V ' V- ' ' .2 ' Mill M M .5 MM ! j i " J s 7 HJSU9MZ3 FUU 33rd YEAH. KO. 243 1 (Mil U mm. Construction Train of Fivo Cars First to Cross. BRIDGE IS ALL RIGHT; About Four Weeks More Work Required to Completa the Una to Portland. OFFICIALS ARE ENTHUSIASTIC Though All Work it Not Finished It Ii Possible to Run Train . Into Portland Some Regrading Necessary. PORTLAND, Oct. 23. -The first train to crosi on the biggest draw bridge in the world puffed l way over the Willamette river bridge, of the North Bank road this noon and drew up at the "Y where the bridge line of the S. P. & S. connects with the main line of the Northern Pa cific. ; " Although no formal celebration had been planned and few knew that train was scheduled to cros the bridge thi noon for the first time the new that the contractor would tend a work train over the draw and to the west bank of the river spread among the men and when Northern Pacific engine No. S30, with five work car itarted out from the Vancouver yard every one on the new line knew that J. J. Hill's pet road had at last actually stpepped Into Harriman territory and that a Great Northern engine wa smudging the Harriman horizon with its moke. 1 The construction train which had the honor of crossing the bridge first carried tool and workmen for the completion of the south leg of the "Y" running from the bridge to the Northern Pacific. This leg will be completed this afternoon and it is now possible to run trains direct be tween Portland and Vancouver via the new line. - - v--.- Engineer : Crosby, who has had charge f the construction of the big bridge called up General Superin tendent Forrest of the North" Bank road this afternoon. . - ."You can run the biggest engine you've got over the draw now if you want to, Forrest," said Crosby. "We tried her this morning and she' all right ? '' 'iJ -r " ' Although the North Bank officials have known all the time that the bridge wa all right, it wa good new to learn that the locomotive and train actually had gone over the FLEET'S RECEPTION ENDS WITH Illumination , of Fleet, Fireworks and Torchlight Procession on Shore Creates Enthusiasm. YOKOHAMA, Oct, 23,:-A series .mutation . of the licet, fireworks, of incomparable higher functions ' torchlight procession on shore. Rear which have characterised' the Japan- Admiral Sperry today endeaved him ese .reception ' to the 'American .'.licet" self, to the Japanese people by per ended tonight at a dinner on board s'onally attending the funeral of the battleship Fuji, the guests being ' General. Count Nodsu, placing a confined to the American ambassa- wreath on the casket. Many func dor,''1 rear-admirals and other officers tion were held wherever the Ameri and a brilliant reception 6n the bat- leans'' went they were surrounded tlcship Mikasa to which; all prom J with -genuinely enthusiastic Japanese, nent Americans here were invited. Good behavior of the American sail With the accompaniment of an illu-1 ors aroused much comment. AftOCIAftD PRSSS REPORT. 1 mm. bridge nd it worked successfully. Tlie trouble the contractors have been having with the electrical ma chinery has been remedied, nd the bridge it ready to be turned over to the railroad. Besides connecting up the "Y" with the . Northern Pacific track ' which will be done thi afternoon. pnn of the ....... "-it.. r. I. i... ........ Dig cut scrum inn cuumm uciwccu the Willamette and Columbia river bridge! to be regraded. There are tracks across there now that are used by the construction trains but the line ha never been cut down to the grade nor hat it been properly ballasted, to that there it possibly two weeks' work in the cut before the line there is ready for fast, heavy trains. About the same length of time ii required to complete the track from the new freight terminal of the S. P. & S. to the main line of the Northern Pacific. CUT CEOBERS TO STiPFiTJlfT WILL MAKE SPEAKINO TOUR3 THROUGH THS DOUBT FUL STATES. . depots r.rjTE i;i c;;a:;ot Senator's Virginia Engagement Can-ceiled-H Will go to Some Other State Where Conditions Are Less . FsvorableOhio Some "Split Up" WASHINGTON.' Oct; 23. -As a desult of today's cabinet meeting every member of the cabinet will make political tpeechet in states where there is doubt of the outcome of the campaign for Taft. Campaign engagements of Senator Depew of Virginia ,were cancelled. He will go to some more doubtful state.' The members of the cabinet to speak are as follows: v , ; - Metcalf at Charleston, W. Va., October 30. Right at Baltimore, October 30; also at Richmond, October 28. Meyer will speaker at Paulding and Sandusky, Ohio, Blaire, Md., Tren ton, N. J and Boston. -f Root at Cincinnati next Wednes day and in Toledo on Thursday, and New York City, October 31. ; ,' Cortclyou at New York City on Thursday night. s f Bonaparte will make two speeches in New York, City next Tuesday Wilson, Straus and Garfield are at present on a speaking tour, . ' Secretary ; Root admitted after a conference that Ohio is somewhat "Split-up." Sure that New York is absolutely safe for Taft. , AST0SW, OREGON,' SATUHDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1CC3 rvrniiTro rnn ii mm m you :i o::e m 62 for f-tuilng; 71 for Crb.:5 MtWl ST. PETERSBURG, Oct, 23-Thc Rech made public today the official statistics of execution of Russia during the year 1908 on sentences imposed by military courtmartial. According to official classification S3 persons were hanged or shot for murder or robbery; 62 men were executed for mutiny; 71 for crimes against the state; four for desertion. The. Baltic provinces took the lead in the number of executions with 134. This was due to the final stamping out of the insurrection. COMPERS TO BRYAN. Says the Contest of Labor is For Jus tics And Not For Office. NEW YORK, Oct. 23. -National Chairman Mack made public the following telegram from Gompers received by Bryan upon his arrival in Jersey City tonight: "Washington, D. C, Oct. 23. "William J. Bryan, ' "Jersey City, N. J, 'Just saw President Roosevelt's at tack. I deem it my duty to advise you that I am prepared to answer. Some newspapers are trying to em harass you by declaring that you will appoint me a member of your cab inet if you are elected president. You may ay that I have publicly, empha tically and frequently declared that under no circumstances would I ac cept any public office, either elective or appointive and this declaration is irrevocable.. The contest of labor is for justice, and not for office. , , "Samuel Gompers." Mack said that if the Republicans : in West Virginia are enticing Demo cratic workmen out of the valley into Ohio with promise of work it is to keep them out of West Virginia un til after the election. 1IIU Rfi I if ' it, t I i All!.!' A I I III Crowds so Largo That Speeehmking is Impossible. Candidates4 Presence Satisfies Throngs. SPECIAL. IS DELAYED Reception Given Judga at lndianap:iis Ecllpsss All Former Cam paign Exhibitions far Enthusiasm; Great Crowds Turn . '. Cut In Rain to See tha Hero cf the Hour. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 23.The Indianapolis reception to Taft though more than an hour behind time and in a steady rain was the climax of the day. The candidate was driven through the business streets cheered by thousands. Taft made three speeches, each time being presented by Vice-President Fairbanks. The day's exhibition of political enthus iasm in Indana has been such as to eclipse all previous campaigns, ac cording to national and state leaders who have been with the Taft special. Great crowds everywhere greeted the candidates. Today Taft has done less talking and more "exhibition" work than at any time since the cam: patgn started. He could not address the crowds everywhere and so con tented the clamorous crowds by merely showing himself. Whenever he has spoken-his remarks were ap preciated and what he said was a repetition of his former addresses. This one note, however, dominated ; his thought today; "Indiana is sure- PEUP WILL IE .IE STRICTER f.'ilicnal Eank Examiners Get V Instnielisns In Matter. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-To en force greater responsibility upon the director of he National Banks and to make them pay more attention to their institutions. Comptroller of the Currency Murphy, issued an order to National Bank Examiners directing them upon entering a bank to make an examination, they are to immedi ately convene the directorate and re quire answers to a formal list of 25 searching " questions designed I to bring out clearly the relation of the directors to the condition of the bank, extend their knowledge to bank's papers, latitude conceded by them to bank's officers in overstep ping national banking law provisions and their supervision of the bank de tails. This is said to be the first com plete inquiry into the relationship be tween banks and directors. ARMED POSSES MOVING. SAMBURG, Tenn., Oct. 23-Three armed posses with lists of men whom they will Attempt to arrest for the murder of Captain Rankin and as saulting Colonel Taylor left 'today for Reel Foot Lake region. Each detachment was accompanied by 10 soldiers. Governor Patterson is a memoer. of the detachment" which will - go to Walnut Log. Tip Bur ton who was arrested yesterday and taken to Tiptonville is alleged to have confessed. A heavy guard is kept around the jail. OUTSIDE PESSIMISM. NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-Henry A Williams, chairman of the Ohio Re publican state committee who called on Chairman Hitchcock, today said "The only doubt I hear of Republi cans carrying Ohio comes from out side the state." - rrri 1 BY HEAVY DOWNPOUR ly alive to her political responsibility and character and her enthusiasm means the success of the Republican party." POLITICIANS DEBARRED. FEORIA, 111., Oct. 23.After a stormy session of the State Fcdera' tion of Labor today it adopted an amendment to the constitution bar ring politiicans, political tricksters and ward heelers from membership. RELEASED ON BAIL. DAYTON, Oct. 23. Broughlon Brandenbcrg arrested yesterday in connection with the Cleveland let ter sold to the New York Times, was released today on $3000 bonds, signed by an attorney. It is said that he will go to New York. Branden burg stoutly maintains his innocence and calls himself the Dreyfus of the campaign of 1908. Ii E S Ml! ;OVCft3THZ MORNIMQ FlfLO CN IT LIIUUU UHU Ull f .IIILICIPIIL ' FHOI1I LUS DEFEAT CLEVELAND CITIZENS VOTE AGAINST ... THE SECURITY STREET. RAILWAY. PCCrt SERVICE THE CAUSE Defeat of the .Franchise Brought About by Inadequate Accommoda tions Rendered by Municipal Com pany in Operation Before Election CLEVELAND, Oct. 23. -Secretary Henry Davies, of- the Cleveland Railway Company, today made a demand upon President A. D. Du pont, of the Municipal Traction Com pany, that the company be turned over to the Cleveland Railroad Com pany immediately. President Dupont replied stating he would do nothing until after a meeting of the Munici pal directors, which would be held at once. Complete returns from every pre cinct in the city in the referendum election of yesterday show that the so-called Security Street Railway franchise was defeated by the narrow margin of 60S votes. The total number of votes cast was 75,893, with 37,644 in favor of the franchise and 38,249 against it As a result of the failure of the peo ple to approve the grant the entire street railway system of the city will revert to the Cleveland Railway Co. The defeat of the franchise was doubtless brought about by what was held to be the inadequate serv ice rendered by the Municipal Trac tion Company, the holding company which operates the lines on a 3-cent, fare basis. The rate of fare to be charged by the Cleveland Railway . Company will not be announced until after a meeting of the directors, which is ex pected to take place today. WANTS TO KNOW. Left For Chicago This Afternoon , For a Conference of Situation. . NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-Chairman Hitchcock of the Republican nationaf committee left for Chicago this af ternoon for a last conference in that city upon the situation in the west. He said upon his return here he will remain until after the election and added that soon after his return he will give out a forecast of the re sult. CITY TREASURER OcDcnald Pdd f.Ionsy Over to Successor cn Re tiring from Office. Excess flow Reported. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23.-In-stead of a shortage of $35,000 the city treasury experts report amount in excess to be $60,000. Of this amount $15,000 belonged to the state. Experts reported that from, the time of Treasurer McDonald's first term of office, 1903 to 1906, to within 30 days before or after the great fire, the money was safe in the treasury, so that it must have disappeared during that period. It has been found that THS LO'.VER CCLUT.'SIA F.7.CE FIVE CBIT3 Ansv.crs Statement Oads By Attorney cf Dayton. FOnGERYVAS EVIDENT Knew KstMrj cf Letters Until They Vere Pullishcd fa "Tha Times.-. Watterson Was Aware of Cleveland's Condition and Wethods and Real ized be Was in no Condition to' Write Such a Letter. LOUISVILLE, Oct. 23. Ia an swer to the statement from Dayton by the attorney for Brandenburg , "That Colonel Watterson announced before the Cleveland letter was pub lished tlt it must be discredited by any means." Watterson said tonight to the Associated Press that he nev er had heard of the alleged Cleveland letters until he read them in the New York Times on Sunday, August 20th, and that he was impressed at once with the frauriulency because he knew Cleveland was not in condition to write such a letter on the date it was alleged to have been written; that he knew Cleveland's working methods and habits of mind and that he could not put forth anything of importance in such a way; that he took immediate steps to run the thing down and urged Mr. Carlisle, whose close friend Cleveland was, to "Run this down and expose it." SWEPT BY HURRICANE. Schooner Arriving in New Orleans ' Gives Meagre Details. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 23.-A cable from Bluefields, Nacaragua, un der date of. October 21st to the Picayune says a disastrous hurricane swept the coast of Nicaragua last Friday to Sunday destroying the towns of Rio Grande and Prinza pulka and doing considerable dam age n the interior. Only meagre details were brought her by a schoon er but it appears the entire coast from Pearl Bay to Cape Gracias was swept and with much loss of life. FIRE IN PORTLAND. PORTLAND, Oct. 23.-Fire in the millinery store of Mme. Hciler in the Selling-Hirsch building tonight resulted in damage to the stock of millinery and the building of $3000. Two firemen were overcome by smoke and were rescued with diffi-city. 1 fll- ii in IS EXONERATED the money was turned over by Treas urer McDonald to his successor, C. A. Bantel, and that the shortage oc enrred during Bantei's term of office. J. C. Totnaity, bookkeeptr in the office of the city treasurer was ar rested tonight and lodged in jail FIVE NEGROES HANGED. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 23. Fivs negroes were hanged in different parts of the state today for murder.