,. schools, .they are deemed to be n V'mmmii - cv . tUt for a mastership m the North The StaKjffFtef Ladies FOR U lVI ' ,Vi1 Women BEEl,..,.,ffl0utfitters 1 C OAT Long Coats, Semi Fitting, j 2 0 PER CENT OFF THIS WEEK ONLY OCEAN, BAR, BAY, DOCK AND RIVER After a royage of 105 day, from Bremerhaven to Astoria direct, beat lag all German sailing ship jpcords by five days, and all English record, by six, the beautiful Germany bark, Herxogin (Duchess) Sophie Char lotte, one of the training ships of the North German Lloyd, the greatest ocean-transit concern in the world, catered this port yesterday afternoon on the hawsers of the Wallula. and went to aa anchorage off Tongue Point She was 400 miles off the Columbia bar on the 98th day of the Yoyage, and has been beating on and off for that time. Her officer and crew of cadets are wonderfully pleased with the splendid showing she made from the Lixard to Cape Disappointment, and the credit is all their own, whatsoever share they , may concede to the fine ressel that ccomplished it She carries 77 souls all told. Her roster being at follows: Captain, F. "Glund; First Officer S. Bremer; Sec ond Officer, G. Stosch; Third Officer, G. V. Schnehen; Fourth Officer, W. Xaraberg; Navigation Teacher, G Steppes; Ship's Physician, Dr. Theo pold; First Cook, K. Husch; First tSeward, E. Vollmer; and 12 various Steward, E. Vollmer; and 12 various carpenter, sailmaker, biker, Lamp- German Lloyds. The system is as wonderfully adequate to the end it serves and unit " perfection in this relation as any known to a tea-going people anywhere. Captain Glund reports that at 2:58 o'clock a. m. on the 7th of November, when about 140. miles off the lower Oregon coast, they experienced sev eral sharp earthquakes that mads things hum for a half hour or so, the imnression siven by the shocks be ing that of the ship going upon rocks, and for a moment or two tne iasi man on board was up against a problem rarely met with on the high sea but which soon explained itseu in ih vrnetitions that ensued. It may be mentioned, incidentally, that thi Mnerience was simultaneous with the reoorta of the violent earth i.. in nmrr California, on the Mexican line, dealt with in the press dispatches of that date. The Sophie Charlotte is in port for orders. Captain Glund had ex pected to receive them off shore here, but having failed to materiliie he was compelled to bring his fine ves sel into port and make specific in quiry; a-circumstance no one in As toria will regret for an instant. It ia to be deplored that the ship could not have been berthed at a point nearer the city, o that an Interested public might have had a cahnce to observe this model marine establishment and appreciate the courtesy of her om- cers and men which they are oniv too willing to manifest if the chance is but given them. She is liable to he here for a day or two awaiting her orders; and the presumption is that she will be in possession of them to day or tomorrow. She is out on a year's tour, and is due back at Bre- merhaven about the first of Aogust next Her sister ship, the Herxogin. Ce cile, of the same company and same line of duty, is due here in the coutse of two or three week. ASTORIA TO SPOKANE SWIFT Ai DIRECT THE PERFECT FORM 4mt f'l- and shape of our Gowns, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Kimonos, etc is pro verbial among our customers. They are elegant in style trimming atfd 'finish, and the prices make them ad ditionally attractive. We have a large and varied stock from which to se lect, and the colorings are very har monious. We respectfully invite our lady friends to look over the season able offerings we are showing. Suits, Cloaks and Millinery. man, donkey-man head waiters, pan trymen, cabin boys, provision mas ter etc etc.. These 21. with the 56 vouna ca dets on board, make her complement; and a single glance at the decks and cabins, the spars, rigging, and gen eral accoutrements of the great yacht-like ship, is ample to warrant the oleasant conviction that she is a veritable sea-home for the whole out fit; nor can a tingle man on board disguise the justifiable pride he feels in her. This is Jhe Second voyage this ship has made to this port, she hav ing entered here tn 1901, and is pleasantly remembered by very many in that case. She is a vessel with beautiful lines, of steel and superbly equipped in every detail while her cabin and quarter appointment are models of comfort, convenience and utility. She i of 2600 tons, British register; and her measurements are as follows: length. 2695 feet; beam, 43.3 feet, and depth of hold, 25 6 feet The young gentlemen serving as cadets aboard this fine vessel are destined to become valued officers c! the great line that put a premium upon the best service it can secure in the handling of its enormous fleet of fine steamships traversing every ocean and waterway of the earth, and tbey each and all come from the best families in Germany. They are bound to the company under conditions and contracts that make for the complete advantage of all concerned; the boys securing an ideal education in the rii.i piu.vao... - -- , vorable circumstances of practice and road in TUIamooK theory as well as in the matter ot personal consideration and care, mor ally, physically, and professionally, while the company is always certain of having a reserve corps of capable and loyal young .officers to draw upon. The cadets pay 100 marks (or $230) per annul for their maintenance and teaching and the officers to whom thev are entrusted are chosen from the very select of the wide group of professionals at the command of the company. It is an admirable ar rangement and is thoroughly appre ciated by all at interest. The lads serve for three years on shin: then they are transferred to the great steam liners for one year; after which they have to attend the Nautical College main tained by this company at Bremen for a period of six months, and final ly they are given over to the Ger man navy for one year as a sort of finishing process and experience then two years are alloted to service on the liners, and after a second term of months at the great marine NOVEMBER WILL . WITNaoS OPENINO OF FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAFFIC. Official notice has been received by r. R Tohnson. ucncral agent of the A. & C. R., of the opening of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Kail the famous "North Bank" line t.ji.' November 17th, for VII www throuch MftAenecr nd freight buM Ml VIS Portland and over the new bridges. The fast freight schedule as arranged will shorten the time to tne east by 24 hours, particular attention having been given to close connec tion with the A. & C K R. tretgm trains. Equal attention has been given to the arrangement of passen ger train schedules. Th new eoulpment purchased tor thi line is said to be the finest that mnnev e nit Id buv. and this line will h nonnlar one for all travelers ' i frftm the ben nn n. The scenery alonff the nnoer Columbia river it the finest in America and a daylight ride over this magnificent road is a treat which many Astorians have promised themselves. Mr, Johnson h. full information regarding scnea ules. rate, etc.. at the Twelfth street office of the A. t C. R. R, which will be furnished all who are Inter ested. The S. F. & P. steamship State of Calif omit is due at the OR. & N. docks tonight about midnight, and will ail at once for San Francisco. The Portland pres indicate that this It to be the last voyage of the State in this service, but there is no official knowledge of the fact at the company' agency in thi city. There is no word a to her accessor on the line, and people here are of the opin ion she will tay right where he I. The Nehalem tug Geo. R. Vosburg entered port yesterday morning, and went on to Portland, where he will be changed into an oil burner, and will then load there with railway supplies of all kinds for the Lytic The Heather arrived in from a coast cruise yesterday morning. Firs? Officer Hammerstrom came ashore nd went to his home on the sick bst. His many friends trust his ailment ill be of but short duration. The customs officials here yester day paid off the crew of nine men constituting the crew of the schooner H. K. Hall, now at Knappton, the sum of $000 being used for that pur pose. The Harvest Queen arrived down yesterday with the barkentme Wrestler lumber laden for the Bay City, and she will probably leave out this morning. The steamship Geo. W. Elder is due to sail from the Callender. dock at 6 o'clock this morning, for the California coast ports on her )ine. wheat laden, for Europe, some time today. The Elmore motor schooner Evvs ha also returned from Tillamook Bav. and is loading for the return trip. The steamshin Breakwater came down yesterday morning and went to sea and Coos Bay at 10 o clock. The bar pilot schooner Pulitxer went back to her ocean station yes terday morning. The Kamra liner Lurline was doing good business. at the old stand last evening. The steamer Hercules was down yesterday with a heavy tow of jetty rock. SIX j JUST ARRIVED j t ' . Shipment of Norwegian Boclt Beer $2.00 the Dozen. AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. jj Phone 1881. oy Commercial ot. Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers tHWtWWWti 44 1 1 1 M 1 1 M I M 1 1 ! The oil steamship Atlas, with Barge No. 3, came down the river yesterday morning and went to sea and the coast of California. How to Cart a Cold. B as careful as you may you will oc casionally take cold, and when you do, get a medicine of known reliability, one that has an established reputa tion and that is certain to effect a quick cure. Such a medicine is Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. It has gained a world wide reputation bv its remarkable cures of this most common ailment, and can always be depended upon." It acts on nature clan, relieves the lungs, aids expec toration, open the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. During the many years in which it has been in general use we have yet to learn of a single case of cold or attack of the grip having resulted in pneumonia when this remedy was used, which shows conclusively that it is a cer tain preventive of that dangerous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy contains no opium or other nar cotic and may.be given as eonfi dentlv to a babv a to an adult For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists Subscribe to the Morning Astorian lt ner manth bv mail or carrier The U. S. Engineer's steamer Ma- ior Guv Howard is undergoing a general course of repairs at the As toria Iron Works dock. The British steamship Foreric is about finished loading at the Ham mond mills and will probably clear today or tomorrow. The steamer Sue H. Elmore arriv ed in from Tillamook yesterday morning will sail again today at 7 a. m. for that port. The Hazel Dollar got away over the bar yesterday for Shanghai, with a big million feet of lumber for Chinese delivery. The French bark General Faid herbes is due down from Portland, mimm. awm minim 97iSi Vt 7 V 4Jt 4 K H M ii I Will cure any case of Kidney or tJiaciaer uisrase not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. , T. F. LAUREN OWL DRUG STORK. Cures BadcBchQ Corrects Irregularities Oo not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes . LOTS of style in these overcoats of ours; auto coats, raincoats, topcoats, general utility over coats, dress-up overcoats, we're ready for any sort of demand on us; and we know the styles are ripht. Hart, Schaf f ner & Marx don't make any other but stylish clothes; all-wool, per fectly tailored. We'll fit you in every way, taste, body, pocketbook. . SUITS AND OVERCOATS $20.00 to $30.00 0 ' ... 1 C 1 i 1 : I 1 Ot'l Nil Rtn kMi Hit UNDERWEAR Now is the time to lay in your sapply of Winter Underwear. Let us fit you out Selling good underwear is one of our "hobbies, . We sell the kind that makes friends for our store. - ' AA a t y-v s-v . a ""i . Ai- P 1 fill 4-r I fill Woolens, S2.5U to S1U.UU tne suit. tonoiititiyi IT'S A GOOD THING TO REFER to the reputation of a store before making any important purchases therein. Before you buy is the time to look up the matter. Ask question Find out if the store you intend pa tronizine keeos its pledges. Be sure that you learn if it sells the qualities it claims; if it treats ti customers honestly and fairly, then, if satisfied, buy there,- Do all the asking you wish about us among your friends, and that you will result in your com me here remtlarly. Come in and see our $125 Kitchen Range. 01 K I nil "THE BIO STORE. SHOES HATS' i JLL mmmmmmJZZZmmm CHICKEN TAMALES EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING HOME-MADE, and of the choicest ingredients; put up under supervU- ion tnat guarantees mcir pcntt-i freedom from all deleterious matter. MRS. F. WOOLLEY 284 Tenth Street Between Exchange and Franklin. HOT OR' COLD Golden' West w lea .ihliflt CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. AMUSEMENTS. ...ASTORIA... THEATRE ONE NIGHT ONLY A Sumptuous Production of "THE HOLY CITY" - WITH Luella Morey -AS-SALOME Direction Le Comte and Flesher A pure, instructive, Illustrative Story of the days of Our Saviour. Superbly Mounted Strong Supporting Co. Costumed Correctly Prices for this engagement 25, 50, 75, $1.00 SEATS NOW ON SAUJ. mi m m Only All Rail Route to Portland tod all Eastern PUnts. Two daily trains. Steamship tickets vU all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rate. For rates, steamship and sleeping-car reservations, call on or addresa Q. B. JOHNSON, Ocn'l Agent 12th St, near Commercial 8t ASTORIA, ORIOOM. ttriTi I ff rwwmi ttatm LET US TELL YOU ABOUT Tungsten Electric Lamp Greatest advance in lighting method a ainca the invention of Incandaacanl lamp. EXAMPLE 32 C. P. Ordinary electric lamp consumea 110 watta par hour 32 CP. "Tungsten" electric lamp consumea 40 watta par hour Saving 70 watta per how By using "Tungsten" lamps you can get 27S per cant increasa in light lor the same cost or In other worde can have the aama quantity of illumination for 35 per cent of the cost of lighting with ordinary electric lampa, The Astoria Electric Co M A3 jm mi lanswi ! .i 7- " 1 -" ..lujii-jjuiiAjaauLiJji r MORE THAN HE NEEDS Once in a while a man gets mort land than he can handle land he'd be glad to exchange, -but doesn't know how or where. Most likelj we can help you out if you're in thai fiicat any rate it won't cost you any, thing to find O'lt by calling here. Alj sorts of real estate proposition takes cara of here buying, selling, renting A. R. CYRUS about it. 424 Commercial street, Astoria. November Bargains. 12 Bore, Double Barrel, Hammerless Shotgun $17.50. As good a shot gun as any $50 gun. A Lady's Solid Gold Watch, 17 Jewel Case Diamond Set $32. The DIAMOND WORTH the MONEY .- All other goods at eastern catalogue prices. A. G. SPEXARTH ""