I SUNDAY, OCTOIJF.R 25, 1908. TIIL MORNING ' ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON; M M M9K 1 'Or s rXl 'Is'i '0' 0 0 0 s& 00 0t'0, sf 0 0 r. u i H V i - If n r . If,. ;: V- 1 m SS3 8 Km" f. 5 Mil He M W 10 1 1 . i r o F ,1 " P 1 Jrvvl 1 l Menu 8 mml . toys J ' : 1 it. v.-'n h -3 r.f Mqirn ' J.I I - me (E iy ; if; " SAfcE BEGINS iiosiloy Doi'iiiiig f i. i.tii'Mwiy v I want to reduce niy immense stock in order to take stock'in a Company I shall try to rorpanize for tlie purpose of iloing a jobbing business along the Columbia and in the Nehalem and 1 lliamooic Liouniryr rnce cuis no ngure, i want iu gei im ui me yuuus, yuu iuccu 1 godd warm .winter garments. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE.. i , if' ilMt nMcaSuits. f. fV.,$8X5-r'vvvMco's Suits 2 tables full of men's suits, 1 or 2 of a kind, re gular price from $12.50 t j $15, now only $0.65 'i t ? Men's Suits , $13,85 ; Men' Suits 3 tables full of men's suits, nice goods, but 1 or 2 of a kind left, worth from $17.50 to $22.50, take -Wat;... A..... .. $10.35 All of the finest new Fall Suitsgreaily ";'-.V,r ! reduced, c Goods Free of Cost . During oine of these sale days, between Oc tober 27 and November i5 you can have goods FREE altogether. I have selected the date, stamped it upon two slips of paper, sealed it in an envelope and it is now in the safes of two daily papers. On November 10 three well known gentlemen will open these envelopes and publish the date. All customers who nold sale slips, bearing the date stamped on that slip, will get, their money back, no matter whether the purchase was for 5c or $500.00. 1 : ' t - -. Hat Reductions All$kE9 hats now S f C3 All ,75 hats now- j,25 All 2X3 hats now.. ; All 2.59 hats now (,C5 AU 3.C3 hats now.....'. 2.35 All 3,59 hats now 2.55 A lot of good hats, 1 or 2 of a kind left, and worth at from $2.00 to $3.50, your choice. :f Sok, NeclUies, v : iiandlier chiefs 10s sox now.... .......?T...v..., 5C L. 58 sox now s 20 ox now,..'.... 2C l25Sox. now.. f 05 ' 358'sox now.;....;..... ........25s 50$ sox now 35 258 neckties now! I Of . 50s neckties' now .360 .758 neckties now.;.:.i....;...;..:....... 578 , (! .1 f,l',:''f i , i i f 0g handkercmefs now s8 J'ISS Handkerchiefs 'now..... 08 T 2Qe ' handkerchiefs .now.. 1 2G 25s handkerchiefs now......;......... 1 08. EOa'Haadkerchiefs now.. 3SS 758 handkerchiefs now..... 57$ j r$ !,00 1 handkerchiefs ; now ......;....72e Save Your Sales 'and; , (.V,':t ; see. ; tHat Date is Stamped on them Just the tiling for s this time of the year I. ,t:l 1. Heavy and light,Sweight Overcoats, Long and short Overcoats. , Dark light and medium Over? coats, - r REDUCED 20 to 33 per cent Save Your Sales ' Slips and see ' i that; the ! . i Date is Stamped on them UMBRELLAS i. h i ; .... . . . $1,25 umbrellasnow " 1,53 umbrellas n6w 5115 j j 1,75. umbrellas now ,25 2.C3 umbrellas now 3 2. E0 .umbrellas Jnow : 3. C3 umbrellas ' now 2.25 I l tl '...I...' . 3.53 umbrellas Jnow 2.75 4. C3 Timbrellas3"now 5.C3 umbrellas now... .:. gt " ; Trunks and SuitsCaces 25 per cent Reduction All Siiort Pants, Children's Suits and Overcoats Slashed Unmercifully Everything reduced except Knox Hats, E & W Collars ard genuine Hole Proof '-Sox. These articles must lie sold at a fixed price, agreeable to contract. Underwear reduced greatly! Overshirts reduced greatly! , Metfs pants reduced greatly! - Suspenders, collafs , and cuffs reduced. Night shirts, and Pajamas; greatly reduced. : ! . Pming this sale we will have lime to press only such clothes ii( dfe Sold at this 'i 1 '' ' timtj. as the tailor will be very busy. . . , One Piano Number! with Each i .x..; j i ' ' i . .:.., t.,.F, Five Dollar Sale to WISE cus-, tomers. The pianos will 1Tbe given aya75 the last of Noi '! .'it-! 't'.t,' . It : - -I-'' J i-T ' J lk vembcr. : . ' ' r 0 I" 1 r 'ff I- via r I j "' Lafti "" wftj " L .r j ft i i Laiiliiaj '. jLaMal. )"' l IT' U I l'p:-')j;;l rn Atbjria'$; Reliable : Clothier ; Hatter, "Youjjcan't looll foolish in a Ved suit. z.:i---Tr """"" rmmnm" n n i : .-. . ... .rrr ; - .2 t. ft J f 4 i i , . ! (V. 4 . m ml 1Ql' 11 I ' N J 5 Of' ! ! ,i! at i: i i 1 1 i u I;, H . ... Ns ( 4Si si I .t ( I 13 : i 'ioii 3. i.- S Hi HI jfS JMi St. I! ;U