The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 05, 1908, Image 5

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i I 1 1 !
i.Tht.btDrey.V Ladles
x for c ivr t,K , . I
j Women BSELuffl:Q"tfitt"s jj
I StoecialSale,
Jbaates suns, i
Beginning November 1st
lor one week.
20 per cent off.
t Secure one while this Die Reduction is on.
......i fttH I 1TAT11 ATI CTAJtA rviiTV'rv'y
XJIIi AlUili J"i AOiuiiiaiti, noiwuia.
" ""' 1 I" -m-rf j' rcifjifii-d were two no-
, , . i
tkr rf .11 Item. of l.wi, 9.d. hr WWH,,!. :t klo.1i of printing.
TA'inhTUrfgos'bar are on the
rampage at thi time "'' many
bar-bound eraft lurks on the land
ward aide of them trying to wait pa
tiently for the aunfljr and quiet break
that ahall make them pale. As
toria ia one of the refuge, just now,
ind ha quite a fleet in the lower
The Elmore fleet l tied 'up, in
port, here and at Tillamook. The
Sue II. Elmore! being at that port,
and the Evie and Gerald C, here.
TheCondor i also till in port,
awaiting a subsidence of, the bar,
here and at her port on the lower
The French bark David D'Angera,
Captain Guenen, 155 day from Lon
don, in cargo, and consigned to Bal
four, Guthrie & Company, was re
ported off the mouth of the river
yesterday at noon, and the will
make it in probably this morning.
t t (' V. '
, The Lurline got away in good sea
ion taut evening with plenty of
freiht and the following named
and ahape of our Gowns, Dresscj,
Waisti, Skirts, Kimonos, etc is pro
verbial among our customers.'. They
arc elegant in style trimming and
finish, and the prices make them ad
ditionally attractive, We have a large
and varied stock from which to se
lect, and the colorings are very har
monious. We respectfully invite our
lady friends to look over the season
able offerings we ate showing.
ft , -rtr, '
people: Lew Ouan, W. A. Brm, A. J.
Cr(?g, Mrs. R. I). Cleveland, II.
Holdcn and R, S. Sherwood.
The fine steamship Roanoke Is due
down from Portland early thia morn-
ini. Captain Dunham back on the
bridge, and will leave out from the
Callcndcr pier at 5:30 this morning,
for the California coast.
The French bark La Roehejacnc-
ilnc has arrived down oti the line
of the Harvest Queen and is in the
lower harbor, ready to go to aea and
F.urope as soon as the bar is amen
' " '
The Portland-Asiatic steamship
Nicomedia ii in the city channel
waitinar for condition! to "improve
down at the bar so ahe may proceed
afcly on her way to the Orient.
The steamer Alliance arrived to
from Coos Bay yesterday wiih good
business," and went on o Portland
after making her usual stop at the
Callcndcr dock in this port.
: The French ship Hncnncs and the
N'orwetsian ship Dahgill are both be
low, awaiting an opportunity to cross
nut nn flicir wilv to f.UTOpe WUH
their cargoes of grain. t
The aseamer Yosemite arrived
ifrdav and went to the
lower harbor, where ahe has good
company in her wait for a passable
The steamer Rainier was the only
craft that crossed in yesterday. She
comes from San Francisco and will
load lumber out from Prescott.
The Nchalem tug Geo. R, Vosburg
will leave out this morning for her
home waters if things are in shape
at the bar.
The British bark Lydgate went up
the river yesterday on the lines of
the Harvest Queen, for Portland.
The steamship Breakwater is due
down from Portland this morning
on her way out to Coos Bay.
Suits, Cloaka and Millinery.
. To Cure a Cold In One Day
TnhlM.' Dructrists refund money l
it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
linfihire is on each box. 25 cents.
: " DR. EMIL ENNA, Conductor. '
. Second Annual Music Festival.
Mucsday Evening, November 17.
Coiner Eleventh and Exchange Sts. -,
First Production of Scenes from Emil Enna's New Opera
- i -rr .9 9
"The Mountain rang
n , ,, Baritone
Musgroye Robar ..Concertmeister
Frank Eichcnlaub v,un-c
Mrs, T. J. Bushong 4
Miss Cliirina Rigers .
i ' Miss Reba Ilobson ' .
. Miss Laura McCann .......... i'.' .
I Miss Hattie Wise
I Miss Esther Sundnuist
a ' A Vinch "Soorano! Mrs, J, 1. Auen,
" Nellie Utzingcr, Contralto ' --
Miss Anna Campbell and Miss Louise Vtyte, Accompanists
Tickets and Reserved Seats at Whitman's Book Store
; ' ADMISSION .,.......$1.00
Mrs: Clarence Curry of Chinook
made a flying trip to .Nahcoltt the
firt if the week.
R. II. Herrold left Tuesday for Na
m, after hictiding a few days with
hiit family in llwaco.
Mr. Bert Sprague of Chinook was
visiting friends and relatives in ll
waco the !irt of the week.
Thoi. Greene, who has been engag
ed" 'in fishing on Bear River for W.
Vaughn for some time, returned the
first of the week. ...... . , - -
The llwaco Mill was closed Mon
day for, repairs and remained dosed
Tuscday, election day, but resumed
operations Wednesday.
Mir. and Mrs, George Ross, of this
city are the proud parents of a beau
tiful 14 pound baby girl, born on
Hallow'en flight October 31st. Both
mother and child are reported doing
nicely. , .
Edward Bcckcn and family who
have been living in Bear River for
the past month or two, moved into
town the latter part of last week and
will reside here for the remainder of
the winter.
Mrs. W. D. Taylor of Ocean Park
who ha been in very ror health
for a long time was taken to the
hospital at Chehalis. recently, and
every hope is expressed for an im
provement in her condition.
A grand, ball was given Tuesday
evenintr in the llwaco Opera House,
as was previously announced by pos
ters, where the returns of the elec
tion were also posted and owing to
this, fact quite a number were pre
sent. ,
Last Sunday the Cape Disappoint'
ment Life Saving crew was called to
the assistance of a fWherman who
started from Knappton to, Chinook,
and capsized. The crew had no
trouble in rescuing him but the net
nd boat was not picked up until the
following day.
Mr. and Mrs. Otbcrne Coulter, of
Oystcrville, arrived home , last week
from Portland, where ' Mr. Coulter
has been under medical , treatment
for some time. His condition is very
much improved and the prospects
arc that he will soon be as well as
ever i vu . i
Several hunters from llwaco, went
to Shoalwatcr bay, Sunday, but the
ducks and aeese proved very wild,
and, consequently, soom very cold,
wet and hungry hunters returned in
the evening, without a feather to
show for the strenuous day spent on
those bleak and lonely shores.
S. S. Slingerland, of Oysterville is
enjoying a visit from his sister, wno
makes her home in Portland,; Mr.
Slingerland who returned less than
a month ago from Berbera Africa, is
not in very good health at present,
but hopes to be able soon, to get
around and , visit his friends as he
has many interesting things to re-
ate about hi Africa trip. ,
Gus Anderson, who has been en
gaged in the shoe making business
for several months in this city, left
Monday for Portland, where he will
spend a short time, before - leaving
for Tillamook where he expects to
go into business if conditions look
satisfactory." Mr. Anderson will be
missed by his host of llwaco friends
and their best wishes went with him
for his success in this new locality.
The five teachers in the llwaco
Tublic School - returned Saturday
morniiiR from South Bend where they
ne nt last week attending teachers
institute, which Opened Monday ev
c-d were pot t-Jcertaincd, but un
doubtedly were hrgc, as the Opera
Tf ,-m ti-jrllA tn it full C20S1C-
Chas. Eckert, who for years has
been conductor on the passenger
train for the iTR. & N. Co. on their
line running to and from llwaco.
left the drst of the week for Salir.o,
Oregon, where he has accepted a
position with Dorsey B. Smith, for
merly superintendent for the O. R.
& N. Co. on the north ide of the
river. It will be a long time before
the people will be reconciled to se
ing a new man in the place where,
for years, theyhave been accustom
ed to see Mr. Eckert, and it isneed
less to say that his genial manner
both on and off duty will never be
forgotten by his old friends and ac-
Uiuaintanccs. His wife and daughter
will join him 'in the course of a cou
ple of weeks.
among' thoe rciriifnd were two no
A bid salmon order of a carload or
two, filed with C. Schmidt & Co., the
cold storage house about two months
ago, and which , was ordered for
warded to New Vork on telegraphic
table ones, worth mentioning, towit:
instructions at once; and the big
lumber order filed by the Quincy,
Illinois, people sometime , ago, for
filling in the event of Mr. Taft's
election, by the Hammond Lumber
Company, at Tongue Point, and
which was denied and ridiculed at
the time it was announced, in var
ious directions. And these. are but
meagre instances in tens of thou
sands of other orders made on the
same identical basis, all over the
If you want a good load of fir or
boxwood, or of coal, ring tip Kelly the
Good boushold and steam coal deliv
ered at J7.50.
Phone Main 2191, Barn, 12th & Duaoc
Hill Party' Schedule ?
Inuuirv made at the office of Gen
eral Agent Giles B. Johnson, of the
A. & C. Railway,' yesterday after
noon, elicited the information that
Mr, Hill's SRecial would leave Port
land today at 1 o'clock and arrive in
this city at or about 3 30 o'clock p.
m, i-uriner tnan tms wr. jonnson
had had no definite instructions in
the matter.
A Good Show ,
"Ma's New Husband" at the As
toria Theatre,, last night, drew a
cood house and the audience was
nleased with the presentation. The
r -
different characters were well por
traved and while there was no plot
of any extent there was sufficient to
tie the" different parts together in
such a shape, as to entertain the au
dience until the final ring down of
the curtain, , 4
Pacific County Returns ' J
The Astorian learns from reliable
sources, that. , the Republican county
ticket in Pacific county, Washington,
ha been elected entirely, with hand
some majorities with the possible
exceptions of "the sheriff and one
commissioner. The federal returns
indicate at Chinook, Taft, 120; Bry
an, 20; and the balnce of the county
ticket ranging from 105 Republican
to 18 and 20 Democratic, all
through. -. . ' i
Special Drive for s She:
extra' standard tag:
15 cents the
Acme Grocery Co
When A. E. Petersen built and
named the "Modern" barber shop, he
meant that ft should stand for what
it waa called. No patron baa missed
a single feature of the modern toa-
sorial parlor at that house; and every
new device in the way of perfect
comfort and service Is constantly add
ed as it develops. The latest is an
expert bootblack, the best in the
business; a qualification that makes
his employment really dern.
I November, Bargains.
The Palace Kestaaranc
An if ohase of hunger can be daintily
gratified at any hour of the day or
niitht at the Palace Restaurant The
kitchen and dining room service are
of the positive best. Private dining
looms for ladies. One call inspires
regular custom, Try it Commerci-"'
street oooosite Page building.
The very best board to be obtained
in the city is at The Occident
Hotel" ' Rates very reasonable.
. Tha C!en Man.
The man who delights in personal
cleanliness, and enlovs nis shave.
shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As
toria, alwars roes to the Occident
barber shop for these things and
gets them at their best
Try our own mixture of coffee the
T. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mai"
He Celebrated
One well known citizen celebrated
the election of Mr.,Taft last night by
procuring big bass drum, hiring
eight small boys to follow htm about
the streets carrying torches, and then
proceeded - to lead his procession
about the principal; streets. He sol
emnly but vigorously pounded bis
big drum until -one side was broken,
but that did not stop the music The
procession attracted much attention
and created a lot of good natured
merriment. '
Closed Year's Business
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Alaska Fishermen s
Packinor Company, of this city, held
their annual meeting yesterday after
noon, in the Bond street offices of
the company, and the old board of
directors was re-elected; after which
the board of directors proceeded to
elect W. F. McGregor as president
for the ensuing year, and E P.
Noonan, as secretary. The company
finds its affairs in excellent and sat
isfactory condition in all depart
ments of its wide interests.
. .'. Soprano
.; Alto
, . .Violinist
Alto; Miss
ening,' October 20, in the Odd Fel
lows Hall. There were about 70
teachers in attendance, and tfte many
inspiring talks and addresses were
highly, appreciated, they will also,
help to bring the schools up to a
higher standard , of excellence.
An unknown ' man, was washed
ashore Monday morning on the ll
waco beach, between the Yellow
Bluff and the Combine dock. There
was nothing about his person to lead
to his identification, so he was buried
Monday afternoon, in the llwaco
rcmctarv bv the town. It is most
probable that he was drowned' in
the upper Columbia, because, if he
had been drowned out at sea, it is
nlmnst imnossible for his body, to
have washed in- where it did.
The olav entitled "The Haunted
House," given on Hallow'en even
ing by the ladies of the Presbyter
ian Church, was a success in every
wav. and more than came up' to the
expectations of the most critical. The
young people-who rendered their as
sistance as well as the older ones,
are to be highly commended for the
ability displayed in the way they ac
ted and recited their parts. The pro
Election Fun
Tuesday night some good friend
of Hon. John H. Smith's, strung one
of Corbett's quarter-sheet posters,
announcing a reward of $10,000 for
thfi discovery of John Smith, and de
claring .him to be lost, on the door
nf the Senator's home at bixteenrn
lanrt Trvincr avenue; and in the early
hours of yesterday it caused a lot' of
(jpniiine fun at the expense of the
good natured publicist; but he took
it as he takes everything, and later
in n, ,ia v admitted that he went
home orettv blamed early on Tue
w . .
ilav eveninsr as there was not much on
interest to keep him down towit, any
way." It is said that a brother-attorney,
who shall be nameless, but
who is of tall, dark, and dignified
habit, had more or less to. do with
the perpetration of the seasonable
acts gently yet prompt
ly onthe bowels, cleanses
he system ejjectuall
assists one in overcomir
hnhifiin cnnsunolion
permanently. To get its
beneficial effects buy
tue genuine.
Harm jactured by the
Jg Syrup Co.
Holding-Orders Released
Yesterday there was a general
loosening up on the holding-orders
that had ben heretofore filed, with
certain of the large manufacturing
.-rm.-.i-nm this citv. for the issue of
ft PrAAiflontial camoaitrn, ana
PHCN m it'A
Jbtv5 .A
'0 '
Once in a -5.;le a tva: r.?t ir.or
land than ha c?.u liam::e - IjilI ht'd
be glad to evh;ine, b:u d'xs-t
know how or whm I'r
we can help you out if yeu're in :-.5
fix at any rate at won't co-,t you a-j
thing to find ot by cslV.nj h-re. A1
sorts of real esfrite proposition t Ais
care of here buying, e!Un:r, rcnt.'.-g.
about i'. 424 Coromcrcis.1 stre-.l,
12 Bore, Double Barrel, Hammcrlcsa
Shotgun $17.50.
As good a shot gun as any $50 gun,
A Lady's Solid Gold Watch, 17 Jewel
Case Diamond Set C32.
All other goods at eastern catalogue prices.
Tungsten Electric Lamp
Greatest advance in lighting methods since the invcftlica of Incaadescent
..... lamps. '
32 C. P. Ordinary electric lamp "consumes 113 watta per hoar
32 CP. "Tungsten electric lamp consumes . : 43 watta per bo -Jt
Saving 70 watta Fer tour
By using "Tungsten" lamps yoa can get 275 per cent inert j:e in libt Ut
the same cost or in other words can h ave the same quantity of i" jmiiu'J;;
for 35 per cent of the cost of lightjn g with ordinary electric lair.;.
The Astoria .Electric Co
Adventures of Chas. Edwards
Avenger ;
Binding of the Strong
Ghost of Chance.
Holy Orders
Fly on the Wheel
Half-Way House
Leaven of Love
Lewis Rond
Lure of the Mask
Man From Broadneys
Iron Heel
Prima Donna
Silver Blode
My Lady of ClaVe
Little Brown Jug of Kildare
One and Two
Spanish Jade
Younger Set ,
Diomna Mallory
Aunt Maud
Great Miss Dryis
Dutchess of Dreams
Stuff of Man -
Call of South
Dukes Motte
Reduction sale of
lair Switches
;& . - ..."
; Motions' .
for fifteen days.
S1.25 Ktl).?KsK:ffi?:
fc 1 K
i K. '
Opposite Budget Office.
Commercial St.
....FOB A .... .
-)GO TO(-
& mtm M k mm 1 1 .1
s I
iiyiiyiii u;,-d u
Parlors Second Floor Over Scho'i!l A 1" .-.-,t Co.
3 .
John Fox, Pres. F. L. Bishop, Sec. . 1 if '. i r-x , Ti
Nelson Troyer, Vice-Pres. an ! i .-; t.
7 f1
Canning Macliinery, L?ari::e L. ' ;
Correspondenoe Solicited. - '. ; . . .
1 fjr.'l...