THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1903. Votir Want Advert 1 zements TWENTY WORDS 01! LESS, ONE WEEK PIPTY CENTS Tim 'MORNING ASTOEIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. rW - TTV" 0 (Thai' i) rl 'v THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Column. i.THE MOENINO ASTOKfAN w aulted every morning by hundreds f persons to search of ml estate Snl Articles of sale, lost or found end people looking Jot m XYt . bLi Twenty word, or ls .three tunes, 25 cent.; six times, 50 cents; on month, K0. .. ', '.,-'' HELP W ANTEI M ALE. VV ANTED GIRL TO rhotel. Enquire at riotei. - l: WORK IN Bay View EOY WANTED-A GOOD OPEN ing for an energetic boy under 14; chance to learn business methods; short hours and good pay; need'not interfere with other duties; work in spare moments all winter, O. W. Whitman, 502 Commercial street. BOYS WANTED TO CARRY PA Toers. Anoly Circulation Depart ment, Astorian Office. 9-17-tf J. F. NOWLEN. REAL ESTATE and Employment Office, 473 Com mercial St, Phone . Have fine Est of Astoria and country property; Alt clases of Tabor furnished. WANTED LADIES AND MEN to wear our tailor-made clothes; perfection in fit and workmanship guaranteed. Osborne Tailoring Co, ia-4-lm MESSENGER BOYS WANTED ; Apply Western Union Telegraph oSce. " :"' ! WANTEDA BOY TO WORK IN ,' printing- office.. Apply Astorian FOR RENT ROOMS. . J FOR RENT-FOUR 'FURNISHED ' - fcMtwkemmir rooms. - JW isinia vi"- -x 0 -, . . street ' .,-.. " - FOR RENT-NICE SUNNY FUR ftftf and vcold water. UiAUU a vve v . electric' light and bath. 450 Exchange Street, corner Tenth. Mill FURNISHED , HOUSEKEEPING . roomS two sets; alt front rooms. Apply 458 Commercial. , v WANTED A PLACE BY A SWE dish girl to 'do" light housework. Inquire 374 Alameda we,. Union town. .;.;...'; ' COUrTTRY REAL ESTATE. ' FOR SALE 1571 ACRES LAND, section 4, township 5, range 6, on Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street 10-4-tf FOR SALE TIMBER CLAIM, 160 .acres; NS. 1-4, S. 24, T. 5 N, R. 7 W, Grand Rapids; 3,000,000 feet green timber; 1,000,000 feet dead tim ber; price $3000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street. , . 10-4-tf SMITH'S POINT 1 HOTEL, 3 : story; cost $2000 to build; 3 lots, cost $1500; brick foundation; cement walks all round; yard filled with fruit and ornamental trees; 5 good milk cows, 2 heifers; price, $3500; half cash; half time. . J. F. NOWLEN, 473 Commercial St . Astoria, Or. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-WE PAY HIGHEST cash price for second-hand and new furniture: see us before " you sell Zapf Furniture & Hdw. Co. 10-9-26t WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE; weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. " 6-9-tt BATH HOUSES. BATHS-TURKISH AND RUS sian, at the natatorium of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute cleanliness; private rooms; separate service foe, ladies; rheuma tism and skin 'diseases treated with perfect success. " 10-25-tf FOR SALE: MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-12 DAIRY COWsTln quire at Glenwood Station, or post office . address . Warrenton, Herbert & Poole. 9-17-tf LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS -ALL kinds made by The J. S. Delliriger Comoany. . - FOR SALE $45 - DISC COLUM-. bia Graphophone; practically new, with 70 records; will sell the entire outfit for $50; a real bargain.; Ap ply 341 Alameda. i MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office. RESTAURANTS, DO YOU LIKE HOME COOK ing? If so, try the Golden Gate Restaurant 112 Eleventh street, Phone M. 2791. We make a specially of preparing suppers for lodge ban quets or private parties, and also send out meals. ). 10-4-tf U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BUNU street. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 0 cents; first-class meats, cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Htggins & Co. Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents and up. . .... Oysters. . ; - Bay Center ' Oyster. ; House, . 420 Bond street. Oysters wholesale and retail. George Saunders, Prop. 9-27-tf FOR SALE MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 volts; one al most new Fairbanks-Morse '6 h. p. slow speed; one T. H. 2 h. p.; one General Electric 1 h. p.; one" 30-light "WANTED TO BUY7 WANTED TO BU Y A GASO- line fishing boat. . Apply at Occi dent Hotel, Mf; E. Saen. m :r7'rrSTEN0GRAPHER.-J':!""r;; STENOGRAPHY - EXPERIENC- ed Stenographer would like W call mornings f or . tuctauon rerurntng same when complete; terms reason able. Address VX.; Astorian office. .PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTER master Department of the Colum bia, Vancouver Barracks, wasning ton, October 29, 1908. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received at the office of the Post' Quartermas- - . . ! i ter, Fort Mevens, wregon, .unm . o'clock p. ra., November 27,. 1908, and then publicly opened for the supply ing and installing one new "Mosher," or equal, water tube boiler in Quar termaster Steamer "Major Guy How ard." Full information can be ob tained at the Quartermaster's Office, Fort Stevens, Oregon. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals hould be marked "Proposals for Boiler," and addressed to the Quar termaster, Fort btevens, Uregon. DYERS AND CLEANERS. PARISIAN STEAM CLEANING & Dye Works; goods called for and delivered; ladies' work a spec ialty. 75 Ninth street, Phone Black 2185. ' 10-ll-26t HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS. We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention fo all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. ' CITY REAL E3TATE. FOR SALE-BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Grlbler, corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms up stairs; 1 hall 40xlOU. J. M, wowien. 473 Commercial. . r .. ... , 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street: cozy corner; sa- loon fixtures; price, $3300. Comrnerrcial. 7 furnished rooms; J. F. Nowlen, 473 10-4-tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GUSTAF A. HEMPLE Attorney-at-Law , Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets CHARLES ABERCROMBIE, AT torney at Law, City ; Attorney. Offices: City Hall, . . ' . JOHN C. McCUE, ATTORNEY AT . Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD, M. PRPWNELl7aT tornev at Law. Deputy District j Attorney. 420 Commercial Street OSTEOPATlia DR. RHODA C. HICKS, OSTEO path. " Office: Manscll Blrfg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street. DENTISTS DR. F. yAUGHAN, ; DENTIST, Pythian, Astona, Oregon. DR. W. C . LpGAN, DENTIST, Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. . , .j. ,. i, ...J -a BUSINESS DIRECJTOBY.; TRANSFER COMPANY. Smith's Sp 2tldl Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE I Leave Orders at Star Cigar Stow ' . Phons Black 2383 .j, Res. Phone Red 227& ' Stand Corner 11th aa Commercial i LAUNDRIES. WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 MISCELLANEOUS. it JAPANESE GOODS7 Fancy Tea Sets and Fine Vrmna -vy are oi au Kinus. , ,. ( bamboo., Furniture ; made right here and warranted. "I .'PLUM2SRS. PLUrMlt Beating Contractor, Tinner -and- ' - Sheet troa Worker -; ILL WORK GUARANTEED -425 Bond Street : Youncc & PLUMBERS : TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Office. Phone Main 4061. : WINES ANp LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall) (320 Astor Street) Rooms for rent by the' day, week, or month. Bes rates in town. P. A. PETERSON. Prop. TRANSPORTATION. The KM Line PASSENGERS 'FREIGHT - ' ' - ' Steamer - Lurline Nidht Eoat for Portland and ! oil uuai lUi I VI UttUU HUU ! Landings. , Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday ; at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dally Except Sunday Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Berths Landing Astoria Plavel Wharf f Landing Portland Foot Taylor Et J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 278 limilif , i I i K f j Cft the bcst Lorforji SheQ ia town at the low est prices. . , ; ', - , ' ',' My stock of men's and boy's t , n -A fnr nivl Hty. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell tbe best qualities at lowest price's. S. A. GIAIRE 5i:) Bond Strep J. A. OILIIAUUII & CO., Undcrtakors ar'l I'inlnlaiern. Eiporleiiood Lady Assistant ! . when Desire!. "... ICatls Promptly Attended Day ! , . ''." .or Nlfflit , . Tatton lUg. 12ttiaud Duane SU A8TOHIA. OUIUJON ! Phone Main 21 it HOTELS. Ten Good Reasons Why You Should Stop at. ........ . . lThe Cornelius" The Best in Portland Situated in the center of the shop 'ping district '," One block from the clanging street cars. - 1 f'.' Not; so expensive as some other ho- : telt,,,,--, ..; i,:. sv Sixty rooms . with private bath. " Long distance and local tele 'phonds tit' evefy room.' : Writin desk In every room. Carpeted throughout with the best 'velvet carpets, ' The rooms are furnished In solid mahogany. Every room contains a heavy solid Simmons brass bed on which is a 40 or 50 pound hair mattress. The furnishings and general ap pearance of .the i public rooms ., ..must be seen to be appreciated. "The Cornelius" Park and Alder Streets Portland's newest and most modern equipped hotel, solicits your patron age and assures you good service und courteous treatment. An excep tional hotel for families who come to Portland shopping and sight-see ing. - When next in Portland give us a chance to make you look pleased. THE. CORNELIUS Free Bus meets all trains. Europlan. - . C W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. N. K. CLARKE. Manager. MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes of ,t " i THE GREAT CHIXESE DOCT0I Who is known throughout the i.r -, United States on 'JjJt account of his won- it iii derful cures, No poisons or drugs tictH TT friiar9nt rt turm .atafrK ; asthma, lung and throat trouble, j rheumatism, nervousness, , stomach, i liver and kidney, female complaints, and all chronic diseases. ; SUCCESSFUL. HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symp- itoms blank and circular, Inclosing 4 'cents in stamps. j THE C. GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1621 First St.. Corner Morrison please mention the Astorian. i " MISCELLANEOUS. pate RacW Wall Poctcts, .Justin See us "; llildebratid k Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. OLD PAPERS FOR" SALE; PER hundred, 25 cents. At Astoiian Office r I - I Bryan 'Judged by Democrats.' Inasmuch us Mr"." Bvynn to Importun ing the Democrata who revoltd agalatt Lis ciindUhicy hi IW and In 1000 to rctvirn to the party fild and vote for htm tills year, Jt Is Interesting to rwall how coutmnptuouiity he cast tliem out twelve years uiio. A fow reforcni'es will milllee, la bts pw-h at Knowles- vU)v N. Si, Au. 28, m be said: (urae-snd curable with great ase. "They U us that etrtaln promlnnt Rclults of the last two years imll nnanoLrs are aolna to Uave the cate nchislveiy ,hat baby's itch, lit- 35K?'3r?S!iS ' fx? - -"; M"l tnu eeurt t an ordf to prevent cnes of children can be very simply their going. The Otmooratle party has cured by the application of a com been wtlnhtd down by those who wan pound composed of oil of winter to ut the party organisation for prt- green, thymol and glycerine. 8 In veto gain and tholr eountry for publlo p D D) Prescription. ' plundor." " , Xb Rev. Lewis Stceley, of Weath- Slieaklng tu Columbus, O., Sept 1, . pt- writ:'"' 1 Mf- remarked: ' ; , "My boy, Hu!e ace w 0 -Of course wo (the D.mooratlo party) drf ft(lfully coverC(i with eCxf ma that 1 a sot of m.n o earth I would rather nearly all the time. After using U Ids than thoto we have lost All the bottles of D, D. p. Prescription we people we have lost have be people ore so happy to'tclt you he U entire- who eallod thtms.lvis 'big poopU.'," jy curC(j 8),4 t,e disease has never The sumo sentiment appears In the broken out again. If this letter Is in following extract from Mr. Bryan's my wav a -ttel( to other sufferers, spieeu In Knoxvllle, Tetui., Bi'pt, 10, y0M n,fty publish It," , ; . 1890:'. ' l If you have a child which Is suffer , "If thore is any one who boiitves the gold standard is good thing or that It "ZXZTp.- him It will not be maintained In this eountry longsr than I am able to gat rrs & Son. rid of It." , to give your baby the -right kind of In the courw) of a speech la Lansing, relief. We have seen too often how Mich., Get 10, 1SU0, Mr. Bryan ex- quickly the remedy mentioned above claimed: ,,. takes the itch awsy at once and how "While I do not want to prevent gold all the cures seem to be permanent; Democrats from leaving the party, wo we have seen thi; too often to hesi do want them to take tholr boggage : . , ,'. with thorn and not expect to Mm back, ' ; MALARIA IS REDUCED. We want thorn to. understand that It ,1s ' going to bo easier for thorn to stay In w.cmvrTnM ft,"" 9..n. VV the party than to eomo baek after thoy WASHINGrON, 0"t. W. have stainod tholr hands l the sins of C. Corgas, chief sanitary officer of plutooraey." t . ; the Isthmian Canal Zone, reports It Is no Kss Interesting to recur to that cases of malaria among em- tho things which the honest money ploycs is showing a material decease. Democrats said about Mr. Bryan, Take During September of last year there Ilonrv Wattcrson to begin with. . He was to Switzerland when Bryan was nominated the first time, and when the news reached tilm be made the ca ble tiiiRle with this stirring wessago to the' president of the Courier-Journal company id i Louisville: ;' ' "Anothor tlokot our only hope. No compromise with dtononor. Stand rmt'- J "' ' ; nt V Ijiter'-Colonel Wattereon, gsllflnt warrior that be Is, fired the editorial columns of his newspaper with right . Tr , r ; ,-rath against the Bryan betrays! eous w of his party. Note ft few sample ex pressions of his unleashed emotion: "Mr. Bryan Is nothing but a Populist In tloctrln. and nrictic." i The flag that floats ever the name of Bryan Is the flag of plratos."- "The throe R's of Bryan's campaign seem to be repudiation, riot and ruin." di.tingui.hod dodger. He Is' a daring adventurer. Ho is a political fakir." The speeches which William i J, Bryan has been making on his tours are without exception the most Incen diary and dangerous utterances over addrossod to tho American people fey gone even further than to countonanes yintH iauaIii4 iahi Uaa lis at aft air aarl vital American people to become hypocrites and liars.!, J Bourbe Cochran of New York Is on record Willi the following trlbnto: "Mr. Bryan is a dealer In sonorous declamation based upon a fundamentel misconception of facts. If his doe trines are true tho exorcise of tho tax ing power Is an act of tyranny." Roger C. Sullivan of Illinois, a mem ber of the Democratic national com mlltoe, has said: "Mr, Bryan's boasts put tho stamp of Insincerity all over, him. Ho is a shrewd advertiser.' He Is In politic! because It helps the gate receipts." To the above Domocratlc estimates of Mr. Bryan's ability and strength should be added ,the following, from tho New York World: , , "On. vital, dominating fact confronts the Democratio party which no oratory, which no eloquence, which no rheHris can cbsouro, BRYAN 3 NOMINA- TION MEANS TAFT'8 ELECTION." ; Since Jununry, 13.10, tlie Unltfil States govcniinent has granted, more than 000,000 patents. But none win Issued for . the Itryan contraption' to transform 50 cents worth of silver Into a 100 cent gold staiulurd dollar. ... Wisdom and moral courage aro two qualities that, on the authority of Mr, Roosevelt, are requisite to a great pres ident. Judis'O Taft ling proved lii po.i session of liotli on thn bench niul In the dablnet. " Bryun vants the people to forget h'.i past. He must bo surprised at the lu:i;.' memory of New Hampshire Republic ans regarding Franklin Pierce. "The south Is quietly Democratic," Bays tho Charleston News and Courier. Yes, with a quietness that seems om inous for Prvan, BABY'S ITCH EASILY CURED Infantile Ecs em pukkly Relieved by External Use of Oil of Win tergreen Compound. Infantile ecitctna, which has baffM tj,B tikilt of the bent physicians for Vcar at last seems to be in- wti. .hj, terrible itch, we are mt ym wj,j npt ncgi?ct one hon r fV" ln "commc,, the rem dy for your children. Charles Rog 8", were admitted to the hospitals, 1811 csr hilc this year there were In September only 1410 cases, of ma Una. Within the past two months he Matt there has been no case of yellow fever , or bubooic : plague in the csnal onc. r ' ; , Married Man Xa Trouble A married mam who permits say member of the family .to take any thing except Foley's Honey and Tar, 'lor coughs, colds and lung trouble, . . ' . v , . , ' ss good for all pulmonary troubles. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and is in a yellow package, Store. ,v T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug The Morning Astonin contains all " Associated Prtsi reports. Delivered by carrier, 65 cents per month. Covers the entire lower jm J, A M jfQ '.Of. TfJC of tbB PP bonle i una oi iniormntion as to tae best metnous of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world's best products. , , j r.' Products of actual execUcnce and and which have attained to' world-wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-informed of tho World; not of Indi viduals only, but of the many who have tho happy faculty of selecting and obtain ing the best fho world affords; :'!; One of the products of that class, of known component parts, aa Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com mended by the Well-informed of the y?oridwV valuable '"d wholesome family. laxative is tho well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu- foctured by the California Fig 8yrup Co., om and (or gale by aU leading Agists. ' , ' ouu or eiuo vy au uauiug ui UQQitivo, l f ' 4 anr' iVfHflciirj i liLLl"-VIIiiiE-!Ijtlii to t.Unl siiid eulttvuln Mi.-. fm )iitr, ; lMhiifus, KtuHkH4i'lrctt, lwiiiii:Mi hnUtatr)W l i i In jt I nf jkiul whitlow cardtiim ttwAll ausin i i liiit for ihiT'-tmit r,m of itownt J ,i M I..1' IUtJ.liti'u. III..., .A.... tts.jl .id- i V- ' -, l4f feia anil ni.w vatirit t - ( ' t- . . it r..,U n il irinnliiO 1 I i ' ft I t-AMlLx, JttntHOm. Ubmif. FMK'hM. i i wh-iM t -it ioirOi'M No. ' Vllt fur it, fvrljK if,,, r."i il O ",9hfT 4 I. vW "Ji"'1!".-,1" .pWSfe