THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1908 I .The Store pfc . ,. t .... , - , "Vfci I Women BEELHIVEQutfitters I COAT Long Coats, Semi Fitting, 120 PER CENT OFF THIS WEEK ONLY mini minim OCEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER AN EASY VAY TO OUST liSIUWE INTERESTING STATEMENT OF RECENT SUCCESSFUL EN DEAVORS IN THIS LINE The cadet ship Henwgin Sophie Charlotte, now in port awaiting or der! and expecting them today, will la all probability, go hence to the Australia. Yesterday the starboard watch came ashore and -spent the af ternoon. There were 35 of them on leave, and a fine, husky lot thy re; well bnilt, straight, lithe, dear eyed, and healthy and hearty; quiet, dignified, gentlemanly under all cir cumstances, and credit to their nation and service. Today the oort watch will be on shore, and the ship is likely to sail early tomorrow morn ing. Her presence here has bees a natter of pleasure to Astorians, who wiH always hail the news of her ar rival or that of any of her fleet con sots, with interest and pleasure. AH hands here will wish the officers and crew "boa voyage." The new steamer Umatilla, under construction for the government at CelOo, is nearly completion and. will be in shape to turn over to the United States Engineers within a wek The vessel has been given a trial trip and has met all require ments. Asbestos is being placed cn the steam pipes and boilers, and she will then be turned over to the Fed eral officers. She was built for river improvement work on the upper Co kmbia and the Snake rivers. Word was received at the office of " Agent G. W. Roberts, of the O. R. & N. Co. here, yesterday, that the Steamship Senator, well known in these waters, will relieve the State of California on this voyage to the Bay City and will be up here on the S. F. & P. run one week from Mon day next. The State will sail very early this morning for the California metropolis. The steamship Nebraskan came . down the river yesterday morning and went to sea and Pu get Sound, where she will finish loading for the Nicaraguan Isthmus, at Salinas Cruz. The steamer Lurline made it from Portland in good season last evening and left up at 7 with the following people on board: E. P. Millman, J. C. McDonald and G. R. Strom. goain Sophie Charlotte, off the Ton gue, both vessels flying the same flag, and representing the two great est maritime companies in the world. The British steamship Bankrields came down the river yesterdav after noon wheat laden for St Vincent's, for orders, and will probably leave out on the early flood this morning. The steamship Geo. W. Elder was among the getaways from this port yesterday morning, bound for Eu reka, San Francisco and Port Los Angeles. The dandy, little Heather is bnsy up at the government buoy station repairing her dynamo system and other things that need some atten tion in a mechanical way. The American barkentine Wrestler got away yesterday morning for the Bay City with her canto of half a million feet of lumber from up-river points. The French bark General Faid- herbes arrived down oa the hawsers of the Ocklahama last night, out ward bound for Europe with grain. The Elmore motor schooner Ger aid C, has reported in from the Si letz with a full cargo of general merchandise. The fine German steamship Ara bia, of the Portland-Asiatic line, en tered port yesterday morning, from Hong Konf, via San Francisco, fly ing rather light as to cargo. On her way up stream she saluted the Her- The steamers Homer and Yellow stone are both due in this oort from San Francisco, sometime tomorrow, The steamer Alliance will sail for Coos Bay early tomorrow morninr from the Callender dock. NEW TO-DAY New Meat Market Mr. Bradon, late manaeer of the P. L. Smith Meat Co., will open no a market with a full line of clean and wholesome meats at marked prices that will suit, in the store late ly occupied by the Automatic Thea tre, 684 Commercial street, between 15th and 16th streets, on Monday. November 2nd. NAME MEANS SOMETHING. In conversation with a well known Astorian yesterday he said, speaking of the trouble and cost of clearing stuniD land: "In the Sound cities Mr. J. J. Hill stated, and repeated, that the future resource to be depended uoon for their prosperity was the clearing and cultivation of the lossed-off lands. The same condition exists about Astoria. "The difficulty and expense in clearing such land is not as great perhaps as has been supposed. One of our townsmen recently took a Sabbath day's outing on his ranch, and, for amusement, took a few dynamite sticks with him. He thrust a crowbar under some Targe stumps inserted a dynamite stick, lighted the fuse and was surprised to see the stump jump fully out of the ground and split open. He started a fire in the rift and by night the stumo was nearly consumed. As the dynamite costs but a few cents, he intends to spend his odd moments now Bunch ing holes tinder the tsumps with his cane and thrusting in sticks of dyna mite just for the fun of seeing the stumps jump into the air. There is much fine bottom land on the Necanicnm, that is ready for this kind of fun. A townsman who owns about 200 acres there proposes to throw out the stumps the same way, and what can not be burned without piling he will draw together with a donkey engine. As it injures the soil to burn it. the more th stumps to be burned, are congre gated, the better." DISTRIBUTED $75,000 HERE YESTERDAY COLUMBIA RIVER PACKERS' ASSN. DECLARES SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, Among the innumerable items oi the commercial world of Astoria, noted, and unnoted, yesterday, there is one that speaks very plainly, and directly, to the city's interest, as such things are figured in this day and age, towit: There was declared, and distributed, a semi-annual dividend of 15,000 and upward, to the stock holders of the Columbia River Pack ers' Association and its allied con cerns. This is the company built un and maintained by Samuel Elmore,' anJ rated In the commercial and indus trial centers as one of the best man aged concerns in the Northwest; and certaintly it so stands in the citv that is about to choose Mr. Elmore for its chief executive a few weeks hence. The Palacs Kestaurant An phrse of hunger ran be daintily gratified at any hour of ths day ot night at the Palace Restaurant. Ths kitchen ami dining room service art of the positive best. Private dining looms for Indies. Ont call inspires tegular custom, Try It. Commerci' ttret, opposite Page building, The very best board to bt obtained In the city Is at The Occident Hotel." Hates very reasonable. Spend th Winter in California See G. W. Roberts, Agent O. R, N. dock, for rates, literature, and other information. AMUSEMENTS CHURCHES SUNDAY Christian Science. Services in rooms 5 and 6. I. O. O F. building, at 11 o'clock. Subject of the lesson sermon, "Mortals and Immortals." All are invited. Sun day school, 12 o'clock The first Wednesdy evening in the month 7:30, THE PESFECT FORM 1 J& ! When A. E. Petersen built and named the "Modern" barber ahop, he meant that it should stand for what it was called. No patron has missed a single feature of the modern ton sorial parlor tt that house; and every newSjWevice in the way of perfect comfort and service is constantly add ed as it develops. The latest is an expert bootblack, the best in tht business; a qualification that makes his employment really Modern. I, and shape of our Gowns, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Kimonos, etc is pro verbial among our customers. They are elegant in style trimming and finish, and the prices make them ad ditionally attractive. We have a large and varied stock from which to se lect, and the colorings are very har monious. We respectfully invite our lady friends to look over the season able offerings we are showing. Try our own mixture of coffee the J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mai' To Cure a Cold in One Day ,Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine : Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S ' signature is on each box. 25 cents. ! Cheap Coal ! Kellcy the Coal and Wood Dealer .will deliver and place in your cellar . a ton of the best coal for $7.00 same !coal for $6.00 at the yard. Phone jMain 2191. Barn ISth and Duane, AH kinds of cordwood and hardwood I inside fir and boxwood for sale. First Norw. Ev. Lutheran. Sunday school meets at 9:30 a. m. morning service at 10:45; English Bible class meets at 6:30 o. m.: even ing service in English at 7:30. The church choir assists at all evening services. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. Theo. P. Neste, pas tor. Memorial Lutheran. Sunday school, 10 a. m.: mornine service, 11:00, theme "Retribution, an Immutable Law. Evening service. 7:30, theme "Our Starting Point." All are cordially invited. Gustaf E. Ryd quist pastor. First Lutheran (Uppertown) Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.: service in Swedish at 3 o'clock p. m.; Luther League Circle meets at 6:30 p. m. Presbyterian. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, "The Ark of Covenant"; Sabbath school 12:15; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30; evening worship, 7:30, "The Second Table.' Miss Reba Hobson, choir director AH are invited. Wm. S. Gilbert, pas tor. First Methodist Themes for Sunday: Mornine theme selected. Evening, "The Lord of Life." Especially good music at both services. Other services: Sun day school at 12:15 p. m.: Eoworth League at 6:30 p. m., and mid-week service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. C. C. Ranck, pastor. THE VITALITY OF GENIUS Few, if any, of the religious plays have had a life of more than two or three seasons. The fact that Clar ence Bennett's "The Holy City," af ter three years of growing success. is, today, a stronger attraction than ever, and that its return dates are greeted everywhere, with crowded houses, proves that it has in it some thing of real and powerful dramatic worth, outside of its religious inter est. It is not mere cariosity to see a play out of the ordinary, a sort of dramatic innovation, that causes the great public to go to see it again and again, and that makes each one who has seen it, an enthusiastic advertiser for It. The reason for this is, that outside of the fact that it narrates the most dramatic and thrilling incl dents in the history of the world, a story that is inwoven with the very fibers of our faith and our hones for time and eternity, it tells that story with such an earnest, devout and rev erential spirit that it disarms the criticism of the most religious and. at the same time, develops that grandly tragic theme in such a powerful an-! dramatic way, giving such splendid opportunities for superb acting, tell ing so vividly the love of a beautiful. passionate, wilful woman's love, hate, revenge, remorse and triumph, pre senting it all with such lifelike sur roundings of beautiful Oriental scenery, gorgeous" costumes and splendid stage settings and dramatic climaxes and wonderful stage situa tions, that, aside from its religious interest, it stands , alone upon dramatic merits as one of the great est, strongest, most thrilling and In teresting dramas of modern times the beauty of its language, scintillat ing with gems of eloquence and po etic expression, its wonderful nor trayal of character and expression running the entire scale of human emotion from laughter to tears, from mirth to horror, from hone to dis pair, from love to hate, from joy to death! These all appeal directly to the heart and make us forget that it is only a play! To us, for the time being, it becomes a living reality. It is as real and as correct and nower ful as the Passion Play, with a large and powerful cast of excellent acton. most gorgeous costumes, elaborati and beautiful scenery and surround ings. It is a real play and the great est one on the stage. It will be seen at the Astoria theatre next Monday CASTOR I A For Xb&&U a&d Children ffei M Yoa Ran Always Ecl'$ VVVVSNVNHWVV.K-1'iis4,1,tFpj ( 7Yg ( UJ Si i A Us Boars the Signature of CHICKEN TAMALES EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING HOME-MADE, and of the choicest ingredients; put up under supervis ion that guarantees their perfect freedom from all deleterious matter. MRS. F. WOOLLEY 284 Tenth Street Between Exchange and Franklin. Tho Kind Yoa Hve Always Bought, nnd whloli bm b n la use fur orer 80 yean, h& borno tho ipmu?ry rtr suid has beonmiuto under hi ihn J ton! sunorvlslon tlnco It Infnurr. (wWv2T Allow no no to dwclvo you In till All Counterfeit, IutttAUoninnd"JuUflM-gMMl"nr but Exporlinc-uta tbat trlfl with and riidntigvr Uio 1WU?i it latitat And CliUdren-ExiKrlenco Against i;jKrhijat, What la CASTORIA CaatoriA it m harmlMi substitute tor Castor Oil. Pare gorle Drops And Soothing- Byrupa. It I rioajuuiU It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor othor Knreotlo uhatanco. It Ago l 1U fitArante. It dewtroya Worm And Allays Fevtrbhneat, It cure DUrrlneA And Vtlml Colio. It relieve Teething Trouble, cures CoimlliHitlou And Flatulency. It Assimilate the Food, regulate tho Stomach and 1 towels, giving healthy and imturnl sleep, Tho Children's Pauaccft-Tho Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA. ALWAYS Sean tho Slgn&toro cf S9 HOT OR' COLD Golden West Tea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. Hie Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. vwt mmvi mmww, w jmv ?. mw AMUSEMENTS. it. ..ASTORIA.. THEATRE ONE NIGHT ONLY A Sumptuous Production of "THE HOLY CITY" WITH Luella More? -AS-SALOME Direction Le Comte and Hesher pure, instructive, Illustrative btory of the days of Our Saviour. Superbly Mounted Strong Supporting Co. Costumed Correctly Prices for this engagement 25, 50, 75, $1.00 11 1 Ml M .Only All Rail Root to Portland and all Bastsra Pufats, Two dally trains. Stcamshlp'tickcts via all Octaa Uos at Lowtst Rata. For rates, steamship and sletplnf-csr reservations, call oa or sddrtss Q. B. JOHNSON, Qcn'I Agent I2th Rt, near Commercial Bt ASTORIA. ORZOONL , LET US TELL YOU ABOUT Tungsten Electric Lamb Greatest advance In lighting method s since tht Invention of Incandescent lam pa. EXAMPLE 32 C P. Ordinary electric lamp consumes ...v...., 110 watts per boor 32 CP. "Tungsten" electric lamp consumes . 40 watts per boar Saving , fn . ' i By using "Tungsten" lamps you can get 27$ per cent increase in light tor the same cost or in other words can h ave the same quantity ot illumination for 35 per cent of the cost of lightin g with ordinary electric tamps. The Astoria Electric Co Suits, Cloaks and Millinery. New Location. Steele & Ewart wish to announce that they have moved their electrical fixtures and wiring business from 426 Bond street to 441 Commercial (nex to Astorian office), where all busi ness will be transacted in the future. Their new fiixture show room, which is of latest design in every respect, will be completed about November 15th. See announcement later. . Norwegian-Danish M. E. Morning worship at 11 a. m. and evening at 7:30. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Scandinavians are cordially in yited to worship with us. O. T. Field, pastor. The Clean Man. The man who delights in personal cleanliness, and enjoys his shave shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As toria. alwSVS croes to the OrriHrnl barber shop for these things and gets them at their best. If VOU Suffer from nnstinotinn ana nver trouble foiejs (Jrino Lax ative will cure you permanently by Stimulating the rlicrpfttiv nroinu an they will act naturally. Foley's Orino laxative does not gripe, is pleasant to take and vou An tint hav tn ?sr laxatives continnallv aft. tMnn Orino. Why continue to be the slave of pills and tablets. T. F. Lau rin, Owl Drug Store. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian, Subscribe to The Morning Adrian 60 cents per month. One of the Essentials of the happy homes of to-dav is a vast fund of information as to the best methods or promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world's best products. Products of. 'actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully oresented and which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the aDnroval of the Well-informed of the World: not of indi. viduals only, but of the many who have me nappy faculty of selecting and obtain ing the best tho world affords. One of the products of that claw. t anown component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com mended by the Well-informed of the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Svruo of FIm and Elixir of Senna. To got its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu factured by the California Fia Svrun Co- only, and for sale by all leading druggists. IT'S A GOOD THING TO REFER to the reputation of a store before making any important purchases therein. Before you buy is the time to look up the matter. Ask questions. Find out if the store you intend oa- tronizing keeps its pledges. Be sure that you learn if it sells the qualities it claims; if it treats ts customers honestly and fairly, then, if satisfied, buy there. Do all the asking you wish about us amonir your friends. and that you will result in your com ing here regularly. Come in and see our $125 Kitchen Range. JUST ARRIVED Shipment of Norwegian BocK Beer $2.00 the Dozen. AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 1 rhonel881. 589 Commercial St. Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers FI0 1 Sift HUB CO "THE BIG STORE." Noveearg'ains. 12 Bore, Double Barrel, Hammerless Shotgun $17.50. As good a shot gun as any $50 eun. A Lady's Solid Gold Watch, 17 Jewel Case Diamond Set $32. The DIAMOND WORTH the MONEY All other goods at eastern catalogue prices. A. G. SPEXARTH