. 1 'r 1 THE M01LMNG A3T0RIAK, ASf OaiA. OHEGOiN. . ! 'Fisher rBrothors Company SO LK AGENTS . ',"., , ' ' Murbour and Flntayioh Salmon Twine and Netting McCormlck Harvesting Machine ' V. Oliver Chilled Plough j 'H'ii-i'i '3' Sharpie Cream Separators ' R.ecolitl, Floprjng Un; . , Hardware i Groceries, Ship Tin Dirk; Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coat, Tar, Aih Oari, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fitting, Brait Good, i t Paints, Oils and plasa -Tg , .. , f . :, . I , ' FUberroeo'aTure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twins and Selm- Web "; WoIWorit Your Trade ? v FISHBR10 BROS. Yn nl the beat, money cao buy In food, clothing, boine comforta, pleiiulei,5WwBy not Ijj educatKinj y j , . k : " - , Portland's JUadlng Bualueii College t " offers auch to you and at no greater cost than 'an inferior acbool. , Owner pmcficcj teacher ' V Mora Call than wa caa fill; Teacher Actual bimincs men In aeuion the entire year ., Ponltloni guaranteed graduatei Catalogue "A for the aiklng -'"Sit. Vnrt "m r 1 O'" BOSSrWAH,-!. FINANCIAL. First llatioilal v. DIRECTORS Jacob Kamm W F. McGregor G. C, Javel i J. W. LADD S. . UORDON 1 ' CapiUl ........ ....$100)00 I Surplus .......-.. ..,.,. 25,000 I - Stockholders' -liability 7. t. w . , . . , ,100,000 - f KHTAIlMKlllSf) 18HU, ? J. Q. A. JBOWLBY, rresldent I : i , i i ATOPIA SAVINGS RANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S232.C0D . Tranaacts General Banking BuaWha " Intertet Paid Ofl Time Depoa t ' Four Per Cent. Per Ajmim ' j Elevtntb and Duane St Aetoria, Oregon mmmtMMMLimmm.ui.umimmmummmmm SCANDINAVIANS MERMAN SAVINGSBANK 1 ASTORI)i' ORBGON i '. v:r;: aMaMiaimM ''l'",! w ' OVS MOTTO! "3(ty 8itpwcM An Otlw CuMtratk!" ....FOR. A.... VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH Johnson Phonograph Co,, .IH i.u v,., , t. ., Parlora 8econd Floor Over Sherman Transtcr Co. ,4 HENRY SHERMAN Manager. : Hacka, Carriage Baggage Checked and Transferred TmcSf and Furmlten Wagon Piano Moved, Boxed and Shipped. "V,"4JS Commerctal Street " .-. .. - Mela Phe I . mHMttwttmwHtw I THE , "TRENTON First-uass Liquors andGtigars r h ' . , . , 192 Commercial Street Corner Commorelal and 14th, it v'?v ..-mill , STEEL & , sit. a ? Mectncal Phone Main 3881 . . Bank of Astoria J, Wt CAREER, AaaiiUmt Cgahlw i'T t' ScbolGeld ft Mattnon Co. ' ' ASTORIA, OREGON i EWOT" c. w - . r - . -r L.ontractors . . 426 Bond Street A. COMMON'. ERROR. Correct the t.nteoce Before You Beie the Explanation. "Mny 1 exuuiliitt tlm children a little r to tlielr knowlwljje of the lau gunuof ', unM (Iiu visitor at the gruui mitr Klxiul, an old fcfiitloninn with a hi'iievolettt n.(i(rt of counteimnce, but liril twbiMo In IjU eye. . "(Vilulnly you nmy,'' emllltigly uu ait'erl the Uncut. 1 i The old geutlfmen aU'pned to tliv bht'-Uljoard and wrote this mlwi' tlNH Its ' , -IVnimilvnuht nlKitinda In anthracite t'tmi." i- : ",V(iw,M' he inhl. "1 ehould lll.e t bnve antno child iw.liit out the mlittnke In tied eciittnicc." ' "" '- One (if tlw'i'Mcr irlrl,cnme forwitrd, picked tipjhe challi nd rewrote tho tateinc!it tlittn: ".VnthnioKe' ct-ol ubounds lu I'cna jlnsla.". Xf bad." .lid the Vteltor, "bill you bnven't fount! If." ' 1 Arit ht limriffitJ It ' fotlowa: "Pfiittiityhiihirt ntuxind wKU uufhrn cite Colli." ; .. , - . ',. "Htlll Inctwct,' wiie the cownieni.: r'Alitliincltecl It nbundnntln Penu eyltntiln," u rote n tiilrt. j I Tlmf will mt &t cither." Mid Mr. I.tn vtcr. ,v Oi of the llr U-y 4rird hl hand, frith Ihl rm!r! . , "IVmiKjIviiiiln le tibundnntly up ptIH Willi niuhmtlle otil," j "No: that In not eu c khI." Then a little Imy tcpped forward and with h! finger eraifd (be word , word len't m-eded." he aald. " Anthracite niconi hard coal." "JllKlit," Mild the visitor. "You have one trljcht pupil, any bow, Mis Adolr." Joutu e Companion.- i t . , A GRIM CEREMONY. An Imperor'e Death Haitened by Ke hearting Hie Own Funeral. , , Emperor Clmrlen V. of Bpaln brought about hi death by rchcarelng bis own funeral For the lat two years of his life, after realimlng the scepter of Bi'nln and the Netberlands to his son Tbtllp In Charles retired to the monastery of Yuete. In Eetremadura. and there lived a cloister life In clone Intercourse with the monks, devoting much time to religious exercises. Dur ing this period, prompted, It may be, by the example of Cardinal de la Marck, who frir several years before bis death. la 1328, "had n no nally rehearsed his own , obsequies, the emperor, la tho summer of IKS, formed the regolutlou to celebrate bis own funeral before be died. Accordingly, on Aug. 30 of that year, th grim farce .was carried ont with the nioet elaJwaUi ceretuoulaL The tm perkl douH'Htlcs marched with black tapes In their bands, and the emperor, Clad In sable weeds, himself followed, wearing his shroud, tfbtlo tbe solemn mime for the dead waa sung before tbe high altar lu tbe cathedral Charlea gave up bis tater to tbe priest typify tag thereby his reelgnatlon of Ufa, and waa solemnly laid bis cofflo. Tbe cere mony clmed with sprinkling holy wa ter en I body) then, all tbe attend ant rvtlrltig, the door were abut and Charles roue from his narrow bed and withdrew to his private apartment The damping of the graveclotbes In duced a chili, which, aided no doubt by tbe mental depression caused by the' grewsome ceremony, Induced a fever which ended in his death three weeks later, on the Slst of September, 155& ! Colda add Croup in Children. "My little girl is subject to colds," says Mrs. Wm. II. btvg, Mo. 41 Fifth St., Wheeling, W. Va. "Last winter she had a severe spell and t terrible cough but I cured her with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with out the aid of a doctor, and my little boy has been prevented many timet from having the croup by the timely use of this syrup." This remedy it for sale by Frank Hart and leading druggist. Husband and Wife Cured. I had a bad form of catarrh. My left nostril was closed entirely. There was also a constant dripping of blood from the right. I only used Hyomei a little over two weeks, and am now cured. My husband was also cured of catarrh and lung trouble two years ago by Hyomei. Mr. Harry Obney, Alliance, Ohio. A3 orsowrriS our. f EXPtlKlfc.NCJir M.MBlA WWfll.fi . Jr HATOT mm m m . IIULLY vM THE mi I'R KNI.ISII TYIR- riuhi in th l'urlflo NurtliMmt nraoi from our narwirlt-itrrtwn TrtH tli At Imvti lnwn BUbjpctt'il to the MintH l!M II A N ULIM) kTrntiftffrntil while donttA&t, and ll Irvtvly toj'lRtit, rU'ht luthobnti, jtut at you tt thMu Imply int in tho (trouitil then out tho strihgi S EgiflflfTE OULTURAI filntCTIONI ftiV fon how to foroo wruwlh In trniHr BLtj fMMOinnrtrt how tt0titririiHionuf I y " jrytuvUtuttt. rw your own liullyv: Y rosesVhV.vU' f: All ilw novo lllfwn mi oJi fwvoiN'rt.Si F'x ' jlMiitHtt.runtoi.vitn.MAifv : : A "L-, ' OHosKBoMroIuHvlllM " i i it ISC" 5s- rortland, Orerou-tuluu. Wl- ring in our THE MORNING ASTORIAN i w WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. ; . The Want Column of THE MORNING ASTORIAN are con uhed every morning by hundreds of persons In aearcb of real estate bargalaew Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Ratesi Twenty words or lefes ,tbree times, 25 cents; six times, 50 cenu; one month, $2M. ' ' " ' ' - HELP WANTEDfMALE. BOYS WANTED TO CARRY PA per. Apply Circulation Depart ment, Atoriaa Office, :, 9-l7-tf J. F. NOWLEN... REAL ESTATE and Employment Office, 473 , Com mercial i Stw Pbone -rr- Have fine list f. Astoria and , country property. All dates of labor furnished. FOR,, RENT-jJROQMS. TO RENT ONE, LAEGE NEWLY furnuhed . front , room in private (auiliy to a gentlemen in good stand ing. Inquire 253 Commercial, St. Ub FOR SALE: MISCELLANEOUS TWO FINE HOUNDS; MALE and, female; aix month old; $50. Address 8l4 Crand avenue. FOR SALE CHEAP-Smith Prem ier typewriter; first-class condition. Apply A. B- Hagar. am LOST AND FOUND. FOUND-A CARD CASE CON- taining cards with lad name on same; owner may have tame by call ing at this office, proving property and paying for ad. ' ', LOST-BUGGY ROBE BETWEEN Astoria and Clatsop City on War renton road. Return to Sherman' barn and receive reward. LOST-A , SUALL . WHITE, COT ton bag containing ladies' jewelry. Finder will please leave it at this office and receive reward. "" :' . mi WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WIDOW WITH BOY, AGED 6. deiires situation as housekeeper in widower' home or in small rooming house; no objection to two or three children, if boys. . Apply, Astorian office. a.i HERE IS THE CHANCE ;OF your lifetime; for one week only,' I will give away FREE, Ladies' Home Companion, Sunset Magazine and One Thousand Wonders with one year's ubicription'of Review of Re views, price $3.00. Cha. F. Parker, room 24,' Northern Hotel, Eleventh and Duane. v, .-.i-r.- .e.-.-r. WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST cash price for second-hand and new furniture; see us before -you sell Zapf Furniture & Hdw. Co. 10-9-26t WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE; , weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. 6-9-tf. NURSES. PRACTICAL NURSE, EXTEN ' sive experience, will take charge of most any kind of nursing; con Bnement cases preferred; terms rea sonable. Mrs.. Cha. Lind, 408 35th street, Astoria. ' it . FOR SALE MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 volts; one .al most new Fairbanks-Morse 6 h. p. slow speed; one T. H. 2 h. p.; one General Electric 1 h. p.; one 30-light CITY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110;. house 100x110, 40 rooms up stairs; 1 haU. 40x100. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial. " - 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street;, coxy comer; sa loon fixtures; 7 furnished rooms; price,, $3500. J. " F. . Nowlen, 473 Commerrcial. , , v 10-4-tf MISCELLANEOUS. riate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks,' Clock Shelves Just in See us ilildebrani & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. Subscribe to The Morning Astorian. I r TWENTY WORDS OR LE55 RESTAURANTS. U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BOND street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond treet, opposite Rd'ss, Higgins & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meal 1$ cents and up.'-'- ; . ,,.': t;-t - Oysters. ..j . .,,. ;. Bay . Center Oyster .House, , 420 Bond ctreet . Oysters wholesale and retail George Saunders, Prop. 9-27-tf PROFESSIONAL CARP). ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW custaf;:a.'..hemple , Attorney-at-Law . Suite 9-1Q.044 Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets JOHN C McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. ' HOWARD M.. BROWNELL, AT . Jorney . at .Law,; Deputy District Attorney. 42A Commercial Street - .DENTISTS s DR. ; F. , VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C LOGAN, DENTIST, Commercial- Street, Shanahan Bldg. OSTEOPATHS. ,, DR. RHODA HICKS, pSfEO" . path. Office; Manseil Bldg., Phone Black 2065. ,571 Commercial Street BATH, HOUSES. BATHS-TURKISH AND RUS- a'tan, at the natatorium of George nui, i .Astor ox.; rational pnees; aosoiuie Cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success. , . 10-25-tf MASSAGING. MME. AND PROFESSOR HAR RIS, colored face and , scalp massaging; cures dandruff; stops hair from falling in three treatments. Prof. Harris, the Chiropodist" Give us a call. , 458 Commercial street up stairs, rooms 2-3. - i; : ;; .' STENOGRAPHER. CARL KNUTSEN, STENOGRA pher, typewriter, bookkeeping, col lections, notary public. 428 Commer cial street with J. A. Eakin, . a HOUSE MOVERS. FREDRICKSON BROS-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-157! ACRES LAND, section 4, township 5, range 6, on Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000., J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street 10-4-tf FOR SALE-TIMBER CLAIM, 160 acres; NS. 1-4, S. 24, T. 5 N, R 7 W., Grand Rapids; 3,000,000 feet green timber; 1,000,000 feet dead tim ber; price $3000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial atreet. " 10-4-tf SMITH'S POINT 1 HOTEL, 3 story; cost $2000 to build; 3 lots, cost $1500; brick foundation; cement walks all round; yard filled with fruit and ornamental trees; 5 good milk cows,, 2 heifers; price, $3500; half cash; half time. J. , F. NOWLEN, , ; 73 Commercial St ' . Astoria. Or. vitniiinnv wiiiiaMii g DISCHARGES RELIEVED IK 24 RODRSj Each Cap- i ulo bears fMIDYj: UW tUUMff Bcvan of event erf nil JLLL DRUUGX8TS ; The Morning Astorian contains all the local and Associated Press re- ports. antvAds , ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS THE BAKER ONI AN WILL Saturday l Nov. 14 at UNDER NEW J The only Picture - inorougniy new i One of the main features. WATCH THIS SPACE TOMORROW . Admission will be BUSINESS DIEECTOEY. LAUNDRIES." WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt TROY LAUNDRY - Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991- - MISCELLANEOUS. liili .... S VllUIIUiilU WUbUUlllir . .te ;-sk!' tattxi-ni - i ; JAPANESE ..GOODS,, Fancy -Tea Sets' and Fine China Waie of all kinds. , Bamboo Furniture made right here and warranted. - WINES AND LIQUORS,: Eagle ' Concert Halll ' . (320 Astor Street) f'f-. .i, ., wwir-," Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Bes rates in town. - "' ' ' P. 'A PETERSON, Prop. VKDESTAXZSjs. J. A. GILBAUtill & CO, Undertaker o4 Erulialmera. .Experienced Lady Assistant -. : W hen Desired. . CalIs Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton Bdgr- 12th and DnaneSts . ASTORIA, OKE.GON Phone Main 2111 PLUMBERS. PLUMPER Heating Contractor, Tinner ... . "AND" j v- Sheet Iron Worker UA WORk GUARANTEED.. J 423 Bond Street Younce & Baker PLUMBERS TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. r 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Office. Phone Main 4061. TRANSFER COMPANY. , Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Leave Orders at Star Cigar Store. Phone Black 2383 Res. Phone Red 2276. ,, ,. . , r Stand Corner 11th" ani " Commercial OLD PAPERS. FOR SALE; PER hundred, 25 cents. At Astorian Office Smith'sSip I 'fear!' J OPEN Evening, 7 o'clock, MANAGEMENT t A 'H i- i : Theatre in the city J and up-to-date. 10 cents. Seats Free .fa If. I carry the best Lowers Shoes in town at the low est prices. My stock of men's and boy's shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. , Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GlfilRE 543:i3ond tree TRANSPORTATION. The "ft" Lint. PASSENGERS FREIGHT 1' J. Steamer - Lurfe Kiht Coat for Portland and Way Landings. ; Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dally Except Sunday at 7 a. j. ' ' Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Berth Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf - Landing Portland Foot Taylor St J.J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 278 Chinook and Ilwaco. The launch Hulda I. will leave on the tide every morning, Fridays, two round trips, for Chinook. Landing at Lurline dock for freight and passen gers every day with freight and pas sengers. ; CAPT. JOHN. HAAGBLOM. MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes of .EL t'fiEEi TEX GSXAT CHUTESS MCTC3 Who ; is known throughoutthe j United States on A account or nis won derful cures. No poisons or drug used.. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female complaint, and all chronic diseases. , i SUCCESSFUL HOMZ TE2ATSHTT. If you cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps.- . ? ir ths c czs wo saricxa ca. 1621 First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. mm iky