THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA. OIIEGON. THURSDAY, NOVKMltSR U, MB. TO FIEST COMPANY . ..... . . . . . . . . . . pm nag prfsfhtatiiin TJ UMRMRRI! THR. NAM I uuiuhu mvuiiiiu... JLm.JLAV M.Mm0 Jsv A A Mm JL A JsV. J-a H. C. FRY, CUT GLASS X There is none better. Have just received the new cuts. Come and inspect our line and compare prices. 1 A. V. ALLEN Sole Agent for II. C. Fry Cut Glass Phones 711, 3871, ;'!ft ' Branch U.T. 7 r BRILLIANT FUNCTION AT THE I ARMORY ENIOYED BY MANY LAST NIGHT. Hi talk wa an incentive to the boy who have taken, up the defense of the country that will hav a good effect. The drilling of the First Company wa 11 surprise to the onlooker who won rcali.ed that the member tiau made good use of their time since or ganisation in perfecting ihcmlve in the duties expected of them, ine refreshment served were a pleasant finale to an enjoyable evening. HI I COIOLEIICE 10 LOKE DErMQGRAT HOW THE GOOD PEOPLE OF MELVILLE ENJOYED AN ANTI-ELECTION EPISODE Apropos of the fact, reported in the Astorian's return from the fed eral election on Wednesday of last wl to arl Tohnson. . the lone Democrat of Melville precinct, and lis long and peculiar conspicuousness ninir held that distinction since lS92"i, it now developes that on Sat rrtaw evening last, the good people of that jolly neighborhood, instigated thereto bv Dan Ingalls, aided ant abetted by Miss Clark, the popular school mistress out there (daughter of Astoria's popular city superintend ent of schools, A. L. Clark), paid a Visit of. condolence to Mr. Johnson at his home. Each and every one lad a message of kindly commisera tion for him, and he received them all with endless good nature and the in vincible philosophy that marks the "dyed-int-he-wool" Democrat, assur ing them that having "held the fort" avad voted the lonesome ballot for the past 11 years, he was prepared to stand irrevocably by his party, reed and candidate until the heat en ergies of Hades were congeated to the solid and structural conditions of an iceberg, or words to that affect; " Wiereunon. the whole party, after .foe congratulation pnon his pluck and j The armory of the First Company wa the scene of a festive gathering 'last night, the occasion being the ' j presentation of the colors by the la- temerity, fell to dancing and other ;j;ts 0 lne Women's Relief Corps, social indulgences, and left the John- : t an tAry hour the hall was son home at 2 o clock Sunday morn- .rc,wdcd with those who were anx ing, convinced of Mr. Johnson's un-';ous t0 sc the boys receive the hon deniable hospitality and neighborly I n be conferred upon them and ness as well as of hi unimpeachable ' h exercise commenced the integrity as a 'first-water Democrat 'nth,,.:,. intense. v The program a published in the Astorian was carried out without 3 hitch. im.. v; u ,nA .;f. vtA f The band renuereu many m. Dement,' north half of the north half' Jir wtr lfl of SW. 14 of S. 25, T. R. 9 W.; appreciated. The solo of Capta n tin , .- Abercromme was, ss u., ..., lu- ... M..V. D. and H. Stephenson to Theron applauded, me uiee vu - i i i - l - . ih nntnrnm ami Grimes , vaiuaoie aujui iu i - REALTY TRANSFERS SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. The Rustic Cantata, Months and Set' sons to be Given by S27 Children of the Public Schools, H. Lmdsley, lot 3. block 6, Unmes . -" uj ....---.- Anne, to Ocean Grove; J230. -any look forward to tuture a p. Otto Nelson and wife to Frank H OI Shaw, lots 10 to 14. block 1; lot Z4,y vomnterea ncr - block 2; lot, 19 to 22, block 3, .11 in made an Instantaneous hit. Mis, Mc- Hill's addition to Ocean Grove; $600. ; v--nn 5 5,nKH1 . Martha Hall to Frank Melvin. E. 01 mucn ...,-..... w 1-2 of SE. 1-4 of S. 25, T. 5 N, R. 9t W presentation did not de w . $soo jtract from the fine reputation shetos C. H. Winders, trustee, to James made. i Firdayson. lots 31. 32 and 33, $ul-1 - One of the surpnse of the evening -r u.-u n ..... i. .1- ' was the appearance of Mr. Faarenen 1 34 and 35, subdivision of block 21, m violin solo. Mr. " tract 1. Olney's Astoria. Also lots master of the instrument and h I ....... . . . it ninht .it a revelation. It numoerea j in diock iiw, icviurj - . . t t i i Astoria. Also lots numbered 1. 2. 3.i to be hoped that he wJl be heard 4 and 5, block 17. Prospect Park ad dition to Astoria. Alo lots 11, 12, block 20, Columbia second addition to Astoria; $10. 5 James Finlayson to Charles J. Ber- nnn acain in OUT CltV. A. G. Ziegler rendered a fine bass ntn wkirh iii annreciated by the full audience who demanded an en core which he gracefully responded .. 4i i it t to: lieson lots ana , suimm-iuu i .. , rteasani jpmwi . wv, v.... by Tho.' Dealey and Uncle Charley Wright which were received by the new defenders as coming from those those who had fought before. The boys were particularly enthu siastic over the presentation speech of Chaplain W.' S. Gilbert who has block 21, tract 1, Olney's Asttyia. CASTOR I A For In&nta and Children, Bears the Signature of been on the firing speak as one who The most elaborate entertainment ever undertaken by the children '.f ih. Atorta school will be given in National Hall, near Clatsop mill, 13031 Franklin avenue, on Saturday night, November 14. For the past week over 300 children from the var iou public school of the city have been ennatted In preparing the beau tiful "Rustic Cantata, Month ami Season" and the large trating capa city of National Hall make it an ideal place to give such an entertain Vn nihrr hall in town ha room for such a large number on the stace at one time and probably thi is the largest chorus ever trained to sing together in Astoria. Mr. Martin E. Robinson who ha the training of the children in charge, is not a stranger to the musical peo ple of this place, a he ha given three operas or cantatas here with great success. He gave "Month and Seasons" as the opening attraction at the Ashland Chautauqua Assembly in July, and it wa said to be the best children's entertainment ever given in Ashland. "Month and Seasons" i an alle gorical representation of the year, be ginning with a chorus of greeting a the "New Year" appears on the stage, followed by a solo descriptive of the month of January then fol low February then a duet by th. two representative of those winter months followed by the winter ehorus and tableau. Each month and season is represented in the same manner and the tableaux are espec ialty interesting. The proceeds from the entertain ment goes to the public school and all who are interested in this institu tlon should not fail to attend nd the choru of over 300 fresh young voice it somchting to be long remember I with pleasure. j Admission will be 50 cent, but re , lerved scat may b had Saturday at j 9 a. m., at Whitman's, without extra j charge, ' i 1 r . - ... Raw Lungs iri.. Lin.,, irn tore and in- V llvll . ,". ----- . daiued, the germ U pueumoma and eonsumytion finds lodgment and mul tiply. Foley's Honey and lar kills the couch germ, cure it m - stinat racking cougn, ne i i....... .n.i n,.,nt .mom remit. The genuine i in h yellow pack age. T. F. Launn, uwi urug aior. Cheap Coal Kellev the Coal and Wood Dealer will deliver and place in your cellar a ton of the best coal for $7.00-ame coal for $6,00 at the yard. Phone Main ?191. Barn 15th and Duane. All kind of eordwood and hardwood inside fir and boxwood for le. NORTH SIDE NEWS UN..' rnwr-i It . ' ' - . ciitt uf U Htm www, Mm M wlwrlplkmi nd HkU$ n( rmU$. ILWACO CntAw'a liAnv anil Tr clears the air passages, stop the Irritation in the iniameJ mem branes, and the most obstinate cough diappears. Sore and iniiamea iung are healed and strengthened, and the cold is expelled from the ivstem. Re fine any but tne genuine in tin yi- low package. Drug Store. T. F. Laurin, Owl The Mornina Astorian contain all the local and Associated Press re ports. acts ?calyet prompt ly oatlo lxxvcls,cleanscs Ihe stcmcjfcctuQl assist ono in ovetwrnin Kalttual consUpaVton permanently. To get its beneficial ejjects buy the genuine. . CALIFORNIA SCUWttWIrCDIaSTa-MtKjnil lUrold Rivlmti'ion, returned re cently from Rainier, where he ha been spending month with his rela tives and in all probability lt ' remain here and work during the coming winter. L. A. LoomU and hi daughter. Florence, passed through llwaco the latter part of lt week, on tntir way home from Portland. Mr. K. A. Seabora of South Hend arrived lat Saturday for a vult with her mother and itcr, Mr. J. u Mi Dell Hunter. X(is Nell Williams and Mt E.lith Whitcomb went to Chinook Saturday, where they spent Sundiy visiting relative and friend, return inn home Monday morning. Geo. L. Colwell of Atoria wa a business viistor to llwaco, th fir1 of the week. Carl famous Venetian gla blow er, showed in llwaco last Friday and Saturday evening in a vacant business building on Main treet. Their performance were both well attended and enjoyed and each Indi vidual wa presented with a gl souvenir as a memento of their show. The piledriver belonging to the Co lumbia River Packer' Association ha been busily engaged thi week in driving the piling for the new city wharf. The work 1 moving alons very rapidly and the people are" anx iously looking forward to the time when there will be A boat on the run. between llwaco anu .tMor.a which will make a round trip daily. Sergeant Mix of Fort Columbia wa a visitor to llwaco. Sunday. Several llwacoitc took advantage of the beautiful weather Sunday to drive to Chinook returning home In the evening. Word was received Saturday that the entire Republican ticket in Pa cific county wa elected. This wa a surprise to a great many people here as all thought that G. 0. Hick. Democratic nominee for eommilon- er In the First District would win out against Geo. W. Brown, Republic! nominee, but ' when till the return wer In it wa found that Brown de feated Hick by JuM ten vote, This new mmnded pretty good to th majority of the llwaco voter. Mr. and Mrs. James Gold were In Chinook Sunday where they hm been living for some time pt and hlcli they now call ,lhclr homt they reside there the greater part of the time, The llwaco sawmill w shut down Tueday while repair were being made on me of the large bell. Fred Bullock of Bear River was In llwaco Sunday shaking hands with old friend and acquaintances. There it a good proposition await- ling iom energetic yomtg man In the town of llwaco. The llwaco will Lumber Co. have a complete electric light plan! and t some one to take hold of It and furnish lights n the town of llwaco and Ha eltixen. iThe plant 1 located at the mill anJ owner propose to give anyone that will take hold of It 75 per cent of the proceed, and the mill company' will furnlih fuel and all necessary ex penses toward keeping the plant In repair. There are many renldenre and buslne house in llwaco that have been wired and good rnsny more iliat will have the ligtui put la if the plant once more tartrd up, The mill company propose to put In new broiler and engine and put IM plant In first cla condition. Write to the llwaco Mill fit Lumber Co, ll waco, Wah , for full particular. Joienh 0, Gold left Satiitd.17 for Westport, thi state, where he will enler the Life-Saving Service, 1U ha for ome time been la lha aervke at Fort Canhy and a hort time agi asked for a transfer to the above named tation. The bet wUhet of hi many friend here go with him. ret Williamson returned Tnetday from a short vUit to Kelo, Wah,, where he has been making prepara tion to move his family in about week. Mr. I. II. Walker of the Willam ette Logging Co, of Salem. Or., wji a visitor In llwaco the tatter part ot the week. POn i LABU o mUo 1 bfeftU.llrUL MMJUIM LMfllJ WS IT Bull Run Water, Graded Streets, Cement Walks, Telephones, Electric Lights, Unexcelled Car Service and Building Restrictions. Invest vour money in property which is building up and get the benefit of improvements. $25,000 was offered for a piece of residence property 150x150 ft. on Lower Portland Heights about sixty days ago by a prominent banker and the offer was refused, yet the same property could have been bought four years ago f :r less than $4000, or about $850 per lot. Portland Heights durine the past three years has developed into the most exclusive residence aisuici m m uiy oi i-iuuu. i uc . inffcfoH in thro dicti-trr thiin m mree rimes ine area iu any uu.i Mauvi iv mm wiwywiy t.t a ri - . i.. J 4.ii Aii.i-t. tn In Uri f5mc tVt urea in anv more weaun anu mnucntc uucicaicu m uus wiauiwt- nwi .v ranges from 51.50 to 2.00 per square foot. This is your opportunity. Buy at Present Prices. LOT 1 0 Per Cent Down. oo. EASY TERMS. AN UP. $10.00 Per Month. mo. CO. PORTLAND OFFICE, 112 SIXTH STREET Mrs. N. A. Henderson, sales manager, and Mr. W. J. Adams will be in Astoria for a few days and can be found at 473 COMMERCIAL STREET UNTIL 7 P. Mr- Council 'Crest Park Joins Portland Heights and already sightly reidcnces cost--ing $5t) and upward have been erected on this beautiful tract. His tory will repeat itself at Council Crest Park which ha the name of more wealthy and influential business men connected with U a actual bona fide builder than any other tract" in the city. " -! ; Here Are a Few of them. C. M. Kemp, banker. J. M. Henley, capitalist. W. S. Bridges, banker. R. L. Donald, contracting engineer. F. Powersof Powers & Ete. C. E. Dcyctli, manager Marshall ' Well Hardware Co. Elwood Wiles, paving contractor. F. Lynn Talmcr, managetr Tacific Engineering Co. W, S. Turner, mngr. Harstow & Co. Wm. Cannon, manager credit depart-' V ment Meier & Frank. A. E. Eckha'rdt,' cashier Meier & Frank, Humphreys Millikin, civil engineer. K. S. Erwin, K. S. Irwin & Co. Ltd, 0. S, Brackctt, mngr. Comptograph r.Co; . ,' ' . : Edward C, Chatficid, ' capitalist, and many others. The names of these men means something to Council Crest Park. It means that these men will erect . handsome residences on this trait and that It will dcvclope Irtto" ihe ' choicest residence district in Fortland