TUB MORNING ASTORIAN, A8TOHIA, OREGON. ASToniA:3 rno:.i alasxa 4H4H'4'H''t4'H'H4i H-14 ! 4 Bf IfiMM f-M-tM HHHH4 0 SPECIAL, FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY ; .NEW CROP Red Cross Asparagus. NOTHING BETTER GROWN. One Piano Number with each $5.00 Sale to Ylizz Customer. ""1 ryr I -- ENGINEER CHET JORDAN AR , J o: RIVES BACK FROM FAIR. ' BANKS, ALASKA. ROSS, HIOGINS '& CO. ' THE MODEL FOOD STOKE fP f"k S Stf WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, is a i: m s m mi o ie is Son Is Born Bom, to. Mr. and . Mrs. Oswald Gustation, a ton, The happy event occurred last night, . ,., ,s. Ladlea' Aid- , .: The Ladies' Aid Society of the Tint Lutheran Church will be en tertained this afternoon at the home of Mr. Cunt Bergman, at her rei dence on Grand avenue. IlallowVen Social-?" . The Epworth League will give a Hallowe'en social at the parlors of the M. E. church' at 8 o'clock on . Hallowe'en. All that goes with nuch a furfctlon will be there and all are Invited. - ' " '. ; ' ; yTort Bill Fil!- The Port of Astoria amendment to the charter, which had been returned to its originators to secure certain defects in the petition, wai filed with the city auditor , yesterday. There were 229 signatures. ; Misting Book Dr. Jay Tuttle loaned the first volume of Lyman's History of Ore gon to some friend some time ago and cannot now recall who It was. Will the pay having It kindly re turn the book, or let the owner know where it is." Rehearsal Tonight" lumbers of the Philharmonic So ciety will hold a, rehearsal jn Logan hall tonight, and ' all the members are urged to be present. Miss Laura McCann, who has been in the East, has returned and will join the so ciety at one of the soloists. Mies McCann sings alto and she will prove welcome and valuable mem ber of the organization. Insurance Paid, The insurance on the home of "Miss, Alice Woods on Irving ave nue, which was damaged by fire last Saturday, has been adjusted and yesterday was paid in full, the amount being1 $256. This is pretty quick quick , work for an insurance company. The risk was in the Queen Company, of which Jamea W. Welch it local agent Her Sister III Mrs. M. J. Fox received a message yesterday stating that her sister, Mrs. Biliings, of Lewiston, Idaho, li seriously ill, and Mrs. Fox at once began making preparations to go to her bedside, Mrs. Fox will leave this morning. She is now 82 years of age and many of her friends here were reluctant to have her go, but It is quite probable that Mrs. Fox is at well able to take good care of herself as many a woman ,who is many years younger. Mrs. Billings Vyisited jn Astoria for several weeks during the summer.. ! Home Made 10c Per Scholfield, Mattson & Co. phone mi' GOOD GOODS phone m 120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET If Yea Don't Heed a Healths'- Stove We will warm you up with , TVfOT Water Qtcata ,. lliins Air or W. State Tax Cotinfv Treasurer W. A, Sherman yesterday remitted to the slate treas urer, $12,190, being the second half of the state tax due from this county. This, with a like amount sent, last May, makes $24,830 that Clatsop county has 'contributed to the sup port ( the state this year.; Hat Withdrawn In No. 1 Karl Knobloch, the well known citizen of Uniontown, and Republi can nominee for primary choice as councilman for the two-year term, has voluntarily withdrawn his petition and relinquished his claims upon the franchise of his fellows, in favor of Charles Wilson, the popular nominee of the recent convention at Logan hall. . ,,' ' , - Splendid Map Out J. I. Springer, : traveling freight and passenger agent for-the Great Northern, Railway, reached this city yesterday on the noon train, and will be in this section for several days to come, on business (or his company. Mr, Springer brought with him the new and handsome map his company has just uttered, and which shows the vast and comprehensive system of lines owned and operated by the fa mous Hill railway. It sharply indi cates the terminal attitude of Astoria and puts this city in due evidence as one of the live and actual point and station on the great system. These maps were distributed with a shrewd discrimination peculiarly Mr. Spring cr't own. . ' , Railway Official Here ' 'General Frcieht I and Passenger Agent H. M. "Adams, of the Spokane, Portland. & Seattle, or "North Bank" road, accompanied by E. C. Liilcy, superintendent of . car service for that systemand John McGuire. su rrerlntendent of the A. & C, arrived in this city yesterday on a tour of inspection of the general equipment of the road, with a view to estimat ing the sum of provision that will be necessary for the coming year. In the course of a conversation with Mr. Adams, that gentleman, inform ed a reporter for the Astorian, that the connections and opening of his line at the Portland end, has not yet been fixed, and will not be, despite all. the metropolitan press reports to the contrary, until the company had received its full passenger equipment from the East; which statement, coming from such a source, is to be relied upon as exact and final. Hot Drinks Coffee and ChocoJate. Sour Kraut Quart. & CO. Some days agtj the Morning As- torian left Chief ' hnginccr Chester ordan of this city, away up on tin: Chanler river in Alaska, on his! steamer, within 30 miles of his do tinuation, a freeze coming on and rain hoped for, with the alternative of liking biick to the Yukon and to, Fairbankr in the open boats belong- ng to; his steamer. The freeze came, the waters of the Chanler shallowed and froze and closed in about the doomed craft; her freight was hauled ashore over the ice,' and safely cached on the river bank; the steamer hauled into an adjacent slough; and the officers and men left down the river afoot and in boats and finally reached their home port. ' ' From last night's late express on its arrival at the Astorian union depot, Chet Jordan alighted in his home city' well and cheerful and ad to be here again, and was cor dially welcomed at 'the family home little later. He came down on the steamer Victoria and landed in Se attle last Sunday morning. It will be remembered that the Astorian'a story of the achievements of the nearby wireless stations of the United Wireless Co., recently, dealt with the fact that the Westport man, over on the Washington coast, had spoken to the, Victoria while she was south bound in the Bering Sea. Well, on that very occasion, "Fuzzy" Fcrland, of the Smith's Point station in this city, has asked hit chum over at .Westport to inquire of the Vic toria's people "if there was a young man on' board by the name of Chet Jordan?" and an affirmative answer was sent in to this office,' Tin's oc curred last week sometime, but the Astorian has just gotten hold of it Chet says he was amazed to have his name howled out all over the ship as he did not understand the cause of it, until he found it was .a wireless inquiry from Wcstport and the fact that he did not know any one t Westport, deepened the puzzle for him still more and he has been wondering all the way who wanted him, and for what But it's alright now! ' - ' Star Course Soon .' At a meeting of the Young Men's League of the First Presbyterian Church, held on Monday night, it was ascertained that 291 tickets had already then been sold for the Star course. This number was deemed highly gratifying, and it gives assur ance that the venture is not to prove a losing one in a financial way. Plans were at once made to hasten the sale of the remainder of the tickets, and probably by the sixth of November, when the opening entertainment is to be held, there will be few if any season tickets left. It costs the Yqung Men's League $700 to secure the four entertainments of the course, and it is highly gratifying to realize already that their efforts have met with such fine encouragement. The opening entertainment will be "Four Great Musical Artists." Holda Life Cheap- Frederick Larson, the man who shot himself in the breast several weeks ago, submitted to an opera tion at St. Mary's hospital yesterday in an effort to cleanse the wound. Larson apparently doesn't care very nftich what becomes of him, for several days ago he walked down town and there did not take care of himself in the manner he should have. " He should recover without much trouble if he will act properly, it is said. Small Fire , Shortly after 10 o'clock last night a fire was discovered burning in" a partition on the second floor of the Hager Theatre building, and , in re spouse to an alarm from box' 18 the fire department quickly responded, and a few minutes' work on the part of Chemical No. I subdued the in cipicnt blaze. The cause of the fire was a defective flue, and but little damage was done. " ALEX TAGG Ice Cre:o 25c. a Qt. FPxESH CHOCOLATES, CANDIES, ETC. Made Fresh Every Day in our own Factory. 483 Commercial St., Astoria, Or, EVERYTOING . REDUCED ! ucfjn PERSOIIAL OEflTlOII Dr. and Mrt. S. M. Mann of Port land were over Sunday guestt at the Astoria home of Professor and Mrs. Imcl. . Dr. Mann is in this section with a view to" making some real estate investments. Otto Heilborn was a passenger for Portland ; on last ' evening train. ' Theodore Ferland, of : the Postal office, has returned from a two weeks' outing, which he enjoyed thoroughly, reaching this city on the noon express yesterday. J. S. Stenson of Salera arrived in the city yesterday on a business trip. F, A. Taylor' came down from the metropolis yesterday on matters of business Iv.-.. ' ; ' .:, .' . : J. R. Stevenson of Portland was a business visitor m this city yester day. . . A. Donworth, of Bellmgham, was "in the city yesterday, a guest at the Parker House. John II. Collins of Destruction Is- lland, came in yesterday, and will put in several days on business mat ters. " ':'" : """ ' A. B. McGruder of Portland Is in Astoria on matters of business con cern. .;' Silas L. Jones, a well known San Francisco drummer, was in the city yesterday selling "biscuits." .' " The Levy Next- Mr. Clinton, the county clerk, will as soon as possible "make out the assessed valuations for the different districts of the county and send them out, and upon these the valuations the proper levy may be made. The question of the levy for the county, for a city, or for a school district, is a simple one, ajid yet many do not act as if it were undersood. In a school district, for example, first the valuation is made by the county as sessor, and then the district figures out what its probable expenses for the coming period will be. Having the valuation and the amount of money to be raised by taxation, the levy is simply the percentage, ex pressed in mills, that will give the amount required out of the total valuation. But several districts have already sent in their levy, without knowing what the valuation this year is. They are merely guessing. In asmuch as the valuation throughout the county this year is just about 60 per cent higher than hertofore the levy this year "ought to be propor tionately less, other things being equal. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50 cents. During one of these sale days, between October 27 and November 15 you can have goods FILEE altogether. I have selected the date, stamped it upoa two slips of paper, sealed it in an envelope, and it is now in the safes of two . daily papers. . , On November 10 three well known gentlemen will open these envelopes and publish the date. All customers who hold sale slips, bearing the date stamped on the slip, will get their money back, no matter whether the purchase was for 6c or $500.00. iLiconin "ASTORIA'S RELIABLE CLOTHIER' I Men Are Arraigned . S. Singer and Sam Marko, the two men arrested on a charge of fleecing severat merchants by means of frau dulent pretenses, were arraigned be fore -Justice Goodman yesterday, and held in default of $250 - bail each. There are eight ' complaints, being signed by A. Jaloff, Victor Rost, S. Danziger and P. A. Stokes. Their bearing was set for Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and meantime the men are in v the county jail. They are making strenuous efforts to secure their release on bail, and have sent messages to Seattle for financial as sistance. Chief Oberg of the police department is afraid that the men will skip but if they are released on the $250 bail each, and plans have been made to immediately re-arrest them if they get out on bail Evi dently, the police chief thinks the bail might have been placed at a higher figure, but it was put at that figure principally at the solicitation of their attorney, C. J. Curtis, and perhaps because Justice Goodman thought it was high enough anyway, even if they could get the money. Some lit tle pleasantries were passed in . the court room over the alleged ease with which some of the Astoria merchants "bite," and Judge Good man finally said: "Well, in view of your clients' moderation in working in this verdant pasture, I presume it will be only fair to make their bond a moderate one. Subscribe to The Morning Astorian Wonderful b HAMS . BREAKFAST BACON V. SMALL PORTERHOUSE TENDERLOIN STEAKS. SIRLOIN STEAKS THE VERY CHOICEST CUTS BEEF ...... .. SIRLOIN ROAST BEEF ROUND STEAK SHOULDER STEAK BEEF STEW .". SOUP MEAT FRESH SALMON, 3-LES. FOR CREAMERY BUTTER RANCH EGGS ........ .'. in trail M v - : - "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" 12th St. between Bond and Com. 253 Taylor, Union to vra I, i t - . X X X o REALTY TRAflSFERS H. F. Fisher and wife to Amy Mc Intyre, north 10 acres of NW. 1-4 of SW. 1-4 of S. 22, T. 8 N., R. 8 V?. H. F. Fisher and wife to S. J. Mc Intyre, 25 acres off from NE. 1-4 of , SW. 1-4 and 30 acres off from KW. 1-4 of SW. 1-4 of S. 22, T. 8 E. 3 W.; $1. -r . Laura P. Barker to Warrento. Land Co., all of tract "A," of "Ear-, riman"; $1. - - - - .. . ' Card of Thanks. We hereby desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the many kin! friends and neighbors for their ex pressions of sympathy, and especial ly the Teamsters' Union for the many kindnesses in the sad death of our son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knudseq, . and Family. TEA The cost of good tea is so very little: only a third of a cent a cup! a ccnt-and-a-half or two cents for the family breakfast! Tsar Tocr retains roar Koay tt ! tmt U ScUUtaf'i But; w pny bia, Subscribe to the Morning Astoria, 60 cents per month. Values at Smith's II ... .....!7e w. ........ ... .'..-....lJle STEAKS . . .121c . ...... 15c . v..;..:1..: .... ioe OF OF PRIME RIB ROAST -10c 15c '. -lOe ..8e .le 3e .2Sc ...... .. .. 65c 33c 5i5n