The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 21, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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.Choice Fruit to Cao..i
Some Fancy Salway Peaches
We will sell at 7fc per box while they last. , ,
Had Back Set iu,, ., ,.-,,;. .
Frederick Luntcn, the man who
shot .himself in the left brcust a week
or two ago, i getting lng nicely at
the On Sunday be received
a back let, but. i.;8pparenily getting rapidly. . , ,; t .. ,f -,,
la Getting Better ;, ,j f ,, iy,yufi:
Jams ; McDonougbi of Altoona,
who waa taken to St, Mary' hopital
several day auo with pneumonia, i
getting along a well ft could bo ex
pected and hi condition la said to be
not at all alarming. ; , 'j v
Another Petition Out
A petition wa placed in circulation
yesterday- for Councilman Robinson,
who thu apparently announce hi
wlshe to run again for place in the
Common Council. Gust Holme, who
11 a petition out for the water com-
mission, will run for the eight-year
term. ; ' " - ,'" -
Laying Temporary Walk
Until the trustees of the Henry
Welnhard Estate shall be ready to
lay their final walk of concrete
about the new hotel to be erected
here In the Spring, they have ordered
the construction of a temporary walk
in front of the site on Twelfth ttrcet
and it will be of great convenience.
Petition Out '
Nominating petition were placed
n circulation yelerdy for Dr. W.
C Logan a a candidate for the
common council from the aecond
ward for the four-year term, and for
Jame F. Kearney a a candidate for
street superintendent on the repub
lican ticket. ' :
Wire And Wlrele-
Astoria it again in full possession
of her wire communication wilh'the
outside world, including ,Norih , Head,
all wire' having ' been restored to
t duty yesterday; and we 'still liavellic
United Wirclcs on Smith' . Point,
that no sort of a gale may interfere
with. .
En Route Home ,
Editor W. T. Gilbert of the Aberdeen-
World, debarked . from the
steamer Cascades here yesterday,
coming up from . San Francisco en
route to his home and business on
the upper coast.; He, is a bright and
interesting young newspaper man
and is putting out a paper that is a
credit to his city and himself. Mr.
Gilbert took the evening train for
the metropolis.
Warrenton Whisper-
Dr. B. Owens-Adair has left for a
protracted visit with friends at Em
pire City. Mr. and Mrs. William
Dodge, of Pasadena, California, are
visiting at the home of Mrs." P. C.
Warren, the sister of Mrs. Dodge.
Last evening a reception was tender
ed to Rev. A. A. Heist, at the home
of Mrs. W. C. Barnhart. Mr. Heist
Is pastor of the M. E. congregation
at Warrenton.
The Gottenberg System .
The main object of XV, L. Ro,bb'
recent visit to this city was to' in
vestigate the , chance of establishing
the Gottenberg system of handling
the saloon business of Astoria, and
of ascertaining the sentiment of her
citizens in this behalf. The doctrine
and plan is, for the city to lease out
the saloon rights of the entire city, to
a company, under specific conditions
as to scope and character of the sa
loons it will maintain always keeping
in view the welfare of the city and
,R AUT !
Home Made
10c Per
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
phone ii8i GOOD
the business, upon stated sums of
compensation each year. It has
woHf.f 'jdinifiitfyJnl matt) 'places
it chief and, brut 'tmlity is the exact
regulation and restriction it imposes
upon the member ;of Jt.s organisa
tion, ...It will be. .set forth in lull in
the course vf few days, if .Mr. Robb
shall find it acceptable to the people
here. . , ,
Back Prom Sound - 1 ' '"
John Fo, of the ' Astoria " Iron
Works, returned last night from a
trip up, on the Sound. - He hai been
gone about 'two : weeks.' Mr. Fox
says that buinef up there in hlu
line 1 somewhat depressed.
Registration by Pretlnct
Cit yAuditor Andcron , last 'even
ing stated that the registration yes
terday totalled 128, and by precoincts
wa a follow t; Precinct 1, 3; pre
cinct 2, 9; precinct 3, 14; precinct 4,
35; precinct 5, 37; precinct 6, 20; pre
cinct 7, 10. ' ; ; , s
Ready For Boring
A meeting of the directors of the
Clatsop Fuel & Oil Company was
held in the Chamber of Commerce
yesterday, when the oil situation was
considered at length. Two outsiders
who are interested in the local oil
outlook were also in the cpnference.
It I laid that alt is in readiness for
the commencement of the boring of
wells and that actual work may be
expected to ntnrt very soon.
An Official Quest '
W. F. McGregor; collector of the
port and representing the customs
service here,' and President W. T,
Scholfield, representing the i Astoria
Chamber of Commerce," left yester
day on an official visit to their duck
preserves up thi river beyond Coble.
They did not announce their call to
the inhabitant of that rerooje region,
and Intend to take them by surprise.
What the result are-Jo be, are a bit
problematical. t ' tj l'; X
A Still Alarm '.; ,- v ,
A still, alarm was turned into the
fire department early , yesterday
morning, the call coming from Park
er" wpodyard in the west end of the
city, and wa. occasioned by a wire
on the wood-sawing machinery be
coming shortcircuitcd.. Chemical No.
1 was on the spot quickly and
quenched the blaze, while No. 1 hose
was on the spot to render what serv
ice might be required of it. No par
ticular damage was wrought.
Hobson Here Thursday
Congressman Richmond Pearson
Hobson will speak in Logan Hall
Thursday night in the interests of the
Democratic nominee for president.
For the past two years Mr. Hobson
has been making innumerable speech
es before Chautauqua assembles and
V. M. C A.', and invariably his
whole argument has been a vigorous
upholding of the Roosevelt policies
for a great navy, especially on the
Pacific, and for a navy to protect and
retain the Philippines. These things
Mr. Bryan has just as consistently
opposed. How ..Mr Hobson can
gracefully make a straddle which per
mits him to now publicly come out
Hoi DriMs
Coffee and Chocolate.
Sour Kraut
as a' spellbinder for the candidate
wk.if! policies he lias been emphati
tally opposing isn't very clear,
Nevertheless Mr. liobnon la a very
interesting talker, especially when
discussing questions pertaining to a
greater navy, and doubtless Logan
hall will be filled by a crowd wh6 eager; to see and hear the
man who tried "to bottle up
Cervcra," ,
Helping Auditor-
John Nordstrom' is assisting City
Auditor, Anderson in the registration
of voters. The work requires ; two
inert, and yesterday both were kept
busy all day long.
Philharmonic Society . .
' There will be a rehearsal of 'the
Philharmonic. Society in Logan, hall
this evening, , commencing, at 7'
and members are urged to be pres
ent. It will be an Important rehear
sal, and several of the soloists will
ng. , " , ' .
Declaration Filed
Four, declaration of Intention i to
become citizen were , filed in , the
office of the county clerk yesterday.
The 'inert' were Fridrich Urich) native
of Germany; Julius Lubilzky, native
of Germany; John Hjorten, native of
Norway and Andrew Lyster, native
of Norway John F. Thorburn, na
tive of Canada, and Eniclius Ander
son, native of Denmark, applied for
their full paper and their hearing
wa set for February 16.
For High School ,
, Superintendent Clark of the city
schools yesterday placed a set of
the new International Encyclopedia
in the High School. The set has
been in his office since it was re
cently received. This encyclopedia
is presumed to be perhaps the best
Cjf the numerous excellent ones on
the market and should prove highly
valuable to the pupils in their re
searches. It contain some 25 or 30
volumes, ;
Going To Eureka
P. L. Stangcland, member of the
Common Council, is going to Eu
reka, Wash,, the latter part of the
week for the purpose of building "a
house there for Nick Weber. Mr.
Stangcland i employed by the Co
lumbia River Packer' Association to
construct the building. Though going
away just at the .approach of the
municipal' campaign, Mr. Stangcland,
who will run again for a teat in the
council, -expects 'to come home occa
sionally so that he at least can keep
in touch with affairs here.
New, Tank For Atoria
" Manager Hiram Lienenwcber, of
the Standard Oil Company' plant
and business in this city, has been
apprised, from headquarters, of the
intention of the company to imme
dately erect a large new tank for the
storag'e of oil in this city, and on the
sit? of the company' present hold-
ngs. Mr. Lienenwcber does not say
what the dimensions of the new tank
tre to be, but indicates that it will
be bg enough to meet the ever in
creasing business of the port and
City. ,
Her, Son Injured-
Mrs. M. E. Potter received word
yesterday that her son, Archie Mes
senger, formerly of this city but
now living in Seattle, had met with a
serious accident. While inspecting
work of which he was foreman, he
fell a distance of forty feet, striking
on his head. For a day he lay un
conscious, and it was feared death
would result. Mrs. Potter leaves on
his morning's express for the bed
side of her ton, and will remain until
all danger is past. The physician in
attendance fears inflammation of the
brain. Mr. Messenger has, besides his
mother, two sisters, Mr. John Jeffers
anu mrs. a. uraven, residing in
this city,, and one brother' in Vancou
ver, Wash.
On t Flying Visit-
Prof. W. D. Lyman, professor of
history at Whitman College, at
Walla Walla, Wash., a brother of
the late, lamented Horace Lyman,
well known in all this Qregon coun
try spent the day In Astoria yester
day. Dr. Lyman is out in pursuit of
material, facts and views and historic
addenda, tor be devoted to the new
and complete history he is compiling,
for publication, early in the coming
spring, of the great Columbia' Basin.'
The work will soon be in the hands
Ice Cream 25c' a Gt.
Made Fresh' Every Day in our own
433 Commercial St., Astoria. Or.
I Seethe
Dip Front
Long Lapel
- and' ,
i t
1 1 . ,
'.;, This Falls ; '
Models for
are a little out of the
ordinary and yet
of its publishers, Geo. P. Putnam
Sons, of New York and London, and
will be the first wdrk of it char
acter and scope ever published upon
the theme the Columbia River coun
try, people, reources, and beauties.
Professor Lyman has spent the past
suftimer upon the upper reaches of
the river, going as far north as
Windemere Lake, in British Colum
bia, ana has collected an , immense
array of valuable detail and scores
of splendid pictures of the basin.
He was here to gather like data, and
returns to bis Washington home this
morning, in possession of much that
he desired to complete the descrip-
tibe work a it applies to this end
of the great waterway. The' profes
sor is an ardent champion of the
open river," and was a delegate to
the recent great convention of the
Rivers & Harbors, Congress at
Washington. .
Filed Protest
In yesterday mornings' mail May
or Wise received a communication
from John Riley remonstrating
against the assessment on , certain
property. The remonstrance had evi
dently been intended for presentation
to the council at its meeting Monday
night, but was mailed too late to
reach it in time. Mr. Riley states
that he objects to the assessment of
lot 3, block 55, Shively's, and states
that he would like to know why it is
so much higher than the assessment
on lot 2 on the' same side of the
street and lot 3 on the opposite side
of the street. ',
After Their Brides-
Three fine, hearty young Finns
yesterday purchased transportation
at the Twelfth street offices of the
A. & C. R. R, Co., for New York
and Warsaw, Poland. They intend
to leave New York on the Lusitania,
on November 4th next, and are going
back to Europe for their brides whom
they will bring on to the homes they
have established for them in old As
toria. They constituted as happy a
group of young fellows as has been
seen in this city for many a day.
The departed on the evening express
yesterday. ;Their names and ages
are: John Hanson, ,28 years; Sven
Westemark, 24; . and Edward
Beijr, 28. "; 7 ;. ': ,.,V 7.
Has a "Tarrier" Now-- ,
The whole world seems to know
of Dr. R. J. Pilkington's penchant for
homely dogs; and all his marine
friends are interested in keeping him
stocked up with hideous animals,
but all of unquestioned breed, of
course. , ' His latest acquisition is , a
Russian terrier, which .for hideousity
lays "Chops" his Alaskan- completely
in the shade. The new dog is of
dark blue,' long and ' unkempt hair,
bright ' dark eys,' 'and ,a natural born
'scrapper," ITe is young, alert and
ambitious and had a fight with every
dog he met between the docks and
, ,
.i . J- J V f
1: :'v.V :r-A.:i
f , ; ; : -, Y I
( ' - A
Ederheimer, Stein & Co.
, "You Can't Look Foolish in a Wise Suit'
At from $20 to $30
Astoria's Reliable Toggery
the doctor' home yesterday when he
came ashore from the schooner W. S.
Talbot, just in from the Aleutian
Island. , He wa presented) the
doctor, by Captain Knutsor, ''.of the
Talbot. Luckily, the doctor gave
Chops away to the master : of the
British ship Claverdon when she
sailed from here not long ago, else
there , would be no peace on: the
block where Dr. Pilkington dwells.
Many Register . .. . s " - ?. v..tJ,
All , day yesterday there was a
steady stream of voters going into
the city auditor's office for the regis
tering for the coming primary and
municipal' election. It kept Judge
Anderson and his assistant busy
waiting on the men. Apparently there
is already " enough interest in the
coming campaign to compel voters'
to register early. The registration :
dooks ior tne national election closed
last evening, at the office of the coun
ty clerk. There was a rush there,
too, yesterday, as many wished to
register and had neglected to do so
until the last minute. The registra
tion books for the municipal election
will remain open for a time longer
and voters are urged to register as
soon as possible.
County Court
At the meeting of the county court
yesterday very little business of much
importance was transacted. A peti
tion for the opening of the Tillamook
road was allowed and A. W. Dun
can, Albert Johnson, and Gelo F.
Parker, the' county surveyor, were
appointed viewers for. the same, and
were directed to meet at the Necani
cum postoffice at 2 o'clock on the
afternoon of November 10. The court
Spare Ribs, tbe finest and choicest cuts 8c per Ik
Tenderloin Steaks, buy all you want 10c per lb.
Sirloin Steaks, everybody can afford to ;buy..; 10c per lb.
Small and Choice Porterhouse Steaks........ 12c ;perlb.
Extra Large and Fancy Porterhouse 'Steaks . 15c per lb.
Prime Rib Roast Beef, the very choicest cuts,...10c per lb,
' (For some of these cuts we have been charging 12 c)
Sirloin Roast Beef only..... . ...... 10c per IK
Many Cuts of Beef........ ..:.,...........,...... 3c, 5c and Be
Oregon Pig Pork:... . ........v.,.........;:...:..;.;.2..:.5c to 15c
Great Quantities of Fancy Oregon Veal ! ... Gc to 15c
Lamb, Delicious Lamb V ;.:..........,. .,...; 7c to 15c
Columbia River Salmon, fresh..,., . 3 hi for v
Creamery Butter G5c per roll.
;' f raoll L Smith Heat 'Co,
2th St. between Bond and Com. 253 Taylor, Uniontowa
.. .
further recommended that George
Stevens be employed to assist in
securing the levels. The report of
C. E. Linton, superintendent of road
district .No. 1, in relation to repair
to the Alder Creek bridges and in re
gard to the road to the railway shop
was read and approved. A contract
was entered into with the Kelly Lum
ber Company for 36,000 feet of lnmr
ber at $12 per thousand ' delivered.
The court also Instructed the clerk,
Mr." Clinton, to'draw warrant for
the payment of $423.29 to T. IL
BlaisdclL The report of the experts
who examined the books of tie
county , clerk, treasurer, school sa-
perintendent, , justice of the peace,
and sheriff, and the clerk
was instructed to draw a warrant
for $200 for payment of such set-trices.
A new typewriter was order!
for the sheriffs office. A telephone
was also ordered for the office of
the county school superintendent.
The county judge was authorized to"
procure 200 planks for the road be
tween the Lewis and Clark and War
renton. Arrangements were also
made for the, repair of the road from
the Walluski bridge to the highlands
on the north. The clerk was in
structed to notify Howell Lewis of
district 17 that there is the sum ol
$234 on hand and that he should ap
ply same in improving the upper enj
of the road in his district. '
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteel
to cure any case of Itqhing, Bimd,
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to
14 days or money refunded. 50 cents.;
Values at Smith's
Ranch Eggs 30c per doz.