TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, l')i)S. 6 Yant Advertisements TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, OiNE WEEK FIFTY CENTS THE MORNING ASTOUIAN, AS I UK I A, tmi,t,n To 83 Day Y - THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERtlSEMENTS Are Read Every Moruing by 10,006 People. ' The Want Columns o! THE MORNING ; ASTORIAN ara con-' suited every morning by hundreds of persons la search 6f real esttte bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rates: Twenty words or less .three tunes, 25 cents; six times, SO cents; one month, $2.00. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED PLASTERER; SMALL Job- richt away. Bankers Building, S r - Savings & Loan Assn., street. .' . 163 Tenth 10-24-tf BOYS WANTED TO CARRY PA pers. Apply Circulation s Depart- mu- Atvian Office.'; 9-l?-tf Fl. NOWLEN, REAL ESI'aVis and Emoloyment Office, 473 Com ;,i c Phone . Have fine jauaw wf ' fist of Astoria and -country property, Aft clases of labor furnished. wanted LADIES AND MEN , to wear our tailor-made ' clothes perfection in fit and workmanship guaranteed. Osborne Tailoring Co. 1044m MESSENGEk BOYS WANTED - Apply Western Union Telegraph office. ; . WANTED A BOY TO WORK IN printing office. Apply Astorian. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. TiRFSSMAKING HELPERS AT once. Apply at 519 Duane St. AGENTS WANTED. SALES AGENTS WANTED -$36 per week or 400 per cent profit; ' all samples, stationery and art cata logue free; we want one permanent agent in this locality for the largest picture and frame house in America:; earoerienc unnecessary; we instruct yon how to sell our goods and fur aish the capital; if you want a per aoanent honorable and profitable po sition; write us today for particulars, catalogue and samples. FRANK W. WILLIAMS'" COMPANY, 1214 W. Taylor St.; Chicago, 111. - ; ' FOR RENTROOMS.- ; FOR RENT-FOUR FURNISHED housekeeoinsr rooms. 307 Ninth street. . . , " FOR RENT-NICE SUNNY FUR nished room; hot and cold water, electric light and bath. 450 Exchange street, corner Tenth. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING sooais; two sets; all front rooms. Apply 458 Commercial tf WANTED TO RENT A MODERN . 6-room house; must be in desirable location; direct answers with full particulars to "G," Astorian. t COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 1571 -.ACRES LAND, section 4, township 5, range 6, on Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet, of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street. 10-4-tf FOR SALE TIMBER CLAIM, 160 acres; NS. 1-4, S. 24, T. 5 N., R. 7 W., Grand Rapids; 3,000,000 feet green timber; 1,000,000 feet dead tim ber; price $3000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street 10-4-tf SMITH'S POINT 1 HOTEL, 3 story; cost $2000 to build; 3 lots; eost $1500; brick foundation; cement walks all round; yard filled with fruit and ornamental trees; 5 good milk cows, 2 heifers; price, $3500; lalf cash; half time. J. F. NOWLEN, 473 Commercial St. Astoria, Or. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST cash price for second-hand and new furniture; see us before you sell. Zapf Furniture & Hdw. Co. 10-9-26t WANTED TO BUY A HORSE; . weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As- : cc fQ-f torian office LOST AND FOUND. FOUND-BROWN DOG (HUNT cr), Monday noon at Warrenton. Enquire at Wigwam Saloon, Astoria.- ' ' " iial STENOGRAPHER. . s1FS?iogTap ed stenographer' would like to call mornings' for dictation, returning same when complete; terms reason able. Address' : X.,- Astorian office. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE OR TRAD E De Leavel Separator No. 2; practically new. J. W. Wallingford, Warrenton. .lM2t FOR SALE-12 DAIRY COWS. In- ouire at Glenwood Station, or post office address Warjrenton, Herbert & Poole. : 9-17-tf NEW $50 GIBSON MANDOLIN; used only six weeks; will trade for latest pattern 30-30 or 25-35 rifle. Address, "L. O." Astorian office. - LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS-ALL kinds made by The J. S. Dellinger Company.;. ' ': ; MAGAZINE BINDING , OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office. RESTAURANTS. DO YOU LIKE. HOME COOK- itig? If so, try the Golden Gate Restaurant, 112 Eleventh street, Phone M. 2791. We make a specialty of preparing suppers for lodge ban quets or private parties, and- also send out meals. 10-4-tf U. S. RESTAURANT, 434 BOND street Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, 15 cents. TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgins Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents' and, up. -..k:, ;, - Oysteri. '. Bay Center Oyster House, "'421 Bond "street. Oysters' wholesale and retail. Gedrg Saunders, Prop. 9-27-tf FOR SALE-MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 volts; one al most new rairbanks-Morse . 6 n. p. stow- speea: one i. a. n. p.; one General Electric 1 h. p.; one 30-Iight DYERS AND CLEANERS. PARISIAN - STEAM ; CLEANING &'Dye Works; goods called for and . delivered; ladies' work a spec alty. 75 Ninth street, Phone Black 2185. - . , 10-ll-26t HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS. We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. PHOTOGRAPHERS A PHOTO MAKES A FINE XMAS present. When you think of photos, think of Carter's Studio, Hager Thea tre building. ' CITY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and tJribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms up stairs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen. 473 Commercial , 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street; ' cozy corner; sa loon fixtures; 7 furnished rooms; price, $8500. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Comrnerrcial. 10-4-tf BATH HOUSES. BATHS-TURKISH AND RUS sian, at the natatoriurh of George Hill, 217 Astor St.; rational prices; absolute' cleanliness; private rooms; separate service for ladies; rheuma tism and skin diseases treated with perfect success. 10-25-tf PROFESSIONAL CARD). ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GUSTAF A. HEMPLE ' Attorney-afLaw Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets CHARLES ABERCROMBIE, AT torney at- Law,' City Attorney. Offices: City Hall. jOHNC. McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. ..Page' Building, Suite 4. HOWARD M. EROWNELL, AT ; torney at Law, Deputy District Attorney. 420 Commercial' Street. OSTEOPATHS. DR., RIIODA. CHICKS, OSTEO path. Office: Manstll BUfg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial Street. DENTISTS DR. F. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR. W. C. LOGAN, DENTIST, I Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, TRANSFER COMPANY. Smith's Special EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Leave Orders at Star Cigar Store. Phon Black 2383 "'."-.'' Fee. rhone Red 2275, Stand Corner 1 1th an Commercial LAUNDRIES. WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt. TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 : MISCELLANEOUS. MilDll l !( JAPANESE GOODS Fancy Tea Sets and Fine China Ware of all kinds ' Bamboo ' Furniture made right, hers i an4 warranted. PLUMBERS. PLUMBER Contractor, Tinner ... -AND-,, ,. Sheet Iron Worker ALL WORK GUARANTEED . 425 Bond Street..' ... .:, . Younce & Baker PLUMBERS TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Phone Main Street, opp. Post Office. 4061. MEDICAL, Unprecedented Successes of Cil!- THE GSXAT CHINESS DQCTOl Who is- known throughout the v, vy: - vi united states on .-iii'iL-account oi h,s won deiful cures. No poisons or drugs used. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female complaints, and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT, If you cannot call write for symp toms blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. '.';., THE C. GEE WO MEDICI ITS CO. 1621 First St., Corner Morrison ; ' PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall ' (320 Astor Street) Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month: Bes rates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop.' The Morning Astorian' contains all the local news; full Associated Press reports. Delivered by carrier, 65 cents per monh. Covers the entire lower r3 Lf A gZJ. If ill 45S I carry the best Lofffjera' Shocn in town at the low est prices. M My stock of men's and boy's shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity, Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. C A O. A. UHfl 543 Bond Stree U1TOXSTA33S& J. A. (J I LI? AUG 11 & CO., Undertakers arvl Embulniers. Experienced Lady Assistant When Desired. tCalls Promptly Attended Day or Wight. ; Tatton Bd. 12th aud Dunne 8ts ASTORIA. OKE.UON Phone Main 2111 MISCELLANEOUS. .. ... Plate Racks,' Wall Pockets, Music Racks, Clock Shelves Just in See us Hildetraod Gdf Old Bee Hive Bldg. TRANSPORTATION. "K''Uat PASSENGERS ', , FREIGHT 4 i i ,)-.-. afrr 4 ..) -J'W 4 W L.' 1 Steamer - Lurlihe Kil&t Boat for Fcrtland end Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Daly Except Sunday at 7 a. j. . Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Berths Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor St J. J. DAY, Agent , Phone Main 276 HOTELS. , Ten Good Reasons Why You Should Stop at........... "The Cornelius" The Best in Portland Situated in the center of the shop ping district. , One block from the clanging street cars. ' i. Not so expensive as some other ho :' tels. -.'. ' Sixty rooms with private bath. , Long distance and local tele phones in every room. j Writing desk in every room. Carpeted throughout with the best ' velvet carpets. The rooms are furnished in solid mahogany. Every room contains a heavy solid Simmons brass bed on which is a 40 or 50 pound hair mattress. The furnishings and general ap pearance of the public rooms must be seen to be appreciated. "The Cornelius" Park and Alder Streets' ; Portland's, newest and most modern equipped hotel, solicits your patron age and assures you good , service i.nd courteous treatment. An excep tional hotel for families who come to Portland' shopping and sight-seeing, v !; ; ;- . . ,.. , , When next : In Portland give us a chance to make you look pleased. ; THE CORNELIUS ; Free : Bus meets all trains. , ; , . ' , Europlari. ' ' ' ' " !' '' ' " C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. 3V PARTY OF PERFORMACE. Republican Organisation Fosters All Policies Tending to Make the Country Great and Prosperous. The Republican I a party of action. It rests upon ffhnt It 1ms done, uud not 'upon 'what It posttlbly "may do In the future. It bus fostered everything thnt.hns tended to make the country great and nrwneroue. It bus moved with the people. H has kept abreast of the times. It lias ever stood ready to moillfy an old jKiIley or to adopt t new one wben the business Interests of the country bnvo needed the niodMea tlon or the change. It 1ms protected American Industries. It bns protected American labor by stringent iinndgra. tlon lows, It protected the credit and business stability of tiie country by prompt declaring lu favor of a gold standard, mid writing It In the stat ute. "When the time canio It prompt ly ' seised . upon the time and the or portuulty tb leKln the 'speedy construe tlon of the grent Istbmlau rtual. bss never hesitated to assume a r- sponslblllty. When the cruelties In vuoa tnroatoiipa tne nterests or Amer- ice ne iti'iHiuut'ftii parcy rcsaivnu io put an end to those cruelties. When trusts sprang up It enacted In to curb and control those trusts. When commerce was at the mercy of the railroads, It provldixl for a cotumlsxlon to regulate them. When shippers were oppressed by transportation companies It promptly enacted a rate law. It has met every emergency In war or ponce, met It In a wise, prudent and states manlike manner. It Is progressive when progrcKslreiieM means upbuilding. It Is conservative when conservatism means tho maintenance of peace, order and prosperity. It haa been prompt without undue haste. Peace and pros perity , at home honor and respect abroad has been, Is now, and always will be Its motto. Republican National Platform. ' CAMPAIGN EXPENDITITEE3. Democratic Party Cannot Claim Un sullied Virtue as tor Source of Its Revenues. (From Gov. ' Hutches' 1 Tonngstown " Rpeecb.)' MMr. Iiryan also has much to say with regard to corrupt practices and campaign expenditures. But he omits to give due credit to the Republican party for wbat It has accomplished with regard to these Important reforms, an accompllHbment the more notewor thy in the light of Mr. Brjsn's reiter ated criticisms of contributions to Re publican campaign funds. In the State of New York a Republican Legislature la 1906 passed a statute prohibiting corporations from making any political contributions directly or Indirectly, and providing that officers, directors or stockholders participating la or con senting to the violation of the law should be guilty of a criminal offense. And I know of no more drastic statute In this country with regard to the pub licity, of campaign contributions and for the prevention of corrupt practices than that pnswd In New York under1 Republican auxplcea. Tbese were not promises of an opposition party seek ing power, bnt enactments by a party In power securing genuine reforms. Troper recognition must, of course, be given to the patriotic Democrats who supported tbese reforms, but tbey were enacted by ft "" Republican administra tion. Congress has also" legislated against political contributions by cor porations. Purity of elections and free opportunity for the uncorrupted expres sion of the popular will lie at the foun dation of every reform and cannot be too carefully safeguarded. And there should be federal legislation securing proper publicity of and accounting for campaign contributions In , connection with federal elections. , Hut It must fairly be rccopnlzed that the skirts of neither party have been clean. If we search Mr. Bryan's following we shall And not a few who have sinned, and also those who, If , we may Judge from their local activities, ore still unrepent ant. The Democratic party cannot claim unsullied virtue either with re gard to tlie source of Its revenues or Its readiness to receive them." LABOR IN DEMOCRATIC .STATES. Coal Miners in Alabama Subjugated Into Cringing Dependencies. That there's a "rift within the lute" of the Gompors proposition to deliver the labor vote of the country to Dem ocracy In becoming more apparent. While Mr. Bryan and Mr, Gompers are making special appeals to labor, neither refers to the deplorable condition of laber in the Democratic South. Mr. John P. White, for six years president of the Iowa United Mine Workers, And now one of the national officers of the , United Mine Workers' Asoclatlon, who Investigated raining labor conditions in the South, Is not so reticent.' In a re cent address to Local Union No. 87 of Albla, Iowa, he told of persecutions of labor In Alabama where a coal miners' strike was In progress. He is reported as saying: "The miners of Alabama have been subjugated until a majority have become cringing" dependencies. Al most dally some of the laboring men of that State wcj-e .mercilessly shot dwn for 'during' to assert' their rbjbfs us American cltlwiis. Ninety-one members of the Mlno Workers' Association were thrown Into Jull without harltig com m Id in! nuy crime other tbau becoming members of the oriaiiUatiun." Ala bama Is a State absolutely under con Irol of Bryan Democracy. Getting Ready For- Taft and rros pertty, One of tho lending moreantlio houses of New York city baa purchased ft ;,nrgw quantity of real estate with the vlaw of lidding to Its present Quarters, a member of the Arm saying that he looked forward to 'greater prosperity than ever before to follow upon the election of Mr. f aft to tho presidency. 'Such Indeed Is the general feeling among biiathess men. That the nation has tho resources, tho energies and the opportunities for future greater even tbnn Its glorious past Is plain to any intelligent observer. The anxiety and apprehension caused by Bryan's threat to sitmMh busluess and Industry under It the pretense of getting rid of "trusts" .eniise some delay lu starting up en tornrlses which otherwise would b nnii . ,,lltH!iir monev Into build- Ing and otbur Investmenta which need tho assurance of a sane administration of national affairs to make them cer tainly profitable. With Taft's election It goes without saying that business of all kinds will take a fresh Impulse, because business of all kinds will bv sure of fair play, will be sure that the X currency of the nation Is not to be Bryanlwd and that tho tariff will not , be revised Dy mose woo are noswie 10 eHhtbllahed Industrial Interest In which thousands of millions of dollars are Invested snd which support 'mil lions of American workers and their employers, who very genorally are the hardest kind of workers themselves. - "lie means what he ays, and lit says what Is right" to the way that plainsman voiced his view of Mr. Taft, the Republican candidate for president, during Mr. Taft's recent visit to South Dakota. . There's a whole platform la those eleven short Saxon words, and It Is the platform of the American peo ple. .... , ... ... . The marrow In the, bone of political contention Is the continuance of Re publican prosperity.' Democratic candidates are now hid ing In tall talk. After Nov. 8 tbey will bo biding In tall Umber. It Is certain that none of President Roosevelt's letters went to the dead lutter plllce. , ; It Is a strange plea of insurance against the danger of bis own policies that Ilryau makes In pointing out that bis election would leave the Republic ans In control of the senate. Are You Only Half Alive? people with kidney trouble are so weak and exhausted that they are only half alive. Foley's Kidney Rem edy makes healthy kidneys, restores lost vitality, and weak, delicate peo ple are , restored to health. Refuse any but Foley's. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. A Narrow "Strsst" The . English . town of Great Tar month contains a street that well may be considered the nnrroweiit built up street In the world. This thoroughfare is known as Kitty Witches row, and measurement gives its greatest width as flfty-slx Inches. The entrance would , serlounly Inconvei lelico n stout person, ' J as Iweuty-tilno Inches Is all that Is" spared from wall to wall. Tho town contains many such streets as Kitty Witches, Westminster Gazette. Saved His Boy's Life "My three year old boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condition. I gave hini two dozens of Foley's Orlno Laxative and the next morning the. fever was gone and he was entirely well. Foley's Orino Ltxative saved his life." A. Wolkush, Casimer, Wis! T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug. Stored M Q jjj iy'tf m ! t. JVflErJ-l7HEnE-B0l7 HlicMlodim.lroii., I'mmiImi hnw to lirow in nrliiw. and window gnntwii. uwull win flown. hi...i Kitv.u "mi .I...!.... i i bnllxriMKilrcil tdt ililturont ain 0 fluwnr I ImU oouiimiiiliora o( ItifnrmMlon eomxirutn 1 IUDSEST1CN8 SI tniCTINI IHRitRsrav 1 ailri .ImUo, nut mi oninniiiUil trin "'r. iUil"Kii. Illuat.ratiuc amlil. U tnij t)i .nd new vriutli f"r .""U ! cllnintc.) jHlJif Fnn, Oorr.nU, G hi'ltin 'iyiTiV 'AW.