; grapes, 50c$1.25 pet crate; ' pears, 75c155 per box; " quinces, 75cg$1.25 per box: cranberries, $11 per barrel , ..; ... Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 per "sack; beets, $1-25; parsnips, $175; cabbage, $1.50175; head lettuce 2025c; cucumbers, 25c dor.; celery, 6075c dox.; artichokes, 75c " doz.; beans, 10c lb,; eggplant, $1.50 per crate; tomatoes, 4060c per crate; squash, 1 cent per lb.; peppers, $175 per box. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Butter Extras, 3435c; fancy, 32c; choice, 27c; store, 18c Cheese Full cream twins, 15c; full cream triplets, 15c; Young Am erica, 16c; cream brick, 1820c; Swiss block, 1820c; Liraburger, IS 20c Poultry Mixed chickens, 11c; fancy hens, 12c; roosters, old 8c, broilers and fryers, 12c; dressed poultry, lc per pound higher; ducks, 12114c; geese, &10c; turkeys, 17i18c. Eggs Extra Oregons, 371c; East ern, 2832c Hops, Wool. Hides, Etc. Hops New Oregon, 7(&8ic lb.; 1907, 24c; 1906, UHc. Wool Valiey, medium, 1415c; lb.; coarse, 1213c; Eastern Oregon, 816c, as to shrinkage. Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 141c lb.: dry kip, No. 1, 13k lb.; dry salted, one-third less; dry calf, 151c lb.; salted steers, 71(g8c lb.; salted cows, 61c lb.; stags and bulls, 41c lb.; kip, 61c lb.; calf, 11c lb.; green stock, lc Jess; sheepskins, shearlings, 1025c; short wool, 3040c; medium and TIDE TABLE FOR NOVEMBER NOVEMBER, 1908. HlKh Water. A. M. P. M. Date. h.m. ft. h.m. rt SUNDAY .. Monday Tuesday . .. . WeJnesday , Thursday ... Friday ...... Saturday . . . SUNDAY .. Monday Tuesday ... . Wednesday , Thursday ... Friday Saturday ... SUNDAY ., Monday Tuesday .... Wednesday . Thursday .... Friday Saturday ... SUNDAY .. Monday ..... Tuesday .... Wednesday , Thursday ... Friday ....... Saturday ... SUNDAY .. Monday 6:50 7:58 8:58 9:47 6. . 7. 7. 8. 6:06 7.3 7.0 7.1 7:34 8:56 10:05 7.5 5110:33 11:03 7.9 11:171 8.9 11:57 11:57 9.3 8.0 7.7 0:45 12:35 9.5 9.S 9.1 8.9 8.8 7.7 1:82 1:11 1:47 2:25 3:05 3:47 2:17 7.4 3:03 3:51 4:42 5:31 6 6.7 6.5. 6.6 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.4 4:36 7.1 6.6 6:24, 6:37 6:48 8:04 9:12 7:19 8:11 8:55 9:37 6.2 8.1 6.8 6.7 6.9 7.2 7 10:10 10:18 8.2 11:00 10:591 11:34 8.61 9.0 11:481 0:33 1:17 7.3 7.4 12:09 12:451 9.2 9.1 2:03 7.4 7.2 7.1 7.0 7.1 T. 1:24! t.S 9.1 2:50 2:0 I 2:60! 8.8 4:27 6:23! 3:421 8.2 7.6 7.0 4:43 5:58 long wool, according to quality, 50 90c; dry horsei, 50c$1.50; dry colt, '25c; angora, 80c$l; goat, common, ,1020c , Mohair-Choice, lS10c lb. Oregon Graperoot Per 100 lbs., $35. ; Cascara Sagrada (chittim bark) 56c per lb. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc Sugar (sack basis)-D. G, $6.05 beet $5 85: Golden C. $545; extra C, $5.55; powdered, S6.15; fruit or berry sugar, $6.05; boxes, 55c cwt advance over tack basis (less l-4c if paid for m 15 days). Turpentine In cases; 63c; In wood barrels, 61k; in iron barrels, 591c; in 10-case lots, 62c Lead Strictly pure white lead, in ton lots, 7ic; 500-lb, lots, 8c less; less than 500c lbs, Sic; red lead and lith arge, k higher than white Rice Imperial Japan, No. L $6.35; Southern Japan, $5.756; broken, 4k head; fancy, $7(87.75 ' Coffee Mocha, 24(S28c; Java, fancy 2528c; Java, good, 20yj;24c; Java, ordinary, I720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c : Costa Rica, good. 1618c; ArbocMe. 11150 cwt; Lion, $15.75 cwt; Colombu coffee, 14c lb,; Sal- vador. llt14tc Sah-Bl' e' 7S-2a, bak, $275; of 6Ms, bak, $273; bales of 404s. bale, S125; bales of 15-lOs, bale, $125: bags. 50s, fine, ton; $15; bags 5te; get-orne Liverpool ton, $17; bags. 50c i-fTcand $1150; 100s, ton, $13.00; R. S- V. P, 20 S-Ib. cartons, $125; R. S. V. P, 3-Ib. cartons, $1.75; Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20. Raisins Loose muscatels, 3 -crown. 7 cents: 4-crown, 7k; bleached, seedless Sultanas. 9k 12c; un bleached seedless Sultanas, 61 cents; London la vers. 3-crown. whole boxes of 20 rounds, $2.00; 2-crown, $1.75. Nuts Walnuts, 1517c pound; filberts, 1 ; Braails, 16c; pecans, 14 20c; hickory, 10c; Virginia row pea nuts, 8 cents; chestnuts, Ital ian Mc Ohio 25c: cocoannts. dozen. 90c$l; pine nuts, 10312c pound. , Dried Fruits Applies, etc per id; peaches,- 1012c; pears, -MQMoJ Italian proses, 56c; California figs, white in sacks, 7k per pound; black, 67c; bricks, 7Sc27S par box; Smyrna, 1617k per pound; dates, Persian, 617c pound. Oysters, Clams and Fish. Ovitera Shoal water Bay, per gal lon. $2.25:" oer sack. "14.50; Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympias (120 lbs.), $6; Olympias, per gallon," $275. Fish Halibut, 7c lb.; bttcic coo, 78c; black bass, 20c; bass, ' 18cd herring, 51c'; Sounders, 6c; catfish, 11c; shrimp, 12k; perch, 7c; sturgeon, 121c-Hsea trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; sal mon, fresh, 67c ' Canned Salmon common River, 1 pound tafls, $2.10; 2-lb. tails, $3.00; fancv. Mb. flats. $275: Mb. flats, $1.40; fancy, Mb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska talis, pink, 95cred, $1.40; nominal, 2s, tails, $2.10. Clams Little neck, per box, jiW, razor dams. $2 per box. Oils, Lead, Etc Linseed Oil Raw. 5-barrel lots, 54c; 1-barrel lots, 55c; in case, 61c; boiled, 5-barrel lots, 56c; 1-barrel lots, 57c; in cases, 63c Gasoline Union and Red Crown, bbls., 151c; cases, 221c Motor, bbls. 161c; cases, 231c. 86 degrees, bbls. 30c; case, 371c Engine Distillate, bbls, 9c; cises, 16c CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought Beam tha Sly ySli" Sgnature of (aTUcJUS The Morning Astorian contains all the local and Associated Press re ports. NOVEMBER, 1908. Low Water. A M. P.M. Date. h.m. ft h.m. I ft SUNDAY . Monday .. . . Tuesday , . . Wednesday . 1 1.9 8.6 2.8 1.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.8 . 2 . 3 . 4 1:04 2:15 3:20 0.8 1.0 1.2 (Thursday .. 6 4:17 1.2 v ,f naay . 6 t . 8 . 9 5:08 1.1 4.5 1.8 Saturday .. SUNDAY . Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Friday ..... 5:59 6:42 7:22 2.2 -0.9 .10 8:00 2.7 8.0 3.5 8.8 4.0 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0 4.0 8.8 3.8 2.6 2.0 1.2 0.4 0.2 0.7 1.0 .11 .12 8:42 9:25 10:16 .13 (Saturday .. SUNDAY . ."I .15 .161 11:15! Monday , 0:28 1:22 2:17 3:12 4:05' 4:62 5:34 6:14 1.4 Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday ., .17 .18 .19 1.71 2.0 2.11 2.2 2.3 2.6! 2.7 Friday ..... Saturday SUNDAY . Monday .. . . Tuesday ... .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25! .26 6:53 2.8 I Wednesday Thursday .. 7:35 8:20 9:10 8.1 8.3 -1.1 1.0 rnaay .27 8.5 8.7! 0.7 Saturday , SUNDAY Monday ,., .28 10:08 -0.2 .29 .80 11:17 8.7 0.8 3.4 WHAT COLORS TELL Tha Way ths Seetrocop Rsads tha Sun and Stars. When oue lights a common sulphur match lu the dark tt la worth while to nolle what happens. First, Its phos phorus gives out faint yellow rays. aud almost at the sum time the iul nhur beitlna to burn with bluish beams. As yet tha flame yields little light In a moment or two the wood of the march takes Ore, aud then a stream of clear whits light tours forth. Each of the materials of the match lu phosphorus, sulphur and wood--has stioue In burulug with a color of Its own. In a street lighted by electricity and gas tha eye detects at ouce tb dif ference between the white rays of the one and the yellow beams of the other. If nitrate of stroutla la set on Ore we hava a gplenUld red flame. Filings of copper burn with a glow of greenish blue, and a flue, pure blue la had when filings of sloe are tgulted. These aud other such aubstauces furnish th maker of fireworks wl.h his materials Rockets, rouian candles and bombs all derive tbetr beauty from the spe cial tints which attend th combustion of their Ingredients. And any on who baa once aeen th colors peculiar to common salt, Iron or antimony as they trace tbemserres on th evening sky will always know what is aflame when he sees those colors again. Sir John Berschel was the first to understand that colors of this kind teU wonderful story. H wlU knew bow th stars varied In tint that Al- debaran waa ruddy, Arcturua yellow and Slriua, the most glorious of all. white. Might not the colors of a body aflame, whether on earth or la the sky, really be telling us of what that tody was composed? riis suggestion was taken up, and its fruit Is that marvel of Ingenuity, the spectroscope. - One of its principal parts is a prism employed to break up the hues. These hues, which are di vided by many dark lines, make known Jto na that the sun and stars are built of such materials as compose our own globe. Yet more, they teU us what kind of atmosphere surrounds them and, most astonishing of all, give us the rate at which a remote star is moving toward or from the tiny orb we Inhabit New York Herald. NEW YORK WAITERS. Thty 8poilsd th Appatit af th Transplanted Cltlzsn. "Thee New York waiters bars got on my nerves," said a transplanted citizen from a smaller town. "Dining In the magnificent hotels and restau rants would be a joy If some one would kindly remove the waiters while you ate. I can think of nothing bat the big, black buszarda that hover over your bead in Florida. There are so many waiters standing around, 'all In black, and they look so big and get their faces or their hands so close to yon and your dinner that you feel like throwing the china at tbem. When your waiter has disappeared a smaller edition keeps right after you, filling your glass, removing dishes, giv ing you more butter, snd If you look away from him the bead waiter has bis eye on you. '. "The most maddening thing of all to me Is the way the waiter orders your dinner for you. One took me In hand the other night and I let him have his way just to see what be would do to me. I bate fish, but be averred that fish was the best thing I could eat snd one particular dish was the chefs mas terplece. He brought it and, ye gods. It was fish all greasy with a dope made of cheese and mushrooms that about finished me: but fortunately, he only let me take two bites when he whisked my plate sway and set down a salad that had several kinds of fruit laced to lettuce leaves, with strips of red and green peppers and French dress ing over that I barely looked at that when be took it away In triumph and gave me an ice cream thick with chest nuts and fruits. "Now, I dine on rare roast beef, plain lettuce and never take dessert, so you see bow near be came to suiting me. 'Come again, sir,' said be. 'Not If I'm conscious,' said I." New York Times. Blue Drinks. "Champagne Is golden," said a bar tender, "beer Is amber, claret If red. cream of mint Is green, whisky Is brown, punches are white, but you will never, never find a drink that is blue. Doesn't the thought of a blue drink seem unpleasant to you? "Blue drinks could be easily made, but the public would have none of them. Nothing bine would go down with the public. Why is this aversion to blue so general? Many reasons nave been advanced, but none of them Is good. One Is that blue, being the color of poison bottles, Incites distaste and horror." New York Tress. Even the Hash. Embarrassed In the faslilonablp res taurant by the menus written in Trench, the Wall street man of busi ness exclaimed: "Hang these frolds, entrements and hors d'oeuvres! Bring me a plate of good plain hash If you've got sueb n thing on the premises." "You mean an olla podrlda. sir," said the waiter In a tone of dignified reproach. "And afterward?" Cincin nati Enquirer. Perhaps Hs Was. One pupil whispered to the next. "Our teacher Is a regular duffer." The professor, -vho bad Just put n question to the class, thought the boy was framing a reply and said, "Come, my lad, speak Up. Perhaps you are rlght."-Pathflnder Brins in Your Want Ads . . - . . . . . y ar"aV THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVKRTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Columns ol THE MORNING ASTORIAN art con sulted every morning by hundreds of persons in search of real estate bargatna. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for nv idoyment Rates: Twenty words or lews .three times, 25 cents; six times, 50 cents; one month, 12.00. HELP WANTED MALB. BOYS WANTED TO CARRY PA per. Apply Circulation Depart ment, Astorian Office. 9-17-tf . F. NOWLEN. REAL ESTATE and Employment Office, 473 Com mercial St, Phone -v Have fine list of Astoria and country property. All clasea of labor furnished. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS ARE YOU AN AGENT? Do you want to be an agent? Do- you want to make money in your spare time, or get into a permanent business? Send (or free copy of this month's "Thomas Agent." Read about new Agency propositions, new , plans and sure-moncy-makuig point- Ms, and experiences of thousands of successful Agents. If already an agent, state what you are now sell ing. Ad4re$s today, Thomas Agent, .577 Wayne Ave.. Dayton, Ohio. our IndianaVolis AGKKT sold 1008 DIOZO Disinfecting Cabinets during September alone; profit $781.20;' S. Cowger, San Jose, Cal., sold 270ft since July IS; profit, $2100. Write Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT-FIVE ROOM COT- tane with bath, basement and all modern impovements; rent $15 per month. Inquire 96 Bond street, cor ner Third. "HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRL TO DO HOUSE work. Apply 165 37th street. u COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework in family of three in Portland. Address "P", Astorian. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TWO-- FINE HOUNDS; t MALE and female; six months old; $50. Address 814 Grand avenue. - FOR SALE CHEAP Smith Prem ier typewriter; first-class condition. Apply A. B. Hagar. urn FOR SALE-25-FOOT GASOLINE fishboat, with 6.6 ft. beam and 31 horsepower Wolverine engine in ex cellen working order; price, $250. Apply Robert Johnson, Frankfort, Wash. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A CARD CASE CON taining cards with lady's name on same; owner may have same by call ing at this office, proving property and paying for ad. LOST-A SMALL WHITE. COT ton bag containing ladies' jewelry. Finder will please leave it at this office and receive reward. am WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY SECOND hand furniture; we buy, sell or exchange. M. Nelson Furniture Co., 504 Bond, next to N. P. Express office. FOR SALE MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 volts; one al most new Fairbanks-Morse 6 h. p. slow speed; one T. H. 2 h. p.; one General Electric 1 h. p.; one 30-light CITY REAL ESTATE. FORaVe-BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms up stairs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen. 473 Commercial. 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street; cozy corner; sa loon fixtures; 7 furnished rooms; price, $8500. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commerrcial. " 10-4-tf FOFSALE-ONE LOT 50x100 FT. on Grand ave., between 4th and 5th street; $500. Address M. M., 289 Harrison avenue. ' ' a FOR RENT ROOMS. TO RENT ONE LARGE NEWLY ' furnished front Troom in private family to a gentlemen in good stand-, ing. Inquire 253 Commercial St, uu. TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, RESTAURANTS. U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, IS cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Rosa, Higgini & Co.; coffee with pic or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents and up. Oysters. Bay Center Oyster House. 420 Bond street Oysters wholesale snd retail. George Saunders, Prop. 9-27-tf PROFESSIONAL. CARDV ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GUSTAF A. HEMPLE Attorney-af Law Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets JOHN C McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M. BROW NELL, AT torncy at Law, Deputy District Attormy. 420 Commercial Street. DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DRW. C. LOGAN. DENTIST, Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. L-M BJJ I !L,I I.U'.1UI.UI OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C HICKS, OSTEO path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street DRESSMAKING. CHILDREN'S DRESSES, LADIES' shirtwaists, kimonas; will go out ,by the day or week; city or countr; finest kind of sewing guaranteed. Inquire 461 Duane street, Astoria. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WIDOW WITH BOY. AGED 6. desires situation as housekeeper in widower's home or in small rooming house; no objection to two or three children, if boys. Apply Astorian office. . ssi HERE IS THE CHANCE OF your lifetime: for one week only, I will give away FREE, Ladies' Home Companion, Sunset Magazine and One Thousand . Wonderj with one year's subscription of Review of Re views, price $100., Chas. F. Parker, room 24, Northern Hotel, Eleventh and Duane. WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE; weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. 6-9-tt NURSES. PRACTICAL NURSE, EXTEN sive experience, ' will take charge of most any kind of nursing; con finement cases preferred; terms rea sonable. JTri. Chas. Lind, 408 35tb street, Astoria. nun A3 O POWERS OUR, EXPWfc.NCj VJAYCAR5 PACIFIC- mI ' sir NORTH r.Mf m? im. "it a,- fx A. WEST J litLimns V,f' iissr.sisaiss ; HOLLY TREES mi rTtt;lt KNOI.IHII TVI'B-l ziv from Qtimiirswrtiv-i N arrow In tht ftfiWni North BVtfft 1 .MINIMUM r M A N Ik LI k I rhtuitt rrrHi wIiIIa dormant, and jiw uu urn niu ejimpir put in i i um Hi-nnna mwn eui inn sunngj COMPLETE CULTURAL IIRiffNONS f nn tuiw to form ttrowth In propwv xsnnonn Arm now to sot iriTulninr K'rrlfw will I furnltii(1 with tv-hl pufohavio. cirow yttur own IlollyJrrvf nnAsPsf fl H aVM r HT A I yf " " " W a n V p I i r i V w " Ml" vi uwinn omi ismr VV Vr9i u'l '""""If WBll-rootrd Pnptlnnrt. OnvKia SdoIuum, WwIi Subscribe, to the Morning Astorian 60 cents per month, delivered by car rier ' Contains full Associated Press reports. . , ' ONu WLtK lirir cum a BATH HOUSES. HATHS-TURKISH AND RUS slan, at lite natatorium ef George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleaiilmetis; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success I023 if r ..... - - J '"' MASSACINO. MME. AND PROFESSOR HAR RIS, colored face and scalp massaging; cures dandruff; stops hat' from falling In three , treatments. Prof. Harris, th Chiropodist. Cive ui call. 458 Commercial street, up stairs, rooms 2-3. na STENOGRAPHER. CARL KNUTSEN, STENOCRA cher. typewriter, bookkeeping, col lections, notary public. 423 Cominer rial street with J. A. Enkin Ml HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS. W make specialty )f house moving, car penters, contractors, general Jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streeta. smrrT-rrarnti-iiTui COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE IS7 ACRES LAND, section 4, township 5, rang 6, on Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price 16000, J. P. Nowlen. 473 Commercial street. 10-4-tf foTsTl acres; NS. 1 4, S. 24, T. S N., R. 7 VV., Grand Rapids; 3,000,000 feet green timber; 1,000,000 feet dead tim ber; price. 13000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street. , 10-4 tf S M iTH 'S"PO INT 1 II OT E lTT story; cost $2000 to build; 3 lots, cost $1500; brick foundstion; cement wslks all round; yard filled with fruit and ornamental trees; S good milk cows, 2 heifers; price, $3500; half cash; half time. J. F. NOWLEN. 473 Commercial St , Astoria. Or. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. LAUNDRIES. WE WASH Everything but th Baby and return everything but the dirt TROY LAUNDRY Ttnth and Duane Pnone Main 1991, MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks,' Wall Pockets, Music Racks Clock Shelves Jasfin See us Hildebrand & Gor Old B Hive Bldg. ' ..iimiiiL. Japanese goods Fancy Tea ! Sets" and Fine China Ware 6f all kinds. Bamboo Furniture made right here and warranted. WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert tlallj (320 Astor Street) Rooms for rent by the day,' week, or month Be rstes in .town. , P. A. PETERSON. Prop1. DNDIRTAXX&8. J. A. OILHAUGII & CO., Undertakers apl EmUalmera. Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton Hclar- 12th and Duane 8ts A8TOUIA, OKE.OON Phone Main 21 11 TRANSFER COMPANY. Smith's Special Delivery D EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Leave Orders at Star Cigar Store. Phone Black 2383 Ret. Phone Red 227ft. Stand Corner 11th an Commercial. ToaDay Mr f n it sfi 1 I carry the hest L,ofer ShocH in town at the low est prices. - My stock of men's and boy'i shoes is unsurpassed for qua Uty. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GIMRE 543 Bond Strcf TRANSPORTATION. ThiMKM LI" PASSENGERS FREIGHT Steamer - Lurline Nis'ht Boit for Portland and Way Landing Lsavts Astoria daily sacept 8ua4sy t 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dtlj Eicept Sunday at 7 a. J Quick Service ExceUsnt Meel Good Bertha Landing Astorta Flavsl Wharf Landing Portland Font Taylor St J. J. DA V, Agent Phone Main 27B Chinook and Ilwaco, The launch Hulda I. will leave on the tide every morning, Fridays, two round trips, for Chinook. . Landing at Lurline dock for freight and passen gers every day with freight and pas sengers, CAPT. JOHN. HAACBLOM. MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes of ti'fi'tl TBI OSIAT CHIKI5X DOCTOt Who Is know tvJ-'y throughout the Crtl United States tm ' ' ' ' . -i ti. ' lt I in T -vUIl( VI PU WW derful cures. No poisons or droit used. - He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, ; lung and' throat - trouble. rheumatism, nervousness, stomach. liver and kidney, female complaints, and all chronic diseases. . . - UCCXSSm B0M1 TXZATMPiT. If you cannot call write for svmo- toms blank and circular, Indosinc 4 cents In itampi. TEX c. ctt wo loaicnr CO. 1621 First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. PLUMBERS. 1 1 llllli PLUMBER ( i . Heating Contractor, Tinner -and- , , Sheet Iron Worker VLL WORK GUARANTEED 'm Bond Street Younce & Baker PLUMBERS , TINNER ';i Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Office. Phone Main 4061.; u iwi3 W. s" ...X.