0 Yoiii ftdverfi sements TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEK FI FT V CENTS J! 0 1111 1 1 THE MORNING ASTORIAN ; v WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Columns of THE MORNING ASTORIAN tr . con sulted every morning by hundreds of persons in search of real estate bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rates: Twenty words or less .three times, 25 cents; six times, SO cents; one month, $2.00. V ' - , f.'-- ' HELP WANTEDMALE. V EOyTwANTED TO CARRY PA era. Aooly Circulation Depart- wipnt. Astorian Office. 9-17-tf j; fi .NOWLEN, REAL, ESTATE d Employment Office, 473 Com rctal St. Phone . Have fine Est of Astoria and country property. All clases of labor furnished. WANTED LADIES AND MEN to wear our tailor-made clothes; perfection in fit and workmanship fwraateed. Osborne Tailoring Co. v 10-4-lm EESSr.NGEk BOYS WANTED -'Apply Western Union Telegraph See.' WANTED A LIMITED NUMBER of piano pupils byta thoroughly competent teacher from ! the East Miss Miriam Bradley, 429 Eleventh street Boys wanted to carry papers. Ap ply Circulation Department, Astorian office. ; w MM ; HELP WANTED-FEMALE, A" WELL EDUCATED YOUNG woman of good family, wants a position as secretary, companion or governess; highly capable; .first-class references and a personal interview. Address Astorian. A YOUNG , .LADY OF EXPER kace would like some kind of office work. " Address "L,"-Astorian. t - WANTED-TQ RENT. , ! WANTED THREE : OR FOUR -'vafanfistied roomsi i Apply at -once, The Astoria Banking Savings & Loan Association.'5 w- "J-10-10-tf mt, LOST, AND , FOUND. v i ,A FOUND-A,, SMALL SKIFF 'BE: tween Fort Stevens and JfUx'JT Biioy. Owner can have same Ty calling at 265 Taylor street. n ' " ' FOR SALE. , NEW $50 GIBSON , MANDOLIN; used only six weeks will trade for fetest pattern , 30-30 or 25-35 rifle. Address, "I O.,". Astorian office. ., FOR SALE-VICTOR AND OTH x phonograph records; fine collec tions;, cheap. Call mornings, 503 Har-, rison avenue. - t , m '.; , . FOR SALE 1571 'ACRES LAND, section 4, township 5, range 6, on Nehalem River, two . and. ' one;half millioii feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000. ' J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street 10-4-tf COUNTRY -REAL EjSTATE. FOR SALE TIMBEiv CLAIM, 160 acres; NS. 1-4, S. 24, T. 5 N, R. 7 W, Grand Rapids; 3,000,000 feet green timber; 1,000,000 feet dead tim-j ber; price $3000. J, Nowlen, 473 Commercial street, 10-4-tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN -Timber claim in Clatsop county; $1S!0,- part cash, balance on time. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial. 10 l5-6t 10 ACRES .DIKED TIDE LAND, below Lewis and 'Clark bridge; price, $2500; come quick. J. F. Now len, 473 Commercial, , 10-l5-6t SMITH'S POINT -1 , HOTEL, ' 3 story; cost $2000 to build; 3 lots, cost $1500; brick foundation? cement walks aD round; yard filled with fruit and ornamental trees; 5 good milk cows,' 2 heifers;"' price, $3500; Kalf cash; half time. . . -; ' ,- , J. F. NOWLEN, . . .... 473 Commercial . St. Astoria, Or. , .CITY REAL" ESTATE. FOALE-BUESS" BLOCK : the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, omerEigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms up stairs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen. 473 Commercial. 10-4-tf FOR" SALE-ONE LOT, SALOON on . Astor street;' cozy corner; sa loon ' fixtures; 7 ? furnished rooms; price. $8500. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commcrrcial. ' " "10-4-tf PHOTOGRAPHERS A PHOTO MAKES a'fINE XMAS present. When you'tjiink of photos, think of Carter's Studio, Hager Thea tre building. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE OR TRADE De Leave! Separator No. 2; practically new. J. W. Wallingford, Warrenton. U-12t FOR SALE-12 DAIRY COWS. In quire at Glenwood Station, or post office address Warrenton, Herbert & Poole. 9-17-tf LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS-ALL kinds made by The J. S. Dellinger Company. MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office. RESTAURANTS. DO YOU LIKE HOME XOOK ing? If so, try the Golden Gate Restaurant, 112 Eleventh street, Phone M. 2791. ; We make a specialty of preparing suppers for lodge ban quets or private , parties, and also send out meals, f ".I " ? 10-4-tf U. S. RESTAURANT,.- 434 BOND street Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, IS cents. ' TOKIO RESTAURANT, 351 Bond street, opposite Ross, Higgins & Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 1Q cents; first-class meals; regular meals 15 cents and .up. . , , , .r,".M':7..::. Oysters. - Bay,, Center, Oyster .House, 420 Bond street s Oysters wholesale and retail. George Saunders, Prop. 9-27-tf WANTED-MISCELLANEQUS. WANTED j-iWEi PAY, HIGHEST cash price for second-band and new furniture; see us before you? selL Zapf Furniture & Hdw. Co. 10-9-26t WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE; wetght about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke Address As torian ffice.1-' !n:f Y"i6-9-tf. i;, vFOR -RENT HOUSES, FOR ,RENT, DWELLING, , SEY- en .rooms; modern conveniences; Franlin avenue ,, between 16th and 17th streets. Van Dusen & Co., 119 Uth street. 10-10-tf A SUITE OF ROOMS SUITABLE for two or three young men; or light housekeeping, with bath. 677 Exchange. ' " ' -''' FOR SALE MACHINERY; ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 . volts; one al most new Fairbanks-Morse 6 h. p. slow speed; one T. H. 2 h. p.; one General Electric 1 h. p.; one 30-light DYERS AND CLEANERS. PARISIAN STEAM CLEANING ; & Dye Works; goods called for and deliverer! laHiea' anrle a - cn.i. 7S Ninth street Phone Black 2185. 10-ll-26t HOUSE MOVERS. FREDRlCKSON-BROS.-We make a specialty house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to'all orders." Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. f ... .'. . .1.11. 1 -I I'l J1 L-l .!!- INSTRUCTION. I BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT I have opened a class in shorthand and typewriting. Those interested kindly call. Lenora Benoit, 477 Com mercial. " 1 ' " 107-tt ', . NOTICE. , - ;... Notice ia hereby given that the reg istration books of the city of Astoria for the primary nominating electioil to be held in said city Monday, the 9th day of Nov. 1908, will be opened at the office of the Auditor and' Police Judge in the City Hall, on Tuesday, the 20th day of October, . 1908, and will.be closed fpr said primary elec tion on the 5th day of November 1908, at the hour of 4 o'clock, p. m. said registration books wijl be again opened on Saturday the 14th day of November 1908, for the generals elec tion to be held in this city on Wed nesday the Mday of DecembeM908, md will bo closed on Friday the 4th day of December 1908, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. rn. All persons must reg ister in order to be entitled to vote. H OLOF ANDERSON, '; ' Auditor and Police Judge ' of the Cit-of Astoria, Oregon. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, October 10th 1908.' ; .. . ;,. jot PROFESSIONAL CARDi, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW i, ...... .. j .. . . . .... GUSTAF t A. j HEMFLE 1 Attorney-afLaw Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Buildinar Tenth and Commercial Streets CHARLES ABERCROMBIE, AT' torney at Law, City' Attorney. Offices: City Hall f y; JOHN C. McCUE, ATTORNEY AT Law. Page Building, Suite 4. HOWARD ,'M. j BROWNELL, AT torney Hi Law," Deputy District Attorney. ,420 Commercial Street OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODAC. .HICKS,. OSTEO- path. OBktiVMnnseJl spfdg., Phone Black 2065. 57S Commercial Street. DENTISTS dr t Fv yVAUGH an, dentist! "Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. DR.J W; C. LOGAN, DENTIST, Commercial, Street, Shanahan Bldg. The Morning Astonan contains all the tocal news; full Associated Press reports." Delivered by carrier, 65 cents per month. Covers the entire lower LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of November, 1908, a primary nominating election for the city of Astoria will be held, at which t hit fol lowing named Officers will be nomi nated, and that on the-9th day of De cember 1908, a general election for the city of Astoria will bo held, at which election the following named Officers will be elected to-wit:- " ' - One May r- of -said city for - the term of two years from the first Mon day in January 1909. " ' t.v One .Treasure of said city for the term of two years from the first Mon day in January 1909. One ' Auditor and, Police Judge of said city for the term of two years from, the first Monday in January 1909, , :.. :..,, , , ,,,, One Attorney of said city for the term of two years from the first Mon day in January 1909. fsfii&s :v l ' One Superintendent of Streets of said . city; for the terra of two years from the first Monday in January 1909, -' - .One City Surveyor of said city tor the, term of two years from the first Monday in January 1909. , (Jne councilman at large of said -. f . . . . , city for the term, of six yearsfrom . the first Monday in January 1909. . One water commissioner at large of said city for the term of eight years , hrst Monday in January . . . ' . ' I wn water commissioner tor the : first ward for the term of eight years from the first , Monday in January 1909. , ... ! One water commissioner for the first ward for the term of four years iron) the first Monday in January 1909. .. . .; .. ; y, ; ;, One water commissioner for the second ward for the term of eight years from the first Monday in Janu ary 1909. ; : . , - One water commissioner for-the second ward for the term of four years from the first Monday in Janu ary' 1909. One water commissioner for the third ward for the term of eight years from the first Monday in January 1909. One water commissioner for the third ward for the term of four years from the first Monday in January 1909. t One water commissioner for the fourth ward for, the term of eight years from the first Monday irt Jan uary 1909. ... One water commissioner for th fourth ward for the term o four years from the first Monday in Jan uary, .1909., ( .( ,,., .,,,.;,,,,.,. That the polls, for said primary nominating election shall be opened at the hour of 12 o.'clock, noon, on the 9th day of November, 1908,. and remain open until the hour of 7 o'clock, p. m. that day, at which time they shall be closed. And that the polls for said te'neral election shall be opened at the houi ot y o clock, a. m. on the 9th day oi December 1908, , and shall rema.n Open until the hour of 6 o'clock p m. that day, at which time they shall be closed, . ' ; ... ; ;,. , ..) That the following described regis- 2 . ,7 lT V1 VZZi- Registration and Polling Precinct the first Monday m January 1909. ' Num5er 6 shaIl include al? that por. One Councilman for the first ward , tion of the city o Astoria lying be for the term of four .years from the tween the East iine of precinct nam. first Monday in January 1909. , ber 5 and the ccnter jine 0f 35th street One Councilman for the first ward i( extended a sufficient distance North if Jm .Vwo' yt"lJ.rom the nd South to intersect' the North arid first Monday in January 1909.. , .. South boundary line of said city, and One Councilman for the second , the polling Iace or gaid Precinct ward for the term of four years from , shaU be Engin(. House number 3? and the first Monday in January 1909. the Judges of election for said Pre- One Councilman for the second , cinct shajj bc Harry jones Al .Lein. ward for the erra of two yeanr from: enwebcri and L. Larsen, and the the first Monday in January 190D. ! clerks shall be Thomas Davis and E. On Councilman for the third ward Hauke for the term of four yearsfrom thej Registration anl'olling Precinct firstMondaym January 1909. - ! Number 7, shall include all that por- One Councilman for the third ward tioa of the city of Astoria lying East for the term of two years from theof the East boundary iine of Precinct first Monday in January i number 6, and the polling place for One councilman for the fourth ward said precinct shall be the Mess for the term of four years from the f House at McGregor's' Mill, and the first Monday in January 1909. j!judge9 of Election for said Precinct One Councilman for the fourth ward shall be L Agrcn, Axel Finney, and for the term of two years from the john Enbertr, and the Clerks shall be first Monday, in January .1909. . ; W. P, O'Brien, and Ole B. Olesen. One Police Commissioner of the; rhe TnHw firt m.ntir.nl tration and polling precincts,' and vo ti'mr places therein are hereby estab lished, and the following named per sons are hereby appointed as judges and clerks of said polling places and for said Primary Nominating and general election, to-wit ; ' Registration and Polling Trccinct Number 1 shall include all that por tion of the city of Astoria lying West of the center line of 2nd street if ex tended (North and South a sufficient distance to intersect the North and South Boundary lines of said City. The polling place for said- precinct shall be Suoml Hall, and the Judges Chas. Wilson, and the clerks shall be of ; election for said precinct shall, be Karl Knobloch, Lcnnder Lebeck, arid Frank Norberg and Walter Kallunki. 'Registration and Polling Precinct Number 2, shall include all that por tion of the city of Astoria, lying be tween the East line of prectiu-t Num ber 1, and the center line of 5th street if extended a sufficient distance North and South to Intersect the North and South boundary line of said city, and the polling place for said Precinct shall be Engine House Number 1, at th corner of 4th and Astor streets and the Judged of : RI . tion for said polling place shall be P. J. Goodman, C. C. Utzinger, ana Isaac Bergman, and the Clerks shall be Paul uadol let, and F. J. Carney. Registration1 and 'Polling Precinct number 3, shall include all that por tion of the city' of Asotria lying be tween the East line of Precinct num ber 2, and the center line of 8th street if extended a sufficient distance North and South to intersect the North and South boundary line of said city, and the polling place for said precinct shall be The Basement in the County Court House, and the Judges of elec tion for- said polling place shall be J. V. Burns, F. L. Evans, and C. R. Higgins, and the Clerks shall be Geo. H. Ohler and A: J. C. Schroeder. Registration and Polling Precinct Number 4, shall include all that por tion of the city of Astoria lying be tween the East line of Precinct num ber 3, and the center line of 14th street if extended a sufficient distance North and South to intersect the North and South boundary line of said city, and the polling place for said precinct shall be the hall in the A. O. U. W. Building and the Judges of election for said polling place shall be C, G. Palmberg. C. C C. Rosen berg, and C. W. Spriggs, 1 and the Clerks shall be J. T. Wallace and T. R.-Davies ,.. f, .-.- Registration and Polling Precinct Number 5. shall include all that por tion of the city of Astoria lying be tween the East line of Precinct num ber 4, and the center line , , of 23rd street if extended a sufficient distance North and South to intersect the North and South boundary line of said' city, and. the polling place for said; Precinct shall be .The Astoria Hotel, and the Judges of election, for said Precinct shall be ' W.' E, Schimpff, A( D. Garner and A. Scher- nackau. and the Clerks shall be C J. 1 A . .11.11.1 n .. V. &.VIV. the Chairman o! the Judges of the poling piacc for which he fs memion- ed ,, Each eiector of tne ,itv .naji vote onlv within the precinct m which he is registered. ; ' OLOF ANDFRSOM Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Dated at Astoria; Oregon, October 10th 1908. , ,.r ..:..! r- ;.10t TRANSPORTATION. The K" Uep PASSENGERS FREIGHT Mcamer - Lurlme Night Boat for Portland and Way Landing. r.t .f!'.H. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. ' Leaves Portland Dally Except Sunday ':J at 7 a. m. ; Quick Service ,: i, Excellent Meals Good Berth Landing Astoria' Flavel Wharf .Landing Portland .Foot Taylor St J. J. DAY, Agent Phpne Main 276. it t l A A O !l P- VvnOl I in : ..-r " " f ' ' Everything but the Baby and return .. . . ... everything but the dirt TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane': ;" Phone Main 1991 , i BSaSHSHSBBt MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall rockets, Music Racks, Clock Shelves Just in See us Ilildebrand & Gor 01d,BeeHiv"eBidg.,,i . JAPANESE5; GOObS - : ' ,.i j-.::b-M (V: ': -: " Fancy Tea Sets and Fine China Ware of all kinds.' Bamboo Furniture made right here and warranted. UMDERTAJUKJ. J. A, GILIIAUdfl it CO., Undertaker arl Kinbalnif rs. Experienced Lndy Attaint ant ' When IleHired, Call Promptly Atteudcd Day or Night. Tatton Odg". l'Jtliand Duane 8U ASTORIA. OIIE.UON Phone Main SI i I JUSTNESS DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS. Smith's Special EXPRESS AND BAQQAGE Leave Orders at SUr Cigar Stort. Phone Black 2383 , Res. Pbon Red 227& ' Stand Corner. Uth nj Commercial MEDICAL. Unprecedented Successes of rn n nrr urn ,4 . vl MilM THF GMAT CBtmeSt DOCTOI AVirt ' lit r: 1-m s air n j vw .9 nisvTvn .f 7 t h r ou a h ou t the fsr-'i United States on account of his won derful cures.'; No poisons or drugs used. He 'guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney, female complaints, and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME mATMIirt. n you cannot call write for symp- toms blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in 'stamps." " ''' ' ; ' ' THE C. GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 162J First St., Corner Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Please mention the Astorian. NEW, LAW OF HEREDITY, Some time ago, an English scien tist, Mr, W. Beach Thomas, contri buted to the English press an i-.w v.., wviiuvi b iku, u'3i.uvcry con cerning heredity in plant and animal life. 'The scientific world," he said, "is on the point of giving full recog nition to a new, strange and deep rooted law, and it is a satisfaction to know that in a few months some of the tnost striking, of its practical results will be published ' by a body of English scientists." ' , Briefly," the law which seems to touch the ultimate mysteries of her edity, is this: When pure stock or strains are crossed, it is found that a certain list of qualities remain, so to speak, indestructible, and appear uncontaminated in a definite propor tion of the offspring of all genera tions after the first. Some concrete examples will best show the practical effect .of the law. When the tall variety of sweet pea ' and the short variety of sweet pca'are j-wi swcvi ptd are crossed the first generation are - all tall, Talhiess is the dominant quality LAUNDRIES. 1 . i i Vim... Jil over shortness;' which is called re- ccsnlve. But In the second generation t( ' '"""J tl" Just one-quarter are dwarf, and not only are they -dwarf, but thry will remain purs dwarf, ; without any reversion, snd when crossed with dwarf will never again I .1 ..I..-. .( .11..... Tl.. All... thrce-quarterg will be taJL'taiut ' 5f these tall egnln just one quarter will j be pure tall, and never again show signs of dwsrfness. The remaining two-quarters will be Impure,; but again when crossed with their like will give both pure tails, purs dwarf,1 and mongrels in due proportion. So that we find tn all grandchildren, so to speak of pure strains the propor- thtt j,( onc.qlmrter o( ,iee gran4. children will be exact or pure rcpro-' ductlon in one quality of their grand mother, one-quarter will be' pure re production of their grandfather, and twoquarlers, though memblinjf one grandparent, will have latent In them ' the qualities of both. November Technical World Magaxlnc. WONDERFUL AMERICAN HEN. The cackles of tjie American hens, are swelling Into a mighty ehorus. Sixteen , billion times a. year these s small citizens announce the arrval of a "fresh laid," and the sound of their bragging is waxing loud in the land, According to the last, census, there are 233,598,005 chickens of laying age in the United States. These are valued at S70,0lXl,OOO, and the eggs they lay, would ,if divided, allow two hundred and three eggs annually to evtry person man, , woman, and child-ln the United States. The value of all the fowls, $85,800,000 would entitle every person In the country to $1.12, if they were sold adn the products divided. All the weight of the animal products ex ported, the park, beef, tallow, . ham. bacon and sausage, weigh 846,860 tons while the weight of the eggs laid yearly tips the scales at 970.363 tons.- From the American Hen Her ( Right To Crow, November Techni-' cal World Magasine. WHY SUFFER? , Breath Hyomel and Kill the Loath- ' , . some Catarrh Germ. , Ju,t a ,on 81 yu have catarrh yur no,c wi" iln. your breath will Sbe foul' yu wil1 hwk nd nd , yu wil1 do other disgusting things because you can't help yourself. The germs of catarrh t have got you' in -their power: they are continually am! 'persistently digging into and irritat ing the mucous mcmbcrane of your uoc ana mroat. iney are now making your life miserable; in time they will sap your entire system of its energy, its strenitth. it vi.mr ami vitality. ( ;. It unn Im maI i.'.it l. t . . . I r .i ;vM u iiui kiii uic ioa in sonic tmms of ratnrrh timir iM.nMrn M.. ' saults will in time undermine vour reason, rob your brain of its bril liancy and activity, and leave you not only a physical but a mental wreck. This picture is not overdrawn; the writer has seen thousands of just such cases. He has personally ex perienced the demoralizing jcsults that come, from the ravishing attacks 01 tlie horrible catarrh germs, the Rreatcst pest of civilized nations, j tsut there is one remedy that will .kill the germs and cure catarrh, and , that is llyomci, 'the Australian dry V 'air treatment. There may be other i remedies, but they are not guaranteed as T..P. Laurln, the druggist, will I guarantee llyomci to cure catarrh,' or money back. Don't delay this picas- : I ant antiseptic treatment. Every day' you aiiow these germs to exist in arti-'your system brings you nearer to complete demoralization. T. F. Lau- nn will sell you a complete llyomci outfit for only $1.00, Ask him. about it. It is also guaranteed' to cure bronchitis, asthma,' coughs,' colds and li:iy fever. , FOUR BURNED TO DEATH. 'MOUNT STERLING,' Ky. Oct. 19.-During the fire at raintcrville, last night, George Stafford and three children were burned to death. Mrs. Stafford jumped from the ' second story window and had her neck, broken. The Clean Man. The man who delictus in nr.n.i an enjoys his shave, ?T nd bath' in Al" tona, always goes to the OcdfUm barber shopSoV these things -a gels them at their best , " w W "VHBI f