The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 28, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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    WKDN'I'.SDAY, OCTOni'.R 2U, 'US
m.n vf'uiUA:$ A.vroitiA. outccoN.
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i i j urapa organs ;
WlMiiilHIi iillili"1 i I'll 1 lynlliliniltl'H i iv Lfl "Kai"1' w -ir t nKac , J iiwim' -aHtMwftVfl"tt B M-Siii1
The Daily Market Keport
PORTLAND, Oct. 27.-Two of
lite leading city creameries today an;
nounced a reduction of two cents a
pound w on standard city-made but
ter, making , their , price 34 ccotl.
Some otheri that have been telling
at S3 cents for a week or more for
the time ..declined .? tot make any
changci In their quotation!.
1. 1
Grain, Flour, Hay, Etc.
; Wheat-Track prices: Club, 88c;
bltiestem, 93c; turkey red, 90c; red
Russian, 86c; Valley, 91c.
.CFlour-Patcnts, $4.80; straights,
$395(3429 ttvtot, 3.70 .Valley,
$4.4S; 1 t-aclt 'graham $4.40;' whole
-wheat, $4.65; rye, $5.50.
' . Barley-Feed, $26.00; rolled, $27,50
228.50; brcwing..OO. ' -
Oats-No. ' 1 white, $31.00; gray,
$30.00. !
Millstuff Bran, $2450; middlings,
$33.00; shorts, country, $31.00; shorts,
city, $30.00; chop, $22.00. - ' ,
Jlay Track priced Timothy Wil
lamette Valley, fancy, $14.50; do, or
dintry, $11.00; Eastern Oregon,; mix-.
ed, $15.50; , fancy, $17.00; alfalfa,
$11.50. 5
f , Butter, Egga and Poultry,
I ! Butter Extras,. 3536c; ' fancy,
f 33c; choice. '30c; store! 18c.
i 1 Cheeses-Full cream twins, 15c; full
! cream triplets, 15c. Young America,
f 16c; cream brick, 20c; Swiss s blocks,
18c; Limbitrgcr 20c, ... . .
f Poultry Mixed chickens, 10c($
j i 11c; fancyr hens, i212ic;. roosters,
If old 8c, .broilers and fryers, 12(j$12sc;
y dressed poultry, lc pound higher;
I ducks, 12(fI4c; ' geese; 810c; tur
f keys, 14c. lte: t . .
. j Eggs Extra Oregons, 371c; East
H ern, 2832c. '
, ' Meata and Provisions. '
I ti,..ifti? ih ' fa 14-tc;
ISic; 18-20 lbs., 15c;- -
! Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy, 71c,
ordinary' 6Q7$, large 5c J veal, extra
; 81c, ordinary 67ci heavy 5c; mut
! ton, fancy 89c.
i Bacon Breakfast " ,pQi2e'K picnics
:10c, cottage roll 111c; regular short
clears, smoked 12c, do unsmoked ,11c;
clear bellies, unsmoked 14c, do smok
ed 15c; shoulders, Ilk. " '
j LardKettle leaf,; 10s, 14c; 'do 5s,
- 14c; do 50-lb. tins, 131c; steam ren-
dcred, 10s, 13c; do 5s, 131c; com
pound, 10s, 83c. " ' '' -' " ?
Frulta and Vegetables, .'
1 Potatoes Buying; prices, 70(g85c
per hundred; sweets, 2c per pound.
Onions Buying prices, 90c$I per
' hundred; garlic, 12(15c per pound.
I Fresh ' Fruits Oranges; $3.75
4.50; lemons, $3.505.00; peaches, 25
60c per box; plums,,J' 2540c ' per
crate; watermelons, fc pound; grapes
50cl,25 per crate; pears, 75c$1.50
' per boxqiiinccs, 75c$i per box.
Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 per
' sack; beets, $1.75; parsnips, $1.25;
cabbage,- $1.752,00; head lettuce, 20
Q2Sc; cucumbers, 25c dozen; celery,
j 75c dozen; artichokes, 65c . dozen;
beans, 10c lb.; eggplant, ,.'$1.50 . per
crate; tomatoes, 4060c per crate;
1 squash, 1 cent per pound; peppers,
j$1.75 per box. r V! O 5KTf 1 i ! ).
Coffee, Etc.
'CCd 13
more tasteful,
healthful and nutri-
rdced with
p 3
n ,
The only baking powder
made from Hoys
beet, $3.85; Golden C, $5.45; extra C,
$5.55; powdered, $6.15; fruit or berry
sugar, $6.05; boxes, 55c cwt advance
over sack basil (less l-4c If paid for
in 15 dayi) ' ' ', ,i j
Turpentine In cases, 63c; in wood
barrels, 611c; in iron barrels, 591c; in
10-case lots, 62c. . ' j
Lead Strictly pure white lead, In
ton lots, 7c; 500-tb. lots, 8c less; lest
than 500c lbs. $k; red lead and lith
arge, lc higher than white. 4"'." "
Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $6.35;
Southern Japan, $5.75(26; broken, 41c
head r fancy, W3l7J$. i ',.'!'
Vv.Coffee-Mocha, 2428cf Java, fanc
2528c; Java, good, 20Q24c; Java,
ordinary, .1720c; Costa , Rica, fancy,
lf520; C3ai Rica, good, 165518c;
ArbucHe.fia.50 ewt; Uon. $1575
cwt; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; Sal-
vador; ii 13141c rf: -.; ri ;. ' ;
' 'Salt Ealf'or ; 75-2t" fca'e. $2.25;;
rJes oi m-3, bale, $2.25; bales of
Ma, bale, $215; bales of 15-10s,
bale, fXZS; bags, 50s, fine,' toh; $15;
bags SGc; ftr.oiae Liverpool ton, $17;
bft, 50c, i-ground $13.50; 100s, ton,
$13.00; R. & V. P, 23 S ib. ctrtois,
$2.25; R. S. V. P., 3-lb. cartons, $1.75;
Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20.
" Raisint Loose muscatels, 3-crown,
7 cents; ; 4-crown, 71c; bleached,
seedless Sultanas, 9ic12c; un
bleached aeedless Sultanas, 61 Cents;
London layers, 3-crown, whole boxes
of 20 rounds, $2.00; 2-crown, $1.75.
Nuts Walnuts, " 1517c pound;
filberts, 1 ; Brazils, 16c; pecans, 14
20c; hickory, 10c; Virginia row pea
nuts, 8 cents; chestnuts, Ital
ian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, dozen,
90c$l; pine nuts, M12e pound.
Dried Fruits -Applies, 8k per lb;
peaches, 1012c; pears, lll14c;
Italian prunes, 56c; California figs,
white, in tacks, 71c per pound; black,
67c; bricks, 75c2.25 perv box;
Smyrna, 16171c per pound; dates,
Persian, 617c pound.
Hopa, WooL Hidce, Etc
. Hops New Oregon, 7(38c pound;
1907, 2J4c; 1906, 111. : '
? Wool Valley, 14l51c lb.; coarse,
12l3c; Eastern Oregon, 816c, as
to shrinkage.
MohairChoice, 1819c pound.
. Cascara Sagrada (chittitm bark)
41c51c per pound. :
Oregon Graperoot Per 100 pounds
$35.,. -..
Hides-Dry hides, No. 1, 141c lb,;
dry kip, No. 1, 131c; dry salted, one-
third less; dry calf, 151c lb.; salted
steert, 7(g8c lb.; salted cows, 61c lb.;
stags and bulls, 41c lb.; kip, 6k lb ;
calf, 10ll; lb; green atock, lc less;
sheepskins; shearlings, 1025c; short
wool, 3Q(40c; medium , and long
wool, according to quality, 5090c;
dry horses, 50c(a$1.50; dry colt, 25c;
angora, tsoc(a.P; goat, common, iuy;
Oysters, Clams and Fish.
Oysters Shoalwater Bay, per gal
lon, $2.25; per sack, $4.50; Toke
Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympias (120
lbs.), $6; Olympias, per gallon, $2.25.
Fish Halibut, 7c lb.; black cod,
78c; black bass, 20c; bass, 18c:
herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish,
He; shrimp, 121c; perch, 7c ; sturgeon,
121c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; sal
mon, fresh. 6257c. '
Canned Salmon commoia River, 1
pound talis, $2.10; 2-11). talis, $3.00;
fancy, l-lb. flats, $2.25; Mb. flats,
$1.40; fancy, l-lb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska
talis, pink, 95c red, $1.40; nominal,;
2s, talis, $2.10.
Cliimi Little neck, per box, $2.50;
By Mrlh Cobb Stnford.
Copyrtahted, loos, fcr ocintd
J LIUrary I'reM,
The weddliig: was over, the goodbys
an-1 tho good ntght bad all been atild
KU'l tho MonU'H.'jM' big stone house, ru
dUtnt only a Uvt hour ago with light
ud liiiijflitery wan now grimly dark
uud slluiit. , '
l!ut cxi.'lteiiiorit had not the timid of
honor! pulHe to throbbing, and aho
could not alwp, Ovr and oter again
the wtnt through her part of the smtc
ly ceremony to tho alow, majestic mu
ale of tho wedding march.
Ovpr aad over again abe remeiabured
that oiiiIIlkh, meaHurod walk down the
long church alulo, with the mnglc aoeut
of rows everywhere and the trembling
eontM'loimiiiwK of the beat inuu't gar
Cod unwaveringly upon her.
And aho recalled nil the pretty thlof
bo hud HBld to ht-r ofterwardtlint the
wna like a droam girl come trim, that
tho whs more beautiful than the blush
ing bride heraulf. What shuiueleM
heresy, when tho bride was his very
own alulert
Wedding nlghta, alglmd KIhIo, were
much like Ilalloweene one dipped into
the future and eaw ewect vlHlona, but
only vIkIoiik, after all! Yet atlll the
ant la her, ahlmmcry greeu maid of
honor frock, the moonlight shedding
wondrous rrowt upon It rom tome
dltitanf point a chnk atruck twice. Slia
roHo with dutermlnation, then suddenly
bwnmo toiiMO end rigid, lint heart who
lu hor month.
In the r-xnii just diagonally ac-rons
the hall, which was the npatatrt Bitting
room, the had distinctly beard a win-
flow opnuod. It flashed across her In
atantly tltut burglars had come after
the wedding preaents. Her own door,
the night being at I ring warm, ttcod
part way open, but ahe wat too para-
lyzod with foar to run and lock It
She lluteried with atrained ears for
any further sound. It toon followed.
The burglar- stumbled against aomo
thlng. For ft few- minutes after that
all was horribly still. Then, with cat
like atop, Els!$ beard blra coming Into
the hall, f . iitH.
Should she iwriianit-lia tried td, but
could not. Her voice "stuck in tier
By -the aid of, the moonlight Elate
could make out a dark form creeping
past her own room toward the ttalrt.
Thank "goodowts, be was not going to
bl4 and gag her or bold her up at tlio
point of a plutoll 1 .
But tho wedding preecutal Bhould
she lot Win steal them without trying
to give aa alarm? Yes, she would
The- brUl nnd groom could not be so
very much attached to them. They
had not had t'icm long enough, and It
was an awfully long way down the
ball to Mr...Moutcitb'i room. .;, .... ,
There was no one near her except
two of the bridesmaids, and a precious
lot of good It would do to wake them!
This reflection had the effect of stimu
lating her own latent courage. No; he
should not carry off those wedding
presents she, Elsie Laurlo, would
that he did not !
Bhe was rvlloved to find that ehe
could really move. Bbe tiptoed to the
door and listened. Not sound. So
ehe ventured stealthily out Into the hail
and even pecked oyer the balustrade.
Still no sound and as dark as a pocket
Could she have been dreaming! Be
fore she roused the house she would
make quite sure. Creeping down to
the landing of the stairs, she crouched
behind the balustrade and waited, her
heart thumping rapidly.
Suddenly the dining room portieres
parted, and a man holding a lighted
cigarette stepped opt from behlud them.
, Elsie gave a frightened cry of "Rob
ert!" and fainted. .
When she recovered she was choking
over something very strong and burn
ing thnt some one was pouring down
her throat. She opened her eyes and
recognized Robert Montieth bending
over her.
"Did you catch the burglar V she
esked him weakly.
"ElBlo, my poor child," he said, lift
lug hor gently till her head rested
against hU shoulder, "there wasn't
any burglar. It was Just me. I'm so
Bbo looked dazed, as if she could not
"You must have been awfully scared,
dear," he weut on tenderly. "I'll tell
you how it happened. I chased the
bride and groom, you know, to And out
where they were going, and when I
finally got bnck here I remembered I
hadn't any key. So I climbed up over
the porch and got la through the Bit
ting room window. I thought you
were all asleep, and I knew if I did
that I wouldu't disturb anybody," he
ended, with a somewhat sheepish smile.
Elsie smiled a little too. She was be
ginning to see the humor of the situa
tion. By degrees she told him her side
of the story.
"You're the bravest girl in all the
world, dearest, and I"
"Did you stub your toe against some
thing Just after you got iu?" she Inter
rupted, with teasing irrelevance.
lie admitted, rather shortly, that he
did. , ; ; ,
"It was awfully quiet for a few min
utes afterward," ehe observed dryly.
"Yes, I wasn't saying much-out loud.
But, say', Elsie" he broke off resolute
ly, swinging her thoughts round to
more personal matters ntrnm "what
would you say if I turned Into a real
burglar after all and tried to steal you
on the spot?" , ..
"I'm not a bit afraid," she answered
him calmly, her eyes looking with ador
nblo nt'fnraneo straight irto his. "To-
ii'K'.it has tm&H mo wonderfully court
Cvn&M'ml What's Unit?" aim whN-
pcri'dtfifiiiMin villi fsj;'.
A door io tlio liiiju-r l,;ii Im.l t,j.ui-.J
gof'f fy, ' . "
JMort Jtob--: 1 could aumt flm had
reached up t tiie elect rlc btitt-m on ttio
wall and twitched o! tlie U'it,
Immediately a ' voice commanded,
"Who's there?"
"It't I father," Iioliert callwl lioanie
ly. "Don't shoot"
Realizing then whnt a thoughtlessly
Jan(croue thing slm had done, i:Si,!e as
tuddonly turno-l on the light asaln and
bravely faced the atftonltshed Uobtrt
Montieth, Sr.
"Explain yourself, sir," ordered Rob
ert' father sternly.
And Robert explained.
"It was all your fault anyhow, dad,"
be finished, with ingenuous climax.
"You shouldn't have left the window
Mr. Montnitb accepted the reproof
good nuturedly. "You have my forgive
ness, son," and he added, with benig
nant smile, (extending hta outstretched
hands over the two young lovers, "my
very heartfelt blcsfilng."
At this psychological moment half a
dozen other doors were thrown open,
and motley audience collected at the
head of the stairs, all demanding si
multaneously to know the cause of the
disturbance. In their gala but decided
ly unconventional attire one would
hardly have recognized the amnrt bri
dal party of the earlier evening.
Poor Robert wat forced to explain all
over again.
"Well, is that alir commented one
of the erstwhile bridesmaids, rubbing
her eyes. "If I'd known this was only
a fake burglar show I wouldn't have
stirred ta step. When I saw Mr. Mou
teitli spreading out his arms so dra
matlfa!ly"tlie girl gave a capital lmt
tatlon of the Keture"over awmebody,
I thought It must be another wedding
ceremony for sure, and I came out to
Join In the procession."
There was a general laugh at the ex
pense of El!e and Robert, but the lat
ter was undaunted. ' '
That gives me a perfectly great
Idea." ho exclaimed Jubilantly. "I here
with Invito you all to an impromptu
wedding. , Yon can all be rehearsing
while I run across the street and rouse
np the nilnlmer. What do yon say,
Elsie Ti "t
KInIo blUKhed, blinked and protested.
"You're absolutely crazy, -Rob. Be-wj-ics.
I'm too sleepy," she pleaded, "I
cotildn't keep awake during the cere
mony, but," she added graciously, "the
Invitations are Just postponed. Well
ask you all agala at some more proper
time.",,,";' '... :., .....,, : ,.
"ITear, heart" they all cried enthusi
astically, and "flm-rah, hurrah, hur
rah r after which most unreasonable
demonstration the big house put out Its
lights once more and settled down to
loop. ...vr ,-''
. Knsw, She Was Ugly.
The Duchess of Orleans, mother of
the regent who governed France dur
ing the minority of Louis XV,' waa no
torious for her ugliness. She wrote:
"From early youth I knew how ugly
wat end hated to have people look
sharply at me. I never cared for dress,
as I knew that diamonds and orna
ments would only attract attention to
me. Once Countess Soinsona asked me
why I never tamed to look at a mirror
la passing, as every other woman did.
I told her I could not endure the eight
oi my own face, - . .
"At a girl I must have been very
egly. I had little, blinking eyes, a pug
nose and a big mouth with thick lips.
My face was broad and fat and my
figure short and stumpy. Nobody
would have tolerated me except for my
good disposition. - ,
T don't suppose that there was In
the whole world another pair of hands
as ngly as mine. The king often told
me so, and I laughed, for I was resolv
ed always to laugh at my hldeousness.
I must confess that I bad to laugh very
often. . . .
"What surprised me most was that
any one could fall in love with me. I
was notoriously the ugliest woman at ;
court, yet I was married at nineteen.
I often asked my husband if the '
6l,ght of me was not repulsive and
what he had seen in me that Induced
him to fall in lore with me. I never
got a satisfactory answer, but I think
that I must have had some other at
tractions which outweighed my ugli
ness."' Had to Buy It
Now," said the agent, "I am sure I
have got what you want Now, here
Is a new patent paper cutter, sir, that
am selling for 25 cents. It is the
bent In the market never tears the
pages of an uncut book."
"Very nice, Indeed," Interrupted his
victim, "but I have no uncut books,
and so" :
"I suspected that sir," returned the
agent. 'That's why I have brought
along this beautiful uncut copy of
Fox'a 'Book of Martyrs.' Three hun
dred pages of elevating reading, em
bellished with beautiful pictures. Just
the thing for a center table in this
superb binding" .
"I haven't got a enter table," said
the victim. "So, you see"' !
"Finel" said the agont "Lot me
show you the catalogue of onr com
pany's furniture. It Is all of the. very
bet make, and a center table like
that In the picture on page 22 will
prove an ornament in your parlor"
"But I haven't any parlor. I have
no house, my friend. Consequently"
."Glorious!" cried the agent. "I rep
resent the Own Your Own Home com
pany of ' -
"Oh, thunder!" said the victim.
"Here's your quarter. I'll take -a pa
per cutter."-Judge.
When one runs, after wit ho Is sure
to catch nouNeiiNe. Montesquieu.
Fisher ilrotkoro Company
J Jaibour and Finlayton Salmon Twines and Nctticg
McCormick Harvesting Machines
Oliver Chilled Ploughs
Sharpie Cream Separators
Raecolith Flooring
Hardware, Groceries,
, Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic
Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe
Paint, Oils and Glass
Fishermen' Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seh Web
Wo Want Your Trade
Unfermeitted Grape Juice
absolutely non-alcoholic
Concord.., ...doc quart
Catawba 6oc quart
Welch's Grape Juice
Nips 10c
Commercial Street
Jeba Fez, Pres.
, ? ItoJ?fcl,0P?c-
.,.ws ijvjei, ite-rres. ana supt
Canning ' Haciiiitefy, Marine Engines and Reikis
: COUPLET!? c.&m:
i-ofwpondeace Solkhed.
scoff mi mis.
Iron and Brass Founders,
Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery
ISth and Franklin Ave. '
Only All Rail Route to Portland and all Eastern Puiats. Two
daily trains. Steamship tickets via all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rates.
For rates, steamship and aleeping-car reservations, call on or address
12th St, near Commercial St
You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home comforts,
pleasures, etc., why not in education?
(2 $ V
Portland's Leading Business College ,
offers such to you and at no greater cost than an inferior school.
1 Owners practical teachers ; More Calh than we can fill
.Teachers actual business men In session the entire year
Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A for the asking
M. WALKER, Pres. O. A. BOSSFR'N, Secy.
Y SIIESMAN, IU .v-i r.
Kicka, Carriages Eajgage Checked and
Waejont Pianos Moved,
433 Cemmercial Street - . ..
1 & i$
C"2 Cossaierdal Etreet
Corssr Commerckl mii HiW
I it I t i 1 1 1 It t tttt ft I
Add, Welch Coal,
and Fittings, Brast
- Astoria 8av!a Tret.
- Foot f Fowtk Street'
innn: nnmrn
i. ma iUMu
OliEGON'' '-r -
Land and Marine En m
Prompt attention given, to all repair
work. Tel Kola 21
1J '
Gen'I Agent
Tran-'srrej Track asd Furiitart
Boxed arid Sb'pn i.
. . paa piSM xn
Storre?t' Tool
; sugar sacK oasis; u. o.,
razor clams. $2 per box. i