3 U - . . M, Bring . i THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Column, of THE MORNING ASTORIAN m con mltr morning by hundred, of persons in March of ml tsts ArSclc. el sk let or -f" ' tfcyment Rates: Twenty word, or lets, .tbm times, 25 cent.. six timM, SO cent.; one month, $2.00. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN hotel Enquire t Bay View Hotel '.. BOYS WANTED TO CARRY PA Annlv Circulation Depart Office. 9-17-tf J. F. NOWLEN. REAL ESTATE sni Employment Office, 473 Com mercial St, Phone ... Have, fine 1st of Astoria and country property. . . . t j ." AH csases of labor xurnisneu. ? A NT ED LADIES AND MEN I to wear our tailor-made clothe.; ferfection in fit and workmanship - maranteed. Osborne Tailoring Co. 10-4-lm i WANTEDA BOY TO WUKN iH printing office. Apply Astorian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ' GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework in family of two. Ad 'iress "C" Astorian office. m WANTED A YOUNG OR MID- die age woman' to do light house- " work and act as companion to elderly bdy; good country home and , fair 1 wages. Apply Mrs. G F. Willcutt, ; Lewis & Clark, Astoria. ''" FOR RENT ROOMS. TOR RENT-NICE SUNNY FUR 1 sashed room; hot and cold water, electric light and bath. "450 Exchange trt, corner Tenth. t FOR RENT THREE FURNISH ; ed rooms for housekeeping, on ground floor; pleasant and central 'inquire at store, 472 Commercial ". street kaaajaeaiaaje(l4seM COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FORSALE-157! ACRES LAND. ' section 4, township 5,- fBgefion Ke&alem River, two and , one-half mSiosi feet of timber, 35 acres cul thated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, I 473 Commercial street 10-4-tf FOR SALE-TIMBER CLAIM, 160 acres; NS. 1-4, S. 24, T. 5 R. 7 W, Grand Rapids; 3,000,000 feet green timber; 1,000,000 feet dead tim ber; price $3000. J. F. Nowleni 473 Commercial street - 10-4-tf SMITH'S POINT 1 HOTEL, 3 story: cost $2000 to build; 3 lots, cost $1500; brick foundation; cement walks all round; yard filled ; with fruit and ornamental trees; 5 good milk cows, 2 heifers; price, $3500; half cash; half time. J. F. NOWLEN, 473 Commercial St. Astoria, Or. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-THURSDAY, ' A LADIES' black elastic belt with silver buckle. Return to City Lumber & Box Co. and receive reward. m. FOR SALE MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 volts; one al most new Fairbanks-Morse 6 h. p. slow speed; one T. H. 2 h. p.; one General Electric I h. p.; one 30-Jight WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY A DOZEN ,lr.r.. ":r secona-nana uic returns, muai us id-hand disc reo cheap. Apply Astorian LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO VOTERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the registration books of the city of Astoria for the primary nomi nating election, to be held on the 9th day of November, 1908, will be closed on Thursday" the 5th day of November at 4 o'clock p. m., in ac cordance with ordinance number 3669. The books will be kept open for the registration of electors be tween the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock B. m. on Wednesday, November 4th. . OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge. DYERS AND CLEANERS. PARISIAN. ..STEAM CLEANING & Dye Works; goods called for and delivered; ladies' work a spec ialty. 75 Ninth street, Phone Black 2185: -10-11-261 , ., . ,., . - - n ... "" " 1,1 1 " "Tr;isXTtT"M"T"jy ". wifsr'tTr'!?! - . . MEETING NOTICE. : BOARD AND ROOMS. FOR FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND rooms, apply to J. E. Kuivala, 87 W ttnnd street RESTAURANTS. U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BOND street Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cent.; first-class meals, IS cent. TOKIO RESTAURANT, JSl Bond .treet, opposite Ross, Higgin. & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cent.; first-lass meal.; regular meal. IS cent, and up. ' , ..' Oyster. Bay Center Oyster House, 420 Bond street Oyster, wholesale and retail. George Saunders Prop. 9-27-tf STENOGRAPHER. CARL KNUTSEN, STENOGRA- oher. tvoewriter, bookkeeping, col lections, notary public 428 Commer cial street, with J. A. Eakin. a i STENOGRAPHY - EXPERIENC- ed stenographer would like to call mornings for dictation, returning same when complete; terms reason able. Address X, Astorian office. HOUSE MOVERS. FREDRJCKSON BROS.-We nuke a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. CITY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two loU, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 room, up .tairs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial 10-4-tf FOR SALE ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street; coxy corner; sa loon fixtures; 7 furnished rooms; price, $8500. J. F. Nowlen, 473 ComtnerrciaL 10-4-tf BATH HOUSES. BATHS TURKISH AND RUS sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with nerfect success. 10-25-tf r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GUSTAF A. HEMPLE Attorney-af Law Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets CHARLES ABERCROMBIE, AT- torney at Law, City Attorney. Offices: City Hall. JOHN C. McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M. BROWNELL, AT- torney at Law, Deputy District Attorney. 420 Commercial Street. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ponsu dairy cows. i , . - quire at uicnwuuu .ji.ai.ivii, vi yws.- ce address Warrentoh, Herbert & Poole. 9-17-tf LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS - ALL kinds made by The J. S. Dellinger Company. MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office. wanted miscellaneous. wanted"- we VaYThghest cash price for second-hand and new furniture; see us before you .ell. Zapf Furniture & Hdw. Co. 10-9-26t WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE; weight about 12S0 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. 6-9-tf. OSTEOPATHS. DRRHODA C. HICKS.OSTEO path. Office: Mansell Bldg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street. Your Want Advertisements TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE A. A. A. A. will be held at the Court House, County Court rooms, Thursday, November 5, 1908, at 7:30 p. m. At this meeting the by-lav. of the Association will be adopted and other important business tran sacted. Be sure and be present By order of Board of Directors, G. C. Fulton, president Attest: J. M. S. Hawthorne, secretary. hbi DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C. LOGAN, DENTIST, Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. LAUNDRIES. WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt , TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991' - MISCELLANEOUS. .11 JAPANESE GOODS Fancy Tea Sets and Fine! China Ware of all kinds. Bamboo Furniture made right here and warranted. , WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Ator Street) Room, for rent by the day, week, or month. Bes rate, in town. P. A. PETERSON. Prop. mrcESTAXxsa. J. A. GILBAUGII & CO., Undertakers aM Erubalmers. Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. CaII Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton B&g. 12th and Duane 8U ASTOKIA. ORE.UON Phone Main 21 11 , PLUMBERS. IJ.11H1 PLUMPER Beating Contractor, Tinner -AND- Sheet Iron Worker UL WORK GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street Younce & Baker PLUMBERS TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Office. Phone Main 4061. MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks, Clock Shelves Just in See us Hildebrand & Got Old Bee Hive Bldg. JUSTNESS DIRECTORY. TRANSFER COMPANY. Smith's Special Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Leave Orders at Star Cigar Store. Phone Black 2383 Res. Phone Red 227& Stand Corner 11th an Commercial I IIL ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS ""1 I. I carry the best Lowers Shoes in town at the low est prices. My stock of men's and boy's shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GIMRE 548 Bond Stree TRANSPORTATION. PASSENGERS FREIGHT 'TwV lis,. , i A a Steamer Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leave. Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p.m. Leaves Portland Da3y Except Sunday at 7 a. A Quick Service Excellent Meal. Good Berths Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor St J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 270 MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes of I g- EE! i TEI GREAT CEmXSt DOCT01 Who is known 'v throughout the lift TTn!4 Ctot. nn 1 ... . .'X account oi nil won derful cures. No poisons or drug, used. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness! stomach, liver and kidney, female complaint., and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME , TREATM1KT. If you cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. TEE C. GIE WO MEDICI1TE CO. 1621 First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. mmmm ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS QUAINT JAPANESE SPECIALTIES i'iilrr-ll KYorcrraiM-flnlir 2 feut high vi-nmliln AntlqultM-tiny u nirnniiinl MEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED Mnil urdorawlll rmslvopalnataklnR attention Wm Import direct from thm Orient Hnd Hunulv Kastrn dnlnra. Ynnr nrilar will be flilixl from ont latpt oon.lKiininiit. ju.t In Our Kiirt Will Muke your HvlwtluiM and will ohcMiM DlanU of th bMt hablu to uit lour aou and exposure and conform with your lann.cape icname. Htate your neei. ruiijr and oloarly. and h will Mlftct in vour lntormt write fur our JMKW (MTAMjiiUM no.Kn rorUmnd, Orefon Spokane, Waah. Sick Headache. This distressing disease results from a a disordered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at Frank Hart and leading druggists, and try it 10 j LOVELY III iD l ALLS PE CHICAGO HAS A LIVELY DEAL WITH AN ADROIT CHECK MANIPULATOR. YIELDS PLUNDER AND FREED Doe. a Clever "Baby Act" to Hoodwink a Detective and Suc ceed. Admirably She Cams From Denver. f CHICAGO, Nov. 2.-Wkh $20,000 bonds which she had obtained from the firm of Dabcock, Rushton & Lou derback, bond dealers in the Rook ery building, a woman known as Alice Cheney Brown was arrested last night at the Union Depot and made to return the securities. She had a ticket for Denver and was aboard the train waiting for its departure when Detective Frank Repclto found her preparing to retire for the night, Repclto's instructions from the bro kers were not to detain the woman if she restored the $20,000 worth of bonds. This she readily assented to and she took them from a handbag on the scat beside' her. The woman also passed a worth less check for $63 on the manage ment of the Congress Hotel Com pany. The detective who is employed by the Hotel Company, had this sole score to settle with the woman. She made good the amount of the check and was allowed to go her way. The method by which the woman obtained the bonds was by passing a worthless check on the brokers for $19,720. Soon after the transaction Orville E. Babcock, one of the firm, became suspicious of the genuine ness of the check and telegraphed to the Farmers Loan & Trut Company of New York, on which bank it was drawn. An answer was received that the woman purporting to be Alice Cheney Brown had no account with the Farmers Loan & Trust. It was known to the brokerage firm that Mrs. Brown was staying at the Annex, and a messenger was, sent there to find her. At the hotel it was learned that the woman had paid her bill and left She had paid with a check on the Farmers Loan & Trust Company and had ordered a carriage to take her to the LaSalle Station. Manager Southgatc of the Annex examined the check passed on the hotel and inasmuch as the check on the brokerage firm was worthless, he declared that the smaller one was worthless also. Detective Repclto secured a de scription and with Mr. Babcock, went to the municipal court where a war rant was sworn out charging the wo man with operating a confidence game. A cabman, who drove the woman from the Annex, was found and he said she had discharged him at the LaSalle Street station. He learned that a woman answering the descrip tion of Mrs. Brown had engaged an other cabman and that he drove her to the Northwstcrn depot. After dis charging the second cabman she hired a third vehicle and was driven to the Union Depot. In the baggage room it was dis covered that the woman had check ed a suitcase to Denver, presenting her railroad ticket at the time. The Burlington train for Denver did not leave Chicago until 11:30 o'clock and Repelto waited in the depot until shortly before the time of its de parture. Hpw the woman got past him and aboard the train without be ing seen is a mystery to the detec tive. When questioned on that point by Repclto she looked out of the car window and laughed. At first she pleaded for leniency, asking that she be permitted to pay the hotel bill and continue on her trip to Denver. The detective agreed to accept the $63 for the hotel bill and she paid him in cash. Then she turned over the bonds, When she did so she told him she had planned " to obtain the bonds which she had hoped to sell in Denver so she could get funds with which to aid a bro ther who is under arrest in the East for some offense. . WttSSl, The securities were later turned over to Mr, Babcock who was wait ing for Repelto at the Auditorium Annex. Mr. Babcock said the firm would make no effort to prosecute Mrs. Brown. The bonds were 20 In number of ($1000 each, They are first mortgage, i five percent bonds of the Madison River Power Company, Mrs. Brown went lo the Annex last Thursdaq. She registered a. "Mn. E. Frank Brown, New York." The day following her arrival she called in Babcock, Rushton Lou derback with letters, ' presumably forged, purporting to be from a New York broker, Negotiations were be gun for the purchase of the bonds, but the deal was not closed yester day. , It w.i learned after the Denver train had departed that Mrs. Brown got through the station past Mr. Re pclto by a clever ruse. Outside the station she saw a tired woman hold ing a baby and engaged her in con versation, Without arousing the wo man's suspicious she Induced her to let Mr.. Brown hold her baby and then accompany the child and its new friend to the train. In passing through the depot Mrs. Brown was seemingly intent on the child and as she was not supposed to have a baby passed unniticed. 300 SECONDS OR FIVE MINUTES LATER ALL INDIGESTION GOES. Don't Spend Another Miserable Hour With Stomach Trouble When Certain Relief is so Handy Dia pepsln Digest. All Food, and Stop. Fermentation. Miserable Is the man or woman who suffer, from dread . Indigestion or Dyspepsia. There are few dis ease, which create such misery, long 'drawn-out suffering, at Indigestion. It pursues them before meals, after meals and between meals; they take it to bed with them. It is with them wherever they go, though Indiges tion is the simplest disease of all to cure. Tell such afflicted ones, dear read er, of Pape'. Diapepsin; urge the sufferer to go to any Pharmacy here and give 50 cents for a case. Such a sufferer would ever bless you, be cause five minutes after taking there would be no more Indigestion, no feeling like a lump of lead in the Stomach, or Heartburn, or fullness and discomfort, no Belching of Ga. or Eructations of Sour food, Debili tating Headache, Nausea, Water I Brash and other symptoms of a sour, disordered stomach. I Pape's Diapepsin will digest any thing you cr.t without the aid of the I Stomach. Diapepsin is a wonderful Stomach purifier and splendid to keep the in testines clean and fresh then your food will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. r: . . ...mi . . i. . . , uiujjcpsni win rcsi me siomacn and increase the gastric juices th is what is mostly needed more and better digestive juicies and no Ga. then Indigestion and all stomach trouble will go. Each 50-cent case contains suffic ient to usually thoroughly cure the most chronic dyspeptic. What Would You Do? In case of a burn or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such injuries are liable to occur in any. family and everyone should be prepared for them, Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a very severe one, will cause the parts to heal without leaving a scar. For sale by Frank -Hart and leading druggists. Five Minutes saved at meal time may mean ., a bad case of indigestion before ' bed time. Cure it quickly with ' a dose or two of eeclimntt Sold Ererywhw. tn bot 10c and 23a.